HALIFAX REGIONAL COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 23, 2020 PRESENT: Mayor Mike Savage Deputy Mayor Lisa Blackburn Councillors: Steve Streatch David Hendsbee Bill Karsten Lorelei Nicoll Sam Austin Tony Mancini Waye Mason Lindell Smith Shawn Cleary Russell Walker Stephen Adams Richard Zurawski Matt Whitman Paul Russell Tim Outhit STAFF: Jerry Blackwood, A/Chief Administrative Officer John Traves, Municipal Solicitor Sherryll Murphy, A/Municipal Clerk Simon Ross-Siegel, Legislative Assistant The following does not represent a verbatim record of the proceedings of this meeting. The agenda, reports, supporting documents, information items circulated, and video (if available) are online at halifax.ca. Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 The special meeting was called to order at 1:03 p.m., and recessed at 3:10 p.m. Council reconvened in at 3:27 p.m. Council moved into an In Camera (In Private) session at 5:15 p.m. and reconvened at 5:53 p.m. Council adjourned at 6:01 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. and Council paused for a moment of reflection. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Special Budget Committee May 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29 and June 9, 2020 and Special Regional Council April 2, 9, 14, 28, May 12, 26 and June 9, 2020 MOVED by Councillor Nicoll, seconded by Councillor Russell THAT the Special Budget Committee May 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29 and June 9, 2020 and Special Regional Council April 2, 9, 14, 28, May 12, 26 and June 9, 2020 be approved as circulated. MOTION PUT AND PASSED. 3. APPROVAL OF THE ORDER OF BUSINESS Deletions: 9.1.8 Infrastructure Funding Application - Active Transportation Enhancements - Mineville Road Council requested to deal with item 9.1.7 Award – Tender 20-153 Wharf and Pier Repairs before item 9.1.6 HalifACT 2050 – Acting on Climate Together. Councillor Hendsbee requested to bring forward Information Item 1. Private and Confidential In Camera (In Private) Information Report - re: Property Matter to the next special meeting of Regional Council. Councillor Cleary requested to bring forward Information Item 2. Memorandum from the Director of Legal and Legislative Services dated May 12, 2020 re: Procedure for Appointment of Traffic Authority to the next special meeting of Regional Council. MOVED by Deputy Mayor Blackburn, seconded by Councillor Nicoll THAT the agenda be approved as amended. Two-third majority vote required. MOTION PUT AND PASSED. 4. CONSENT AGENDA Council agreed to remove items 9.1.1 and 9.1.5 from the consent agenda. MOVED by Councillor Whitman, seconded by Councillor Hendsbee THAT Halifax Regional Council approve agenda item 9.1.3. MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. CALL FOR DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 6. CONSIDERATION OF DEFERRED BUSINESS – June 9, 2020 2 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 6.1 Councillor Austin - Cart Based Garbage and Recycling Collection The following was before Council: • An information report dated March 11, 2020 • A request for Council’s consideration form from Councillor Austin MOVED by Councillor Austin, seconded by Councillor Mancini THAT Halifax Regional Council request the Chief Administrative Officer develop terms of reference for a solid waste strategy review and to include transitioning the garbage and recycling programs to a cart-based collection program in the review, pending a decision from the Province of Nova Scotia on the status of future legislation with respect to the municipal recycling program and Extended Producer Responsibility. MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (16 in favour, 1 against) In favour: Mayor Savage, Deputy Mayor Blackburn, Councillors Streatch, Hendsbee, Karsten, Nicoll, Austin, Mancini, Mason, Smith, Cleary, Walker, Adams, Zurawski, Russell, Outhit Against: Councillor Whitman 7. CORRESPONDENCE, PETITIONS & DELEGATIONS 7.1 Correspondence The Clerk noted that correspondence was received for item: 9.1.2. This correspondence was circulated to Council. For a detailed list of correspondence received refer to the specific agenda item. 7.2 Petitions 7.2.1 Councillor Mason Councillor Mason submitted a petition from 1,132 residents requesting that a portion of Henry Street be closed for the summer and fall seasons to allow a temporary expansion of the Coburg Social patio. 7.2.2 Councillor Russell Councillor Russell submitted a petition from residents requesting to appeal the development of an apartment complex in an established residential subdivision on Pinehill Drive near the corner of Sackville Drive. 