AN ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF THE SOUTHERN CONE 4159 E. Dakota Avenue Fresuo, Calitornia 93 796?522? [559) 2444.1828 Fax (559) 244-4832 August 14, 2009 The Rev. Robert M. Siler The Diocese of Yakima 530l-A Tieton Dr. Yakima, WA 98908 Dear Fr. Siler: I am in receipt of your letter dated August 5, 2009 concerning Fr. Antonio Castaneda. Fr. Castaneda was sent to Yaidma on Monday, August 10. He understood that a Robyn Light was to meet him for a personal interview. Ms. Light told him she would call him on his cell phone. He remained in Prosser, Washington until Aug. 14. Ms. Light never called nor responded to his attempts to reach her. Sadly, he returned home to Fresno, today, Aug. 14. Obviously there was some serious nus?communication- Having received your letter with the copies of your letters to Fr. Castaneda dated, July 10 and August 5, I called Fr. Antonio into my of?ce for an interview. To the best of my ability it appears to me Fr. Antonio has been wrongly accused. I am willing to have Ms. Light or any other designated person from your office come to Fresno for a meeting with me. I do not feel I can ask Fr. Castaneda to bear the expense of ?ying a second time to Washington state. Please let me know at your earliest convenience how we may best deal with the allegation that has been lodged and how you would like to proceed. I need to say I shall be out of my of?ce and away from California until September 1. Should you want to make an appomtment, you may call my secretary, June to setup such a meeting. Sincerely yours, in Christ ?ag mew/Jr .p The Rt. Rev. ohn-Dav1d M. Soho?eld Bishop of San Joaquin JDMS: jw The Most Rev. Gregory] Venables, Archbishop and Primate The Rt. Rev. john?David Seho?eid, Bishop