Case Document 1-2 Filed 06/04/20 Page 1 of 29 Page ID #:10 EXHIBIT A Case 2:20-cv-04976-FMO-SK Document 1-2 Filed 06/04/20 Page 2 of 29 Page ID #:11 1 Alan M. Mansfie ld, SBN: 125998 WHAT LEY KALLA S LLP 2 16870 W. Bernard o Drive Suite 400 3 San Diego, CA, 92127 · Phone: (619) 308-503 4 4 Fax: (888) 341-504 8 Email : amansfi eld@wh atleyka C0[1F0 RMEo Cop . S ~IGINAL FILED uperror Court 9 f C . ahfom;a County of L os Anoeles APR 212020 5 E . Kirk Wood, Jr. 6 WOOD LAW FIRM LLC P. 0. Box 382434 7 Birming ham, AL 35238 Tel : (205) 612-0243 8 Fax: (205) 705-122 3 Email: ekirkwo odl@be ilsouth. net Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer1Clerk ., Coun By: Isaac Lovo, Deputy 9 1o Attorne ys for Plaintif fs SUPERIOR COUR T FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1I COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 12 LARYS SA GALVE Z, JUDITH LINDL EY, NATALIE ANDER SON, Natural Persons , on J4 behalf of themsel ves and all others similarl y situated and for the benefit of the general 15 public, 13 ]6 Plaintiffs, Case No. 20STCV15 386 COMPLAINT CLASS ACTION DEMA ND FOR JURY TRIAL ON ALL CAUSE S OF ACTIO NS SO TRIAB LE )7 V. )8 DRAPE R JAMES , LLC., a Limited Liabilit y Compan y, REESE WITHE RSPOO N, a Natural Person, and DOES 1 through 10, 20 inclusiv e, 21 Defend ants. 19 22 upon personal Plaintif fs, on behalf of themsel ves and all others similarl y situated , 23 and othe1wise upon knowle dge as to their own acts and status as specific ally identified herein, 24 ons, hereby file this informa tion and belief based upon investigation as to the remaini ng allegati 25 ants DRAPE R JAMES, Compla int (" Compla int" or "FAC") and allege as follows against Defend 26 person, and DOES I LLC, a limited liability compan y, REESE WJTHE RSPOO N, a natural 27 through 10, inclusive : 28 COMPL AINT Exhibit A Case 2:20-cv-04976-FMO-SK Document 1-2 Filed 06/04/20 Page 3 of 29 Page ID #:12  )em sAyAm7[ ~A7ms  (m7iAm ,7\As ..' (m7iAm -7\As  7 Am  iAmFh 7_