8. INFORMATION ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD – NONE 9. REPORTS 9.1 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 9.1.1 Free Transit on Election Days The following was before Council: • A staff recommendation report dated March 11, 2020 MOVED by Councillor Cleary, seconded by Councillor Karsten THAT Halifax Regional Council continue with the current practice of not offering free transit on election days. 3 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (14 in favour, 3 against) In favour: Mayor Savage, Deputy Mayor Blackburn, Councillors Streatch, Hendsbee, Karsten, Nicoll, Austin, Mancini, Mason, Walker, Adams, Zurawski, Russell, Outhit Against: Councillors Smith, Cleary, Whitman 9.1.2 Addition of Candidate Routes to Active Transportation Priorities Plan - Community of East Preston, Crichton Avenue, Glen Manor Drive and Micmac Boulevard The following was before Council: • A staff recommendation report dated February 6, 2020 • Correspondence from Steve Bedard and Susanna Fuller, Joanne Bealy and Evelyn C White, Bill Campbell, Meghan Doucette, Sara Kirk, Gwen Davies, Katherine Kitching, Amy Lachance, Matthew Neville, Marcia DeSantis, Jessica Jackman and Holly Gillis, Natalia Diaz-Insense and Claudette Colley MOVED by Councillor Hendsbee, seconded by Councillor Cleary THAT Halifax Regional Council: 1. suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 7 of the Transportation Standing Committee Terms of Reference under Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and 2. amend the Active Transportation Priorities Plan by designating components of the Community of East Preston Active Transportation Plan, Crichton Avenue, Glen Manor Drive and Micmac Boulevard as “candidate routes” in the Active Transportation Priorities Plan as described in the staff report dated February 6, 2020. MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Two-third majority vote required. 9.1.3 Eastern Shore Recreation Commission – Facility Operating Agreement The following was before Council: • A staff recommendation report dated January 10, 2020 This matter was approved as part of the consent agenda. MOVED by Councillor Whitman, seconded by Councillor Hendsbee THAT Halifax Regional Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate and execute a Facility Operating Agreement with Eastern Shore Recreation Commission substantially in the same form as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated January 10, 2020. MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 9.1.4 Award – Tender 20-217 Bayers Road, Transit Priority Corridor – Phase 1 The following was before Council: • A staff recommendation report dated May 27, 2020 MOVED by Councillor Cleary, seconded by Councillor Smith THAT Halifax Regional Council: 4 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 1. Waive the requirement for the Audit and Finance Standing Committee to approve a budget increase from cost sharing of over $500K, before proceeding to Regional Council; 2. Approve a budget increase of $1,463,433 (net HST included) to Project Account No. CT200002 – Major Strategic Multi Modal Corridor: Bayers Road, funded through cost sharing with Halifax Water; 3. Award Tender No. 20-217, Bayers Road Transit Priority Corridor – Phase 1 as a multi-year project, to the lowest bidder meeting specifications, Dexter Construction Company Limited for a Total Tender Price of $7,438,643.21 (net HST included) with funding from Capital Account No. CT200002 – Major Strategic Multi Modal Corridor: Bayers Road, as outlined in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated May 27, 2020; 4. Award the Construction Services component of Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 18-302 Consulting Services - Bayers Road Detailed Design, to WSP Canada Inc. in the amount of $114,503.94 (net HST included). MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (15 in favour, 2 against) Two-third majority vote required. In favour: Mayor Savage, Deputy Mayor Blackburn, Councillors Streatch, Hendsbee, Karsten, Nicoll, Austin, Mancini, Mason, Smith, Cleary, Walker, Adams, Zurawski, Outhit Against: Councillor Whitman, Russell 9.1.5 Award - Tender 20-208 – Young Street and Robie Street Transit Priority Corridor – Phase I The following was before Council: • A staff recommendation report dated June 11, 2020 MOVED by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Cleary THAT Halifax Regional Council award Tender No. 20-208, Young Street and Robie Street Transit Priority Corridor – Phase 1 – West Region, to the lowest bidder meeting specifications, Dexter Construction Company Limited for a Total Tender Price of $2,536,251.16 (net HST included) with funding from Capital Account No. CT200006 – Major Strategic Multi Modal Corridor: Robie St. and Young St. and Capital Account CM000009 – Transit Priority Measures as outlined in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated June 11, 2020. MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (15 in favour, 2 against) In favour: Mayor Savage, Deputy Mayor Blackburn, Councillors Streatch, Hendsbee, Karsten, Nicoll, Austin, Mancini, Mason, Smith, Cleary, Walker, Adams, Zurawski, Outhit Against: Councillors Whitman, Russell 9.1.6 HalifACT 2050 – Acting on Climate Together The following was before Council: • A REVISED staff recommendation report dated May 4, 2020 • A staff presentation dated June 23, 2020 Peter Duncan, Manager of Infrastructure and Planning, and Shannon Miedema, Manager of Energy and Environment gave an overview of HalifACT2050, a climate mitigation and adaptation plan to transition to a low-carbon community. MOVED by Councillor Zurawski, seconded by Deputy Mayor Blackburn 5 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 THAT Halifax Regional Council: 1. Authorize the direction contained in the HalifACT 2050: Acting on Climate Together plan, as contained in Attachment A of the staff report dated May 4, 2020. 