UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 04 June 2020 THREAT AWARENESS MESSAGE (U//FOUO) Boogaloo Follow-up: Three Members of Boogaloo Movement Arrested by FBI with DoD Connections (U//FOUO) On 03 June 2020, federal prosecutors in Nevada charged three men connected to the boogaloo movement with terrorism offenses, saying they plotted to use Molotov cocktails and explosives to spark violence at protests in Las Vegas over the death of USPER George Floyd.1,2 According to a publication by Business Insider, all three individuals had some affiliation with the DoD and were identified as USPERS Stephan PARSHALL, Andrew LYNAM and William LOOMIS. A Department of Justice (DOJ) press release has also detailed that the three individuals have been charged by the State of Nevada for possessing explosive material and attempting to engage in an act of terrorism.3 Analyst Note: The article by Business Insider stated that PARSHALL, LYNAM, and LOOMIS had affiliations with the Navy, Army, or Air Force, but they did not specify which individual was affiliated with which service.4 Through DoD database checks, NCIS confirmed that PARSHALL is a U.S. Navy veteran, LYNAM is a U.S. Army Reservist, and LOOMIS is a disabled US. Air Force veteran.5 (U) POTEN TIAL FORCE PROTECTON CONCERNS F OR DoD FROM BOOGALOO (U//FOUO) NCIS has no information at this time to suggest that PARSHALL, LYNAM, or LOOMIS had conceptual or real time plans to attack DoD personnel or facilities. Nevertheless, all three individuals have potential placement and access to DoD or Veterans Affairs facilities based on their respective status as either a veteran, a reservist, or a disabled veteran.6 (U//FOUO) The threat posed by these particular boogaloo inspired individuals was mitigated through the coordinated efforts of federal and state law enforcement.7 Yet, it should be noted that racially motivated violent extremist (RMVE) movements that subscribe to boogaloo have engaged in conceptual discussions about recruiting military or former military members for their perceived knowledge of combat training.8 (U) BOOGALOO INFLUENCE ON CURRENT PROTEST ACTIVITIES (U) Militia, anarchist, and RMVE movements are particularly apt to use the violent premise of the boogaloo movement to either try to collapse modern society or begin a race war. In the wake of the protests over the death of George Floyd, open source reporting has documented how individuals who support boogaloo are using social media forums such as Telegram to encourage followers to take violent action against both protesters and the police.9 In late April of this year, NCIS published a Threat Awareness Message (TAM) on the boogaloo movement and its potential threat to law enforcement and government entities, for more information see MTAC-TAM-CRIM-009FY20. (U//FOUO) NCIS is unclear as to the specific plans of PARSHALL, LYNAM, and LOOMIS while they were at the protests in Las Vegas. Nevertheless, their possession of an incendiary device (i.e. Molotov cocktail),10 coupled with their UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 04 June 2020 THREAT AWARENESS MESSAGE support of the boogaloo movement suggests that they were possibly prepared to attack either law enforcement or civilian protestors in the area. (U) OUTLOOK (U//FOUO) In light of the most recent arrests of PARSHALL, LYNAM, and LOOMIS by the FBI and Nevada State Police, NCIS cannot discount the possibility of DoD affiliated individuals sympathetic to or engaged in the boogaloo movement. NCIS continues to emphasize the importance of reporting suspected boogaloo activity through the chain of command as participation in such a movement may be in violation of U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps policies regarding prohibited activity. NCIS will continue to partner with U.S. law enforcement agencies to monitor the use of boogaloo terminology by extremist elements who threaten law enforcement, government, or military personnel. (U) Prepared by: MTAC Criminal Threat Division MTAC_CRIM_ALL@ncis.navy.mil (U) Contributions from: MTAC Terrorism and Iranian Threat Network Division (TITN) (U) Coordinated with: NCIS Field Offices MTAC-TAM-CRIM-014-FY20 (U) ATTENTION: This document contains U.S. person information that has been included consistent with applicable laws, directives, and policies. (U) SOURCES (U) Washington Post. 03 June 2020. (U) Men Wearing Hawaiian Shirts And Carrying Guns Add A Volatile New Element To Protests . Cited portion is U. Overall classification is U. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/03/white-menwearings-hawaiian-shirts-carrying-guns-add-volatile-new-element-floyd-protests/. 2 (U) Department of Justice (DOJ). 03 June 2020. (U) Joint Terrorism Task Force Charges Three Men Who Allegedly Sought To Exploit Protests In Las Vegas And Incite Violence. Cited portion is U. Overall classification is U. https://www.justice.gov/usaonv/pr/joint-terrorism-task-force-charges-three-men-who-allegedly-sought-exploitprotests-las. 3 (U) Business Insider. 03 June 2020. (U) 3 Self-Proclaimed Members Of The Far-Right 'Boogaloo' Movement Were Arrested On Domestic Terrorism Charges For Trying To Spark Violence During Protests. Cited portion is U. Overall classification is U. https://www.businessinsider.com/3-boogaloo-men-terror-charges-george-floydprotest-riot-conspiracy-2020-6. 4 (U) Business Insider. 03 June 2020. (U) 3 Self-Proclaimed Members Of The Far-Right 'Boogaloo' Movement Were Arrested On Domestic Terrorism Charges For Trying To Spark Violence During Protests. Cited portion is U. Overall classification is U. 1 2 of 3 UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 04 June 2020 THREAT AWARENESS MESSAGE https://www.businessinsider.com/3-boogaloo-men-terror-charges-george-floydprotest-riot-conspiracy-2020-6. 5 (U//FOUO) Defense Personnel System (DPS). 03 June 2020. (U//FOUO) Name checks conducted in USPER Stephen Parshall, USPER Andrew Lynam, and USPER William Loomis. Cited portion is U//FOUO. Overall classification is U//FOUO. https://pki.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/dps/index.html. 6 (U//FOUO) Defense Personnel System (DPS). 03 June 2020. (U//FOUO) Name checks conducted in USPER Stephen Parshall, USPER Andrew Lynam, and USPER William Loomis. Cited portion is U//FOUO. Overall classification is U//FOUO. https://pki.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/dps/index.html. 7 (U) Department of Justice (DOJ). 03 June 2020. (U) Joint Terrorism Task Force Charges Three Men Who Allegedly Sought To Exploit Protests In Las Vegas And Incite Violence. Cited portion is U. Overall classification is U. https://www.justice.gov/usaonv/pr/joint-terrorism-task-force-charges-three-men-who-allegedly-sought-exploitprotests-las. 8 (U) Military Times. 07 November 2019. (U) Desire To Join Military Large Focus Of Leaked Chats In Infamous Neo-Nazi Forum. Cited Portion is U. Overall classification is U. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-army/2019/11/07/desire-to-joinmilitary-large-focus-of-leaked-chats-in-infamous-neo-nazi-forum/ 9 (U) Washington Post. 03 June 2020. (U) Men Wearing Hawaiian Shirts And Carrying Guns Add A Volatile New Element To Protests . Cited portion is U. Overall classification is U. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/06/03/white-menwearings-hawaiian-shirts-carrying-guns-add-volatile-new-element-floyd-protests/. 10 (U) Department of Justice (DOJ). 03 June 2020. (U) Joint Terrorism Task Force Charges Three Men Who Allegedly Sought To Exploit Protests In Las Vegas And Incite Violence. Cited portion is U. Overall classification is U. https://www.justice.gov/usaonv/pr/joint-terrorism-task-force-charges-three-men-who-allegedly-sought-exploitprotests-las 3 of 3 UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY