Whitehall Central School District COVID-19 Reopening Plan The safety and health of our students, our faculty, and our staff is paramount and has been at the forefront of our planning. Our planning is designed to bring the most students back to face-toface education as possible, while providing additional opportunities and improving upon the distance learning systems that we adopted this past spring. To allow our school district to safely reopen, there are a number of features, contingencies, and safety protocols that we must plan for, and we have attempted to outline this throughout our plan. We understand that the situation around COVID-19 is ever-evolving, and as a result, our plan will be forced to evolve with it. We, as a school district, cannot anticipate the way that the disease will develop, nor can we fully anticipate the way that it will affect our region, but through careful planning, hard work, and resilience, we have put together a plan that allows our schools to have the flexibility to address these concerns. This plan has been developed over months through the input of a vast number of stakeholders, including building and district administrators, teachers, nurses, buildings and grounds staff, students, parents, and our local department of health. Their time, efforts, and dedication have been inspiring and have provided the backbone for our return this fall. Additionally, the following surveys have been utilized as a means to gather further information: • Parent and Community Return to School Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXrARFWH9Dq2JSzpfB1rooPFK0yeG5RAlrg14_C4Lv2NkJQ/viewform?usp=sf_link • Teacher/Staff Return to School Survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedZbqp0VevysFaMSFgK_6_3kUWMDKEKVfFyyQ6yJhcBMiwQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Additionally, we are currently conducting an additional phone survey to all families district wide to further assess the access of high-speed broadband internet service and user devices of those students who may be attending classes remotely. Their time, efforts, and dedication have been inspiring and have provided the backbone for our return this fall. Guiding Safety and Health Principles Any and all discussions about how to safely and effectively reopen our schools requires us to understand the how of safely reopening. For us to safely reopen, there are four major areas that need to be considered – face coverings, social distancing, hygiene, and screening – all of which will be covered throughout the course of this planning document. As a baseline, we as a school district are required to maintain six feet of distancing in most scenarios; wear appropriate face coverings and PPE while in transit and when we cannot appropriately socially distance; we must maintain proper hand hygiene; and adhere to the CDC’s and Department of Health’s guidance as they relate to the cleaning and disinfection of our classrooms. We will perform screening of all Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 staff, students, and faculty members as they enter, or prior to their entry into the building. In order for us to safely reopen, we need to be able to achieve and maintain these requirements, and throughout the course of this document we will explain and explore the process through which we will accomplish these requirements. The school district has designated Patrick M. Dee – Superintendent of Schools as their COVID19 Safety Coordinator. This individual shall be responsible for the continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels. The school district has designated Taylor Morgan, Elementary Nurse & Leslie Rathbun, High School Nurse as the primary points of contact upon the identification of a positive COVID-19 case in their respective building and to be responsible for subsequent communications. This person shall be responsible for answering questions from students, faculty, staff, and parents or legal guardians regarding the COVID-19 public health emergency and the plans being implemented in the school. • • • • • • • • • Daily health screenings will take place for all staff and students Parents will be asked to take their child’s temperature every day before coming to school and complete an affirmation of a temperature of 100.0 degrees or less as part of the health screening. Staff will need to complete the temperature affirmation process as well. Students or staff who have a fever must stay home or will be sent home. Contact tracing will take place in coordination with the NYS and Washington County Departments of Health. Staff will have daily cleaning, and disinfection protocols will be in place for all commonly touched surfaces. (Please see Appendix A) Shared school supplies will be minimized as much as possible. Materials that must be shared will be sanitized prior and allowed to sit unused for three days, as per CDC guidance. School visitors will be health screened and restricted to the greatest extent practical. Students and staff will be trained on proper hygiene practices. Age-appropriate signage will be prominently placed in school buildings to facilitate oneway traffic flow in halls, social distancing, and hand washing reminders. Educational Philosophy During the course of our discussions with stakeholder groups, a number of different educational models were explored and the feasibility of each model was considered based on the resources available to us, our regional health metrics, and the guidance that we received from the New York State Department of Health and New York State Education Department. As a result of these different factors, we will be focusing on a Hybrid Model of Instruction that will provide daily Face-to-Face instruction for all pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade students as Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 well students that receive Self Contained Special Education support and students that receive English Language Learner services. We will also be open daily to those students that do not have access to reliable internet services in their home on the days that they are scheduled to be on-line. All other students will be relegated to an A/B day schedule whereby they will receive two consecutive days of in-person instruction (Monday and Tuesday are “A” days and Thursday and Friday are “B” days and will participate in online instruction on the days that they are not assigned to be on-site. Based