5. Qualifying • Handling of qualifying papers submitted within 14 days prior to qualifying period • Process for verifying qualifying papers • Returned checks process 6. Ballots • Any local public measures expected to be on the ballot • Any print/design/format/font challenges • Means of sample ballot notification • Ballot test deck preparations for L&A testing • Process for determining and verifying sufficient ballots are available • Preparation for lengthy ballot (legislative resolutions, initiative petitions, and Constitution Revision Commission amendments/ (For 2018 – 3 JRs, 2 initiatives, and estimated 12 CRC proposals) 7. Early voting • Number and type of early voting sites for election year (the same as or more than what selected in 2012?) • Number of hours/days of early voting for election year (minimum and/or optional days) • Any “wild-card” planned for an area of the county that does not have an available eligible early voting location within it • Plans for or remedial efforts, if any needed, to address any past or potential future issues of any long early voting lines • Process for determining the number of polling booths and tabulators for each early voting location • Uploads of early voter reports, results into county election management system evening before and up to the Department on election night • The use and type of any use of electronic poll books for early voting – testing, access control, etc. 8. Vote-by-Mail ballots • Process for vote-by-mail ballot delivery including any remedial steps undertaken since last election cycle to address any vote-by-mail ballot delivery issues • Coordination with U.S. Postal Service, particularly on VBM ballot envelopes • UOCAVA voters Page 2 of 7 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000002 • • • • • • • • Signature update programs and signature verification processes Missing signature and mismatched “cure” affidavit procedures Canvassing of vote-by-mail ballots and preparation of records for canvassing board Is in-person vote-by-mail voting allowed in “lobby”? Election day requests for vote-by-mail ballot delivery and processes Requests for otherwise confidential and exempt vote-by-mail ballot information Receipt of vote-by-mail ballots outside of SOE office Security protocols/fraud prevention for vote-by-mail ballots 9. Voting equipment • Status/age of voting equipment/ voting system acquisition report • Relationship with vendor; maintenance/service contract for software upgrades • Troubleshooting during an election • Memory card supply and replacement plans • Training on the voting system • Compliance with disability requirements to take effect in 2020 under s. 101.56075, F.S. 10. Precincts/polling places • Number of precincts and number of voters in each • Re-precincting • Combined/split precincts • Allocation of scanners for each precinct • Process for replacing malfunctioning scanners or adding scanners to accommodate an influx of voters • Process for approval and training of poll watchers 11. No-solicitation zone • Marking • Past Issues/steps to resolve • Training for precinct deputy • Coordination efforts with law enforcement 12. Canvassing Board • Composition/designation of canvassing board (substitutes and alternates – timing of appointments) and schedule availability • Training Page 3 of 7 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000003 • • Legal counsel for canvassing board Public notices 13. Provisional ballots • Process for precincts not using e-poll books to contact counties for out-of-county address changes • Process to answer inquiries from other counties on persons who have moved from your county • Canvass of provisional ballots 14. Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) • COOP plan contents and last updates • Delegation of authority and duties • Response to emergency situations 15. Election day • Communication with SOE’s office • Use of electronic poll books on Election Day • Special accommodations for voters • Resolution of any prior issues on Election Day 16. Election night • Poll closing • Voter in line at polls closing • Election night reporting and post-election reports 17. County funding • Status of funding for this election cycle • Any issues with county commission o Staffing o Other resources o Voting systems and disability accessibility o Security funding 18. Security • Minimum security procedures – compliance status • Ballots and other election materials Page 4 of 7 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000004 • • • • • Voting system and election management system (access, storage, etc.) and peripherals DHS protective facility services advisor evaluations (‘free’ service available through feds) • Physical facility security (access control, video/remote monitoring, etc.) Voter registration system • Local voter registration system (access control, password policies, back-up. and remedial procedures, admin management) • Staff access control, background checks, password policies, etc. • FVRS Security Standards MOA • MFN2 router transition from frame relay (paid by state for counties) Federal services • MS-ISAC and EI-ISAC membership status (‘free’ service available by feds) • Allgress security assessment survey status (‘free’ service available by feds) • DHS vulnerability risk assessment (‘free’ service offered by feds) State assistance • Albert server install/network monitoring (paid by state $1.9M FY 2018-2019 appropriation) • UWF Cyberrange/cyberresilinecy regional training workshops (paid by state) • Five Cybersecurity ‘Navigators’ for counties and state (paid by state) to help assess-implement 19. Campaign Finance • Electronic filing system • Training Bureau of Voting Systems Certification Site Visit Areas of Interest in Meeting with Information Technology Staff in County SOE Office 1. Overall efficiency of operations 2. Security Procedures 3. Pre-election • Counting groups 4. Election Definition Page 5 of 7 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000005 • • • Coding of ballots Ballot size Barcoding 5. Ballot Style vs. Precinct ID • EV handling of ballots by style – Audits • Multiple-Page Ballots 6. Ballot on Demand (BOD) • Power outlets • Spoiled BOD ballots • Skewed ballot images 7. Logic and Accuracy Testing (L&A) • Modem test • 100% L&A prior to conducting the public L&A • Ballot test desk preparations • Appropriate marking device • Public L&A as mock election 8. Early Voting • Handling of: o Number of ballots in ballot box o Scanner failure mid-day o Memory card / pack failure mid-day o Re-scan ballots when needed o Two witnesses from parties / notify county canvassing board. o Backup media / in possession of rovers o EV ballot box at the end of the day (Security or emptied) o Power down at the end of each early voting night o Remove cast ballots by scanner (break down by precinct). o The transfer of ballots to and from polling places. o Ballot Transfer Bags (bag labels) 9. Election Day • Paper ballots o Environment, Moisture Page 6 of 7 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000006 • • • • Marking devices (ink, no pencil) Ballot jams Saving of digital ballot images Transport of media 10. Voting System Audit • Reviews 11. Over and Undervote Report • Governor/Lt. Governor or President/Vice-President (whichever is applicable for year) race • Ballots cast Page 7 of 7 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000007 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000009 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000010 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - SPANISH N.° 1 Enmienda Constitucional Artículo VII, Secciones 6 Artículo XII, Sección 37 Aumento De La Exención Fiscal Sobre Inmuebles Para La Vivienda Familiar (Homestead) Se propone una enmienda a la Constitución del Estado con el fin de aumentar la exención fiscal para la vivienda familiar mediante la exención de la tasación fiscal de la vivienda familiar superior a $100.000 y hasta $125.000 para todos los gravámenes, a excepción de los gravámenes para distritos escolares. La enmienda entrará en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2019. SÍ NO N.° 2 Enmienda Constitucional Artículo XII, Sección 27 Limitaciones Sobre Las Tasaciones Fiscales Sobre Inmuebles Se propone una enmienda a la Constitución del Estado con el fin de conservar de manera permanente las disposiciones actualmente vigentes, las que limitan el aumento de las tasaciones fiscales sobre inmuebles determinados que no sean destinados a la vivienda familiar, a excepción de los gravámenes para distritos escolares, a un 10% anual. Si se aprueba, la enmienda eliminará la revocación programada de dichas disposiciones para el 2019 y entrará en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2019. SÍ NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000011 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - SPANISH N.° 3 Enmienda Constitucional Artículo X, Sección 29 Control De Apuestas En Florida Por Parte De Los Votantes La presente enmienda garantiza que los votantes de Florida tengan el derecho exclusivo a decidir si autorizar o no las apuestas en casinos, exigiendo que para que estas sean autorizadas conforme a la ley de Florida, deban ser primero aprobadas por los votantes de Florida de conformidad con el Artículo XI, Sección 3 de la Constitución de Florida. Afecta los artículos X y XI. Define las apuestas en casinos y aclara que la presente enmienda no discrepa con la ley federal respecto a los convenios tribu-estado. El impacto de la enmienda en los ingresos públicos y costos del gobierno estatal y local, si lo hubiere, no puede determinarse en este momento. Esto debido a que se desconoce su efecto en las operaciones de apuestas que no hayan sido aprobadas por los votantes mediante una enmienda constitucional propuesta a través de un proceso de petición de iniciativa por parte de los ciudadanos. SÍ NO N.° 4 Enmienda Constitucional Artículo VI, Sección 4 Enmienda De Restablecimiento De Derechos De Votación La presente enmienda restablece los derechos de votación de los floridanos que han sido condenados por delitos graves después de que cumplan todos los términos de su sentencia, lo que incluye la libertad condicional o provisional. La enmienda no regiría para aquellos condenados por homicidio o delitos sexuales, a quienes se les seguiría prohibiendo de manera permanente votar, a menos que el Gobernador y el Gabinete votaran para restablecer sus derechos de votación según cada caso en particular. Los efectos precisos de la presente enmienda en los costos del gobierno estatal y local no pueden determinarse. Sin embargo, la vigencia de las leyes actuales de inscripción de votantes, así como el mayor número de personas condenadas por delitos graves que se inscriban para votar, producirá mayores costos generales en relación a los procesos que existen actualmente. El impacto, si lo hubiere, en los ingresos públicos del gobierno estatal y local no puede determinarse. El impacto fiscal de cualquier legislación futura que implemente un proceso distinto no puede determinarse de manera razonable. SÍ NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000012 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - SPANISH N.° 5 Enmienda Constitucional Artículo VII, Sección 19 Mayoría Calificada Requerida Para Imponer, Autorizar O Aumentar Los Impuestos O Tasas Estatales Se prohíbe al sistema legislativo imponer, autorizar o aumentar los impuestos o tasas estatales, a excepción de cuando dos tercios de la membresía de cada casa del sistema legislativo hayan aprobado la legislación a través de una ley que no contenga ninguna otra materia. Esta propuesta no autoriza un impuesto o tasa estatal que esté prohibido por la Constitución y no aplica a ningún impuesto o tasa impuesta por, o autorizada para su imposición por, un condado, municipalidad, junta escolar o distrito especial. SÍ NO N.° 6 Revisión Constitucional Artículo I, Sección 16 Artículo V, Secciones 8 y 21 Artículo XII, Nueva Sección Derechos de las Víctimas de Delitos; Jueces Establece derechos constitucionales para las víctimas de delitos; exige que los tribunales faciliten los derechos de las víctimas; autoriza a las víctimas a hacer respetar sus derechos durante los procesos penales y de justicia juvenil. Exige que los jueces y los oficiales de audiencia interpreten de manera independiente los estatutos y las reglas en lugar de deferir a la interpretación de la agencia gubernamental. Aumenta la edad obligatoria de jubilación de jueces y magistrados estatales desde setenta a setenta y cinco años; elimina la autorización para completar el término judicial si la mitad del plazo se ha cumplido antes de la edad de jubilación. SÍ NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000013 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - SPANISH N.° 7 Revisión Constitucional Artículo IX, Secciones 7 y 8 Artículo X, Nueva Sección Beneficios para los Sobrevivientes de Primeros Interventores y Miembros Militares; Colegios y Universidades públicas Concede el pago obligatorio de beneficios por fallecimiento y la exención de ciertos gastos de educación a los sobrevivientes calificados de ciertos primeros interventores y miembros militares que mueran realizando tareas oficiales. Exige una supermayoría de votos de los administradores universitarios y de la junta de gobernadores del sistema universitario estatal para recaudar o imponer todas las tarifas autorizadas legislativamente si la ley requiere la aprobación de dichos organismos. Establece el sistema de colegios estatales existente como una entidad constitucional; proporciona estructura de gobierno. SÍ NO N.° 8 Revisión Constitucional Artículo IX, Sección 4, Nueva Sección Artículo XII, Nueva Sección Obligaciones y Límites del Mandato de la Junta Escolar; Escuelas Públicas Establece un límite de mandato de ocho años consecutivos para los miembros de la junta escolar y requiere que la legislatura provea fondos para la promoción de la alfabetización cívica en las escuelas públicas. Actualmente, las juntas escolares del distrito tienen el deber constitucional de operar, controlar y supervisar todas las escuelas públicas. La enmienda mantiene los deberes de una junta escolar a las escuelas públicas que establezca, pero permite que el estado opere, controle y supervise las escuelas públicas no establecidas por la junta escolar. SÍ NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000014 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - SPANISH N.° 9 Revisión Constitucional Artículo II, Sección 7 Articulo X, Sección 20 Prohíbe la perforación de petróleo y gas en alta mar; Prohíbe fumar cigarrillos electrónicos en lugares de trabajo encerrados. Prohíbe la perforación para la exploración o extracción de petróleo y gas natural debajo de todas las aguas estatales entre la línea de pleamar media y los límites territoriales más alejados del estado. Agrega, con excepciones, el uso de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor a la prohibición actual de consumo de tabaco en lugares de trabajo encerrados; permite ordenanzas locales de vapor más restrictivas. SÍ NO N.° 10 Revisión Constitucional Artículo III, Sección 3 Artículo IV, Secciones 4 y 11 Artículo VIII, Secciones 1 y 6 Estructura y Operación del Gobierno Estatal y Local Requiere legislatura para conservar el Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos. Asegura la elección de sheriffs, tasadores de propiedad, supervisores de elecciones, recaudadores de impuestos y secretarios de tribunal en todos los condados; elimina la capacidad de los estatutos del condado para abolir, cambiar el mandato, transferir deberes o eliminar la elección de estas oficinas. Cambia la fecha de inicio de la sesión legislativa anual en los años pares de marzo a enero; elimina la autorización de la legislatura para fijar otra fecha. Crea una oficina de seguridad nacional y contraterrorismo dentro del departamento de aplicación de la ley. SÍ NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000015 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - SPANISH N.° 11 Revisión Constitucional Artículo I, Sección 2 Articulo X, Secciones 9 y 19 Derechos de Propiedad; Eliminación de la Disposición Obsoleta; Estatutos Criminales Elimina el lenguaje discriminatorio relacionado con los derechos de propiedad inmobiliaria. Elimina el lenguaje obsoleto derogado por los votantes. Elimina la disposición de que la enmienda de un estatuto penal no afectará el enjuiciamiento o las sanciones para un delito cometido antes de la enmienda; retiene la disposición actual que permite el enjuiciamiento de un delito cometido antes de la derogación de un estatuto penal. SÍ NO N.° 12 Revisión Constitucional Artículo II, Sección 8 Artículo V, Sección 13 Artículo XII, Nueva Sección Cabildeo y Abuso De Poder por parte de Funcionarios Públicos Expande las restricciones actuales sobre el cabildeo para obtener compensación por parte de ex funcionarios públicos; crea restricciones al cabildeo por compensación para funcionarios públicos en servicio y ex magistrados y jueces; proporciona excepciones; prohíbe el abuso de un cargo público por parte de funcionarios públicos y empleados para obtener un beneficio personal. SÍ NO N.° 13 Revisión Constitucional Artículo X, Nueva Sección Artículo XII, Nueva Sección Pone Fin a las Carreras Caninas Elimina progresivamente las carreras caninas comerciales relacionadas con apuestas para el 2020. Otras actividades de juego no se ven afectadas. SÍ NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000016 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - ENGLISH No. 1 Constitutional Amendment Article VII, Section 6 Article XII, Section 37 Increased Homestead Property Tax Exemption Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to increase the homestead exemption by exempting the assessed valuation of homestead property greater than $100,000 and up to $125,000 for all levies other than school district levies. The amendment shall take effect January 1, 2019. YES NO No. 2 Constitutional Amendment Article XII, Section 27 Limitations on Property Tax Assessments Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to permanently retain provisions currently in effect, which limit property tax assessment increases on specified nonhomestead real property, except for school district taxes, to 10 percent each year. If approved, the amendment removes the scheduled repeal of such provisions in 2019 and shall take effect January 1, 2019. YES NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000017 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - ENGLISH No. 3 Constitutional Amendment Article X, Section 29 Voter Control of Gambling in Florida This amendment ensures that Florida voters shall have the exclusive right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling by requiring that in order for casino gambling to be authorized under Florida law, it must be approved by Florida voters pursuant to Article XI, Section 3 of the Florida Constitution. Affects articles X and XI. Defines casino gambling and clarifies that this amendment does not conflict with federal law regarding state/tribal compacts. The amendment’s impact on state and local government revenues and costs, if any, cannot be determined at this time because of its unknown effect on gambling operations that have not been approved by voters through a constitutional amendment proposed by a citizens’ initiative petition process. YES NO No. 4 Constitutional Amendment Article VI, Section 4 Voting Restoration Amendment This amendment restores the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence including parole or probation. The amendment would not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses, who would continue to be permanently barred from voting unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore their voting rights on a case by case basis. The precise effect of this amendment on state and local government costs cannot be determined, but the operation of current voter registration laws, combined with an increased number of felons registering to vote, will produce higher overall costs relative to the processes in place today. The impact, if any, on state and local government revenues cannot be determined. The fiscal impact of any future legislation that implements a different process cannot be reasonably determined. YES NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000018 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - ENGLISH No. 5 Constitutional Amendment Article VII, Section 19 Supermajority Vote Required to Impose, Authorize, or Raise State Taxes or Fees Prohibits the legislature from imposing, authorizing, or raising a state tax or fee except through legislation approved by a two-thirds vote of each house of the legislature in a bill containing no other subject. This proposal does not authorize a state tax or fee otherwise prohibited by the Constitution and does not apply to fees or taxes imposed or authorized to be imposed by a county, municipality, school board, or special district. YES NO No. 6 Constitutional Revision Article I, Section 16 Article V, Sections 8 and 21 Article XII, New Section Rights of Crime Victims; Judges Creates constitutional rights for victims of crime; requires courts to facilitate victims’ rights; authorizes victims to enforce their rights throughout criminal and juvenile justice processes. Requires judges and hearing officers to independently interpret statutes and rules rather than deferring to government agency’s interpretation. Raises mandatory retirement age of state justices and judges from seventy to seventy-five years; deletes authorization to complete judicial term if one-half of term has been served by retirement age. YES NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000019 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - ENGLISH No. 7 Constitutional Revision Article IX, Sections 7 and 8 Article X, New Section First Responder and Military Member Survivor Benefits; Public Colleges and Universities Grants mandatory payment of death benefits and waiver of certain educational expenses to qualifying survivors of certain first responders and military members who die performing official duties. Requires supermajority votes by university trustees and state university system board of governors to raise or impose all legislatively authorized fees if law requires approval by those bodies. Establishes existing state college system as constitutional entity; provides governance structure. YES NO No. 8 Constitutional Revision Article IX, Section 4, New Section Article XII, New Section School Board Term Limits and Duties; Public Schools Creates a term limit of eight consecutive years for school board members and requires the legislature to provide for the promotion of civic literacy in public schools. Currently, district school boards have a constitutional duty to operate, control, and supervise all public schools. The amendment maintains a school board’s duties to public schools it establishes, but permits the state to operate, control, and supervise public schools not established by the school board. YES NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000020 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - ENGLISH No. 9 Constitutional Revision Article II, Section 7 Article X, Section 20 Prohibits Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling; Prohibits Vaping in Enclosed Indoor Workplaces Prohibits drilling for the exploration or extraction of oil and natural gas beneath all state-owned waters between the mean high water line and the state’s outermost territorial boundaries. Adds use of vapor-generating electronic devices to current prohibition of tobacco smoking in enclosed indoor workplaces with exceptions; permits more restrictive local vapor ordinances. YES NO No. 10 Constitutional Revision Article III, Section 3 Article IV, Sections 4 and 11 Article VIII, Sections 1 and 6 State and Local Government Structure and Operation Requires legislature to retain department of veterans’ affairs. Ensures election of sheriffs, property appraisers, supervisors of elections, tax collectors, and clerks of court in all counties; removes county charters’ ability to abolish, change term, transfer duties, or eliminate election of these offices. Changes annual legislative session commencement date in even- numbered years from March to January; removes legislature’s authorization to fix another date. Creates office of domestic security and counterterrorism within department of law enforcement. YES NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000021 2018 GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BALLOT LANGUAGE - ENGLISH No. 11 Constitutional Revision Article I, Section 2 Article X, Sections 9 and 19 Property Rights; Removal of Obsolete Provision; Criminal Statutes Removes discriminatory language related to real property rights. Removes obsolete language repealed by voters. Deletes provision that amendment of a criminal statute will not affect prosecution or penalties for a crime committed before the amendment; retains current provision allowing prosecution of a crime committed before the repeal of a criminal statute. YES NO No. 12 Constitutional Revision Article II, Section 8 Article V, Section 13 Article XII, New Section Lobbying and Abuse of Office by Public Officers Expands current restrictions on lobbying for compensation by former public officers; creates restrictions on lobbying for compensation by serving public officers and former justices and judges; provides exceptions; prohibits abuse of a public position by public officers and employees to obtain a personal benefit. YES NO No. 13 Constitutional Revision Article X, New Section Article XII, New Section Ends Dog Racing Phases out commercial dog racing in connection with wagering by 2020. Other gaming activities are not affected. YES NO FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000022 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 6, 2018 NOTICE OF ELECTION I, Ken Detzner, Secretary of State for Florida, do hereby give notice that the following proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution will be presented in each county on the ballot for the General Election held on November 6, 2018. The language for these amendments may also be found at FloridaPublicNotices.com, at DOS.Elections.MyFlorida.com/initiatives, and at this newspaper’s website. NO. 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE VII, SECTION 6 ARTICLE XII, SECTION 37 BALLOT TITLE ncreased Homestead Property ax Exemption BALLOT SUMMARY Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to increase the homestead exemption by exempting the assessed valuation o homestead property greater than $100 000 and up to $125 000 or all levies other than school district levies he amendment shall take e ect January 1 2019 FULL TEXT AR CLE V F NANCE AND AXA ON SEC ON 6 Homestead exemptions — (a) Every person who has the legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains thereon the permanent residence o the owner or another legally or naturally dependent upon the owner shall be exempt rom taxation thereon except assessments or special bene its up to the assessed valuation o twenty- ive thousand dollars and or all levies other than school district levies on the assessed valuation greater than i ty thousand dollars and up to seventy- ive thousand dollars and on the assessed valuation greater than one hundred thousand dollars and up to one hundred twenty- ive thousand dollars upon establishment o right thereto in the manner prescribed by law he real estate may be held by legal or equitable title by the entireties jointly in common as a condominium or indirectly by stock ownership or membership representing the owner s or member s proprietary interest in a corporation owning a ee or a leasehold initially in excess o ninety-eight years he exemption shall not apply with respect to any assessment roll until such roll is irst determined to be in compliance with the provisions o section 4 by a state agency designated by general law his exemption is repealed on the e ective date o any amendment to this Article which provides or the assessment o homestead property at less than just value (b) Not more than one exemption shall be allowed any individual or amily unit or with respect to any residential unit No exemption shall exceed the value o the real estate assessable to the owner or in case o ownership through stock or membership in a corporation the value o the proportion which the interest in the corporation bears to the assessed value o the property (c) By general law and subject to conditions speci ied therein the Legislature may provide to renters who are permanent residents ad valorem tax relie on all ad valorem tax levies Such ad valorem tax relie shall be in the orm and amount established by general law (d) he legislature may by general law allow counties or municipalities or the purpose o their respective tax levies and subject to the provisions o general law to grant either or both o the ollowing additional homestead tax exemptions (1) An exemption not exceeding i ty thousand dollars to a person who has the legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains thereon the permanent residence o the owner who has attained age sixty- ive and whose household income as de ined by general law does not exceed twenty thousand dollars or (2) An exemption equal to the assessed value o the property to a person who has the legal or equitable title to real estate with a just value less than two hundred and i ty thousand dollars as determined in the irst tax year that the owner applies and is eligible or the exemption and who has maintained thereon the permanent residence o the owner or not less than twenty- ive years who has attained age sixty- ive and whose household income does not exceed the income limitation prescribed in paragraph (1) he general law must allow counties and municipalities to grant these additional exemptions within the limits prescribed in this subsection by ordinance adopted in the manner prescribed by general law and must provide or the periodic adjustment o the income limitation prescribed in this subsection or changes in the cost o living (e) Each veteran who is age 65 or older who is partially or totally permanently disabled shall receive a discount rom the amount o the ad valorem tax otherwise owed on homestead property the veteran owns and resides in i the disability was combat related and the veteran was honorably discharged upon separation rom military service he discount shall be in a percentage equal to the percentage o the veteran s permanent serviceconnected disability as determined by the United States Department o Veterans A airs o quali y or the discount granted by this subsection an applicant must submit to the county property appraiser by March 1 an o icial letter rom the United States Department o Veterans A airs stating the percentage o the veteran s service-connected disability and such evidence that reasonably identi ies the disability as combat related and a copy o the veteran s honorable discharge the property appraiser denies the request or a discount the appraiser must noti y the applicant in writing o the reasons or the denial and the veteran may reapply he Legislature may by general law waive the annual application requirement in subsequent years his subsection is sel -executing and does not require implementing legislation ( ) By general law and subject to conditions and limitations speci ied therein the Legislature may provide ad valorem tax relie equal to the total amount or a portion o the ad valorem tax otherwise owed on homestead property to (1) he surviving spouse o a veteran who died rom service-connected causes while on active duty as a member o the United States Armed Forces (2) he surviving spouse o a irst responder who died in the line o duty (3) A irst responder who is totally and permanently disabled as a result o an injury or injuries sustained in the line o duty Causal connection between a disability and service in the line o duty shall not be presumed but must be determined as provided by general law For purposes o this paragraph the term “disability” does not include a chronic condition or chronic disease unless the injury sustained in the line o duty was the sole cause o the chronic condition or chronic disease As used in this subsection and as urther de ined by general law the term “ irst responder” means a law en orcement o icer a correctional o icer a ire ighter an emergency medical technician or a paramedic and the term “in the line o duty” means arising out o and in the actual per ormance o duty required by employment as a irst responder AR CLE X SCHEDULE SEC ON 37 ncreased homestead exemption — his section and the amendment to Section 6 o Article V increasing the homestead exemption by exempting the assessed valuation o homestead property greater than $100 000 and up to $125 000 or all levies other than school district levies shall take e ect January 1 2019 NO. 2 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE XII, SECTION 27 BALLOT TITLE Limitations on Property ax Assessments BALLOT SUMMARY Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to permanently retain provisions currently in e ect which limit property tax assessment increases on speci ied nonhomestead real property except or school district taxes to 10 percent each year approved the amendment removes the scheduled repeal o such provisions in 2019 and shall take e ect January 1 2019 FULL TEXT AR CLE X SCHEDULE SEC ON 27 Property tax exemptions and limitations on property tax assessments — (a) he amendments to Sections 3 4 and 6 o Article V providing a $25 000 exemption or tangible personal property providing an additional $25 000 homestead exemption authorizing trans er o the accrued bene it rom the limitations on the assessment o homestead property and this section i submitted to the electors o this state or approval or rejection at a special election authorized by law to be held on January 29 2008 shall take e ect upon approval by the electors and shall operate retroactively to January 1 2008 or i submitted to the electors o this state or approval or rejection at the next general election shall take e ect January 1 o the year ollowing such general election he amendments to Section 4 o Article V creating subsections (g)( ) and (h)(g) o that section creating a limitation on annual assessment increases or speci ied real property shall take e ect upon approval o the electors and shall irst limit assessments beginning January 1 2009 i approved at a special election held on January 29 2008 or shall irst limit assessments beginning January 1 2010 i approved at the general election held in November o 2008 Subsections ( ) and (g) o Section 4 o Article V are repealed e ective January 1 2019 however the legislature shall by joint resolution propose an amendment abrogating the repeal o subsections ( ) and (g) which shall be submitted to the electors o this state or approval or rejection at the general election o 2018 and i approved shall take e ect January 1 2019 (b) he amendment to subsection (a) abrogating the scheduled repeal o subsections (g) and (h) o Section 4 o Article V o the State Constitution as it existed in 2017 shall take e ect January 1 2019 NO. 3 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE X, SECTION 29 BALLOT TITLE Voter Control o Gambling in Florida BALLOT SUMMARY his amendment ensures that Florida voters shall have the exclusive right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling by requiring that in order or casino gambling to be authorized under Florida law it must be approved by Florida voters pursuant to Article X Section 3 o the Florida Constitution A ects articles X and X De ines casino gambling and clari ies that this amendment does not con lict with ederal law regarding state/tribal compacts FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT he amendment s impact on state and local government revenues and costs i any cannot be determined at this time because o its unknown e ect on gambling operations that have not been approved by voters through a constitutional amendment proposed by a citizens initiative petition process FULL TEXT AR CLE X FLOR DA CONS U ON is amended to include the ollowing new section Voter Control o Gambling in Florida (a) his amendment ensures that Florida voters shall have the exclusive right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling in the State o Florida his amendment requires a vote by citizens initiative pursuant to Article X section 3 in order or casino gambling to be authorized under Florida law his section amends this Article and also a ects Article X by making citizens initiatives the exclusive method o authorizing casino gambling (b) As used in this section “casino gambling” means any o the types o games typically ound in casinos and that are within the de inition o Class gaming in the Federal ndian Gaming Regulatory Act 25 U S C § 2701 et seq (“ GRA”) and in 25 C F R §502 4 upon adoption o this amendment and any that are added to such de inition o Class gaming in the uture his includes but is not limited to any house banking game including but not limited to card games such as baccarat chemin de er blackjack (21) and pai gow (i played as house banking games) any player-banked game that simulates a house banking game such as Cali ornia black jack casino games such as roulette craps and keno any slot machines as de ined in 15 U S C 1171(a)(1) and any other game not authorized by Article X section 15 whether or not de ined as a slot machine in which outcomes are determined by random number generator or are similarly assigned randomly such as instant or historical racing As used herein “casino gambling” includes any electronic gambling devices simulated gambling devices video lottery devices internet sweepstakes devices and any other orm o electronic or electromechanical acsimiles o any game o chance slot machine or casino-style game regardless o how such devices are de ined under GRA As used herein “casino gambling” does not include pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing dog racing or jai alai exhibitions For purposes o this section “gambling” and “gaming” are synonymous (c) Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the right o the Legislature to exercise its authority through general law to restrict regulate or tax any gaming or gambling activities n addition nothing herein shall be construed to limit the ability o the state or Native American tribes to negotiate gaming compacts pursuant to the Federal ndian Gaming Regulatory Act or the conduct o casino gambling on tribal lands or to a ect any existing gambling on tribal lands pursuant to compacts executed by the state and Native American tribes pursuant to GRA (d) his section is e ective upon approval by the voters is sel -executing and no Legislative implementation is required (e) any part o this section is held invalid or any reason the remaining portion or portions shall be severed rom the invalid portion and given the ullest possible orce and e ect NO. 4 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE VI, SECTION 4 BALLOT TITLE Voting Restoration Amendment BALLOT SUMMARY his amendment restores the voting rights o Floridians with elony convictions a ter they complete all terms o their sentence including parole or probation he amendment would not apply to those convicted o murder or sexual o enses who would continue to be permanently barred rom voting unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore their voting rights on a case by case basis FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000023 FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT he precise e ect o this amendment on state and local government costs cannot be determined but the operation o current voter registration laws combined with an increased number o elons registering to vote will produce higher overall costs relative to the processes in place today he impact i any on state and local government revenues cannot be determined he iscal impact o any uture legislation that implements a di erent process cannot be reasonably determined Creates constitutional rights or victims o crime requires courts to acilitate victims rights authorizes victims to en orce their rights throughout criminal and juvenile justice processes Requires judges and hearing o icers to independently interpret statutes and rules rather than de erring to government agency s interpretation Raises mandatory retirement age o state justices and judges rom seventy to seventy- ive years deletes authorization to complete judicial term i one-hal o term has been served by retirement age FULL TEXT FULL TEXT Article V Section 4 Disquali ications — (a) No person convicted o a elony or adjudicated in this or any other state to be mentally incompetent shall be quali ied to vote or hold o ice until restoration o civil rights or removal o disability Except as provided in subsection (b) o this section any disquali ication rom voting arising rom a elony conviction shall terminate and voting rights shall be restored upon completion o all terms o sentence including parole or probation (b) No person convicted o murder or a elony sexual o ense shall be quali ied to vote until restoration o civil rights (bc) No person may appear on the ballot or re-election to any o the ollowing o ices (1) Florida representative (2) Florida senator (3) Florida Lieutenant governor (4) any o ice o the Florida cabinet (5) U S Representative rom Florida or (6) U S Senator rom Florida i by the end o the current term o o ice the person will have served (or but or resignation would have served) in that o ice or eight consecutive years - NO. 5 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE VII, SECTION 19 BALLOT TITLE Supermajority Vote Required to mpose Authorize or Raise State axes or Fees BALLOT SUMMARY Prohibits the legislature rom imposing authorizing or raising a state tax or ee except through legislation approved by a two-thirds vote o each house o the legislature in a bill containing no other subject his proposal does not authorize a state tax or ee otherwise prohibited by the Constitution and does not apply to ees or taxes imposed or authorized to be imposed by a county municipality school board or special district FULL TEXT AR CLE V F NANCE AND AXA ON SEC ON 19 Supermajority vote required to impose authorize or raise state taxes or ees — (a) SUPERMAJOR Y VO E REQU RED O MPOSE OR AU HOR ZE NEW S A E AX OR FEE No new state tax or ee may be imposed or authorized by the legislature except through legislation approved by twothirds o the membership o each house o the legislature and presented to the Governor or approval pursuant to Article Section 8 (b) SUPERMAJOR Y VO E REQU RED O RA SE S A E AXES OR FEES No state tax or ee may be raised by the legislature except through legislation approved by two-thirds o the membership o each house o the legislature and presented to the Governor or approval pursuant to Article Section 8 (c) APPL CAB L Y his section does not authorize the imposition o any state tax or ee otherwise prohibited by this Constitution and does not apply to any tax or ee imposed by or authorized to be imposed by a county municipality school board or special district (d) DEF N ONS As used in this section the ollowing terms shall have the ollowing meanings (1) "Fee" means any charge or payment required by law including any ee or service ee or cost or licenses and charge or service (2) "Raise" means a o increase or authorize an increase in the rate o a state tax or ee imposed on a percentage or per mill basis b o increase or authorize an increase in the amount o a state tax or ee imposed on a lat or ixed amount basis or c o decrease or eliminate a state tax or ee exemption or credit (e) S NGLE-SUBJEC A state tax or ee imposed authorized or raised under this section must be contained in a separate bill that contains no other subject NO. 6 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE I, SECTION 16 ARTICLE V, SECTIONS 8 AND 21 ARTICLE XII, NEW SECTION BALLOT TITLE Rights o Crime Victims Judges BALLOT SUMMARY AR CLE DECLARA ON OF R GH S SEC ON 16 Rights o accused and o victims — (a) n all criminal prosecutions the accused shall upon demand be in ormed o the nature and cause o the accusation and shall be urnished a copy o the charges and shall have the right to have compulsory process or witnesses to con ront at trial adverse witnesses to be heard in person by counsel or both and to have a speedy and public trial by impartial jury in the county where the crime was committed the county is not known the indictment or in ormation may charge venue in two or more counties conjunctively and proo that the crime was committed in that area shall be su icient but be ore pleading the accused may elect in which o those counties the trial will take place Venue or prosecution o crimes committed beyond the boundaries o the state shall be ixed by law (b) o preserve and protect the right o crime victims to achieve justice ensure a meaning ul role throughout the criminal and juvenile justice systems or crime victims and ensure that crime victims rights and interests are respected and protected by law in a manner no less vigorous than protections a orded to criminal de endants and juvenile delinquents every victim is entitled to the ollowing rights beginning at the time o his or her victimization (1) he right to due process and to be treated with airness and respect or the victim s dignity (2) he right to be ree rom intimidation harassment and abuse (3) he right within the judicial process to be reasonably protected rom the accused and any person acting on behal o the accused However nothing contained herein is intended to create a special relationship between the crime victim and any law en orcement agency or o ice absent a special relationship or duty as de ined by Florida law (4) he right to have the sa ety and wel are o the victim and the victim s amily considered when setting bail including setting pretrial release conditions that protect the sa ety and wel are o the victim and the victim s amily (5) he right to prevent the disclosure o in ormation or records that could be used to locate or harass the victim or the victim s amily or which could disclose con idential or privileged in ormation o the victim (6) A victim shall have the ollowing speci ic rights upon request a he right to reasonable accurate and timely notice o and to be present at all public proceedings involving the criminal conduct including but not limited to trial plea sentencing or adjudication even i the victim will be a witness at the proceeding notwithstanding any rule to the contrary A victim shall also be provided reasonable accurate and timely notice o any release or escape o the de endant or delinquent and any proceeding during which a right o the victim is implicated b he right to be heard in any public proceeding involving pretrial or other release rom any orm o legal constraint plea sentencing adjudication or parole and any proceeding during which a right o the victim is implicated c he right to con er with the prosecuting attorney concerning any plea agreements participation in pretrial diversion programs release restitution sentencing or any other disposition o the case d he right to provide in ormation regarding the impact o the o ender s conduct on the victim and the victim s amily to the individual responsible or conducting any presentence investigation or compiling any presentence investigation report and to have any such in ormation considered in any sentencing recommendations submitted to the court e he right to receive a copy o any presentence report and any other report or record relevant to the exercise o a victim s right except or such portions made con idential or exempt by law he right to be in ormed o the conviction sentence adjudication place and time o incarceration or other disposition o the convicted o ender any scheduled release date o the o ender and the release o or the escape o the o ender rom custody g he right to be in ormed o all postconviction processes and procedures to participate in such processes and procedures to provide in ormation to the release authority to be considered be ore any release decision is made and to be noti ied o any release decision regarding the o ender he parole or early release authority shall extend the right to be heard to any person harmed by the o ender h he right to be in ormed o clemency and expungement procedures to provide in ormation to the governor the court any clemency board and other authority in these procedures and to have that in ormation considered be ore a clemency or expungement decision is made and to be noti ied o such decision in advance o any release o the o ender (7) he rights o the victim as provided in subparagraph (6)a subparagraph (6)b or subparagraph (6)c that apply to any irst appearance proceeding are satis ied by a reasonable attempt by the appropriate agency to noti y the victim and convey the victim s views to the court (8) he right to the prompt return o the victim s property when no longer needed as evidence in the case (9) he right to ull and timely restitution in every case and rom each convicted o ender or all losses su ered both directly and indirectly by the victim as a result o the criminal conduct (10) he right to proceedings ree rom unreasonable delay and to a prompt and inal conclusion o the case and any related postjudgment proceedings a he state attorney may ile a good aith demand or a speedy trial and the trial court shall hold a calendar call with notice within i teen days o the iling demand to schedule a trial to commence on a date at least ive days but no more than sixty days a ter the date o the calendar call unless the trial judge enters an order with speci ic indings o act justi ying a trial date more than sixty days a ter the calendar call b All state-level appeals and collateral attacks on any judgment must be complete within two years rom the date o appeal in non-capital cases and within ive years rom the date o appeal in capital cases unless a court enters an order with speci ic indings as to why the court was unable to comply with this subparagraph and the circumstances causing the delay Each year the chie judge o any district court o appeal or the chie justice o the supreme court shall report on a case-by- case basis to the speaker o the house o representatives and the president o the senate all cases where the court entered an order regarding inability to comply with this subparagraph he legislature may enact legislation to implement this subparagraph (11) he right to be in ormed o these rights and to be in ormed that victims can seek the advice o an attorney with respect to their rights his in ormation shall be made available to the general public and provided to all crime victims in the orm o a card or by other means intended to e ectively advise the victim o their rights under this section (c) he victim the retained attorney o the victim a law ul representative o the victim or the o ice o the state attorney upon request o the victim may assert and seek en orcement o the rights enumerated in this section and any other right a orded to a victim by law in any trial or appellate court or be ore any other authority with jurisdiction over the case as a matter o right he court or other authority with jurisdiction shall act promptly on such a request a ording a remedy by due course o law or the violation o any right he reasons or any decision regarding the disposition o a victim s right shall be clearly stated on the record (d) he granting o the rights enumerated in this section to victims may not be construed to deny or impair any other rights possessed by victims he provisions o this section apply throughout criminal and juvenile justice processes are sel -executing and do not require implementing legislation his section may not be construed to create any cause o action or damages against the state or a political subdivision o the state or any o icer employee or agent o the state or its political subdivisions (e) As used in this section a “victim” is a person who su ers direct or threatened physical psychological or inancial harm as a result o the commission or attempted commission o a crime or delinquent act or against whom the crime or delinquent act is committed he term “victim” includes the victim s law ul representative the parent or guardian o a minor or the next o kin o a homicide victim except upon a showing that the interest o such individual would be in actual or potential con lict with the interests o the victim he term “victim” does not include the accused he terms “crime” and “criminal” include delinquent acts and conduct Victims o crime or their law ul representatives including the ne t o kin o homicide victims are entitled to the right to be in ormed to be present and to be heard when relevant at all crucial stages o criminal proceedings to the extent that these rights do not inter ere with the constitutional rights o the accused AR CLE V JUD C ARY SEC ON 8 Eligibility —No person shall be eligible or o ice o justice or judge o any court unless the person is an elector o the state and resides in the territorial jurisdiction o the court No justice or judge shall serve a ter attaining the age o seventy- ive seventy years except upon temporary assignment or to complete a term one hal o which has been served No person is eligible or the o ice o justice o the supreme court or judge o a district court o appeal unless the person is and has been or the preceding ten years a member o the bar o Florida No person is eligible or the o ice o circuit judge unless the person is and has been or the preceding ive years a member o the bar o Florida Unless otherwise provided by general law no person is eligible or the o ice o county court judge unless the person is and has been FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000024 or the preceding ive years a member o the bar o Florida Unless otherwise provided by general law a person shall be eligible or election or appointment to the o ice o county court judge in a county having a population o 40 000 or less i the person is a member in good standing o the bar o Florida SEC ON 21 Judicial interpretation o statutes and rules — n interpreting a state statute or rule a state court or an o icer hearing an administrative action pursuant to general law may not de er to an administrative agency s interpretation o such statute or rule and must instead interpret such statute or rule de novo AR CLE X SCHEDULE Eligibility o justices and judges — he amendment to Section 8 o Article V which increases the age at which a justice or judge is no longer eligible to serve in judicial o ice except upon temporary assignment shall take e ect July 1 2019 NO. 7 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE IX, SECTIONS 7 AND 8 ARTICLE X, NEW SECTION BALLOT TITLE First Responder and Military Member Survivor Bene its Public Colleges and Universities BALLOT