ial fic Un of C s D ist ric t C ler k es rg Bu n ily ar M of e ffic O op y 2020-40598 / Court: 333 The 355333 333.353 3.35335 5533.. T53 C5533 T3333 3333333333? 3333335335353 3333.33 53,3. 333353355 T335333 3533- T3 .3 333.33 33333 T3335 33523333 T3333 33 35533-3; and Tn T3333. 37? PT 5333 537533353. T3333 333333 3333333333 53.3 T5333 {Trgan?zat?nna T353333. T253335: 73.3333: Tag. 5. (35333333333333! .3335 T33 33.3 25% 3333335533 ?ngers; T3333 533335333 {.3333 Tint 5 {15333333333 @3333 333333 33332323 Tn 333533335: 533-5333333533 3323333335 T333 T533 3.333353%3335. 3333.53, 3335 ?533. {353353333 33333 535T Pagers T35 3313.: and 3553353535 &?@bregents T533353T3 L339 {233333333 T333 T. TS 333 T333 $3.3m. 3333 The {33333353 3T. ET Pia ?33553 333k 35 {33333333 T52T3T. 3g?3t?ng $158 {33 3333:3333. .3 33353335. 5. ?The. ?T'Tsrkey Leg @nn?zpanfy. LL32: i3 33 T3333 1.3335335 {333333 3335 533$ 33 {333335533 3333333333335 3333533333 3333 T53. T?g TncaT-ad 533148331} 533333533 Rd. .3. ?55.33 53335355533 0 3.333333333333335 3:3 353 Tn 53335533 {33" T3333 T3333 33.4.3. .3333. 03333333335333 5?3nd ThaT?eTnTe 3533 5333333335 ?3333315 T3355 53533333533555 3T33T aftengTay 33353.3 3353333 535 3333333333 T333333 {2.553 {35 335T 3553?T?53n 5.533333. T33 5n3 {33? 5333 {333333533333 33? and T3333 33 {ed in 5333' 3333333313533 35583 3.533531% EMT. T53 33333335333 Tn 3 ?35 membT-TT? 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Texas: 111 ?11.1g11st 1:11" 21:331. 133111113133 3:1111?1131?33 111d iig?l? 11:111.: 111 11111} 111 131131 1:1?11111111?113113111a1 1132113 111111;: 31131 111.111: 31:11:: 1111.11 T111: 3511111312113 1133111511113 3311311111 1311113111311 1.1111133131311115 11133131,: 11:; 11113 11113111131111 111?1113 1:1111111111e13 be 11111111111313 SL1 1111:1331: 3331:?: 131.31 1311.3 {31311111133111 111111 31:51 111111 .1113. Q3 1111111111..111111 $5333.38 1311} 1:111 11111-31155: 3 1171 1111111111?131133 131a: 1.113111111111113 3111318111113". @1133 Rag-81.11. 3.1113 11131-13" 331111111 1111113131111; 11311-13111 11301311111 11111111311113 131113 11? 1111311: d111, 111511: 813.1131 311-. 13:11:11 1.151113911111536 1:31 {31331311133111 1'13 13111.1 1:13 a@?113 13111311113111 31: 111113 1113111111111. a managing 111131111191 1?13 T111: ?17711131111: 31111 81 C3m1??9 1.3.6. .113 13 managfs?ng 1111.111133e1? :31" :3 1.3.13. 31111115111131.1111 1:11:13: 1111-: 531113 111: 1113111151131 3131.1 "1111311111311: 1311111131: :31" 1111131131 111-113 13131111331313 1331111111". 131.1: 1511111118 1731 Defendam 1311121 3113.1 husband 1113 11: 3311?1511 d111e1111?1g 31.111113. 3:331:111111?11 11.11111 $1.1 3111331111111 TLHE 113 1.11.11: 3111? 1311.11" $131111 1111311113311. 111 1131.13 15333111111111.1131: 1.31:: 311111151. 