on the 6’ social distancing requirements put forth by New York State, our school district is capable of having a maximum capacity of 10-12 students per instructional space, which directly affects the number of students that we can provide face-toface learning to at any given time. In order to promote safety, our planning will also cohort students together to the extent that is practicable in order to limit the potential spread of the disease should anyone become infected. Given the highly contagious and opportunistic nature of COVID-19, our school district will provide accommodations to individuals who are at a high risk or who live with a person who is at a high risk of complications as a result of COVID-19. Each case will be approached uniquely depending on the individual situation, but potential solutions for these vulnerable populations includes remote learning or telework, modified educational and work settings, or by providing additional PPE to individuals with underlying health conditions. In addition to this, we understand that certain student and staff populations may require modifications to social distancing or PPE based on hearing loss or impairment; receipt of language services, or because they area young student in an early education program. In these scenarios, we may utilize specialized clear face coverings/face shields/increased distancing when possible and ensure that any modifications would minimize COVID-19 exposure risk for students, faulty, and staff to the greatest extent possible. The school district has given special consideration to the way that we will perform safety and emergency drills throughout the course of the school year while we are required to socially distance. We will still complete our eight evacuation drills and four lockdown drills, but the way that we conduct our drills shall be modified for the upcoming school year. Due to the hybrid nature of our school schedule, we will need to ensure all of our students receive instruction in emergency procedures and participate in drills. In order to ensure the safety of our evacuation drills, we may conduct our drills on a “staggered” schedule by having classrooms evacuate separately rather than all at once to ensure appropriate distancing. To ensure the safety of our lockdown drills we may conduct them in several different ways to enforce social distancing – whether this be through the use of a “staggered” schedule with smaller numbers of students which allows us to maintain social distancing or by conducting a lockdown drill through verbal and visual instruction and providing students an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about lockdowns. Fire drills, lock-down drills and the like shall be completed to greatest extent practicable and in the safest manner for from a social distancing standpoint as possible given the current conditions. Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Safety and Health Procedures Face Coverings Prior to entering the school district, a school facility, or school grounds, staff, faculty, students, and visitors must wear a face covering in all required areas. The school district will remind staff, faculty, students, and visitors of this process through training, signage, verbal communication, and other means throughout the school year. During the school day, individuals will be required to wear a face covering while on the school bus, when they are entering or exiting the school building, while they are moving through the hallways or their classroom, at any time that they cannot maintain adequate and appropriate social distancing, and any other time as dictated by administration. Individuals may not be required to wear a face covering while they are maintaining social distancing, including when they are seated in a classroom. The school district shall train all students, faculty, and staff on how to adequately put on, take off, clean, and discard PPE. This training will include an explanation of what is considered appropriate PPE and will be supplemented by signage and continued education. For the health and safety of our entire school community, face coverings will be strictly enforced when social distancing cannot be accomplished. While the school district will encourage all staff, students, and faculty to provide their own face coverings, the school district will continue to maintain an adequate stock of disposable PPE for their emergency use or by request. In order to ensure that stock is maintained, the Building Principals will be responsible for completing weekly checks of supplies within their building and communicating with the school business manager to order more as need dictates. The school district has worked throughout the spring and summer to supplement the stock of PPE for the upcoming school year and will continue to do so throughout the school year. The school district will also maintain a supply of disposable face coverings on each of the school buses for students who have forgotten, broken, or soiled their face coverings. Students may approach their teacher to obtain an additional mask if necessary and Staff can check with their direct supervisors office to obtain a replacement mask. The school district will also encourage students, staff, and faculty to keep a replacement mask(s) at the school district in case their initial mask fails or becomes soiled throughout the school day. Social Distancing For our school district to maintain safe operations, we must attempt to maintain social distancing to protect against the transmission of the COVID-19 virus while on school grounds and in school facilities. To facilitate this, our school district has redesigned our classroom spaces, common areas, and other rooms throughout the buildings for appropriate social distancing. Specifically, appropriate social distancing means six feet of space in all directions between individuals or the use of suitable physical barriers between individuals that do not adversely affect air flow, heating, cooling, ventilation, or otherwise present a health or safety risk. The only time where social distancing requirements may be relaxed in the school district is when the safety of an Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 activity or the core activity requires a shorter distance or individuals are of the same household. To promote this type of behavior, the school district has instituted measures such as: • • • • • Placing