Limestone County Reopening Plan 2020-2021 4 COUNTY SCHOOLS Vision Limestone County Schools will become a premier system focused on empowering all students to succeed in our rapidly changing world. Mission High expectations and high achievement for all. Our Mission Our mission is to keep all staff and students healthy and safe for the 2020-2021 school year. Our vision is that all students will be supported to achieve learning at high levels in the learning environment they choose. Schools Health and Safety Guidance First 30 days of school Will any changes be made to the breakfast and lunch program due to COVID-19? ● Breakfast/Lunch- Meals will be served using “grab and go” option. ● No outside visitors and/or family guests in school cafeterias. ● Families are encouraged use PayPams to eliminate the handling of money. ● Meals will be provided during another full-system shutdown due to COVID-19. What cleanliness measures will be in place during a regular school day? ● Victory Electrostatic Sprayers will be used to efficiently sanitize schools and buses. ● Restrooms will be sanitized multiple times daily. Soap and/or sanitizer will be available in the bathroom and throughout the school buildings. ● Common areas and surfaces (handrails, doorknobs, etc...) will be sanitized throughout the day. ● Air filters will be changed regularly to protect air quality. What cleanliness measures will be in place during a regular school day? ● Classroom sanitation and cleaning will be a joint effort by the school custodial staff, classroom teachers and other school personnel. ○ LCS has purchased sanitation equipment, material, sanitizer, soap, etc., to ensure proper sanitation of each local school. ○ Custodial staff will use these resources to sanitize throughout the school day and after the building is vacated for the day. ○ Classroom teachers will assist in cleaning their classrooms by sanitizing desks, counters, and materials daily. What preventative measures will be in place during a regular school day? ARRIVAL & TRANSITIONS BETWEEN CLASSES ○ Each school will determine how to eliminate students congregating as best fits their building. ○ School arrival by bus transportation and car-riders/drivers will be coordinated to limit contact. ○ Random temperature checks will be performed. ○ Each school will work to minimize student contact during class changes. ○ No locker use until after September 4. CLASSROOM SEATING ○ Classroom Seating- Students will be socially distanced whenever feasible in forward facing rows six feet apart. ○ All classes will have assigned seats to assist with contact tracing What preventative measures will be in place during a regular school day? MASK GUIDANCE ○ Employee Masks- Employees are required to wear a mask or other facial covering within six feet of a student or staff member from a different household. This will be re-evaluated as needed. This is in effect for August 7th-Sept.4th. ○ Student Masks- Students are required to wear masks or facial coverings at school with scheduled breaks during the day. This is in effect for August 7th-Sept.4th. Three reusable masks will be provided for each student. Parents may also provide masks for their children. ○ Bus Transport- Masks or other facial coverings are required during bus transportation.This is in effect for August 7th-Sept.4th. ○ Mask Option- If a medical condition warrants an employee or student’s inability to wear a mask, a physician’s statement will need to be provided to your school administrator. What preventative measures will be in place for bus riders? ● Buses will load from back to front ● Households will sit together ● All buses will have assigned seats ● Students will wear masks. ● If a student tests positive, students in a 6-seat radius (one seat in front, one seat behind, and 3 seats adjacent) will be notified and quarantined. Safety & Wellness Measures- Training Training ● ● ● ● Staff will encourage hand washing and basic respiratory hygiene, such as covering the mouth when coughing. Each school nurse will provide student educational activities, such as age-appropriate educational videos on hand-washing, covering one's mouth when coughing or sneezing, and how to wear a mask if needed. Posters will also be made available for classrooms and school hallways. Health tips regarding hygiene will be shared on social media and website. 11 COVID Symptoms Guidelines ● According to the CDC, a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher is a potential symptom of COVID-19. ● Employees or students with temperatures under 100.0 degrees may be admitted unless they have other COVID-19 symptoms. ● As of this writing, the CDC has identified the following symptoms as potential symptoms of COVID-19 which can develop 2-14 days after exposure: ○ Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea ● Students will not stay home or be sent home for just displaying basic allergy symptoms. ● Check for more updates on potential symptoms Field Trip Guidance ● No field trips during the 1st 9-weeks. We will re-evaluate the situation for 2nd 9-weeks and beyond as we see how the health crisis progresses. ● No out of state field trips will be taken during 1st semester. We will re-evaluate the situation in December/January and make a decision for 2nd semester. ● No field trips, with the exception of mandatory extra curricular competitions such as athletics, band, and state competitions. Elementary Schools Instruction Elementary Instructional Delivery Options Supporting Teaching and Learning 2 Instructional Models Offered by LCS FACE-To- FACE Traditional Instruction Elementary K-5 Face to Face Model OR Virtual Instruction (Remote Learning through LCSVA) Transition to remote learning REMOTE If a classroom, multiple classrooms, or school closure occurs during the school year, the identified individual or group will transition to a remote learning model during a time of quarantine. Remote Learning delivered by the homeroom teacher/SPED. OR Virtual Instruction- Students in virtual