31111, {11536113111113 111-1111 1:16-23:1113111 he: 1113111115311: (31.111111: ?11: 33113: LLC. 31133 13111111131213 1.933 113;: 3.1111 1131.: 111:1 1111 1318 11113131131311 111311136131 111g: 1111111 11.111. {31131311133131a1?1d 311511 111151331311d 1111113111313 1113391111 1:11" 11.11113 131-1111111111 131113 a 13133111111? 11111311113113 11111131311311: 11111111: T111ke1; 1.113131 313111?. 9331111131: have 361111 111:1?111311111?3? Stake 1'11" 111111.111. 1" 111-1113 1111111<1311113 11131311111 11131311131111. 13313111111133 .3 Ci?faamveer?d image. mt?har'buza?naw {i?eai?nga in ?spy'i? m? Elma-am Safandant wag using TshaTm?ey Leg: Hut 8341mm LL33 ma?a, gamma: am mm?ety t0 {En {Eacemher '24 231% Ma?a Price {treated LLC. in hm Hawk and Gaiafi?-Q businags. Defendant USES marketing p?atfesrmg am: {39% ihai they are aasmiate? direciiy with TLHQ Sea-Sac?ai Nadia 3335:3453?, aitaizhad $494343?: A The mm 'imssk-?a are {in?rm in Turkey Lag Hui advartia-amem? and asegasiiy cmnfusad 33 . being ag?somated With id. 0 $9 13? {431:3 Hm ?g wiid?y pwuiar ans: a?es?s a wait ?ame far its swimmers, {aqusiiring cussmmers {mm a ?ne amm?d th$mmiaeg {Eu-Emmerg tend is arrive Turkay Leg; Hm as ea?y as {mega mum is z? wens in ma?a? it; Seams-3 "Emir amt in ?rm. {??femiam and @1432? husba?d mftw? {mt?an?ai farm}! Lag Hut Guammersz 348% the ?ne at ?334%? Leg Tim/353%: Mamie they atan awaits 0 me img ?-?nszses and eat quiakar, 828 Ham -t .. later ?x?itia, ENFEVWG a3 EEK-him? E3 {IEafa?dam as taking 3&3 the piraceeds from ?(he ?@mezks it}; hem-62$ is beiieved that mes-e tak?ngg represem $1 Gs? i?e?esziimated {3.03:3 23:14 #3513 sf {avenue if) Ti?wi?: aver the past 24 menihs. 4 . . ?34. Thefmd nus-Ks :5ar?ared and paid Fhefwd mm at $414343 :4"ng @wks is 3351': prepare?' an SEC: pita wh?ch were mid fit}? and are 04> maintained by w. The {and said at these "marks is parepared an by @334 aging TLHC auppl?ea. Defendam mg? my TLHC: farms}; imemm?y 1.13m far their ather mr?s'iurea, Defemam must be enjm?ed and my far ma?a magma-3,, 34-34-55; rent, and p434: LESS m? 4:316; premigas fag? running aiher ?ugingaa fans-T: the reatam?a?f?s pren?z?ws Wi?iheut campanaa?ng 4 L3. 33:33an 3323. 333230. Dafendas? made :3 cash 33:33: :33 33333::33333?: :equegimg Land: {333% LL: 333:3 $23333 ?3:33:30 33:: 33:35 cam-3:332 an 333:: 3. 353:; 3333:. 3:33:33 {3333 aitaghm :35: Exhibit (.1. 3:33 wumwarg 3:33:33? 4339:3333: June 23.32:? 33:: :33 :33 53:33:: rams?: TLHC made$3 35:3 33:1} 35': :38: Qaa?e?hatmanth': LL Lane. 3333 :nii?: suapectthigaf ndan: 33:3: 336333;:3 aging 3333:3333: 3::3m 3:33:33 33:33: mama? pm: 23:33:. 33: 333:3 3:333:33: 33:33:33: :3 333:: ?gw 3:33:33 (3:333: {3:333 3.9.339: 6338:: 333333 33}, 233237}. :33 33393:; 33:33:35.: i: :ncens?stan3 3333:: 5:333: tyge 30:33:33,:33: aggreemen?: 3:3 {335: L333. 