Reopening Newcomb Central School District P-12 Introduction On Monday, July 13, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that school districts in New York can follow plans to reopen for in-person schooling in September if COVID-19 infection rates stay at 5% or lower in a given region. Determinations will be made by region about opening and closing schools as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. If a region is in Phase 4 and has a daily infection rate of 5% or lower over a 14-day average, schools in that region could hold in-person instruction. If daily infection rates exceed 9% over a seven-day average, however, schools in that region would not reopen. Similarly, should a region see such an average after reopening, schools in that region would also be directed to close. While districts have been instructed to prioritize efforts to return all students to in-person instruction, the district recognizes some students might choose to stay home, hence a hybrid model that combines in-person instruction and remote learning. We have created a remote plan in case, for health reasons, we need to close the school to instruction. Parents will always have the choice to remain in the remote learning model. All parents will be notified of our reopening plans via phone, automated messaging, website and mail. If a parent/guardian choses to keep their child home with the school providing in-person instruction, we are requesting parents notify the school district in writing, whether letter or email. The plan outlined here is for the reopening of the Newcomb Central School District’s single P-12 building for the 2020-21 school year, following the building closure related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This plan includes procedures that will be followed in Newcomb Central School The health and safety of our students, our staff and their families is our top priority. We want students and employees to feel comfortable and safe returning to school campuses. Our reopening plan incorporates recommendations and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the New York State Education Department (NYSED). It is possible that we may need to alternate between in-person and remote learning throughout the year due to recommendations and guidance from our partnering agencies, and stay-athome orders from the Governor. The level of infection, the spread of the virus and response to the disease in our community will be at the forefront of our decision making as we move to open our schools. Superintendent Christian Fisher and Deputy Superintendent Clark Hults will serve as the district’s COVID-19 Coordinators. Mrs. Denise Bolan, as the health department liaison will work closely with our local health department. . They will serve as a central contact for schools and stakeholders, families, staff and other school community members and will ensure the district is in compliance and following the best practices per state and federal guidelines. The coordinator’ contact info will be disseminated via the district website. The assurance of attesting measures in place ensuring the following of health and safety guidelines as outlined in NYSED guidance and required by the New York State Department of health is not included in the plan, but currently there are no contract agencies. Content Outline · Communication/Family and Community Engagement · Health & Safety o Health checks o Social distancing, face coverings & PPE o Infection control strategies o Management of ill persons, contact tracing and monitoring o Health hygiene o Cleaning and disinfecting o Vulnerable populations/accommodations o Visitors on campus o School safety drills · Facilities · Child Nutrition o Meals onsite o Meals offsite/remote · Transportation · Social Emotional Well-Being · School Schedules · School Activities o Extracurricular o Childcare · Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism · Technology and Connectivity · Teaching and Learning o In-person Instruction o Remote/Hybrid Instruction · Special Education · Bilingual Education and World Languages · Staff o Teacher and Principal Evaluation System o Certification, Incidental Teaching and Substitute Teaching -------------------------------------------------- Communication/Family and Community Engagement To help inform our community as to our reopening plan, the district has sought feedback and input from stakeholders, including administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents/guardians of students, local health department officials and health care providers, employee unions and community groups. Engagement efforts included online surveys, virtual forums/meetings and one-on-one conversations. The district remains committed to communicating all elements of this reopening plan to students, parents and guardians, staff and visitors. The plan is available to all stakeholders via the district website at, and will be updated throughout the school year, as necessary, to respond to local circumstances. The link to the plan appears on the website homepage. The school community will be notified of when the plan has been uploaded to the website or if any changes have been made to the plan through the district’s messaging system, Blackboard Connect. All faculty and families of the district will receive a phone call as well as an email or text message to alert them of any changes. Every effort has been made to ensure that the plan is accessible to all individuals in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level A/AA. The plan can also be translated into other languages, via the G-Translate feature available on the district website. As part of its planning for the reopening of schools and the new academic year, the district has developed a plan for communicating all necessary information to district staff, students, parents/guardians, visitors and education partners and vendors. The district will use its existing communication channels – including the school district newsletter, the school’s messaging system, letters mailed home, parent/staff/student email groups, as well as appropriate signage and training opportunities to support the dissemination of consistent messaging regarding new protocols and procedures, expectations, requirements and options related to school operations throughout the pandemic. Reopening plans will be located on the website in other languages. The district is committed to establishing and maintaining regular channels of communication and has reviewed and determined which methods have proven to be the most effective in communications with our school community. The district will rely on the school district’s messaging system as well as the school district’s website and app to communicate news, requirements and updates related to reopening and in-person instruction, including social distancing requirements, proper wearing of face coverings and proper hand and respiratory hygiene. The information that we will share will be based on state guidance and collaborative work from members of the Newcomb Central School District Safety Committee, a number of Newcomb Central School District Sub-Committees, Essex County Public Health, The True North Consortium, The Newcomb Health Center, The Washington-Saratoga-Warren-HamiltonEssex BOCES, Capital Region BOCES, New York State Education department, and the Governor’s office. To help inform our reopening plan, the district has sought feedback and input from stakeholders, including administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents/guardians of students, local health department officials and health care providers, employee unions and community groups. Engagement efforts included online surveys, virtual forums/meetings and one-on-one conversations. The district remains committed to communicating all elements of this reopening plan to students, parents and guardians, staff and visitors. The plan is available to all stakeholders via the district website at and will be updated throughout the school year, as necessary, to respond to local circumstances. The link to the plan appears on the website and an update message is located on the homepage. Every effort has been made to ensure that the plan is accessible to all individuals in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level A/AA. The plan can also be translated into other languages, via the G-Translate feature available on the district website. As part of its planning for the reopening of schools and the new academic year, the district has developed a plan for communicating all necessary information to district staff, students, parents/guardians, visitors and education partners and vendors. The district will use its existing communication channels – including automated phone system, website, app, newsletters and phone messages– as well as appropriate signage and training opportunities to support the dissemination of consistent messaging regarding new protocols and procedures, expectations, requirements and options related to school operations throughout the pandemic. All information and plans are located on the website and app and are translated into all common worldwide languages. The district is committed to establishing and maintaining regular channels of communication and has reviewed and determined which methods have proven to be the most effective in communications with our school community. The district will rely on the website and app to communicate news, requirements and updates related to reopening and in-person instruction, including social distancing requirements, proper wearing of face coverings and proper hand and respiratory hygiene. The information that we will share will be based on state guidance, local health department, reopening committee, and all other stakeholders. In support of remote learning, the district will make computer devices available to students and teachers who need them. Supply of these devices are available to all who simply request the devices via phone or email. The district will provide students and their families with multiple ways to contact schools and teachers during remote learning, including email and phone. The district will use existing internal and external communication channels to notify staff, students and families/caregivers about in-person, remote and hybrid school schedules with as much advance notice as possible. While primarily, this is done via the website/app, notifications will also be made via newsletters, automated phone messages and emails. These same internal and external communication protocols with parents will be used to communicate with parents regarding special education services and for those who use English as a second language. The district is committed to ensuring that all of its students and their families are taught and retaught new expectations related to all public health policies and protocols. As part of this continuous training, the district will assess the best approach to communicating the information for each students’ age group and will provide frequent opportunities for students to review these policies and protocols. This targeted education will help ensure that all students and their families know what is expected of them as they successfully return to the school setting. These trainings will cover: -Hand hygiene: Please see the Health and Safety section. -Proper face covering procedures (how to wear and remove): Please see the Health and Safety section. -Social distancing: Please see the Health and Safety section. -Respiratory hygiene: Please see the Health and Safety section. -Identifying symptoms: Please see Health and Safety section. The district will create and deploy signage throughout the district to address public