Assessments and Accountability Timeline Phase One Phase Two SY 2020-2021 Standards Assessments CCRS Commercial, offthe-shelf (Base Year of 5 Year New Contract) SY 2021-2022 Standards Assessments Modified BIE Commercial, offStandards-CCRS the-shelf (Year 1 of 5 Year Contract) SY 2022-23 and beyond Standards Assessments Modified BIE Add new test Standards items that correspond to BIE modified standards to existing assessment upon approval Science NGSS Commercial, offthe-shelf (Base Year of 5 Year New Contract) NGSS Commercial, offthe-shelf (Year 1 of 5 Year Contract) Modified BIE Standards Alternate Linked to gradelevel-specific expectations described CCRS Dynamic Learning Map (DLM) or (MultiState Alternate Assessments (MSAA) (Base Year of 5 Year New Contract) Linked to gradelevel-specific expectations described CCRS DLM or MSAA Linked to grade(Year 1 of 5 Year level-specific Contract) expectations described in Modified BIE Standards Add new test items that correspond to BIE modified standards to existing assessment upon approval English Language Proficiency English Language Develop-ment Standards WIDA (Year 4 of 5 Year Contract) English Language Development Standards WIDA (Year 5 of 5 Year Contract); Recompete English Language Proficiency Assessment Contract in Spring 2022 English Language Develop-ment Standards English Language Proficiency Assessment Contract (Base Year of 5 Year Contract) Tribal Civics N/A N/A N/A N/A Develop Tribal Proposed Tribal Civics Standards Civics assessment SY 22-23; develop in SY 24-25 SOW in SY 23-24 ELA/Math Add new test items that correspond to BIE modified standards to existing assessment upon approval 11