i Cart Étie nne p ro m Geo rge- . 0629 hrs - Black Dodge Ram breaches Thomas Gate. 6 h 29 - un Dodge Ram noir franchi la grille Thomas. Approx. location where truck was abandonned. Emplacement approx. où le camion a été abandonné. RID EA U GT E T ra il e r R o ad u 0635-0638 hrs Suspect hides near bushes. 6 h 35 à 6 h 38 Le suspect se cache près des buissons. TIMELINE - Truck crashes through Thomas Gate. - Commissionaires advise RCMP OCC of situation. MA CKlong guns. 0635 hrs - Commissionaires advise that suspect appears armed with AY ST 0635-0638 hrs - Suspect pauses/hides near bushes. 0636 hrs - RCMP members responding. 0637 hrs - First PRU member arrives on scene. 0641 hrs - ERT notified of perimeter breach and armed suspect. 0645 hrs - Suspect first seen and challenged by PRU member at the location where he is later taken into custody. 0709 hrs - First ERT members arrive on scene. 0730 hrs - ERT TAV arrives at Princess Gate. 0756 hrs - Incident Command established in NCRCC. 0826 hrs - ERT advancing on suspect. 0827 hrs - Suspect safely taken into custody by ERT. 0645 hrs - Suspect challenged by RCMP member MA SS T 6 h 45 - Le suspect est interpelé par un membre de la GRC. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 25 0 25 50 Scale 1:1,000 75 Meters T IA S QU EE NV ICT OR CR ICH TO N AV ON LA NE ST Property of RCMP National Division Propriété de la Division nationale de la GRC 100 125 150 175 RIN RD 2020-07-02 from 0630hrs to 0830hrs OL LA NE T ARMED INTRUDER INCIDENT AT RIDEAU HALL GROUNDS SC HO NS CH AR LE SS T TH O JO H 8 h 27 - Le suspect est en détention. DUF FE AL EX AN 0629 DE hrs R T 0634 Shrs 0827 hrs - Suspect in custody