Inmate Statement 4/15/20 8:15 am Virginia Description of Incident: To Whom It May Concern: By this mean I am notifying and informing that I have been receiving medications for Mrs. V. Garcia #58967, inducing insulin Lantis; injecting myself for more than a month when I notice (sic) that this medication is doing harm to my body. Nausea, dizziness, stomach (sic) pain something that never happened (sic) when I use my own insulin. Since March 2 I realize (sic) that I’m being given her medications and she mine. When the nurse I give my ID (sic) to get my medications I proceed to swallow them and I realize that the little container for medications says the last name Garcia I immediately proceed to notify her of it and she responds “Im sorry.” (sic) Just that since then I ask what I’m being given and they tell me it's my dose of Lantis inform them that that medication is not mine that it belongs to inmate Garcia and it’s not given any importance. Days after my attorney came to see me and I showed them the evidence, which disappeared when my belongings were moved to F.3. For that reason I begin and decide ​not​ to inject more of that insulin, my body cannot handle it I couldn’t go to the bathroom #2 every 7 to 9 days my body was filled with stool (sic). I chose no more. Note: All the time I let each nurse know that that was medication for inmate #58967. Inmate Name: Carmen Miranda Translation corresponds to Photo-2020-07-07-15-36-31_4.jpg Inmate Statement 4/15/20 9:03 am Virginia Description of Incident: To Whom It May Concern: By this means I am informing, under my use of reason and with free will and voluntarily I accuse correctional officers of the Western Tidewater Jail of physically and mentally abusing me on Friday, April 10, 2020. Around 2:46 pm Mrs. Hall approached me indicating that she needed to move me to F-1 I indicated to my cellmate Mrs. Garcia what was the reason for moving me and she asks Mrs. Hall she says that she had to move me and I say no because I didn’t do anything bad, in fact I had arrived from the medical area and all was well my sugar was dropping and had been given once again the medicine for pain (I had started using my insulin 70/30) She approached again indicating that if I did not move she was going to pepper spray my eyes. In a threatening manner. I look at her and I say well spray me no one needs to abuse anyone. When around 3:15 pm I’m on my bed and approximately more than 8 officer arrive, grab me by the arms and legs and pull me out of my bed I tell them not to touch me when I started getting kicked on the right side of my body I felt like I was going to die so much pain my body could not handle it I tell them “Don’t kick me” (sic) that came from my heart (sic) when the ones by my legs start to fold them as if I was a doll. I scream and my cellmates scream ​I do not​ tell them I have an accusation then they let go of my legs when I’m going into F3 they hit me on the face with the door ​wow​ I arrive in the room at F3 they throw me on the ground like trash I feel everyone laughing at me mockingly Suddenly my mind starts going blank a bunch of vomit comes out. Inmate Name: Carmen Miranda (Translation corresponds to Photo-2020-07-07-15-36-32) My heart felt a bit of (unclear spelling, possibly referring to burning) discomfort from there I felt nothing more I don’t know how long I was like that when suddenly I see the nurse on top of me (Mrs. Snow) beating my heart (sic) After several times I hold back her hand and she leaves and starts to say “She it ok.” (sic) They take my blood pressure and its 198/98 something like that I don’t remember very well She gets some pills for me and says “wake up” I respond I can’t help me I can’t I can’t Mrs. Boon another nurse tells me the same you good wake up. I say I can’t. Everyone leaves the room and some time goes by. I’m lying on the ground. Without being able to move my whole body was paralyzed Mrs. Riggins and Hall passed by the cell all the time to say the same Miranda “wake up” u good (sic) I would tell them I can’t help me. But they didn't care at all they kept doing their rounds and would repeat the same. I was lying on the floor screaming help me please help me All the inmates laughed at me because they heard me Suddenly Mrs. Riggins arrives and tells me authoritatively Miranda U OK Wake up. I responded Help me please. Several minutes later she arrives with Carla Hall and Abina Branch (angels sent by God). They help get up and I tell them the floor is wet when I realize I’m the one that urinated without realizing. They helped me, bathed me and straightened up the room that was left messy. That whole day I could not move from the bed. Abina would show up every 4 hours or more to help me go to the toilet. They helped me Friday, Saturday on Sunday they were not allowed (sic) I told the guard to get me a walker and they brought it 7 hours later leaving me lying in bed without being able to go to the toilet. Then little by little I started moving on Saturday I was taken at 10 am to the medical area I explained to the nurse using the little bit of English I know without being able to speak well since my tongue was heavy and I indicate to her to take photos because my body had bruises, my face, the right side of my body my legs swollen (both) the left one never swells up it was about to burst She tells me that she doesn’t have a camera. Well then I was taken to the room on Monday I get a visit from my attorney Mrs. Wosuk I show her all the bumps and bruises. I wish to file charges on all of the officers who assaulted me physically and emotionally since I don’t even sleep thinking about the (illegible, could be atrocity) they did to me. Sincerely, (illegible signature)