sEALED 3Y ORDER OF THE COURT KENЛ M.PRICE#10523 ERIC S. DREIBAND Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division U.S. Department of Justice United States Attomcy District ofHawali CRAIG S.NOLAN Assistant U.S Attomcy Room 6-100, PJKK Federal 300 Ala Moana Boulevard Honolulu, Hawaii 96850 Telephone: (808) 541-2850 Facsimile: (808) 541-2958 Email : CHRISTOPI{ERJ. PERRAS Special Litigation Counsel THOMAS A. JOHNSON Bldg. Trial Attomey 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 Telephone: Q02) 307 -6962 Facsimile; (202) 5 14-6588 Email : 1fi 6ry1s5. J6hn 則 顆 鶉 ν Attomeys for Plaintiff T llNITED STATES OF ANERICA IN]匪 E UNITED STA‐ S DISコMC FOR THE DIS■ uCT oF HAW uNrrEDSrArESoFAMERrcA, ) cR.No. cnz0- 0004a Lgr ) ) InlDICTⅣ E31ゞ T Plainti範 ) vs. )[18U.S.C.§ 242,371,and JASON TACJALOA, CRAIG PInl― Y,and JONA口 比姐N TAIJM, ) (01)) (02)) (03)) Defclldants. ) ) ) IIDICTル EW The Grand Jury charges: 1519] ・ ﹁ ・´ General Allegations At all times relevant to this Indictrnent: l. in The Hawaii Commwrity Correctional Center ("HCCC"), located Hilo, Hawaii, was a state jail operated by the Hawaii Deparfinent of Public Safety ("DPS"). Located on the jail facility's grounds were the Waianuenue recreation yard (the "Rec Yard") and the Punahele housing complex. 2. JASONTAGALOA, CRAIGPINKNEY, and JONATIIANTAUM, the defendants, and Officer A, an individual known to the Grand Jury and not charged in this Indictnent (collectively, the "Officers"), were employed by DPS and worked as Adult Correctional OfEcers at HCCC. 3. JONATIIAN TAUM held the rank of Sergeant at HCCC and served as a supervisory 4. Adult Correctional OfEcer. Inmate 1, an individual known to the Grand Jury, was an inmate housed at HCCC. 5. Internal Aftairs was an investigative and administrative branch DPS responsible for investigating violations of policy or law by employees of of HCCC and DPS. 6. During an investigation by Intemal Affairs, investigators could require employees involved in or wibress to potential violations of policy or law to complete Intemal Aflairs Questionnaires relating to the potential violations. 7. The Federal Bureau oflnvestigation hadjurisdiction to investigate civil rights violations. Count I Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law (18 U.S.C. $$ 2a2 and 2) 8. On or about June 15,2015, within the District of Hawaii, JASON TAGALOA, CRAIG PINKNEY, and JONATTIAN TAUM, the defendants, and Officer A,. while acting under color of law and while aiding and abetting one another, willfirlly deprived lnmate I of the right, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. Specifically, TAGALOA, PINKNEY, TAUM, and OfficerA physically assaulted Inmate protect krmate I in the HCCC's Rec Yard, and failed to intervene to I from being assaulted, despite having had the opportunity to do so. This offense resulted in bodily injury to Inmate I and involved the use of dangerous weapons (shod feet). All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 242 and'2. Count 2 Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law (18 U.S.C. $ 242) 9. On or about June 15, 2015, within the District of Hawaii, JASON TAGALOA, the defendant, while acting under color of law, willflrlly deprived Inmate 1 of the right, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, to be free from cruel and tutusual punishment. Specifically, TAGALOA physically assaulted Inmate 1 in the F7 holding cell of HCCC's Punahele complex. This offense resulted in bodily injury to Inmate All in violation of Title 1. 18, United States Code, Section242. Count 3 Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice (18 u.s.c. $ 371) 10. On or about and between June 15,2015 and December 20,20l6,both dates being approximate and inclusive, within the District of Hawaii, JASON TAGALOA, CRAIG PINKNEY, JONATIIAN TAtlM, the defendants, and Officer A knowingly and willfully combined, conspired, and agreed with one another and with other correctional officers known and unknown to the Grand Jury to commit the following offenses against the United States: d. To knowingly falsifr, conceal, cover up, or make a false entry in a record or document with ttre intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of a matter within federal jurisdiction, or in relation to or in contemplation of such a matter, in violation of 18 U'S.C. $ 