six-foot distance markers around the school district, Staggering the school schedule to reduce the amount of students in the hallway at any given time, At the middle level, transitioning teachers between instructional spaces and not the students, Passing time in the Middle/High School may be increased to facilitate staggered class changes (when appropriate), and Locker rooms will be closed. Furthermore, the school district has evaluated smaller spaces in the school building, such as, break rooms, and faculty offices, and will be limiting the use of these spaces. These identified spaces will require the use face coverings and occupancy should not exceed 50% of the maximum, unless the space is designed for use by a single occupant In addition to the above noted changes, our school district has evaluated the feasibility of modifying existing areas of mass assembly, such as auditoriums, gymnasiums, and cafeterias, to provide additional learning spaces for students that are more easily appropriately socially distanced. Parent Drop Off Parent drop off for the Middle/High School and the Elementary will occur in the Bus Circle. In order to enter the building, students will need to produce a completed Whitehall Central School District temperature attestation. School Personnel in appropriate PPE will meet the students to gather the attestations and/or to perform a temperature check for those students who forgot the attestation or did not complete the task. Those students who do not pass the screening with be sent home with their parent. (See Appendix A) Bus Dismissal Busses will pull into the Bus Circles and drop students off by building. School personnel in appropriate PPE will meet the bus and confirm the temperature attestation or perform the necessary temperature check for those students who forgot the attestation or did not complete the task prior to boarding the bus. Those Students who do not pass the health screen will be escorted to a supervised isolation room until they are picked up by their parent or guardian. (See Appendix A) Faculty and Staff Arrival All faculty and staff must complete health screening or in writing in advance of their arrival to work. We are presently looking at safety and security Software (Raptor) that will allow us to do this digitally. In the event of a failure to do so in advance, staff will need to be screened by school personnel before entering the building. All faculty and staff must check in at the Main Office of their buildings. (See Appendix A) Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Visitor Screening To ensure that sick or ill substitutes, vendors, visitors or contractors are not allowed on campus, the school district will require screenings for contractors, vendors, and visitors who will be entering the school building. We will require all screenings to occur before individuals pass the main office entry and should an individual fail the screening or feel ill, they will be sent home. If an individual wants to enter a school building or facility, but has not been screened prior to entry, they will be required to complete an in-person screening with school district personnel who will be completing screenings and who will be provided with all required PPE to ensure their safety and well-being. Our district’s screening process will meet all of the requirements as set forth by the state, where a temperature at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit or a failure of the screening questionnaire will result in that individual’s inability to gain entry to the school. If the individual who fails a screening is a staff member, faculty member, or outside visitor, then they will be instructed to leave the school facility and see their health care provider. If the individual who fails a screening is a student, then they shall be taken to that building’s isolation room to be assessed by the school nurse and await a parent, guardian, or emergency contact who can bring them to a health care provider for further evaluation. The isolation room shall require appropriate social distancing to be maintained, an increased cleaning and disinfection schedule from the school district’s buildings and grounds staff, and constant visual supervision. We will provide all required PPE to the individual(s) who will be supervising the isolation room to ensure their safety. When an individual’s parent, guardian, or emergency contact arrives at the school district to pick up their student, we will once again remind them that their student is required to be seen by a health care provider in regards to the failed screening. The school district will also instruct staff and faculty members to observe for signs of illness in others and require that symptomatic persons be sent to the school nurse or isolation room for a check-up. The school district has worked with and remained in communication with the Washington County Health Department to determine the specific return requirements of individuals who fail a screening, test positive for COVID-19 through a diagnostic test, or have come in close contact with or have been exposed to somebody who tests positive for the COVID-19 virus. After a failed screening, the school district will require, at a minimum, documentation from a health care provider of a negative COVID-19 diagnostic test result and symptom resolution. If, after a failed screening, that individual tests positive for COVID-19 from a diagnostic test, then the school district will work with the Washington County Health Department of health to determine their minimum standards for return to the school district. In addition, the school district shall work with the Washington County Health Department to determine the process for the provision or referral of diagnostic testing for students, faculty, and staff, should that become necessary. The school district has also worked with the Washington County Health department to determine what metrics will serve as early warning signs that COVID-19 cases may be increasing beyond an acceptable level, both within our schools or within the larger local community. Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Local Health Departments anticipate using data from the regional "control rooms" for this purpose as well as regular communications with the district. Should a district experience any type of increase in absentee rates or in the amount of individuals who have tested positive, the school district's liaison should contact the County’s COVID-19 liaison to review that data. Should it be warranted, the County Health Department and the Superintendent of Schools will make a determination if the school should be closed and for how long. Should multiple cases be discovered in an area or school within the district, the district's COVID-19 liaison will contact the County liaison and should action be warranted, the County Health Department and the Superintendent of Schools will make a determination if a portion of the school, or a particular school shall be closed. The County Health Departments will monitor this information in the regional control room. Should the County Health Department determine that there is a shortage of hospital capacity due to COVID-19, the County Health Department may contact the Superintendent of Schools to determine how many students and staff should be allowed on site and to determine if the school district’s reopening plan should be altered. The school district has identified each School Nurse, as the individual who will serve as the central point of contact and who is responsible for receiving and attesting to having reviewed all screening activities on a daily basis for their building. This individual shall also be identified as the contact for individuals to notify if they later experience COVID-19 related symptoms during the day or have COVID-19 exposure, as noted on their questionnaire. The District's COVID-19 liaison will notify the County Health Department’s COVID-19 liaison (or counties should the individual live in a different county than the location of the school) should they become aware of a positive test for COVID-19 and/or any other disease reportable under public health law. Upon request, districts will be asked to provide information on the past locations of students and staff who are involved in the contract tracing program, including, but not limited to room locations, who was in the room and information on transportation. Districts will need to maintain adequate records to answer questions. Should this information be needed, the County Liaison will contact the School District's Liaison to obtain the needed information in a timely matter. Mental Health, Behavioral and Emotional Support Returning to a different in-person learning environment may present challenges for everyone. The Whitehall Central School District shall make every effort to provide and address the mental health, behavioral, and emotional needs of students, faculty, and staff when school reopens for in-person instruction. Throughout the school year, we will identify and support students who are having difficulty transitioning back into the school setting by utilizing our counseling services composed up of school psychologists, social workers, guidance counselors, and appropriate agencies. Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Counselors and social workers will engage students in our district social-emotional learning curriculum by delivering specific instruction, problem-solving, and various coping strategies to handle a plethora of situations. Interventions are targeted through the Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) to promote the development and growth of social-emotional learning. We will also provide periodic training for faculty and staff on how to support students during and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency. We will also provide information on developing coping and resilience skills for students, faculty, and staff during training or through written and online materials. Members of our mental health building teams will support both inperson and remote learners by coaching teachers, directly delivering social-emotional learning curriculum, and individually supporting students as determined by building level team decision making. A focus will be placed on supporting a positive climate and culture that acknowledges universal trauma care strategies for students. Best practice guidelines will be followed for students who may need more support. The school district has identified both building nurses as the individuals who will serve as the central point of contact and who is responsible for receiving and attesting to having reviewed all screening activities on a daily basis. These individuals shall also be identified as the contact for individuals to notify if they later experience COVID-19 related symptoms during the day or have COVID-19 exposure, as noted on their questionnaire. Hygiene, Cleaning, and Disinfection Our school district has instituted, trained on, and follows the CDC and NYDOH guidelines on the hygiene, cleaning, and disinfection of school buildings and materials. We have developed extensive procedures and protocols for school-wide cleaning and the disinfection of classrooms, restrooms, cafeterias, libraries, playgrounds, school buses, and all other school facilities based on the CDC guidance. We have also identified the areas of buildings that will require additional cleaning and disinfection, such as bathrooms. Throughout the course of the year, our district will maintain cleaning and disinfection logs which identify the date, time, and scope of cleaning and disinfection for those areas. We have also developed and maintained a list of commonly touched surfaces throughout the school district, with a cleaning and disinfection schedule assigned to individuals and positions for these surfaces. We will also be increasing ventilation with outdoor air to the greatest extent possible based on the outdoor air temperature and the capabilities of our HVAC system. Lastly, the school district shall continue to conduct or complete the process of performing its required Lead-in-Water testing as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4. Our school district also understands that for us to maintain a safe and healthful school environment, we need to promote and encourage proper hand hygiene throughout the day. In order to achieve this goal, we will be installing hand hygiene stations throughout common areas of the building so that students may sanitize their hands while they are in transition and at times where they may not be able to clean their hands with soap and water throughout the school day. Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 We will also be training students, faculty, and staff on proper hand hygiene throughout the school year and provide continued education for individuals through proper signage at all levels of the school district. Throughout the course of the school day, we will also require students, staff, and faculty to wash or sanitize their hands before and after eating upon arrival at school, upon arriving in a new classroom and or whenever they may be soiled. Handwashing sinks are available throughout the district, hand sanitizers are mounted conspicuously in the hallways and a supply of hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom space. (See Appendix B) Transportation We recognize that transportation will present its own unique set of challenges for this upcoming school year and as a school district we are committing ourselves to providing a safe and healthful school environment at all phases and stages of the school day. In order for us to maintain this safety, face coverings will be required while students are entering the bus, exiting the bus, and are seated on the bus, unless a student is not physically able to wear a face covering. We will also maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible while on the bus unless individuals are from the same household. If a student tries to enter the bus without a proper face covering they will not be denied service or entry – instead they shall be provided with a disposable face covering that is kept on the bus. Furthermore, transportation will not be denied to students with disabilities that would prevent them from wearing a mask nor will they be forced to do so during transportation. The school district shall commit to ensuring that all buses that are used during the day are cleaned and disinfected after each run as the Whitehall Central School is a dual trip district. While we acknowledge that school buses cannot be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible nature, and we will advise individuals to not bring personal hand sanitizer containers with them on the bus, we will ensure that hand sanitizing or hand washing stations are provided for all staff in transportation locations such as dispatch offices, employee lunch/breaks rooms, and bus garages. Furthermore, we will provide all required PPE for transportation department staff and require the use of a face covering. Should a driver, monitor, or attendant be required to have direct physical contact with a child, they will be required to wear gloves, which the school district shall provide to ensure their safety and healthfulness. These employees will also be required to complete the daily self-health screening prior to arriving at work to help ensure the safety and healthfulness of their fellow employees. If our school district is in remote session or otherwise, we will continue to maintain transportation services to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools, or students whose Individualized Education Program has placed them out of district to schools who are meeting and conducting in-person session education when/if the district is not. The school district is in process of making telephone contact with all families in the district to discuss transportation limitations that exist as a function of Covid-19. 22 Passengers are presently able to fit on a 66-passenger bus. Parents have been asked to help limit ridership on the busses by transporting their children to and from school. The district continues to develop a Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 transportation plan that can safely move children to and from their homes in a safe and socially distanced manner. Parents are being encouraged to drive their children. Parents who commit to self-transport will do so for the 2020-2021 school year. The district must be notified in writing. Parents must acknowledge that they are transporting for the entire school year in their written notification. Extracurricular Activities In an effort to minimize the spread of infection and to facilitate district wide cleaning the district will be the following the procedures below for the 2020-2021 school year until such time that we can return safely to normal operations. • • • • • • • All field trips will be postponed and virtual trips will be encouraged. Locker rooms will be closed until conditions permit reopening. Extracurricular activities will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In circumstances were an activity can proceed effectively in a remote manner, it will be encouraged. In-person extracurricular activities will not be able to take place. The district will be closed two hours after student dismissal to facilitate cleaning and disinfection. The bus garage and maintenance areas are closed to the public. To the greatest extent possible, outside visitors, presenters and parents access to the school facility will be limited. When allowed all health and safety requirements will need to be met. We will encourage virtual meetings and presentations as much as is practical. Due to the availability of cleaners, all school athletic facilities and playgrounds will remain closed to the public. Building use will not be open to the public under the current plan. Food Service Regardless of the educational model chosen by our school district and the dynamic nature with which that can change, our school district shall continue to provide school breakfast and lunch to all students who were previously receiving school meals – both on-site and remotely. While onsite, we will maintain social distancing during the course of our meals and provide food service in the classroom. Cafeteria staff will have placed Grab and Go breakfast in the 1st period classroom spaces in advance of the students arriving. Cafeteria staff will deliver Lunch to the classrooms in at the designated times. Sharing food or beverages will be strongly discouraged, and “class parties” where food is brought into the school to share, will be postponed until further notice. Students that are in a remote setting, will be provided meals if requested. Meals will be able to be picked up at a predetermined time and location. All students will be required to wash their hands prior to entering the designated food service area and the cleaning staff will disinfect the area after each serving. Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Communication Our school district affirms and attests that we have reviewed and understand all state-issued industry guidelines and will submit our plans for reopening to them. In addition to this, we will post copies of our finished plan on the school website as well as at each buildings’ office as well as the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. Throughout the course of this process, we will also develop consistent communication plans to ensure that members of the school community are kept up-to-date with all developments and changes to our plan. This process will be managed through verbal instruction, posted signage that is consistent with DOH COVID-19 signage, the maintenance of a COVID-19 page on our school website, through letters home, text messages, phone calls and emails delivered through our School Management System. We will also develop communications for students and families about how to prepare for the upcoming school year, including specific information on the social distancing requirements, how to properly wear a face covering, and proper hand and respiratory hygiene. Throughout the course of the school year, we will continue to train students, faculty, and staff on how to follow any new COVID-19 protocols safely and correctly, including hand hygiene, proper face covering wearing, social distancing, and respiratory hygiene. Mental Health, Behavioral, and Emotional Support Services and Programs Our school district shall make every effort to provide and address the mental health, behavioral, and emotional needs of students, faculty, and staff when school reopens for in-person instruction. Throughout the course of the school year, we will identify and support students who are having difficulty transitioning back into the school setting. Social and emotional support will be provided by our Social Work Staff, Guidance Staff, psychologists and contracted mental health providers. We will also provide periodic training for faculty and staff on how to support students during and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency. We will also provide information on developing coping and resilience skills for students, faculty, and staff during trainings or through written materials. Education Grading and Attendance • • • • Grading protocols will be reviewed and will be shared with all stakeholders at the start of the school year. The District will issue report cards based on the scheduled cycle as per the district calendar. Grading will be consistent and follow our traditional format for in-person or virtual instruction. Numerical grades will be used at the secondary level. The district will follow the Board of Education Attendance Policy. Student attendance will be taken and impact student progress and academics in both the remote and in-person sessions Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Connectivity All Students district wide are provided with a Chromebook for support of the district learning objectives. Access to a device for instruction is not an issue that would interfere with the acquisition of learning. The district has completed sent online surveys and made calls to all families K-12 to determine if they have access to consistent and high-quality internet access. Those students that do not have access to quality internet in their homes that would allow them to participate in the online learning portion of the curriculum for the day will be assigned to school on the days that they are not in class with a teacher so that they may access the curriculum on campus in an identified location with staff there to support them. All Staff are provided with a chrome book by the district. All Staff have been surveyed and have adequate WIFI for connectivity in their homes. Learning Plans UPK through grade 1, special education and ELL Students are presently planned for daily, onsite, in-person instruction with the following accommodations: • • • • Due to social distancing requirements, class size will be reduced. Students will be assigned to classrooms and specific overflow areas that are properly supervised. Instructors will come to the students to provide content. The traditional instructional program will be modified with students learning from classroom teachers and at other times supervised by school personnel during times of independent or remote/livestream instruction from within the school building. Students will have breakfast/lunch delivered to the designated eating location. Breaks will be provided to go outside for fresh air and exercise as needed. Students will remain with their class group. Students in grades 2-12 will follow a modified hybrid schedule. One half of the population will come to school on A days, which will be Monday and Tuesday, the other half of the population will come to school on Thursday and Friday. On the days that the students do NOT have inperson instruction from teachers, they will be expected to connect to the classroom live-stream. Those students that do not have reliable internet in their homes will be expected to report to school where they will participate in on-line instruction. The in-person instruction for both groups will have the following accommodations: • To the extent possible, transitions between classes will be reduced • The traditional instructional program will be modified with students learning from classroom teachers and at other times supervised by school personnel during times of independent or remote/livestream instruction from within the school building. Students will have breakfast/lunch delivered to the designated eating location. Breaks will be provided to go outside for fresh air and exercise as needed. Students will remain with their class group. • • Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 • Potential staggered student arrival is under consideration to accommodate for potential transportation seating limitations and increased traffic at schools due to parent drop-offs. • Full Virtual Model In the event that the district is required to close, the school will continue to provide a continuity of learning. While the continuity of learning plan is subject to change, we would follow the following principles: • • Students in Grades K-12 will follow their in-person school schedule while at home. Teachers will broadcast out to students either from home or school. Time spent on instruction will vary by grade level; however, students will engage with learning daily. Students will be required to log on during scheduled times. Period-by period student and staff attendance will be taken daily. New York State Standards The New York State Education Department is responsible