3mm: pTEad. 3:33:33 ?afan?ant 3'3?Eing egg-33:35: 333a 5-3. ahammidem :33 {3:3 Bewmbm? 23333": Defend-mgq- LTESTGQE 93:33:33333 Raga: 3:3 :3 v3: :3 partim :33" 33:3 (3333:3333: fees: 3:3: 333:3?: :3 3:33: a: amgunt a:3:3::3:3y?:3 3:363 paw .333: was: $58 {333323. Qw?iaim'? Raga-:3 paid ESTES-.3333 3-333 3:3 3:633:33: 29% 333:3 TEES due 3a$? ?saving :3 1'3 Mares-3?: 3:3 Haweven 333:: 3:3 :ch3.::33:3:333 3:3 wh??gmmam 3:3 33:33: auLPEa?nLi?? ?ngers, {Baf?n-?an: :33 iages 3:33-33 :3 2333?s. :33631333313: images?: :33' TLHL. 3:39 333:3: 2?3. 5 833%: at: E33339: fThe 3:3: P33: P333: Lamar: 13 3:33:13: 333 333:3 June 30- ca: 33 9:333:33 33:3 mam: 83213 abwe. Safenda? states: 33333::33333 Rage-3'? 33:33 3:33:33}: :33 ?3 E3. 5?33: Lair-TC. 53:33:: 63:3?: 322:333 333:3: 2333:3- 33:13:: :33; 3 {3 333:?: 33?: beiieva 333:3: Defe?cgg?s purgaaefuiiy defrauding and 2:33:33: shamhmd?m the TL ?93231: 3T8 3e 83: :3 Lies?: 3mm {mm 333:3 ?53333?: 3:333 3333233 :33? 3?3 Ragera 4333:3953 329% 33.333329: TL 333. Law mg 333:? he: Se?endam has pewass?mn 333:3: 3333,33 31333633": Ragera?a gamma: {Steven ?W?QT?ia-Sed a 2933'? 323331323353} 3:33:33: :33 11131. 1331111313111 311 1.131131331313113. 111131113111 . 331331-411 113111 1113:: 113113314 1143111313931 11.311131 11.11113 3311311113113113311311We11 33113113113111 (331:1 ?ed 3.113 11311311133311 3.11111 113311116111 311.1. 3113.1 113.113 1.11.1 311131333 1:13.111 figs 1.131111 F31 311 1:11:11? Raga. =31 113.1 3111111311 11311331 13.1 1311111311 1113-: 11111.1( ?31? 3111111111: 3.1111 1.1111 11111111111 11311 1131113131 31111111 13131111111 3.1g..333 33.1111 113131 1113: 2131? M1111 ?iv 45% 3:11:11. 1.11:: 11113111. 13.. 4113131313113: 3311133114131 3111 "11.1-11.3 333133331 1131111131113. W133 11111111 and 31:31:11 31133 113313 gaigg 11.1 133.111.1111 1113111111313131111 13131111111 Rage-11.1. 1111141313313. 1 3 131311111111 Rex-gem 0 31311113131 11:1 {31:13.3 11.133332331314111 1113.1 1.11.1311. {33113111113311 11111111111111 113%: 131-31 and 1:1 131111111 11 .1311 11131 11113131 (11113113; 1111133131 11311131311 113g 31133 13.1 31111 11331 12133131113331 1113.1 1.1333 {11' 1113. pars-3.113131 because 81313111113111 31111 113111 1113 11113.11 3111.119. 3%1113111g 110 3311113131.. 13 .113 31131113; 311211 3131111111 11931312113 3.111 .11 113111??he 111113 11.31 1:113: 2-21.11? 151.1131 113-411-311. 131.11. 1111131 3311111 1111:1311311131111111111 1113.1 {30113111131113131Q111Rgg31r3 3.111131 (31.313113331111311 .1131 1131311 311111111311 11113- 131111311.331 to 111111 immeg??xg 113. 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(3133.13.11 331d 13111111311011 31:3 11321331333113 11.1 313111131? 311:1 3.111113111113163 1.133333111111311 11 53.13111. 