1519; and b. To knowingly engage in misleading conduct toward another person with the intent to hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a federal 4 law enforcement officer or judge of truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of a federal offense, in violation of 18 U.S.C. S 1512(bX3). Manner and Means of the Conspiracy 11. TAGALOA, PINKNEY, TAIIM, and Officer A intended to cover up the assault on lnmate I charged in Cormt I of this Indictrnent, and to obstruct any investigation arising out ofthat assault, by engaging in a variety ofobstructive acts, including devising a false cover story to explain and justify their use ofexcessive force, documenting that false cover story in official reports, and repeating that false cover story when questioned during investigations or disciplinary proceedings arising out of the assault. Overt Acts Committed in Furtherance of the Conspiracv 12. In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect the objects thereof, TAGALOA, PINKNEY, TAIJM, and Officer A committed the following overt acts, among others, within the District of Hawaii: a. After the assault charged in Count 1 of this Indictrnent, TAGAIOA, PINKNEY, TAUM, and Officer A met to discuss what information to include in, and what ffiormation to omit from, the Incident Report ("IR") and Use of Force Report b. ('UFR') completed by each of the Of[rcers; Before the end of their shifts, the Officers wrote and submitted the false and misleading IRs and IIFRs charged in Counts 4-6 of this Indictrnent; c. After leaming that an intemal investigation had been or soon would be opened to investigate the assault on Inmate 1 charged in Count I of this Indictrnent, TAUM invited TAGALOA, PINKNEY, and Officer A to his house so that the Officers could devise ways in which to explain and justify their use excessive force against Inmate d. I in the Waianuenue Rec Yard; In advance of that meeting, TAUM obtained a copy of HCCC surveillance video of the assault on Inmate e. of l; At that meeting, TAGALOA, PINKNEY, TAUM, and Officer A watched video of the assault and devised and agreed upon ways in which to explain and justify their use of excessive force against Inmate 1. For example, in order to explain andjustify their use ofuntrained strikes, such as kicking and punching Inmate I in the face, head, and body, the Officers agreed to state that Inmate I was not subdued by rained stikes; f. When the Officers received their Intemal Afflairs Questionnaires, they discussed with one another ways in which to apply their false cover story to specific questions posed to them; g. TAGALOA and OfEcer A wrote and submitted Intemal Aflairs Questionnaires in which they continued to stick to the false cover story they had discussed during the meeting at the house of 6 TAIIM and at other times; and h. During the ensuing disciplinary proceedings, TAGAIOA and Officer A testified and continued to stick to the false cover story they had discussed during the meeting at the house of TAUM and at other times. All in violation of Tifle 18, United States Code, Section 371. Count 4 Obstruction by False Report (18 U.S.C. $ rsle) 13. On or about June 15,2015, within the District of Hawaii, JASON TAGALOA, the defendant, acting in relation to and in contemplation of a matter within the jurisdiction of the United States, knowingly falsified, concealed, covered up, and made a false entry in a record and document with the intent to impede, obstruct, and influence the investigation and proper administration of that matter. Specifically, TAGALOA wrote, signed, and submitted an IR and a UFR documenting a false cover story intended to cover up the assaults charged in Count I and2 of this Indictrent. In the IR, TAGALOA wrote, in pertinent part, that the Officers used "brachial stuns and brachial plex[u]s tie in strikes to gain compliance so inmate could be restrain[e]d." In the UFR, in response to the prompt, "Describe in Detail Force Used (the type and amount)," TAGAIOA wrote, "Reactive [u]se of force [was used] to gain controVcompliance." Those reports were false and misleading because, as TAGALOA then well knew, (1) the Officers did not perform "brachial stuns and brachial plex[u]s tie in strikes," which are use-of-force techniques taught at HCCC, but rather kicked and kneed Inmate 1, punched him in the