SUMMARY Grants mandatory payment o death bene its and waiver o certain educational expenses to quali ying survivors o certain irst responders and military members who die per orming o icial duties Requires supermajority votes by university trustees and state university system board o governors to raise or impose all legislatively authorized ees i law requires approval by those bodies Establishes existing state college system as constitutional entity provides governance structure FULL TEXT AR CLE X EDUCA ON SEC ON 7 State University System — (a) PURPOSES n order to achieve excellence through teaching students advancing research and providing public service or the bene it o Florida s citizens their communities and economies the people hereby establish a system o governance or the state university system o Florida (b) S A E UN VERS Y SYS EM here shall be a single state university system comprised o all public universities A board o trustees shall administer each public university and a board o governors shall govern the state university system (c) LOCAL BOARDS OF RUS EES Each local constituent university shall be administered by a board o trustees consisting o thirteen members dedicated to the purposes o the state university system he board o governors shall establish the powers and duties o the boards o trustees Each board o trustees shall consist o six citizen members appointed by the governor and ive citizen members appointed by the board o governors he appointed members shall be con irmed by the senate and serve staggered terms o ive years as provided by law he chair o the aculty senate or the equivalent and the president o the student body o the university shall also be members (d) S A EW DE BOARD OF GOVERNORS he board o governors shall be a body corporate consisting o seventeen members he board shall operate regulate control and be ully responsible or the management o the whole university system hese responsibilities shall include but not be limited to de ining the distinctive mission o each constituent university and its articulation with ree public schools and community colleges ensuring the wellplanned coordination and operation o the system and avoiding waste ul duplication o acilities or programs he board s management shall be subject to the powers o the legislature to appropriate or the expenditure o unds and the board shall account or such expenditures as provided by law he governor shall appoint to the board ourteen citizens dedicated to the purposes o the state university system he appointed members shall be con irmed by the senate and serve staggered terms o seven years as provided by law he commissioner o education the chair o the advisory council o aculty senates or the equivalent and the president o the Florida student association or the equivalent shall also be members o the board (e) FEES Any proposal or action o a constituent university to raise impose or authorize any ee as authorized by law must be approved by at least nine a irmative votes o the members o the board o trustees o the constituent university i approval by the board o trustees is required by general law and at least twelve a irmative votes o the members o the board o governors i approval by the board o governors is required by general law in order to take e ect A ee under this subsection shall not include tuition SEC ON 8 State College System — (a) PURPOSES n order to achieve excellence and to provide access to undergraduate education to the students o this state to originate articulated pathways to a baccalaureate degree to ensure superior commitment to teaching and learning and to respond quickly and e iciently to meet the demand o communities by aligning certi icate and degree programs with local and regional work orce needs the people hereby establish a system o governance or the state college system o Florida (b) S A E COLLEGE SYS EM here shall be a single state college system comprised o all public community and state colleges A local board o trustees shall govern each state college system institution and the state board o education shall supervise the state college system (c) LOCAL BOARDS OF RUS EES Each state college system institution shall be governed by a local board o trustees dedicated to the purposes o the state college system A member o a board o trustees must be a resident o the service delivery area o the college he powers and duties o the boards o trustees shall be provided by law Each member shall be appointed by the governor to staggered 4-year terms subject to con irmation by the senate (d) ROLE OF HE S A E BOARD OF EDUCA ON he state board o education shall supervise the state college system as provided by law AR CLE X M SCELLANEOUS Death bene its or survivors o irst responders and military members — (a) A death bene it shall be paid by the employing agency when a ire ighter a paramedic an emergency medical technician a law en orcement correctional or correctional probation o icer or a member o the Florida National Guard while engaged in the per ormance o their o icial duties is (1) Accidentally killed or receives accidental bodily injury which results in the loss o the individual s li e provided that such killing is not the result o suicide and that such bodily injury is not intentionally sel -in licted or (2) Unlaw ully and intentionally killed or dies as a result o such unlaw ul and intentional act or is killed during active duty (b) A death bene it shall be paid by unds rom general revenue when an active duty member o the United States Armed Forces is (1) Accidentally killed or receives accidental bodily injury which results in the loss o the individual s li e provided that such killing is not the result o suicide and that such bodily injury is not intentionally sel -in licted or (2) Unlaw ully and intentionally killed or dies as a result o such unlaw ul and intentional act or is killed during active duty (c) a ire ighter a paramedic an emergency medical technician a law en orcement correctional or correctional probation o icer or an active duty member o the Florida National Guard or United States Armed Forces is accidentally killed as speci ied in paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1) or unlaw ully and intentionally killed as speci ied in paragraphs (a)(2) and (b)(2) the state shall waive certain educational expenses that the child or spouse o the deceased irst responder or military member incurs while obtaining a career certi icate an undergraduate education or a postgraduate education (d) An eligible irst responder must have been working or the State o Florida or any o its political subdivisions or agencies at the time o death An eligible military member must have been a resident o this state or his or her duty post must have been within this state at the time o death (e) he legislature shall implement this section by general law ( ) his section shall take e ect on July 1 2019 NO. 8 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE IX, SECTION 4, NEW SECTION ARTICLE XII, NEW SECTION BALLOT TITLE School Board erm Limits and Duties Public Schools BALLOT SUMMARY Creates a term limit o eight consecutive years or school board members and requires the legislature to provide or the promotion o civic literacy in public schools Currently district school boards have a constitutional duty to operate control and supervise all public schools he amendment maintains a school board s duties to public schools it establishes but permits the state to operate control and supervise public schools not established by the school board FULL TEXT AR CLE X EDUCA ON SEC ON 4 School districts school boards — (a) Each county shall constitute a school district provided two or more contiguous counties upon vote o the electors o each county pursuant to law may be combined into one school district n each school district there shall be a school board composed o ive or more members chosen by vote o the electors in a nonpartisan election or appropriately staggered terms o our years as provided by law A person may not appear on the ballot or reelection to the o ice o school board i by the end o the current term o o ice the person would have served or but or resignation would have served in that o ice or eight consecutive years (b) he school board shall operate control and supervise all ree public schools established by the district school board within the school district and determine the rate o school district taxes within the limits prescribed herein wo or more school districts may operate and inance joint educational programs SEC ON Civic literacy — As education is essential to the preservation o the rights and liberties o the people the legislature shall provide by law or the promotion o civic literacy in order to ensure that students enrolled in public education understand and are prepared to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens o a constitutional republic AR CLE X SCHEDULE Limitation on terms o o ice or members o a district school board - his section and the amendment to Section 4 o Article X imposing term limits or the terms o o ice or members o a district school board shall take e ect on the date it is approved by the electorate but no service in a term o o ice which commenced prior to November 6 2018 will be counted against the limitation imposed by this amendment NO. 9 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE II, SECTION 7 ARTICLE X, SECTION 20 BALLOT TITLE Prohibits O shore Oil and Gas Drilling Prohibits Vaping in Enclosed ndoor Workplaces BALLOT SUMMARY Prohibits drilling or the exploration or extraction o oil and natural gas beneath all state-owned waters between the mean high water line and the state s outermost territorial boundaries Adds use o vapor-generating electronic devices to current prohibition o tobacco smoking in enclosed indoor workplaces with exceptions permits more restrictive local vapor ordinances FULL TEXT AR CLE GENERAL PROV S ONS SEC ON 7 Natural resources and scenic beauty — (a) t shall be the policy o the state to conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty Adequate provision shall be made by law or the abatement o air and water pollution and o excessive and unnecessary noise and or the conservation and protection o natural resources (b) hose in the Everglades Agricultural Area who cause water pollution within the Everglades Protection Area or the Everglades Agricultural Area shall be primarily responsible or paying the costs o the abatement o that pollution For the purposes o this subsection the terms “Everglades Protection Area” and “Everglades Agricultural Area” shall have the meanings as de ined in statutes in e ect on January 1 1996 (c) o protect the people o Florida and their environment drilling or exploration or extraction o oil or natural gas is prohibited on lands beneath all state waters which have not been alienated and that lie between the mean high water line and the outermost boundaries o the state s territorial seas his prohibition does not apply to the transportation o oil and gas products produced outside o such waters his subsection is sel -executing AR CLE X M SCELLANEOUS SEC ON 20 Workplaces without tobacco smoke or vapor — (a) PROH B ON As a Florida health initiative to protect people rom the health hazards o second-hand tobacco smoke and vapor tobacco smoking and the use o vaporgenerating electronic devices are is prohibited in enclosed indoor workplaces his section does not preclude the adoption o ordinances that impose more restrictive regulation on the use o vapor-generating electronic devices than is provided in this section (b) EXCEP ONS As urther explained in the de initions below tobacco smoking and the use o vapor-generating electronic devices may be permitted in private residences whenever they are not being used commercially to provide child care adult care or health care or any combination thereo and urther may be permitted in retail tobacco shops vapor-generating electronic device retailers designated smoking guest rooms at hotels and other public lodging establishments and stand-alone bars However nothing in this section or in its implementing legislation or regulations shall prohibit the owner lessee or other person in control o the use o an enclosed indoor workplace rom urther prohibiting or limiting smoking or the use o vapor-generating electronic devices therein (c) DEF N ONS For purposes o this section the ollowing words and terms shall have the stated meanings (1) “Smoking” means inhaling exhaling burning carrying or possessing any lighted tobacco product including FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000025 cigarettes cigars pipe tobacco and any other lighted tobacco product (2) “Second-hand smoke ” also known as environmental tobacco smoke (E S) means smoke emitted rom lighted smoldering or burning tobacco when the smoker is not inhaling smoke emitted at the mouthpiece during pu drawing and smoke exhaled by the smoker (3) “Work” means any person s providing any employment or employment-type service or or at the request o another individual or individuals or any public or private entity whether or compensation or not whether ull or part-time whether legally or not “Work” includes without limitation any such service per ormed by an employee independent contractor agent partner proprietor manager o icer director apprentice trainee associate servant volunteer and the like (4) “Enclosed indoor workplace” means any place where one or more persons engages in work and which place is predominantly or totally bounded on all sides and above by physical barriers regardless o whether such barriers consist o or include uncovered openings screened or otherwise partially covered openings or open or closed windows jalousies doors or the like his section applies to all such enclosed indoor workplaces without regard to whether work is occurring at any given time (5) “Commercial” use o a private residence means any time during which the owner lessee or other person occupying or controlling the use o the private residence is urnishing in the private residence or causing or allowing to be urnished in the private residence child care adult care or health care or any combination thereo and receiving or expecting to receive compensation there or (6) “Retail tobacco shop” means any enclosed indoor workplace dedicated to or predominantly or the retail sale o tobacco tobacco products and accessories or such products in which the sale o other products or services is merely incidental (7) “Designated smoking guest rooms at public lodging establishments” means the sleeping rooms and directly associated private areas such as bathrooms living rooms and kitchen areas i any rented to guests or their exclusive transient occupancy in public lodging establishments including hotels motels resort condominiums transient apartments transient lodging establishments rooming houses boarding houses resort dwellings bed and break ast inns and the like and designated by the person or persons having management authority over such public lodging establishment as rooms in which smoking may be permitted (8) “Stand-alone bar” means any place o business devoted during any time o operation predominantly or totally to serving alcoholic beverages intoxicating beverages or intoxicating liquors or any combination thereo or consumption on the licensed premises in which the serving o ood i any is merely incidental to the consumption o any such beverage and that is not located within and does not share any common entryway or common indoor area with any other enclosed indoor workplace including any business or which the sale o ood or any other product or service is more than an incidental source o gross revenue (9) “Vapor-generating electronic device” means any product that employs an electronic a chemical or a mechanical means capable o producing vapor or aerosol rom a nicotine product or any other substance including but not limited to an electronic cigarette electronic cigar electronic cigarillo electronic pipe or other similar device or product any replacement cartridge or such device and any other container o a solution or other substance intended to be used with or within an electronic cigarette electronic cigar electronic cigarillo electronic pipe or other similar device or product (10) “Vapor-generating electronic device retailer” means any enclosed indoor workplace dedicated to or predominantly or the retail sale o vapor-generating electronic devices and components parts and accessories or such products in which the sale o other products or services is merely incidental (d) LEG SLA ON n the next regular legislative session occurring a ter voter approval o this section or any amendment to this section amendment the Florida legislature shall adopt legislation to implement this section and any amendment to this section amendment in a manner consistent with its broad purpose and stated terms and having an e ective date no later than July 1 o the year ollowing voter approval Such legislation shall include without limitation civil penalties or violations o this section provisions or administrative en orcement and the requirement and authorization o agency rules or implementation and en orcement his section does not Nothing herein shall preclude the legislature rom enacting any law constituting or allowing a more restrictive regulation o tobacco smoking or the use o vaporgenerating electronic devices than is provided in this section NO. 10 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE III, SECTION 3 ARTICLE IV, SECTIONS 4 AND 11 ARTICLE VIII, SECTIONS 1 AND 6 BALLOT TITLE State and Local Government Structure and Operation BALLOT SUMMARY Requires legislature to retain department o veterans a airs Ensures election o sheri s property appraisers supervisors o elections tax collectors and clerks o court in all counties removes county charters ability to abolish change term trans er duties or eliminate election o these o ices Changes annual legislative session commencement date in even- numbered years rom March to January removes legislature s authorization to ix another date Creates o ice o domestic security and counterterrorism within department o law en orcement FULL TEXT AR CLE LEG SLA URE SEC ON 3 Sessions o the legislature — (a) ORGAN ZA ON SESS ONS On the ourteenth day ollowing each general election the legislature shall convene or the exclusive purpose o organization and selection o o icers (b) REGULAR SESS ONS A regular session o the legislature shall convene on the irst uesday a ter the irst Monday in March o each odd-numbered year and on the second irst uesday a ter the irst Monday in January March or such other date as may be ixed by law o each even-numbered year (c) SPEC AL SESS ONS (1) he governor by proclamation stating the purpose may convene the legislature in special session during which only such legislative business may be transacted as is within the purview o the proclamation or o a communication rom the governor or is introduced by consent o two-thirds o the membership o each house (2) A special session o the legislature may be convened as provided by law (d) LENG H OF SESS ONS A regular session o the legislature shall not exceed sixty consecutive days and a special session shall not exceed twenty consecutive days unless extended beyond such limit by a three- i ths vote o each house During such an extension no new business may be taken up in either house without the consent o two-thirds o its membership (e) ADJOURNMEN Neither house shall adjourn or more than seventy-two consecutive hours except pursuant to concurrent resolution ( ) ADJOURNMEN BY GOVERNOR during any regular or special session the two houses cannot agree upon a time or adjournment the governor may adjourn the session sine die or to any date within the period authorized or such session provided that at least twentyour hours be ore adjourning the session and while neither house is in recess each house shall be given ormal written notice o the governor s intention to do so and agreement reached within that period by both houses on a time or adjournment shall prevail AR CLE V EXECU VE SEC ON 4 Cabinet — (a) here shall be a cabinet composed o an attorney general a chie inancial o icer and a commissioner o agriculture n addition to the powers and duties speci ied herein they shall exercise such powers and per orm such duties as may be prescribed by law n the event o a tie vote o the governor and cabinet the side on which the governor voted shall be deemed to prevail (b) he attorney general shall be the chie state legal o icer here is created in the o ice o the attorney general the position o statewide prosecutor he statewide prosecutor shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the state attorneys to prosecute violations o criminal laws occurring or having occurred in two or more judicial circuits as part o a related transaction or when any such o ense is a ecting or has a ected two or more judicial circuits as provided by general law he statewide prosecutor shall be appointed by the attorney general rom not less than three persons nominated by the judicial nominating commission or the supreme court or as otherwise provided by general law (c) he chie inancial o icer shall serve as the chie iscal o icer o the state and shall settle and approve accounts against the state and shall keep all state unds and securities (d) he commissioner o agriculture shall have supervision o matters pertaining to agriculture except as otherwise provided by law (e) he governor as chair the chie inancial o icer and the attorney general shall constitute the state board o administration which shall succeed to all the power control and authority o the state board o administration established pursuant to Article X Section 16 o the Constitution o 1885 and which shall continue as a body at least or the li e o Article X Section 9(c) ( ) he governor as chair the chie inancial o icer the attorney general and the commissioner o agriculture shall constitute the trustees o the internal improvement trust und and the land acquisition trust und as provided by law (g) he governor as chair the chie inancial o icer the attorney general and the commissioner o agriculture shall constitute the agency head o the Department o Law En orcement he O ice o Domestic Security and Counterterrorism is created within the Department o Law En orcement he O ice o Domestic Security and Counterterrorism shall provide support or prosecutors and ederal state and local law en orcement agencies that investigate or analyze in ormation relating to attempts or acts o terrorism or that prosecute terrorism and shall per orm any other duties that are provided by law SEC ON 11 Department o Veterans Veterans A airs — he legislature by general law shall provide or a may provide or the establishment o the Department o Veterans Veterans A airs and prescribe its duties he head o the department is the governor and cabinet AR CLE V LOCAL GOVERNMEN SEC ON 1 Counties — (a) POL CAL SUBD V S ONS he state shall be divided by law into political subdivisions called counties Counties may be created abolished or changed by law with provision or payment or apportionment o the public debt (b) COUN Y FUNDS he care custody and method o disbursing county unds shall be provided by general law (c) GOVERNMEN Pursuant to general or special law a county government may be established by charter which shall be adopted amended or repealed only upon vote o the electors o the county in a special election called or that purpose (d) COUN Y OFF CERS here shall be elected by the electors o each county or terms o our years a sheri a tax collector a property appraiser a supervisor o elections and a clerk o the circuit court except when provided by county charter or special law approved by vote o the electors o the county any county o icer may be chosen in another manner therein speci ied or any county o ice may be abolished when all the duties o the o ice prescribed by general law are trans erred to another o ice Unless When not otherwise provided by county charter or special law approved by vote o the electors or pursuant to Article V section 16 the clerk o the circuit court shall be ex o icio clerk o the board o county commissioners auditor recorder and custodian o all county unds Notwithstanding subsection 6(e) o this article a county charter may not abolish the o ice o a sheri a tax collector a property appraiser a supervisor o elections or a clerk o the circuit court trans er the duties o those o icers to another o icer or o ice change the length o the our-year term o o ice or establish any manner o selection other than by election by the electors o the county (e) COMM SS ONERS Except when otherwise provided by county charter the governing body o each county shall be a board o county commissioners composed o ive or seven members serving staggered terms o our years A ter each decennial census the board o county commissioners shall divide the county into districts o contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as practicable One commissioner residing in each district shall be elected as provided by law ( ) NON-CHAR ER GOVERNMEN Counties not operating under county charters shall have such power o sel -government as is provided by general or special law he board o county commissioners o a county not operating under a charter may enact in a manner prescribed by general law county ordinances not inconsistent with general or special law but an ordinance in con lict with a municipal ordinance shall not be e ective within the municipality to the extent o such con lict (g) CHAR ER GOVERNMEN Counties operating under county charters shall have all powers o local sel government not inconsistent with general law or with special law approved by vote o the electors he governing body o a county operating under a charter may enact county ordinances not inconsistent with general law he charter shall provide which shall prevail in the event o con lict between county and municipal ordinances (h) AXES L M A ON Property situate within municipalities shall not be subject to taxation or services rendered by the county exclusively or the bene it o the property or residents in unincorporated areas (i) COUN Y ORD NANCES Each county ordinance shall be iled with the custodian o state records and shall become e ective at such time therea ter as is provided by general law (j) V OLA ON OF ORD NANCES Persons violating county ordinances shall be prosecuted and punished as provided by law (k) COUN Y SEA n every county there shall be a county seat at which shall be located the principal o ices and permanent records o all county o icers he county seat may not be moved except as provided by general law Branch o ices or the conduct o county business may be established elsewhere in the county by resolution o the governing body o the county in the manner prescribed by law No instrument shall be deemed recorded until iled at the county seat or a branch o ice designated by the governing body o the county or the recording o instruments according to law SEC ON 6 Schedule to Article V — (a) his article shall replace all o Article V o the Constitution o 1885 as amended except those sections expressly retained and made a part o this article by re erence FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000026 (b) COUN ES COUN Y SEA S MUN C PAL ES D S R C S he status o the ollowing items as they exist on the date this article becomes e ective is recognized and shall be continued until changed in accordance with law the counties o the state their status with respect to the legality o the sale o intoxicating liquors wines and beers the method o selection o county o icers the per ormance o municipal unctions by county o icers the county seats and the municipalities and special districts o the state their powers jurisdiction and government (c) OFF CERS O CON NUE N OFF CE Every person holding o ice when this article becomes e ective shall continue in o ice or the remainder o the term i that o ice is not abolished the o ice is abolished the incumbent shall be paid adequate compensation to be ixed by law or the loss o emoluments or the remainder o the term (d) ORD NANCES Local laws relating only to unincorporated areas o a county on the e ective date o this article may be amended or repealed by county ordinance (e) CONSOL DA ON AND HOME RULE Article V Sections 9 10 11 and 24 o the Constitution o 1885 as amended shall remain in ull orce and e ect as to each county a ected as i this article had not been adopted until that county shall expressly adopt a charter or home rule plan pursuant to this article All provisions o the Metropolitan Dade County Home Rule Charter hereto ore or herea ter adopted by the electors o Dade County pursuant to Article V Section 11 o the Constitution o 1885 as amended shall be valid and any amendments to such charter shall be valid provided that the said provisions o such charter and the said amendments thereto are authorized under said Article V Section 11 o the Constitution o 1885 as amended ( ) DADE COUN Y POWERS CONFERRED UPON MUN C PAL ES o the extent not inconsistent with the powers o existing municipalities or general law the Metropolitan Government o Dade County may exercise all the powers con erred now or herea ter by general law upon municipalities (g) SELEC ON AND DU ES OF COUN Y OFF CERS — (1) Except as provided in this subsection the amendment to Section 1 o this article relating to the selection and duties o county o icers shall take e ect January 5 2021 but shall govern with respect to the quali ying or and the holding o the primary and general elections or county constitutional o icers in 2020 (2) For Miami-Dade County and Broward County the amendment to Section 1 o this article relating to the selection and duties o county o icers shall take e ect January 7 2025 but shall govern with respect to the quali ying or and the holding o the primary and general elections or county constitutional o icers in 2024 (h)(g) DELE ON OF OBSOLE E SCHEDULE EMS he legislature shall have power by joint resolution to delete rom this article any subsection o this Section 6 including this subsection when all events to which the subsection to be deleted is or could become applicable have occurred A legislative determination o act made as a basis or application o this subsection shall be subject to judicial review NO. 11 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE I, SECTION 2 ARTICLE X, SECTIONS 9 AND 19 BALLOT TITLE Property Rights Removal o Obsolete Provision Criminal Statutes BALLOT SUMMARY Removes discriminatory language related to real property rights Removes obsolete language repealed by voters Deletes provision that amendment o a criminal statute will not a ect prosecution or penalties or a crime committed be ore the amendment retains current provision allowing prosecution o a crime committed be ore the repeal o a criminal statute FULL TEXT AR CLE DECLARA ON OF R GH S SEC ON 2 Basic rights —All natural persons emale and male alike are equal be ore the law and have inalienable rights among which are the right to enjoy and de end li e and liberty to pursue happiness to be rewarded or industry and to acquire possess and protect property e cept that the ownership inheritance disposition and possession o real property by aliens ineligible or citizenship may be regulated or prohibited by law No person shall be deprived o any right because o race religion national origin or physical disability AR CLE X M SCELLANEOUS SEC ON 9 Repeal o criminal statutes —Repeal or amendment o a criminal statute shall not a ect prosecution or punishment or any crime previously committed be ore such repeal SEC ON 19 Repealed High speed ground transportation system o reduce tra ic congestion and provide alternatives to the traveling public it is hereby declared to be in the public interest that a high speed ground transportation system consisting o a monorail ixed guideway or magnetic levitation system capable o speeds in excess o 120 miles per hour be developed and operated in the State o Florida to provide high speed ground transportation by innovative e icient and e ective technologies consisting o dedicated rails or guideways separated rom motor vehicular tra ic that will link the ive largest urban areas o the State as determined by the Legislature and provide or access to e isting air and ground transportation acilities and services he Legislature the Cabinet and the Governor are hereby directed to proceed with the development o such a system by the State and/or by a private entity pursuant to state approval and authorization including the acquisition o right o way the inancing o design and construction o the system and the operation o the system as provided by speci ic appropriation and by law with construction to begin on or be ore November 1 2003 NO. 12 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE II, SECTION 8 ARTICLE V, SECTION 13 ARTICLE XII, NEW SECTION BALLOT TITLE Lobbying and Abuse o O ice by Public O icers BALLOT SUMMARY Expands current restrictions on lobbying or compensation by ormer public o icers creates restrictions on lobbying or compensation by serving public o icers and ormer justices and judges provides exceptions prohibits abuse o a public position by public o icers and employees to obtain a personal bene it FULL TEXT AR CLE GENERAL PROV S ONS SEC ON 8 Ethics in government — A public o ice is a public trust he people shall have the right to secure and sustain that trust against abuse o assure this right (a) All elected constitutional o icers and candidates or such o ices and as may be determined by law other public o icers candidates and employees shall ile ull and public disclosure o their inancial interests (b) All elected public o icers and candidates or such o ices shall ile ull and public disclosure o their campaign inances (c) Any public o icer or employee who breaches the public trust or private gain and any person or entity inducing such breach shall be liable to the state or all inancial bene its obtained by such actions he manner o recovery and additional damages may be provided by law (d) Any public o icer or employee who is convicted o a elony involving a breach o public trust shall be subject to or eiture o rights and privileges under a public retirement system or pension plan in such manner as may be provided by law (e) No member o the legislature or statewide elected o icer shall personally represent another person or entity or compensation be ore the government body or agency o which the individual was an o icer or member or a period o two years ollowing vacation o o ice No member o the legislature shall personally represent another person or entity or compensation during term o o ice be ore any state agency other than judicial tribunals Similar restrictions on other public o icers and employees may be established by law ( )(1) For purposes o this subsection the term “public o icer” means a statewide elected o icer a member o the legislature a county commissioner a county o icer pursuant to Article V or county charter a school board member a superintendent o schools an elected municipal o icer an elected special district o icer in a special district with ad valorem taxing authority or a person serving as a secretary an executive director or other agency head o a department o the executive branch o state government (2) A public o icer shall not lobby or compensation on issues o policy appropriations or procurement be ore the ederal government the legislature any state government body or agency or any political subdivision o this state during his or her term o o ice (3) A public o icer shall not lobby or compensation on issues o policy appropriations or procurement or a period o six years a ter vacation o public position as ollows a A statewide elected o icer or member o the legislature shall not lobby the legislature or any state government body or agency b A person serving as a secretary an executive director or other agency head o a department o the executive branch o state government shall not lobby the legislature the governor the executive o ice o the governor members o the cabinet a department that is headed by a member o the cabinet or his or her ormer department c A county commissioner a county o icer pursuant to Article V or county charter a school board member a superintendent o schools an elected municipal o icer or an elected special district o icer in a special district with ad valorem taxing authority shall not lobby his or her ormer agency or governing body (4) his subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a public o icer rom carrying out the duties o his or her public o ice (5) he legislature may enact legislation to implement this subsection including but not limited to de ining terms and providing penalties or violations Any such law shall not contain provisions on any other subject (g)( ) here shall be an independent commission to conduct investigations and make public reports on all complaints concerning breach o public trust by public o icers or employees not within the jurisdiction o the judicial quali ications commission (h)(1)(g) A code o ethics or all state employees and nonjudicial o icers prohibiting con lict between public duty and private interests shall be prescribed by law (2) A public o icer or public employee shall not abuse his or her public position in order to obtain a disproportionate bene it or himsel or hersel his or her spouse children or employer or or any business with which he or she contracts in which he or she is an o icer a partner a director or a proprietor or in which he or she owns an interest he Florida Commission on Ethics shall by rule in accordance with statutory procedures governing administrative rulemaking de ine the term “disproportionate bene it” and prescribe the requisite intent or inding a violation o this prohibition or purposes o en orcing this paragraph Appropriate penalties shall be prescribed by law (i)(h) his section shall not be construed to limit disclosures and prohibitions which may be established by law to preserve the public trust and avoid con licts between public duties and private interests (j)(i) Schedule—On the e ective date o this amendment and until changed by law (1) Full and public disclosure o inancial interests shall mean iling with the custodian o state records by July 1 o each year a sworn statement showing net worth and identi ying each asset and liability in excess o $1 000 and its value together with one o the ollowing a A copy o the person s most recent ederal income tax return or b A sworn statement which identi ies each separate source and amount o income which exceeds $1 000 he orms or such source disclosure and the rules under which they are to be iled shall be prescribed by the independent commission established in subsection (g) ( ) and such rules shall include disclosure o secondary sources o income (2) Persons holding statewide elective o ices shall also ile disclosure o their inancial interests pursuant to paragraph (1) subsection (i)(1) (3) he independent commission provided or in subsection (g) ( ) shall mean the Florida Commission on Ethics AR CLE V JUD C ARY SEC ON 13 Ethics in the judiciary Prohibited activities — (a) All justices and judges shall devote ull time to their judicial duties A justice or judge hey shall not engage in the practice o law or hold o ice in any political party (b) A ormer justice or ormer judge shall not lobby or compensation on issues o policy appropriations or procurement be ore the legislative or executive branches o state government or a period o six years a ter he or she vacates his or her judicial position he legislature may enact legislation to implement this subsection including but not limited to de ining terms and providing penalties or violations Any such law shall not contain provisions on any other subject AR CLE X SCHEDULE Prohibitions regarding lobbying or compensation and abuse o public position by public o icers and public employees — he amendments to Section 8 o Article and Section 13 o Article V shall take e ect December 31 2022 except that the amendments to Section 8(h) o Article shall take e ect December 31 2020 and (a) he Florida Commission on Ethics shall by rule de ine the term “disproportionate bene it” and prescribe the requisite intent or inding a violation o the prohibition against abuse o public position by October 1 2019 as speci ied in Section 8(h) o Article (b) Following the adoption o rules pursuant to subsection (a) the legislature shall enact implementing legislation establishing penalties or violations o the prohibition against abuse o public position to take e ect December 31 2020 NO. 13 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ARTICLE X, NEW SECTION ARTICLE XII, NEW SECTION BALLOT TITLE Ends Dog Racing BALLOT SUMMARY FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000027 Phases out commercial dog racing in connection with wagering by 2020 Other gaming activities are not a ected FULL TEXT AR CLE X M SCELLANEOUS Prohibition on racing o and wagering on greyhounds or other dogs - he humane treatment o animals is a undamental value o the people o the State o Florida A ter December 31 2020 a person authorized to conduct gaming or pari-mutuel operations may not race greyhounds or any member o the Canis Familiaris subspecies in connection with any wager or money or any other thing o value in this state and persons in this state may not wager money or any other thing o value on the outcome o a live dog race occurring in this state he ailure to conduct greyhound racing or wagering on greyhound racing a ter December 31 2018 does not constitute grounds to revoke or deny renewal o other related gaming licenses held by a person who is a licensed greyhound permitholder on January 1 2018 and does not a ect the eligibility o such permitholder or such permitholder s acility to conduct other pari-mutuel activities authorized by general law By general law the legislature shall speci y civil or criminal penalties or violations o this section and or activities that aid or abet violations o this section AR CLE X SCHEDULE Prohibition on racing o or wagering on greyhounds or other dogs - he amendment to Article X which prohibits the racing o or wagering on greyhound and other dogs and the creation o this section shall take e ect upon the approval o the electors FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000028 ENMIENDAS CONSTITUCIONALES PROPUESTAS SOBRE LAS QUE SE VOTARÁ EL 6 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2018 AVISO DE ELECCIÓN Yo, Ken Detzner, Secretario de Estado de la Florida, por el presente notifico que las siguientes enmiendas constitucionales propuestas estarán presentes en la papeleta de las elecciones generales en cada condado de la Florida el 6 de noviembre del 2018. El lenguaje para estas enmiendas también se puede encontrar en FloridaPublicNotices.com, en DOS.Elections.MyFlorida.com/initiatives, y en el sitio web de este periódico. N.° 1 ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO VII, SECCIÓN 6 ARTÍCULO XII, SECCIÓN 37 TÍTULO DE LA PAPELETA DE VOTACIÓN Aumento De La Exención Fiscal Sobre nmuebles Para La Vivienda Familiar (Homestead) RESUMEN DE LA PAPELETA DE VOTACIÓN Se propone una enmienda a la Constitución del Estado con el in de aumentar la exención iscal para la vivienda amiliar mediante la exención de la tasación iscal de la vivienda amiliar superior a $100 000 y hasta $125 000 para todos los gravámenes a excepción de los gravámenes para distritos escolares La enmienda entrará en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2019 TEXTO COMPLETO CAP ULO V F NANZAS Y R BU AC ÓN Exenciones iscales para la vivienda SECC ÓN 6 amiliar — (a) odas las personas que tengan titularidad legal o equitativa sobre bienes ra ces y mantengan en los mismos la residencia permanente del propietario u otra que dependa legal o naturalmente del propietario quedarán exentos de la tributación sobre los mismos a excepción de las imposiciones para bene icios especiales hasta la tasación iscal de veinticinco mil dólares y respecto a todos los otros gravámenes a excepción de los gravámenes para distritos escolares sobre la tasación iscal superior a cincuenta mil dólares y hasta setenta y cinco mil dólares y sobre la tasación iscal superior a cien mil dólares y hasta ciento veinticinco mil dólares una vez que se establezca el derecho sobre estos según lo prescribe la ley La titularidad sobre los bienes ra ces podrá ser legal o equitativa mancomunada solidaria en común como condominio o indirectamente mediante la tenencia de acciones o la participación que representen el derecho de propiedad del propietario o socio en una sociedad que tenga el dominio o los derechos de arrendamiento que inicialmente superen noventa y ocho años La exención no se aplicará respecto a ningún registro de tasación hasta que primero un organismo estatal designado por la ley general determine que dicho registro cumple las disposiciones de la sección 4 Esta exención se revocará en la echa de entrada en vigencia de cualquier enmienda a este Art culo que disponga la tasación de la vivienda amiliar a un valor in erior al valor justo (b) No se le permitirá más de una exención a ninguna persona o unidad amiliar respecto a ninguna unidad residencial Ninguna exención superará el valor de los bienes ra ces tasables al propietario o en caso de dominio mediante acciones o participación en una sociedad el valor de la proporción que devengue la participación en la sociedad sobre valor tasado del inmueble (c) De con ormidad con la ley general y con sujeción a las condiciones que se especi ican en la misma el Poder Legislativo podrá entregarles a los arrendatarios que sean residentes permanentes una desgravación iscal ad valorem sobre todos los gravámenes iscales ad valorem Dicha desgravación iscal ad valorem se establecerá de la orma y en el monto que disponga la ley general (d) El poder legislativo podrá de con ormidad con la ley general permitirles a los condados o municipios para e ectos de sus gravámenes iscales respectivos y con sujeción a las disposiciones de la ley general conceder cualquiera de las siguientes exenciones iscales adicionales para la vivienda amiliar o ambas (1) Una exención que no supere cincuenta mil dólares para una persona que tenga titularidad legal o equitativa sobre bienes ra ces y mantenga en los mismos la residencia permanente del propietario que haya cumplido la edad de sesenta y cinco años y cuyos ingresos del hogar según lo de ine la ley general no superen veinticinco mil dólares o (2) Una exención equivalente al valor tasado del inmueble para una persona que tenga titularidad legal o equitativa sobre los bienes ra ces con un valor justo in erior a doscientos cincuenta mil dólares según se determine en el primer ejercicio iscal que aplique el propietario y que cumpla los requisitos para la exención y que haya mantenido en los mismos la residencia permanente del propietario durante al menos veinticinco años que haya cumplido la edad de sesenta y cinco años y cuyos ingresos del hogar no superen la limitación sobre ingresos que se prescribe en el apartado (1) La ley general debe permitirles a los condados y municipios conceder dichas exenciones adicionales dentro de los l mites que se prescriben en esta subsección mediante una ordenanza que se adopte de la manera que lo prescribe la ley general y debe disponer el ajuste periódico de la limitación sobre ingresos que se prescribe en esta subsección respecto a los cambios en el costo de vida (e) Cada veterano que tenga 65 años o más y que se encuentre completa o parcialmente discapacitado recibirá un descuento del monto del impuesto ad valorem que se adeude sobre la vivienda amiliar que posea el veterano y donde el mismo resida si la discapacidad hubiera sido causada por el combate y el veterano hubiera sido dado de baja con honor tras retirarse del servicio militar El descuento se expresará en un porcentaje equivalente al porcentaje de la discapacidad permanente vinculada al servicio del veterano según lo determine el Departamento de Asuntos de los Veteranos de los Estados Unidos Para optar al descuento que concede esta subsección el solicitante debe presentarle al tasador inmobiliario del condado a más tardar el 1 de marzo una carta o icial del Departamento de Asuntos de los Veteranos de los Estados Unidos mediante la que se indique el porcentaje de la discapacidad vinculada al servicio del veterano y las pruebas que demuestren de manera razonable que la discapacidad ue causada por el combate as como también una copia de la baja honorable del veterano Si el tasador inmobiliario rechaza la solicitud de descuento el tasador debe noti icarle al solicitante por escrito los motivos del rechazo y el veterano podrá volver a realizar la solicitud El Poder Legislativo podrá de con ormidad con la ley general desistir del requerimiento anual de solicitudes en los años posteriores Esta subsección tiene e ecto inmediato y no necesita legislación de implementación ( ) De con ormidad con la ley general y con sujeción a las condiciones y limitaciones que se especi ican en la misma el Poder Legislativo podrá entregarle una desgravación iscal ad valorem equivalente al monto total o una parte del impuesto ad valorem que se adeude sobre la vivienda amiliar a (1) La cónyuge sobreviviente de un veterano que haya muerto durante su servicio activo en calidad de miembro de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos (2) La cónyuge sobreviviente de un primer interviniente que haya muerto en acto de servicio (3) Un primer interviniente que se encuentre completa y permanentemente discapacitado a causa de una lesión o lesiones que haya su rido en acto de servicio La conexión causal entre una discapacidad y el acto de servicio no debe presumirse sino que determinarse según lo dispone la ley general Para e ectos de este apartado el término “discapacidad” no incluye una a ección crónica o en ermedad crónica a menos que la lesión que se haya su rido en acto de servicio hubiera sido la única causa de la a ección crónica y la en ermedad crónica Según se usa en esta subsección y según lo de ina más extensamente la ley general el término “primer interviniente” hace re erencia una autoridad encargada de hacer cumplir la ley un o icial correccional un bombero un técnico médico de emergencia o un paramédico y el término “en servicio activo” signi ica que surge a ra z del desempeño real del servicio que sea necesario en virtud del trabajo como primer interviniente AR CULO X ANEXO SECC ÓN 37 Aumento de exención iscal para vivienda amiliar —Esta sección y la enmienda a la Sección 6 del Art culo V mediante las que se aumenta la exención iscal para la vivienda amiliar a través de la exención de la tasación iscal de la vivienda amiliar superior a $100 000 y hasta $125 000 para todos los gravámenes a excepción de los gravámenes para distritos escolares entrarán en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2019 N.º 2 ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO XII, SECCIÓN 27 TÍTULO DE LA PAPELETA DE VOTACIÓN Limitaciones Sobre Las asaciones Fiscales Sobre nmuebles RESUMEN DE LA PAPELETA DE VOTACIÓN Se propone una enmienda a la Constitución del Estado con el in de conservar de manera permanente las disposiciones actualmente vigentes las que limitan el aumento de las tasaciones iscales sobre inmuebles determinados que no sean destinados a la vivienda amiliar a excepción de los gravámenes para distritos escolares a un 10% anual Si se aprueba la enmienda eliminará la revocación programada de dichas disposiciones para el 2019 y entrará en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2019 TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO X ANEXO SECC ÓN 27 Exenciones iscales sobre inmuebles y limitaciones sobre las tasaciones iscales sobre inmuebles — (a) Las enmiendas a las Secciones 3 4 y 6 del Art culo V que disponen una exención de $25 000 para los bienes muebles tangibles que disponen una exención iscal adicional para la vivienda principal de $25 000 que autorizan el traspaso de los bene icios acumulados de las limitaciones sobre la tasación de la vivienda amiliar y esta sección si se le presenta a los electores de este estado para su aprobación o rechazo en una elección especial que la ley autorizó que se realizara el 29 de enero de 2008 entrarán en vigencia con la aprobación de los electores y operarán de manera retroactiva hasta el 1 de enero de 2008 o si se le presentan a los electores de este estado para su aprobación o rechazo en la próxima elección general entrarán en vigencia el 1 de enero del año posterior a dicha elección general Las enmiendas a la Sección 4 del Art culo V mediante las que se crean las subsecciones (g)( ) y (h)(g) de dicha sección mediante las que se crea una limitación sobre el aumento de la tasación anual para inmuebles determinados entrarán en vigencia con la aprobación de los electores y primero limitarán las tasaciones a partir del 1 de enero de 2009 si se aprueban en una elección especial que se realice el 29 de enero de 2008 o primero limitarán las tasaciones a partir del 1 de enero de 2010 si se aprueban en la elección general que se realice en noviembre de 2008 Las subsecciones ( ) y (g) de la Sección 4 del Art culo V se revocan con echa 1 de enero de 2019 sin embargo el poder legislativo mediante resolución conjunta propondrá una enmienda mediante la que se abrogue la revocación de las subsecciones ( ) y (g) la que se les presentará a los electores de este estado para su aprobación o rechazo en la elección general de 2018 y si se aprueba entrará en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2019 (b) La enmienda a la subsección (a) mediante la que se abroga la revocación programada de las subsecciones (g) y (h) de la Sección 4 del Art culo V de la Constitución del Estado que exist a en 2017 entrará en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2019 N.