IN THE COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL IN AND FOR PINELLAS COUNTY. FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: AFFIDAVIT OF TONYA EVERETT My name is Tonya Everett and I am over the age of 21, have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein and certify that they are true and correct. The following facts are true and support this af?davit: Genyte Dirse was energetic, sociable and loving woman and she did everything to do well in her rental business until guardianship issue started. I testify that Gediminas Pakalnis lived at 3614 Gulf St. Pete Beach with his Great Aunt- Genyte Dirse and never seen him abusing her, taking advantage or in?uencing her decision making. In September, 2017 Hurricane Irma was to hit this area so I started helping Genyte Dirse to get ready for it. She had food and water. On September 10th, 2017 a lady came by and pressured Genyte to go to a neighboring, beach front house for safety, which she was totally ?ne in her home. Genyte did not want to go to the house and the lady with foreign accent yelled at me across the street while I was talking to Genyte. Genyte eventually went to the house, and the lady took her documents and did not return them until I told so two days later. The next day Genyte came back around 4:30 PM. Once the lady left, I asked who she was and how she, Genyte, knew her. I?ve never seen this lady before. Genyte then tells me she?s a realtor friend of the owner of the house she went to. Power was lost for one week during this time and the lady kept coming by. Finally I found out her name Diana Sames. She would keep asking Genyte about selling the property. Genyte had told her it wasn?t for sale. Diana even showed up with another lady trying to get Genyte to sign some real estate papers. I was in the house when this took place. I spoke up and said NOT FOR SALE and to leave. They ?nally left. Since then Diana has been by visiting and taking her places which I don?t feel right about, because of Diana trying to get Genyte to Sign papers which was against her wish. After Diana would leave, I would go and talk to Genyte and she would tell me she, Diana, wanted to help her sell. Genyte would tell her it?s NOT FOR SALE. Before my testimony at the Final Hearing in April of 2018, I was waiting with other witnesses to be called into a courtroom. Mr. Albinson came by and asked me to talk to him privately in a room. I was told by Mr. Albinson not to testify that Diana Sames was pressuring Genyte to sign real estate documents and sell the property when Genyte would clearly tell her it?s not for sale. Mr. Albinson told me that we were not there for this and that I don?t need to say anything about it. He also added that Genyte was already found incapacitated and it would not matter anymore. For several weeks since the Final Hearing, I did not see Genyte would be taken care by the guardian or her agents. Genyte was also not provided with transportation and walked long way to a grocery store. Genyte was physically abused by adult?sitters in summer of 2018. One of the adult sitters, a white female with tattoo on her arm, was manhandling Genyte Dirse without any reason. The sitter was aggressively pinching Genyte?s skin in the lower back area and said that?s how she controls her. I yelled at the sitter that she cannot control Genyte like that and I would call Police. I saw Genyte being and physically abused by other sitter when I tried to visit Genyte with an apple pie. The sitter was aggressive and would not allow me to come in and spend some time with Genyte. We neighbors and true friends were not allowed to interact with Genyte freely when she was under the guardianship. While under guardianship, Genyte has complained about not getting food, speci?cally salmon, that she likes. As never before, Genyte spend more time in her house and less outside and was isolated. Since the beginning of August of 2018, Genyte has disappeared and since then I never saw her again. As soon as I found out her missing, I called the Abuse Hotline and was contacted by DCF next day. Nobody should take away Genyte?s rights to live in her house near the beach and close to her grandnephew-Gediminas Pakalnis that she loves. Genyte had a very good and sharp mind for her age. 71% SIGNED THIS 8 day of NOVEMBER 2018 BEFORE MY HAND UNDER SEAL 3Tb, Mam/Tag; FL L's?c, 965%? 5:65 7311-431. a, AFFIANT age PU IQIC IN 1 Notary Publlc- State ofFlorida AND FOR I Hi A I I: OF FLORIDA My Comm. Expires Sep 10. 2022 5 ?Larry EXP 55.67. 252.2.