COPY RECEIVED I JUN 2 22 2020 DWTWASHINGTON LLC -) 4 5 6 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING 8 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON l0 SWNo. 20-0-616926 ll SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM TO KIRO TV, INC.; TEGNA, INC.; MEDIA OF SEATTLE LLC; TRIBUNE BROADCASTING SEATTLE LLC; SEATTLE TIMES COMPAI.{Y PURSUANT TO CrR 2.3(f) AND RCW COUNTY OF KING t2 13 l4 l0.7e.0ls(3). 15 16 TO l7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 KIRO TV,INC. R/A CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 3OO DESCHUTES WAY SW, STE 208 MC.CSCI TUMWATER, WA 9850I TEGNA,INC. d/b/a KING TV & KING NEWS WA CT CORPORATION SYSTEM 7I I CAPITOL WAY S, STE 204 OLYMPIA, WA 9850I 5 SINCLAIR BROADCASTTNG OF SEATTLE, LLC d/b/a KOMO TV & KOMO 4 NEWS R/A CT CORPORATION SYSTEM 71I CAPITOL WAY S, STE 204 OLYMPIA, WA 9850I 26 SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM - I MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP ATTOXNEYS AT LAW Tr 206,6r{i!300 Fi 206,340.9599 2t0l PIBR 10 ALASI(AN ]VAY, SUlrE 300 SBATTLE, WASHINCTON 9EI2I 5691 60-0005/4847491 0-5344. 1 FOX TELEVTSToN STATTONS, LLC d/b/a KCPQ & Ql3 Fox NEWS R/A COFJORATION SERVICE COMPA}IY 3OO DESCHUTES WAY SW, STE 208 MC-CSCI TUMWATER, WA 9850I SEATTLE TIMES COMPAIYY R/A DWT WASHINGTON, LLC 920 FIFTH AVENUE SUITE 33OO SEATTLE, WA 98104-1610 produce andpermit inspection and copyingofthe following documents or tangible things at the place, date, and time specified below: Any and all video footagi or pholographs, includilg b-ut not limited to all unedited and/or from raw video footage, takei on Saturday, vr"y30r 2020, from 1530 hours to 1700 hours in Seattle' the locations of Olive Street to Pike Stieet and also from 6th Avenue to 4th Avenue El youARE COMMANDEDTo Washington. Seattle Police DePartment Attn: Michnel Magan 610 sth Avenue Seattle, WA 98124 A. HEARING HAS BEEN AT SET JUDGE TO CONSIDER AI\D BETORE RULE UPON AI\TY OBJECTIONS TO sucH PRODUCTION, INSPNCTION AI\D COPYING, WHICH SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED T]NTIL AFTPR SUCH IIEARING. 6 /ts 1,, al'(-Ot^r/ SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM - 2 & DUNN LLP MILLER NASH GRAHAM AT LAW ATTORNEYS T: 205"624,4300 F: 206,3{0,!599 PIER ?O ALASKAN WAY' SUITE:OO SEATTLE, II'ASHINGTON'TIII 28OT 5591 60-0005/4847'691 0-5344' 1 I PRESENTED BYI. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /s/Brian W. Esler Brian W. Esler, WSBANo.22l 68 MILLERNASH GRAHAM & DI.]NN LLP Pier 70, 2801 Alaskan WaY, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98121-1128 Tel: (206) 624-8300 Fax: (206) 340-9599 Email :,$iian,esler@nrillomash,com Attorneys for Seattle Police Departrnent 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 l5 16 17 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 )\ 26 SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM - 3 MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW r: 206.110,9599 T: 206.624't300 PIEi ?o tsOI ALASKAN WAY. SUITB 3OO SEA?TLE. WASIIINGTON 98I2I 5591 60-0005/4E47-691 0€3'14' 1 GR 45. SUBPOENA (c) Protection of Persons SubJect to Subpoenas. steps to (1) A party or an attorney responsible for the issuance and service of a subpoena shall take reasonable 3 The court shall enforce this duty and avoid imposing undue burden or expense on a person subject to that subpoena. which may include, but is not limited sanction, appropriate an du$ of this breach in impose upon th6 party or aftomey to, lost earnings and a reasonable attomey's fee. papers' commanded to produce and permit inspeclion and copying of designated books, production or place person of at the in documenis or tangible lhings, or inspection of premises need nol appear inspection unless @mmanded to appear for deposition, hearing or trial. permit inspection and (B) Subject to subsection (dx2) of this rule, a person commanded to produce and if such lime is compliance for time specified the before or copying may; within 14 days affer service of the subpoena objection to written the subpoena in designated party attorney or the oays afier service, serve upon ess m-an party serving premises. lf objection is made, the or copying of any or all of the designated materials or of the (2) (A) A person 6 ti 8 10 11 inspection premises except pursuant to an the subpoena shall not bs entiiled to inspect and copy lhe materials or inspect the party