° 3 ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO X, SECCIÓN 29 TÍTULO DE PAPELETA Control De Apuestas En Florida Por Parte De Los Votantes RESUMEN DE PAPELETA La presente enmienda garantiza que los votantes de Florida tengan el derecho exclusivo a decidir si autorizar o no las apuestas en casinos exigiendo que para que estas sean autorizadas con orme a la ley de Florida deban ser primero aprobadas por los votantes de Florida de con ormidad con el Art culo X Sección 3 de la Constitución de Florida A ecta los art culos X y X De ine las apuestas en casinos y aclara que la presente enmienda no discrepa con la ley ederal respecto a los convenios tribu-estado DECLARACIÓN DE IMPACTO FINANCIERO El impacto de la enmienda en los ingresos públicos y costos del gobierno estatal y local si lo hubiere no puede determinarse en este momento Esto debido a que se desconoce su e ecto en las operaciones de apuestas que no hayan sido aprobadas por los votantes mediante una enmienda constitucional propuesta a través de un proceso de petición de iniciativa por parte de los ciudadanos TEXTO COMPLETO EL AR CULO X DE LA CONS UC ÓN DE FLOR DA se enmienda para que incluya la siguiente nueva sección Control de Apuestas en Florida por parte de los Votantes (a) La presente enmienda garantiza que los votantes de Florida tengan el derecho exclusivo a decidir si autorizar o no las apuestas en casinos en el Estado de Florida La presente enmienda requiere del voto mediante una iniciativa de los ciudadanos de con ormidad con el Art culo X sección 3 para que las apuestas en casinos sean autorizadas con orme a la ley de Florida Esta sección enmienda el presente Art culo y además a ecta al Art culo X al hacer que las iniciativas de los ciudadanos sean el método exclusivo de autorizar las apuestas en casinos (b) Según se utiliza en la presente sección “apuestas en casinos” hace re erencia a cualquiera de los tipos de juegos que suelen encontrarse en los casinos y que se ajustan a la de inición de juegos Clase de la Federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act [Ley Federal de Regulación de Juegos entre la Población nd gena 25 U S C § 2701 y ss (“ GRA”) y en el 25 C F R §502 4 una vez que se adopte la presente enmienda y cualquiera que se agregue a dicha de inición de juegos Clase en el uturo Esto incluye sin limitación cualquier juego donde la casa participe y pueda ganar lo que incluye sin limitación juegos de cartas como bacará chemin de er blackjack (21) y pai gow (si se practican como juegos donde la casa participe) cualquier juego bancado por los jugadores que simule un juego donde la casa participe como el black jack de Cali ornia juegos de casino como la ruleta el pase inglés y el keno cualquier máquina tragamonedas según se de inen en 15 U S C 1171(a)(1) y cualquier otro juego no autorizado por el Art culo X sección 15 ya sea FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000029 si se de ine como una máquina tragamonedas o no en el que los resultados sean determinados por un generador de números aleatorios o se asignen de manera similar al azar como instant o historical racing Según se utiliza en el presente “apuestas en casinos” incluye dispositivos electrónicos de apuestas dispositivos de apuestas simuladas dispositivos de video loter a dispositivos de concursos por nternet y cualquier otra orma de réplica electrónica o electromecánica de cualquier juego de azar máquina tragamonedas o juego de casino independientemente de la manera en que dichos dispositivos sean de inidos con orme a la GRA Según se utiliza en el presente “apuestas en casinos” no incluye apuestas mutuas en carreras de caballos carreras de perros o exhibiciones de cesta punta Para e ectos de la presente sección “apuestas” y “juegos” son sinónimos (c) Ninguna disposición aqu empleada se considerará como que limita el derecho del Congreso a ejercer su autoridad a través de la ley general para restringir regular o gravar cualquier actividad de apuestas o juegos Además ninguna disposición aqu empleada se interpretará como que limita la capacidad del estado o de las tribus americanas nativas de negociar convenios en materia de juegos de con ormidad con la Federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act con el in de realizar apuestas en casinos en tierras tribales o de a ectar las apuestas existentes en tierras tribales de con ormidad con los convenios ormalizados por el estado y las tribus americanas nativas según establece la GRA (d) La presente sección tiene vigencia una vez aprobada por los votantes tiene e ecto inmediato y no se requiere ninguna implementación legislativa (e) Si cualquier parte de la presente sección se considera inválida por cualquier razón la parte o partes restantes serán separadas de la parte inválida y se les asignará la mayor vigencia posible N.º 4 ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO VI, SECCIÓN 4 TÍTULO DE PAPELETA Enmienda De Restablecimiento De Derechos De Votación RESUMEN DE PAPELETA La presente enmienda restablece los derechos de votación de los loridanos que han sido condenados por delitos graves después de que cumplan todos los términos de su sentencia lo que incluye la libertad condicional o provisional La enmienda no regir a para aquellos condenados por homicidio o delitos sexuales a quienes se les seguir a prohibiendo de manera permanente votar a menos que el Gobernador y el Gabinete votaran para restablecer sus derechos de votación según cada caso en particular DECLARACIÓN DE IMPACTO FINANCIERO Los e ectos precisos de la presente enmienda en los costos del gobierno estatal y local no pueden determinarse Sin embargo la vigencia de las leyes actuales de inscripción de votantes as como el mayor número de personas condenadas por delitos graves que se inscriban para votar producirá mayores costos generales en relación a los procesos que existen actualmente El impacto si lo hubiere en los ingresos públicos del gobierno estatal y local no puede determinarse El impacto iscal de cualquier legislación utura que implemente un proceso distinto no puede determinarse de manera razonable TEXTO COMPLETO Art culo V Sección 4 nhabilitaciones (a) Ninguna persona que haya sido condenada por un delito grave o que haya sido declarada mentalmente incompetente en este o cualquier otro estado estará habilitada para votar u ocupar un cargo público hasta que se restablezcan sus derechos civiles o hasta que desaparezca su discapacidad Salvo según se disponga en la subsección (b) de la presente sección cualquier inhabilitación de votar que surja a ra z de una condena por delito grave se extinguirá y los derechos de votación se restablecerán una vez que se cumplan todos los términos de la sentencia incluyendo la libertad condicional o provisional (b) Ninguna persona que haya sido condenada por homicidio o por un delito sexual grave estará habilitada para votar hasta que se restablezcan sus derechos civiles (b c) Ninguna persona podrá ser candidata a la reelección para ninguno de los siguientes cargos (1) Representante de Florida (2) Senador de Florida (3) Vicegobernador de Florida (4) Cualquier cargo del gabinete de Florida (5) Representante de EE UU de Florida o (6) Senador de EE UU de Florida Si al término del per odo de su cargo la persona ha ocupado (o si no uera por renuncia hubiera ocupado) dicho cargo por ocho años consecutivos N.º 5 ENMIENDA CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO VII, SECCIÓN 19 TÍTULO DE LA PAPELETA DE VOTACIÓN Mayor a Cali icada Requerida Para mponer Autorizar O Aumentar Los mpuestos O asas Estatales RESUMEN DE LA PAPELETA DE VOTACIÓN Se proh be al sistema legislativo imponer autorizar o aumentar los impuestos o tasas estatales a excepción de cuando dos tercios de la membres a de cada casa del sistema legislativo hayan aprobado la legislación a través de una ley que no contenga ninguna otra materia Esta propuesta no autoriza un impuesto o tasa estatal que esté prohibido por la Constitución y no aplica a ningún impuesto o tasa impuesta por o autorizada para su imposición por un condado municipalidad junta escolar o distrito especial TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO V F NANZAS Y R BU AC ÓN SECC ÓN 19 Para imponer autorizar o elevar los impuestos o tasas estatales se requiere una mayor a cali icada de votos — (a) MAYOR A CAL F CADA NECESAR A PARA MPONER O AU OR ZAR NUEVOS MPUES OS O ASAS ES A ALES Ningún impuesto o tasa estatal pueden ser impuestos o autorizados por el sistema legislativo a excepción de cuando dos tercios de la membres a de cada casa del sistema legislativo hayan aprobado la legislación y la misma haya sido presentada al Gobernador para su aprobación de acuerdo con lo establecido en el Art culo Sección 8 (b) MAYOR A CAL F CADA NECESAR A PARA AUMEN AR LOS MPUES OS O ASAS Ningún impuesto o tasa estatal pueden ser aumentados por el sistema legislativo a excepción de cuando dos tercios de la membres a de cada casa del sistema legislativo hayan aprobado la legislación y la misma haya sido presentada al Gobernador para su aprobación de acuerdo con lo establecido en el Art culo Sección 8 (c) APL CAB L DAD Esta sección no autoriza la imposición de ningún impuesto o tasa estatal que estén prohibidos por la Constitución y no aplica a ningún impuesto o tasa impuesta por o autorizada para su imposición por un condado municipalidad junta escolar o distrito especial (d) DEF N C ONES Con orme serán utilizados en esta sección los siguientes términos contarán con los siguientes signi icados (1) “ asa” se re iere a cualquier cobro o pago requerido por la ley incluyendo tasas de servicio tasas o costos de emisión de licencias y cargos por servicios (2) “Aumento” se re iere a a Aumentar o autorizar el aumento en la tasa de un impuesto estatal o una tasa impuesta sobre una base porcentual o por cada mil b Aumentar o autorizar el aumento en la cantidad de impuestos o tasas estatales que son calculados sobre una base plana o ija o c Disminuir o eliminar una exoneración o crédito sobre un impuesto o tasa estatal (e) MA ER A ÚN CA Los impuestos o tasas estatales impuestos autorizados o aumentados bajo esta sección deben estar contenidos en una ley separada que no contenga ninguna otra materia N.º 6 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO I, SECCIÓN 16 ARTÍCULO V, SECCIONES 8 Y 21 ARTÍCULO XII, NUEVA SECCIÓN TÍTULO DE LA BOLETA Derechos de las V ctimas de Delitos Jueces RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Establece derechos constitucionales para las v ctimas de delitos exige que los tribunales aciliten los derechos de las v ctimas autoriza a las v ctimas a hacer respetar sus derechos durante los procesos penales y de justicia juvenil Exige que los jueces y los o iciales de audiencia interpreten de manera independiente los estatutos y las reglas en lugar de de erir a la interpretación de la agencia gubernamental Aumenta la edad obligatoria de jubilación de jueces y magistrados estatales desde setenta a setenta y cinco años elimina la autorización para completar el término judicial si la mitad del plazo se ha cumplido antes de la edad de jubilación TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO DECLARAC ÓN DE DERECHOS SECC ÓN 16 Derechos del acusado y de las v ctimas — (a) En todos los procesamientos penales el acusado deberá bajo pedido ser in ormado de la naturaleza y causa de la acusación asimismo se le proporcionará una copia de los cargos y tendrá derecho a tener medidas compulsivas para la comparecencia de testigos a en rentar testigos adversos en el juicio a ser escuchado en persona por un abogado o ambos y a tener un juicio rápido y público impartido por un jurado imparcial en el condado donde se cometió el crimen Si no se conoce el condado la acusación o in ormación podrá cobrar lugar en dos o más condados de manera conjunta y la prueba de que el crimen ue cometido en esa área será su iciente sin embargo antes de declararse el acusado podrá elegir en cuál de estos condados se llevará a cabo el juicio El lugar para el enjuiciamiento de los delitos cometidos uera de los l mites del estado será ijado por la ley (b) Para preservar y proteger el derecho de las v ctimas de delitos a alcanzar la justicia garantizar a las v ctimas de delitos un papel signi icativo en todos los sistemas de justicia penal y juvenil y asegurar que los derechos e intereses de las v ctimas de delitos sean respetados y protegidos por la ley de una manera no menos vigorosa que las protecciones otorgadas a los acusados penales y delincuentes juveniles toda v ctima tendrá los siguientes derechos a partir del momento de su victimización (1) El derecho al debido proceso y a ser tratado con rectitud y respeto por la dignidad propia (2) El derecho a ser libre de intimidación acoso y abuso (3) El derecho dentro del proceso judicial de estar razonablemente protegido del acusado y de cualquier persona que actúe en nombre del acusado Sin embargo nada de lo contenido en este documento tiene la intención de crear una relación especial entre la v ctima del delito y cualquier agencia u o icina de aplicación de la ley que no tenga una relación o deber especial según lo de ina la ley de la Florida (4) El derecho a tener en cuenta la seguridad y el bienestar de la v ctima y de la amilia de la v ctima al establecer la ianza incluyendo el establecimiento de condiciones de libertad provisional que protejan la seguridad y el bienestar de la v ctima y de la amilia de la v ctima (5) El derecho a evitar la divulgación de in ormación o registros que puedan ser utilizados para localizar o acosar a la v ctima o la amilia de la v ctima o que puedan revelar in ormación con idencial o privilegiada de la v ctima (6) Una v ctima tendrá los siguientes derechos espec icos bajo pedido a El derecho a recibir una noti icación razonable precisa y oportuna y a estar presente en todos los procedimientos públicos que involucren la conducta delictiva incluidos entre otros juicio declaración de culpabilidad sentencia o adjudicación incluso si la v ctima será un testigo en el procedimiento y a pesar de cualquier regla en lo contrario A la v ctima también se le proporcionará una noti icación razonable precisa y oportuna de cualquier liberación o escape del acusado o del delincuente y de cualquier procedimiento durante el cual algún derecho de la v ctima esté implicado b El derecho a ser escuchado en cualquier procedimiento público que implique la libertad provisional u otro tipo de liberación de cualquier orma de restricción legal declaración de culpabilidad sentencia adjudicación o libertad condicional y en cualquier procedimiento durante el cual algún derecho de la v ctima esté implicado c El derecho de consultar con el iscal sobre cualquier acuerdo de culpabilidad participación en programas alternativos previos al juicio liberación restitución sentencia o cualquier otra disposición del caso d El derecho a proporcionar in ormación sobre el impacto de la conducta del delincuente sobre la v ctima y la amilia de la v ctima a la persona responsable de llevar a cabo cualquier investigación previa a la sentencia a compilar cualquier in orme de investigación previo a la sentencia y a hacer considerar cualquier in ormación de este tipo en cualquier recomendación de sentencia presentada al tribunal e El derecho a recibir una copia de cualquier in orme previo a la sentencia y cualquier otro in orme o registro relevante para el ejercicio del derecho de la v ctima a excepción de aquellas partes que sean con idenciales o estén exentas por ley El derecho a ser in ormado de la condena sentencia adjudicación lugar y tiempo de encarcelamiento u otra disposición del delincuente convicto as como de cualquier echa programada para la excarcelación del delincuente y de la liberación o el escape del delincuente de la custodia g El derecho a ser in ormado de todos los procesos y procedimientos posteriores a la condena a participar en tales procesos y procedimientos a proporcionar in ormación a la autoridad de liberación para que sea considerada antes de que se tome una decisión de liberación y a ser noti icado de cualquier decisión de liberación con respecto al delincuente La autoridad de libertad condicional o de libertad anticipada extenderá el derecho a ser escuchado a cualquier persona perjudicada por el delincuente h El derecho a ser in ormado de los procedimientos de indulto y expurgo a proporcionar in ormación al gobernador al tribunal a cualquier junta de indulto y otras autoridades en estos procedimientos a que esa in ormación se considere antes de que se tome una decisión de clemencia o expurgo y a ser noti icado de tal decisión antes de cualquier liberación del delincuente (7) Los derechos de la v ctima según lo dispuesto en el subpárra o (6) a Subpárra o (6) b O subpárra o (6) c que apliquen a cualquier primer procedimiento de comparecencia se cumplirán mediante un intento razonable por parte de la agencia competente para noti icar a la v ctima y transmitir las opiniones de la v ctima al tribunal (8) El derecho a la pronta devolución de la propiedad de la v ctima cuando ya no sea necesaria como evidencia en el caso FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000030 (9) El derecho a la restitución completa y oportuna en cada caso y por parte de cada delincuente condenado por motivo de todas las pérdidas su ridas por la v ctima como resultado de la conducta delictiva tanto directa como indirectamente (10) El derecho a procedimientos sin demoras irrazonables y a una pronta y inal conclusión del caso y de cualquier procedimiento posterior al juicio a El abogado del estado podrá presentar una demanda de buena e para un juicio rápido y el tribunal de primera instancia deberá celebrar una audiencia de señalamientos bajo previo aviso dentro de los quince d as de la presentación de la demanda para programar un juicio que comience en una echa de al menos cinco d as pero no más de sesenta d as después de la echa de la llamada del calendario a menos que el juez de primera instancia presente una orden con determinaciones de hecho que justi iquen una echa de prueba más de sesenta d as después de la audiencia de señalamientos b odas las apelaciones a nivel estatal y los ataques colaterales sobre cualquier sentencia deberán completarse dentro de los dos años posteriores a la apelación en casos que no sean capitales y dentro de los cinco años posteriores a la apelación en casos capitales a menos que un tribunal dicte una orden con conclusiones espec icas acerca de por qué dicho tribunal no pudo cumplir con este subpárra o y las circunstancias que causaron el retraso Cada año el juez principal de cualquier tribunal de apelación del distrito o el presidente de la Suprema Corte in ormará caso por caso al presidente de la Cámara de Representantes y al presidente del Senado de todos los casos en que dicho tribunal introdujo una orden con respecto a la incapacidad de cumplir con este subpárra o La legislatura podrá promulgar legislación para implementar este subpárra o (11) El derecho a ser in ormado de estos derechos y a ser in ormado de que las v ctimas pueden buscar el consejo de un abogado con respecto a sus derechos Esta in ormación se pondrá a disposición del público en general y se proporcionará a todas las v ctimas de delitos en orma de una tarjeta o por otros medios destinados a in ormar e ectivamente a la v ctima de sus derechos en virtud de esta sección (c) La v ctima el abogado retenido de la v ctima un representante legal de la v ctima o la o icina del procurador del Estado a petición de la v ctima pueden hacer valer y solicitar el cumplimiento de los derechos enumerados en esta sección y cualquier otro derecho otorgado a una v ctima por ley en cualquier juicio o tribunal de apelación o ante cualquier otra autoridad con jurisdicción sobre el caso como cuestión de derecho El tribunal u otra autoridad con jurisdicción actuará con prontitud sobre dicha solicitud o reciendo una solución jur dica de acuerdo con la ley por la violación de cualquier derecho Las razones de cualquier decisión con respecto a la disposición del derecho de una v ctima se indicarán claramente en el registro (d) El otorgamiento de los derechos enumerados en esta sección a las v ctimas no puede interpretarse como denegación o menoscabo de otros derechos que poseen las v ctimas Las disposiciones de esta sección se aplican a todos los procesos penales y de justicia juvenil son autoejecutables y no requieren una legislación de implementación Esta sección no podrá ser interpretada para crear cualquier causa de acción por daños y perjuicios contra el estado o una subdivisión pol tica del estado o contra cualquier uncionario empleado o agente del estado o sus subdivisiones pol ticas (e) Como se usa en esta sección una "v ctima" es una persona que su re daño sico psicológico o inanciero directo o amenazado como resultado de la perpetración o intento de perpetración de un delito o acto delincuencial o contra quien el delito o acto delincuente es cometido El término "v ctima" incluye al representante leg timo de la v ctima al padre o tutor de un menor o al amiliar de una v ctima de homicidio excepto cuando se demuestre que el interés de dicho individuo estar a en con licto real o potencial con los intereses de la v ctima El término "v ctima" no incluye al acusado Los términos "delito" y "delincuente" incluyen conducta y actos delictivos Las v ctimas del crimen o sus representantes leg timos incluidos los amiliares de las v ctimas de homicidios tienen derecho a ser in ormados a estar presentes y a ser escuchados cuando sea pertinente en todas las etapas cruciales de los procedimientos penales en la medida en que estos derechos no inter ieran con los derechos constitucionales del acusado AR CULO V PODER JUD C AL SECC ÓN 8 Elegibilidad —Ninguna persona será elegible para el cargo de juez de la corte suprema o juez de cualquier corte a menos que dicha persona sea electora del estado y residente de la jurisdicción territorial de la corte Ningún juez o magistrado servirá después de haber cumplido los setenta y cinco setenta años de edad excepto en el caso de una asignación temporal o para completar un término la mitad del cual ya haya sido cumplido Ninguna persona es elegible para la O icina de Justicia de la Corte Suprema o para ser juez de un tribunal de apelaciones de distrito a menos que la persona sea y haya sido durante los últimos diez años miembro del colegio de abogados de Florida Ninguna persona es elegible para la o icina de juez del circuito a menos que la persona sea y haya sido durante los últimos cinco años miembro del colegio de abogados de Florida A menos que la ley general disponga lo contrario ninguna persona es elegible para la o icina de juez del tribunal del condado a menos que la persona sea y haya sido durante los últimos cinco años miembro del colegio de abogados de Florida A menos que la ley general disponga lo contrario una persona será elegible ya sea por elección o nombramiento a la o icina de juez del tribunal del condado en un condado cuya población sea de 40 000 habitantes o menos si la persona es un miembro acreditado del Colegio de Abogados de Florida SECC ÓN 21 nterpretación judicial de estatutos y reglas —Al interpretar un estatuto o norma estatal un tribunal estatal o un uncionario atendiendo a una acción administrativa de con ormidad con la ley general no podrá de erir a la interpretación de la agencia administrativa de tal estatuto o regla y deberá por el contrario interpretar dicho estatuto o regla por segunda vez AR CULO X ANEXO Elegibilidad de magistrados y jueces —La enmienda a la Sección 8 del Art culo V que aumenta la edad a la que un juez o magistrado ya no es elegible para servir en un cargo judicial excepto por asignación temporal entrará en vigencia el 1 de julio de 2019 N.º 7 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO IX, SECCIONES 7 Y 8 ARTÍCULO X, NUEVA SECCIÓN TÍTULO DE LA BOLETA Bene icios para los Sobrevivientes de Primeros nterventores y Miembros Militares Colegios y Universidades públicas RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Concede el pago obligatorio de bene icios por allecimiento y la exención de ciertos gastos de educación a los sobrevivientes cali icados de ciertos primeros interventores y miembros militares que mueran realizando tareas o iciales Exige una supermayor a de votos de los administradores universitarios y de la junta de gobernadores del sistema universitario estatal para recaudar o imponer todas las tari as autorizadas legislativamente si la ley requiere la aprobación de dichos organismos Establece el sistema de colegios estatales existente como una entidad constitucional proporciona estructura de gobierno TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO X EDUCAC ÓN SECC ÓN 7 Sistema Universitario Estatal — (a) PROPÓS OS Con el in de lograr la excelencia a través de la enseñanza de los estudiantes de avanzar la investigación y de proveer servicios públicos para el bene icio de los ciudadanos de la Florida sus comunidades y econom as el pueblo de la Florida establece un sistema de gobierno para el sistema universitario del estado de la Florida (b) S S EMA UN VERS AR O ES A AL Habrá solo un sistema universitario estatal que incluirá todas las universidades públicas Una junta de ideicomisarios administrará cada universidad pública y una junta de gobernadores gobernará el sistema universitario del estado (c) JUN AS DE F DE COM SAR OS LOCALES Cada universidad constituyente local será administrada por una junta de ideicomisarios constituida por trece miembros dedicados a los ines del sistema universitario estatal La junta de gobernadores establecerá las acultades y los deberes de la junta de ideicomisarios Cada junta de ideicomisarios consistirá de seis ciudadanos miembros nombrados por el gobernador y cinco ciudadanos miembros nombrados por la junta de gobernadores Los miembros nombrados deberán ser con irmados por el Senado y servirán por per odos escalonados de cinco años como provisto por ley El presidente del senado de la acultad o su equivalente y el presidente del cuerpo estudiantil de la universidad también serán miembros (d) JUN A ES A AL DE GOBERNADORES La junta de gobernadores será un organismo empresarial consistente de diecisiete miembros La junta deberá operar regular controlar y ser plenamente responsable por el manejo de todo el sistema universitario Estas responsabilidades incluyen sin limitación la de inición de la misión propia de cada universidad constituyente y su articulación con escuelas gratuitas públicas y centros de ormación pro esional asegurando la coordinación buena plani icación y uncionamiento del sistema y la evitación de la duplicación excesiva de instalaciones o programas La dirección de la junta estará sujeta a los poderes de la legislatura de asignar los gastos de los ondos y la junta rendirá cuentas sobre esos gastos con orme a lo previsto por ley El gobernador nombrará a la junta catorce ciudadanos dedicados a los ines del sistema universitario estatal Los miembros nombrados deberán ser con irmados por el Senado y servirán términos escalonados de siete años como dispuesto por ley El comisionado de la educación el presidente del consejo asesor del senado de la acultad o su equivalente y el presidente de la asociación de estudiantes de la Florida o su equivalente serán también miembros de la junta (e) AR FAS Cualquier propuesta o acción de una universidad constituyente para recaudar imponer o autorizar cualquier tari a según lo autoriza la ley debe ser aprobada por al menos nueve votos a irmativos de los miembros del consejo directivo de la universidad constituyente en caso de que la aprobación de la junta directiva sea requerida por la ley general y al menos doce votos a irmativos de los miembros de la junta de gobernadores en caso de que la ley general exija la aprobación de la junta de gobernadores para que entre en vigencia Una tari a bajo esta subsección no incluirá la matr cula SECC ÓN 8 Sistema De Colegios Estatales — (a) PROPÓS OS Con el in de lograr la excelencia y proporcionar acceso a la educación de pregrado a los estudiantes de este estado de originar caminos articulados para un grado de bachillerato de garantizar un compromiso superior con la enseñanza y el aprendizaje y de responder de manera rápida y e iciente a la demanda de las comunidades mediante la alineación de los certi icados y programas de grado con las necesidades locales y regionales de la uerza de trabajo el pueblo de la Florida en virtud de este acto establece un sistema de gobierno para el sistema de colegios estatales de la Florida (b) S S EMA DE COLEG OS ES A ALES Habrá un sistema de colegios estatales único compuesto por todos los institutos de ormación pro esional y colegios estatales públicos Una junta directiva local deberá gobernar cada institución del sistema de colegios estatales y la junta de educación del estado deberá supervisar el sistema de colegios estatales (c) JUN AS D REC VAS LOCALES Cada institución del sistema de colegios estatales estará gobernada por una junta directiva local dedicada a los propósitos del sistema de colegios estatales Un miembro de la junta directiva debe ser residente del área en el cual el colegio preste sus servicios Los poderes y deberes de las juntas directivas serán provistos por la ley Cada miembro será designado por el gobernador en términos escalonados de 4 años sujeto a la con irmación del Senado (d) PAPEL DE LA JUN A DE EDUCAC ÓN DEL ES ADO La junta de educación del estado supervisará el sistema de colegios estatales según lo estipule la ley AR CULO X M SCELÁNEO Bene icios para los sobrevivientes de Primeros nterventores y Miembros Militares — (a) La agencia empleadora pagará un bene icio por allecimiento cuando un bombero un paramédico un técnico médico de emergencia un polic a un carcelero un o icial de libertad condicional o un miembro de la Guardia Nacional de Florida mientras participan en el desempeño de sus deberes o iciales sea (1) Accidentalmente asesinado o reciba lesiones corporales accidentales que resulten en la pérdida de la vida de la persona siempre que tal asesinato no sea el resultado de un suicidio y que tal lesión corporal no sea autoin ligida intencionalmente o (2) Muera o sea asesinado il cita e intencionalmente como resultado de tal acto il cito e intencional o sea asesinado durante el servicio activo (b) Un bene icio por allecimiento se pagará con ondos provenientes de los ingresos generales cuando un miembro en servicio activo de las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos sea (1) Accidentalmente asesinado o reciba lesiones corporales accidentales que resulten en la pérdida de la vida de la persona siempre que tal asesinato no sea el resultado de un suicidio y que tal lesión corporal no sea autoin ligida intencionalmente o (2) Muera o sea asesinado il cita e intencionalmente como resultado de tal acto il cito e intencional o sea asesinado durante el servicio activo (c) Si un bombero un paramédico un técnico médico de emergencia un polic a un carcelero u o icial de libertad condicional o un miembro de servicio activo de la Guardia Nacional de la Florida o las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos es asesinado accidentalmente como se especi ica en los párra os (a)(1) y (b)(1) o asesinado il cita e intencionalmente según lo especi icado en los párra os (a)(2) y (b)(2) el estado deberá dispensar ciertos gastos educativos que el niño o el cónyuge del primer interventor o militar allecido incurra al obtener un programa vocacional de certi icado una educación de pregrado o una educación de posgrado (d) Un primer interventor elegible debe haber estado trabajando para el Estado de Florida o cualquiera de sus subdivisiones pol ticas o agencias en el momento de su muerte Un miembro militar elegible debe haber sido residente de este estado o que su puesto de trabajo haya pertenecido al mismo en el momento de su muerte (e) La legislatura implementará esta sección por ley general ( ) Esta sección entrará en vigencia el 1 de julio de 2019 N.º 8 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO IX, SECCIÓN 4, NUEVA SECCIÓN ARTÍCULO XII, NUEVA SECCIÓN FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000031 TÍTULO DE LA BOLETA Obligaciones y L mites del Mandato de la Junta Escolar Escuelas Públicas RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Establece un l mite de mandato de ocho años consecutivos para los miembros de la junta escolar y requiere que la legislatura provea ondos para la promoción de la al abetización c vica en las escuelas públicas Actualmente las juntas escolares del distrito tienen el deber constitucional de operar controlar y supervisar todas las escuelas públicas La enmienda mantiene los deberes de una junta escolar a las escuelas públicas que establezca pero permite que el estado opere controle y supervise las escuelas públicas no establecidas por la junta escolar TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO X EDUCAC ÓN SECC ÓN 4 Distritos escolares juntas escolares — (a) Cada condado constituirá un distrito escolar sin embargo dos o más condados contiguos con el voto de los electores de cada condado con orme a ley podrán ser combinados en un distrito escolar En cada distrito escolar habrá una junta escolar compuesta de cinco o más miembros electos por el voto de los electores en una elección no-partidista para mandatos de cuatro años apropiadamente escalonados según lo dispuesto por ley Una persona no puede aparecer en la boleta para la reelección a la o icina de la junta escolar si para el inal del mandato actual la persona hubiese servido o hubiese servido si no uese por su renuncia durante ocho años consecutivos (b) La junta escolar deberá operar controlar y supervisar todas las escuelas gratuitas públicas establecidas por la junta escolar del distrito dentro del distrito escolar y deberá determinar la tasa de impuestos del distrito escolar dentro de los l mites establecidos en este documento Dos o más distritos escolares podrán operar y inanciar programas educativos comunes SECC ÓN Al abetización c vica — Como la educación es esencial para la preservación de los derechos y las libertades de las personas la legislatura deberá proveer ondos por ley para la promoción de la al abetización c vica con el in de garantizar que los estudiantes matriculados en la educación pública comprendan y estén preparados para ejercer sus derechos y responsabilidades como ciudadanos de una república constitucional AR CULO X APÉND CE Limitación del mandato para los miembros de una junta escolar del distrito - Esta sección y la enmienda a la Sección 4 del Art culo X que imponen l mites a los términos de los mandatos de los miembros de la junta escolar del distrito entrarán en vigor en la echa en que sean aprobadas por el electorado pero ningún servicio en un mandato que comenzó antes del 6 de noviembre de 2018 se contará en contra de la limitación impuesta por esta enmienda N.º 9 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO II, SECCIÓN 7 ARTICULO X, SECCIÓN 20 TÍTULO DE LA BOLETA Proh be la per oración de petróleo y gas en alta mar Proh be umar cigarrillos electrónicos en lugares de trabajo encerrados RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Proh be la per oración para la exploración o extracción de petróleo y gas natural debajo de todas las aguas estatales entre la l nea de pleamar media y los l mites territoriales más alejados del estado Agrega con excepciones el uso de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor a la prohibición actual de consumo de tabaco en lugares de trabajo encerrados permite ordenanzas locales de vapor más restrictivas TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO D SPOS C ONES GENERALES SECC ÓN 7 Recursos naturales y belleza escénica — (a) Será la pol tica de este estado conservar y proteger sus recursos naturales y belleza escénica La ley establecerá disposiciones adecuadas para la reducción de la contaminación del aire y el agua y del ruido excesivo e innecesario y para la conservación y protección de los recursos naturales (b) Aquellos en el Área Agr cola de los Everglades que causen contaminación del agua dentro del Área de Protección de los Everglades o el Área Agr cola de los Everglades serán los principales responsables de pagar los costos de la reducción de esa contaminación Para propósito de esta sección los términos “Área Agricultural de los Everglades” y “Área Protegida de los Everglades” tendrán la misma de inición como las de iniciones contenidas en las leyes en e ecto el 1 de enero de 1996 (c) Para proteger a la población de Florida y su entorno la per oración para exploración o extracción de petróleo o gas natural está prohibida en tierras debajo de todas las aguas estatales que no se hayan alienado y que se encuentren entre la l nea de pleamar media y los l mites exteriores de los mares territoriales del estado Esta prohibición no aplica al transporte de productos de petróleo y gas producidos uera de dichas aguas Esta subsección es autoejecutable AR CULO X M SCELÁNEO SECC ÓN 20 Lugares de trabajo sin humo o vapor de tabaco — (a) PROH B C ÓN Como una iniciativa de salud de para proteger a las personas de los riesgos de salud del humo y del vapor de tabaco de segunda mano el consumo de tabaco y el uso de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor están prohibidos está prohibido en lugares de trabajo encerrados dentro del estado de Florida Esta sección no excluye la adopción de ordenanzas que impongan una regulación más restrictiva sobre el uso de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor que la proporcionada en esta sección (b) EXCEPC ONES Como se explica en las de iniciones siguientes se puede permitir el consumo de tabaco y el uso de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor en residencias privadas siempre que no se utilicen comercialmente para proporcionar cuidado in antil cuidado de adultos atención médica o cualquier combinación de los mismos y además puede permitirse en tiendas minoristas de tabaco minoristas de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor habitaciones designadas para umadores en hoteles y otros establecimientos públicos de alojamiento y en bares independientes Sin embargo nada en esta sección o en su legislación de aplicación o reglamentos le proh be al propietario arrendatario u otra persona en el control de la utilización de un lugar de trabajo encerrado el derecho de imponer prohibiciones o limitaciones más estrictas con respecto a umar o usar dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor en el lugar (c) DEF N C ONES A los ines de esta sección las siguientes palabras y términos tendrán los signi icados indicados (1) "Fumar" signi ica inhalar exhalar quemar transportar o poseer cualquier producto de tabaco encendido incluidos cigarrillos habanos tabaco para pipa y cualquier otro producto de tabaco encendido (2) "Humo de segunda mano" también conocido como humo de tabaco ambiental (H A) signi ica humo emitido por el tabaco encendido humeante o en combustión cuando el umador no está inhalando humo emitido en la boquilla durante el soplo y humo exhalado por el umador (3) " rabajo" signi ica cualquier empleo o servicio de empleo prove do por una persona a petición de otra persona o personas o de cualquier entidad pública o privada ya sea pago o no ya sea a tiempo completo o parcial ya sea legal o no " rabajo" incluye sin limitaciones cualquier servicio realizado por un empleado contratista independiente agente socio propietario gerente uncionario director aprendiz pasante asociado servidor voluntario y similares (4) “Lugar de trabajo encerrado" signi ica cualquier lugar donde una o más personas se dediquen al trabajo cuyo espacio esté predominante o totalmente delimitado por barreras sicas en todos los lados y por encima independientemente de si tales barreras constituyen o incluyen aberturas descubiertas aberturas parcialmente cubiertas o con pantallas ventanas abiertas o cerradas persianas puertas o similares Esta sección aplica a todos los lugares de trabajo encerrados sin importar si el trabajo se está produciendo en un momento dado (5) El uso "Comercial" de una residencia privada signi ica cualquier per odo durante el cual el propietario arrendatario u otra persona que ocupe o controle el uso de la residencia privada esté suministrando o permitiendo que se suministre cuidado de niños cuidado de adultos mayores atención médica o cualquier combinación de los mismos en la residencia privada y que reciba o espere recibir una compensación por ello (6) “ ienda minorista de tabaco" signi ica cualquier lugar de trabajo encerrado dedicado principalmente a la venta al por menor de tabaco productos de tabaco y accesorios para tales productos en el cual la venta de otros productos o servicios sea meramente incidental (7) "Habitaciones designadas para umadores en establecimientos públicos de alojamiento" signi ica los dormitorios y áreas privadas directamente asociadas tales como baños salas de estar y áreas de cocina si las hay alquiladas a huéspedes para su ocupación transitoria exclusiva en establecimientos públicos de alojamiento incluyendo hoteles moteles condominios de resorts apartamentos transitorios establecimientos de alojamiento transitorio casas de hospedaje pensiones viviendas de complejos tur sticos posadas de alojamiento y desayuno y similares que sean designadas por la persona o personas que tienen autoridad de gestión sobre el establecimiento de alojamiento público como habitaciones en las que se permite umar (8) "Bar independiente" se re iere a un lugar de negocios dedicado durante cualquier momento de su operación en mayor parte o totalmente a servir bebidas alcohólicas bebidas embriagantes licores embriagantes o cualquier combinación de los mismos para su consumo en las instalaciones autorizadas en el cual el servicio de alimentos si lo hay es meramente secundario al consumo de tales bebidas y que no se encuentra dentro ni comparte cualquier entrada o área interior común con ningún otro lugar de trabajo encerrado que incluya cualquier negocio para el cual la venta de alimentos o cualquier otro producto o servicio sea más que una uente incidental de ingresos brutos (9) "Dispositivo electrónico generador de vapor" signi ica cualquier producto que emplee un medio electrónico qu mico o mecánico capaz de producir vapor o aerosol a partir de un producto de nicotina o cualquier otra sustancia incluidos entre otros un cigarrillo electrónico cigarro electrónico pipa electrónica u otro dispositivo o producto similar cualquier cartucho de recambio para dicho dispositivo y cualquier otro recipiente de una solución u otra sustancia destinada a ser utilizada con o dentro de un cigarrillo electrónico cigarro electrónico pipa electrónica u otro dispositivo o producto similar (10) “Minorista de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor" se re iere a cualquier lugar de trabajo encerrado dedicado principalmente a la venta al por menor de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor y componentes y accesorios para tales productos en el que la venta de otros productos o servicios sea meramente incidental (d) LEG SLAC ÓN En la próxima sesión legislativa regular que se produzca después de la aprobación de esta sección o cualquier enmienda a esta sección enmienda por parte de los votantes la Legislatura de Florida aprobará legislación para implementar esta sección y cualquier enmienda a esta sección enmienda de una manera consistente con su objetivo general y términos establecidos y con una echa de vigencia a más tardar del 1 de julio del año siguiente de la aprobación de los votantes Dicha legislación deberá incluir sin limitaciones sanciones civiles por violaciones de esta sección disposiciones para la aplicación de medidas administrativas y el requisito y autorización de las reglas de la agencia para su implementación y cumplimiento Esta sección no Nada de lo contenido en esta sección le proh be a la Legislatura promulgar una ley que constituya o que permita una regulación más restrictiva sobre el consumo de tabaco y el uso de dispositivos electrónicos generadores de vapor que la proporcionada en esta sección N.º 10 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO III, SECCIÓN 3 ARTÍCULO IV, SECCIONES 4 Y 11 ARTÍCULO VIII, SECCIONES 1 Y 6 TÍTULO DE LA BOLETA Estructura y Operación del Gobierno Estatal y Local RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Requiere legislatura para conservar el Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos Asegura la elección de sheri s tasadores de propiedad supervisores de elecciones recaudadores de impuestos y secretarios de tribunal en todos los condados elimina la capacidad de los estatutos del condado para abolir cambiar el mandato trans erir deberes o eliminar la elección de estas o icinas Cambia la echa de inicio de la sesión legislativa anual en los años pares de marzo a enero elimina la autorización de la legislatura para ijar otra echa Crea una o icina de seguridad nacional y contraterrorismo dentro del departamento de aplicación de la ley TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO LEG SLA URA SECC ÓN 3 Sesiones de la legislatura — (a) SES ONES DE ORGAN ZAC ÓN En el decimocuarto d a después de cada elección general la Legislatura se convocará en sesión con el propósito exclusivo de la organización y selección de o iciales (b) SES ONES REGULARES Una sesión regular de la legislatura se convocará el primer martes después del primer lunes de marzo de cada año impar y en el segundo primer martes después del primer lunes de enero marzo o en cualquier otra echa que pueda ser ijada por ley de cada año par (c) SES ONES ESPEC ALES (1) El gobernador mediante una proclamación que declare el propósito podrá convocar a la legislatura en sesión especial durante la cual sólo se tratará actividad legislativa que sea relevante a la proclamación o a una comunicación del gobernador o que se introduzca con el consentimiento de dos tercios de los miembros de cada cámara (2) Una sesión especial de la legislatura podrá ser convocada según sea dispuesto por ley (d) DURAC ÓN DE LAS SES ONES Una sesión regular de la legislatura no podrá durar más de sesenta d as consecutivos y una sesión especial no durará más de veinte d as consecutivos a menos de que sea extendida más allá de ese l mite por un voto de tres quintas partes de cada cámara Durante dicha extensión ningún asunto nuevo podrá ser tratado en ninguna de las cámaras sin el consentimiento de dos tercios de sus miembros FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000032 (e) POS ERGAC ÓN Ninguna de las cámaras podrá postergarse por más de setenta y dos horas consecutivas a menos que sea en virtud de una resolución concurrente ( ) POS ERGAC ÓN POR EL GOBERNADOR Si durante alguna sesión regular o especial las dos cámaras no pueden acordar sobre el tiempo de postergación el gobernador podrá postergar la sesión sine die o a cualquier echa durante el per odo autorizado para esas sesiones siempre y cuando por lo menos veinticuatro horas antes de postergar la sesión y mientras ninguna cámara esté en receso cada cámara reciba aviso ormal y por escrito de la intención del gobernador Un acuerdo alcanzado por ambas cámaras acerca del momento de postergación durante ese per odo deberá prevalecer AR CULO V EJECU VO SECC ÓN 4 Gabinete — (a) Existirá un gabinete compuesto de un iscal general un je e inanciero y un comisionado de agricultura En adición a los poderes y deberes especi icados aqu podrán ejercer tales poderes y desempeñar tales deberes como pueda ser provisto por ley En caso de una votación empate entre el gobernador y el gabinete el lado en cuál el gobernador votó a avor se considerará prevaleciente (b) El iscal general deberá ser el je e legal estatal Será creada en la o icina del iscal general la posición de iscal del estado El iscal del estado tendrá jurisdicción concurrente con los abogados del estado para procesar la violación de leyes criminales que han o hayan ocurrido en dos o más circuitos judiciales como parte de una transacción relacionada o cuando cualquier tal delito esté a ectando o haya a ectado a dos o más circuitos judiciales tal y como provisto por ley general El iscal del estado será nombrado por el iscal general de entre no menos de tres personas nominadas por la comisión de nominaciones judiciales para la Corte Suprema o como sea provisto por ley general (c) El director de inanzas servirá como el principal uncionario inanciero del estado saldará y aprobará cuentas debidas por el estado y almacenará todos los ondos y valores del estado (d) El comisionado de agricultura tendrá supervisión sobre asuntos relacionados con la agricultura excepto cuando sea provisto de lo contrario por ley (e) El gobernador como presidente el director de inanzas y el iscal general constituirán la junta estatal de administración la cual asumirá todo el poder control y autoridad de la junta estatal de administración establecida por el Art culo X Sección 16 de la Constitución de 1885 y la cual continuará como entidad por lo menos durante la vida del Art culo X Sección 9(c) El gobernador como presidente el director de inanzas el iscal general y el comisionado de agricultura constituirán los administradores iduciarios del ideicomiso de mejora interna y del ideicomiso de adquisición de tierras como provisto por ley (g) El gobernador como presidente el director de inanzas el iscal general y el comisionado de agricultura constituyen la directiva de agencia del Departamento de nvestigaciones Criminales La O icina de Seguridad Doméstica y Contraterrorismo se crea dentro del Departamento de Aplicación de la Ley La O icina de Seguridad Doméstica y Contraterrorismo proporcionará apoyo a los iscales y agencias de aplicación de la ley ederal estatal y local que investiguen o analicen in ormación relacionada con intentos y actos de terrorismo o que sancionen el terrorismo y realizará cualquier otro cometido que establezca la ley SECC ÓN 11 Departamento de Asuntos Veteranos de Veteranos La legislatura por ley general deberá organizar podrá organizar la creación de un Departamento de Asuntos Veteranos de Veteranos y prescribir sus deberes La directiva del departamento son el gobernador y el gabinete AR CULO V GOB ERNO LOCAL SECC ÓN 1 Condados — (a) SUBD V S ONES POL CAS El estado se dividirá por ley en subdivisiones pol ticas llamadas condados Los Condados podrán ser creados abolidos o cambiados por ley con provisiones para el pago o repartición de la deuda pública (b) FONDOS DEL CONDADO El cuidado custodia y método de distribuir los ondos del condado será provisto por ley general (c) GOB ERNO Mediante ley general o especial un gobierno del condado podrá ser establecido por carta orgánica la cual se adoptará enmendará o revocará solo con el voto de los electores del condado en una elección especial convocada para ese propósito (d) OF C ALES DEL CONDADO Serán electos por los electores de cada condado por términos de cuatro años un alguacil un recaudador de impuestos un tasador de la propiedad un supervisor de elecciones y un secretario de la corte de circuito excepto que cuando lo disponga la carta orgánica o una ley especial aprobada por el voto de los electores del condado cualquier uncionario del condado puede ser elegido de otra manera que esté especi icada en ella o cualquier o icina del condado puede ser abolida cuando todos los deberes de la o icina prescritos por ley general sean trans eridos a otra o icina A menos que Cuando no por ley especial aprobada por la carta orgánica o voto de los electores o de con ormidad con el Art culo V sección 16 disponga lo contrario el secretario de la corte de circuito será secretario ex o icio de la junta de comisionados del condado auditor registrador y custodio de todos los ondos del condado Sin perjuicio de la subsección 6(e) de este art culo la carta del condado no puede abolir la o icina de un sheri un recaudador de impuestos un tasador de propiedades un supervisor de elecciones o un secretario del tribunal de circuito trans erir los deberes de esos o iciales a otro o icial u o icina cambiar la duración del mandato de cuatro años o establecer cualquier orma de selección que no sea por elección de los electores del condado (e) COM S ONADOS Excepto cuando sea previsto de otra manera por la carta orgánica del condado el cuerpo gobernante de cada condado será una junta de comisionados del condado compuesto de cinco o siete miembros sirviendo términos escalonados de cuatro años Después de cada censo decenal el cuerpo de comisionados del condado dividirá el condado en distritos de territorio contiguos lo más iguales en población posible Un comisionado residiendo en cada distrito será electo como previsto por ley ( ) GOB ERNO S N CAR A ORGÁN CA Condados que no operen bajo cartas orgánicas tendrán tal poder de autogobierno como sea previsto por ley general o especial La junta de comisionados de un condado sin carta orgánica podrá promulgar en manera prescrita por ley general ordenanzas de condado que no sean inconsistentes con ley general o especial pero una ordenanza en con licto con una ordenanza municipal no será válida dentro del municipio en medida de tal con licto (g) GOB ERNO DE CAR A ORGÁN CA Condados actuando bajo cartas orgánicas de condados tendrán todos los poderes de autogobierno local que no sean inconsistentes con ley general o con ley especial aprobada por voto de los electores El cuerpo gobernante de un condado actuando bajo una carta orgánica podrá promulgar ordenanzas del condado no inconsistentes con ley general La carta orgánica proporcionará aquello que deba prevalecer en caso de con licto entre ordenanzas del condado y ordenanzas municipales (h) MPUES OS L M AC ONES Propiedad situada dentro de municipios no será sujeta a impuestos por servicios provistos por el condado exclusivamente para bene icio de la propiedad o de los residentes en áreas no incorporadas (i) ORDENANZAS DEL CONDADO Cada ordenanza del condado se archivará con el custodio de los registros estatales y entrará en vigor a tal tiempo de all en adelante como sea previsto por ley general (j) V OLAC ÓN DE ORDENANZAS Personas que violen las ordenanzas del condado serán procesadas y castigadas según lo dispuesto por la ley (k) SEDE DEL CONDADO En cada condado habrá una sede del condado donde estarán localizadas las o icinas principales y registros permanentes de todos los o iciales del condado La sede del condado no podrá ser movida excepto sea previsto por ley general O icinas sucursales para conducir asuntos del condado podrán ser establecidas en otras partes del condado por resolución del cuerpo gobernante en la manera prescrita por ley Ningún instrumento se considerará registrado hasta que sea archivado en la sede del condado o en una o icina sucursal designada por el cuerpo gobernante del condado para el registro de instrumentos de acuerdo con la ley SECC ÓN 6 Anexo al Art culo V — (a) Este art culo remplazará todo el Art culo V de la Constitución de 1885 como ue enmendada excepto aquellas secciones retenidas expresamente y hechas parte de este art culo por re erencia (b) CONDADOS SEDE DE CONDADO MUN C P OS D S R OS El estado de los siguientes puntos tal y como existan en la echa en que este art culo tome e ecto es reconocido y será prolongado hasta que se cambie de acuerdo con la ley los condados del estado su condición con respecto a la legalidad de la venta de licores intoxicantes vinos y cervezas el método de selección de los o iciales del condado el desempeño de unciones municipales por o iciales del condado las sedes de los condados los municipios y distritos especiales del estado sus poderes jurisdicción y gobierno (c) OF C ALES A CON NUAR EN EL CARGO oda persona que ocupe un cargo cuando este art culo tome e ecto continuará en el cargo por el resto de su término si dicho cargo no es abolido Si el cargo es abolido al titular del cargo le será pagada una compensación adecuada la cual será ijada por ley por la pérdida de emolumentos del resto del término (d) ORDENANZAS Las leyes locales relacionadas solamente con áreas no incorporadas del condado que estén en existencia en la echa en que este art culo tome e ecto podrán ser enmendadas o derogadas por ordenanza del condado (e) CONSOL DAC ÓN Y AU ONOM A DEL GOB ERNO LOCAL El Articulo V Secciones 9 10 11 y 24 de la Constitución de 1885 según enmendada permanecerá en plena vigencia y e ecto en cuanto a cada condado a ectado como si este art culo nunca hubiera sido adoptado hasta que aquel condado adopte expresamente una carta orgánica o plan de autonom a gubernamental mediante este art culo odas las provisiones de “La Carta Orgánica de Autonom a Gubernamental del Condado de Dade ” adoptadas hasta ahora o de aqu en adelante por los electores del Condado de Dade en con ormidad con el Articulo V Sección 11 de la Constitución de 1885 según enmendada serán válidas y cualquier enmienda a tal carta orgánica será válida siempre y cuando dichas provisiones de la carta orgánica y dichas enmiendas a la misma sean autorizadas bajo dicho Art culo V Sección 11 de la Constitución de 1885 según enmendada ( ) CONDADO DE DADE PODERES CONFER DOS SOBRE MUN C P OS En la medida en que no sea inconsistente con los poderes de municipios existentes o ley general El Gobierno Metropolitano del Condado de Dade podrá ejercer todos los poderes con eridos ahora o de aqu en adelante por ley general a los municipios (g) SELECC ÓN Y OBL GAC ONES DE LOS OF C ALES DEL CONDADO — (1) Salvo lo dispuesto en este inciso la enmienda a la Sección 1 de este art culo relacionada con la selección y obligaciones de los uncionarios del condado entrará en vigencia el 5 de enero de 2021 pero regirá con respecto a la cali icación y la celebración de las elecciones primarias y generales para o iciales constitucionales del condado en 2020 (2) Para el Condado de Miami-Dade y el Condado de Broward la enmienda a la Sección 1 de este art culo relacionada con la selección y obligaciones de los o iciales del condado entrará en vigencia el 7 de enero de 2025 pero regirá con respecto a la cali icación y la celebración de las elecciones primarias y generales para o iciales constitucionales del condado en 2024 (h)(g) SUPRES ÓN DE AR CULOS OBSOLE OS DEL APÉND CE La legislatura tendrá el poder a través de resolución conjunta de borrar de este art culo cualquier subsección de esta sección 6 incluyendo esta subsección cuando todos los eventos a los cuales la subsección que será borrada es o podr a ser aplicable hayan ocurrido Una determinación legislativa hecha como base para la aplicación de esta subsección deberá ser sujeta a revisión judicial N.