face, and used hammer-fist strikes to the back of his head; (2) the Officers, at various points during the incident, used force against Inmate 1 that was not "reactive" (because Inmate I was not resisting) and was not used "to gatn conhoUcompliance" (because Inmate I had already been subdued); (3) TAGAIOA omitted from both reports that for several minutes, during much of which the Officers held Inmate I pinned face-down on the ground of the Rec Yard, TAGALOA, PINKNEY, TAUM, and Officer A punched, kneed and kicked Inmate 1 in the face, head, and body dozens of times; and (4) TAGALOA omitted from both reports that he physically assaulted Tnmate 1 in the F7 holding cell, as charged in Count 2 of this Indictment. Atl in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1519' Count 5 Obstruction by False Report (r8 u.s.c. $ 151e) 14. On or about June 15, 2015, within the District of Hawaii, CRAIG PINKNEY, the defendant, acting in relation to and in contemplation of a matter within the jurisdiction of the United States, knowingly falsified, concealed, covered up, and made a false entry in a record and document with the intent to impede, obstn:ct, and influence the investigation and proper administration of that matter. Specifically, PINKNEY wrote, signed, and submitted a UFR documenting a false cover story intended to cover up the assault charged in Count I ofthis Indictment. [n response to the prompt, "Describe in Detail Force Used (the type and amount)," PINKNEY wrote, "Tnma1e was removed fromthe Waianuenue housing unit and escorted to the Punahele housing unit through the Waianuenue rec yard. Inmate became ag[g]ressive and violent towards staff and was taken down." That report was false and misleading because, as PINKNEY then well knew, (1) Inmate 1 was not violent or aggressive with the Officers before they took him to the ground; and (2) PINKNEY omitted from that report that for several minutes, dwing much of which the Officers hsld rnmate 1 pinned face-down on the ground of the Rec Yard, TAGALOA, PINKNEY, TAI-IM, and Officer A punched kneed, and kicked krmate 1 in the face, head, and body dozens of times. All ia violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1519. Count 6 Obstruction by False Report (18 U.S.C. $ 1s1e) 15. On or about June 15,2015, within the District of Hawaii, JONATIIAN TAUM, the defendant, acting in relation to and in contemplation of a matter within the jurisdiction of the United States, knowingly falsified, concealed, covered up, and made a false entry in a record and document with the intent to impede, obsfuct, and influence the investigation and proper administration of that matter. TAUM wrote, signed, and submitted an IR and a IJFR documenting a false cover story mtcnded to cover up the assault Oharged in Count l ofthis lndicmcnt. In hisIR TAIJM wrote,in pe■ inent part,that五 ghtbefore mate l“ was taken to 」■3 ground to be restralned,''mate l``tumed and tried to rllln back to Waianuenue.''In his lJFR TAIJM wrote,in response to the prompt,`つ escribe the hcident in Deta11,"that during transfer to a different cell,bmate l“ attempted to rllll and resisted transfer[,].… WaS taken do、vm and restrained[,]… .[andl resisted the entire time."Ъ ose reports were false and misleading because,as TAllM then well knew,(1)hmate l did not mm and ty to rtul before he wastaken to the grO1lnd;o)Once hmate l was on thc grount hC resisted for abriefperlod but did not resiゞ for`■ c entire tune"巌 0伍 ces werc using force agalnst him;and(3) TAllM omitted■ om both reports that for several― utes,during much ofwhich the Ottcers held Tnmate l plllned face― do― on 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 10 the ground ofale Rec【へ ヽ(:Al.()A.PI` Kヽ「 ヽ'.:Allヽ 1.tind()11lccr」 ヽpllnchcd_kncccl,andヽ ickcd ■ィ lll:11■ Ic l i11lhcぬ cc.hcad.and卜 (ld)dozens ol・ timc・ s. All ill、 'iolati,II o「 :il:c i8,1 1litcd Statcs(1週 1)Al lll):Jt:nc t().]() ll● :loittl、 ●.Seaiol1 1519. 1.1:● 、 、 ltil. A TRt li BII_1. 「s'「 orcpcる o■ :iO:く KEN」 IM.PRICE L nitcd Stales Attorn等 ai: Dlstrict ofHa、・ ::Iミ liPliRSOヽ ,GRAヽ 1)JURY IC S DREIBAヽ D Assistan:Attorllc、 ‐6ollcral Ch,1l RI」 も Divlsion tl_S.Depainleni ofJuiice S.N01_■ ヽ CHRIS1 0FlttER I「 FERRIS SPccial l_ili_gation Coltnsel 笏 鉱 THOMAS A.」 OHNSON Trial Attorneヽ l.lnired States v. .lsso{i Tagaloa, el al. lndictrnent cr'No' cRZo- 00o44 LEK '