REOPENING DRAFT PLAN The District’s Draft Reopening Plan “Pathways Forward” outlines the steps the District is taking for the 2020-2021 school year to ensure that the restart of school is safe while providing quality educational opportunities for all students. At the forefront of our planning and decision-making process is our District Vision and the following key considerations:  Health and safety → The District will make every effort to safeguard the health, safety, and well-being of our students, staff, and school community.  Continuous high-quality instruction → The District will deliver high-quality instruction seamlessly to all students in an equitable manner.  Educational equity → The District will provide all students with access to quality grade-level instruction and social-emotional support, with a focus on removing and overcoming barriers.  Flexibility → With the uncertainty and changing landscape, the District's plan builds in flexibility, so we're prepared to adjust to guidance from the state and feedback from our school stakeholders.  Accurate and timely communication → The District will ensure that students, employees, and families have the information they need to be safe and keep all stakeholders up to date with important information throughout the school year. To help inform our reopening plan, the district has sought feedback and input from stakeholders, including administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents/guardians of students, local health care providers and professionals, staff, and community groups. Engagement efforts included online surveys, virtual forums, and over 100 participants serving on a District-wide Steering Committee and four Advisory Teams (Instructional, Operations, Personnel and Financial, and Communications). PAGE 1 SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020) COMMUNICATION  The district’s reopening plan progress is available to all school community members via the district website at The plan will be updated throughout the school year as necessary.  The District has developed a plan for communicating all necessary information to district staff, students, parents/guardians, and community members. The district will use its existing communication channels – including the District website, SchoolMessenger phone calls, emails and SMS text messages, social media, SMORE newsletters and a printed school calendar. In addition, appropriate signage and training opportunities will be used to support the dissemination of consistent messaging regarding new protocols and procedures, expectations, requirements and options related to school operations throughout the pandemic. The District will make every effort to ensure that communication to parents and guardians is in their preferred language. The District website, SchoolMessenger, and SMORE newsletters provide translation into preferred languages.  HEALTH & SAFETY Health and Safety procedures have been developed by local health officials and school nurses. Further modifications will be made with input from school nurses, community members, staff, and students.     PAGE 2 Health Checks o Staff and students will be required to self-screen daily. o Parents/guardians will be required to screen their students and report this daily. Specific instructions will be sent to parents/guardians before school starts. Social Distancing and PPE o The District will develop a schedule that will support appropriate social distancing. All students will be required to maintain a minimum of 6-foot distancing while in school. This distance will be increased to 12 feet if students are singing, playing a wind instrument or participating in an aerobic activity. o Staff and students will wear masks at all times when social distancing cannot be maintained. o Students and staff are encouraged to bring their own face masks. The District will have an adequate supply of PPE for staff and students if needed. o Students and staff with health conditions that medically prohibit the use of face coverings will be allowed face shields as an alternative. o Accommodations will be made for medically eligible students and staff. Infection Control Strategies o Highly visible signage will be placed throughout the District to educate and remind all school community members about appropriate safety measures and hygiene protocols. o Training shall be provided to students, staff, and families about recognizing the signs and symptoms of illness and guidance on appropriate medical care. o Student belongings will be kept separated. Belongings will be sent home regularly to be cleaned. o Limit use of shared supplies to one group of students, clean between use by cohorts of students; o Student transitions and movement will be limited to the extent possible. Movement into and throughout the building will be staggered to the extent possible. o Hand Sanitizer will be available at doors and points of congregation. o Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette will be part of mandatory training for all students and staff. Management of ill persons, contact tracing, and monitoring o Students and staff that have signs of illness while in school will be assessed by the school nurse and placed in a separate isolation room until arrangements can be made for them to leave the site. o If a student or staff member is sick or symptomatic, notification to exposed individuals will occur pursuant to the state’s contact tracing protocols as implemented by the local health department. SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020) o       If a student or staff member has a confirmed case of COVID-19 the District will assist the Department of Health with contact tracing and follow their guidance on appropriate steps to ensure everyone’s safety. Cleaning and disinfecting o The District will ensure adherence to hygiene and cleaning and disinfection requirements as advised by the CDC and DOH, including “Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection of Public and Private Facilities for COVID-19,” and the “STOP THE SPREAD” poster, as applicable. Cleaning and disinfection logs will be maintained that include the date, time, and scope of cleaning and disinfection. o Regular cleaning and disinfection of restrooms will be done throughout each day. Cleaning and disinfection of exposed areas in the event an individual is confirmed to have COVID-19 are outlined in the containment plan. Vulnerable populations/accommodations o Accommodations will be provided to the best of our ability to support