3313311111. 3111131 313331131. 3131:1111 13.3113331141333?3 11111311331331 311131116221 3.3311113313311331 31311.1 11111.3: 1.1111133313183113. 1:351. 131311111113 '13. 11:11-31 3.111113131333131 111(1 1:31: 1'11 3111113313 31 ?gm-11.311133 3.11111 13133131311231.1133- 111111113. 4.11 33.131112111111113.? perigee-313.1311 1.31:1 13131113111113 11111113. 1331 13313111331313 11311333 0133.311 1311.131. been 1131111111113111. 31.11131331111113111341331 1113131131 1113111131311. f3: 2.3.. P22: E323 2:232:22): he: PE E-Eegem (2323:2222: behaEf? 22E brings. (3:22: 822:2 {22' 2:202:23?: 23E E22222 EJ322222 222233 sues E22: 22%? damaga??. 2:23:26 2222:: manuemiai damagas. 323:2232E22?y 23222233322. ?aaEaraEgr-y 2:23:32, :2 2332:3222 3:212 2:352:25; 223322 323% unmm 2:2 :39: 222323223; funds: 322 22.2.2 32:22 22223.. 22232222222332 323:2 2:22:22E33222?m?2 mating 23:22:?: {lanversimn 03 2.2. E22 0:22:22 Est.) 2226:2323 {2:2 2 22:2: .2323: :222 cause SE 332%: ?@Egm 0x {33:22:52 22:22:22. 32:2. 2322336222.:2H22232m ghEanmmsa? 33222:?) 3323;332:232; To 2:23 magerty was persmai pregae?y; Eha daEendan$nguEly 332232225333 :EamEnEm (22:22? Ehg pmpe?y; and Ehe SEEP 2233:3223. 3.33:2 Lawyers: ?232 .323. {36:22:22 ?322.. E222. 2:24 T23 T222: ?23232. ??32223: 2:3 22:22. ?anied}. 22. Based :2an the Em?egoEng E. $E2Eed abave. has maveraim 2:22:22: 82:22:22?: Rq? $322222 Rag-222:2 @2223 222:2: P2222 P4573 E25222: {2222123 3222222222 Eamwng 22:22::3 Herrera?: 82:33. SHE 9.21: App. P3222 n20 3.. {3:222:22 T2222: an, 22.220222332232 2:22:23: :22 3222222222: 3.1222223322222322 2%93222 32-32322: E22322 {Emmah mntmE (we: TaneEsE-s 223222222223 3220:2322}! E22 362$ E2222 (222E323 :22 E2322: 24? ?322.22 82? 0:93. 4T4 S. Ed 4334 3222:2226 {22: 3.): 22:22:22ng 2232 mac: :2 WP 0 reEused En Ehe- Em: 2E: and 3:2 :22: EE exam-322222 22:39:23;qu damEnE-an 2: WHERE :22: . THE- ac'Eis E23: {Eamn?a?ff?s {23222332222222 22:35 2:22?: 322232352) muse :1st 32222 3 3223:: 2-2333: due EC: 2:23 :12: 2:2 33:32: P4536 truck. :35 8:232:22?: Regars ?this The UnEEm?m Judgments A3: {@2332 3 The: Texas: 2E: Pram: and 32:22:22 3223:3223} 3133333.:3333 33338533333 3:33:33 33:33:33: Eager: 3:3 333:3 3:333:33: :33" the Ferd 3:33:33: 3333:}: 63333333333 3:33 a33{3;} @333 33333-33393}. :33 333::- 2.3.31? 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ET. 333:: 333333?@ 3:33} damma? 33: 3:33?: {33.33 333.}- :333 :3 :33-33333? 33:33 333333333: 33:33:33: :33 3333:? 333:3- 3:333:33 333.33%: 933 3-: 33333:; 3333333333: 3333333333 :3 {333333330333 judgment 33:33:33g 333:3 33333333333333 33:3: 33 3:3 P33333333: 33333333333333}: :33?::3:33r3g 3333333333333} 333333}: fm?nTE ??33h93 33333333333?: 3:333 333333333 3333333333333: 3:333:33}: :33 The": 33333333,:- 3- :33; 33:33:33 333-32333339333?33: 3.3.1333 . 