serving the subpoena order oi the court by which the subpoena was issued. lf objection has been made, the time for an order lo compel parties, at any move may, upon notice to the person commanded to produce and all other party or an officer of a party not a person is who protect eny the production. such an order to compel production shall commanded. from significant expense resulting from the inspection and copying if it: (A) On timely motion, the court by which a subpoena was issued shall quash or modiff the subpoena compliance; for time (i) fails to allow reasonable (ii) fails to comply with Rcw 5'56.010 or subsection (eX2) of this rule; protected matter and no exception or waiver applies; or iiiiy requires disciosure of privileged or other the motion upon (iv) subjects a person to undue burden, provided that the court may condition denial of papers, documents, or producing books, the a requirement that the subpoenaing party advance the reasonable cost of tangible things. (B) lf a subPoena disclosure of a trade secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial (g) 1 1 l4 15 I 1 1 (i) requires information, or events or (ii) requires disclosure of an unretained expert's opinion or information not describing specific the court, of request r"rrfting from the experfs stuUy miOe not at the TaI, t.o. occurrences in dispute party in whose behalf if the or, the subpoena quash modify or "na subio-ena., by th9 protect a per'on suujecfio-or-atreJJd cannot be othenrvise met without the subpoena is issueo'shows a substantial neeb for the testimony or haterial that will be reasonably compensated, the is addressed lhe subpoena person to wtrom undue hardship ano assures that the court may ord6r appearance or production only upon specified conditions. 19 (d) Duties in Responding to Subpoena. usual (1) A person ,"rponiing to g'subpoena 1o produce documents.shall produce them as they are kept in the 20 in lhe demand' categories with.the to correspond them label ario oig"nize rii"lr o, of business course privileged or subject to protection (2)(A) when intormalion iubject to a subpoena is withhdlo on a claim thatit is by.a description of the nature supported 2l as trial preparation r"t"rLt., itre'ctaim shall be made expressly and strall be demanding party to contest the to enable is sufficient produced thai not , of the documents, *mmuniiations, or things 23 24 25 the claim. trial(B) lf information produced in response claim of privilege or of and pniplr"ton ,n"iurial, ttr"'iliron m"-fing ih""taim mby notiff any-party that received the information of the claim and information the specified destroy or proniplly r6tum,.iequester, p-"rty must the basis for it. Afler Oeini notineO, u must take reasonable stops to any copies it has; must nit ,r" or aislnsb tne in'formiti6n until the claim is resolved; present the information in promptly. may and notified; being before retrieve the informatio" it ift" p"rty OrccfoseO it must preserve the the subpoena to responding The the claim. of determination lerson for a camera to the court information until the claim is resolved. SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM.4 1 E SUPERIOR COURT FOR KING COUNTY sw No. STATE OF WASHINGTOhI) corJNTY OF IflNG : 20-0-61692-6 gfr ) AFFIDAYIT FOR SUBPOENA Detective MichaelMAGAhI, berng first duly swotn on oath, deposes and says: On the basis of the following I believe thete is ptobable cause that multiple unidentifred individuals have committed the below-identified ctime(s) in King County, and that: Theft of a Firearm, RCW 9A-56.300, Arson RC\Y 9A.48.020 tr Evidence of the crime(s) of and tr Coatraband, t]1e fruits of a cri:ne, or things otherwise cdmindly possessed, and E Weapons ot other things by means of which a cdme has been cornmitted ot reasonably appears about to be committed, and n A person for whose arrest thete is probable cause, ot who is unlawfrrlly testtained is/ate located fut, on, or about the following desctibed pterrrises, vehide of persofl: Media Outlets: Seattle Times Newspapet, KIRO TV, KING TV, KOMO TV and KCPQ fot sw/uneditedvideo footage and drgitalimages for Saturday,05-30-20, taken ftom 1530 }us: to 1700 of hrs: in the area ftom Oliv"e Street to pit" Street and ftom 6s Avenue to 4e Avenue in the City \trfashington' Seattle, County of King and State of The Seattle Police Department (SPD) is seeking evidence in the form of taw videotape footage