for setting student learning standards for what all students should know and be able to do as a result of skilled instruction. Our district intends to provide curricula that are based on these established standards in all areas. The delivery of such a curriculum will be mixed, with some delivery of instruction to be in person, some to be live remote, and some to be accessed online by families supporting learners at home. Academic Progress and Communication The Whitehall Central School District is committed to ensuring that the parent-to-school and school-to-parent lines of communication are active and that our parents our engaged stakeholders in their child’s education. This communication is completed through a variety of method which may include options such as telephone calls, the use of electronic apps (i.e. class dojo), parentteacher conferences, emails, and newsletters. Additionally, parents can sign up to access the parent portal through our student management system which will allow them to monitor student grades in all courses. Parents can also be added to Google Classrooms for each course their secondary student is enrolled in. This allows parents to receive periodic updates about work that is due. English Language Learners At present, our district has just 3 ELL Students. We plan to have these students report to school each day for instruction. Our district will continue to coordinate with the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages to make certain we are providing appropriate support to students whose home languages are other than English. We will continue to use the Home Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Language Questionnaire as part of our enrollment process for all students. This survey, as well as an informal interview by our District Registrar, helps to identify families where languages other than English may be used in the home. All parent communications would then be provided to families in their preferred language and/or mode of communication. Interpreters would be used for parent conferences, where needed. The Whitehall Central School District intends to follow SED guidance; each qualifying school and/or district reopening plan which reopens using in-person or hybrid instruction must complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the start of the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2019-2020, as well as all students who enroll during summer of 2020 and during the first 20 school days of the 2020-2021 school year. After this 20-day flexibility period, identification of ELLs must resume for all students within the required ten school days of initial enrollment (as required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154). The school district will provide the required instructional Units of Study to all ELL’s based on their most recently measured English-language proficiency level during in-person or hybrid instruction. These services will be provided through a mix of face to face and online live support. Special Education Students The Whitehall Central School District CSE office will work in tandem with both building principals and out of district special education programs to ensure that students with disabilities are still provided all provisions under FAPE. All in-district full-day, self-contained programs will be offered on-site with arrangements made for social distancing, etc. Parents will be notified in writing and also have access to CSE Chairperson for specific details as to how the provision of services will meet the requirements of IDEA. Attendance will be monitored daily and case managers will reach out to students and parents to ensure active participation. Students in all special education settings will receive a combination of onsite services and remote, live virtual (teletherapy-like) related services. Parents of students with IEPs and Section 504 plans will receive written communication from case managers at the start of the school year about how all services, accommodations, and modifications will be provided. If the student will be receiving related services through teletherapy, the family should be informed that they will be sent a consent form and that to receive the teletherapy related services. That consent form may be completed and returned electronically. Contact logs for all students will be maintained. All students will be provided with the necessary technology needed for teletherapy and remote learning. CSE and CPSE Meetings will continue to use Google Meet or the Webex video conferencing platform if socially distancing measures do not allow for a in-person meeting. Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Each student with an IEP or Section 504 plan is assigned a case manager. This case manager facilitates collaboration between the CSE/CPSE teams, the student’s family, and the student’s teachers. Student performance is monitored on an ongoing basis and requested review meetings are held anytime there is a concern about an IEP, or its implementation. Student progress is communicated to parents at least quarterly, and with each student’s report card. All goals require progress monitoring data collection, and this data will continue to be reviewed periodically. The information is also shared with parents at annual reviews to show progress and growth for the year and to be used to write goals for IEPs. Communication with parents is provided in the parents’ preferred language or mode of communication. Our students with disabilities will have the same access to activities as their non-disabled peers while they participate in their learning while practicing social distancing. Evaluation Our school district’s plan ensures that all teachers and principals will be evaluated pursuant to our currently approved APPR plan, including any variance applications approved by the Department. All teachers in our school district shall hold valid and appropriate certificates for their teaching assignments, except where otherwise allowable under the Commissioner’s regulations (e.g., incidental teaching) or Education Law. Approved By: _______________________________ Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Date: _____________________ APPENDIX A Drop of Procedures Elementary ALL students who arrive should produce a “pass” indicating that he/she has been screened at home and is clear (fever and symptom free) to enter the building. Students who are unable to produce a “pass” will be, temperature and symptom screened upon entry. Students who are cleared will be directed to their grade level homeroom as they enter. Students who do not pass the health screening will be directed to the isolation room and arrangements for parent pick up will be made through the nurse’s office, with the necessary health and safety recommendations being made to the family. • Students who arrive prior to 8:30 will produce a pass or be screened, as they arrive through the main entrance (A). Students who arrive prior to 8:30 will be directed to the cafeteria. (34 socially distanced seats available in each.) These students will be supervised by 2 assigned faculty members. • Students who arrive by bus from the circle area will enter through the main entrance (A). Buses will unload one at a time, so that students can comply with social distancing requirements as they enter and are screened. 