2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to carry out the actions contained in the HalifACT 2050: Acting on Climate Together plan as part of the multi-year budgeting and business planning process, including establishing a target of net-zero municipal operations by the year 2030. 3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prioritize efforts in the following critical core areas: a) Create new energy retrofit and renewable energy programming; b) Develop a detailed and costed plan for retrofitting existing municipal buildings to be net-zero ready and climate resilient; c) Develop an electric vehicle strategy, increase charging infrastructure and replace fleet vehicles with electric vehicles; d) Explore opportunities to require net-zero standards for new buildings in the municipality; e) Develop a framework for assessing and protecting critical infrastructure; f) Support communities for climate adaptation and climate-related emergencies; and g) Develop a financing strategy to operationalize the HalifACT 2050 plan over 30 years. 4. Accept in principle the need to resource the plan and direct the Chief Administrative Officer to return to Regional Council with a resource plan at the appropriate time, when the Municipality is in a more financially stable position. 5. Request that the Chief Administrative Officer provide annual progress reports on the implementation of the HalifACT 2050: Acting on Climate Together plan, to Regional Council through the Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee. MOVED by Councillor Austin, seconded by Councillor Mason THAT part 4 of the motion be amended to read “Accept in principle the need to resource the plan and direct the CAO to return to Council with a resource plan for consideration in the 2021/2022 budget.” MOTION TO AMEND PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Not present: Councillor Nicoll The amended motion now reads: THAT Halifax Regional Council: 1. Authorize the direction contained in the HalifACT 2050: Acting on Climate Together plan, as contained in Attachment A of the staff report dated May 4, 2020. 2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to carry out the actions contained in the HalifACT 2050: Acting on Climate Together plan as part of the multi-year budgeting and business planning process, including establishing a target of net-zero municipal operations by the year 2030. 3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prioritize efforts in the following critical core areas: a) Create new energy retrofit and renewable energy programming; b) Develop a detailed and costed plan for retrofitting existing municipal buildings to be net-zero ready and climate resilient; c) Develop an electric vehicle strategy, increase charging infrastructure and replace fleet vehicles with electric vehicles; d) Explore opportunities to require net-zero standards for new buildings in the municipality; e) Develop a framework for assessing and protecting critical infrastructure; f) Support communities for climate adaptation and climate-related emergencies; and g) Develop a financing strategy to operationalize the HalifACT 2050 plan over 30 years. 4. Accept in principle the need to resource the plan and direct the CAO to return to Council with a resource plan for consideration in the 2021/2022 budget. 5. Request that the Chief Administrative Officer provide annual progress reports on the implementation of the HalifACT 2050: Acting on Climate Together plan, to Regional Council through the Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee. 6 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Not present: Councillor Nicoll 9.1.7 Award – Tender 20-153 Wharf and Pier Repairs The following was before Council: • A staff recommendation report dated June 2, 2020 MOVED by Councillor Mason, seconded by Councillor Austin THAT Halifax Regional Council award Tender 20-153 - Wharf and Pier Repairs to the lowest qualified bidder meeting specifications, Horseshoe Hill Construction Inc., for a total price of $2,788,712 (net HST included) with funding from CB000087 - Wharf Recapitalization, as outlined in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated June 2, 2020. MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (16 in favour, 1 against) In favour: Mayor Savage, Deputy Mayor Blackburn, Councillors Streatch, Hendsbee, Karsten, Nicoll, Austin, Mancini, Mason, Smith, Cleary, Walker, Adams, Zurawski, Russell, Outhit Against: Councillor Whitman 9.1.8 Infrastructure Funding Application - Active Transportation Enhancements - Mineville Road This item was deleted from the agenda during the approval of the order of business. 