3333:: 3333? 33:33:33. 33:333. 33. Fra?uci 2323 3333333333 33333333335333: 333:: 3333.3 {3:333 3333:3333 33.33335 3323 33 33.33333 33:13:33.3: 1339. 3333?: 333333333 33-3 3333 3333-. 3=33? .3 3:33 =3 3333333333333 333333333333 33333333133333.3335 (33? 3333333 3.3333333333333333 333.3. {?lming 33?33333?33333?333333 3333333e333 pacemages 33333333 3333 33333333333333 33333333331333 33.3 33:: $33. 3333315 3333-3333 3333 3.333333833333333 3.33333 3533333 33333355333333 333? 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Defam?ant 33933393333333 3323333333 F?iainii?s 33333333333333. 33333333333333 actua? d3333agei? 33. 33333333333333 3?33 333333333333 313333313 .33. 23333333335333 Maegan. 323333 33333: 33333333333333.3333. 333.33.33.33? 33333 ?33.3le 3333333333 333333333. 3-4. fe-naa?sptrezj with 33-3-33 33333333333333 3-33 3333333333333 @1333 3333333 T3333 .333 was 3:3 33333333 333g 3:33 3333:?; 33333: \ehveen {33333333333333 3.33333 3333:" 3333 333333333 33.3 3333333333313 5333333333333 33333323 3333 33333333333333} 333333333 33333 3333333333 3333333333 3333333 3553.333 33333335 33-33333?. 333 3333333933383$ste3 33,3333.? and damage. 353. i; Efendan?z 333333 33333 333333333333 33 f=a333336333 323333333333 3,3333 3.33 3333333333333 333.3 3333333333 3333333333333: 333333?333ges may awarded. P3333333333 3363333 33333:; are 333333333333 33.3 3.3333333333333333 3333333333333 3333333 {33333333333333 af ami? ara- Ea alia ag EsaE abava aa Ef harai?a. 3? aE? aE?aEEa as: Eagaramg a?airaa aE? TEE-EC. 38 Pia Ra; aga: ahaa O&?an faE and FEEL WE "Ea Raga era?s as a a ardar TL EEC ana axpaa?taa Of their Esaaka Eacaraa Ear. Eaapaa?aa raga 8a?ay and E33 aE aims aayanda?faadwkn?aad apEE maniaa ?Ea am am?a aEa. wad aa . agE TLHC paE awk?hava paE?EEaEpaEaa any such Ea aw swam a: .43. Ear xii}. Ea aiggba and facEaa! abav?a as; . Para Taxaa ESE vii Ramadiaa a5 naa manaaha as {Sada and a azndfaE a? a-aak aanabia a famed Ea and with 11;: 13331313113111 1131111333111 112. 11131 1113111 3133313133 31111 11133113131313111313311131 3113331113113 3311111111 3133113 33? 11111111: 31313111 11313111. 113. 1311113113111 13 131133131 1:1? 1311113 13.1133 C1111 111131311133 31111 1131113 '1 3 133113, 3'11 312111311: 11111 133111131113 131111 1311131131 3111313 311313133 5131131111111? 113133113, ?11.11%: {3313131913111 13331111113 111311'1'33331311313 rig-1113, 31311.13 311-11 131333311111-1311331113 131' 131311; @3331- 111313111'1111; 1113 . 1331313111113 1131331113111 1331311113131 1% 11111313131 31111 13311113311131 3-1311@313113 11:1 111311111113, 3.1113 13131311331113 3311113131313 31 11131111111? 