NOTIFICATION OF SELF FUNDING SEE PANIPHLET GUIDE TO CAMPAIGN FOR GUIDANCE- The candidate or public Official shall notify the State Board of Eiee?ans ,ef? expenditures rjeceiviad from the candidateiputilic offIcIathmmedIate within 1 2 months prior to an election, O'f more than $250 000' In aggtegate for a ?state wide Office or$1 0G in aggregate for all other eieetive offices within one business day. Candidate-a: Public O?i?ial (please printppIWChael d. Madigan? Of?ce soughgg?pd RepresentatiVe District EIectiond?e; 'NOVember 20.18 Poii?eai cemrmitte'e?s name and address: Friends of Michael Madigan PO Box 3188? Ghicago; IL 5065401353 STATE BOMB 0F FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Am; 29 AM 9: I8 POLITICAL COMMITTEE IDENTIFICATION No. ~43 Loans, centributions Transfers In Received Independent EXgenditure-?s Made on Behalf, of Candidate or Public- Official Mailing Add ress and Zip cede .Amdunt: Date Mich Madigan 6120?] 8 6400 Ke9 er Awe GhICago, IL 60629 300,001 Full Name Address and Zip code or Contributor. Amgune Date $5 Full Name._MaiIing Addre?sdnd' Zip Code-aficon?ibumr AnteLInt: Date 5 Name! and Amount: Date is . I QO IQQIE Signature. of PU biic or Candidate? Date ALL To: eenegles, ELECTIONS STATE some 0? ELeemNs 2325 8.. MacArthurBIwi. OR JAMES THOMPSON CENTER 100 RANDOLPH STE 191-190 SPRINGFIELD, IL swans as? CHICAGO. IL. 60601;- 3232 THIS FORM MAY BEREQRODUCED PAGE 'Re