and 'tat on Satutdan 05photogtaphs ftom -"ii" ourlets that'it believes-will help it identi& the persons lO-zO,-r"i fue to SpD vehicles and/or stole firearms ftom those vehicles (some of which fiteatms still have not been recovered). Because tlis evidence is sought from media outlets, the Coutt is requested to issue a subpoena duces tectun accotding to the ptocedure set forth in CtR 2.3(f) and RCtDfl (oontinued next page) MILLER NASH CRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affrdavit for Search Warrant Page 1 of17 ATTOTNEYS AT LA\v T: 2o6,6za;tr00 rr ,06"34p;t599 rior PIEN ?O ALASKAN \VAy, Surrg 300 sBAt?LE, l'gASlltNoToN 98121 davttfrlrr$earrlli W,hrrant'(oontinueit\ 10.79.015(3). Those media outlets will then have an oppornrnity to respond to the subpoena and have the Court rule on any objections. SPD tequests that ttre Court set a heating to consider any such objections, and so indicate on the fice of the subpoena. Your affiant is a graduate of the Univetsitf of Washington with a Bachelot of Atts Degtee in Society & Justice and Sociology. Following gtaduation, yout affiantwas hired as an Officet with the Seattle Police Department (SPD) in 1986, attended and completed the Washington State Criminal Justice Ttaining Commissions Basic Law Enforcernent Training and has served in vadous capacities with the SPD, pa&ol, the Mayot's Protection Detail and also as an Atson Investigator. Yout af&antalso sewed in &e Fedetal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) and the Seatde Police Public Coruption Squad that had pdmary responsibilities fot investigafug public servants who have committed sedous ctimes, including murder, assault and bribery. Pdor to your affiaat's cuffent assignment, he was assigned to the FBl-sponsoted Puget Sound Violent Crimes Task Force GSVCTF) for three yeats. In this multi*agency task fotce, your affiant had investigative rcsponsibilities fot all bank robberies in the greater Puget Sound atea, which included shot and long terrn investigations and assisted avaiety of law enforcement agencies tfuoughout the country. Your affiants' current assigrunent is two-fold. Your affiant is and has been assigned to the SPD Robbery Unit fot the last twenty-five yearc and has also been assigned to the Notthwest Fugitive Apprehension Task Force, sponsored by the United States Matshal Senrice. has investigative tesponsibilities fot both commercial and as well as extordon cases that occur in thc City of investigations, robbery pattem tesidenti"l robberies, At the SPD Robbery Unit, yout affiant Seattle. rxdth Northwest.Fugitive Apptehension Task Fotce, he will have investigative tesponsibilities fot tmcking down fugitives for the ctime of tobbery. In this capacity, your atfrant serves at the conrmand of the U.S. Marshal for Washington, Oregoa and Alaska and will assist outside law enforcement agencies when so called uPon. In your affiants' new assignment On Sunday, 05-31-20, your affiant was assigned investigative responsibilities fot the below: Two of the investigations your affiant curently has investigative tesponsibilities ate the teported theft of fuearms: four Colt AR-15 5.56tnm rifles (# 202A-fi7514) and one Glock model 43 .9mm semi-auto pistol (#2020-779414) fromunmarked SPD vehicles that wete patked in the 1600 block of 6d Avenue. During tfre coutse of this investigatior\ yout affrantdeternined that the follow occuued. On Satrxday, 05-30-10, at approximately 1400 hrs: Officets T. JONES # 6935' It HOLT #77f1,D, WARD # 7603, Q. WASHINGTON # 7696, D, BEHN # 77fi and S. SPECT # 7631, who ate assigned to the SPD South Ptecincts Anti-Cdme Team (ACT) were to deployed to work a tnarch/demonsfration in tegards to the death of Geotge Floyd. These officets wete assigned to wotk demonsftation rnanagement/cowd control in the area of 6h Avenue and Pine Stteet. (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Page2 ofll Search Warrant, ATTORNEYS AT TAW Tr 206r!t2{}i300 F: 2,06;140,1599 PlEn 70 2t0l ALASXAN WAY, STJITE l0o SEATTLE, WASITINOTON 9812I . Upon tlre officer's *AvaIin the xea, Offtcets T. JONES #.6935, K. HOLT # 77n, and D. WARD *lOOf parked SPD vehicle # 33391in the 1600 block of 6ft Avenue on the west side of the street in front of the Nordstrom Store, while Q. WASHINGTON # 7696rD, BE}IN #77fi and S. SPECT #763lpatked SPD vehicle # 33411directly behind the other vehicle. Thtee othet SPD vans were also parked