2020 Hfx No. Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Between: John Paul Cormier Intended Representative Plaintiff and The Attorney General of Nova Scotia representing Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Nova Scotia Intended Defendant -and- Develop Nova Scotia, Provincial Crown Corporation Intended Defendant and The Halifax Regional Municipality, a Mmiicipal Body Corporate Intended Defendant Notice of Intended Action TAKE NOTICE that the above named Intended Representative Plaintiff does intend to, and will upon the expiration of two months hence, commence an action pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, RSNS 1989, c 360 and the Class Proceeding Act, SNS 2007 in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia against the above named Intended Defendants/ The Attorney General of Nova Scotia representmg Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Nova Scotia and Develop Nova Scoda arising out of their failure to provide an essential service to the people of rural Nova Scotia/ bemg high speed internet service. The Intended Representative Plamtiff will rely upon the following causes of action: abuse of power, public misfeasance, negligence and intentional interference with economic relations. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Intended Representative Plaintiff does intend to, and will upon the expiration of two months hence/ commence an action pursuant to the 3156949 vl M.zmicipal Government Act, SNS 1998, c 18; the Halifax Regional M.uniclpality Charter, SNS 2008, c 39; and the C/ass Proceeding Act, SNS 2007, c 28 m the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia agamst the above named h-itended Defendant/ The Halifax Regional Municipality rising out of its failure to provide an essential service to the people of rural Nova Scotia, being high speed mtemet service. The h-itended Representative Plamtiff will rely upon the followmg causes of action: abuse of power/ public misfeasance, negligence and intentional interference with economic relations. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Intended Representative Plaintiff has his residence and place of business at Cooks Brook, in the Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia/ and throughout these proceedings will be represented by Robert H. Pineo/ Patterson Law/1801 Hollis Street, Suite 2100, Halifax, Nova Scotia/ B3J 3N4/ as Counsel for the Intended Representative Plamtiff. Dated at Cooks Brook/ Nova Scotia/ this 8th day of July/ 2020. Robert H. Pineo as counsel for the Intended Representative Plaintiff TO: The Attorney General of Nova Scotia AND TO: Develop Nova Scotia AND TO: The Halifax Regional Municipality 3156949 vl