UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO) OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE REPORT (OSIR) -----------------------------------------------------------------DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OFFICE OF INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYSIS OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE REPORT NOT FINALLY EVALUATED INTELLIGENCE -----------------------------------------------------------------(U//FOUO) WARNING: THIS IS AN INFORMATION REPORT THAT CONTAINS RAW UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. THIS REPORT IS UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. (U//FOUO) This information is provided for intelligence and lead purposes only. This information may not be used as the basis for any U.S. legal process, including but not limited to: presentation to any U.S. Grand/Petit juries or administrative bodies; incorporation into affidavits or other documents relating to subpoenas, search, electronic surveillance, or arrest warrants; and/or as evidence in criminal prosecutions without the prior written authorization of DHS Headquarters. (U//FOUO) This product contains U.S. person information that has been deemed necessary for the intended recipient to understand, assess, or act on the information provided. It should be handled in accordance with the recipient's intelligence oversight and/or information handling procedures. -----------------------------------------------------------------(U//FOUO) SERIAL: OSIR-04001-0694-20 (U//FOUO) SUBJECT: Social media user discussed TTP's of an anarchist extremist group that staged piles of bricks to incite violence by violent opportunists. (U//FOUO) SUMMARY: Twitter user claims piles of bricks are being staged around the United States to fuel violent opportunists in major cities. Source claims that this is a tactic, technique, and procedure (TTP) being used by [USPER] Antifa. (U//FOUO) DATE OF ACQUISITION: 02 JUN 2020 (U//FOUO) ACQUISITION CODE: Q0001 (U//FOUO) U.S. PERSONS INFORMATION (Y/N): YES (U//FOUO) REQUIREMENT: 902644352; EEI-82566 (U//FOUO) TOPIC: DHS-IA-TER.3; HSEC-8.1, HSEC-8.3, HSEC-8.5, HSEC-8.6 (U//FOUO) COUNTRY OR NONSTATE ENTITY: USA (U//FOUO) DATE OF INFORMATION: 02 JUN 2020 (U//FOUO) SOURCE NUMBER: DHS-04001-02566 (U//FOUO) SOURCE DESCRIPTION: A social media user. This is a new source whose information has not been validated. (U//FOUO) SOURCE CONTEXT: A social media user who posted primarily in English. Source stated an anarchist extremist group may be staging pallets of bricks to fuel violent opportunists. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO) TEXT: 1. (U//FOUO) On 2 June 2020, the source responded to a post on social media that piles of bricks have been set up in different locations around the United States. Source claims that this is a tactic, technique, and procedure being used by [USPER] Antifa to fuel violent opportunists. Source stated "[hashtag]SetUp BRICKS SET UP TO FUEL PROTESTS! [hashtag]AntifaisDomesticTerroistGroup" (U//FOUO) COMMENTS: No additional comments. (U//FOUO) PREP: OSRN-045; DHS578 (U//FOUO) POC: Direct feedback, evaluations, comments, and follow on collection requests to the Current and Emerging Threats Center (CETC), Open Source Collection Operations (OSCO) by accessing the OSIR evaluation link at Intelink-U (https://intelshare.intelink.gov/sites/dhs-osco/), Intelink-S (https://intelshare.intelink.sgov.gov/sites/dhs-osco/), or Intelink-TS (https://intelshare.intelink.ic.gov/sites/dhs-osco/). Contact CETC OSCO at 202-447-3688 or via e-mail at: CETC.OSCO@hq.dhs.gov, CETC.OSCO@dhs.sgov.gov, or CETC.OSCO@dhs.ic.gov. ===========================DISSEMINATION========================== (U//FOUO) AGENCY: FBI (U//FOUO) DHS COMPONENTS: CBP; CIS; FEMA; ICE; TSA; USCG; USSS (U//FOUO) STATE/LOCAL: All Field Ops ================================================================== (U//FOUO) ATTACHMENTS: See attached. ---------------------------BEGIN TEARLINE----------------------------------UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO USA, FVEY (U) WARNING: The following information is releasable to the governments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and New Zealand. It may be discussed with appropriately cleared members of the Australian, Canadian, British, and New Zealand governments who have a need to know this information in accordance with their official duties. Further dissemination to other countries is not authorized without prior approval of the originator. (U) SERIAL: 04001-0694-20 (U//REL USA, FVEY) Twitter user claims piles of bricks are being staged around the United States to fuel violent opportunists in major cities. Source claims that this is a tactic, technique, and procedure (TTP) being used by [USPER] Antifa. (U) INTELLIGENCE PURPOSES ONLY: This information is provided only for intelligence purposes and is intended for developing potential investigative leads. It may not be used in any way that will expose intelligence sources or methods. Any attachments separated from this report are publicly available information and are not classified. UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO USA, FVEY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -----------------------------END TEARLINE------------------------------------ UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY #SetLJp BRICKS SET UP FUEL 3h What if hand sanitizer. Clem-x wipeS E: antibacterial 50 an had magi-tally appeared te ?ght the #WUhan Flu like these bride; sheweti up te help #pretestz?z? destrey neighborheed huaihe55e5? Who thinks. the #EeergeFleydPretests spread acres-5 America tas ter than #terenauirua? If. 10:34 AM Jun 2. 302': - Tw :ter fer