Danny Pettus CHAIRMAN MEMBERS Brad Holmes Brenda Bryant DISTRICT 1 ADMINISTRATOR Roger Gamer DISTRICT 1 Eric Hill Joe Hackworth ENGINEER DISTRICT2 a Parker ChristopherA. Smith ATTORNEY DISTRICT 2 Mayor Steve Holt Mayor of the City of Florence 110 West College Street June 22, 2020 Florence, AL. 35630 Dear Mayor Holt, During our conversation today you requested a letter from the Lauderdale County Commission stating that if the Confederate Memorial Statue was moved by the City of Florence, the Lauderdale County Commission would not make a claim for any damage to the statue that occurred during the move. As we discussed today, the Alabama Division President of the United Daughters of the Confederacy states in a letter dated June 17th, 2020 that the statue in question was given to the City of Florence, not Lauderdale County. Therefore, if the City Council, based on this letter, has ownership of the statue, the county would not have any basis for making a claim for damages to the statue if said damages occurred during the moving process. Please note that nothing in this letter would prevent a claim by the Commission for collateral damage to county property during the aforementioned moving process. Please do not consider this letter as a request to move the statue or an attempt to in?uence the decision of the council regarding this subject. It is simply a response to your request basically asking the county to hold the city harmless for damage to the statue if said damage occurs while the city is moving the statue to the Soldier?s Rest section of the Florence Cemetery. I hope this letter will suf?ce in meeting your request. Sincerely, Danny Pettus Chairman of the Lauderdale County Commission PO. BOX 1059 FLORENCE, ALABAMA 35631 0 PHONE (256} 760-5750 FAX (256) 760-5703