at the same location, to include both civiliens and swotn SPD ernployees' Additional SPD personnel ftom the SPD Sou& Ptecinct and the SPD Video Unitpatked their vehicles in the 1600 block of 6'h Avenue and the 500 block of Pine S&eer S&PJsbi€ls$ # 34424,SPD Video Unit van, patked in the 1600 block of 6s Avenue # 63181, SPD Video Unitvan, # }3757,SPD South Precinct # 333}7,SPD South Ptecinct # 3334I,SPD South Precinct # 34267, SPD South Ptecinct pa*ed in the 1600 block of 6e Avenue Vehicle ftlack van) pa*ed in the 1600 block of 6s Avenue Vehicle ftlue Fotd SUV) parked in the 1600 btock of 66 Avenue Vehicle plue Ford SLIS parked in the 1600 block of 6n Avenue vehide, parked in the 500 block of Pine Street Officers tmnsported their deparunent issued Colt AR-15, 5.56mm rifles as well medical supplies, helmets, clothing, video equipment and othet items ftotn the SPD South Prccinct to &e 1600 block of 6s Avenue and the 500 block of 56 Avenue. Most of it was locked inside of the vehicles as the officers tesponded on foot to the demonstration, also locked in an SPD vehicle was the bagk-up Yfq:tt_,.1 GI;ck rnodel 43 gtnmsemi-automatic pistol, setiat # BABM909 belonging to Q. WASHINGTON # sevetal blocks ftom their secuted 7696, The above-named Officers were assigned to work ^n ^rea vehicles. At approxirnately -dtve and \Vay tl 1530 hrs: civil;unrest began to occru in a concenffated trea,4h Avenue pitce Street. The five SPD vehicles that wete patked in the 1600 block to 6s Avenue of 6s Avenue SPD vehicle t1rat was patked in the 500 block of Pine Streetwete heavily damaged and the otr" "dditiotr"l by vandals, who started by tipping off the windshield wipers, side view mirots, bteaking out the,vehicle windows with tocks and poles, and removing vadous equipment, including video recording equipment, ballistic helmets, uniforns, emergency medical equipment, fue extinguishets and eventually the following fitearms: Fmm Police Vehiclc # 33391: Officet K. HOLT #7711: One loaded ColtAR 15 tifle, Serial # FNCR012595. patet recoveted') F'torn getia$ gehislg:#i*li41,1: Officer Q. WASHINGTON # # 7696: One loaded Colt M4 carbine tifle with a suppressor, Sedal LF;29 6517 . (Still missing.) One loaded Glock Model" 43 semi-automatic pistol, Serial Officet D. BEHN Q13) # # BABM909. (Still missing.) 7717: One loaded Colt AR 15 tifle, Setial # FNCR011601. pater tecoveted by (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Search Wanant, Page 3 of 17 ATTONNBYS AT LAW T: 206,62,1"8300 F: 206;340"!599 PTEN ?O 2TOI ALASKAN WAY, IUITE IOO SEATTLE, WASI'IINCTON 9t1 2 I Affittiivit&f ff'earpti W,+nsni.(pontihus-l : Officer S. SpECHT #7631: One loaded Colt M4 catbine tifle, Sedal #LE.325779. pater rccovered.) At apptoximately 1606 brs: witness CARUGHI was an atmed contract security agent working for S""td",r FOX affiliate KCPQ. He reported being in the 1600 block of 6s Avenue when he ndtnessed an unidentified adult male suspect weadng a ted coloted hooded sweatshkt and blue ieans, smash out a passenger side window of a SIPD vehicle # 33391 patked in the 1600 block of 6s Avenue and temove a ioadedtoh AR 15 Rifle, walk to the ftont of that SPD vehicle, aim the rifle at the ftont windshield and fire four tounds tfuough the ftont windshidd. CARUGHI dtew his petsonal fitearm and conftonted the arned suspeciand otdeted him to place the rifle on the gtound._CARUGHI recoveted the dfle, removed the magazine and the tound in the chambet rendering the rifle safe. At approximately 1610 hmr an unidentified adult male wearing a blue coloted sutgical mask that covers the lt*"t pottion of his face, avery distinct red coloted Adidas btand sweat-suit, a ted colored Adidas band cap and red colored Adidas blarrdrpgslt' shoes is capturcd on ttre extemal surveillance video at the Nordstrom store, in the 1600 blo&of,6s.frivenue going to the reat of SPD vehicle # 33397,reaches into the rear of the vehicle and remove a black coloted nylon dfle bag. The unidentified adult male sidewalk, unzlps p-.bjsvcil.o$,.the Notds6om external suweillance video being conftonted by an unidentified adult male in a dark coloted jacket and drops the dfle bag on the street. A physical fight ensues between the two and the tifle bag gets picked bj another unidentified male, who takes the bag and walks westbound on Pine Sueet io*"id, 5* Av.nue. Unfornrnately, no additional surveillance catreras caPttue this suspect as he wdks