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Es tacauae the. {EmmedE may be and F. {E?uck by Safe {Edam harm {he {e mg E3 HOE {sued Es {Eamwb Emm TLEECEE diss?gse?a EEnapE?EE?aprEaiteEgj. EE {@{mver {me {hey are FE 3: EEC-E EE {aw remedy at {{Ed ESE is are {it-{End it} Rssussi fEi-i? ?ismssi?sw Piis sskii?is Cs Lists ssi'ii?is rsLL?iiLsiisi?iis siussisi ists iissiisg snci is:- sii rig issus 3: signs: iss sgsi is: His iisist?izizm? isar Ks 52 ssk? {issri is set ii'isit i's-qussi is is? ti?i si and. siisr issue: as isms ii sgsiszsi Qsissd? 5.3. As sis Lisismisi?ii sffi cisci sis d%?sdi as. if Lisa-i ?mg Pisi s-sifsi?sci ssiusi ssn?isgss is sf sui $va <@Ei As iiss si ss Lii si Lass sf :53. Piss s58 Trusts. Li. Linssi Sssiiss si its is Cisii Piss?iiss si?is? (ls-tie snii sisistsw Psi is? As: Pis sig? sis iisd is ss .s si?is ?s sisisci siih Lia-s this ssiisn G??Essmsisw EELS, A isi? irsLici ss isms-ass *ids Sssti?? 0:03 si Lisii wssiss siiLi Sass Pis is . i?y Lismsegss as isi' i233: Sssiiss (ii .90 3 Cisii Pissiiss ii; Rs?ss {Basis iis'fssifissi psissiim sci iisiis miss with sislisw is Pisisiifis. The: Defendant, with isisi?ai is dsii?susi si? iisiis Pi sisii if sii murss si ssncii. isi, {Ii 55 itsi'isi is Pisi iiss scam-res s-r iiss Lissa as: :?mu?red ?gs-35:33:. R. Emgar Fm 33133233333. reasons, E?a?nti?s may 3333: the Dem-Mani: he: died in 3:33:33 and amw?r an?, finai triai, that PEain-iiffss ha awarded a udgmew? against {lief-want {:33 33:3: faitmving: 33:. B. Paar-3133mm: inju?-cttan; :22. Tenmmary. r?gatrai?f; '3 Eaclaramry- ju?gmem :eii'ef; 3: Exempiaw ?amagas: mama-gas, Niamey-SF fees: and?? H. {3:333:33 angaurt math archer am} further 333333? which Eiaim?ffs: may entiti?ed. 6E (C) in . u. Nasaasa my Manama, VAN CI. Ts! AT barf Var-3. T1 $3 fsisTT-T VAN TT TT TM SEN: saa? TEST-TN ?433% SEN: ass 35:35? 12-3125": Nari up Was: Sake 84% N?austan as {a1s1'?ass2 T956. {?313 - Fa}: as}; {muff-5am aTs??Naa-ha?aam 1s Vari??atmn 23mm OF TEXAS GWNW G-F- HARRES Regimes mm the a??agf?s?gm? raeiary cm {his 633! per?g-mi?a?y appex Ste-yer: A, x) 3 am Sie?es?iim A Rggera. sf the stat-eman?ts in W23 Veri?gg? am {me and wrreat Raga-s th} being {juiy swam upm his 03th ?iateci as Eg?aws: and hamd an my p?rgmai iknawiadge, i have read {In Gr?ag?ir?gg PETETSOM ORDER BEGLARATQRY SANG 55533;} f9? 3 law?uit by Tha?furkey Lag Hui ?2 (393393;?in LLG agama? Nakia Prim. :53 am i??a?m an? awn-ES degcr?bedin this E??wsuii 0 Emma is? my imaivement with The k$y Leg Hut 5; ?igmpanm Li? as a managmg member 0 i harem verify. {ha @nm {31? the APPLECANQN ?mug ARV RESTRASNEENS APPLESABGN FGR FOR . a. Mis?t i Raggrs Subm?b?gnd Ewart?: in heifer-e me an {ha ?ay {3f wigs? EQEGr642? u. S: sax-'mas-$193,? QNNR 3:33: ?rs E: a uu- k-k? \Hu? 550??- (Arhx??i?r :5 3?5? {cab-5313:? $533133"; State a? 'E?emg Niatafy $31ng a {hm-m. Expiras a 14" v' . ?19? Mom e? EP- 1?1 ?7mm.-.-.-.-.-.