will continue for one/ two semesters with virtual instruction (Remote Learning through LCSVA) Full School/ System Closure VIRTUAL K-5 Full Virtual Instruction Teachers will use current core curriculum along with SchoolsPLP and Google Classroom (Remote Learning OR LCSVA) Teachers will utilize live webinar and recorded lessons, connect with students weekly, assign materials through the LMS, and assess progress with weekly grades and formative assessments. Secondary Schools Instruction Face-to-Face Instruction ● For students who have chosen traditional school attendance, they will receive “business as usual” classroom instruction--E3 curriculum, challenging/engaging classroom environments, rigorous assignments, progress monitoring, etc. ● All classroom teachers will incorporate Google Classroom into our “business as usual.” The district expectation is for students to complete one assignment per week during the first month of school in Google Classroom to increase familiarity with using it in the event of another shut down. ● If students are absent due to quarantine, teachers will use Google Classroom to assist in keeping students engaged in rigorous and relevant activities. Virtual Students ● Students who elected to attend school virtually will be taught and managed through selected virtual school teachers using Edgenuity. ● Students had to commit to virtual school for at least 1 semester. ● These students may participate in athletics and school activities if they provide their own transportation. ● Students in grades 11-12 who enroll in our in-house virtual program and are returning students to the Career Technical Center will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. These students should have received an email from the Career Tech counselor - Mrs. Julie Meals. Career Technical courses are also provided within the Edgenuity virtual platform. In the event of another shutdown... ● Secondary students who elected to attend virtual school will continue in their virtual school program with no changes. ● Secondary students who elected to come to school for face-to-face instruction will transition into remote learning with their regular teachers using Google Classroom and SchoolsPLP. All teachers will provide instruction remotely using Google Classroom and SchoolsPLP. ● Students who need devices will be given devices. Options will be explored on providing students internet access. ● Secondary teachers will continue to teach their classes using face-to-face instruction using Google Meet and Google Classroom and providing remediation, practice, and enrichment using textbook, teacher-made and/or available online resources. Communication District Accounts @limestonecountyschools @limestone.county.schools @lcsforkids Procedure COVID-19 Elementary Student Procedures If… Then… An elementary student receives a positive COVID-19 diagnosis (exposure outside of school) Report this to school administration and isolate for 10 days from the positive test date and must be fever free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved. Must provide a medical excuse before returning to school. (Testing strategy of 2 negative results 24 hours apart are not required). The student is asked to self quarantine for 14 An elementary student is exposed to COVID-19 outside of school (has not exposed calendar days from the date of exposure and will not be allowed in school during that time. Students classmates) will work remotely using a district issued device with make-up work from the classroom teacher through Google Classroom. An elementary student exposes the class to COVID-19 CLOSE CONTACT, generally defined as being within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes, starting 2 days before symptoms appeared or specimen collection date (whichever was earlier), All staff/students identified as having CLOSE CONTACT will be sent home and asked to quarantine as per the ADPH guidelines of 14 days. Closer contact distance could be longer and time shorter, depending on the exposure level and setting. The ADPH will contact them for further guidance. COVID-19 Elementary Teacher Procedures If… Then… An elementary teacher is exposed to COVID-19 outside of school (i.e. has a family member with a positive diagnosis, etc.) Teacher has had a Direct Contact, so he/she needs to stay home for 14 calendar days after last contact with a person testing positive for COVID-19. Will need request further guidance from the ADPH. (Her class has had indirect contact and can continue to come to school). An elementary teacher tests positive for COVID-19 but hasn’t been around students Report this to school administration and isolate for 10 days from the positive test date and must be fever free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved. The teacher should obtain further guidance from the ADPH. An elementary teacher tests positive and has See above. All staff/students identified as having CLOSE CONTACT, generally defined as being within 6 been around students feet for at least 15 minutes, starting 2 days before symptoms appeared or specimen collection date (whichever was earlier), will be sent home and asked to quarantine as per the ADPH guidelines of 14 days. Distance could be longer and time shorter, depending on the exposure level and setting. The ADPH will contact them for further guidance. COVID-19 Secondary Student Procedures If… Then… Report this to school administration and isolate for 10 A secondary student receives a positive COVID-19 diagnosis (exposure outside of school) days from the positive test date and must be fever free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved. Must provide a medical excuse before returning to school. (Testing strategy of 2 negative results 24 hours apart are not required). A secondary student is exposed to COVID-19 outside of school (has not exposed other students) The student is asked to self quarantine for 14 calendar days from the date of exposure and will not be allowed in school during that time. Recommend further guidance from the ADPH. A secondary student exposes classmates to COVID-19 All staff/students identified as having CLOSE CONTACT, generally defined as being within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes, starting 2 days before symptoms appeared or specimen collection date (whichever was earlier), will be sent home and asked to quarantine as per the ADPH guidelines of 14 days. Distance could be longer and time shorter, depending on the exposure level and setting. The ADPH will contact them for further guidance. COVID-19 Secondary Teacher Procedures If… Then… A secondary teacher is exposed to COVID-19 outside of school (i.e. has a family member with a positive diagnosis, etc.) Teacher has had a Direct Contact, so he/she needs to stay home for 14 calendar days after last contact with a person testing positive for COVID-19. Will need to self monitor. (Her students have had indirect contact and can continue to come to school). A secondary teacher tests positive for COVID-19 but hasn’t been around students Report this to school administration and isolate for 10 days from the positive test date and must be fever free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved. The teacher should obtain further guidance from the ADPH. A secondary teacher tests positive and has been around students See above, plus, all staff/students in Direct Contact with that teacher will be sent home and asked to quarantine and monitor symptoms for 14 calendar days.They should be contacted by the ADPH for further guidance. Recommend they call their PCP. Special Services Populations Face-to-Face Instruction Special Education and 504 SPECIAL EDUCATION ● ● ● For students who have chosen traditional school attendance, they will receive their services as written in their IEP. Special Education teachers will incorporate Google Classroom into their daily instructional routine with all students with IEPs to promote the use of Google Classroom. If students are absent due to quarantine, special education teachers will use Google Classroom, Google Meet and at times phone conversations to provide accommodations, modifications and services based on their IEP. This includes related services such as speech, OT and PT. 504 ● Students with a 504 Plan will continue to receive their accommodations based on their plan. Virtual Instruction Special Education and 504 SPECIAL EDUCATION ● ● ● Students with an IEP who elected to attend school virtually will receive services based on their IEP and a meeting will be held to develop a distance learning plan which will be included in the IEP. The services will be provided through Google Classroom or live sessions in Google Meet and at times through phone conversations in order to address the needs on the IEP/Distance Learning Plan. If needed, students with IEPs will receive a device for virtually instruction. 504 ● Students with a 504 Plan will continue to receive their accommodations based on their plan. Face-to-Face Instruction English Learners ● For EL students who have chosen traditional school attendance, they will receive “business as usual” supplemental services by the EL teacher according to individual I-ELP’s (Individual English Language Plan) such as receiving supplemental pull-out services in 30 minute sessions for 1 up to 5 days a week, push-in services in the classroom setting, assistance from the EL Assistant teacher in the classroom, remaining in the classroom with teacher accommodations and monitoring for meaningful participation in the core academic program. ● EL teachers will incorporate Google Classroom into their service time with all EL students as well as continue individualized quality instruction to develop language proficiency. The purpose of introducing Google Classroom is to increase their familiarity with using it so that EL supplemental services can continue seamlessly in the event another school closure occurs. ● If EL students are absent due to quarantine, EL teachers will use Google Classroom, Google Meet and at times phone conversations to assist in keeping students engaged in rigorous and relevant activities and instruction to promote English language acquisition. EL students will also complete general education assignments in Google Classroom from their general education teachers. The district will work with parents who need devices for their children during remote instruction at home. Virtual Learning English Learners ● EL students who elected to attend school virtually will receive supplemental services by the EL teacher assigned to the student’s home-based school. ● Supplemental services will be provided through Google Classroom or live sessions in Google Meet and at times through phone conversations in order to address individual language needs. They will be provided according to the EL student’s I-ELP (Individual English Language Plan) in an equivalent manner to the services they would receive in a traditional setting. Services will be provided in 30 minute sessions for 1 up to 5 days a week. ● EL students will follow the same rules as all students do for the virtual school. Students had to commit to virtual school for at least 1 semester. ● EL students will follow the same rules as all virtual students do regarding athletic and other school activities. These students may participate in athletics and school activities if they provide their own transportation. ● EL Students in grades 11-12 who enroll in our in-house virtual program and are returning students to the Career Technical Center will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. These students should have received an email from the Career Tech counselor - Mrs. Julie Meals. Career Technical courses are also provided within the Edgenuity platform. Conclusion The Limestone County School District will continue to provide high quality instruction and a safe and healthy learning environment. We will make adjustments according to guidance from state education and health agencies as necessary.