awaywith the dfle. (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Page 4 ofl7 Search Warrant, ATTONNEYS AT LAW T: 106.614!!100 Pr 206,34q.t599 tlER 70 28OI ALASKAN WAY, SUITE ]OO SBATTLS, WASIIINCToN 9tl2l j The unidentified adult male suspectwearing the distinct red colored Adidas btand sweatsuit, a red coloredAdidas brand cap and red colotedAdidas brand tennis shoes tunning south bound on 56 Avenue after stealing a loaded Colt AR 15 tifle At approximately 1616 hrs: an rrnidentified male, witl his face coveted, &essed in datk coloted top, .hotir rrd t baclrpack walks up to SPD vehicle # 33417, which is patked in the 1600 block of 6s Avenue, teaches in tluough the broken left reat windshield and temoves a tan coloted fanny pack belonging to Officet Q. WASHTNGTON # 7696, that contained the loaded Glock Model 43 semipistol, serial # BABM909. The unidentified male takes the fanny pack, tutns and walks south "otoritii oo 3*Arr"orr" torratds Pine Street. Unfiortunately, no additiond sutveillance cameras capture this bound suspect as he walks towards Pine Sueet. contained the loaded Glock The unidentified male the SPD vehicle teat of pistol ftom the semi-automatic (confinued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Search Warrant, Page 5 of17 ATTORTEYS AT LAW Tt 206,62,4rt!00 ?; 206;?10'7599 PIER ?O 2IOT ALASXAN WAY, 6UITI 9EAT1LE, WASHINOTON 9IT2I 'OO ,A{iialvir'$barotr:W,q{,{nnt'(gx}nti$us&l The gnidentified male carrying WASHINGTON'S tan coloted fanny pack in his tight hand eouth bound on 6ftAvenue At approximately 7623 hrs: witness CARUGHI latet reported that he observed another unidentified # 33477,break open the glass and ternove a loaded street, again &ew his petsonal fireatm, fan acloss acfoss the who u/as Colt AR 15 Rifle. CenUCfU the street and confronted the unidentified adult male suspect and physically temoved the loaded Colt AR 15 dfle ftom him. CARUGHI rcmoved the magazine and the toundin the chamber rendering the rifle safe. aduli mate CARU ,o.p"lt approach the rear of SPD vehicle removed the the second $uspect on on the right aftet toaded ColtAR 15 tifle ftom the SPD vehicle in the 1600 block of 6t Avenue CARUGHI later contacted the SPD and tumed the two recoveted ColtAR 15 Rifles ovel to Lieutenant SPD \)(/est Ptecinct J. OSBORNE, SPD North Precinct. Officer N. APPIAH-AGYEKU # 8633' completed an incident rePott' SPD # 2020-777574. At approximately 1606 hts: SPD Vehicle # 34267,w!trchwas parked in the 500 block of Pine Steet had aU of itr windows smashed ou! the doors completely bent back away ftom the main ftame of the vehicle, was spray painted, had its tires slashed, was physically beaten with bats, hammers and metal poles and had alt o] th" police equipment (ballistic helmets, unifonns, emetgency medical equipment and fue extinguishers) that was iniiae of the vehicle, removed and stolen ot used to damage the vehicle. (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Afridavit for Search Wartant, Page 6 oflT ATTORNEYS AT LAW Ti 206'624,atoo I F:206,!4q.9599 PIEN 7O 28OI ALASKAN WAY, SUITE SEATTLB, WASHINCTON JOO 9tI2I Affidavit for Seareh \ilarant (continued) 4 dF.. "i. )l,0lI*Lr :l rl .l .',. l -'r" ,; .i \ii Ig t. ;, I {\, -+ \l \tr .-: 8 1\ ! ,T t- '1 i . r.r ,,,,,,, ! '': :. -iR :1,' f .{1 i1 The SPD vehicle that was patked in the block of Pine civil unrest thatwas damaged duting the fernale, with blond hait, wearing a black and white bandanna over the lower portion of het face, tblack coloted short sleeved t-shirt, black colclred "ot*"dblack colored tennis shoes with white coloted socks and a blaclc colored back pack, is captrugd ieans, oa video u5ing an accelerant in an aerosol can a16 a lighter to ignite the acceletant setting fire to the headlinet of SPD vehicle # 34261that is parked in the 500 block of Pine Street. At approximately 1606 hrs: an unidentiEedl adult can and a lightet to ignite the using an acceletant The unidentified adult in block of Pine Stteet the 500 vehicle SPD intedor of the the fire to acceletant setting the same unidentified adult female, *ith blond hair, weadng a black and ofhet face, a black colored shofi sleeved t-shirt, black white colored bandanna over the lowet waisq black coloted tennis shoes colixs4ieans;,udtl L 1600 block of 6s witli'wbite,coloted asd,a setting fue to tlre Avenue using an accelerant in an aerosol can and a 93151 # vehicle headlinet of SPD At apptoximately 1.620 hs l This suspect was later identified by the F.B,l as Margaret A. CHANNON, and has been taken lnto custody, (continued next page) MTLLER Aflidavit for Page7 oflT Search Watrant, NA'H GRAHAM & DUNN LLp ATTORNEYS AT LAW Ti 206"621,1300 F:206,1{0,9599 PIEN ?O 2tOI ALASXAN WAY, SUITE 3OO SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98I2I Aflidavit for Searsh Warrant (continued), .,f f'." 