the safety and well-being of all students and staff who have been identified as being high risk. Visitors on campus o Visitors or volunteers will have limited access on school campuses. o Necessary visitors such as required vendors/contractors will be mandated to participate in the District’s screening process. School safety drills will be modified as necessary to fulfil requirements as well as maintaining social distancing and pursuing the use of alternative exits. Before and aftercare programs at school facilities must create procedures ensuring the safety of all staff and students in their programs. These safety procedures must align with District protocols/procedures. The District has designated Debra Meerdink, School Nurse Supervisor, as the District COVID-19 Safety Coordinator. In addition, building level COVID-19 Safety Coordinators will be designated. FACILITIES       PAGE 3 The District will utilize current facilities, including outdoor learning areas. If temporary learning space needs to be created or leased all plans will be vetted through NYSED Office of Facilities Planning. All facility upgrades will comply with requirements of the 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code including the 2020 Building Condition Survey. Modifications to classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums and other learning areas will follow all safety codes. Submission of detailed floor plans to the Office of Facility and Planning will take place as deemed necessary. All new building construction will be submitted to Office of Facilities Planning for a full code review and appropriate labelled as dedicated to COVID-19. The District will ensure that existing or altered number of toilet and sink fixtures meets New York State Building Code. One drinking fountain per one hundred occupants will be provided. Existing hands-free bottle filling stations will be utilized. Lead-in-Water Testing procedures will be performed following NYS DOH regulations. Alcohol based hand sanitizer dispensers will be installed in high use areas in accordance with FCNYS 2020 section 5705.5. The District will maintain adequate, code required ventilation (natural or mechanical) as designed and increase ventilation with outdoor air to the greatest extent possible (e.g., opening windows and doors) while maintaining health and safety protocols. The District will continue to work with design professionals to establish filtration requirements. The District will install plastic separators in accordance with NYS Building Code requirements in areas where frequent interactions take place. SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020) CHILD NUTRITION / FOOD SERVICES  The District will provide meal service to all enrolled students who choose to participate in the program for both breakfast and lunch on each school day. Meals will be available to students who are in a hybrid or online schedule and are not on campus during an instructional day. This may include either an option for pick-up on campus or, to the extent practical, meals may be sent home with students who are attending on an alternating schedule.  The District will adhere to all applicable health and safety guidelines set forth by the State Education Department, Departments of Health, and any other regulatory agency with oversight of the Child Nutrition program. The District will make special accommodations for students with allergies if meals are provided in a space other than the cafeteria, to prevent any contact with foods or students consuming foods which would be problematic for the student. Students will be educated on the proper protocols for hand hygiene and will be provided the appropriate resources to properly wash their hands before/after each meal. Students will eat in a socially distanced setting and will be discouraged from leaving their seat until they have completed their meal. In addition to educating students on the dangers of contact spreading of germs, the physical distance will serve as a deterrent to sharing of food or beverages. Students will be served in traditional serving lines while observing current safety protocols. This will require that staff and students are using proper Personal Protective Equipment, as well as observing social distancing while in line. Staff will be responsible for wiping surfaces whenever possible and disinfecting between serving different cohorts of students. The District will continue to adhere to all School Food Authority requirements to maintain compliance with the Child Nutrition Program. The District will communicate to all families through multiple means, including the use of School Messenger, which allows messages to be received by families in their preferred language of record. Students will consume meals in a socially distanced space; in most cases, this will be the classroom where desks will already be arranged six feet apart. In cases where this is not practical, seating arrangements will be made in accordance with social distancing requirements.       TRANSPORTATION  The District will schedule and train staff in the Transportation Department to properly disinfect buses daily when they are not in use. Typically, this will occur between A.M. and P.M. runs but may occur after P.M. runs for buses that do not return to the garage during the day. The District will ensure that all contracted carriers are following similar protocols for disinfecting.  School bus drivers will be responsible for wiping down high contact areas after each run, depending on the disinfecting schedule. School buses will not be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible composition. Transportation Department staff will not be allowed to carry personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them onto the bus. Transportation Department staff will be provided masks and will be required to wear them while operating or staffing a bus, or in any other setting when social distancing cannot be observed. All staff will be provided training and periodic refreshers on the proper use of personal protective equipment and the signs/symptoms of COVID-19, as well as the proper use of social distancing. The District will make available proper personal protective equipment for staff and students. The District will provide hand sanitizer for use in transportation locations, such as dispatch offices, break rooms and garages. Transportation Department staff who must have direct contact with students will be required to wear gloves.        