6/22/2020 inewsource Mail - Following Up Jill Castellano Following Up 2 messages Dan Kramer To: "jillcastellano@inewsource.org" Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 7:23 PM Jill, you may attribute any of the following responses in red to me as the spokesperson for Country Hills. Our primary concern is the health and well-being of our residents and staff. In light of the pandemic, we have enhanced our infection control protocols in a number of ways, consistent with guidance provided by the CDC, CMS and other federal, state and local healthcare authorities. Those enhancements include, among others, restricting non-medically necessary visits to our facility, screening employees and residents for symptoms and high temperatures, isolating persons who show signs or symptoms, and avoiding group activities where possible. We take our infection control protocols very seriously, and we are in regular communication with local and state health authorities. We will continue to follow the guidance they have provided us to limit risk to residents and staff. We continue to closely monitor the health of all of our residents and staff, both for their well-being and for the wellbeing others in our facility. · Country Hills began taking measures in March [utilizing guidance from local, state and federal health agencies] to protect patients from the possibility of contracting COVID-19. First patient tested positive in early April. Country Hills followed the CDC and CDPH guidelines to isolate that patient and assigned staff to work with the Covid positive patient only. We have and utilize all PPE recommended by the CDC and CDPH. Country Hills has provided all of the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) to staff members and required its use even before the facility had any positive cases. There are assigned staff that work with Covid positive patients only. Consistent with guidance from CDPH, the facility is only allowing visitors in end of life situations. The facility is complying with all regulatory requirements in its mitigation plan. Facility staff updates family members and residents when there are any new positive cases in the facility, and provide a weekly status update....consistent with the guidance from local, state and federal health authorities. · Many of the allegations on the CMS website you referenced happened prior to the change of ownership on April 1, 2019. Country Hills is currently compliant with all infection control regulations pertaining to COVID and is in constant communication with CDPH and the County to ensure it is following the proper guidelines. As a reference point when comparing to many of the other local skilled nursing facilities, Country Hills is one of the largest facilities in the County with the capacity for 300 residents, plus staff. · Again, there has been a change of ownership since the fine you referenced in your question related to information from the CDPH website. There have been no findings or deficiencies for lack of staff since the change of ownership on April 1, 2019. Jill Castellano Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 8:02 PM https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=d8ce919e02&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1669801716390616027&simpl=msg-f%3A1669801716390616027&… 1/2