1' t { * rl i, i' :' suspect using an acceletant in an aetosol can and a lightet to The unidentified adult ignite the accelerant setti- g fire to the headlinet of SPD vehicle # 9315L After setting fue to the headliner of SPD vehicle # 93157, she moved to the next SPD vehicle, # 33391 and using the same accelerant in the aetosol cen and lighter she set fi-re to the headliner of that vehicle. suspect setting fite to SPD vehicle # 3339t using an accelerant in an aerosol can and a lighter to ignite the acceletant setting fire to ttre headliner The 7620 fus: Video Tech Cesat HIDALGO, SPD Video Unit, who was inside the Nordstrorn Stote in the 1600 block of 6s Avenue videoing the civil uffest, captuted the unidentified At apptoximately (continued next page) MTLLER NASH GRAHAM & Affidavit for Search Warrant, Page 8 of17 D'NN LLp ATTONNEYS AT LAW Tr 206;62a,1!00 Pi 206.140,9t99 PIER 70 2tOI ALASXAN W Y, EUITE JOO SEATTLE, WASHINGTON'II2I ,.dffi4aviifQrSe+rqh:War."ant ntinupit). adult female using an acceletant in an aerosol can and a lightet to ignite the accelerant setting fire to the headliner and ftont driver's seat of the SPD Video vehicle # 34424 that was parked dirccdy in ftont of whete he was video-aping. to suspect using an acceletant in an aetosol can The unidentified adult 1600 is patked in the vehicle that headlinet Video of SPD fite to ttre ignite the acceletant setting block of66 Avenue. The unidentified adult female suspect using an acceletant in an aetosol can and a lightet to ignite the accelerant settirg fire to the drivet's seat of SPD Video vehicle that is patked in the 1600 block of6t Avenue. The unidentified adult female suspect is later joined by an unidentified male weating a tan coloted stocking ca75 awhite colored t-shfut, blue jeans, hiking shoes with a black down jacketwrapped around his waist, carying a shoulder bag. This unidentified adult tnale takes the aerosol can and lighter ftom (continued noxt page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Aflidavit for Page 9 oflT Search Wanant, ATTONN'Ys AT LAW T: 206.62411300 Fr 206.11q"9519 PIBN ?O ZsOI ALAEKAN WAY. SUITE SEATTLE, WASHI}.ICTON 3OO 9tI2I AfmHavit for, $eerc,h .!-Yarrani (Sstnli'alretl) the uaidentified adult female and ignites the accelemnt with the lighter and sets fire to the ddvet's seat of SPD Video vehicle that is parked in the 1600 block of 6ft Avenue. t f t' * '(r-- ''+l - ffi tr a I \ I t - --r^D F The uqidentified adult male takes the.aetosol can and adult and fire to the ddvet's seat of SPD Video vehicle that the Sevetal minutes leter six SPD vehides, # 34424, # 63787, # 93757, # 33397, # 33341 and # 34261 were eithet firlly engulfed in flame ot damaged as tesult of the fires statted by the unidentified adult female suspect aad the unidentified adult male. ! 63t8t, SPD # 33341engulfed in flames the 1600 block of66 Avenue (continued next page) Aflidavit for Page MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Search Wanang l0 oflT ATTORNEYS AT LAW T: 206,61{.1!00 F: 106,?{0,9J99 lIOI PIER 70 ALASKAN WAY, SUITE 3OO SEATTLE, \'ASHTNCTON 98ltt AiUi[a$ithir:$ear-chiWbfrwrt::{:ttitdtih\r$ill As the vehicles burned, your affiant noted that both the adult male suspect dtessed in the ted colored Adidas brand sweat suit, hat and shoes (who stole the loaded Colt AR 15 tifle from the SPD vehicle) and the unidentified adult female dressed in all black with the black and white striped bandanna (who set fire to six SPD vehicles) seem to be at the foteftont fot all of the darnage and mayhem that was occwring in the 1600 block of 6'h Avenue and the 500 block of Pine Street. Your affianq who recovered and reviewed surveillance video footage from vadous locations, noted that both of these suspects wefe vely easy to track based upon their dothing and actions duing the civil urirest. the with the black and female Stote in the 500 block of Pine Stteet at the sarne time the adult male wearing the red coloted Adidas btand attite (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affrdavit