2 faculty members will be assigned to entrance A. • Students who arrive by car from the circle area will enter through entrances B and C. Families will unload one at a time, so that students can comply with social distancing requirements as they enter and are screened. 2 faculty members will be assigned at each entrance. Faculty All faculty and staff will enter through C or F. All will report directly to the main office upon arrival for screening and clearance to enter their instructional area. Breakfast will be distributed to students in their homeroom. Elementary Exit Plan • • • • • Students will be called to their buses as each bus arrives in the circle and will be dismissed from their homerooms to exit through A, B and C based upon grade level. Students will be dismissed to circle pick up once the buses have been loaded and will exit through A, B and C based upon grade level. A Grades 6, 5 & 4 B Grades 3 & 2 C Kindergarten & Grade 1 Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Drop Off Procedures: Middle/High School 7th & 8th Grade Students: All students will enter the building via entrance K doors and proceed directly to the auditorium. This population will sit socially distanced in predetermined seats in the far eft section of the auditorium. They will be dismissed by row to their homeroom and will come out the same door then entered (stage left). 9th Grade Cohort All students belonging to this cohort will enter the school through the main entrance. 9th grade students will proceed to the auditorium and sit in social distant predetermined seating. They will be dismissed by row to their homeroom classroom and will come out the same door then entered. 10th Grade Cohort: All students belonging to this cohort will enter the school through the main entrance. 10th grade students will proceed to the gym and sit on socially distant predetermined bleachers. They will be dismissed by row to their homeroom classroom and will exit through the “art” hallway. 11th and 12th grade students: All students belonging to these cohorts will enter the school through pool doors and sit on socially distant predetermined bleachers. They will be dismissed by row to their homeroom classroom and will exit through the “art” hallway. Faculty: All faculty members will enter the school though superintendent’s door or through entrance F LGI Monitoring: Auditorium will be monitored by: Pete Casertino, Teacher 1, Teacher 2 Gym will be monitored by: Dean, Teacher 1, Teacher 2 Feeding Breakfast: A box with grab-n-goes will be provided to each homeroom and students will be given time to eat. High School Exit Plan All exit plans will be based on a student’s last period and will determine which doors to exit though. Senior Wing Bus Riders exit though G (tennis courts) Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Car Riders exit though F (LGI) Classrooms: 209, 208, 207, 206, 205, 204, 203, 202, 201 Bus Riders exit through I Car Riders exit through C Classrooms: 220, 218, 217, 216, 215 Bus Riders exit, via the gym, through main entrance Car Riders exit through Door C Middle School Wing: Bus Riders exit through K (middle school hallway) Car Riders exit through B (pool) Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 APPENDIX B (Cleaning of commonly touched surfaces) Type of Surface Location of Surface What is the Surface Material? What Product is Needed to Disinfect? Door Handles and Crash bars Classrooms, Entrance and Exit Doors, Bathrooms Metal NDC-Green Cleaner/Clorox Spray Spray on and wipe after 10 minutes Sinks and Toilets Bathrooms and Classrooms Metal Clorox Spray/NDC-Green Cleaner Spray on and wipe after 10 minutes Phones, Radios Computers Classrooms & Offices Plastic and Glass United 136 Disinfectant Spray This is a leave on product Desks, Chairs Stools Classrooms, Offices Cafeterias Desks-Wood and Plastic Chairs-Plastic, Wood, Metal Cloth Clorox Spray/NDC-Green Cleaner Spray on and wipe after 5 minutes Manipulatives Classrooms Plastic They can be run through the kitchen dishwasher each night Bus Railings and Seats Busses Metal and Leather United 361 Disinfectant Spray Spray on seats and leave Clorox Spray Spray on railings and wipe off Water Fountains and Hydration Stations Kitchens Classrooms & Halls Metal NDC-Green Product/Clorox Spray Spray on and wipe after 10 minutes Both the Elementary and High School Metal, Plastic, Glass Clorox Spray/NDC-Green Product The kitchen staff will clean continuously throughout the day Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887 Cafeteria Tables, Chairs, Serving Line, Computer for Lunch Code Both the Elementary and High School Metal and Plastic Clorox Spray/NDC-Green Product Spray on and wipe off Windows in the Classrooms and Both the Elementary and High School Glass Sprayway/State Chemical Glass Cleaner Spray on and wipe off Light Switches and Cover Plates Both the Elementary and High School Metal and Plastic United 361-Disinfectant Spray Spray on and leave Pencil Sharpeners Both the Elementary and High School Metal and Plastic United 361 Disinfectant Spray Spray on and leave Lockers/Locks Both the Elementary and High School Metal and Plastic NDC-Green Product/Clorox Spray Spray and wipe Copiers Both the Elementary and High School Plastic Clorox Spray/NDC-Green Product Spray on and wipe off Paper Towel, Hand Soap and Toilet Paper Dispensers Both the Elementary and High School Plastic NDC-Green Product/Clorox Spray Spray on and wipe after 10 minutes Whitehall Central School District 87 Buckley Road Whitehall, NY 12887