PAGE 4 SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020)  Transportation Department staff will be given specific criteria and instructions on how to perform required self-health assessments for symptoms of COVID-19 before arriving to work. Staff should contact their supervisor or the Director of Personnel Development if they have questions about whether they should report to work.  Students who are physically able (exceptions must be medically documented) will be required to wear a mask at all times when riding a school bus. The District will provide masks to students who do not have one at the time of boarding, and no student will be denied access to transportation for not having a mask with them. Students with a disability which would prevent them from wearing a mask will not be forced to do so or denied transportation.  All parents/guardians will be required to screen their child/children before they board a school bus.  Members of the same household may be seated within six feet of each other. SOCIAL EMOTIONAL WELLBEING  Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has been identified by NYSED and the district as a priority in daily instructional and social practices. As a result, SEL is being incorporated into daily interactions at all grade levels.   The District has implemented the Second Step Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum in grades K-8 to address social-emotional learning. Grade-specific social-emotional learning activities can be implemented both in the classroom and on-line. In grades 9-12, this work will be addressed through an advisory time, as well as woven into content areas as appropriate.   SEL standards are embedded across all grade levels (in school or on-line) to promote social-emotional skill building and mental wellness.  The District will utilize staff members including school psychologists, school social workers, school counselling staff, homeless liaison, along with partnerships with outside agencies and specialists to address and identify and meet the social-emotional needs of students. This includes referrals to outside agencies.  Interventions may include small group counselling, mindfulness strategies, providing parent/caregiver support, student check-ins, tele-therapy sessions, on-line meetings, etc.  The District’s social-emotional interventions provide the flexibility that will allow staff to support the socialemotional needs of students in school and at home  The District will continue to provide staff training in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) to train staff in the proper utilization of de-escalation techniques and to promote the use of preventative strategies with students in crisis.  The District will continue development of the multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to help determine and provide social and emotional support services for students.   The District will continue its partnership with Parsons to maintain its three satellite mental health clinics available to all students. The clinics are located at Geyser Road Elementary School, Maple Avenue Middle School, and Saratoga Springs High School.  The District has a comprehensive list of resources available in the Saratoga area available on its website.  TEACHING AND LEARNING Based on how the pandemic continues to evolve, we must be prepared to shift through a learning model continuum. This plan prepares for in-person, hybrid, and online instructional options.  In-person instruction - Teachers and students engage in-person, at school and in real time.  Hybrid instruction- Teachers and students engage in combination of in-person and online learning. PAGE 5 SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020)  Online instruction- Teachers and students engage through a Learning Management System and a virtual meeting platform.  Curriculum will be adjusted to include: o An analysis of the current curriculum to determine the extent to which content was delivered prior to and during the Covid19 Continuity of Learning. o Identification, prioritization, and sequence of the New York State Learning Standards to be taught when schools reopen, using guidance from local/state/national professional organizations and SSCSD stakeholder feedback. o Instructional delivery will include evidence-based practices, will be matched to student needs, and include content-specific instructional resources.  Teachers will provide grade-level instruction in ways that will engage students in learning through a combination of regularly scheduled synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities. This may include lectures, modelling, videos and presentations, and other forms of teaching with outcomes, tasks and strategies that will meet the needs of students. Students will be engaged to apply key learning concepts to reach a deeper understanding of content. The District will plan learning opportunities to maximize students contact with teachers to the greatest extent possible daily.  Every student will be provided with equitable access to the educational rigor, resources, and support that are designed to maximize the student’s academic success and social/emotional well-being.  The teaching and learning plan include a variety of methods for how students and their families/caregivers can communicate and contact the school and teachers with questions about their instruction and/or technology. This information will be accessible to all, available in alternative languages as needed, and widely disseminated. School Messenger, mailings, emails, website postings, social media postings, and/or by phone.  Saratoga will continue to work with Head Start and Saratoga Regional YMCA to ensure the designed Continuity of Learning Plan is in place and implemented. SCHOOL SCHEDULES  The District will transition through its Continuity of Learning Plan for the 2020-21 school year. This plan will prepare for in-person, hybrid and online (remote) instructional models.  The District has created schedules which provide for transitioning from one scheduling model to another as smoothly as possible for students, parents and staff. It is realistic to expect that we will have to adjust between models during the school year.  Scheduled plan adjustment periods: Adjustments to instructional plans will be made as we go through the first several weeks of school, learning from our own models as well as that of other school districts in order to best serve students and safety protocols. We will also review at 5- and 10-week intervals throughout the year in order to remain flexible.  