From: Lindsay Cole-- Suojecu Re resrgnaIIon D21 29 Apnl zuzu ar 13 40 oIrnsIoorIe Cc: Edmburih NoIse Ma i Board Member Dear Tnank you Ior your ernaII IIrrs aIIernoon and Ills erIr some sadness InaI I accept your resrgnaIron Many agree erIr me wnen I say you Irave been dogged In your pursun oI aocuraIe noIse aara and modenrng, and arguIng about as subsequem rnrerorerarron In Ihls' you Irave almys pmduced Irderes1Ing and Inougm pmvoklng pvesemafluns InaI InvarIany gal everyone around IIre Some agreed erIr your vIewpuInI' oIIrers dId noI - but an were unIversaIIy Impressed by your eIIon and reerrenoe However, what I do IInd a my rs mat you seem Io beIreve so has been achIevEd I wouId enmuvage everyone Io look back Io 2m7 wnen Inere genurner was ImIe Invulvemenl or engagemenr rne arrpon One onIy nas Io mmpale Inen Io now Io aoknovdedge Ius1 nowIar we have mme In our sIakeIroIder posnIon IIre anpon anng our small but undoumedIy InIIuenIraI roIe rn EAL's negolIalIuns Ine (3AA anoosrng resIgnaIron Is oI course, a dEcIsIun Ior any drssadIsIred pany Io make I know you erI srand by your guns and wrsIr you an Ine besI rn a way Io commue Io make an Impacr Very bes1 oI vnsnes LIndsay On Wed Av! 29 zuzu aI 3 I7 PM mIIemunI--wmle Dear EANAB, I am Io you Io rnIoan you our I am Irom Ine Imam ImmedraIer I Irave mine Io Ine mncluslon my energy erI be oeIrer spent addressing rne Impacr oI arrcraIr noIse on our oommunrrIes Irom oulsIde IIre buard AIew years down Ine Irne and EANAE does "at even know what Ine acIuaI noIse Iandsoaoe Is Ior EDI WorsI oI all It seems Io be saIrsIIed Inrs sIaIe oI In my oornIon Io dIsoussrons on arrorarr noIse Is now more halmM Inan Io our II was a pleasuve wIIn some or you AH IIre oesI, You reoerved InIs message because you are suosonoed Io IIre GoogIe Gmups "Edmbuvgh Alvpon Norse Advrsory Buam" group To Irom imui and s1oi reoerrng emarIs Irom n, send an emarI Io To dlscussmn on We web. wsfl--