VI.B. CONNECTICUT STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Hartford TO BE PROPOSED: July 14, 2020 WHEREAS, Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) Section 10-15 requires that public schools be in session for at least 180 days during each year; and WHEREAS, C.G.S. Section 10-15 permits the State Board of Education to authorize the shortening of any school year for a school district, a school, or a portion of a school, on account of an unavoidable emergency; and WHEREAS, Governor Ned Lamont, on March 10, 2020, declared a public health emergency and civil preparedness emergency in connection with COVID-19; and WHEREAS, due to these unprecedented circumstances related to this unavoidable public health emergency, and the necessity for school boards to safely prepare to maximize support and instruction during the 2020-2021 school year; now therefore be it: RESOLVED, that the State Board of Education temporarily authorizes for Local and Regional Boards of Education, the Connecticut Technical Education Career System, approved state charter schools, and other similarly situated districts (“School District” or “School Districts”), a waiver of up to a maximum of 3 days from the 180-day requirement set forth in C.G.S. Section 10-15 for unavoidable emergency, limited to instances where the School District uses the days prior to the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year to provide staff and families with additional time to build capacity to safely transition back to in-person services, including but not limited to for the following: (1) additional training and professional development days, beyond any typically scheduled days, to adjust to and educate on new requirements or policies related to health and safety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) time for educators and staff to plan classroom set-up and consider changes to facilities required to maximize safety measures; and/or (3) provision of social-emotional services to staff, and training to prepare them to provide that support to students as the community transitions back into school buildings. The Board directs the Commissioner to take the necessary action. Approved by a vote of __________, this fourteenth day of July, Two Thousand Twenty. Signed: ____________________________ Dr. Miguel A. Cardona, Secretary State Board of Education