for Search Wanant, Page 11 of17 ATTORNEYS AT LAW T: 106,62{}1300 F; 206,t1q.9J9t ' PtuR 70 t80l ALASKAN WAY, Sull'g 300 SEATTLE. WASHINOTON 9II2I il Af rifavit,f0q$srleh I[ nt d), adult sweat suit the the red coloted Adidas aftet leaving the Navy Stote Old female wearing all blackwith the black and white bandanna looting dre store Both male well as checked the fout locd news networks' and the Seattle Times' web sites, yout affiant found that the Seatde Times, CBS affiliate KIRO TV, NBC affitiate KING TV, ABC affiliate KOMO TV and the FOX affiliate KCPQ, all had multiple photogrephets, reporters, camera teams o-n the gound doing live shots as well as tecotding/videotapi"g and photogtaphing capturing the civil uffest as itwas occurring. !flhile yov affrant has teviewed vadous videos and images as afson suspect A Seattle Times suspect in the rcd coloredAdidas sweat suitwho stole a ColtAR 15 the unidentifed tifle ftom a Police vehicle (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Page 12 Search Wanant, oflT ATTORNBYS AT LAW T; 206.62{,1!00 r: 206,t40.ts99 Pt6n 70 2IOI ALASKAN WAY, SUITE lOO 8EATilB, WASHTNOTON'TIII ! ,nffi ,tirvit,,foi-,Ssrrr:h {Miiirb$t(epiitirrrrs l .1. FOX affiliate KCPQ of the unidentified suspect in the A ecreen shot image taken from red coloted Adidas sweat suit that was aired nationally on FOX News New Yotk. It has been yout affiant's expedence through investigations and conversations with television news reporters and camem personnef that newspapers and news stations'will recotd footage of events even when they are not broadcasting live from a location. This footage is tefered to as unedited ot taw footage. Ftom &ose investigations and convetsadons, your affiant undetstands that photographers and c metlpersonnel who ate at vatious events will record footage/photogtaph events and will use a small amount of footage dudng theit news stodes and,'the footege/photogaphs that ate not aired/posted will be downloaded into an intemal system that will retain the footage /photogrtphs for approximatcly thirty days. . The television affiliate vrill also provide their news teams cellulat telephones, so they can do live temotes ftom locations dudng major events. On Saturday, 05-30-20, your affiant watched the civil unrest unfold via local television (in real time while off duty) and noted that the vastmajotity of covetage by the fout affiIiates KIRO TV, KING TV, KOMO TV, KCPQ and the Seattle Times (based upon publishedphotogaphs) wete allv/ithin a fourblock area 4h Avenue to 6s Avenue and Olive r0flay to Pike Stteet. Based on when the incidents undet investigation occurred, thete is probable cause to believe that those media sonrces captured images of (continued next page) Affidavit for Search Warrant, Page 13 of17 MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW T: 206.62{8300 r: l0(.!40.9599 PIBR ?O 28OI ALASKAN WAY. SUITE JOO 63ATTLE, IVASHINOTON 9812I ,dffidavit fur Search Warrant (continued) the suspect in the footage/photogtaphs aken in that arca between 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, which fooagelphotogtaphs have not yet been published. Following the civil uorest from Saturdan 05-30-20, yout affiant was assigned to joint SPD, FBI and Alcohol Tobacco and Ffuearms (ATF) Task Fotce to investigative vatious cdmes that occured, specifi.cally the theft of Erearms from Police vehicles. Yout affiant has and revierued nrrnetous hours of surveillance and video footage as well as published still images ftom Seattle Titnes and while doing so, yorrr $frent obsewed KIRO TV, KING TV, KOMO TV, KCPQ tecotding the civil untest to tdod" the actions of the adult male in the red colored Adidas brand attire and thi: unidentified adult female who set the SPD vehicles on fite. An'unidentified local news cameraman at Avenue and Pine Stteet recording the events (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Search Warrant, Page 14 of17 AT?Of,NIYS AT LAW Tr 206,d2tu00 F: 104t1o.tJ9t ' PIER 70 ,r0l ALlsl(AN wAY, sulrE r00 sEAttL8. WASHINCTON 98!21 ffiCqvitfof,S*srch,W,srrAr clntinue An unidentified local j news afEliate camefaman atsons in the 1600 block of6eAvenue Dudng fle coutse of the on'going investigation, yoru affiant has been teviewing sunreillance footage tlat was ptovided to him ftom the Nordsftorn co&pofation, Paeific'?.,149e".