º 11 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO I, SECCIÓN 2 ARTICULO X, SECCIONES 9 Y 19 TITULO DE LA BOLETA Derechos de Propiedad Eliminación de la Disposición Obsoleta Estatutos Criminales RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Elimina el lenguaje discriminatorio relacionado con los derechos de propiedad inmobiliaria Elimina el lenguaje obsoleto derogado por los votantes Elimina la disposición de que la enmienda de un estatuto penal no a ectará el enjuiciamiento o las sanciones para un delito cometido antes de la enmienda retiene la disposición actual que permite el enjuiciamiento de un delito cometido antes de la derogación de un estatuto penal TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO DECLARAC ÓN DE DERECHOS SECC ÓN 2 Derechos básicos — odas las personas naturales tanto mujeres como hombres son iguales ante la ley y tienen derechos inalienables entre los que se encuentran el derecho a dis rutar y a de ender la vida y la libertad a buscar la elicidad a ser recompensados por la industria y a adquirir poseer y proteger propiedad excepto que la posesión la herencia la disposición y la posesión de la propiedad inmobiliaria por parte de e tranjeros no elegibles para la ciudadan a puede estar regulada o prohibida por la ley Ninguna persona será privada de ningún derecho debido a su raza religión origen nacional o discapacidad sica AR CULO X M SCELÁNEO SECC ÓN 9 Derogación de los estatutos penales —La derogación o enmienda de una ley penal no a ectará el enjuiciamiento o castigo por cualquier delito cometido previamente antes de dicha derogación SECC ÓN 19 Derogada Sistema de transporte terrestre de alta velocidad Para reducir la congestión del trá ico y proporcionar alternativas al público que viaja se declara de interés público que un sistema de transporte terrestre de alta velocidad compuesto por un monorra l l nea erroviaria o sistema de levitación magnética capaz de alcanzar velocidades superiores a 120 millas por hora sea desarrollado y operado en el Estado de Florida con el in de proporcionar transporte terrestre de alta velocidad mediante tecnolog as innovadoras e icientes y e ectivas que incorporen rieles o carriles separados del trá ico de veh culos automotores y enlacen las cinco áreas urbanas más grandes del Estado según lo determinado por la Legislatura y de proporcionar acceso a las instalaciones y servicios de transporte terrestre y aéreo ya existentes Se ordena a la Legislatura al Gabinete y al Gobernador a proceder con el desarrollo de dicho sistema por parte del Estado y o de una entidad privada en con ormidad con la aprobación y autorización del Estado incluida la adquisición de los derechos de v a el inanciamiento del diseño y la construcción de este sistema y la operación del sistema como provisto por apropiación espec ica y FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000033 por ley con la construcción para comenzar el d a 1 de noviembre de 2003 o antes de esa echa N.º 12 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO II, SECCIÓN 8 ARTÍCULO V, SECCIÓN 13 ARTÍCULO XII, NUEVA SECCIÓN TITULO DE LA BOLETA Cabildeo y Abuso De Poder por parte de Funcionarios Públicos RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Expande las restricciones actuales sobre el cabildeo para obtener compensación por parte de ex uncionarios públicos crea restricciones al cabildeo por compensación para uncionarios públicos en servicio y ex magistrados y jueces proporciona excepciones proh be el abuso de un cargo público por parte de uncionarios públicos y empleados para obtener un bene icio personal TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO PROV S ONES GENERALES SECC ÓN 8 Ética en el gobierno – Una o icina pública constituye un ondo público El pueblo tiene el derecho de proteger y sostener ese ondo contra el abuso Para asegurar este derecho (a) odo uncionario constitucional electo los candidatos para tales cargos y otros uncionarios públicos candidatos y empleados deberán presentar pública y completamente las revelaciones de sus intereses inancieros cuando sea dispuesto por ley (b) odos los uncionarios públicos electos y candidatos para tales cargos deberán presentar pública y completamente las revelaciones de las inanzas de sus campañas (c) Cualquier uncionario público o empleado que viole el ondo público para obtener bene icios privados y cualquier persona o entidad que induzca tal in racción deberá responder al estado por todos los bene icios económicos obtenidos por sus acciones El modo de recuperación y daños adicionales pueden ser previstos por ley (d) Cualquier uncionario público o empleado que haya sido condenado por un delito grave por violar el ondo publico estará sujeto a perder sus derechos y privilegios bajo el sistema de retiro público o plan de pensión en la manera en que pueda ser provisto por ley (e) Ningún miembro de la legislatura u o icial estatal electo podrá representar bajo pago a otra persona o entidad ante una agencia o cuerpo gubernamental del cual el individuo ue uncionario o miembro por un periodo de dos años después de vacar su cargo Ningún miembro de la legislatura personalmente representará bajo pago a otra persona o entidad durante el plazo de su cargo ante cualquier agencia estatal que no sea un tribunal judicial Restricciones similares contra otros uncionarios públicos o empleados podrán ser establecidas por ley ( ) (1) Para los ines de esta subsección el término " uncionario público" signi ica un uncionario electo estatal un miembro de la legislatura un comisionado del condado un uncionario del condado de con ormidad con el Art culo V o con el estatuto del condado un miembro de la junta escolar un superintendente de escuelas un uncionario municipal electo un o icial de distrito especial elegido en un distrito especial con autoridad tributaria ad Valorem o una persona que sirva como secretaria directora ejecutiva u otra agencia je e de departamento de la rama ejecutiva del gobierno del estado (2) Un uncionario público no cabildeará para obtener compensación sobre cuestiones de pol tica asignaciones o adquisiciones ante el gobierno ederal la legislatura cualquier agencia u organismo del gobierno estatal o cualquier subdivisión pol tica de este estado durante su mandato (3) Un uncionario público no cabildeará para que se le pague una indemnización en asuntos de pol ticas asignaciones o adquisiciones durante un per odo de seis años después de la vacación de un cargo público como se indica a continuación a Un uncionario electo a nivel estatal o un miembro de la legislatura no cabildeará a la legislatura ni a ningún organismo u organismo del gobierno estatal b Una persona que se desempeñe como secretaria directora ejecutiva u otro je e de agencia de departamento de la rama ejecutiva del gobierno estatal no cabildeará a la legislatura al gobernador a la o icina ejecutiva del gobernador a los miembros del gabinete a ningún departamento que sea encabezado por un miembro del gabinete o a su departamento anterior c Un comisionado del condado un uncionario del condado de con ormidad con el Art culo V o el estatuto del condado un miembro del consejo escolar un superintendente de escuelas un uncionario municipal electo o un uncionario del distrito especial elegido en un distrito especial con autoridad tributaria ad Valorem no cabildeará a su antigua agencia u organismo de gobierno (4) Esta subsección no se interpretará como que proh be a un uncionario público llevar a cabo los deberes de su cargo público (5) La legislatura podrá promulgar legislación para implementar esta subsección que incluya entre otras cosas la de inición de términos y la imposición de sanciones por violaciones Dicha ley no deberá contener disposiciones sobre ningún otro tema (g)( ) Habrá una comisión independiente para conducir investigaciones y hacer reportes públicos sobre todas las denuncias concernientes a in racciones contra el ondo público por uncionarios públicos o empleados no dentro de la jurisdicción de la comisión de cali icaciones judiciales (h)(1)(g) Un Código de Ética para todos los empleados estatales y uncionarios no judiciales que proh ba con licto entre cargos públicos e intereses privados será previsto por ley (2) Un uncionario o empleado público no deberá abusar de su posición pública para obtener un bene icio desproporcionado para s mismo su cónyuge hijos o empleador o para cualquier negocio con el que contrate en el que él o ella sea un o icial un socio un director o un propietario o en el que posea algún interés La Comisión de Ética de Florida deberá por norma de con ormidad con los procedimientos legales que rigen la reglamentación administrativa de inir el término "bene icio desproporcionado" y prescribir la intención requerida para encontrar una violación de esta prohibición a los e ectos de hacer cumplir este párra o Las penalizaciones apropiadas serán prescritas por ley (i)(h) Esta sección no se interpretará para limitar revelaciones y prohibiciones que puedan ser establecidas para preservar el bien público y evitar con lictos entre las unciones públicas y los intereses privados (j)(i) Apéndice —En la echa en que esta enmienda sea e ectiva y hasta que sea cambiada por ley (1) La revelación pública y completa de intereses inancieros signi icará presentar con el custodio de los registros estatales antes del 1 de julio de cada año una declaración jurada mostrando el patrimonio completo e identi icando cada activo y deuda de más de $1000 y su valor junto con uno de los siguientes a Una copia de la declaración ederal de impuestos sobre ingresos más reciente de la persona o b Una declaración jurada que identi ique cada uente y cantidad de ingreso que supere los $1000 Los ormularios para tal declaración y las reglas bajo las cuales serán archivados serán prescritos por la comisión independiente establecida en (g) ( ) y tales reglas incluirán la declaración de uentes secundarias de ingresos (2) Personas ocupando cargos estatales electos también deberán presentar revelaciones de sus intereses inancieros de acuerdo con el párra o (1) la sección (i)(1) (3) La comisión independiente establecida en (g) ( ) será la Comisión de Ética de la Florida TEXTO COMPLETO AR CULO X M SCELÁNEO Prohibición de competir y apostar con galgos u otros perros El trato humano a los animales es un valor undamental de las personas del estado de Florida Después del 31 de diciembre de 2020 una persona autorizada para llevar a cabo operaciones de juego o apuestas mutuas no podrá competir con galgos o ningún otro miembro de la subespecie Canis Familiaris en cualquier apuesta por dinero u otros objetos de valor en este estado y las personas en este estado no podrán apostar dinero o cualquier otra cosa de valor al resultado de una carrera canina que se produzca en el estado La no realización de carreras o apuestas en carreras de galgos después del 31 de diciembre de 2018 no constituye motivo para revocar o denegar la renovación de otras licencias de juego relacionadas que posea una persona con licencia autorizada para carreras de galgos el 1 de enero de 2018 y no a ectará la elegibilidad de dicha persona autorizada o de las instalaciones de dicha persona para llevar a cabo otras actividades de apuestas mutuas autorizadas por la ley general Por ley general la legislatura deberá especi icar sanciones civiles o penales por in racciones de esta sección y por actividades que ayuden o contribuyan a in ringir esta sección AR CULO X APÉND CE Prohibición de competir o apostar con galgos u otros perros - La enmienda al Art culo X que proh be competir o apostar con galgos y otros perros y la creación de esta sección entrarán en vigencia con la aprobación de los electores AR CULO V PODER JUD C AL SECC ÓN 13 Ética en el Poder Judicial Actividades Prohibidas — odos los jueces se dedicarán a tiempo completo a sus unciones judiciales Un magistrado o juez Estos no podrá participar en el ejercicio de la abogac a o desempeñar cargos en ningún partido pol tico (b) Un ex magistrado o ex juez no cabildeará para obtener compensación sobre cuestiones de pol tica asignaciones o adquisiciones ante las ramas legislativas o ejecutivas del gobierno estatal por un per odo de seis años después de que él o ella desocupe su puesto judicial La legislatura puede promulgar legislación para implementar esta subsección que incluya entre otros la de inición de términos y la imposición de sanciones por violaciones Dicha ley no deberá contener disposiciones sobre ningún otro tema AR CULO X APÉND CE Prohibiciones respecto al cabildeo por compensación y contra el abuso de la posición pública por parte de uncionarios y empleados públicos —Las enmiendas a la Sección 8 del Art culo y a la Sección 13 del Art culo V entrarán en vigencia el 31 de diciembre de 2022 excepto las enmiendas a la Sección 8 (h) del Art culo que entrarán en vigencia el 31 de diciembre de 2020 y (a) La Comisión de Ética de Florida de inirá por regla el término "bene icio desproporcionado" y prescribirá la intención requerida para encontrar una violación de la prohibición contra el abuso de la posición pública antes del 1 de octubre de 2019 como se especi ica en la Sección 8 (h) del Art culo (b) Luego de la adopción de las reglas de con ormidad con el inciso (a) la legislatura deberá promulgar una legislación de implementación que establezca sanciones por violaciones a la prohibición contra el abuso de la posición pública a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2020 N.º 13 REVISIÓN CONSTITUCIONAL ARTÍCULO X, NUEVA SECCIÓN ARTÍCULO XII, NUEVA SECCIÓN TITULO DE LA BOLETA Pone Fin a las Carreras Caninas RESUMEN DE LA BOLETA Elimina progresivamente las carreras caninas comerciales relacionadas con apuestas para el 2020 Otras actividades de juego no se ven a ectadas FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000034 partyName Florida Democratic Party Republican Party of Florida America's Party of Florida Constitution Party of Florida Ecology Party of Florida Green Party of Florida Independent Party of Florida Libertarian Party of Florida Party for Socialism and Liberation - Florida Reform Party of Florida partyCode DEM REP AIP CPF ECO GRE IND LPF PSL REF activeDate 8/27/2008 11/10/1999 1/14/2008 3/9/1992 4/14/2017 6/9/1987 5/22/2008 11/15/1995 address 214 South 420 East 1894 Glenwood 16874 - 131st 641 SW 6th Post Office Box 700 Starkey 518 Hunter Lane 976 46th Street 7305 79th Ave. address2 city Tallahassee Tallahassee Palm Bay Jupiter Fort Lauderdale High Springs Largo Bradenton Sarasota Pinellas Park state FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL zip 323010000 323010000 329072423 334780000 333150000 32655 337712334 34212 34234 33781 phone 8502223411 8502227920 3217290881 5617417592 8884622468 5619077880 3052092503 3128021179 website chairFirst www.floridadems.org Stephen www.florida.gop Blaise http://americaspartyne Gregory William www.ecologyparty.org Cara www.gpfl.org Jennifer Ernest www.lpf.org Char-Lez Bryan http://reformpartyfl.org Paul chairLast Bittel Ingoglia Poulos Wayland Campbell Sullivan Bach Braden Ellis Bachmann treasurerFirst treasurerLast Francesca Menes Mike Moberley Kenneth Gorey Lois McLain Gary Hecker Harry Patterson Sadie Abrams James Morris Eric Patterson Rhonda Drummond FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000035 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000037 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000038 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000039 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000040 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000041 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000042 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000043 o o o FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000045 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000046 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000047 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000049 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000050 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000051 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000052 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000053 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000054 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000055 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000056 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000057 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000058 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000063 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000064 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000065 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000066 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000067 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000068 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000069 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000070 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000071 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000072 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000073 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000074 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000075 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000076 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000077 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000078 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000079 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000080 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000081 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000082 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000083 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000084 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000085 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000086 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000087 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000088 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000089 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000090 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000091 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000092 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000093 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000094 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000095 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000096 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000097 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000098 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000099 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000100 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000101 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000102 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000105 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000106 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000109 June 28, 2017 The Honorable Ken Detzner Secretary of State R.A. Gray Bldg., 500 S. Bronough, Ste. 100 Tallahassee, FL 32399 Dear Secretary Detzner, I serve as the Vice Chair for the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (“Commission”), which was formed pursuant to Executive Order 13799 of May 11, 2017. The Commission is charged with studying the registration and voting processes used in federal elections and submitting a report to the President of the United States that identifies laws, rules, policies, activities, strategies, and practices that enhance or undermine the American people’s confidence in the integrity of federal elections processes. As the Commission begins it work, I invite you to contribute your views and recommendations throughout this process. In particular: 1. What changes, if any, to federal election laws would you recommend to enhance the integrity of federal elections? 2. How can the Commission support state and local election administrators with regard to information technology security and vulnerabilities? 3. What laws, policies, or other issues hinder your ability to ensure the integrity of elections you administer? 4. What evidence or information do you have regarding instances of voter fraud or registration fraud in your state? 5. What convictions for election-related crimes have occurred in your state since the November 2000 federal election? 6. What recommendations do you have for preventing voter intimidation or disenfranchisement? 7. What other issues do you believe the Commission should consider? In addition, in order for the Commission to fully analyze vulnerabilities and issues related to voter registration and voting, I am requesting that you provide to the Commission the publiclyavailable voter roll data for Florida, including, if publicly available under the laws of your state, the full first and last names of all registrants, middle names or initials if available, addresses, dates of birth, political party (if recorded in your state), last four digits of social security number FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000110 if available, voter history (elections voted in) from 2006 onward, active/inactive status, cancelled status, information regarding any felony convictions, information regarding voter registration in another state, information regarding military status, and overseas citizen information. You may submit your responses electronically to ElectionIntegrityStaff@ovp.eop.gov or by utilizing the Safe Access File Exchange (“SAFE”), which is a secure FTP site the federal government uses for transferring large data files. You can access the SAFE site at https://safe.amrdec.army.mil/safe/Welcome.aspx. We would appreciate a response by July 14, 2017. Please be aware that any documents that are submitted to the full Commission will also be made available to the public. If you have any questions, please contact Commission staff at the same email address. On behalf of my fellow commissioners, I also want to acknowledge your important leadership role in administering the elections within your state and the importance of state-level authority in our federalist system. It is crucial for the Commission to consider your input as it collects data and identifies areas of opportunity to increase the integrity of our election systems. I look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the months ahead. Sincerely, Kris W. Kobach Vice Chair Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000111 6. Ballots • Any local public measures expected to be on the ballot • Any print/design/format/font challenges • Means of sample ballot notification • Ballot test deck preparations for L&A testing • Process for determining and verifying sufficient ballots are available • Preparation for lengthy ballot (legislative resolutions, initiative petitions, and Constitution Revision Commission amendments/ (For 2018 – 3 JRs, 2 initiatives, and estimated 12 CRC proposals) 7. Early voting • Number and type of early voting sites for election year (the same as or more than what selected in 2012?) • Number of hours/days of early voting for election year (minimum and/or optional days) • Any “wild-card” planned for an area of the county that does not have an available eligible early voting location within it • Plans for or remedial efforts, if any needed, to address any past or potential future issues of any long early voting lines • Process for determining the number of polling booths and tabulators for each early voting location • Uploads of early voter reports, results into county election management system evening before and up to the Department on election night • The use and type of any use of electronic poll books for early voting – testing, access control, etc. 8. Vote-by-Mail ballots • Process for vote-by-mail ballot delivery including any remedial steps undertaken since last election cycle to address any vote-by-mail ballot delivery issues • Coordination with U.S. Postal Service, particularly on VBM ballot envelopes • UOCAVA voters • Signature update programs and signature verification processes • Missing signature and mismatched “cure” affidavit procedures • Canvassing of vote-by-mail ballots and preparation of records for canvassing board • Is in-person vote-by-mail voting allowed in “lobby”? • Election day requests for vote-by-mail ballot delivery and processes • Requests for otherwise confidential and exempt vote-by-mail ballot information • Receipt of vote-by-mail ballots outside of SOE office • Security protocols/fraud prevention for vote-by-mail ballots 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000113 9. Voting equipment • Status/age of voting equipment/ voting system acquisition report • Relationship with vendor; maintenance/service contract for software upgrades • Troubleshooting during an election • Memory card supply and replacement plans • Training on the voting system • Compliance with disability requirements to take effect in 2020 under section 101.56075, Fla. Stat. 10. Precincts/polling places • Number of precincts and number of voters in each • Re-precincting • Combined/split precincts • Allocation of scanners for each precinct • Process for replacing malfunctioning scanners or adding scanners to accommodate an influx of voters • Process for approval and training of poll watchers 11. No-solicitation zone • Marking • Past Issues/steps to resolve • Training for precinct deputy • Coordination efforts with law enforcement 12. Canvassing Board • Composition/designation of canvassing board (substitutes and alternates – timing of appointments) and schedule availability • Training • Legal counsel for canvassing board • Public notices 13. Provisional ballots • Process for precincts not using e-poll books to contact counties for out-of-county address changes • Process to answer inquiries from other counties on persons who have moved from your county • Canvass of provisional ballots 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000114 14. Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) • COOP plan contents and last updates • Delegation of authority and duties • Response to emergency situations 15. Election day • Communication with SOE’s office • Use of electronic poll books on Election Day • Special accommodations for voters • Resolution of any prior issues on Election Day 16. Election night • Poll closing • Voter in line at polls closing • Election night reporting and post-election reports 17. County funding • Status of funding for this election cycle • Any issues with county commission o Staffing o Other resources o Voting systems and disability accessibility o Security funding 18. Security • Minimum security procedures – compliance status • Procedures for ballots and other election materials • Physical facility security (access control, video/remote monitoring, etc.) • Local voter registration system (access control, password policies, back-up. and remedial procedures, admin management) • Staff (access control, background checks, password policies, etc.) • Voting system and election management system (access, storage, etc.) • MS-ISAC and EI-ISAC membership status • Allgress security assessment survey status • DHS vulnerability risk assessment 19. Campaign Finance • Electronic filing system • Training 4 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000115 Bureau of Voting Systems Certification Site Visit Areas of Interest in Meeting with Information Technology Staff in County SOE Office 1. Overall efficiency of operations 2. Security Procedures 3. Pre-election • Counting groups 4. Election Definition • Coding of ballots • Ballot size • Barcoding 5. Ballot Style vs. Precinct ID • EV handling of ballots by style – Audits • Multiple-Page Ballots 6. Ballot on Demand (BOD) • Power outlets • Spoiled BOD ballots • Skewed ballot images 7. Logic and Accuracy Testing (L&A) • Modem test • 100% L&A prior to conducting the public L&A • Ballot test desk preparations • Appropriate marking device • Public L&A as mock election 8. Early Voting • Handling of: o Number of ballots in ballot box o Scanner failure mid-day o Memory card / pack failure mid-day o Re-scan ballots when needed o Two witnesses from parties / notify county canvassing board. o Backup media / in possession of rovers 5 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000116 o o o o o EV ballot box at the end of the day (Security or emptied) Power down at the end of each early voting night Remove cast ballots by scanner (break down by precinct). The transfer of ballots to and from polling places. Ballot Transfer Bags (bag labels) 9. Election Day • Paper ballots o Environment, Moisture • Marking devices (ink, no pencil) • Ballot jams • Saving of digital ballot images • Transport of media 10. Voting System Audit • Reviews 11. Over and Undervote Report • Governor/Lt. Governor or President/Vice-President (whichever is applicable for year) race • Ballots cast 6 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000117 Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. From: David Becker Date: June 25, 2018 at 1:46:11 PM EDT Cc: Kesha Fitzhugh Subject: July 9 webinar for election officials re: recent court rulings on voter list maintenance It’s been a busy month for those of us who care about keeping accurate, complete, and up-to-date voter lists! In June alone, there have been several major court rulings regarding how election officials are legally permitted to maintain their voter lists. These decisions include:    A federal district court enjoining the state of Indiana from enforcing a state law requiring them to cancel the registration of those reported by the Interstate Crosscheck system; After a long bench trial, a federal court rejected the state of Kansas’ law requiring proof of citizenship as a requirement for voter registration; and The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the state of Ohio’s list maintenance practices, requiring mailings to all those who did not vote in the last federal general election. These rulings have both clarified some list maintenance practices, but also muddied the waters a bit. On July 9, from 2-3pm ET, I’ll be hosting a webinar for election officials where I’ll provide some analysis on these cases, and help define what’s clearly legal now. More importantly, we’ll discuss not only what’s strictly legal, but what efforts might provide the best list maintenance – accurate inactivation/cancellation of those voters who are truly no longer eligible in your jurisdiction. This webinar is limited to those who are election officials/administrators. Please RSVP here. And feel free to share with other election officials in your state! If you’re worried this is a phishing attempt, and you don’t want to click the RSVP link, (1) good for you for being so vigilant, and (2) you can either call me to confirm (202-550-3470) and/or just respond to this email that you’d like to attend. We’ll send the webinar link and a calendar appointment to those that RSVP. Thanks, and hope to see you all soon! Best, David David J. Becker Executive Director and Founder Center for Election Innovation & Research 1015 15th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20005 (202) 550-3470 (mobile) dbecker@electioninnovation.org www.electioninnovation.org @beckerdavidj 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000119 Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. From: David Becker Date: June 25, 2018 at 1:46:11 PM EDT Cc: Kesha Fitzhugh Subject: July 9 webinar for election officials re: recent court rulings on voter list maintenance It’s been a busy month for those of us who care about keeping accurate, complete, and up-to-date voter lists! In June alone, there have been several major court rulings regarding how election officials are legally permitted to maintain their voter lists. These decisions include:    A federal district court enjoining the state of Indiana from enforcing a state law requiring them to cancel the registration of those reported by the Interstate Crosscheck system; After a long bench trial, a federal court rejected the state of Kansas’ law requiring proof of citizenship as a requirement for voter registration; and The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the state of Ohio’s list maintenance practices, requiring mailings to all those who did not vote in the last federal general election. These rulings have both clarified some list maintenance practices, but also muddied the waters a bit. On July 9, from 2-3pm ET, I’ll be hosting a webinar for election officials where I’ll provide some analysis on these cases, and help define what’s clearly legal now. More importantly, we’ll discuss not only what’s strictly legal, but what efforts might provide the best list maintenance – accurate inactivation/cancellation of those voters who are truly no longer eligible in your jurisdiction. This webinar is limited to those who are election officials/administrators. Please RSVP here. And feel free to share with other election officials in your state! If you’re worried this is a phishing attempt, and you don’t want to click the RSVP link, (1) good for you for being so vigilant, and (2) you can either call me to confirm (202-550-3470) and/or just respond to this email that you’d like to attend. We’ll send the webinar link and a calendar appointment to those that RSVP. Thanks, and hope to see you all soon! Best, David David J. Becker Executive Director and Founder Center for Election Innovation & Research 1015 15th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20005 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000122 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000125 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000154 From: Susan Bucher [mailto:susanbucher@pbcelections.org] Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 8:44 AM To: Paul Lux Subject: Fwd: Proposed Constitutional Amendments - Spanish Language Translation Paul I asked for the actual ballot language in English and Spanish so we could lay out our November ballot. ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Matthews, Maria I. Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 11:32 PM Subject: Proposed Constitutional Amendments - Spanish Language Translation To: "Bucher, Susan" Supervisor Bucher, Thanks to you and your staff for taking time with us today during our scheduled site visit. As you requested, please find attached the proposed amendment language translated in English and Spanish booklets and newspaper ads. When we spoke today during ou r site visit, you had indicated a desire to see our translation to get an idea for ballot layout. If your staff sees anything awry in the Spanish translation, please let us know as we will be moving forward soon to finalize, print, and advertise in the appropriate timeframe. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Director, Division of Elections Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000181 Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000187 The Albert Sensor/Network Monitoring Grant information Director Matthews referred to in her email is available for download from the File Transfer Utility on the SOE Portal. The actual grant will be available on DOSGrants, but not until July 1. Alexander Mosca Program Administrator Florida Department of State, Division of Elections 850-245-6292 From: Phillips, Robert [mailto:Phillips@coj.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 2:57 PM To: Mosca, Alexander N. Cc: Wood, Terry Subject: FW: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant Alex, I am on the Grant portal and I do not see the Albert grant Maria mentions below. I am on DOSGrants.com is this the right spot or is there another portal? Also is the deadline on this June 1 as well? Thanks, RP Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 4:15 PM To: Bethea, Stan; Phillips, Robert; Wood, Terry Subject: RE: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant Terry and Robert – Please get this done. Thanks Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000189 Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 7:33 AM To: Hogan, Mike; Phillips, Robert; Wood, Terry Subject: RE: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant Here’s the download mentioned below. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:55 PM To: Bethea, Stan; Phillips, Robert; Wood, Terry Subject: Fwd: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant Let’s get the money👍�� ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: May 10, 2018 at 10:38:44 AM CDT To: SOEList Subject: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant Dear Supervisors of Elections, The information regarding the ALBERT network monitoring grant is available for download through the portal. The file is named ALL20180510_ESP_ALBERTGrantUpdate. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000190 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 4 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000191 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Bethea, Stan Friday, May 18, 2018 7:33 AM Hogan, Mike; Phillips, Robert; Wood, Terry RE: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant ALL20180510_ESP_ALBERTGrantUpdate856efb4a-b93d-4ebc-a706-bc2da632c996.pdf Here’s the download mentioned below. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:55 PM To: Bethea, Stan; Phillips, Robert; Wood, Terry Subject: Fwd: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant Let’s get the money ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: May 10, 2018 at 10:38:44 AM CDT To: SOEList Subject: Q&A re Albert Network Monitoring Grant Dear Supervisors of Elections, The information regarding the ALBERT network monitoring grant is available for download through the portal. The file is named ALL20180510_ESP_ALBERTGrantUpdate. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000192 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000193 Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850-245-6520 (work) 850-443-7730 (cell) Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000195 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000197 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000199 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Dana Southerland Thursday, March 15, 2018 5:02 PM Alachua; Baker; Bay; Bradford; Brevard; Broward; Calhoun; Charlotte; Citrus; Clay; Collier; Columbia; DeSoto; Dixie; Hogan, Mike; Escambia; Flagler; Franklin; Gadsden; Gilchrist; Glades; Gulf; Hamilton; Hardee; Hendry; Hernando; Highlands; Hillsborough; Holmes; Indian River; Jackson; Jefferson; Lafayette FW: FW: The Washington Post: Trump administration sanctions Russian spy agencies and trolls over U.S. election interference, costly cyberattacks Please see Tommy Doyle’s message below. Dana Southerland Dana Southerland, CERA, MFCEP Supervisor of Elections Taylor County, Florida State Certified Supervisor of Elections P O Box 1060 Perry, Florida 32348 Phone: 850.838.3515 Fax: 850.838.3516 Email: taylorelections@gtcom.net Web: www.taylorelections.com From: Tommy Doyle Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 1:16 PM To: Dana Southerland Cc: Lake ; Leon ; Levy ; Liberty ; Madison ; Manatee ; Marion ; Martin ; Miami-Dade ; Nassau ; Okaloosa ; Okeechobee ; Orange ; Osceola ; Palm Beach ; Pasco ; Polk ; Putnam ; Santa Rosa ; Sarasota ; St Lucie ; Sumter ; Suwannee ; Union ; Vicky Oakes ; Volusia ; Wakulla ; Walton ; Washington ; Seminole Subject: Re: FW: The Washington Post: Trump administration sanctions Russian spy agencies and trolls over U.S. election interference, costly cyberattacks Good Afternoon, I welcome your thoughts on the upcoming 2018 FVRS Maintenance Windows scheduled for April and July. Specifically, whether those maintenance widows should be reset in light of voter registration, vote-by-mail, candidate activities and deadlines in close proximity to the windows. It is understood that the maintenance windows are needed and necessary, however, the time periods for the April and July windows may create processing delays for some counties with respect to statutorily mandated deadlines. FVRS Maintenance Window Friday, April 20, 7pm through Monday, April 22, 7am 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000201  Candidate petition signature validation - deadline for SOEs to certify signatures to the DOE is April 23, 2018 for US Senator, US Representative, judicial, state attorney and public defender. In counties with a high incidence of candidates submitting petitions may be affected. FVRS Maintenance Window Friday, July 20, 7pm through Monday, July 22, 7am  Processing and/or updating of vote-by-mail requests for initial domestic mailing (including updated supplemental data files sent to VBM vendors) and the voter registration book-closing deadline on July 30. The period just before book closing is typically high volume intake of voter registration applications and vote-by-mail requests. Counties face data input time constraints that will be compounded by the maintenance window - particularly if weekend overtime is required to meet the (13- day) time frame in which voter registration applications must be entered into the FVRS. TOMMY DOYLE Lee County Supervisor of Elections 239-533-6301 tdoyle@lee.vote Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 12:54 PM, Dana Southerland wrote: FYI…please see article below Dana Southerland Dana Southerland, CERA, MFCEP Supervisor of Elections Taylor County, Florida State Certified Supervisor of Elections P O Box 1060 Perry, Florida 32348 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000202 Phone: 850.838.3515 Fax: 850.838.3516 Email: taylorelections@gtcom.net Web: www.taylorelections.com From: Detzner, Kenneth W. Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 10:35 AM To: Underwood, Wes H. ; Matthews, Maria I. ; Revell, Sarah W. ; Ard, Mark ; reynolds@sso.org; Becker David ; Southerland, Dana ; Stafford, David H. Subject: The Washington Post: Trump administration sanctions Russian spy agencies and trolls over U.S. election interference, costly cyberattacks Trump administration sanctions Russian spy agencies and trolls over U.S. election interference, costly cyberattacks The Washington Post The financial sanctions seek to deter Moscow from targeting this year’s midterm elections. It’s a noteworthy step, as President Trump has shown reluctance to blame the Kremlin for tampering with the 2016 presidential race despite the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Moscow did so. “The administration is confronting and countering malign Russian cyber activity, including […] Read the full story Shared from Apple News Sent from my iPad The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000203 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Wednesday, February 14, 2018 9:56 AM Holland, Gary RE: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition 15-22 Gary, Thanks for the information. Will there be any DCA or Supreme Court retentions on the November ballot? I don’t see them listed on the NGE. Thanks, Stan From: Holland, Gary [mailto:Gary.Holland@dos.myflorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2018 10:45 AM To: Bethea, Stan Cc: Mosca, Alexander N. Subject: RE: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Stan: For constitutional amendments proposed by initiative, the financial impact statement for those amendments must appear on the ballot and is to be placed after the ballot summary (s. 101.371(5)(d), FS). The Division will provide each SOE the ballot language for the amendments in English and Spanish. That will occur as soon as possible after the Constitutional Revision Commission provides the Department its proposed amendments (which are due on May 10th). Regards, Gary J. Holland Assistant General Counsel Florida Department of State R.A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 (850)245-6536 (850)245-6127 Fax Note: This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute a formal legal opinion or representation from the sender or the Department of State. Parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult an attorney to represent their interests before relying upon the information provided. In addition, Florida has a very broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records. Public records are available to the public and media upon request, unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, any information that you send to this address, including your contact information, may be subject to public disclosure. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000204 From: Bethea, Stan [mailto:SBethea@coj.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 10:17 AM To: Holland, Gary Subject: FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Gary, For amendments that appear on the 2018 General ballot, do they include the financial impact or just the amendment summary? Like many others, I’m working on layout out my best guestimate of what the ballot will look like. Thanks, Stan Duval County From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:58 AM To: SE1 Subject: FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ----- Stan, Lana and Robert Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:50 AM To: SOEList Subject: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot:  Initiative Petition 15-22 entitled Voter Control of Gambling in Florida 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000205 The designating ballot number assigned is 3. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64995&seqnum=1. The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000206 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Holland, Gary Tuesday, February 06, 2018 10:45 AM Bethea, Stan Mosca, Alexander N. RE: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition 15-22 Stan: For constitutional amendments proposed by initiative, the financial impact statement for those amendments must appear on the ballot and is to be placed after the ballot summary (s. 101.371(5)(d), FS). The Division will provide each SOE the ballot language for the amendments in English and Spanish. That will occur as soon as possible after the Constitutional Revision Commission provides the Department its proposed amendments (which are due on May 10th). Regards, Gary J. Holland Assistant General Counsel Florida Department of State R.A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 (850)245-6536 (850)245-6127 Fax Note: This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute a formal legal opinion or representation from the sender or the Department of State. Parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult an attorney to represent their interests before relying upon the information provided. In addition, Florida has a very broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records. Public records are available to the public and media upon request, unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, any information that you send to this address, including your contact information, may be subject to public disclosure. From: Bethea, Stan [mailto:SBethea@coj.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 10:17 AM To: Holland, Gary Subject: FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Gary, For amendments that appear on the 2018 General ballot, do they include the financial impact or just the amendment summary? Like many others, I’m working on layout out my best guestimate of what the ballot will look like. Thanks, Stan Duval County 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000207 From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:58 AM To: SE1 Subject: FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ----- Stan, Lana and Robert Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:50 AM To: SOEList Subject: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot:  Initiative Petition 15-22 entitled Voter Control of Gambling in Florida The designating ballot number assigned is 3. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64995&seqnum=1. The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000208 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000209 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Tuesday, February 06, 2018 10:17 AM Holland, Gary FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition 15-22 Gary, For amendments that appear on the 2018 General ballot, do they include the financial impact or just the amendment summary? Like many others, I’m working on layout out my best guestimate of what the ballot will look like. Thanks, Stan Duval County From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:58 AM To: SE1 Subject: FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ----- Stan, Lana and Robert Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:50 AM To: SOEList Subject: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot: 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000210  Initiative Petition 15-22 entitled Voter Control of Gambling in Florida The designating ballot number assigned is 3. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64995&seqnum=1. The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000211 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Tuesday, January 23, 2018 5:49 PM SE1 FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Number for Initiative Petition 14-01 As information From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 10:00 AM To: SOEList Subject: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Number for Initiative Petition - 14-01 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot: • Initiative Petition 14-01 entitled Voting Restoration Amendment The designating ballot number assigned is 4. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64388&seqnum=1 The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000212 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Matthews, Maria I. Tuesday, January 23, 2018 10:00 AM SOEList Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Number for Initiative Petition - 14-01 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot: • Initiative Petition 14-01 entitled Voting Restoration Amendment The designating ballot number assigned is 4. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64388&seqnum=1 The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000213 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Friday, January 19, 2018 3:51 PM White, Julie FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Scan and email the forms I signed and placed on your desk to Ashley Dunn see below in Maria’s document and then call her to confirm receipt. THKS Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850 245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. - - - Initiative Petition Signature Certifications 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000214     In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C. Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month. Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage. The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000215 Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. Have a good day! From: Madrigal, Virgie On Behalf Of Matthews, Maria I. Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:32 PM To: SOEContacts Subject: Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 Dear Supervisors: This email is a reminder about the DOS-SOE monthly conference call, this Thursday, January 18, 2018. You have the option of calling in for either the 9am (EDT) or 10:20am (EDT) call. Attached is the agenda with the conference call-in number (also listed below). Call-in information: 1-888-670-3525 Participant passcode: 686 248 9251, then press # Roll call will be taken. If you are unable to participate, we respectfully ask that you designate a staff member to participate on the call so that your county is represented and does not miss out on important information that may be shared, or the opportunity to ask questions, or hear what other colleagues have to say. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000217 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hogan, Mike Wednesday, January 17, 2018 3:43 PM Bethea, Stan; Phillips, Robert White, Julie FW: Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 01-2018 SOE Mnthly Conf Call Agenda.pdf SB and RP ----Heads up Julie --- please calendar From: Madrigal, Virgie [mailto:Virgie.Madrigal@DOS.MyFlorida.com] On Behalf Of Matthews, Maria I. Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:32 PM To: SOEContacts Subject: Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 Dear Supervisors: This email is a reminder about the DOS-SOE monthly conference call, this Thursday, January 18, 2018. You have the option of calling in for either the 9am (EDT) or 10:20am (EDT) call. Attached is the agenda with the conference call-in number (also listed below). Call-in information: 1-888-670-3525 Participant passcode: 686 248 9251, then press # Roll call will be taken. If you are unable to participate, we respectfully ask th at you designate a staff member to participate on the call so that your county is represented and does not miss out on important information that may be shared, or the opportunity to ask questions, or hear what other colleagues have to say. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000219 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Phillips, Robert Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:33 PM Self, Lana FW: Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 01-2018 SOE Mnthly Conf Call Agenda.pdf Lana, here is the number From: Madrigal, Virgie [mailto:Virgie.Madrigal@DOS.MyFlorida.com] On Behalf Of Matthews, Maria I. Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:32 PM To: SOEContacts Subject: Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 Dear Supervisors: This email is a reminder about the DOS-SOE monthly conference call, this Thursday, January 18, 2018. You have the option of calling in for either the 9am (EDT) or 10:20am (EDT) call. Attached is the agenda with the conference call-in number (also listed below). Call-in information: 1-888-670-3525 Participant passcode: 686 248 9251, then press # Roll call will be taken. If you are unable to participate, we respectfully ask th at you designate a staff member to participate on the call so that your county is represented and does not miss out on important information that may be shared, or the opportunity to ask questions, or hear what other colleagues have to say. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000220 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Madrigal, Virgie on behalf of Matthews, Maria I. Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:32 PM SOEContacts Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 01-2018 SOE Mnthly Conf Call Agenda.pdf Dear Supervisors: This email is a reminder about the DOS-SOE monthly conference call, this Thursday, January 18, 2018. You have the option of calling in for either the 9am (EDT) or 10:20am (EDT) call. Attached is the agenda with the conference call-in number (also listed below). Call-in information: 1-888-670-3525 Participant passcode: 686 248 9251, then press # Roll call will be taken. If you are unable to participate, we respectfully ask that you designate a staff member to participate on the call so that your county is represented and does not miss out on important information that may be shared, or the opportunity to ask questions, or hear what other colleagues have to say. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000221 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:58 AM SE1 FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition 15-22 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ----- Stan, Lana and Robert Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:50 AM To: SOEList Subject: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot:  Initiative Petition 15-22 entitled Voter Control of Gambling in Florida The designating ballot number assigned is 3. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64995&seqnum=1. The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000222 Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000223 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Matthews, Maria I. Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:50 AM SOEList Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot:  Initiative Petition 15-22 entitled Voter Control of Gambling in Florida The designating ballot number assigned is 3. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64995&seqnum=1. The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000224 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Self, Lana Wednesday, January 10, 2018 9:58 AM Byles, Brenda FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Importance: High Email below from state about faxing certifications before mailing them. Lana Self Candidate and Records Director Ph (904) 630-8010 Fax (904) 630-1894 Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office 105 E. Monroe Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 www.duvalelections.com ***Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, e-mail communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure.*** UPCOMING ELECTION DATES Primary Election August 28, 2018 General Election November 6, 2018 From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 4:33 PM To: Self, Lana; Hall, Violet Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Importance: High Ladies, This is also petition info. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 12:03 PM To: Hogan, Mike; Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Partially. I sent you the Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000226 Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:52 AM To: Haynes, Arzada; Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Heads up guys – TO STAN – this is what you sent me earlier this week ?? Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000227     In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C. Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month. Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage. The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000228 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Self, Lana Tuesday, January 09, 2018 5:08 PM Haynes, Arzada; Hall, Violet RE: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Thank you Lana Self Candidate and Records Director Ph (904) 630-8010 Fax (904) 630-1894 Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office 105 E. Monroe Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 www.duvalelections.com ***Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, e-mail communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure.*** UPCOMING ELECTION DATES Primary Election August 28, 2018 General Election November 6, 2018 From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 4:33 PM To: Self, Lana; Hall, Violet Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Importance: High Ladies, This is also petition info. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 12:03 PM To: Hogan, Mike; Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Partially. I sent you the Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports Thanks, 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000229 Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:52 AM To: Haynes, Arzada; Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Heads up guys – TO STAN – this is what you sent me earlier this week ?? Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications  In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000230    Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month. Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage. The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000231 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Haynes, Arzada Tuesday, January 09, 2018 4:33 PM Self, Lana; Hall, Violet FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Importance: High Ladies, This is also petition info. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 12:03 PM To: Hogan, Mike; Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Partially. I sent you the Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:52 AM To: Haynes, Arzada; Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Heads up guys – TO STAN – this is what you sent me earlier this week ?? Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000232 From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications  In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C.  Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month.  Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage.  The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000233 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000234 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Tuesday, January 09, 2018 12:03 PM Hogan, Mike; Haynes, Arzada RE: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Partially. I sent you the Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:52 AM To: Haynes, Arzada; Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Heads up guys – TO STAN – this is what you sent me earlier this week ?? Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000235 Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications  In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C.  Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month.  Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage.  The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000236 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:52 AM Haynes, Arzada; Bethea, Stan FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Heads up guys – TO STAN – this is what you sent me earlier this week ?? Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000237     In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C. Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month. Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage. The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000238 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Matthews, Maria I. Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM SOEList Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications  In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C.  Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month.  Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245-6 217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage.  The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000239 This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000240 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000242 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000244 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000246 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000248 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000250 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000252 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000254 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000256 Respectfully, Alexander Mosca Program Administrator Florida Department of State, Division of Elections 850-245-6292 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000262 Respectfully, Alexander Mosca Program Administrator Florida Department of State, Division of Elections 850-245-6292 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000264 Respectfully, Alexander Mosca Program Administrator Florida Department of State, Division of Elections 850-245-6292 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000266 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000268 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000270 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000272 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000274 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000276 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000278 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000280 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Matthews, Maria I. Monday, October 30, 2017 3:29 PM SOEList FW: FVAP October Newsletter (UNCLASSIFIED) OctoberSEONewsletter_20171030_FINAL.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Dear Supervisors, Please find attached FVAP newsletter for October. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. -----Original Message----From: Kelly, Meghan J CIV DODHRA FVAP (US) [mailto:meghan.kelly@fvap.gov] Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 3:04 PM To: Matthews, Maria I. Subject: FVAP October Newsletter (UNCLASSIFIED) 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000281 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Maria, Attached is our October newsletter. Feel free to share with anyone who might find it valuable. Thank you, Meghan Meghan Kelly State Legislative Affairs Federal Voting Assistance Program 4800 Mark Center Drive, Suite 05E22 Alexandria, VA 22350 Desk: (571) 372-0742 BB: (571) 242-5846 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000282 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000284 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Matthews, Maria I. Monday, October 30, 2017 3:29 PM SOEList FW: FVAP October Newsletter (UNCLASSIFIED) OctoberSEONewsletter_20171030_FINAL.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Dear Supervisors, Please find attached FVAP newsletter for October. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communicat ions to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. -----Original Message----From: Kelly, Meghan J CIV DODHRA FVAP (US) [mailto:meghan.kelly@fvap.gov] Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 3:04 PM To: Matthews, Maria I. Subject: FVAP October Newsletter (UNCLASSIFIED) 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000285 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Maria, Attached is our October newsletter. Feel free to share with anyone who might find it valuable. Thank you, Meghan Meghan Kelly State Legislative Affairs Federal Voting Assistance Program 4800 Mark Center Drive, Suite 05E22 Alexandria, VA 22350 Desk: (571) 372-0742 BB: (571) 242-5846 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000286 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Atkinson, Lydia Wednesday, July 05, 2017 1:26 PM Marconnet, Amber Brown, Toshia; Bethea, Stan Re: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Yes, I will give Stan a call. Sent from my iPhone On Jul 5, 2017, at 1:18 PM, Marconnet, Amber wrote: Lydia, Can you take a look at the below? Toshia and I are both out this afternoon. Thanks, Amber From: Bethea, Stan [mailto:SBethea@coj.net] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 9:00 AM To: Marconnet, Amber Subject: FW: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Amber, Is there someone else I can send this to? Thanks, Stan From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 1:40 PM To: Matthews, Maria I. (Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com) Subject: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Maria, We have a small 4-precinct municipal election on August 29 this year. We are currently within the 90day window where list maintenance is forbidden. What exactly is “list maintenance”? Can I send final notices as needed to all voters in the county? To voters not in the effected precincts? In either case I cannot move voter statuses from Active to Inactive. Can I NCOA all voters except those who are in or going into the effected precincts? Thanks, 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000287 Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Bldg. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32218 Office: 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000288 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Atkinson, Lydia Wednesday, July 05, 2017 1:26 PM Marconnet, Amber Brown, Toshia; Bethea, Stan Re: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Yes, I will give Stan a call. Sent from my iPhone On Jul 5, 2017, at 1:18 PM, Marconnet, Amber wrote: Lydia, Can you take a look at the below? Toshia and I are both out this afternoon. Thanks, Amber From: Bethea, Stan [mailto:SBethea@coj.net] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 9:00 AM To: Marconnet, Amber Subject: FW: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Amber, Is there someone else I can send this to? Thanks, Stan From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 1:40 PM To: Matthews, Maria I. (Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com) Subject: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Maria, We have a small 4-precinct municipal election on August 29 this year. We are currently within the 90day window where list maintenance is forbidden. What exactly is “list maintenance”? Can I send final notices as needed to all voters in the county? To voters not in the effected precincts? In either case I cannot move voter statuses from Active to Inactive. Can I NCOA all voters except those who are in or going into the effected precincts? Thanks, 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000289 Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Bldg. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32218 Office: 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000290 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Marconnet, Amber Wednesday, July 05, 2017 1:18 PM Atkinson, Lydia Brown, Toshia; Bethea, Stan FW: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Lydia, Can you take a look at the below? Toshia and I are both out this afternoon. Thanks, Amber From: Bethea, Stan [mailto:SBethea@coj.net] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 9:00 AM To: Marconnet, Amber Subject: FW: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Amber, Is there someone else I can send this to? Thanks, Stan From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 1:40 PM To: Matthews, Maria I. (Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com) Subject: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Maria, We have a small 4-precinct municipal election on August 29 this year. We are currently within the 90-day window where list maintenance is forbidden. What exactly is “list maintenance”? Can I send final notices as needed to all voters in the county? To voters not in the effected precincts? In either case I cannot move voter statuses from Active to Inactive. Can I NCOA all voters except those who are in or going into the effected precincts? Thanks, Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000291 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Bldg. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32218 Office: 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000292 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Marconnet, Amber Wednesday, July 05, 2017 1:18 PM Atkinson, Lydia Brown, Toshia; Bethea, Stan FW: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Lydia, Can you take a look at the below? Toshia and I are both out this afternoon. Thanks, Amber From: Bethea, Stan [mailto:SBethea@coj.net] Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 9:00 AM To: Marconnet, Amber Subject: FW: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Amber, Is there someone else I can send this to? Thanks, Stan From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 1:40 PM To: Matthews, Maria I. (Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com) Subject: List maintenance and 90 days before an election Maria, We have a small 4-precinct municipal election on August 29 this year. We are currently within the 90-day window where list maintenance is forbidden. What exactly is “list maintenance”? Can I send final notices as needed to all voters in the county? To voters not in the effected precincts? In either case I cannot move voter statuses from Active to Inactive. Can I NCOA all voters except those who are in or going into the effected precincts? Thanks, Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000293 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Bldg. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32218 Office: 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000294 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Matthews, Maria I. Friday, June 30, 2017 5:33 PM Lux, Paul; Stafford, David H.; Hogan, Mike; Stanton, William M Jr LTC USARMY NG FLARNG (US); Samantha Walker; Hastings, Linda M.; Jared Marcotte; Eric.Larson@ast.myflorida.com Mosca, Alexander N.; Madrigal, Virgie Report/Military and Overseas Voting Assistance Task Force Final Report - Military and Overseas Task Force - 6-29-2017 Approved.pdf Dear Task Force members: On behalf of the Secretary of State Ken Detzner and the Division of Elections, we thank you for your service on the Military and Overseas Voting Assistance Task Force. Attached is the report which was submitted today to the Governor, President of the Florida Senate, and the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. A special thanks goes out to my staff, Alex Mosca, program administrator for his presentation on the Virginia report, and to him and Virgie Madrigal, executive assistant, in providing the administrative support for the Task Force. As the Task Force chair, it was my privilege and pleasure to serve with you. We hope that the Task Force’s recommendations will contribute positively to the ongoing dialogue and keep the momentum on this very important matter. With the submission of this report, the Task Force expires. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000295 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Matthews, Maria I. Friday, June 30, 2017 2:30 PM SOEContacts Inquiries re Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity PEIC Letter to Florida.pdf Dear Supervisors and staff, You may be receiving a number of inquiries regarding the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. The Secretary of State did receive a request recently from the Commission for information. (See attached letter). We are currently reviewing the letter. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000296 Division of Elections Florida Department of State R.A. Gray Building 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6225 (office) 850.245.6291 (fax) The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000298 Political Parties Department of State - Division of Elections Generated 4/20/2017 Active Date Party Name of Officer(s) Code FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000299 Active Date Party Name of Officer(s) Code FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000300 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Atkins, Jean Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:22 PM Bethea, Stan Haynes, Arzada RE: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida I would update the party codes according to the VR help file- but this must be done on a ‘quiet system’ (no one can be in VR or any component of it – maintenance, poll workers, etc during the process). So I would normally do this once everyone was gone for the evening, after 5:30pm. Since the party is cancelled, it’s necessary to follow the instructions for ‘deleting a party code’ (changing the existing INT to NPA accordingly). Then, upon completion, the effected voters should automatically be scheduled a notice, which I would print and mail the next day from the appropriate program. Before closing out the process, I would look up one of the voters on the list just to make sure a notice was scheduled. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:09 PM To: Atkins, Jean Cc: Haynes, Arzada Subject: FW: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida How did you handle these in the past? Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:46 PM To: SE1 Subject: Fwd: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Update our records ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: February 3, 2017 at 2:00:25 PM EST To: SOEList Cc: "Brown, Toshia" , "Marconnet, Amber" Subject: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Dear Supervisors of Elections: 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000301 The party registration status for Independent Party of Florida (INT) is cancelled. See attached Final Order 16-048). Please follow these steps:    Forward this email to appropriate staff in your office to implement the changes needed. Ensure your party code table is changed immediately to remove the cancelled party from the selection menu or fields. Consult with your inhouse or outside IT staff for assistance if needed. Follow the process including notice to the voters currently registered with this party as set out in Rule 1S-2.039(6)(c), F.A.C. The attached lists (pdf and excel format) now constitute what political parties are currently registered in Florida. For additional information related to each political party, refer to the Political Party Information page on the Division’s website: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/politicalparties/. Sincerely, Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000302 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Bethea, Stan Monday, April 17, 2017 11:41 AM Chatmon, Derrel RE: Email access request Jean Email.zip Derrel, Here are the 47 emails I found to contain “Hogan” from Jean’s mailbox. She seems to keep her mailbox fairly clean. Thanks, Stan From: Chatmon, Derrel Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 3:08 PM To: Bethea, Stan Cc: Chatmon, Derrel; Hogan, Mike Subject: RE: Email access request StanThanks, but the request I made of Mike was only to review the emails I was advised you’d pull for the employee’s request. I won’t be able (i.e., have time) to review all of her emails. If I’m missing something, please call and advise. Tx. Derrel Q. Chatmon Senior Assistant General Counsel Office of General Counsel 117 West Duval Street, Ste. 480 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 (904) 630-1719 (904) 630-1316 (fax) Disclaimer regarding Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) (Florida Statutes Section 668.50): If this communication concerns negotiation of a contract or agreement, UETA does not apply to this communication; contract formation in this matter shall occur only with manually-affixed original signatures on original documents. CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: This electronic message is intended to be viewed only by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited without expressed permission herein. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, or if you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by return e-mail and delete the original message and any copies of it from your computer system. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000304 From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 3:05 PM To: ITD Service Desk Cc: Chatmon, Derrel Subject: Email access request Please grant Derrel Chatmon (DChatmon@coj.net) access to Jean Atkins (jatkins) email box. Thanks, Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Bldg. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32218 Office: 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000305 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:22 PM Trish Carter (PCarter@coj.net) FW: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida I spoke to the beast and lived to tell about it… From: Atkins, Jean Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:22 PM To: Bethea, Stan Cc: Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida I would update the party codes according to the VR help file- but this must be done on a ‘quiet system’ (no one can be in VR or any component of it – maintenance, poll workers, etc during the process). So I would normally do this once everyone was gone for the evening, after 5:30pm. Since the party is cancelled, it’s necessary to follow the instructions for ‘deleting a party code’ (changing the existing INT to NPA accordingly). Then, upon completion, the effected voters should automatically be scheduled a notice, which I would print and mail the next day from the appropriate program. Before closing out the process, I would look up one of the voters on the list just to make sure a notice was scheduled. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:09 PM To: Atkins, Jean Cc: Haynes, Arzada Subject: FW: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida How did you handle these in the past? Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:46 PM To: SE1 Subject: Fwd: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Update our records ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: February 3, 2017 at 2:00:25 PM EST 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000306 To: SOEList Cc: "Brown, Toshia" , "Marconnet, Amber" Subject: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Dear Supervisors of Elections: The party registration status for Independent Party of Florida (INT) is cancelled. See attached Final Order 16-048). Please follow these steps:    Forward this email to appropriate staff in your office to implement the changes needed. Ensure your party code table is changed immediately to remove the cancelled party from the selection menu or fields. Consult with your inhouse or outside IT staff for assistance if needed. Follow the process including notice to the voters currently registered with this party as set out in Rule 1S-2.039(6)(c), F.A.C. The attached lists (pdf and excel format) now constitute what political parties are currently registered in Florida. For additional information related to each political party, refer to the Political Party Information page on the Division’s website: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/politicalparties/. Sincerely, Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000307 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Atkins, Jean Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:22 PM Bethea, Stan Haynes, Arzada RE: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida I would update the party codes according to the VR help file- but this must be done on a ‘quiet system’ (no one can be in VR or any component of it – maintenance, poll workers, etc during the process). So I would normally do this once everyone was gone for the evening, after 5:30pm. Since the party is cancelled, it’s necessary to follow the instructions for ‘deleting a party code’ (changing the existing INT to NPA accordingly). Then, upon completion, the effected voters should automatically be scheduled a notice, which I would print and mail the next day from the appropriate program. Before closing out the process, I would look up one of the voters on the list just to make sure a notice was scheduled. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:09 PM To: Atkins, Jean Cc: Haynes, Arzada Subject: FW: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida How did you handle these in the past? Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:46 PM To: SE1 Subject: Fwd: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Update our records ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: February 3, 2017 at 2:00:25 PM EST To: SOEList Cc: "Brown, Toshia" , "Marconnet, Amber" Subject: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Dear Supervisors of Elections: 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000308 The party registration status for Independent Party of Florida (INT) is cancelled. See attached Final Order 16-048). Please follow these steps:    Forward this email to appropriate staff in your office to implement the changes needed. Ensure your party code table is changed immediately to remove the cancelled party from the selection menu or fields. Consult with your inhouse or outside IT staff for assistance if needed. Follow the process including notice to the voters currently registered with this party as set out in Rule 1S-2.039(6)(c), F.A.C. The attached lists (pdf and excel format) now constitute what political parties are currently registered in Florida. For additional information related to each political party, refer to the Political Party Information page on the Division’s website: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/politicalparties/. Sincerely, Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000309 CYBERSECURITY NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Florida Department of State, located in the R.A. Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Suite 100, Tallahassee, FL 32399 and the Supervisor of Elections for the County of ________________________, in his or her official capacity, located at: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ WHEREAS, the Parties deem it necessary, pursuant to the Joint Elections Security Initiative (“JESI”), to create, maintain, disclose, or share cybersecurity information that is exempt from disclosure under Florida and federal law (further defined below as “Confidential Information”). WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) which reflects the Parties mutual objective to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity and security of the elections systems WHEREFORE, the Parties agree to enter into this Agreement with respect to the creation, maintenance, disclosure, and sharing of Confidential Information as follows: 1 Confidential Information “Confidential Information” means any data, communications, documents, records, or other information that is exempt and/or confidential from disclosure under: Florida’s public records laws including, but not limited to, sections 119.071(3)(a), 281.301(1), 282.318(4)(d), 282.318(4)(e), and 282.318(4)(f), Florida Statutes; or the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (“CISA”), including, but not limited to, sections 104(c), 104(d)(4)(B) and 105(d)(3). These exemptions include information and records that may identify a security weakness/vulnerability in the application, network, hardware, operating system, and/or processes, or other sensitive information held by a Party or shared between the Parties, and that which is not generally known to the public, whether in tangible or intangible form, whenever and however held or disclosed, including, but not limited to: 1) identification and remediation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in critical election infrastructure and information systems; 2) cyber threat indicators and defensive measures; 4) cybersecurity risk assessments; 5) security threats to the data, information, and information technology resources of the Florida election system (including at the county and municipal level); and 6) any other information or records that should reasonably be recognized as confidential or exempt by either Party. Public Records Law Nothing in this Agreement affects duties or responsibilities related to public records that are not confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under Florida or federal law. 1 Executive Level Department of State staff have additionally each executed a Standards of Conduct / Confidentiality form. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000310 Confidential Information Usage / Maintenance The Parties agree to use Confidential Information solely for the purpose and in connection with JESI, and not for any other purpose. Confidential Information shall be maintained consistent with protection of the confidential or exempt nature of the information. The Parties shall abide by the advice of the Cybersecurity Navigators in the protection and security of Confidential Information in that Party’s possession. Confidential Information Disclosure It is necessary, from time to time, for the Parties to share Confidential Information with each other, and only those within each Party who need to know such Confidential Information in connection with JESI (“Representatives”). It is the responsibility of each Party to: 1) limit disclosure of any Confidential Information to Representatives and only for the purpose of JESI; 2) advise its Representatives of the Confidential Information and of the obligations set forth herein; 3) protect the Confidential Information by exercising a reasonable degree of care to prevent its disclosure; and 4) not disclose any Confidential Information to third parties. Notwithstanding these responsibilities, nothing in this Agreement prevents either party from sharing information for the purpose of reporting a crime or asking for law enforcement assistance related to a criminal act or suspected criminal act. Further, nothing in this Agreement prevents either party from sharing information with law enforcement for the purpose of obtaining technical assistance or support or participation in the JESI. For purposes of this section, “law enforcement” shall include, but is not limited to: FDLE, FBI, DHS, and CIS. Additionally, nothing prevents either party from sharing information during the remediation phase with necessary third parties to effectuate the objectives of the initiative, including but not limited to governmental entities to secure necessary funding. All Confidential Information shall be disclosed only by means that reasonably ensure the information will not be accessed by unauthorized third parties and in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding “MOU.” Upon request, each Party shall disclose to the other Party every Representative with access to Confidential Information. Each Party shall be responsible for any breach of this Agreement by any of their respective Representatives. Term This Agreement is executed and effective as of the date the second party signs. The nondisclosure provisions of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement and the Parties’ respective duty to hold Confidential Information in accordance with Florida and federal law shall remain in effect until it no longer qualifies as exempt and/or confidential under Florida or federal law. Remedies Each Party to this Agreement acknowledges and agrees that Confidential Information is of a unique and valuable nature, and that the unauthorized use, maintenance, or disclosure of Confidential Information could have the potential to diminish or destroy its value, and subject the election process, results, and integrity to attack. The damages that the ensuing elections could sustain as a result of any unauthorized use, maintenance, or disclosure of Confidential Information would be impossible to calculate. Therefore, each Party agrees that, in addition to any remedies pursuant to section 97.012(14)-(16), Florida Statutes, each party shall be entitled to claim declarative, injunctive, or other relief to prevent the disclosure (or further disclosure) of any Confidential Information in violation of the terms of this Agreement. Each party shall be entitled to recover any sustained costs and/or fees, FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000311 including, but not limited to, any reasonable attorney’s fees which may be incurred while attempting to obtain any such relief. Notice of Breach Each Party shall immediately notify the other Party of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information, or any other breach of this Agreement, and shall cooperate with any efforts to remediate and prevent the further unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information. Notice shall be given by telephone call to the Supervisor of Election or Secretary of State or Deputy Secretary of State, whichever applies. Governing Laws The validity, construction, and performance of this Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In the event of litigation arising out of the proper interpretation of this Agreement, or any of its terms, venue shall be in the Second Judicial Circuit, in and for Leon County, Florida. In such an action, each Party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees. Waiver of Contractual Right Any such failure by either Party to enforce the other Party’s strict performance of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of its right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. Severability Although the restrictions herein contained in this Agreement are considered by the Parties to be reasonable for the purpose of protecting Confidential Information, if any such restriction is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision will be modified, rewritten, or interpreted to include as much of its nature and scope as will render it enforceable. In the event it cannot be so modified, rewritten, or interpreted to be enforceable in any respect, it will not be given effect, and the remainder of the Agreement shall be enforced as if such provision was not included. I hereby certify that I have the authority to enter into this Agreement and bind the Party on whose behalf I sign ________________________________ Supervisor of Elections (printed name) ________________________________ Jennifer L. Kennedy Assistant Secretary of State / Chief of Staff Department of State County ________________________________ Signature Signature _________________ Date _________________ Date FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000312 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT/ CONFIDENTIALITY ACCESS TO INFORMATION RELATED TO THE JOINT ELECTION SECURITY INITIATIVE (UPDATED 07-2019) In light of the sensitivity of the information being gathered and shared to facilitate the Joint Election Security Initiative and remediate any concerns, the Department of State has adopted a formal process for documenting the transfer of potentially restricted data that incorporates detailed chain of custody steps, and encryption at rest and in motion. Data shared in furtherance of this document is governed first and foremost by any relevant state and federal laws. Information, documents or data being shared contain highly sensitive, personal, confidential a authorized persons are authorized to access these resources, and data or information extracted therefrom. Any person specifically authorized must execute these standards of conduct: I shall only access or attempt to access such information for authorized lawful purposes and as pertains to my official duties. I shall keep the information accessed or in possession confidential and exempt from disclosure except as otherwise permitted by applicable federal and state laws and rules. I shall take reasonable measures to ensure that information is accessed in a secure area and manner to prevent or minimize unauthorized viewing. I shall report in writing any designated employee who violates these standards to the immediate supervisor or to another supervisor if the immediate supervisor may have violated the standards. I shall not use my authority or let someone else use my authority (e.g., password and login access) to access or take possession of such information for unauthorized purposes (e.g. personal or commercial use, or casual viewing). I shall not discuss, disclose or copy any information, except as necessary to conduct official business. I shall not take from the office or building any documents, files, papers, records, computer disks, or other tangible matters containing data, files o express permission. I understand that an audit of my usage may occur at any time as deemed necessary. I understand that there are criminal sanctions associated with unauthorized use of the information. If I violate these standards, I may be subject to the full range of disciplinary action available, up to and including termination of my employment. I, ________________________________________________________by my signature below, acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the aforementioned. ________________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Date ________________________________________ Position and/or Title Please retain a copy of this form for your own records. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000314 Katherine M. Anthony Counsel American Oversight katherine.anthony@americanoversight.org 202.897.3918 www.americanoversight.org @weareoversight On Jun 10, 2019, at 4:07 PM, American Oversight Records wrote: Dear Angie, Thank you for your response to our request. It seems that the search terms used may be a bit restrictive — specifically, records related to voter roll maintenance might not necessarily use that entire, exact phrase in all instances. And in fact, we have received a relevant response from another county consisting of records that did not contain the term “voter roll maintenance,” but instead included terms like “eligibility records maintenance,” “maintenance,” “amendment 4,” “eligible voters,” “inactive status,” “initiative petition," and more. (Please see attached.). Would you be willing to expand the search to include additional terms along these lines? In addition, our request is not necessarily limited to email communications - were any other categories of records searched? Thanks very much for your assistance. I am happy to discuss by phone if that would be helpful - please let me know. Thanks again, Katie Katherine M. Anthony Counsel* American Oversight katherine.anthony@americanoversight.org 202.897.3918 www.americanoversight.org @weareoversight *Admitted in Massachusetts. Practice supervised by members of the D.C. Bar while application for D.C. Bar membership is pending. On Jun 3, 2019, at 3:38 PM, Public Record Request wrote: Good afternoon, Thank you for contacting the City of Jacksonville. Your public records request has been received and is being processed. There is no document(s) found that meet your criteria requested. Date Range: November 1, 2016 to present Email Account: Supervisor of Elections Employees Search Terms: “Maria Matthews” and “voter roll maintenance” Search result has 0 hit. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000316 Your current request will now be closed. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Thank you, Angie Wilson Public Records Requests Coordinator City of Jacksonville Customer Service Center 214 N. Hogan Street Suite 1180 Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7674 630CITY.coj.net ONE CITY. ONE JACKSONVILLE. Please note that under Florida’s very broad public records law, communications to and from City of Jacksonville officials are subject to public disclosure. From: Public Record Request Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 12:35 PM To: records@americanoversight.org Cc: Bethea, Stan ; Phillips, Robert ; Hogan, Mike ; Teal, Jason ; Self, Lana Subject: FW: Public Records Request (FL-DUVAL-19-0634) PRR **2019-144153 Good afternoon, Thank you for contacting the City of Jacksonville. Your public records request has been received and is being processed. Charges for copying as well as research may apply depending on the work required to retrieve the records. You will be notified if any charges are applicable. Thank you, Angie Wilson Public Records Requests Coordinator City of Jacksonville Customer Service Center 214 N. Hogan Street Suite 1180 Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7674 630CITY.coj.net ONE CITY. ONE JACKSONVILLE. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000317 were not expended, these will need to be returned to the Department (along with interest) at this time. Please follow the steps below to submit the report to the Department: Expenditure Log: 1) Log into DOSGrants.com. 2) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 3) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Albert Grant. 4) Scroll down to “Forms and Reports” to see “Expenditure Log” and click “Edit Log”. 5) Once inside the log, click “Add New Record” to begin adding expenditures. The expenditure entry will open in a new box. Use the entry boxes to provide the following information: a. Invoice – Add the invoice number here. b. Transaction – Add the transaction number here. You should also include the type of transaction, for example “Check 2058,” “EFT 289,” or “Debit 7338.” c. Payment Date – The date the payment was made in MM/DD/YYYY format. d. Payee – The name of the person or company to which the payment was made. e. Transaction Total – The total amount of the payment. f. Grant Funds – The portion of the transaction being charged to the grant. This amount must be less than or equal to the Transaction Total. g. Cash Match – The portion of the transaction being used as match. This is not applicable to the Albert Grant, so leave this blank h. In-Kind Services – The value of the In-Kind goods or services provided as part of this expenditure. This is not applicable to the Albert Grant, so leave this blank i. Deliverable – Select “1” from the drop down menu j. Budget Item – Using the drop down menu, select the item from your submitted budget to which this expenditure applies. k. Description – Provide a brief description of what the expenditure was for (optional). 6) When all information is entered, click “Update.” The expenditure will then appear in the grid with a status of “New” 7) Continue to add new records until the expenditure log is complete. 8) Proofread the Expenditure Log to make sure everything is correct and all expenditures are allowable. 9) Click “Submit” to summit the expenditures marked as “New.” This will change their status from “New” to “Submitted” Document Upload: 1) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 2) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Albert Grant. 3) Click on “Activity Log” in the upper right. 4) Type a brief memo into the note box 5) Using the “Select Files” button, attach supporting documentation for your report. 6) Once you are finished attaching files, hit “Create”. The files will then be uploaded into the DOSGrants system. Division of Elections staff will review the report and will follow-up if there are any questions or if additional documentation is needed. If you need to return funds, please send a check, made payable to the Florida Department of State, for the balance of any unspent funds and accrued interest (if any). The check should be mailed to the Division of Elections, Director’s Office, 500 S. Bronough Street, Rm. 316, Tallahassee, FL 323990250.  HAVA Balance Report This report is due no later than July 31, 2019. The county report forms have been uploaded to the File Transfer Utility on the SOE Portal. Please download the form, complete it, and return it to the Division by email to Charity.Huba@DOS.MyFlorida.com. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000320  Reallocated Election Security Reimbursement Request Follow the steps below to submit your reimbursement request. All requests must be received no later than September 2, 2019. 1) Log into DOSGrants.com. 2) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 3) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Election Security Grant. 4) Click the “Request Payment” button 5) Select deliverable number “1” by checking the box next to the number 6) Fill out the information in the “Payment Details” box 7) Use the “Payment Documentation” box to upload supporting documentation evidencing the allowable expenses, including expenditure of funds. 8) Once completed, hit “submit” Division of Elections staff will review the request and will follow-up if there are any questions or if additional documentation is needed. Also, please keep in mind that reallocated election security funds (if available to your county) can be used for the reimbursement of expenses for another year of monitoring and maintenance on the Albert server system if paid for by the county initially before September 2, 2019. Your point of contact for any questions regarding these reports is the Program Administration unit: Althera Johnson; Althera.Johnson@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6211 and back-up are Alex Mosca (alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6292). You can always contact me, of course. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000321 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Friday, July 19, 2019 1:30 PM Bethea, Stan RE: FVRS Maintenance Window - July 2019 Caught one --- (Nancy says even I make mistakes. She hasn't found one yet, but sh says surely I make them...) Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 1:23 PM To: Hogan, Mike Subject: Re: FVRS Maintenance Window - July 2019 Thanks, but you still have to keep me honest. (Nancy says even I make mistakes. She hasn't found one yet, but sh says surely I make them...) Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 19, 2019 12:19 AM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: You know how much I respect and trust you Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 6:15 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Ah, but I'm still watching remotely. I had the guys get the semi-annual reports to you, had Darwin prep final notices to mail and pulled voter cards and been working with Lana and itd on how we send files to outside folks. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000326 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Friday, July 19, 2019 1:30 PM Bethea, Stan RE: FVRS Maintenance Window - July 2019 Caught one --- (Nancy says even I make mistakes. She hasn't found one yet, but sh says surely I make them...) Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 1:23 PM To: Hogan, Mike Subject: Re: FVRS Maintenance Window - July 2019 Thanks, but you still have to keep me honest. (Nancy says even I make mistakes. She hasn't found one yet, but sh says surely I make them...) Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 19, 2019 12:19 AM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: You know how much I respect and trust you Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 6:15 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Ah, but I'm still watching remotely. I had the guys get the semi-annual reports to you, had Darwin prep final notices to mail and pulled voter cards and been working with Lana and itd on how we send files to outside folks. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000329 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Friday, July 19, 2019 1:23 PM Hogan, Mike Re: FVRS Maintenance Window - July 2019 Thanks, but you still have to keep me honest. (Nancy says even I make mistakes. She hasn't found one yet, but sh says surely I make them...) Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 19, 2019 12:19 AM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: You know how much I respect and trust you Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 6:15 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Ah, but I'm still watching remotely. I had the guys get the semi-annual reports to you, had Darwin prep final notices to mail and pulled voter cards and been working with Lana and itd on how we send files to outside folks. Big brother is watching... Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 18, 2019 6:09 PM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: Every thing happens when you’re gone Hmmmmmmm Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 5:54 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Just a fyi itd is applying updates to the server that houses our voter data this weekend too. Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 18, 2019 5:52 PM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: Alert Sent from my iPhone 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000332 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Friday, July 19, 2019 12:19 AM Bethea, Stan Re: FVRS Maintenance Window - July 2019 You know how much I respect and trust you Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 6:15 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Ah, but I'm still watching remotely. I had the guys get the semi-annual reports to you, had Darwin prep final notices to mail and pulled voter cards and been working with Lana and itd on how we send files to outside folks. Big brother is watching... Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 18, 2019 6:09 PM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: Every thing happens when you’re gone Hmmmmmmm Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 5:54 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Just a fyi itd is applying updates to the server that houses our voter data this weekend too. Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 18, 2019 5:52 PM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: Alert Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Marconnet, Amber" Date: July 18, 2019 at 4:30:00 PM EDT To: SOEList , SOEStaffContacts Cc: "Fowler, Wren" , "Schlorholtz, Erik" , "Winchester, Jon" 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000334 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: MHogan@coj.net Friday, July 19, 2019 12:19 AM Bethea, Stan Re: FVRS Maintenance Window - July 2019 You know how much I respect and trust you Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 6:15 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Ah, but I'm still watching remotely. I had the guys get the semi-annual reports to you, had Darwin prep final notices to mail and pulled voter cards and been working with Lana and itd on how we send files to outside folks. Big brother is watching... Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 18, 2019 6:09 PM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: Every thing happens when you’re gone Hmmmmmmm Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2019, at 5:54 PM, Bethea, Stan wrote: Just a fyi itd is applying updates to the server that houses our voter data this weekend too. Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On Jul 18, 2019 5:52 PM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: Alert Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Marconnet, Amber" Date: July 18, 2019 at 4:30:00 PM EDT To: SOEList , SOEStaffContacts Cc: "Fowler, Wren" , "Schlorholtz, Erik" , "Winchester, Jon" 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000336 Respectfully, Amber Marconnet Sr. Management Analyst Supervisor Division of Elections, Bureau of Voter Registration Services R.A. Gray Building, Room 316 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6224 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000341 Dear Supervisors of Elections, This is a reminder that a couple of financial reports are coming due. The following instructions will help you to submit your Albert (networking monitoring) Grant final report, the Balance Report for Federal Election Activities Grants in the past, and if you are ready to submit a reimbursement request for reallocated Election Security Grant funds:  Albert Grant Final Report This report is due no later than July 15, 2019. This report needs to reconcile the expenditures of all grant funds, and provide supporting documentation demonstrating how the funds were expended. If any advance funds were not expended, these will need to be returned to the Department (along with interest) at this time. Please follow the steps below to submit the report to the Department: Expenditure Log: 1) Log into DOSGrants.com. 2) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 3) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Albert Grant. 4) Scroll down to “Forms and Reports” to see “Expenditure Log” and click “Edit Log”. 5) Once inside the log, click “Add New Record” to begin adding expenditures. The expenditure entry will open in a new box. Use the entry boxes to provide the following information: a. Invoice – Add the invoice number here. b. Transaction – Add the transaction number here. You should also include the type of transaction, for example “Check 2058,” “EFT 289,” or “Debit 7338.” c. Payment Date – The date the payment was made in MM/DD/YYYY format. d. Payee – The name of the person or company to which the payment was made. e. Transaction Total – The total amount of the payment. f. Grant Funds – The portion of the transaction being charged to the grant. This amount must be less than or equal to the Transaction Total. g. Cash Match – The portion of the transaction being used as match. This is not applicable to the Albert Grant, so leave this blank h. In-Kind Services – The value of the In-Kind goods or services provided as part of this expenditure. This is not applicable to the Albert Grant, so leave this blank i. Deliverable – Select “1” from the drop down menu j. Budget Item – Using the drop down menu, select the item from your submitted budget to which this expenditure applies. k. Description – Provide a brief description of what the expenditure was for (optional). 6) When all information is entered, click “Update.” The expenditure will then appear in the grid with a status of “New” 7) Continue to add new records until the expenditure log is complete. 8) Proofread the Expenditure Log to make sure everything is correct and all expenditures are allowable. 9) Click “Submit” to summit the expenditures marked as “New.” This will change their status from “New” to “Submitted” Document Upload: 1) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 2) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Albert Grant. 3) Click on “Activity Log” in the upper right. 4) Type a brief memo into the note box 5) Using the “Select Files” button, attach supporting documentation for your report. 6) Once you are finished attaching files, hit “Create”. The files will then be uploaded into the DOSGrants system. Division of Elections staff will review the report and will follow-up if there are any questions or if additional documentation is needed. If you need to return funds, please send a check, made payable to the Florida 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000343 Department of State, for the balance of any unspent funds and accrued interest (if any). The check should be mailed to the Division of Elections, Director’s Office, 500 S. Bronough Street, Rm. 316, Tallahassee, FL 323990250.  HAVA Balance Report This report is due no later than July 31, 2019. The county report forms have been uploaded to the File Transfer Utility on the SOE Portal. Please download the form, complete it, and return it to the Division by email to Charity.Huba@DOS.MyFlorida.com.  Reallocated Election Security Reimbursement Request Follow the steps below to submit your reimbursement request. All requests must be received no later than September 2, 2019. 1) Log into DOSGrants.com. 2) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 3) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Election Security Grant. 4) Click the “Request Payment” button 5) Select deliverable number “1” by checking the box next to the number 6) Fill out the information in the “Payment Details” box 7) Use the “Payment Documentation” box to upload supporting documentation evidencing the allowable expenses, including expenditure of funds. 8) Once completed, hit “submit” Division of Elections staff will review the request and will follow-up if there are any questions or if additional documentation is needed. Also, please keep in mind that reallocated election security funds (if available to your county) can be used for the reimbursement of expenses for another year of monitoring and maintenance on the Albert server system if paid for by the county initially before September 2, 2019. Your point of contact for any questions regarding these reports is the Program Administration unit: Althera Johnson; Althera.Johnson@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6211 and back-up are Alex Mosca (alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6292). You can always contact me, of course. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000344 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Log into DOSGrants.com. Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. Click the “Details” button to the right of the Albert Grant. Scroll down to “Forms and Reports” to see “Expenditure Log” and click “Edit Log”. Once inside the log, click “Add New Record” to begin adding expenditures. The expenditure entry will open in a new box. Use the entry boxes to provide the following information: a. Invoice – Add the invoice number here. b. Transaction – Add the transaction number here. You should also include the type of transaction, for example “Check 2058,” “EFT 289,” or “Debit 7338.” c. Payment Date – The date the payment was made in MM/DD/YYYY format. d. Payee – The name of the person or company to which the payment was made. e. Transaction Total – The total amount of the payment. f. Grant Funds – The portion of the transaction being charged to the grant. This amount must be less than or equal to the Transaction Total. g. Cash Match – The portion of the transaction being used as match. This is not applicable to the Albert Grant, so leave this blank h. In-Kind Services – The value of the In-Kind goods or services provided as part of this expenditure. This is not applicable to the Albert Grant, so leave this blank i. Deliverable – Select “1” from the drop down menu j. Budget Item – Using the drop down menu, select the item from your submitted budget to which this expenditure applies. k. Description – Provide a brief description of what the expenditure was for (optional). 6) When all information is entered, click “Update.” The expenditure will then appear in the grid with a status of “New” 7) Continue to add new records until the expenditure log is complete. 8) Proofread the Expenditure Log to make sure everything is correct and all expenditures are allowable. 9) Click “Submit” to summit the expenditures marked as “New.” This will change their status from “New” to “Submitted” Document Upload: 1) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 2) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Albert Grant. 3) Click on “Activity Log” in the upper right. 4) Type a brief memo into the note box 5) Using the “Select Files” button, attach supporting documentation for your report. 6) Once you are finished attaching files, hit “Create”. The files will then be uploaded into the DOSGrants system. Division of Elections staff will review the report and will follow-up if there are any questions or if additional documentation is needed. If you need to return funds, please send a check, made payable to the Florida Department of State, for the balance of any unspent funds and accrued interest (if any). The check should be mailed to the Division of Elections, Director’s Office, 500 S. Bronough Street, Rm. 316, Tallahassee, FL 323990250.  HAVA Balance Report This report is due no later than July 31, 2019. The county report forms have been uploaded to the File Transfer Utility on the SOE Portal. Please download the form, complete it, and return it to the Division by email to Charity.Huba@DOS.MyFlorida.com.  Reallocated Election Security Reimbursement Request 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000346 Follow the steps below to submit your reimbursement request. All requests must be received no later than September 2, 2019. 1) Log into DOSGrants.com. 2) Using the bar at the top of the page, navigate to “Grants” and then “My Grants”. 3) Click the “Details” button to the right of the Election Security Grant. 4) Click the “Request Payment” button 5) Select deliverable number “1” by checking the box next to the number 6) Fill out the information in the “Payment Details” box 7) Use the “Payment Documentation” box to upload supporting documentation evidencing the allowable expenses, including expenditure of funds. 8) Once completed, hit “submit” Division of Elections staff will review the request and will follow-up if there are any questions or if additional documentation is needed. Also, please keep in mind that reallocated election security funds (if available to your county) can be used for the reimbursement of expenses for another year of monitoring and maintenance on the Albert server system if paid for by the county initially before September 2, 2019. Your point of contact for any questions regarding these reports is the Program Administration unit: Althera Johnson; Althera.Johnson@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6211 and back-up are Alex Mosca (alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6292). You can always contact me, of course. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000347 collected. Therefore, we have created an online registration process for paid petition circulators with the following key elements:    The paid petition circulator registers online and is assigned a unique identifier. The paid petition circulator selects the initiative petition(s) for which he or she is paid by the respective sponsoring political committee. The system will generate an electronic version of the petition form(s) for the paid petition circulators for the one or more initiatives he or she will be collecting signatures. Those forms will be barcoded specific to that petitioner. The link to the public site for this registration program is: https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiativePetitions/ A separate version of the initiative form has also been created for use by volunteers or directly by the voter and is available online. The sponsoring political committee or volunteer petition circulators may then copy, circulate, and collect signatures on those forms. The preformatted initiative full text and the volunteer petition form(s) that complies with the new law will be available directly online through the Division’s Initiative Petition site https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiativePetitions/ under the Forms menu item. The online registration process is launched as of today. The Division will be notifying the sponsoring political committees regarding the new process for paid petition circulators. Please see attached memo (example). 2. Certification of Signature Verification By law, Supervisors of Elections are now required to track and validate initiative petitions by circulator activity. To facilitate this, we have developed an online application program to certify signature counts. This new online program will replace the old method of certifying the verified signatures by mail. This system allows the user to enter the circulator’s unique identification number that appears on the petition form generated by the Division. This online program is now available under “Miscellaneous” on the SOE portal. A user guide is also available there. The guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to enter counts on signatures verified as valid or not valid. Therefore, starting today, certify the signature counts regardless of whether the circulator is a volunteer or paid petition circulator using the new online program. The guide will let you know how to enter the count if the petition you are verifying is one of the new forms with a bar code. If you have already sent certifications for verified signatures through email or through the mail, do not re-enter them into the system as we will record those upon receipt using the old system. As a reminder, a sponsoring political committee is still required to pay you in advance for the cost of verifying each petition unless they have filed an affidavit of undue burden. The Division is initiating rulemaking to revise Rules 1S-2.009 and 1S-2.0091 to conform with the new law. Please be sure to subscribe for notices of rulemaking through the Florida Administrative Code https://www.flrules.org/. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Alex Mosca [Alexander.Mosca@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6292] or Lenard Randolph [Lenard.Randolph@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6247] Respectfully, 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000349 Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000350 collected. Therefore, we have created an online registration process for paid petition circulators with the following key elements:    The paid petition circulator registers online and is assigned a unique identifier. The paid petition circulator selects the initiative petition(s) for which he or she is paid by the respective sponsoring political committee. The system will generate an electronic version of the petition form(s) for the paid petition circulators for the one or more initiatives he or she will be collecting signatures. Those forms will be barcoded specific to that petitioner. The link to the public site for this registration program is: https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiativePetitions/ A separate version of the initiative form has also been created for use by volunteers or directly by the voter and is available online. The sponsoring political committee or volunteer petition circulators may then copy, circulate, and collect signatures on those forms. The preformatted initiative full text and the volunteer petition form(s) that complies with the new law will be available directly online through the Division’s Initiative Petition site https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiativePetitions/ under the Forms menu item. The online registration process is launched as of today. The Division will be notifying the sponsoring political committees regarding the new process for paid petition circulators. Please see attached memo (example). 2. Certification of Signature Verification By law, Supervisors of Elections are now required to track and validate initiative petitions by circulator activity. To facilitate this, we have developed an online application program to certify signature counts. This new online program will replace the old method of certifying the verified signatures by mail. This system allows the user to enter the circulator’s unique identification number that appears on the petition form generated by the Division. This online program is now available under “Miscellaneous” on the SOE portal. A user guide is also available there. The guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to enter counts on signatures verified as valid or not valid. Therefore, starting today, certify the signature counts regardless of whether the circulator is a volunteer or paid petition circulator using the new online program. The guide will let you know how to enter the count if the petition you are verifying is one of the new forms with a bar code. If you have already sent certifications for verified signatures through email or through the mail, do not re-enter them into the system as we will record those upon receipt using the old system. As a reminder, a sponsoring political committee is still required to pay you in advance for the cost of verifying each petition unless they have filed an affidavit of undue burden. The Division is initiating rulemaking to revise Rules 1S-2.009 and 1S-2.0091 to conform with the new law. Please be sure to subscribe for notices of rulemaking through the Florida Administrative Code https://www.flrules.org/. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Alex Mosca [Alexander.Mosca@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6292] or Lenard Randolph [Lenard.Randolph@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6247] Respectfully, 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000352 Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000353  The system will generate an electronic version of the petition form(s) for the paid petition circulators for the one or more initiatives he or she will be collecting signatures. Those forms will be barcoded specific to that petitioner. The link to the public site for this registration program is: https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiativePetitions/ A separate version of the initiative form has also been created for use by volunteers or directly by the voter and is available online. The sponsoring political committee or volunteer petition circulators may then copy, circulate, and collect signatures on those forms. The preformatted initiative full text and the volunteer petition form(s) that complies with the new law will be available directly online through the Division’s Initiative Petition site https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiativePetitions/ under the Forms menu item. The online registration process is launched as of today. The Division will be notifying the sponsoring political committees regarding the new process for paid petition circulators. Please see attached memo (example). 2. Certification of Signature Verification By law, Supervisors of Elections are now required to track and validate initiative petitions by circulator activity. To facilitate this, we have developed an online application program to certify signature counts. This new online program will replace the old method of certifying the verified signatures by mail. This system allows the user to enter the circulator’s unique identification number that appears on the petition form generated by the Division. This online program is now available under “Miscellaneous” on the SOE portal. A user guide is also available there. The guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to enter counts on signatures verified as valid or not valid. Therefore, starting today, certify the signature counts regardless of whether the circulator is a volunteer or paid petition circulator using the new online program. The guide will let you know how to enter the count if the petition you are verifying is one of the new forms with a bar code. If you have already sent certifications for verified signatures through email or through the mail, do not re-enter them into the system as we will record those upon receipt using the old system. As a reminder, a sponsoring political committee is still required to pay you in advance for the cost of verifying each petition unless they have filed an affidavit of undue burden. The Division is initiating rulemaking to revise Rules 1S-2.009 and 1S-2.0091 to conform with the new law. Please be sure to subscribe for notices of rulemaking through the Florida Administrative Code https://www.flrules.org/. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Alex Mosca [Alexander.Mosca@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6292] or Lenard Randolph [Lenard.Randolph@dos.myflorida.com; 850-245-6247] Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000355 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000356 Governor Ron DeSantis signed CS/SB 7066 into law on June 28, 2019 which addressed elections administration including list maintenance as it specifically relates to Constitutional Amendment 4. See Chapter 2019-162, Laws of Florida. Please be advised the online voter registration system and the statewide voter registration form (English and Spanish attached) will now reflect the three new statements regarding eligibility based on felony status. The final fillable English and Spanish forms will be available on the Division’s website under Forms later today. Prior voter registration applications will still be acceptable. Please note for the statewide voter registration form, a person who checks one or more of the felony statement checkboxes is eligible as to that field. As in the past, we plan to provide a memo outlining all the key provisions of election-related laws and providing clarification as needed. We appreciate your patience as these changes occur. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000358 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Self, Lana Friday, June 14, 2019 4:08 PM Hogan, Mike;Bethea, Stan RE: Executive Committee Meeting Information for Call I did not know about the three years after a voter’s death. If the report is exported to a spreadsheet, would that allow a quicker process of redacting information? It would still be time consuming. Narrower parameters would be helpful. We have 578,156 voter names to review. Lana Self Candidate and Records Director Ph (904) 630-8010 Fax (904) 630-1894 Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office 105 E. Monroe Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 www.duvalelections.com ***Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, e-mail communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure.*** UPCOMING ELECTION DATES Presidential Preference Primary March 17, 2020 Primary Election August 25, 2020 General Election November 3, 2020 From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 2:30 PM To: Self, Lana; Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Executive Committee Meeting Information for Call What say you two? 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000359 As structured now, your request includes over 273,000 previous voters in Leon County who have been removed from our rolls. The majority of these folks were students at one of our 3 major colleges or universities, and have moved out of the area. I doubt this is information of interest to your request. Regards, Mark Mark S. Earley - CERA, MFCEP Supervisor of Elections Leon County, Florida USA 850.606.8683 https://www.leonvotes.org/ Voting is the most important expression of our collective wisdom. From: Tammy Jones Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 11:00 AM To: Craig Latimer ; Wesley Wilcox ; Mark Earley ; Ron Turner ; Paul Lux (plux@myokaloosa.com) ; Ronald Labasky Subject: Executive Committee Meeting Information for Call Good morning, Below are a few items to discuss tomorrow: 1) Public Record Request Wren and Vicki Cannon had discussions about what portion of the Ineligible Voters report could be provided to the ACLU. Their comments are as follows:  Records of voters who are deceased cannot be provided for three years after the voter’s death. So, I am thinking, for instance, June 12, 2016 through June 12, 2019 (if the report is generated on June 12th) based on the following: In 2014, the Division sent out an email regarding the Social Security Administration Death Master File, dated April 16, 2014, which called for each SOE to sign a MOU which provided: 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000361 - The Supervisor, within the 3-year period commencing on the date of the deceased person’s death, will not use the information for any purpose other than a legitimate fraud prevention interest or a legitimate business purpose pursuant to a law, governmental rule, regulation, or fiduciary duty; and will not disclose any information contained on the D eath Master File to any person other than a person who meets the requirements of the Limited Access Death Master File Subscriber Certification Form. As Florida Division of Elections Director Maria Matthews states in the email: “We recently learned that a federal law became effective March 26, 2014, and imposes new restrictions on the access and use of information from the SSA Death Master File. At a minimum, the source of death data cannot be disclosed within 3 years of the person’s death.” The law that requires the protection of the information is 42 U.S.C. § 1306c; 15 C.F.R. § 1110.2.  On the Ineligible Voters report, an Address Protected Voter’s date of birth and precinct will need to be redacted from the data.  In Nassau County, the Ineligible Voters report has over 47,000 ineligible voters between 2000 to present. Because we will have to redact data (i.e. deceased and Address Protect info), we will have to charge a fee to review and redact exempt and confidential information from the report. I would suspect that every county would have to do the same. Another thing I discovered is that there are technically two different types of records for voters no longer eligible to vote. There are deleted and ineligible. Unfortunately, once you delete a voter it does not give details of why the voter was removed. If you go to list maintenance reports you can see the very top one is "deleted voters" and the 5th one down is "Ineligible voters." 2) Document Sharing from Tappie Villane Good afternoon- on behalf of the Communications Committee and as a follow up from the recent Summer Conference, I spoke with Britt from VR Systems today. She reviewed with me the Document Sharing tool VR Systems has added to the FSASE website, in the event we decide to use this feature. Basically a designated person would grant permissions to SOE’s in order to login into the FSASE website. Once those permissions were granted an SOE would have the ability, through a link 4 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000362 provided to them, to log into the site and access the Document Sharing portion only. The link to this area is: myfloridaelections.com/document-sharing Once logged in there will be folders that contain files to be shared. These folders can be set up by individual counties or document names. This is a quick overview of how the document sharing process would work. Please let me know if you would like to move forward with this process or if you have any questions or concerns! 5 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000363 To: Tammy Jones ; Craig Latimer ; Wesley Wilcox ; Ron Turner ; Paul Lux (plux@myokaloosa.com) ; Ronald Labasky Subject: RE: Executive Committee Meeting Information for Call This is going to be my second response to ACLU (first was simple acknowledgement) to their PRR: Good Morning, Our office is currently evaluating your Public Records Request 19-139. This request is expected to involve a large amount of staff time to research and redact records per Florida Statutes. Therefore, we anticipate this will be a costly request to fulfill and it will take some significant time to complete. It might be helpful for you and for us if you can narrow the parameters of the request. As structured now, your request includes over 273,000 previous voters in Leon County who have been removed from our rolls. The majority of these folks were students at one of our 3 major colleges or universities, and have moved out of the area. I doubt this is information of interest to your request. Regards, Mark Mark S. Earley - CERA, MFCEP Supervisor of Elections Leon County, Florida USA 850.606.8683 https://www.leonvotes.org/ Voting is the most important expression of our collective wisdom. From: Tammy Jones Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 11:00 AM To: Craig Latimer ; Wesley Wilcox ; Mark Earley ; Ron Turner ; Paul Lux (plux@myokaloosa.com) ; Ronald Labasky Subject: Executive Committee Meeting Information for Call Good morning, Below are a few items to discuss tomorrow: 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000365 1) Public Record Request Wren and Vicki Cannon had discussions about what portion of the Ineligible Voters report could be provided to the ACLU. Their comments are as follows:  Records of voters who are deceased cannot be provided for three years after the voter’s death. So, I am thinking, for instance, June 12, 2016 through June 12, 2019 (if the report is generated on June 12th) based on the following: In 2014, the Division sent out an email regarding the Social Security Administration Death Master File, dated April 16, 2014, which called for each SOE to sign a MOU which provided: - The Supervisor, within the 3-year period commencing on the date of the deceased person’s death, will not use the information for any purpose other than a legitimate fraud prevention interest or a legitimate business purpose pursuant to a law, governmental rule, regulation, or fiduciary duty; and will not disclose any information contained on the Death Master File to any person other than a person who meets the requirements of the Limited Access Death Master File Subscriber Certification Form. As Florida Division of Elections Director Maria Matthews states in the email: “We recently learned that a federal law became effective March 26, 2014, and imposes new restrictions on the access and use of information from the SSA Death Master File. At a minimum, the source of death data cannot be disclosed within 3 years of the person’s death.” The law that requires the protection of the information is 42 U.S.C. § 1306c; 15 C.F.R. § 1110.2.  On the Ineligible Voters report, an Address Protected Voter’s date of birth and precinct will need to be redacted from the data.  In Nassau County, the Ineligible Voters report has over 47,000 ineligible voters between 2000 to present. Because we will have to redact data (i.e. deceased and Address Protect info), we will have to charge a fee to review and redact exempt and confidential information from the report. I would suspect that every county would have to do the same. Another thing I discovered is that there are technically two different types of records for voters no longer eligible to vote. There are deleted and ineligible. Unfortunately, once you delete a voter it 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000366 does not give details of why the voter was removed. If you go to list maintenance reports you can see the very top one is "deleted voters" and the 5th one down is "Ineligible voters." 2) Document Sharing from Tappie Villane Good afternoon- on behalf of the Communications Committee and as a follow up from the recent Summer Conference, I spoke with Britt from VR Syste ms today. She reviewed with me the Document Sharing tool VR Systems has added to the FSASE website, in the event we decide to use this feature. Basically a designated person would grant permissions to SOE’s in order to login into the FSASE website. Once those permissions were granted an SOE would have the ability, through a link provided to them, to log into the site and access the Document Sharing portion only. The link to this area is: myfloridaelections.com/document-sharing Once logged in there will be folders that contain files to be shared. These folders can be set up by individual counties or document names. This is a quick overview of how the document sharing process would work. Please let me know if you would like to move forward with this process or if you have any questions or concerns! 4 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000367 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bethea, Stan Friday, May 31, 2019 4:53 PM Hogan, Mike Phillips, Robert;Teal, Jason;Self, Lana Re: Public Records Request (FL-DUVAL-19-0634) I have made the request to the city to pull any pertaint emails. Thanks, Stan Message and typos sent from smartphone. On May 31, 2019 11:27 AM, "Hogan, Mike" wrote: Thank you Jason Sent from my iPhone On May 31, 2019, at 4:07 PM, Teal, Jason wrote: It looks like a 2 part request: 1. All communications from Maria Matthews between November 2016 and now regarding “voter roll maintenance”; and 2. If there are any communications from Maria about voter roll maintenance during this time period, they also want all documents that document any actions that you all took as a result of Maria’s communication(s). So, I would start with an email search, unless you received anything by hard copy, to see what communications there were with Maria between Nov. 2016 and present. Then, if there are any, you’ll have to sort through them to see which ones pertain to voter roll maintenance. If there are any that are on that topic, then you’ll have to look to see if there’s any records that reflect whatever actions you all took in response to the directive. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 5:40 PM To: Self, Lana; Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan Cc: Teal, Jason Subject: Fwd: Public Records Request (FL-DUVAL-19-0634) Jason any thoughts on the attached? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: American Oversight Records Date: May 29, 2019 at 3:50:16 PM GMT+1 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000368 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Phillips, Robert Friday, May 31, 2019 11:57 AM Teal, Jason;Hogan, Mike Self, Lana;Bethea, Stan RE: Public Records Request (FL-DUVAL-19-0634) uuurp From: Teal, Jason Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 11:41 AM To: Hogan, Mike Cc: Self, Lana ; Phillips, Robert ; Bethea, Stan Subject: RE: Public Records Request (FL-DUVAL-19-0634) Also, FYI – we are delivering the voter signature diff. hard copies pursuant to the subpoena to the AG’s office today. And have you eaten your fill of haggis and black pudding yet? Bangers and mash? From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 11:28 AM To: Teal, Jason Cc: Self, Lana; Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan Subject: Re: Public Records Request (FL-DUVAL-19-0634) Thank you Jason Sent from my iPhone On May 31, 2019, at 4:07 PM, Teal, Jason wrote: It looks like a 2 part request: 1. All communications from Maria Matthews between November 2016 and now regarding “voter roll maintenance”; and 2. If there are any communications from Maria about voter roll maintenance during this time period, they also want all documents that document any actions that you all took as a result of Maria’s communication(s). So, I would start with an email search, unless you received anything by hard copy, to see what communications there were with Maria between Nov. 2016 and present. Then, if there are any, you’ll have to sort through them to see which ones pertain to voter roll maintenance. If there are any that are on that topic, then you’ll have to look to see if there’s any records that reflect whatever actions you all took in response to the directive. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 5:40 PM To: Self, Lana; Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000370 Please find attached a request for records under the Florida’s public records laws. Sincerely, Clay M. Goode Paralegal American Oversight foia@americanoversight.org www.americanoversight.org @weareoversight FL-DUVAL-19-0634 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000373 DHSMV will take a number of database system offline to conduct these needed upgrades including the one (DAVID) that is used to verify personal identifying information on a voter registration application. This will affect access to the Department of State’s online voter registration system (www.registertovoteflorida.gov). Therefore, OVR will be unavailable for electronic submissions beginning at 7 PM Eastern Time, Friday, May 10, and ending 8 AM Eastern Time, Monday, May 13, 2019. OVR may still be used to prefill and print the prefilled voter registration application for signature and delivery in person or by mail. The other option is for voters to download a paper application (English PDF/ Español PDF). We will be posting a message on our website during that period. The DHSMV outage will also affect the HSMV verification file process for new voter registration applications entered into FVRS and submitted to DHSMV during the scheduled maintenance window. We apologize for any inconvenience. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000375 OVR may still be used to prefill and print the prefilled voter registration application for signature and delivery in person or by mail. The other option is for voters to download a paper application (English PDF/ Español PDF). We will be posting a message on our website during that period. The DHSMV outage will also affect the HSMV verification file process for new voter registration applications entered into FVRS and submitted to DHSMV during the scheduled maintenance window. We apologize for any inconvenience. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000377 Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000379 In order to ensure the Department is fully complying with the law and honoring the will of the voters, we will be recalling this week for re-examination the potential felony match files that the Division previously sent you prior to the passage of Amendment 4 and that are still reflected as pending (PEN) at the county level. These are files for which you have not yet made a final determination of ineligibility. By reexamining these files under the scope of Amendment 4, we can ensure that registered eligible voters are not incorrectly removed from the rolls. To complete the task on our end, please invalidate all PEN felony matches you received from the Division of Elections that you would like us to pull back and reexamine under the scope of Amendment 4. This includes all Active (ACT) and Inactive (INA) records, regardless at which stage the record is pending, short of removal. We will only recall the invalidated PEN files after 6 PM (Eastern Time), February 14 (Thursday). Your points of contact will be Chief Toshia Brown (Toshia.brown@dos.myflorida.com; 850.245.6225) and Amber Marconnet (amber.marconnet@dos.myflorida.com; 850.245.6224). If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for your cooperation. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000381 under the scope of Amendment 4, we can ensure that registered eligible voters are not incorrectly removed from the rolls. To complete the task on our end, please invalidate all PEN felony matches you received from the Division of Elections that you would like us to pull back and reexamine under the scope of Amendment 4. This includes all Active (ACT) and Inactive (INA) records, regardless at which stage the record is pending, short of removal. We will only recall the invalidated PEN files after 6 PM (Eastern Time), February 14 (Thursday). Your points of contact will be Chief Toshia Brown (Toshia.brown@dos.myflorida.com; 850.245.6225) and Amber Marconnet (amber.marconnet@dos.myflorida.com; 850.245.6224). If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for your cooperation. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000383 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hogan, Mike Wednesday, November 21, 2018 10:00 AM Haynes, Arzada SE1 RE: QUESTION: As far as the recounts are concerned, voters want to know what constitutes or causes a recount and who is allowed to actually do the recount. ANSWER: The recount is officially called by the Secretary of State, for State and Federal races, and by the Supervisor of Election for local races. Florida Statutes require a machine recount if the margin of victory 0.5% or less, and a manual recount if the margin is 0.25% or less. The Supervisor of Elections chooses his/her own counting team – the counting team mem bers may be employees of the SOE or any elector (registered voter of the State). Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:02 PM To: Hogan, Mike; Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan; Libby, John; Clark, Greg Subject: RE: We are receiving numerous calls regarding Amendment 4. Callers are requesting information regarding how the process of restoration will work i.e. what paper work is needed and where they can obtain it, is restoration automatic, how long does the process take, etc. As far as the recounts are concerned, voters want to know what constitutes or causes a recount and who is allowed to actually do the recount. This was a big issue for us as they were told that they should signup to count ballots and it became a three ring circus at the EC. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:07 AM To: Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan; Haynes, Arzada; Libby, John; Clark, Greg Subject: 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000386 Please give me any thoughts about Item 2 in Maria’s email below. Thanks Dear Supervisors: Hope you all have sufficiently recovered from the 2018 General Election although we know still have a number of things to wrap. I have two requests for the immediate future: 1. If I have not already asked you, please provide me a pdf. copy of your longest ballot style for the 2018 General Election (when ready) – stamp void, and an example of your sample ballot. This will help our staff in reviewing any applicable rules. 2. For FSASE conference, the Division has a 3-hour block on Tuesday, December 4. Since we have a smaller gathering, it will be more of an open dialogue covering at a minimum these topics: recounts, constitutional amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000387 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Phillips, Robert Tuesday, November 20, 2018 3:59 PM Bethea, Stan;Hogan, Mike;Haynes, Arzada;Libby, John;Clark, Greg RE: Yes, we definitely need some guidance on how other counties are processing “signed by other” especially how it relates to the cure. That causes quite a mess From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:42 PM To: Hogan, Mike ; Phillips, Robert ; Haynes, Arzada ; Libby, John ; Clark, Greg Subject: RE: A few that quickly come to mind:  A true method to cure “signature different” and “no signature” VBMs. What if the cure signature matches the envelope but not signature on file? What if the cure signature matches what is on file but not the envelope? Is the voter signature updated to the cure signature?  Codify how to handle “signed wrong ballot”.  Decide what to do when a federal judge usurps authority over state law. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:07 AM To: Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan; Haynes, Arzada; Libby, John; Clark, Greg Subject: Please give me any thoughts about Item 2 in Maria’s email below. Thanks Dear Supervisors: Hope you all have sufficiently recovered from the 2018 General Election although we know still have a number of things to wrap. I have two requests for the immediate future: 1. If I have not already asked you, please provide me a pdf. copy of your longest ballot style for the 2018 General Election (when ready) – stamp void, and an example of your sample ballot. This will help our staff in reviewing any applicable rules. 2. For FSASE conference, the Division has a 3-hour block on Tuesday, December 4. Since we have a smaller gathering, it will be more of an open dialogue covering at a minimum these topics: recounts, constitutional 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000388 amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000389 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:50 PM Haynes, Arzada Re: RE: Our answer is simple - the amendments are State Amendments so they would have to contact the appropriate State offices for information- the State’s Parole Commission, the Governor or Cabinet. Sent from my iPhone On Nov 20, 2018, at 2:02 PM, Haynes, Arzada wrote: We are receiving numerous calls regarding Amendment 4. Callers are requesting information regarding how the process of restoration will work i.e. what paper work is needed and where they can obtain it, is restoration automatic, how long does the process take, etc. As far as the recounts are concerned, voters want to know what constitutes or causes a recount and who is allowed to actually do the recount. This was a big issue for us as they were told that they should signup to count ballots and it became a three ring circus at the EC. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:07 AM To: Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan; Haynes, Arzada; Libby, John; Clark, Greg Subject: Please give me any thoughts about Item 2 in Maria’s email below. Thanks Dear Supervisors: Hope you all have sufficiently recovered from the 2018 General Election although we know still have a number of things to wrap. I have two requests for the immediate future: 1. If I have not already asked you, please provide me a pdf. copy of your longest ballot style for the 2018 General Election (when ready) – stamp void, and an example of your sample ballot. This will help our staff in reviewing any applicable rules. 2. For FSASE conference, the Division has a 3-hour block on Tuesday, December 4. Since we have a smaller gathering, it will be more of an open dialogue covering at a minimum these topics: recounts, constitutional amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000390 Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000391 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:42 PM Hogan, Mike;Phillips, Robert;Haynes, Arzada;Libby, John;Clark, Greg RE: A few that quickly come to mind:  A true method to cure “signature different” and “no signature” VBMs. What if the cure signature matches the envelope but not signature on file? What if the cure signature matches what is on file but not the envelope? Is the voter signature updated to the cure signature?  Codify how to handle “signed wrong ballot”.  Decide what to do when a federal judge usurps authority over state law. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:07 AM To: Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan; Haynes, Arzada; Libby, John; Clark, Greg Subject: Please give me any thoughts about Item 2 in Maria’s email below. Thanks Dear Supervisors: Hope you all have sufficiently recovered from the 2018 General Election although we know still have a number of things to wrap. I have two requests for the immediate future: 1. If I have not already asked you, please provide me a pdf. copy of your longest ballot style for the 2018 General Election (when ready) – stamp void, and an example of your sample ballot. This will help our staff in reviewing any applicable rules. 2. For FSASE conference, the Division has a 3-hour block on Tuesday, December 4. Since we have a smaller gathering, it will be more of an open dialogue covering at a minimum these topics: recounts, constitutional amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000392 Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000393 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Haynes, Arzada Tuesday, November 20, 2018 2:02 PM Hogan, Mike;Phillips, Robert;Bethea, Stan;Libby, John;Clark, Greg RE: We are receiving numerous calls regarding Amendment 4. Callers are requesting information regarding how the process of restoration will work i.e. what paper work is needed and where they can obtain it, is restoration automatic, how long does the process take, etc. As far as the recounts are concerned, voters want to know what constitutes or causes a recount and who is allowed to actually do the recount. This was a big issue for us as they were told that they should signup to count ballots and it became a three ring circus at the EC. From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:07 AM To: Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan; Haynes, Arzada; Libby, John; Clark, Greg Subject: Please give me any thoughts about Item 2 in Maria’s email below. Thanks Dear Supervisors: Hope you all have sufficiently recovered from the 2018 General Election although we know still have a number of things to wrap. I have two requests for the immediate future: 1. If I have not already asked you, please provide me a pdf. copy of your longest ballot style for the 2018 General Election (when ready) – stamp void, and an example of your sample ballot. This will help our staff in reviewing any applicable rules. 2. For FSASE conference, the Division has a 3-hour block on Tuesday, December 4. Since we have a smaller gathering, it will be more of an open dialogue covering at a minimum these topics: recounts, constitutional amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000394 Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000395 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Phillips, Robert Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:10 AM Hogan, Mike RE: How we handle felons moving forward is going to be paramount, and legislative fix to the cure. Those would be my big two From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:07 AM To: Phillips, Robert ; Bethea, Stan ; Haynes, Arzada ; Libby, John ; Clark, Greg Subject: Please give me any thoughts about Item 2 in Maria’s email below. Thanks Dear Supervisors: Hope you all have sufficiently recovered from the 2018 General Election although we know still have a number of things to wrap. I have two requests for the immediate future: 1. If I have not already asked you, please provide me a pdf. copy of your longest ballot style for the 2018 General Election (when ready) – stamp void, and an example of your sample ballot. This will help our staff in reviewing any applicable rules. 2. For FSASE conference, the Division has a 3-hour block on Tuesday, December 4. Since we have a smaller gathering, it will be more of an open dialogue covering at a minimum these topics: recounts, constitutional amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000396 Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000397 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Hogan, Mike Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:07 AM Phillips, Robert;Bethea, Stan;Haynes, Arzada;Libby, John;Clark, Greg Please give me any thoughts about Item 2 in Maria’s email below. Thanks Dear Supervisors: Hope you all have sufficiently recovered from the 2018 General Election although we know still have a number of things to wrap. I have two requests for the immediate future: 1. If I have not already asked you, please provide me a pdf. copy of your longest ballot style for the 2018 General Election (when ready) – stamp void, and an example of your sample ballot. This will help our staff in reviewing any applicable rules. 2. For FSASE conference, the Division has a 3-hour block on Tuesday, December 4. Since we have a smaller gathering, it will be more of an open dialogue covering at a minimum these topics: recounts, constitutional amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000398 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000399 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Tuesday, November 20, 2018 9:42 AM Bethea, Stan RE: Special Requests Thank you sir Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 9:40 AM To: Matthews, Maria I. (Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com) Cc: Hogan, Mike Subject: FW: Special Requests See attached. Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 9:19 AM To: Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Special Requests I Can you handle item 1 in Maria’s email? 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000400 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000402 amendment 4, rulemaking and potential legislative ideas. That is a lot right there but let me know if you have any matters that you would like covered in case we run out of things to talk about.  Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000404 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Self, Lana Tuesday, September 11, 2018 10:16 AM Hogan, Mike;Phillips, Robert;Bethea, Stan White, Julie RE: Reminder: Ballot certifications for Candidates for 2018 General Election/Constitutional Amendments Update Brenda, Julie, Deon, Maggie and I have checked the statuses of the local candidates in the SOE portal. No discrepancies have been found. I have verified the post primary update in the portal. Lana Self Candidate and Records Director Ph (904) 630-8010 Fax (904) 630-1894 Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office 105 E. Monroe Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 www.duvalelections.com ***Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, e-mail communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure.*** UPCOMING ELECTION DATES General Election November 6, 2018 From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:51 AM To: Phillips, Robert; Bethea, Stan; Self, Lana Cc: White, Julie Subject: FW: Reminder: Ballot certifications for Candidates for 2018 General Election/Constitutional Amendments Update 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000407 ballot. They actually have financial impact statements that were are already included in this the attached memo. 3. For proper ballot placement and formatting requirements (e.g., font type and size, alignment, upper and lower case, columns, etc.), you must follow the procedures in Rule 1S-2.032 – Uniform Design for Election Ballots, F.A.C. (www.flrules.org). A ballot example for the general election ballot (DS-DE 207 GEN) is also available with Rule 1S-2.032. Note: Please be advised that CRC Revisions numbered 7, 9, and 11 are currently under appeal in the 1st District Court of Appeals. You will be notified if or when the ballot language is to be removed from the General Election ballot or if too late to remove from the ballot, what notice may be needed. Otherwise, proceed with amendments 1-7 and 9-13 to be placed on the ballot. If you have any questions before finalizing your ballot, please contact me. Thanks. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. From: Matthews, Maria I. Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 5:16 PM To: Matthews, Maria I. Cc: Willis, Kristi R. (Bronson) ; Modrow, Janet Subject: Ballot certifications for Candidates for 2018 General Election/Constitutional Amendments Update Dear Supervisors: Ballot certifications as to candidates for the 2018 General Election Ballot are now available for REVIEW by each respective county. You will find your county certifications in the file transfer utility portion of the SOE Admin portal. Please notify approp riate staff to review and verify the information as accurate and/or report any discrepancies between your information and ours immediately to Kristi.Willis@dos.myflorida.com. You must email us confirmation that you have reviewed your county certifications even if you have no discrepancy to note. Please remember that except for justices or judges seeking retention, the names of unopposed candidates shall not appear on the general election ballot. By law, each unopposed candidate is deemed to have voted for himself or herself at the general election. See ss. 101.151(7), 105.051(1)(b), F.S. Your local candidate statuses have also been updated based on the Primary Election results. Please generate and review the Office Summary Report to verify the correct status has been applied to each 4 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000410 candidate. If no discrepancies, be sure to check the box by “Verified Post Primary Update.” If any discrepancies, please contact Kristi Willis at Kristi.Willis@dos.myflorida.com ATTENTION: For purposes of the constitutional amendments on the 2018 General Election Ballot, notice is hereby given that the Florida Supreme Court has:   Affirmed the circuit court judgment to strike Constitutional Revision No. 8 from the General Election Ballot (See No. SC18—1368). Therefore, Constitutional Revision No. 8 shall NOT appear on the 2018 General Election Ballot. All other amendments numbered 1-7 and 9-13 retain their same numbered ballot position and shall appear on the ballot. If you have any questions about this email, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 850.443.7730 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 5 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000411 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000413 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Tuesday, January 23, 2018 5:49 PM SE1 FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Number for Initiative Petition 14-01 As information From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 10:00 AM To: SOEList Subject: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Number for Initiative Petition - 14-01 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot: • Initiative Petition 14-01 entitled Voting Restoration Amendment The designating ballot number assigned is 4. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64388&seqnum=1 The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000415 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Friday, January 19, 2018 3:51 PM White, Julie FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Scan and email the forms I signed and placed on your desk to Ashley Dunn see below in Maria’s document and then call her to confirm receipt. THKS Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850 245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. - - - Initiative Petition Signature Certifications 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000416     In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C. Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month. Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage. The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000417 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Hogan, Mike Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:58 AM SE1 FW: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition 15-22 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ----- Stan, Lana and Robert Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:50 AM To: SOEList Subject: Certification of Ballot Position and Designating Numbers for Initiative Petition - 15-22 Dear Supervisors: The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of ballot position for the following citizen initiative for the upcoming 2018 General Election ballot:  Initiative Petition 15-22 entitled Voter Control of Gambling in Florida The designating ballot number assigned is 3. Other information including the ballot title, and the ballot summary for this citizen initiative petition can be found at http://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/initdetail.asp?account=64995&seqnum=1. The sponsoring committee may request in writing that you discontinue with signature verifications. Please share with appropriate members of your staff. Respectfully, 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000418 Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000419 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Self, Lana Wednesday, January 10, 2018 9:58 AM Byles, Brenda FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Importance: High Email below from state about faxing certifications before mailing them. Lana Self Candidate and Records Director Ph (904) 630-8010 Fax (904) 630-1894 Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office 105 E. Monroe Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 www.duvalelections.com ***Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, e-mail communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure.*** UPCOMING ELECTION DATES Primary Election August 28, 2018 General Election November 6, 2018 From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 4:33 PM To: Self, Lana; Hall, Violet Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Importance: High Ladies, This is also petition info. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 12:03 PM To: Hogan, Mike; Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Partially. I sent you the Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000421 Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:52 AM To: Haynes, Arzada; Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Heads up guys – TO STAN – this is what you sent me earlier this week ?? Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000422     In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C. Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month. Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage. The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000423 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Tuesday, January 09, 2018 12:03 PM Hogan, Mike;Haynes, Arzada RE: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Partially. I sent you the Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:52 AM To: Haynes, Arzada; Bethea, Stan Subject: FW: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Heads up guys – TO STAN – this is what you sent me earlier this week ?? Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt From: Matthews, Maria I. [mailto:Maria.Matthews@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 10:01 AM To: SOEList Cc: Brown, Toshia; Marconnet, Amber; Mosca, Alexander N.; Dunn, Ashley L. Subject: Important Notice - Upcoming Deadlines Dear Supervisors of Elections: Please be advised of the following matters: 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000424 Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance Certification of Activities Reports  These reports are due twice a year – the next due date is no later than January 31, 2018.  Please use the online fillable forms (DS-DE 117 and DS-DE 118). o Complete, print, sign, date, scan and then email the reports (as scanned attachment) to Ashley.Dunn@dos.myflorida.com. Do not send hardcopy originals – they are not required.  To confirm receipt of a report, call Ashley Dunn at: 850-245-6209. Completed reports may be submitted now through January 31, 2018. Initiative Petition Signature Certifications  In order for an initiative petition to be deemed timely filed for ballot position for the 2018 General Election Ballot, the constitutionally requisite number of verified signatures must be verified and reported to the Division no later than 5 pm., February 1. See Rule 1S-2.0091(5), F.A.C.  Be sure to date and time-stamp receipt of the petitions. You must verify signed petitions no later than 30 days from date of receipt. We have no authority to extend the deadline. Therefore, please plan for adequate staffing to handle any potential influx this month.  Since we are now within the last 30 days, email the scanned signed certificates as soon as you have verified them but no later than 5 p.m., February 1. You can follow up later with the originals by mail. This will help getting the counts on certified timely received and verified signed petitions. o Email PDF to alexander.mosca@dos.myflorida.com or if email not available, fax to 850-245- 6217. See also page 18 of SOE Guide to Reports on the SOE Resource webpage.  The Secretary will determine on or immediately after February 1, 2018 whether any initiative petition has made ballot position for the 2018 General Election ballot based on overall signature threshold and congressional district signature threshold.. Please be sure to share this email with relevant staff. Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000425 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000427 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000429 Respectfully, Alexander Mosca Program Administrator Florida Department of State, Division of Elections 850-245-6292 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000433 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000435 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Bethea, Stan Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:22 PM Carter, Patricia FW: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida I spoke to the beast and lived to tell about it… From: Atkins, Jean Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:22 PM To: Bethea, Stan Cc: Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida I would update the party codes according to the VR help file- but this must be done on a ‘quiet system’ (no one can be in VR or any component of it – maintenance, poll workers, etc during the process). So I would normally do this once everyone was gone for the evening, after 5:30pm. Since the party is cancelled, it’s necessary to follow the instructions for ‘deleting a party code’ (changing the existing INT to NPA accordingly). Then, upon completion, the effected voters should automatically be scheduled a notice, which I would print and mail the next day from the appropriate program. Before closing out the process, I would look up one of the voters on the list just to make sure a notice was scheduled. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:09 PM To: Atkins, Jean Cc: Haynes, Arzada Subject: FW: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida How did you handle these in the past? Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:46 PM To: SE1 Subject: Fwd: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Update our records ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: February 3, 2017 at 2:00:25 PM EST 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000436 To: SOEList Cc: "Brown, Toshia" , "Marconnet, Amber" Subject: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Dear Supervisors of Elections: The party registration status for Independent Party of Florida (INT) is cancelled. See attached Final Order 16-048). Please follow these steps:    Forward this email to appropriate staff in your office to implement the changes needed. Ensure your party code table is changed immediately to remove the cancelled party from the selection menu or fields. Consult with your inhouse or outside IT staff for assistance if needed. Follow the process including notice to the voters currently registered with this party as set out in Rule 1S-2.039(6)(c), F.A.C. The attached lists (pdf and excel format) now constitute what political parties are currently registered in Florida. For additional information related to each political party, refer to the Political Party Information page on the Division’s website: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/politicalparties/. Sincerely, Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000437 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hogan, Mike Thursday, November 17, 2016 12:53 PM Bethea, Stan;Phillips, Robert;Wood, Terry FW: List of Post-Election Reports due to Division of Elections Election Returns Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Please note as the responsible party Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election – August 30, 2016 General Election – November 8, 2016 From: Mosca, Alexander N. [mailto:Alexander.Mosca@DOS.MyFlorida.com] Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2016 11:38 AM Subject: List of Post-Election Reports due to Division of Elections Dear Supervisors of Elections and Staff: The 2016 General Election is now behind us, but of course that does not mean that our work related to the election is finished. As you all know, in the coming months a variety of post-election reports will be due to the Division of Elections. Below you will find a list of these reports, along with key information for each. A separate email was sent last week regarding election returns reports (copy attached).We hope you find this list to be of assistance as we move through the election wrap-up period.   Conduct of Elections Report o Deadline: November 20 o Submission Method: Upload via File Transfer Utility on SOE Portal o Further info: Page 30 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE contact: Eleonor.Lipman@DOS.MyFlorida.com 850-245-6258 Petition Signature Verification Reimbursement o Deadline: December 1 o Submission Method: Email letter to DO.Reports@DOS.MyFlorida.com 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000438           o Further info: Page 36 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE contact: Alexander.Mosca@dos.myflorida.com 850-245-6292 Post-Election Voting System Audit o Deadline: December 12 o Submission Method: Upload via File Transfer Utility on SOE Portal o Further info: Page 37 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE contact: Julie.Harmon@DOS.MyFlorida.com 850-245-6228 Votes Cast by Congressional District o Deadline: December 15 o Submission Method: Email verification of report generated by DOE o Further info: Page 20 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE contact: Alexander.Mosca@dos.myflorida.com 850-245-6292 Voter Education Survey o Deadline: December 15 o Submission Method: SOE Reports Application on SOE Portal o Further info: Page 41 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE Contact: Althera.Johnson@DOS.MyFlorida.com 850-245-6211 Overvote/Undervote Report o Deadline: December 15 o Submission Method: Upload via File Transfer Utility on SOE Portal o Further info: Page 35 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE Contact: Julie.Harmon@DOS.MyFlorida.com 850-245-6228 Official Voting History o Deadline: December 22 o Submission Method: FVRS VH03 transaction o Further info: Page 42 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE Contact: Alexander.Mosca@dos.myflorida.com 850-245-6292 Precinct-Level Election Results o Deadline: December 22 o Submission Method: Upload via File Transfer Utility on SOE Portal o Further info: Page 38 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE Contact: Kristy.Maddox@DOS.MyFlorida.com 850-245-6230 Reconciliation Report o Deadline: December 22 o Submission Method: Upload via File Transfer Utility on SOE Portal o Further info: Page 39 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE Contact: Alexander.Mosca@dos.myflorida.com 850-245-6292 HAVA Funds Expenditures o Deadline: December 31 o Submission Method: Email form to Althera.Johnson@DOS.MyFlorida.com o Further info: Page 39 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE contact: Althera.Johnson@DOS.MyFlorida.com 850-245-6211 Certification of Address List Maintenance o Deadline: January 31 o Submission Method: E-Mail scanned attachment to BVRSHelp@dos.myflorida.com o Further info: Page 45 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE contact: Emily.Winburn@dos.myflorida.com 850-245-6209 Certification of Eligibility Records Maintenance o Deadline: January 31 o Submission Method: E-Mail scanned attachment to BVRSHelp@dos.myflorida.com o Further info: Page 46 of SOE Guide to Reports 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000439  o DOE contact: Emily.Winburn@dos.myflorida.com 850-245-6209 US Election Assistance Commission – Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAC EVAS) o Deadline: Initial submission by February 2 o Submission Method: Upload via File Transfer Utility on SOE Portal o Further info: Page 31 of SOE Guide to Reports o DOE contact: Althera.Johnson@DOS.MyFlorida.com 850-245-6211 Alexander Mosca Operations and Management Consultant II Florida Department of State, Division of Elections 850-245-6292 The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000440 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Bronson, Kristi R. Thursday, November 10, 2016 9:41 AM SOEList Bagley, Stacy L.;Brown, Donna S.;Matthews, Maria I.;Mosca, Alexander N.;Marconnet, Amber Election Returns Subject: Dear Supervisors: Please forward this email to the staff members in your office who prepare and submit the canvass. If you forward this message from your phone, make sure that the settings are not such that it truncates the message. A. Reporting Schedule 1. The first set of unofficial returns are due to the Division of Elections no later than noon Eastern Time (ET), Saturday, November 12, 2016. Once the Division receives these returns, it will determine if a machine recount is necessary for a federal, state, or multicounty race. If so, the Secretary of State will issue a machine recount order immediately. We will send a separate email when that happens. 2. If the Secretary orders a recount for your county, the second set of unofficial returns are due to the Division no later than 3 p.m. (ET), Thursday, November 17, 2016. (Upon receipt of the second set of unofficial returns, the Division will determ ine if a manual recount of overvotes and undervotes is required. If so, the Secretary of State will issue a manual recount order immediately. The results of a manual recount are included in the official returns.) a. You do not have to nor should you submit 2nd set of unofficial returns if you were not subject to a recount order from the State. b. Local recount results are also not required nor should they be submitted to the Division. 3. Official returns are due to the Division no later than noon (ET), Sunday, November 20, 2016. B. Contact Information  Staff will be available until 5 p.m. on Thursday, November 10th. Please call Stacy Bagley at 850-245-6286 if you need assistance.  Staff will not be in the office on Friday, November 11th or Saturday November 12th. If you need assistance after 5 p.m. on Thursday, November 10th, email me at Kristi.Bronson@dos.myflorida.com. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000441 C. Instructions for Creating Canvass in the Portal See Step 5 of the User guide - Election Night Reporting Website Walkthrough. When submitting the hard copy of the cer tificate of the canvassing board to the Division, the time stamp on the bottom of the certificate must match the certificate print date in the SOE Portal: otherwise, you must submit another copy of the certificate of the canvassing board that matches the p rint date in the SOE Portal. At least two canvassing board member signatures are required. The results are not submitted until you click on the “Submit to DOE” button, which will populate the time of your submittal. If you do not click on this button, DOE staff will be doing it once the deadline has passed. This will make it appear as if you did not meet the deadline. You cannot generate the next required canvass until you have “submitted” the current canvass. The conduct of elections report must be submitted at the same time as the official results are certified and submitted. The conduct of elections, however, goes to the Bureau of Voting Systems Certification. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000442 You can use the SOE File Transfer Utility to submit that report or you can email it. The instructions for submission are on page 30 of the SOE Guide to the Division of Elections – Reports, Downloads, and Uploads at: http://soe.dos.state.fl.us/pdf/SoeGuideToReports.pdf. Please direct any questions regarding the Conduct of Elections Report to the Bureau of Voting Systems Certification. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 3 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000443 Political Parties Department of State - Division of Elections Generated 4/20/2017 Active Date Party Name of Officer(s) Code FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000444 Active Date Party Name of Officer(s) Code FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000445 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Atkins, Jean Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:22 PM Bethea, Stan Haynes, Arzada RE: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida I would update the party codes according to the VR help file- but this must be done on a ‘quiet system’ (no one can be in VR or any component of it – maintenance, poll workers, etc during the process). So I would normally do this once everyone was gone for the evening, after 5:30pm. Since the party is cancelled, it’s necessary to follow the instructions for ‘deleting a party code’ (changing the existing INT to NPA accordingly). Then, upon completion, the effected voters should automatically be scheduled a notice, which I would print and mail the next day from the appropriate program. Before closing out the process, I would look up one of the voters on the list just to make sure a notice was scheduled. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:09 PM To: Atkins, Jean Cc: Haynes, Arzada Subject: FW: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida How did you handle these in the past? Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, Mike Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:46 PM To: SE1 Subject: Fwd: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Update our records ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: February 3, 2017 at 2:00:25 PM EST To: SOEList Cc: "Brown, Toshia" , "Marconnet, Amber" Subject: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Dear Supervisors of Elections: 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000446 The party registration status for Independent Party of Florida (INT) is cancelled. See attached Final Order 16-048). Please follow these steps:    Forward this email to appropriate staff in your office to implement the changes needed. Ensure your party code table is changed immediately to remove the cancelled party from the selection menu or fields. Consult with your inhouse or outside IT staff for assistance if needed. Follow the process including notice to the voters currently registered with this party as set out in Rule 1S-2.039(6)(c), F.A.C. The attached lists (pdf and excel format) now constitute what political parties are currently registered in Florida. For additional information related to each political party, refer to the Political Party Information page on the Division’s website: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/politicalparties/. Sincerely, Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation. As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided. Please note: Florida has a broad public records law. Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure. The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000447 Brown-Wilson, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Phillips, Robert Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:33 PM Self, Lana FW: Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 01-2018 SOE Mnthly Conf Call Agenda.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Lana, here is the number From: Madrigal, Virgie [mailto:Virgie.Madrigal@DOS.MyFlorida.com] On Behalf Of Matthews, Maria I. Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:32 PM To: SOEContacts Subject: Reminder: SOE Monthly Conference Call - January 2018 Dear Supervisors: This email is a reminder about the DOS-SOE monthly conference call, this Thursday, January 18, 2018. You have the option of calling in for either the 9am (EDT) or 10:20am (EDT) call. Attached is the agenda with the conference call-in number (also listed below). Call-in information: 1-888-670-3525 Participant passcode: 686 248 9251, then press # Roll call will be taken. If you are unable to participate, we respectfully ask th at you designate a staff member to participate on the call so that your county is represented and does not miss out on important information that may be shared, or the opportunity to ask questions, or hear what other colleagues have to say. Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com The Department of State is committed to excellence. Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. 1 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000449 Subject: Comm ttee Meet ng Location: E ect ons Center Start: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 2:00 PM EST End: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:30 PM EST Show Time As: Tentat ve Recurrence: None Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Haynes, Arzada Optional Attendees: Hogan, M ke; Atk ns, Jean; Bethea, Stan; C ark, Greg; Downey, Deon; Hess, Mary; Hester, George; L bby, John; Ph ps, Robert; Wh te, Ju e Resources: 14.03.0336.000 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000451 From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Monday, Apr 03, 2017 11:54 AM EDT To: SE1 Subject: Fo ow up on the K te F yer The whole story of Ray Bethell. He is truly an inspiring man, as well as amazing kite flier. Watch the video below to hear his story in his own words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3rK8-39AhQ Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D Roosevelt FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000452 and integrity. “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” B B ackman…Hea ts and M nds Netwo k **Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure** FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000454 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 9:19 AM EDT To: Bethea, Stan CC: Hogan, M ke BCC: Beth Subject: FW: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters -Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters Attachment(s): "@" Stan, As I stated in my original email from last week, all the supplies needed to review the irregularities report are located at the EC. I can’t assist this time because I am currently working on processing candidate petitions since the deadline is noon Monday. Jean From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 1:28 PM To: Bethea, Stan Subject: RE: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters Stan, You’re going to have to research the entries you need to check on because all of the supplies (registers, EVID tickets, abs envelop, etc) are at the EC and I can’t get out there this week. If you have a question in your research, I might be able to assist somewhere- at least point you in the direction of how to dissect the irregularities. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 1:20 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 1:17 PM To: Bethea, Stan Subject: RE: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters On my cell--From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 1:16 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters Are you in the office? From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 1:12 PM To: Bethea, Stan Subject: RE: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters I’m aware--- but each of the voters I asked you about were new and like Gary said, the law is pretty clear about notifying within the 5 days From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 1:08 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: FW: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters A long response about printing cards. From: Ho and, Gary J. [ma to:Gary.Ho and@DOS.MyF or da.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:58 PM To: Bethea, Stan Subject: Fwd: Duva County/Paper Prec nct Reg sters Reg stered and Ex st ng Reg stered Voters Not on the Reg sters See Maria's input below. Gary J. Holland FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000455 Assistant Director Division of Elections Florida Department of State Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: March 23, 2016 at 12:54:52 PM EDT To: "Holland, Gary J." < Gary.Holland@DOS.MyFlorida.com> Subject: Duval County/Paper Precinct Registers -Registered and Existing Registered Voters Not on the Registers Gary: Here are my thoughts: (1) New registrant. (a) The law is pretty clear about having to send a notice to the new applicant within 5 business days after entering the application for new registration into the system. (Section 97.073, F.S.) In all counties, I believe the voter information card serves as that notice for new registrant (i.e., disposition of acceptance). (b) If the question is then about how to handle the process at the polls on election day when someone shows up at the polls and is not on the paper precinct register, it is up to each county what protocols should be in place but these are some considerations: (i) If the voter presents a voter information card to affirm he or she is registered to vote, the poll worker would simply have to note that the registration date was post book closing which means although registered now, not in time to vote in the election. The voter information card should contain the voter registration date. This means the poll worker has to know what the book closing date is for that election. 1. If the registration date on the card is before or on book closing date, the person is entitled to vote a regular ballot. There should be procedures in place to add people to the precinct register that somehow do not show up on the paper precinct register for whatever reason but are eligible to vote. I do not know how far in advance paper registers are generated. Regardless the person should be able to vote a regular ballot. If the poll worker is not comfortable with the voter information card, then he or she should call front office to confirm. 2. If the registration date on the card is after book closing, then the poll worker will need to provide the voter with an opportunity to vote a provisional ballot and be ready, if necessary to explain why the person may now be registered, he or she was not in time to vote in the election. Once again, it will be up to the county as to what protocols should be in place to verify or if the voter information card will be sufficient basis to act on. 3. If the poll worker has any doubt about the authenticity of the card or is unable to otherwise verify from existing resources at the polling place/precinct that the voter is registered in time for the election and in the right precinct/polling place, the poll worker will have to check with the front office. If the voter is determined to be registered in time and in the proper precinct, the voter would vote a regular ballot. If not the voter would have to vote a provisional ballot. See section 101.045, F.S. (2) Existing registered voter. (a) The law governing the timeline for notifying a voter about an address change, name change or party affiliation change that he or she requested is different. The law says that the voter registration official shall make the necessary changes within the records as soon as practical upon receipt and then shall then issue a new voter information card with the change(s). See section 97.1031, F.S. (b) If the question is then about how to handle the process at the polls on election day when someone shows up at the polls and is not on the paper precinct register because the address change occurred after the precinct registers were generated, it is up to each county as what protocols to follow but these are some considerations: 1. Address changes can be made at any time including up to and including election day. 2. We recommend if possible and practicable to generate last minute supplemental registers to each polling place/precinct the day before an election to include voters who made to reflect address changes that put voters in that precinct/polling place that weren’t there when the precinct registers were first generated. I do not know how feasible this is. 3. A voter information card while prima facie evidence at some point that the voter was registered with that address, a poll worker could not rely on the card because even the card had an issuance date (other say maybe than election day and a timestamp), the poll worker has no idea whether the voter made another address change outside the time in which the card was issued. 4. The poll worker will have to check with the front office to determine if that person FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000456 is now registered with an address that puts that person in that precinct. Otherwise because paper precinct registers are being used (under the scenario presented by Stan, the electronic poll book is not available), the voter would have to vote a provisional ballot, UNLESS he or she is an active uniformed services member or family member in which case he or she can do a change of address and vote a regular ballot. See section 101.045, F.S. 5. If the poll worker cannot determine if the person is otherwise registered with that address in the county for the polling place/precinct, then the voter will have to vote a provisional ballot per section 101.048, F.S. Respectfully, Maria Matthews Maria Matthews, Esq. Director, Division of Elections Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street R.A. Gray Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 850.245.6520 (office phone) 850.245.6217 (fax) 850.443.7730 (cell) Th s response s prov ded for reference on y and does not const tute ega adv ce or representat on As app ed to a part cu ar set of facts or c rcumstances, nterested part es shou d refer to the F or da S atutes and app cab e case aw, and/or consu t a pr vate attorney before draw ng any ega conc us ons or re y ng upon the nformat on prov ded Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Written communications (including e mail content and addresses) to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. If you do not want your e mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. From: Holland, Gary J. Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 11:10 AM To: Matthews, Maria I. Subject: Fwd: Voter information card to voter who registers after book closing Thiughts? Gary J. Holland Assistant Director Division of Elections Florida Department of State Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Bethea, Stan" Date: March 23, 2016 at 10:40:02 AM EDT To: "Gary.Holland@DOS.MyFlorida.com" Subject: Voter information card to voter who registers after book closing Gary, I have a question in light of 97.073. If a voter registers after book closing (2/18/16) in this example, is a voter card required to be sent before election day? If a voter card is printed for such a person and paper registers have to be used on election day, confusion could result if/when a voter came in with a registration card yet they weren’t on the register. Thanks, Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000457 Office> 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 The Department of State is committed to excellence Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey << image001.jpg (2.0 (2.0 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000458 From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Thursday, Apr 13, 2017 1:56 PM EDT To: SE1 Subject: FW: f ag po e ght Attachment(s): "dr ve way.pdf" Attention Everyone. On April 20, the parking lot on the access from Ocean St. will be closed. Please use our other 2 lots. Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D Roosevelt From: Dav d Nessm th [ma to:dnessm th@mecojax.com] Sent: Thursday, Apr 13, 2017 1:25 PM To: Hogan, M ke Subject: f ag po e ght Hi Mike, If it is okay with you, we would like to do the flag pole light installation on Thursday morning April the 20th. I have attached a picture indicating that we will need three parking spaces blocked off for that Thursday morning for about three hours. Please let me know if this is okay with you. Thank you, M e E ect c Company David NesSmith Service Department Manager Miller Electric Company 904 360 4517 off ce 904 384 9446 fax 904 838 1906 mob le dnessm th@meco ax com www mecojax com www m e c s com FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000459 From: Bethea, Stan on beha f of Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:09 PM EST To: Atk ns, Jean CC: Haynes, Arzada Subject: FW: Not ce of Party Cance at on Status - Independent Party of F or da Attachment(s): "@" How did you handle these in the past? Thanks, Stan From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Fr day, February 03, 2017 3:46 PM To: SE1 Subject: Fwd: Not ce of Party Cance at on Status Independent Party of F or da Update our records ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Begin forwarded message: From: "Matthews, Maria I." Date: February 3, 2017 at 2:00:25 PM EST To: SOEList Cc: "Brown, Toshia" , "Marconnet, Amber" Subject: Notice of Party Cancellation Status - Independent Party of Florida Dear Supervisors of Elections: The party registration status for Independent Party of Florida (INT) is cancelled. See attached Final Order 16-048). Please follow these steps: · · · Forward this email to appropriate staff in your office to implement the changes needed. Ensure your party code table is changed immediately to remove the cancelled party from the selection menu or fields. Consult with your in-house or outside IT staff for assistance if needed. Follow the process including notice to the voters currently registered with this party as set out in Rule 1S-2.039(6)(c), F.A.C. The attached lists (pdf and excel format) now constitute what political parties are currently registered in Florida. For additional information related to each political party, refer to the Political Party Information page on the Division’s website: http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/candidates-committees/political-parties/. Sincerely, Respectfully, Maria Matthews, Esq. Division of Elections, Director Florida Department of State 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850.245.6520 Maria.matthews@dos.myflorida.com This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute legal advice or representation As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult a private attorney before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided Please note: Florida has a broad public records law Written communications to or from state officials regarding state business constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption Therefore, your e-mail message may be subject to public disclosure The Department of State is committed to excellence Please take our Customer Sa isfaction Survey FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000461 << Final O de No. FEC 16 048 Independent Pa t .pdf ATT00001.htm (0.3 ) Pa t List PDF 2 03 17.pdf (220.7 ) ATT00002.htm (0.3 ) Pa t List Ex el 2 03 17.xls (13.1 ) ATT00003.htm (0.2 ) (288.4 (53.8 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000462 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 3:06 PM EST To: Atk ns, Roger Subject: FW: out of off ce Just keep sticking it to me From: Wh te, Ju e Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 3:03 PM To: SE1 Subject: out of off ce Mr. Hogan will be out of the office for training the remainder of this week. Arzada will be in charge in his absence and will be able to take care of anything that is needed. Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000463 From: Se f, Lana Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:38 PM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: Fwd: Re: [VR Systems, Inc.] Update: Duva Webs te Redes gn FYI Powered by Cr cket W re ess ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Hogan, M ke" Date: Mar 25, 2017 12:56 PM Subject: Re: [VR Systems, Inc.] Update: Duva Webs te Redes gn To: VR Systems Cc: "Wh te, Ju e" ,"Downey, Deon" ,Nancy Lee Bethea ,"C ark, Greg" ,"Se f, Lana" Tuesday the 11th of April works for me On Mar 24, 2017, at 3:39 PM, Em y Chase (VR Systems) wrote: Tuesday the ##- P ease type your rep y above th s ne -## You are reg stered as a CC on th s support request (10640). Rep y to th s ema to add a comment to the request. Emily Chase (VR Systems, Inc.) Mar 24, 3:39 PM EDT Hi Mike, Unfortunately our designer is out on vacation the following week. Could you do Tues April 11th 1pm2pm, or Wed 12th 9am-10am, 10am-11am or 1pm-2pm? Emily Chase Web Solutions Team Lead websupport@vrsystems.com 2840 Remington Green Cir Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-668-2838 Mike Hogan Mar 24, 2:30 PM EDT Unfortunately no, as I will be in an ULCERS meeting all day in Orlando. (large county SOE meeting) Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000465 themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D. Roosevelt Attachment(s) image001.jpg Emily Chase (VR Systems, Inc.) Mar 24, 12:45 PM EDT Hi Mike, Could you do Thursday the 30th 9am-10am or 1pm-2pm? Emily Chase Web Solutions Team Lead websupport@vrsystems.com 2840 Remington Green Cir Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-668-2838 Mike Hogan Mar 24, 10:27 AM EDT Emily I will be in Tallahassee Monday thru Wednesday next week ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Emily Chase (VR Systems, Inc.) Mar 24, 10:00 AM EDT Hi Mike, I wanted to followup with you today to see if you all be available for a call Monday, March 27th 1pm2pm or Tuesday, March 28th 9am-10am or 1pm-2pm? Thanks! Emily Chase Web Solutions Team Lead websupport@vrsystems.com 2840 Remington Green Cir Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-668-2838 Emily Chase (VR Systems, Inc.) Mar 17, 2:57 PM EDT Hi Mike and Stan, Would you all be available Monday, March 27th or Tuesday, March 28th? 9am-10am or 1pm-2pm? FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000466 Thanks, Emily Chase Web Solutions Team Lead websupport@vrsystems.com 2840 Remington Green Cir Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-668-2838 Mike Hogan Mar 16, 3:43 PM EDT No we will be in training all next week ~ Mike Hogan 904.219.8924 Emily Chase (VR Systems, Inc.) Mar 16, 3:13 PM EDT Hi Stan and Mike, Thank you for completing our questionnaire. Would you all be available to do a redesign call next week? Wed. 22nd or Thurs. 23rd, from 9am to 10am Emily Chase Web Solutions Team Lead websupport@vrsystems.com 2840 Remington Green Cir Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-668-2838 Emily Chase (VR Systems, Inc.) Mar 15, 3:49 PM EDT Hi Stan, Here is the redesign process. Please let us know when you are interested in starting this process: 1. Please complete questionnaire 2. Once you have completed the questionnaire, we will schedule an initial design call to discuss your website design with a web support member and Linsey Gosheff who is our graphic designer 3. After the design call, web support will email you the custom designs Linsey comes up (usually FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000467 2 or 3) based on your feedback from the questionnaire and our call. 4. We will then schedule a followup call discussing the designs. Linsey can merge aspects of the different designs or make changes from your feedback. Then at that point Linsey will come up with a final design for your approval. 5. Once you approve, we will begin implementing your new design and put it in production. If you have any questions about this process please email websupport@vrsystems.com. Emily Chase Web Solutions Team Lead websupport@vrsystems.com 2840 Remington Green Cir Tallahassee, FL 32308 850-668-2838 Th s ema s a serv ce from VR Systems, Inc.. De vered by Zendesk. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000468 From: Checorsk , A ce Sent: Tuesday, Apr 04, 2017 1:19 PM EDT To: Burton, N co e ; Checorsk , A ce ; Kekec, N ha ; Mu ns, B a r ; Parker, Mercedes ; Pfanenst e , Lauren ; Stonestreet, Sandra ; W ams, Fe c a ; Atk ns, Jean ; Begue, Kand ; Bracey, John ; Brown, E zabeth ; Brown, LaQu eta ; Burns, Let c a ; Ch sm, C ndy ; Den s, Jan ra X ; Deschenes, Fay ; Ehas, Kay ; F sher, Katr na ; Foss, C ar ssa ; Ha , Sherry ; Hart, Me ssa ; Hatcher, Kathy ; Hazour , Sandra ; Inspector Genera ; Jackson, Ga ; Jackson, Matthew ; Johnsen, Wa ter ; Lakhdar, G na ; Lawson, Mary ; Lee, Dan ta ; Mathews, Frances ; M er, E a ne ; M tche , Kath ; P menta , Jean ; Russe , Mar ene ; Sprunt, Peggy ; St ne, C a re ; Turner, Kather ne ; Underwood, Karen ; Zaher, Scar ett ; Burney, Reg ona ; Chr stmas, Mary ; Cook, Marcy ; Dunn ng, Ernest ; F sher, Sharon ; Herr n, Don ; Hota ng, Da e ; Rogers, L nda ; Tay or, T m CC: Greene, C ay Subject: JaxCares F sh-A-Thon for Sen ors - Fr day, Apr 28, 2017 Attachment(s): "JaxCares F sh a Thon F yer 2017.doc" Calling all JaxCares volunteers for the annual Fish-a-Thon at Hanna Park! Friday, April 28, 2017 8 am – 4 pm See attached flyer for details. Please post/distribute in your area. Reminder: Must submit approved leave slip in advance. Qualifies for 8 hours VTN (volunteer leave time) for all permanent, full-time employees in good standing who have not previously used VTN. Thanks for your support. Alice Checorski Executive Assistant to the Director and to the Operations Director Department of Public Works 214 N. Hogan Street, 10th floor Jacksonville, FL 32202 255-8748 Email: alicec@coj.net Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, email communications to and from City officials are subject to public disclosure. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000469 From: Wh te, Ju e Sent: Wednesday, Apr 12, 2017 1:48 PM EDT To: SE1 Subject: LOST My fitbit fell off my arm about 12:15 pm or so today at the office. If you find please let me know. Thanks Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000474 From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 5:34 PM EDT To: SE1 Subject: Off ce Adm n strat on - Week of March 20th w ll be out of the off ce unt l Fr day (tak ng 3 days of Elect ons tra n ng n Orlando) have appo nted Mr Stan Bethea as act ng Superv sor of Elect ons and have nstructed Ms Jul e Wh te to take care of the Monroe Off ce Adm n strat ve Staff who report to Ms Haynes who s also n tra n ng f any Staff member needs to reach me on any matter please call me on my cell Be Safe M ke FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000477 From: Wh te, Ju e on beha f of Wh te, Ju e Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 4:21 PM EST To: SE1 Subject: Out of the Off ce Mr. Hogan will be out of the office until Monday. Robert will be in the office to take care of anything that is needed in his absence. If Robert is not available, Arzada will be available to help you with anything that you need. Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000478 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, Ju y 07, 2016 5:07 PM EDT To: Bethea, Stan ; Ph ps, Robert ; Johnson, Magg e ; Haynes, Arzada ; L bby, John CC: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: 2016 Pr mary ba ot proofs for rev ew They look ok. Did the new uniform ballot rule change the place of the date in the header? In 2012 primary, party came first, then the date. Just wondering From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, Ju y 07, 2016 11:30 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean; Johnson, Magg e; Haynes, Arzada; L bby, John Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: 2016 Pr mary ba ot proofs for rev ew We, Cliff, Aries, Darwin and I, have reviewed the ballots and don’t find anything wrong with them, but they need another set of eyes. For elections, we assign ballots by precinct. That is to say the races and contests on a ballot for precinct 101 may be the same as precinct 102, however the ballot styles are different. “145 - ballot styles by precinct.pdf” contains all 883 precinct/party specific ballot styles. Those 883 precinct/party styles are really made up of 45 unique ballot cards. “145 - ballot cards.pdf” contains the ballot cards. “145 - precincts by ballot style.pdf” shows the precincts assigned to each card. “145 - ballot styles by precinct.pdf” shows which cards are assigned to each precinct. Basically both reports are showing the 2 sides of the same coin. The files that can be found under G:\Elections\145 - 2016 Primary\Ballot cards are: Page 8 of 2016_06_08_17_03_50.pdf is the county referendum language. 20160830DUV_Cert2050_QP2.pdf are the candidates that qualified with Tallahassee. Additional Candidates.docx are the candidates that qualified with our office. Constitutional Amendments - 2016 Primary - English - ballot language.docx is the amendment language. It doesn’t matter if proofing is done against the 883 individual precinct ballots or 45 cards, but the sooner proofing is completed the sooner I can begin the process of having the Test Deck printed and tabulator prep can begin. Thanks, Stan FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000479 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 10:30 AM EST To: Bethea, Stan ; Hogan, M ke ; Ph ps, Robert ; Haynes, Arzada ; L bby, John ; W gg ns, Ange a ; H nson, Autumn ; Hester, George ; Downey, Deon Subject: RE: 2017 At ant c Beach fo der on G: A final calendar will be sent to everyone when I get confirmation back from the city clerk. Thanks Jean From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 10:29 AM To: Hogan, M ke; Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean; Haynes, Arzada; L bby, John; W gg ns, Ange a; H nson, Autumn; Hester, George; Downey, Deon Subject: 2017 At ant c Beach fo der on G: I have created G:\Elections\153 - 2017 Atlantic Beach Primary and populated “Election tasks.xlsx” with what I know to this point. Thanks, Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Bldg. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32218 Office: 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000480 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, Apr 06, 2016 12:29 PM EDT To: Ph ps, Robert CC: Atk ns, Jean Subject: Re: Absentee Ba ot Jean and Robert p ease eva uate together and text me your exp anat on (ema s very s ow). The Canvass ng Board does everyth ng t can to approve the s gnatures we rev ew. I f nd t mposs b e to be eve we wou d have rejected a s gnature that a member of our staff wou d v ew as "an dent ca match" ?? ~ M ke Hogan 904.219.8924 On Apr 6, 2016, at 2:40 PM, Ph ps, Robert wrote: Donna to d me about th s person ast week I be eve. He got h s etter and was very upset. He sa d he was go ng to come n and see for h mse f. I was prepared to speak to h m but he never came n. He must have come n yesterday wh e I was out. The enve ope s marked rejected by a three members of the board. I do not know who ver f ed the s gnature to beg n w th, but t went through the proper process. If he had spoken to me I was go ng to exp a n to h m t was a canvass ng board dec s on, and there was someth ng n that s gnature that they fe t uncomfortab e accept ng. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID "Atk ns, Jean" wrote: Yes he came n yesterday when you were out Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID "Ph ps, Robert" wrote: Donna, s th s the person we d scussed? Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID "Hogan, M ke" wrote: W you check th s out and rep y? Copy me ~ M ke Hogan 904.219.8924 Beg n forwarded message: From: Date: Apr 5, 2016 at 9:58:25 PM GMT+2 To: "mhogan@co .net" Subject: Absentee Ballot My name s and I just v s ted the Superv sor of E ect ons off ce because I rece ved a etter say ng my absentee ba ot was rejected due to my s gnature not match ng. The manager at th s off ce Jean Atk ns agrees that my s gnature s an dent ca match from my or g na s gnature she pu ed from 14 years ago. I'm very upset due to the fact that I watched every s ng e debate to make my dec s on on who to vote for and my ba ot doesn't count because someone dec ded my s gnature doesn't match. I wou d apprec ate a response and I wou d ke someone to fo ow up on th s. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000482 Sent from Yahoo Ma for Phone FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000483 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Monday, Ju y 13, 2015 10:06 AM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: change of address on voters reg strat on Attachment(s): "@" Jean: PERFECT --- handled swiftly, courteously and professionally --- you earned a Gold Star Mike From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Monday, Ju y 13, 2015 9:46 AM To: Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: FW: change of address on voters reg strat on , Good morning Mr. Hogan asked if I could assist with your request. I have updated your address to Duval County and a new voter card will be mailed within 7-10 days. Please contact me if I can be of further assistance. Thank you, Jean Jean Mar e Atk ns D rector of Voter Adm n strat on Duva County Superv sor of E ect ons 904-630-8013 jatk ns@coj.net www.duvalelections.com From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Monday, Ju y 13, 2015 9:32 AM To: Cc: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: change of address on voters reg strat on Dear : We welcome you to Jacksonville. It is always a pleasure to serve citizens that take pride and ownership in their right to vote. A member of my staff will be handling your request right away. Let me know if you encounter any problems. Have a great day, Mike Hogan From: Sent: Sunday, Ju y 12, 2015 2:40 PM To: Hogan, M ke Subject: change of address on voters reg strat on Hello Supervisor Mike Hogan, My name is and I have recently moved to Duval county. I would like for my voter's registration to reflect my change of address/ precinct. Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. Name: DOB: old address: new address: Fl 33021 (Broward County) Fl 32244 (Duval County) Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you again and have a great day. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000484 << image001.jpg (7.4 (7.4 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000485 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 2:09 PM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean CC: Downey, Deon ; Hester, George ; McCa , Donna ; Bethea, Stan ; Se f, Lana ; Sa ette, Sommer ; Sm th, Ju e ; C ark, Greg ; L bby, John ; H nson, L nda ; Barrera, Chr st ne ; H nson, Cynth a ; Carter, Patr c a ; A mazan, C ff ; Haynes, Arzada ; Torres, Ar es ; H nson, Autumn ; W gg ns, Ange a ; Ph ps, Robert ; Johnson, Magg e ; maryhess44@gma .com ; Brewer, J m ; Krav tz, R chard ; Atk ns, Roger ; F eet, Beth ; Henry, Bobb e ; By es, Brenda ; Frame, W am Subject: RE: Check ng on Voter Reg strat on Status Attachment(s): "@" Jean: Great, clear, comprehensive and thorough answer with completion --- A+ voter service ---- you deserve a Gold Star Mike From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 10:28 AM To: jameso va@gma .com Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: FW: Check ng on Voter Reg strat on Status Good morning James, Mr. Hogan asked if I could assist with your inquiry. You and your wife are both current, active registered voters in Duval County. I’ve included the link to our website so you can verify the information (http://www.duvalelections.com/Voter-Information/Register-to-VoteUpdate-Address-Name-Party/Voter-Status) You do need to enter your names exactly as we have you listed in the voter file. So, Christine’s last name in our records is “Barrett Oliva”. As far as your info not appearing on the state’s website, it looks like you had a duplicate registration record from Port St Lucie because they misspelled your last name (Olivia). That one has since been removed and the state’s file is not picking up your active record- just the removed one. But I can confirm, that you both are still in good standing and are currently registered at 4342 Crooked Creek Dr. I will notify the division of elections to update their files. Please feel free to contact our office if we can be of further assistance. Thank you Jean Jean Mar e Atk ns D rector of Voter Adm n strat on Duva County Superv sor of E ect ons 904-630-8013 jatk ns@coj.net www.duvalelections.com From: James O va [ma to:jameso va@gma .com] Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2015 9:41 PM To: Hogan, M ke Subject: Check ng on Voter Reg strat on Status Accord ng to the http //reg strat on elect ons myflor da com/CheckVoterStatus? t’s say ng my w fe and are currently not reg stered even though we’ve voted absentee over the past few cycles Can you please conf rm f th s s just ma ntenance w th the myflor da com s te or f someth ng has happened that has removed us from the rolls w thout us be ng not f ed FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000486 Names James Ol va (DOB 11/20/1980) Chr st na Ol va (DOB 10/4/1981) K ndest Regards James Ol va 904 304 1037 << image001.jpg (7.4 (7.4 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000487 From: Wh te, Ju e on beha f of Wh te, Ju e Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:29 AM EST To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: Comm ttee Meet ng No, that was sent in error to a few people. Sorry for the confusion. Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:27 AM To: Wh te, Ju e; Ph ps, Robert Subject: FW: Comm ttee Meet ng Good morning, Just making sure I wasn’t supposed to be attending today’s meeting at the EC, based upon Arzada’s email below to me. Thank you Jean From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 12:43 PM To: Hester, George; Hess, Mary; Atk ns, Jean Subject: Comm ttee Meet ng Please disregard the invite to the committee meeting. It was sent to you in error. Thanks Arzada F. Haynes Duval County Supervisor of Elections Voter Services Administrator 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 Email AHaynes@coj.net (904) 630-8020 (Office)/(904) 742-7547 (Mobile) www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity. “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” B B ackman…Hea ts and M nds Netwo k **Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure** FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000488 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:40 AM EST To: Wh te, Ju e BCC: Atk ns, Roger ; F eet, Beth G ; Lana Subject: RE: Comm ttee Meet ng Ok thanks From: Wh te, Ju e Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:30 AM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: Comm ttee Meet ng No, that was sent in error to a few people. Sorry for the confusion. Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:27 AM To: Wh te, Ju e; Ph ps, Robert Subject: FW: Comm ttee Meet ng Good morning, Just making sure I wasn’t supposed to be attending today’s meeting at the EC, based upon Arzada’s email below to me. Thank you Jean From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 12:43 PM To: Hester, George; Hess, Mary; Atk ns, Jean Subject: Comm ttee Meet ng Please disregard the invite to the committee meeting. It was sent to you in error. Thanks Arzada F. Haynes Duval County Supervisor of Elections Voter Services Administrator 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 Email AHaynes@coj.net (904) 630-8020 (Office)/(904) 742-7547 (Mobile) www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity. “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” B B ackman…Hea ts and M nds Netwo k FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000489 **Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure** FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000490 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 9:13 AM EDT To: Bethea, Stan ; A mazan, C ff ; Atk ns, Roger CC: Sm th, Ju e ; Newman, Stephan e ; Hess, Mary ; Hogan, M ke BCC: Beth Subject: RE: Computers Attachment(s): "@" It s ok Stan, I f gure out how to hook up the r computers myse f. Thanks Jean From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 7:27 AM To: Atk ns, Jean; A mazan, C ff; Atk ns, Roger Cc: Sm th, Ju e; Newman, Stephan e; Hess, Mary Subject: RE: Computers Did you review the voting irregularities report? It helps us to reconnect the computers faster. Thanks, Stan From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 4:42 PM To: Bethea, Stan; A mazan, C ff; Atk ns, Roger Cc: Sm th, Ju e; Newman, Stephan e; Hess, Mary Subject: Computers Not sure f you were asked, but need someone downtown tomorrow morn ng as ear y as poss b e to hook up Ju e and Stephan e s computers at the r new work stat ons. A so, fee free to take the BOD pr nters and aptops as we so we can c ean up that area. Thanks Jean << image001.gif (2.3 (2.3 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000491 From: Wh te, Ju e on beha f of Wh te, Ju e Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 2:18 PM EST To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: day off Attachment(s): "@" The days off are ok’d, enjoy. I meant every word that I said. You are a great asset to the SOE, don’t ever think otherwise. I know this has been, and is, a very difficult time for you but I have no doubt that you will master your new duties in just a short time and become just as valuable in that area. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 12:07 PM To: Wh te, Ju e Subject: day off Ju e, If poss b e, I wou d ke to be out Dec 27th, 28th and 29th as my “M ke-approved” days off. And I rea y do apprec ate the k nd words you had to say regard ng my (former) department and myse f nc uded. It tru y means a ot!! You have been a we comed and apprec ated member of the SOE team!! Thanks aga n Jean << image002.gif image003.jpg (4.3 (2.3 (2.0 ) ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000492 From: Bethea, Stan on beha f of Bethea, Stan Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 2:10 PM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: Federa E ect ons On y Attachment(s): "@" I’m not getting in a battle (or listening to inconvenience for that matter). This is a registration issue. We are busy verifying VBM signatures. From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 2:09 PM To: Bethea, Stan Subject: RE: Federa E ect ons On y I’ll try to get to it, but since I was stuck at the call center til 3am, I didn’t arrive at the office until after 11 and have other pre-election tasks I must attend to. You can feel free to remove the FED flags also. My guess is they moved in from ORA county. Thanks From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 2:05 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: Federa E ect ons On y Other federal-only voters. 102924089 107783552 103271079 117322373 122630298 103381845 103465686 117015125 103901726 103903175 119608148 122808681 103416769 103765676 103880517 103249255 103680145 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 1:23 PM To: Bethea, Stan Subject: RE: Federa E ect ons On y Done. I don’t see anywhere in the audit where the FED elections flag was set or removed for Sheila Ford. In Oct 2011- cindy entered and it has “n” for FED flag. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 8:53 AM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: Federa E ect ons On y Sheila Ford, 119152797, and Tommie Hogan, 103602821, were flagged by Celeste. They appear to have voted normally, but probably shouldn’t have since they wouldn’t have had a ballot assigned. Thanks, Stan Bethea Director of Election Services Duval County Supervisor of Elections 1 Imeson Park Blvd, Bldg. 100 Jacksonville, FL 32218 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000493 Office: 904-630-8022 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 << image001.jpg (2.0 (2.0 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000494 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 1:06 PM EST To: Johnson, Magg e ; Atk ns, Jean ; C ark, Greg Subject: RE: JU VOTER Dr ve Attachment(s): "@" DO NOT READ ANYTHING INTO THIS NOTE – I AM NOT SUGGESTING ANYONE OF YOU IS AT FAULT –THE STATEMENT IS JUST A REMINDER ABOUT TEAM PLAY. Coordination is a key to good team play. Sometimes we get these last minute requests – and we would like to say no and can’t. This puts everyone out of sync - but team players react well. Although timely notice of change is a priority it sometimes isn’t a possibility. Occasionally I will place each of you in a position that will conflict with your office priorities. When this happens and I am the genesis of the change, I am fully aware of the situation I have placed you in, and I know I maybe overloading the wagon. If handling the “new” task causes you to fail at your present task – the fault will be mine. Don’t hesitate to warn me the hazards of my directive as it is entirely possible I did not fully comprehend the impact of my decision. However, that should be a rare situation – so make sure the warning is sincere and not just an argument or expression of frustration. NOW, GO BACK AND READ MY OPENING STATEMENT --- I am going to send it to everyone. Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Presidential Preference March 15, 2016 Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 _____________________________________________ From: Johnson, Magg e Sent: Thu sday, Feb ua y , 20 6 0 08 AM To: Atk ns, Jean Cc: C a k, G eg; Hogan, M ke Subject: RE JU VOTER D ve I’ll do my best to do better for sure. Maggie Johnson FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000495 << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> Maggie Johnson, Elections Aide Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office 105 East Monroe Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 maggiej@coj.net email (904) 630-8015 phone/voicemail (904) 301-3867 fax www.duvalelections.com 2016 IS A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION YEAR. 2016 Election Dates Presidential Preference Primary Election: March 15, 2016 Primary Election: August 30, 2016 General Election: November 8, 2016 Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, e-mail communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure. _____________________________________________ From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thu sday, Feb ua y , 20 6 0 02 AM To: Johnson, Magg e Cc: C a k, G eg; Hogan, M ke Subject: RE JU VOTER D ve That’s fine but it would be really helpful if I could have some advance notice next time please, just because we have been slammed this week and I need to make sure the office is adequately covered- especially during the lunch hours. Thanks Jean -----O g na Appo ntment----From: Johnson, Magg e On Behalf Of C a k, G eg Sent: Thu sday, Feb ua y , 20 6 9 50 AM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: FW JU VOTER D ve When: Thu sday, Feb ua y , 20 6 30 AM- 30 PM (UTC-05 00) Easte n T me (US & Canada) Where: K nne Cente at JU Contact Pau na R ppe e Hi, Jean: I meant to ask what do you think about my leaving at 10:30 (get there, parking on campus, unload)? Greg wants us there by 11, and I figured my break could count as a smidge of that time. But what do you think? Thank you . . . -----O g na Appo ntment----From: C a k, G eg Sent: Thu sday, Feb ua y 04, 20 6 2 34 PM To: C a k, G eg; Johnson, Magg e; W gg ns, Ange a Subject: JU VOTER D ve When: Thu sday, Feb ua y , 20 6 30 AM- 30 PM (UTC-05 00) Easte n T me (US & Canada) Where: K nne Cente at JU Contact Pau na R ppe e Hi Angelia and Maggie…thanks for handling this voter drive for us. I will be at another voter drive at FSCJ Downtown. This is actually a 3 day voter drive. This invite is for Thursday Feb 11th only. I will be on campus both Tuesday and Wednesday to handle the other two days so I’ll give you additional info as needed after I first visit the campus. Maggie I have already mentioned this to Jean but of course coordinate your leaving with her please. I’ll be back in touch with both of you with more contact info and supplies next week. Thanks For Your Help!!! FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000496 << P cture (Dev ce Independent B tmap) (26 1KB) (26 1KB) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000497 From: Wh te, Ju e Sent: Wednesday, Apr 12, 2017 1:51 PM EDT To: SE1 Subject: RE: LOST It has been found. Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity From: Wh te, Ju e Sent: Wednesday, Apr 12, 2017 1:48 PM To: SE1 Subject: LOST My fitbit fell off my arm about 12:15 pm or so today at the office. If you find please let me know. Thanks Julie White Duval County Supervisor of Elections Administrative Assistant to Mike Hogan, Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 (904) 630-8001 Office (904) 903-9071 Mobile www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000498 From: Tgaryk nes Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 1:39 PM EST To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: Re: New To Duva Attachment(s): "@" Jean certa nly hope Mr Hogan s aware of how eff c ent you are and we thank you mmensely for exped t ng th s! One quest on f were to change aff l at on to REP let's say must reta n that preference for a spec f ed amount of t me? Thanks Gary Or g nal Message From Atk ns Jean To Tgaryk nes Sent Mon Feb 8 2016 1 23 pm Subject RE New To Duval I have changed both of your addresses and new voter information cards will be mailed in approximately 7- 10 days. I also have you both scheduled to continue to receive absentee ballots for all elections through 2018. Ballots are mailed about 30-35 days prior to Election Day and will be mailed within 3 days for the March Presidential Primary. However, you are currently registered as “no party affiliation” and can only vote in the Primary if you are a registered DEM or REP so unless you choose to change affiliation, you will not be mailed a ballot for March, only Charlotte will get one. Thanks Jean From: Tgaryk nes [ma to:tgaryk nes@ao .com] Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 12:51 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: Re: New To Duva H Jean and Good Afternoon Hopefully th s w ll suff ce as to the nformat on you need Thomas Gary K nes 11/17/1942 1035 Pebble Beach C r W W nter Spr ngs FL 32708 Jacksonv lle FL 32210 Charlotte El zabeth K nes 11/21/1944 (same as above) Current 5375 Ortega Farms Blvd 1002 (same as above) Thank Mr Hogan for us and we apprec ate you handl ng th s Should you need add t onal nformat on please let us know Gary and Charlotte K nes Or g nal Message From Atk ns Jean To: tgarykines Cc: Hogan, Mike Sent: Mon, Feb 8, 2016 11:17 am Subject: FW: New To Duval Good morning, Mr. Hogan asked if I could assist with your request. In order to change your voter information, I will need the following for each of you: full names, dates of birth, previous and current addresses. Once I receive this information, I will be able to assist and update your records. Thank you Jean Jean Marie Atkins Director of Voter Administration Duval County Supervisor of Elections 904.630.8013 jatkins@coj.net www.duvalelections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Presidential Preference March 15 2016 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000499 Primary Election August 30 2016 General Election November 8 2016 From: Tgaryk nes [ma to:tgaryk nes@ao .com] Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 3:30 PM To: Hogan, Mike Subject: New To Duval To whom t may concern We recently moved to Jacksonv lle from Sem nole County FL and and had been absentee voters for qu te some t me n that county How do we change our nformat on (address etc ) onl ne and reg ster to vote here as absentee voters? Thank you and we look forward to hear ng back w th nformat on wh ch w ll ass st us n th s matter T Gary and Charlotte K nes << mage001.jpg (2 0KB) (2 0KB) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000500 From: Waters, Debra Sent: Saturday, Apr 01, 2017 9:13 AM EDT To: Hogan, M ke ; SE1 Subject: RE: Re ax and enjoy a K te F yer that cou d be cons dered a profess ona Thank you for sharing the beautiful video! Don’t know if you know the whole story of Ray Bethell. He is truly an inspiring man, as well as amazing kite flier. Watch the video below to hear his story in his own words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3rK8-39AhQ From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Fr day, March 31, 2017 7:50 AM To: SE1 Subject: Re ax and enjoy a K te F yer that cou d be cons dered a profess ona Amazing skills The man flying the 3 kites is in his 80s, and he s from Canada. He attends the Washington State International Kite Festival every year. His skin is like leather as he normally flies with his shirt off. He is deaf, so when he flies those in attendance hold up their hands and wave them for applause. He flies 2 with his hands and the 3rd one is attached to his waist. Enjoy! You must watch to the end to see the amazing landing of that last kite! Make sure the volume is turned up because the music is wonderful and totally reflects the soaring of the kites. http://www.youtube.com/watch p opup?v=nr9KrqN lIg FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000501 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 1:51 PM EDT To: Bethea, Stan ; Ph ps, Robert ; Atk ns, Jean ; Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Samp e Ba ot Po cy Attachment(s): "@" I think we are spending too much time on this: 1. We do not have to mail a sample ballot at all -- we only have to publish it in a newspaper. 2. When we send one to a household we can provide instructions on how to pull up their individual “sample” ballot online. 3. On our Home page Include a “Sample Ballot” hot link Be ready to discuss as a team tomorrow. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 1:29 PM To: Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean; Hogan, M ke; Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Samp e Ba ot Po cy With this being a presidential election and voters, even those within the same household, having different candidate choices may prove interesting if the sample ballot is actually used. Sending it to households only will need to thoroughly hashed out. It isn’t quite as easy as what is proposed. For example, is a household a distinct residential address or mailing address? If these is a single voter at an address, regardless of mailing or residential, all is easy. However if there are multiple voters things quickly get very difficult. For the sake of discussion, consider the following: Say a family has a child at college. The residential address is used to determine a distinct household. Where is the sample ballot mailed, the residential address, mailing address or students college address. Say dad only has a VBM request. Is a sample still mailed to the household? Parents are overseas in the military and children are at college. There is no one living at the residential address to receive the sample ballot. Individualized sample ballots can be withheld from individual VBM recipients. Other mixtures are very difficult. We can have the sample ballot non-returnable. In fact, in the past I think that was the practice under some conditions. Stan From: Ph ps, Robert Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 12:06 PM To: Atk ns, Jean; Hogan, M ke; Bethea, Stan; Haynes, Arzada Subject: Re: Samp e Ba ot Po cy Sounds good to me I know househo d does not get etu ned to us St equest? fo po nt one, f we supp ess vbm and househo d, wou dn't t supp ess househo ds w th a vbm Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device ------ O g na message-----From: Atk ns, Jean Date: Wed, Sep 7, 20 6 2 0 PM To: Ph ps, Robe t;Hogan, M ke;Bethea, Stan;Haynes, A zada; Cc: Subject:RE Samp e Ba ot Po cy I added a few thoughts in red below…. From: Ph ps, Robert Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 11:51 AM To: Hogan, M ke; Bethea, Stan; Atk ns, Jean; Haynes, Arzada Subject: RE: Samp e Ba ot Po cy I only see a couple issues with that. 1. What about households, ie military children, college parents where one person asks for vote by mail but others in the household do not? If it’s a household mailer, then one will be sent regardless of VBM status and those not requesting VBM ballots would still receive it. 2. I am not 100% sure, need to confirm with PO, but the reason we do return receipt is we do not want the mail to find them because wherever it is forwarded to will not be correct address. Just a couple thoughts Anytime we’ve done a household before, we’ve removed the postal indicia so the mail piece doesn’t come back as undeliverable, since you can’t put it to one particular voter record. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000502 From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 11:32 AM To: Bethea, Stan; Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean; Haynes, Arzada Subject: Samp e Ba ot Po cy Stan: I do not want to send a sample ballot to voters receiving a mail ballot in the November election. In fact, let’s make that a policy no mailing of sample ballots to “vote by mail ballot” voters. In addition, let’s send the “household” sample ballot (instead of individually to each voter in the household). And finally, do not request return receipt on the sample ballot in the General. Call me if you or anyone copied have any questions or concerns. Mike Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 << image001.jpg (2.0 (2.0 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000503 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 8:02 AM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: S gnatures To Be Ver f ed Jean: Robert is on the way down there. You two will work together to get the ucocava issue completed today AND keep verifying moving as it too must be done as well. We will also work on verifying out here at the EC. Measure out the most important things - nothing critical can be missed. I know you know all these things – so do what Jean does so well. Put out the fires. Thanks Mike From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 6:58 AM To: Gr ff n, Darw n Cc: Bethea, Stan; McKenz e, Katre ; W gg ns, Ange a; Torres, Ar es; A mazan, C ff; Johnson, Magg e; Hogan, M ke Subject: Re: S gnatures To Be Ver f ed Per Mike - katrell, me and Maggie need to continue working military so we are unable to verify at this time. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID "Griffin, Darwin" wrote: Good Morning Everyone, We currently have a few thousand signatures to verify, please continue with your appropriate batch numbers. Thank you all in advance for your assistance. V/r Darwin Griffin e-mail: Darwin@coj.net Ph: 904-630-8412 (C):904-219-5448 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000504 From: Downey, Deon on beha f of Downey, Deon Sent: Tuesday, Ju y 21, 2015 8:21 AM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean CC: Haynes, Arzada ; C ark, Greg ; Krav tz, R chard ; Brewer, J m ; Hogan, M ke ; H nson, Cynth a ; Sm th, Ju e Subject: Re: TC tra n ng Attachment(s): "@" Good Morn ng A , P ease be aware that Jean w be out of the off ce and the tra n ng she was conduct ng s cance ed for the day. Deon Sent from my Phone On Ju 20, 2015, at 11:32 AM, Atk ns, Jean wrote: < mage001.g f> Good morning, This is a reminder for those of you who want to attend the training class tomorrow. Please confirm with me by 2pm today, so I can let the coordinators know how many to expect. Below is the info. Also, depending on how many are going, you can all drive together in the equinox, if preferred. Thanks Jean When: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 10:00 AM-10:30 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: 12220-102 Atlantic Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32225 (Training Room at Kernan Tax Collector) << image001.gif (0. (0. ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000505 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:52 PM EST To: Hogan, M ke CC: Wh te, Ju e Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Ok. Julie, You will need to contact 630-1818 to obtain access to Oracle so I can show you how to enter mileage. Once the access has been granted by ITD and payroll, I will train you on the system. Jean From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:36 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Cc: Wh te, Ju e Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Jean: Please pass this responsibility to Julie White. I want to make her the contact person. Please train her on the process and help her with any issues dealing with access to the data and reports. Thank you Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D Roosevelt From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 9:25 AM To: A mazan, C ff; Berry, Caro yn; Bethea, Stan; Brewer, J m; By es, Brenda; Carter, Patr c a; C ark, Greg; Downey, Deon; Frame, W am; Ha , V o et; Haynes, Arzada; Henry, Bobb e; Hess, Mary; Hester, George; H nson, Autumn; H nson, Cynth a; H nson, L nda; Hogan, M ke; Johnson, Magg e; Joyner, James; Krav tz, R chard; L bby, John; McCa , Donna; McKenz e, Katre ; Newman, Stephan e; Ph ps, Robert; Sa ette, Sommer; Seamans, Dave; Se f, Lana; Sm th, Ju e; Torres, Ar es; Waters, Debra; Wh te, Ju e; W gg ns, Ange a; Wood, Terry Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Good morning, If you have mileage, I will need it by Friday, Feb 17th no later than noon. Thank you Jean From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:07 PM To: SE1 Subject: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment He o Team, Due to the upcom ng ho day on Monday, 02/20/17 a eave requests, overt me requests and t mesheets for the weeks of 02/04/17 – 02/10/17 and 02/11/17- 02/17/17 must be subm tted and approved by 10:00 am Fr day, 02/17/17. As a ways, your cooperat on s apprec ated! FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000506 Arzada F. Haynes Duval County Supervisor of Elections Voter Services Administrator 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 Email AHaynes@coj.net (904) 630-8020 (Office)/(904) 742-7547 (Mobile) www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity. “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” B B ackman…Hea ts and M nds Netwo k **Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure** FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000507 From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 3:02 PM EST To: Atk ns, Roger Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment And he doesn’t even have the guts to tell me—got to take the coward’s way out through email. From: Atk ns, Roger Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 3:02 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment I really do hate that man and what he has done to you….. From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 3:00 PM To: Atk ns, Roger Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Same thing I do every day… try to take over the world!!! (and look for other jobs) From: Atk ns, Roger Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:58 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment That’s it! Something has to be said or done about this man! Unbelievable! So what is it that you are supposed to do there now? From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:51 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: FW: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Just lovely—pretty much the last thing I had here is now gone From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:36 PM To: Atk ns, Jean Cc: Wh te, Ju e Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Jean: Please pass this responsibility to Julie White. I want to make her the contact person. Please train her on the process and help her with any issues dealing with access to the data and reports. Thank you Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D Roosevelt From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 9:25 AM To: A mazan, C ff; Berry, Caro yn; Bethea, Stan; Brewer, J m; By es, Brenda; Carter, Patr c a; C ark, Greg; Downey, Deon; Frame, W am; Ha , V o et; Haynes, Arzada; Henry, Bobb e; Hess, Mary; Hester, George; H nson, Autumn; H nson, Cynth a; H nson, L nda; Hogan, M ke; Johnson, Magg e; Joyner, James; Krav tz, R chard; L bby, John; McCa , Donna; McKenz e, Katre ; Newman, Stephan e; Ph ps, Robert; Sa ette, Sommer; Seamans, Dave; Se f, Lana; Sm th, Ju e; Torres, Ar es; Waters, Debra; Wh te, Ju e; W gg ns, Ange a; Wood, Terry Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000508 Good morning, If you have mileage, I will need it by Friday, Feb 17th no later than noon. Thank you Jean From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:07 PM To: SE1 Subject: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment He o Team, Due to the upcom ng ho day on Monday, 02/20/17 a eave requests, overt me requests and t mesheets for the weeks of 02/04/17 – 02/10/17 and 02/11/17- 02/17/17 must be subm tted and approved by 10:00 am Fr day, 02/17/17. As a ways, your cooperat on s apprec ated! Arzada F. Haynes Duval County Supervisor of Elections Voter Services Administrator 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 Email AHaynes@coj.net (904) 630-8020 (Office)/(904) 742-7547 (Mobile) www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity. “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” B B ackman…Hea ts and M nds Netwo k **Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure** FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000509 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:35 PM EST To: Atk ns, Jean CC: Wh te, Ju e Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Jean: Please pass this responsibility to Julie White. I want to make her the contact person. Please train her on the process and help her with any issues dealing with access to the data and reports. Thank you Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. Franklin D Roosevelt From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 9:25 AM To: A mazan, C ff; Berry, Caro yn; Bethea, Stan; Brewer, J m; By es, Brenda; Carter, Patr c a; C ark, Greg; Downey, Deon; Frame, W am; Ha , V o et; Haynes, Arzada; Henry, Bobb e; Hess, Mary; Hester, George; H nson, Autumn; H nson, Cynth a; H nson, L nda; Hogan, M ke; Johnson, Magg e; Joyner, James; Krav tz, R chard; L bby, John; McCa , Donna; McKenz e, Katre ; Newman, Stephan e; Ph ps, Robert; Sa ette, Sommer; Seamans, Dave; Se f, Lana; Sm th, Ju e; Torres, Ar es; Waters, Debra; Wh te, Ju e; W gg ns, Ange a; Wood, Terry Subject: RE: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment Good morning, If you have mileage, I will need it by Friday, Feb 17th no later than noon. Thank you Jean From: Haynes, Arzada Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:07 PM To: SE1 Subject: T me and attendance Ho day Treatment He o Team, Due to the upcom ng ho day on Monday, 02/20/17 a eave requests, overt me requests and t mesheets for the weeks of 02/04/17 – 02/10/17 and 02/11/17- 02/17/17 must be subm tted and approved by 10:00 am Fr day, 02/17/17. As a ways, your cooperat on s apprec ated! Arzada F. Haynes Duval County Supervisor of Elections Voter Services Administrator 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, Fl. 32202 Email AHaynes@coj.net (904) 630-8020 (Office)/(904) 742-7547 (Mobile) www.DuvalElections.com Our Mission Statement: To preserve the liberty and the right to vote for all citizens by providing honest, fair, accurate and accessible elections with transparency and integrity. “Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.” FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000510 B B ackman…Hea ts and M nds Netwo k **Please note that under Florida's very broad public records law, communications to and from city officials are subject to public disclosure** FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000511 From: Ph ps, Robert on beha f of Ph ps, Robert Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 11:57 AM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: Re: To omato CDD E ect on He d n ERROR Yes M ke called h m and the St Johns SOE The solut on s the race w ll be on the ballot aga n n November Tallahassee and the part es nvolved seemed to be ok w th that Sent from my T Mobile 4G LTE device Or g nal message From: Atk ns Jean Date: Thu Sep 1 2016 11 55 AM To: Hogan M ke Bethea Stan Ph ll ps Robert Cc: Subject:RE Tolomato CDD Elect on Held n ERROR Has anyone responded to him because he left me a voicemail as well. Thank you Jean From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 10:19 AM To: Hogan, M ke; Bethea, Stan; Ph ps, Robert Subject: FW: To omato CDD E ect on He d n ERROR Importance: H gh IMMEDIATE ATTENTION—please see email below From: Dav d Ray [ma to:dav d@nocatee.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 10:05 AM To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: To omato CDD E ect on He d n ERROR I am the Community manager for the Tolomato CDD. We are located in both Duval and St Johns Counties, therefore our elections are managed at the state level. We have an election for one of our board seats this November. However, it appears that it was on the Duval ballot yesterday. Not sure how to proceed as the election was not supposed to happen yesterday and St Johns did not have it on their ballot. I have a lot of residents asking questions and two candidates that are very confused. Please advise. Thank you David Ray Community Manager 904-924-6855 Office 904-591-6451 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000512 From: Bethea, Stan on beha f of Bethea, Stan Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:18 AM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean CC: Hogan, M ke ; Ph ps, Robert Subject: RE: voter cards Attachment(s): "@" The new stock of cards isn’t due at TC until 5/12 (tomorrow). If I had pulled the file they still wouldn’t have gone out yet. From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:17 AM To: Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke; Ph ps, Robert Subject: RE: voter cards There are st 18,245 voter cards n the queue. Peop e are ca ng and ema ng a day, quest on ng why s t tak ng so ong to get a new card. Per the ema be ow, I thought t was agreed that any voter, regard ess f new, as ong as they were mak ng a change and contacted our off ce wou d get a new card sent. When can we expect a f e to be pu ed? I need someth ng to te the customers. Thanks Jean From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 10:03 AM To: Bethea, Stan; Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: voter cards Let’s go with Robert’s suggestion Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:25 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards The current breakdown. From: Ph ps, Robert Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:23 AM FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000513 To: Atk ns, Jean; Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards My thoughts: Let’s mail cards to voters who actually take the time to contact us and update their records. I agree, no 3 rd party, but if they requested a change during the March Primary or since they should go ahead and get a new card. If there are 15,000 in the queue and half are third party the other half would only amount to about $800 in printing and postage. It may be until June before the redistricting is final and we do a bulk mailing to everyone. We can clear the queue of those waiting for a card now, but hold off starting in June until the redistricting is complete. From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:17 AM To: Bethea, Stan; Ph ps, Robert Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I get not send ng to 3rd party correspondence (NCOA, ret d ma , etc) but those voters who actua y send apps or ca n to make changes, shou d rece ve updated cards so they are aware the changes were made n a t me y manner and have a new card to ref ect the r requested changes. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:13 AM To: Atk ns, Jean; Ph ps, Robert Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I have only been sending cards to voters who are newly registered. Statute only addresses newly registered voters where it says they must be notified. within so many days. Nothing is required in statute about address changes, party changes, name changes, etc. Currently there are over 15,000 cards in the queue with over half being 3rd party (NCOA, et al) address changes. With us sending cards next month it seems silly to spend the thousands of dollars to send a card now only to send another card in 6 weeks or so when redistricting takes place. Those are my thoughts. I welcome others, Stan From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:06 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I know a voter card f e was sent over ear er today, but not a voters are be ng p cked up. We ve had many ca and ema that have done address and party changes n the past month or so but are st on y schedu ed for cards. We need to send cards to a voters – new and those who have done changes. P ease don t ho d off send ng others because of the red str ct ng. Thanks Jean From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, Apr 26, 2016 10:11 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Bethea, Stan Subject: voter cards Is there a reason that voters m ght not be gett ng cards? Ho d ng prec ncts, f so what wou d they be? Have a voter that ca ed and she went act ve on Feb 3rd and no record of a card be ng sent… Voter # 123149990 Thanks << image001.gif image003.jpg image004.png (7.9 >> (2.3 (2.0 ) ) (3.5 ) ) FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000514 FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000515 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 10:02 AM EDT To: Bethea, Stan ; Ph ps, Robert ; Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: voter cards Attachment(s): "@" Let’s go with Robert’s suggestion Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:25 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards The current breakdown. From: Ph ps, Robert Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:23 AM To: Atk ns, Jean; Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards My thoughts: Let’s mail cards to voters who actually take the time to contact us and update their records. I agree, no 3 rd party, but if they requested a change during the March Primary or since they should go ahead and get a new card. If there are 15,000 in the queue and half are third party the other half would only amount to about $800 in printing and postage. It may be until June before the redistricting is final and we do a bulk mailing to everyone. We can clear the queue of those waiting for a card now, but hold off starting in June until the redistricting is complete. From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:17 AM To: Bethea, Stan; Ph ps, Robert Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I get not send ng to 3rd party correspondence (NCOA, ret d ma , etc) but those voters who actua y send apps or ca n to make changes, shou d rece ve updated cards so they are aware the changes were made n a t me y manner and have a new card to ref ect the r requested changes. From: Bethea, Stan FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000516 Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:13 AM To: Atk ns, Jean; Ph ps, Robert Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I have only been sending cards to voters who are newly registered. Statute only addresses newly registered voters where it says they must be notified. within so many days. Nothing is required in statute about address changes, party changes, name changes, etc. Currently there are over 15,000 cards in the queue with over half being 3rd party (NCOA, et al) address changes. With us sending cards next month it seems silly to spend the thousands of dollars to send a card now only to send another card in 6 weeks or so when redistricting takes place. Those are my thoughts. I welcome others, Stan From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:06 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I know a voter card f e was sent over ear er today, but not a voters are be ng p cked up. We ve had many ca and ema that have done address and party changes n the past month or so but are st on y schedu ed for cards. We need to send cards to a voters – new and those who have done changes. P ease don t ho d off send ng others because of the red str ct ng. Thanks Jean From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, Apr 26, 2016 10:11 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Bethea, Stan Subject: voter cards Is there a reason that voters m ght not be gett ng cards? Ho d ng prec ncts, f so what wou d they be? Have a voter that ca ed and she went act ve on Feb 3rd and no record of a card be ng sent… Voter # 123149990 Thanks << image001.gif image004.jpg image005.png (7.9 (2.3 (2.0 (3.5 ) ) ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000517 From: Bethea, Stan on beha f of Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 11:07 AM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean CC: Ph ps, Robert Subject: RE: voter cards Attachment(s): "@" Obviously I have not met your level of expectation in sending cards to be printed and mailed. Please forgive the mistake. Below is a current snapshot of that cards currently in the queue. Please indicate which groups of cards you wish to be send and I will do it most expediently. Stan From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 10:40 AM To: Bethea, Stan Cc: Ph ps, Robert Subject: RE: voter cards M ke forwarded me another ema today of peop e wonder ng where the r voter cards are. Maybe you can share w th h m that the voters aren t gett ng cards, because you dec ded not to send them, espec a y s nce he sa d that we shou d, per the ema s be ow? There are st 12,173 cards n the queue and we haven t been work ng a ot of returned ma , so many of them are voters who have contacted the off ce v a app or phone ca to make changes and want and expect an updated card ref ect ng the r changes. So I can commun cate proper y to my dept (those who he p the customers), how much onger w voters have to wa t for the r cards go ng forward after they make changes? Jean From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:17 AM To: Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke; Ph ps, Robert Subject: RE: voter cards There are st 18,245 voter cards n the queue. Peop e are ca ng and ema ng a day, quest on ng why s t tak ng so ong to get a new card. Per the ema be ow, I thought t was agreed that any voter, regard ess f new, as ong as they were mak ng a change and contacted our off ce wou d get a new card sent. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000518 When can we expect a f e to be pu ed? I need someth ng to te the customers. Thanks Jean From: Hogan, M ke Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 10:03 AM To: Bethea, Stan; Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean Subject: RE: voter cards Let’s go with Robert’s suggestion Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:25 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Atk ns, Jean Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards The current breakdown. From: Ph ps, Robert Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:23 AM To: Atk ns, Jean; Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards My thoughts: Let’s mail cards to voters who actually take the time to contact us and update their records. I agree, no 3 rd party, but if they requested a change during the March Primary or since they should go ahead and get a new card. If there are 15,000 in the queue and half are third party the other half would only amount to about $800 in printing and postage. It may be until June before the redistricting is final and we do a bulk mailing to everyone. We can clear the queue of those waiting for a card now, but hold off starting in June until the redistricting is complete. From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:17 AM To: Bethea, Stan; Ph ps, Robert Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I get not send ng to 3rd party correspondence (NCOA, ret d ma , etc) but those voters who actua y send apps or ca n to FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000519 make changes, shou d rece ve updated cards so they are aware the changes were made n a t me y manner and have a new card to ref ect the r requested changes. From: Bethea, Stan Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:13 AM To: Atk ns, Jean; Ph ps, Robert Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I have only been sending cards to voters who are newly registered. Statute only addresses newly registered voters where it says they must be notified. within so many days. Nothing is required in statute about address changes, party changes, name changes, etc. Currently there are over 15,000 cards in the queue with over half being 3rd party (NCOA, et al) address changes. With us sending cards next month it seems silly to spend the thousands of dollars to send a card now only to send another card in 6 weeks or so when redistricting takes place. Those are my thoughts. I welcome others, Stan From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:06 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Bethea, Stan Cc: Hogan, M ke Subject: RE: voter cards I know a voter card f e was sent over ear er today, but not a voters are be ng p cked up. We ve had many ca and ema that have done address and party changes n the past month or so but are st on y schedu ed for cards. We need to send cards to a voters – new and those who have done changes. P ease don t ho d off send ng others because of the red str ct ng. Thanks Jean From: Atk ns, Jean Sent: Tuesday, Apr 26, 2016 10:11 AM To: Ph ps, Robert; Bethea, Stan Subject: voter cards Is there a reason that voters m ght not be gett ng cards? Ho d ng prec ncts, f so what wou d they be? Have a voter that ca ed and she went act ve on Feb 3rd and no record of a card be ng sent… Voter # 123149990 Thanks << image002.gif image005.png image006.jpg image007.png (42.9 (2.3 ) (35.0 ) (2.0 ) (3.5 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000520 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 4:18 PM EDT To: SE1 Subject: Staff changes Attachment(s): "@" Dear Staff: As you are aware Beth Fleet has accepted a position with the Clerk of the Courts office. Beth has been a great asset to our office. She always received high praise from the candidates she worked with in qualifying and monitoring all their duties as a candidate. She will be missed. Best wishes Beth. I would also like to announce the following staff changes that will be gradually taking place over the next few months. Jean Atkins will assume Beth’s role and Arzada Haynes will assume Jean’s role. The reason this change will occur gradually is controlled by the fact that we have two significant elections between now and November. I believe the best solution is to keep work assignments and people in their current status until we reach December. Thank you all for your excellent work and contributions to our office, the voters of Jacksonville and our co-laborers. Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 << image001.jpg (2.0 (2.0 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000521 From: ITD Not f cat ons Sent: Fr day, Apr 07, 2017 1:45 PM EDT To: ITD Not f cat ons Subject: Te ephone System P anned Ma ntenance: 04/08/17 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM ITD would like to inform you of the following planned maintenance: Service(s): Telephone System Date/Time: Saturday, April 8th from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM Service Availability: Customer Impact: Intermittent telephone service for incoming and outgoing calls The following customer locations will be affected during this maintenance window: Ed Ball Building (630-CITY and ITD Service Desk will not be affected) Fleet Management Radio Shop Sanitation (Solid Waste) Traffic Engineering Agriculture Animal Care & Control Police & Fire Pension Building Trail Ridge Landfill Tax Collector – Hogan Rd. Details: Routine hardware maintenance is being performed on this system to ensure continued reliable operations. Questions? ITD is here to help. If you have any questions or experience any issues after the maintenance has concluded, please contact the ITD Service Desk at 255-1818. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000522 From: ITD Not f cat ons Sent: Monday, Apr 10, 2017 4:22 PM EDT To: ITD Not f cat ons Subject: Te ephone System P anned Ma ntenance: 04/10/17 from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM ITD would like to inform you of the following planned maintenance: Service(s): Telephone System Date/Time: Monday, April 10th from 07:30 PM to 08:30 PM Service Availability: Customer Impact: Intermittent telephone service for incoming and outgoing calls The following customer locations will be affected during this maintenance window: Ed Ball Building (630-CITY and ITD Service Desk will not be affected) Fleet Management Radio Shop Sanitation (Solid Waste) Traffic Engineering Agriculture Animal Care & Control Police & Fire Pension Building Trail Ridge Landfill Tax Collector – Hogan Rd. Details: Maintenance is being performed to replace a faulty hardware component on this system. Questions? ITD is here to help. If you have any questions or experience any issues after the maintenance has concluded, please contact the ITD Service Desk at 255-1818. FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000523 From: Hogan, M ke on beha f of Hogan, M ke Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 11:05 AM EST To: Atk ns, Jean CC: Johnson, Magg e Attachment(s): "@" Jean: As discussed, several staff changes will be made sometime after the March 15th PPP. Until that time I expect that all assignments should be exactly the same as they would be if no changes were being contemplated. Therefore, structure, work assignments, reporting status will all remain the same. Because the implementation date is not within our complete control, the change date is unpredictable. For further clarity, all assignments will stay in a status quo until we are able to fix the date of implementation. Please see me if you are unclear about my directions. Thanks, Mike Hogan Duval County Supervisor of Elections 105 E. Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)630-7757 www.DuvalElections.com 2016 Presidential Election year Election Dates Presidential Preference March 15, 2016 Primary Election August 30, 2016 General Election November 8, 2016 << image001.jpg (2.0 (2.0 ) ) >> FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000524 From: TMS@coj.net Sent: Fr day, March 31, 2017 6:15 PM EDT To: Atk ns, Jean Subject: Your Enro ment request has been den ed Training System Notification - Enrollment Request Denied Dear Atk ns, Jean Mar e : Th s ema has been d rected to you from Tra n ng Management. Your enro ment request has been den ed for the fo ow ng course: B ometr c Screen ng - 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Tra n ng Start Date: 04/13/2017 9:30AM - 10:00AM Locat on: Yates Bu d ng, 231 E. Forsyth Street Or g nator Name: Hogan, Joseph M S ncere y, Tra n ng Management To reg ster for another course og n n to the Tra n ng Management System FL-DUVAL-19-0634-A-000525