NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PATRICK GANNDN, ?Weidneaclay; lune 23, 2132!] email 5 tote Board to Randomly Select Precincts for Hood?Count Audits from June 23 Elections H.113. ?i!itter the june 23 elections in the 11th Congressional District and Columbus County. the State Board will randomly select precincE, early voting sites and lay-mail ballots to be counted by hand in each county with elections. The random selection will take place at 11 am. {June 24: in the Board Room at the State Board of Elections Of?ce on the Third Floor ofthe Dobbs Building. 430 N. Salisbury St.. Raleigh. ll The sample audit count is required by We and helps ensure the reliability of election results tabulated by a machine. The audit is a comparison ofthe machine counts with hand-to-eye counts completed as a test to ensure voting equipment read the voter's choices accurately. The State Board of Elections of?ce conducts a series of additional post?election audits and investigations, where necessary, to ensure the integrity of election results. ##Fl