\West Lake Mall, as well as video that was sent to the SPD ftom citizene urto'rliete ftiihe area of Olive Way to Pike Sfteet, 4'h Avenue to 6ft Avenue and found that the quality of video footage is poor,limited, ot cameras thatare in fixed positions do not captufe events. Cetain cameras ftom tle Nordsftom store were damaged ftotn the fires that wete set by the unidentified adult female suspect ot that tle heavy smoke from the fires make the camera footage useless. Yout affiant reviewed the posted video footage ftom the fout news affiliates, KIRO TV, KING TV, KOMO TV and KCPQ as well as posted images from the Seatde Times and found them to have excellent quality of video footage and still irnages and believes that obtaining and reviewing &e unedited or raw video footage as well as still images that wete not posted would/will lead to the identity of suspect(s) who are tesponsible for the theft of the firearms stolen ftom SPD vehicle's # 33391 and # 33411 as well as fhe suspect(s) who set fire to SPD vehicles # 34424, # 63787, # 93757, # 33397, # 33341 and.# 3+261. The female believed to be responsible for setting the fues as described above was later identified by the F.B.I as Margatet A. CHANNON. CIIANNON was taken into custody by federal agents the morning ofJune 77,2020 and has been chatged with the arsons in Federal Court. The male involved in the arson and the individuals involved in &e thefts of the firearrns temain unidentified. Your affiant is tequesting the Coutt's petmission to seek the unedited or raw footage/photographs that wete captured by KIRO TV, KING TV, KOMO TV and KCPQ, and the Seatde Times fot Saturday, 05-30-20, ftom 1530 hrs: to 1700 hrs: ftom Olive Steet to Pike Sueet and ftom 6d Avenue to 4* Avenue for teview to identi& suspect(s) fot the cdtne of theft of weapons and arson. (continued next page) Affidavit for Search Wanant, Page 15 of17 MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP ATTORNEY6 AT LAW T: 206,6t4!1300 71206;110,9599 PIER 7O 28OI ALASKAN WAY, SUTTE lOO sEAlrr.E, WASHIXCToN 98r21 ,Aiifi 4nvit'dbriSearriii' rftnani'(rontihus.l), Based on all the foregoing informationr lour affiant believes that evidence of the above-listed crime(s) exists at the above-descdbed property and that thete is probable cause to issue a subpoena duces tecum to comnand the production of evidence of the above-listed cdme(s) including the following items: Unedited ot raw video footage/photographs ftom KIRO TV, KING TV, KOMO TV and KCPQ, and ttre Seattle Times fot Satutday,05-30-20, taken from 1530 hrs: to 1700 hrs: in the area ftom Olive Sueet to Pike Street and from 6ft Avenue to 46 Avenue. applicable) I also ask that the coutt find that notice ta any person, including the subscriber(s) and custornet(s) to which the matedals relate, of the existence of this 'watrentwould likety jeopardize the life or physical safety of an individual andf or ieopardize an ongoing criminal investigation. The request for this fi"ding is based on the following facts: tr (Check if tr This affidavit was submitted to the issuing iudge ot magisttate using an elecuonic device that is owned, issued, or maintained by the below-identified cdminal iustice agency. ofVashington that the attached teports/copies of documents and the informatiou contained thetein are true, cotrect I cettify (or declare) undet penalty of petiury undet the laws of the State and accruate (RCW 9A.72.085). - 6:'l &'za Seattle WA. Place Signed Date Signed - Mighael MAGAIT{ Pdnted Name of Peace Officer, Asencv.,and Perconnel Numbe: OR, ., lA . , : f sabnitted ehctunical! or b.ypborc: Affiant fuII name: /s/ Michael P. MAGAI'{ Agency Badge/Serial ot Petsonnel #:5094 Agency Name; Siattle, Polisn,DeFanmerrt was placed by afEant, at the given by ditection iudge/magistrate's E telephone (trlresere a recotding of the authodzation) I email (preserve and file the email) ot by D (Check if applicable) The Judges signature, below, (continued next page) MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Search Warrant, Page 16 of17 ATTORNEYS AT LAW T: 206,624i8!00 P; 206J40;9199 DtBt 70 2tOI ALASKAN WAY, SUITE 3OO SEATTLE. WASIIINCTON 9IIII tr - (other reliable method). :: -li I I5 :a; ?rintedJudge Name: t: 4833-1287-2672.1 MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN LLP Affidavit for Search Wanant, Pagel7 .ATIORNTYS AT LAT' I l: 206,!10'9t99 PtEn t0 T: 106:62,$l!00 ofl7 ,tot ALAIKAI{.VAy , IUITE !00 SBATTI.E, WANfltiloTON ',, rll2r