(ll 0 Police Department DANIEL HAHN 5770 Freeporl Blvd" slure l00 Chrel n! Pallne Sacramento. CA 9552245") 19m) 005.0000 Fax, 19 s) 005.00 la sarpderg July 2020 Please be advlsed the Sacramento Pollce Department has recelved your Calrfornra Publlc Records Act (CPRA) dated June 29, 2020 where you are seeklng the merdent report and any assoerated footage ofthe arrest onyzhon Johnson on June l_ 2020 as well as names ofthe lnvolved offreers Please be advrsed that the merdent report, SPD POD footage, and body wom eamera footage are rnvestrgatory law enforcement reeords are exempt from drselosure under the Cahforma Publlc Records Act (Cal Gov Please be advlsed the officers" name are exempt pursuant (Cal Gov Code 654(k); see also Ca] Pen Code 832 7 and 835 and Ca] Gov Code 6255(a), 6254(0 and (0) Cal Const An .5 1) Neverlheless ln accordance the CPRA the follovlmg page contams the detalls that may be released The Human a/ I/le lat/n, lh/wmml/ In nil/t I/re It, may he lmd/vmpf/Iyu nl/rr [layman/mam. ml min/n: I/re aha/up 4/ he aw In. (ll) u/ SACRAMENTO Police Department DANIEL HAHN cruel or Pollre Repon umber Repon Address D|strict Beat Date/Tlme Cull Recelved Date/Time Dlspatched Date/Tlme En Route Dnle/Tlme On Scene Dnle/Tlme Cleared 207164301 by Lootlng 1530 ST 3 3M 0745 JUNrolezozo 01 08 02 HOURS JUNrolezozo 01 08 05 HOURS JUNrolezozo 01 08 05 HOURS JUNrolezozo 01 08 05 HOURS JUNrolezozo 02 53 33 HOURS 5770 Freeporl Blvd" Sulre lou Sacramenro, CA 95322.25") 19m) auanmoo Fax, 5) Officers were on scene due to lootlng and rlols mm were taking place A male, black adult was arrested for PC, Burglary/ETC Durlng State ofEmergency, 459 PC Burglary, nnel MSPCO Reslsling Officers Anempt to Duly The subject's name is lonnson, Tyzhon lo the Sacramento County Jall and booked around 0404 hours He was taken T/mummn r/ Pry/m nepmml rr We [Mime/rill]; nil/r l/re (.Mmuml) mm In Mam/um; mm mill/n: l/re WM 4/ In 414/ m.