The District plans will be adjusted as needed based on how the pandemic continues to evolve based on guidance from the Governor, New York State Education Department, and Department of Health.  Regardless of the instructional model implemented, equity and access are a priority for all SSCSD students.  All related services will be provided for students, including special education and English Language Learners. Potential Learning Models (ranging from most traditional to most restrictive due to health and safety). All models below require regular daily attendance and daily interaction/engagement with teachers. All scenarios below are pending staffing availability and number of students attending onsite.  PAGE 6 In-Person Learning Model: The decision will be made to return to 100% in-person learning for SSCSD students if the district is able to comply with required health and safety requirements and guidance from SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020) NYSED. Realistically, we do not anticipate this occurring soon, but look forward to safely returning when it is possible.  Hybrid Learning Model: Refers to varying combinations of learning situations, whether by schedules, student groupings/grade levels and how teachers deliver instruction (ex. live/pre-recorded, individual work) and/or a combination of all. Hybrid learning can occur in a building and across a district.  Online (Remote) Learning Model: SSCSD will pivot to online learning if required by the state or local health department. Students will have a set schedule to follow every day, which differs from the spring 2020 experience. Exact details will be shared as they are finalized.  Virtual School: The District will offer a Virtual School option for the 2020-2021 academic year. Parents should make the decision to participate in this model based primarily on concerns regarding virus exposure with attendance at a school site. In a completely virtual instructional option, students will follow the plans above for their grade levels but do so at home. Virtual school students will receive asynchronous and synchronous instruction to the extent possible. A Virtual School Registration Form will be made available through SchoolMessenger, and will be on the school website. Paper copies will be made available at the district office. The Virtual School Registration Form will be made available on Monday, August 3 and due Thursday, August 13. SSCSD’s Proposed Hybrid Model K-12: The District is working towards safely bringing back as many students and staff to in-person education as possible. The hybrid model is based upon safety, student-centeredness, space/capacity and staffing availability as of 7/31/2020. More details to follow as we work through actual space/capacity, students attending and staffing availability.  Prioritizing our neediest learners K-12: Our K-5, homeless (based on definition under the federal McKinney Vento Act), English as A New Language, specific Self-Contained Special Education students, and students with no home internet access will receive our highest priority for hybrid and in-person return. We will continue to work through the feasibility of safely adding other student groups.   All grades K-3 students attend school daily in their buildings, M-F. o Each class will be separated into small groups and assigned rooms (locations) with appropriately certified teachers delivering core instruction (ELA, math, science, social studies). o Non-core instruction will be tailored to student needs and allow for specials (ex. art, music, library, physical education, enrichment and additional support). o Teachers may shift to provide core and non-core instruction. Students will not transition through the hallways. All grades 4-5 students attend school two days per week and learn online the other three. o Classes are separated into two groups to appropriately distance. o Students in group A will attend school in person on Monday and Tuesday and will be online W-F. o Students in group B will be online M-W and in person on Thursday and Friday. o Groups A and B will be online on Wednesday. Wednesdays are designed for asynchronous instruction.  All grades K-5 self-contained special education classes attend school daily in their buildings, M-F.  Grades 6-12 (Still under development): As of 7/31/2020 we are able to accommodate the priority student groups in grades 6-12 attending school daily, in their buildings, M-F. They are: Homeless (based on definition under the federal McKinney Vento Act), English as A New Language, Specific Self-Contained Special Education classes, students with no home internet access. o  PAGE 7 Classes are separated into groups to socially distance. Grades 6-12 (Still under development): Students in grades 6-12 who are not in one of the prioritized groups noted above may attend in-person on a rotational basis, two days per week. When not attending in person, all SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020) students in grades 6-12 would attend classes via online learning. Daily attendance and engagement will be required. o Classes are separated into groups to socially distance. SSCSD’s Proposed Online (Remote) Learning Model K-12  All K-5 students learn Monday-Friday using Seesaw online learning platform.  All K-5 students will receive synchronous (live) instruction on Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday (specifics TBD).  On Wednesdays, students receive asynchronous instruction.  All 6-12 students learn Monday-Friday using Canvas online learning platform.  All 6-12 students will receive synchronous (live) instruction on Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday (specifics TBD).  On Wednesdays, students may receive additional supports, small group instruction, remediation, enrichment or team building exercises. SSCSD’s Proposed Virtual Learning Model K-12  The District will offer a Virtual School option for the 2020-2021 academic year.  Parents should make the decision to participate in this model based primarily on concerns regarding virus exposure with attendance at a school site.  In a completely virtual instructional option, students will follow the plans above for their grade levels but do so at home. Virtual school students will receive asynchronous and synchronous instruction to the extent possible.  A Virtual School Registration Form will be made available through SchoolMessenger, and will be on the school website on Monday, August 3. Paper copies will be made available at the district office.  