10. MOTIONS 10.1 Councillor Outhit MOVED by Councillor Cleary, seconded by Councillor Outhit THAT Halifax Regional Council request a staff report that outlines the history and identifies possible land use options for HRM owned lands located off Shore Drive in Bedford (a portion of PID 40918161). MOTION PUT AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Not present: Councillor Nicoll 10.2 Councillor Cleary MOVED by Councillor Cleary, seconded by Councillor Mancini THAT Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to amend Administrative Order 17 to add section 2CB to read that “Notwithstanding Section 2CA, there shall be no increase November 1st, 2020 to the annual remuneration to be paid to Members” MOTION PUT AND PASSED. (13 in favour, 3 against) In favour: Mayor Savage, Deputy Mayor Blackburn, Councillors Streatch, Hendsbee, Austin, Mancini, Mason, Smith, Cleary, Zurawski, Whitman, Russell, Outhit Against: Councillors Karsten, Walker, Adams 7 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 Not present: Councillor Nicoll 11. IN CAMERA (IN PRIVATE) MOVED by Councillor Mason, seconded by Councillor Cleary THAT Halifax Regional Council convene to In Camera (In Private) to discuss Item 11.1 PERSONNEL MATTER. MOTION PUT AND PASSED. 11.1 PERSONNEL MATTER – Private and Confidential Report This matter was dealt with In Camera (In Private). Private and Confidential Information Items 1. Private and Confidential In Camera (In Private) Information Report - re: Property Matter 12. NOTICES OF MOTION 12.1 Councillor Austin “TAKE NOTICE that, at the next meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be held on July 7, 2020, I propose to: 1. move First Reading of proposed By-law C-503, amending By-law C-501, Respecting Vending on Municipal Lands, the purpose of which is to: • add new vending locations on municipal properties for food service vehicles, artisans/craftspeople and newspaper boxes, • add 18 sites for newspaper boxes in Schedule B for delivery of flyers, and • address minor housekeeping components of the by-law relative to sites on arterial and major collector roads and update current street names; and 2. move amendments to Administrative Order 15, Respecting License, Permit and Processing Fees, the purpose of which is to include the Ferry Terminal Park fee for artisans and craftspeople pursuant to Bylaw C-501, Respecting Vending on Municipal Lands.” 12.2 Councillor Austin “TAKE NOTICE that, at the next meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be held on July 7, 2020, I intend to move that Council rescind its motion of April 14, 2020 requesting a staff report on sidewalk patio placement.” 12.3 Councillor Zurawski “TAKE NOTICE that, at the next meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be held on July 7, 2020, I intend to move a motion that Halifax Regional Council: 1. Renew the endorsement of former Mayor Peter Kelly, that August 6, 2020, be declared a Day of Peace, and support ICANS City Appeal for the banning of all nuclear weapons; 2. Direct that the City Hall carillion be rung 75 times as “Bells for Peace” at noon on August 6, to commemorate the tragic 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima by the United States of America; 3. Allow the creation of removable chalk outlines on the Grand Parade to commemorate the tens of thousands who were killed in the first and only deployment of nuclear weapons in war, and that Grand Parade be a place of gathering in responsible social distanced silence; and 4. Request the Mayor on behalf of Council write a letter to the Federal Government in support of the abolishment of nuclear weapons. 8 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting June 23, 2020 12.4 Councillor Zurawski “TAKE NOTICE that, at the next meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be held on July 7, 2020, I intend to move a motion that Halifax Regional Council request a staff report examining the process to register the Halifax Regional Municipality as a participant for the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) COP 26 (Conference of Parties) which was to be held in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2020, but has been postponed, because of the COVID Crisis until November 2021. The staff report shall include a recommendation of what is the most appropriate level of participation at COP26, the number of delegates (staff and Council) to be sent, the associated costs, and participation with other levels of government and NGOs attending.” 12.5 Councillor Mason “TAKE NOTICE that, at the next meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be held on July 7, 2020, I propose to move a motion to rescind the Contribution Agreement terms and conditions outlined in Table 1 of the staff report dated June 18, 2018 and incorporated by reference in part 2 of the motion passed for item 14.2.3 from the December 11, 2018 meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be able to amend the contribution agreement terms and conditions based on a request from the YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth.” 12.6 Councillor Mason (on behalf of Councillor Nicoll) “TAKE NOTICE that, at the next meeting of Halifax Regional Council to be held on July 7, 2020, I intend to introduce a motion to: a) adopt Administrative Order 2020-004-ADM, the purpose of which is to repeal Administrative Order 2016-005-ADM and to establish a new Procurement Policy for the Municipality; and b) adopt Administrative Order 2020-003-ADM, the purpose of which is to establish a new Surplus Assets Policy for the Municipality.” 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:01 p.m. Sherryll Murphy A/Municipal Clerk 9