AM July 5, 2020 To: Tanya Charles, Human Resaurccs From: Lt. Chris Whitton #1 19 RE: Complaints invalving Chief Harzog As you know recently 19 News released a 5;me surrounding complamts from Captain lac Gunnan and Captain Jamie Hensley against Chief Joel Hemog. After revi?wing the: dacumented complaints braught up by Captain Gutman and Captain Hensley, there are matters I feel I need to bring fowardt The staff often preaehea the Guiding Principles of Integrity,- Commitmem, Professienalism, and Courage 1c: the rank and ?lc. have spoke-n t0 the e?iccrs under. my camm? that if We: hold these Guiding Principles true and Our him it: fallow them, we can never g9 wrong. Do we make- mistakes? ()fcaursie, we are only human and humans are fallible. I have been a swam ??l-timt: police of?cer just ova-r ycars, and an August 3 i? 1 will have sawed this great community for Mentym?o at" those years. I hava worked Captain Gutman and Captain Hensley when we were palice af?cers on the street. I worked alongside tham as supervisors, and I have worked under their I have wa?ced under Lt. Colonel Brian Rehholz (Assistant Chief) and Chief Herzag wroughout my career. I have a good working relatians-hip with all members cf the commd staff, anti 1 will continue: warking well with mam as a licutmant in this erganizatian, I will continue to work tn pramote a positive: ?uvimnment, and I will Shiva ta mntinue as a leader in this organization to modal the Guiding Principles. So, it is with a heavy heart that I bring these camplaints farward. On page 11 of Captain Gutmm?s complaint that I read, from Channel 19?s wcbsite, be referenced that Police Of?cer Lauren Bass was given a sizing chart far new unifoxms spscifically designed for female efficcrs, To add more centext, in an August 8, 2019, Intaroi?ce Memorandum, Sgt. McCaJla wrnte he: felt this company, ?Her Blue Wear Uniforms,? was making a playful attempt at humor with their markcting, but he didn?t think it was very for a male. supawisor to hand this ?quiz? to a fcmalc suffice: asking her to mmpletc it. I agreed and met with Captain Gutman about our concerns. [developed by the campany] that was givan to the femala of?cers was mat appropriata. When Of?cer Bass was given this ??tment quiz" for unifann pants she. asked Sgt. McCalla if it was a serious quiz. The quiz asked qu?stinns like, ?Paint us a picture of your body!? And one answer t0 that question was, ?My hips and hasty talk a mean gamei" Anothax quastian asked, ?Which statement best dascribes my body?? The answers providad were, ?Shapely!? ?Baby got back! (Small waist with a rounder bottom)?? and a straight shot!? Right?xlly so, Of?cer Bass mid Sgt. McCalla, than were same: questions that. didn?t seem vcry appropriate. It is important to mate, the: male supsrvisur was not 111$ Chief and due in the nature (If a sexual harassment complamt, and based an 30mg of my knowledge about it, it would appear the Chief handled the issue. appropriataiy with the supervisar and the female nf?cem. I do not think there; was any ill imam involved. Regarding the Interof?cc: Memorandum (memo) and ?quiz,? Captain Gutman wrote in his complaint that the Chief refused to hold canto it. Captain Gutman felt legaliy this dncumem was a public record and based on Officer Bass thinking someunc was ?messing with her" he retained a copy far himsaif. 0:1 or about; the same; day I brought this issue and Interof?ca Memorandum to Captain Gutman, he said the Chief wanted me to ?le the mama. muld tell Captain Batman was bothered by this. I asked Captain Gu?nan what I was supposed to d9 with tha memo! Ididn?t think I should be the one ?ling the document in my uf?ce. If the document is censidcmd a public record and based on the nature ofthe dncumem, it should have; b??n ?lad in the chief?s of?ce. I think the Captain knew I. wasn?t comfortable with it, so he said he would ?is it with him! Ithan told} Captain Gutman sinm the. Chiefwanted me to file it, I guass I would keep it in my of?ce. I knew I would produce it if Wing came up. Now that this document Was brought up in the complaint ?led against: aha Chief, I the! it is material to complaint. I have this document, and I will turn it ever you if that is what you wish me to do with it. In the captain?s campiaints, they spoke ofthe Chief sametimes making inappropriate jokes or camme-nts. This is soma?aing that ?other af?ccrs and I have wimesged as well. When the Chief makes these comments, they are not professional and could patentially have: unintended gamma ?32} ICES. 46/ For example, on February 2026, the Chief attanded a Shift brie?ng to say farewall :0 an of?cer who was leaving the depamnent. In early February, a Lowland police af?ear wasted a Cincinnati captain far 0V1 (operatidg a motor vehicle whilc under the in?uence of alcohal andfor drugs of abuse). This arm: was brought up while the Chiefwas in tha roam. Of?cers were discussing what may saw in the media. During this canversatian, I don?t recall exactly what the Chief said, but what he said was bd'thersome. The: gist of what the: Chief said assentially deals with of?wrs giving other caps 'profassiozzal murtesy for Again, I don?t remember axaatly what the Chief said, but it was aleng the rims of ifwr: stopped a cop who was OVI we: have to watch how we say things on burly camera we can essentially cut them a break, Not allow them to drivc all} but to get :hem a ride. h?m?t. In the: room were a couple of ynunger Of?cers, but mom: ofthc of?cers present wars vaterans. The: of?cers were taken back by what the Chief said Latar in tha shift, I dam: to the palica and appmached two of?cers who were: sitting in the squad roam. These two? of?cers have: three to: four years 6f experie?c?. I brought up what the Chic!? said earlier in briefing and told them we were net going to d0 ?what the Chief mggested. Om: of the cf?cers said sam?hing to the effect of, ?Yeah. . .. No, we ware jus: talking abaut that,? Thea: two of?cers knew what the Chief suggested was not a good pram-tics, Sgt. Fania brought it up to the of?cm?s in 3:10ch briefing. He also had the same feeling I had, Hold the of?dcrs that we were new, gaing to give any police: of?cers breaks for (NI. If a police ef?car puts us in that position than shame on thcm. I ramember asking a couple of amateurs (if not the: whole group I I don?t recall speci?cally) that if at: of?cer did exactly what Chief suggests we: do and it was faund (mt, did they think the chief?s of?cc would support their dccision Wham. it came: to light? This was a rhetorical question. The; answer was, no they wouldn?t. I felt what the Chief said to the 3rd shift of?cers if carried out Wduld be a violaticn of 0m" Guiding Winciples 01? even the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. Police: of?cers are nut above the law, and cannot Show bias nor do samnthiug they manually do because; of social status orjob title. There are of?cera were in the room during this that can verify zhis complaint. it?s. a shame that of?ders walking the Street have to be. warricd about the COVID pandemic, the anti-police Santiment, and the thnught ofnot making it home to caur familied is as real as evar? New of?cers irlcluding ma, 113% wary abcmz the internal issues going cm, or- mtribution bringing matters farward, which should be the last thing on an: minds. Again, it is With a haw}; heart that I bring this. matter fomard. Thank you far your time and consideration in this matter. Respeat?xlly, Lt. Chris Whittan #1 19