Moderna responses to Axios on BARDA contract disclosure: Moderna response 1: We request BARDA review for each of our press releases or other disclosures before we issue, in that way gaining approval for deviations from those specific contract terms. Moderna response 2: We collaborate with BARDA as we prepare our press releases and other public disclosures to ensure accurate information, and are comfortable that the information included in our public disclosures is consistent with BARDA's expectations. Moderna response 3: Our project as defined in the BARDA contract is fully funded by BARDA. Every relevant press release issued has been reviewed by BARDA in advance of release. For further background, our contracts are FARs-based contracts and the other contracts you cited have "Other Transactions Agreements." The relevant provision you cite is required in FARs based contracts, not in OTAs. In our announcement of the original grant, we stated that: “BARDA will fund the advancement of mRNA-1273 to FDA licensure.” We believe that made clear the extent of BARDA’s 100% funding of the program described in the BARDA contract. BARDA reviewed our release. We invite you to connect with BARDA or HHS if you wish to investigate concerns with any potential issues re our meeting contract terms. Thank you for your continuing interest in our efforts to help address the COVID-19 pandemic.