The District is requiring families to commit to this option for the first marking period (HS/MS: Nov. 13 and Elementary: Nov. 18). SPECIAL EDUCATION As we prepare to reopen our schools in 2020-21, our goal is to remain mindful of requirements providing equity and access for students with disabilities to the greatest extent possible while considering the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, families, and staff.  Whether services are provided in-person, remote, and/or through a hybrid model the committee on preschool special education (CPSE) and committee on special education (CSE) will continue to monitor free appropriate public education (FAPE) while protecting the health and safety of our staff and students by adhering to the CDC and DOH guidance.  The District will meaningfully engage parents and guardians (in preferred language or mode) regarding provisions of service for his/her child per IDEA.   The CPSE and CSE will collaborate with outside providers and agency to ensure the implementation of programs and services consistent with the committee's recommendations on the IEP, as well planning for progress monitoring, and commitment to sharing resources.   The District will ensure access to the necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services and technology (including assistive technology) to meet the needs of students.  The District will document the program and services offered and provide to students with disabilities as well as communications with parents, in their preferred language and mode.  PAGE 8 SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020) SCHOOL ACTIVITIES AND CHILDCARE The District recognizes that extracurricular activities and athletics are an important part of our students’ physical, social and emotional development.  Extracurricular activities will be examined and if found feasible, will occur in alignment with all health and safety protocols.  Currently, interscholastic sports are not permitted. Additional guidance is expected to be forthcoming.  Physical Education and performing arts activities will be examined to ensure 12 feet between participants.  The District is working with community organizations to ensure proper health and safety guidelines are in place and implemented should before and/or aftercare programs be offered. ATTENDANCE AND CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM  Daily attendance will be required for all instructional models.  During both in-person and online learning, teachers will mark attendance.  Students are expected to attend school five days per week, whether in-person or online, in alignment with state and district regulations.  School based and district staff will actively identify students who are not regularly attending class TECHNOLOGY AND CONNECTIVITY  The District will utilize survey data to develop an estimated number of required devices and internet assistance for each family to support online learning.  Devices such as laptops and iPads will be provided to students who indicate the need. Forms will be made available for families to request devices.   MiFi hotspots may be supplied to help supplement families without internet access. Due to potential service issues, if the MiFi hotspot is not a viable possibility the district will try to supply access through some other method (Spectrum, Verizon DSL, Frontier, etc.).  The district will offer training sessions and videos for parents and families on how to access the different applications, devices, and accounts. The first several weeks of class will be focused on PD (professional development) for teachers and students on how to use and access the devices and programs.  Consistent education platforms will be utilized for grades K-12.  Professional development is needed based on best practices for online instruction and using technology tools. Bilingual Education and World Languages As we prepare to reopen our schools in 2020-21, we remain mindful of requirements and are proactive in providing equitable opportunities to the greatest extent possible while considering the health, safety, and well-being of students, families, and staff.  Maintaining regular communication (in preferred language) with the parents/guardians of ELL students to ensure that they are equally able to be engaged and be aware during their children’s education and the school reopening process.   Reopening in-person or in a hybrid instructional model, the District will complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the start of the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school closure 2019-20, as well as students who enroll during the summer of 2020 and during the first 20 days of the school year.   If in-person or hybrid, the District will provide required instructional units of study for all ELLs based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level during in-person or hybrid instruction. PAGE 9 SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020) STAFF   Teacher and Principal Evaluation System o All teachers and principals will continue to be evaluated pursuant to the district’s approved APPR plan. Certification, Incidental Teaching and Substitute Teaching o The District is committed to ensuring that all teachers, school and district leaders, and pupil personnel service providers hold valid and appropriate New York State certification for their designated assignments except where otherwise allowable under the Commissioner’s Regulations or Education Law. o If necessary, there may be times where a certified teacher may be instructing in areas not covered by their certifications. This time will not exceed 10 classroom hours a week during the 2020-21 school year. o The District will employ substitute teachers to address staffing needs for the allowable amount of days. We will make a good faith recruitment effort to find available certified teachers to act as substitutes in teaching assignments for which they are appropriately certified. We may use non-certified substitutes in circumstances where a good faith recruitment search was made and there were no available certified substitute teachers to perform the duties. o The District will continue to collaborate with local colleges and universities to help identify opportunities for student teachers and interns. Student teachers will help support classroom instruction. The student teacher will be under direct supervision of the certified classroom teacher. PAGE 10 SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DRAFT REOPENING PLAN (UPDATED AS OF 7/31/2020)