health protections surrounding COVID-19. Signage will address protocols and recommendations in the following areas: -Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) -Acceptable face coverings and requirements related to their wear -Hand washing -Adherence to social distancing instructions -Symptoms/prevention of COVID-19 In addition to signage, the district will encourage all students, faculty, staff and visitors through verbal and written communication to adhere to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and DOH guidance regarding the use of PPE through additional means such as the webpage, verbal reminders, and announcement. The district is committed to creating a learning environment that protects student and staff health, safety and privacy. Our district will operate under a standard procedure for addressing situations in which an individual has tested positive for COVID-19 or appears symptomatic. These procedures are outlined in the Health & Safety section of our reopening plan In the event that a student or staff member is sick or symptomatic, notification to exposed individuals will occur pursuant to the state’s contact tracing protocols as implemented by the local health department. The district will not notify the wider community unless specifically directed to do so by local health officials. School Closures The district is prepared for situations in which the school building needs to close due to a significant number of students or staff testing positive for COVID-19 or a considerable regional increase in COVID-19 cases. Newcomb continues to be in collaboration with the local health department, Washington, Saratoga, Warren, Hamilton, Essex BOCES, State Education Department, Governor’s office and Cap Region BOCES for assisting in determining parameters, conditions or metrics, that will serve as early warning signs that positive COVID-19 cases may be increasing beyond acceptable levels. If there is an increase of positive COVID-19 cases, beyond acceptable thresholds, the Superintendent with advice from the safety committee and health office, in conjunction with the school board and local health office will execute an orderly closure of the school building with a seamless transition to remote learning. Please see the Health and Safety section. -------------------------------------------------- Health & Safety The health and safety of our students, our staff and their families is our top priority. We want students and employees to feel comfortable and safe returning to school campuses. Our reopening plan incorporates recommendations and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the New York State Education Department (NYSED). The following protocols and procedures will be in place for Newcomb Central School and District for the 2020-21 school year should in-person schooling resume. Anyone with questions or concerns should contact our COVID-19 coordinators, Mrs. Fisher (superintendent), at or 518-582-3341 or Mr. Clark Hults (deputy superintendent) at or 518-582-3341. For more information about how health and safety protocols and training will be communicated to students, families and staff members, visit the Communication/Family and Community Engagement section of our reopening plan. Mrs. Denise Bolan serves as the Essex County Department of Health Liaison with Newcomb Central School District. Health checks The district has developed resources to educate parents/guardians and staff members regarding the careful observation of symptoms of COVID-19 and health screening measures that must be conducted each morning before coming to school. The resources include the requirement for any student or staff member with a fever of 100°F or greater and/or symptoms of possible COVID-19 virus infection to not come to school. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list of Coronavirus symptoms was used to develop these resources. The Newcomb Central School District will implement the following practices to conduct mandated health screening: -05/29/2003A digital app will be utilized for students (or parents/guardians as appropriate) and staff to complete the required temperature screening and screening questionnaire. For those families and/or staff who do not have internet access, paper forms will be provided which will need to be submitted upon arrival to school each day. For anyone who may forget to complete the required screening(s) prior to arrival on campus, a screening will occur as soon as possible upon arrival to school. -Parents/guardians and staff will be instructed regarding these screening requirements via the school website, school newsletter or other mailing, virtual presentations and/or via ConnectEd messaging. Parents/guardians will be reminded that their child should not attend school if they have had a temperature of greater than 100 degrees F at any time in the past 14 days, even if a fever-reducing medication was administered and the student no longer has a fever. Messaging will occur prior to the first day of in-person instruction and be repeated at least weekly for the first month. Frequency of messaging will be determined after that point based upon compliance/need. -Staff will be required to complete daily temperature screenings and daily screening questionnaires. Students (or parents/guardians) will be required to complete daily temperature screenings and periodic screening questionnaires. The school will also attempt daily screens of contractors, visitors, and vendors entering the building, to the extent possible. -If a student, staff member or visitor, vendor or contractor has a temperature equal to or greater than 100 degrees F, they will be denied access to the school building. The digital app will notify the school of any student or staff member who fails or has not completed the daily screen. For anyone that did not complete the screen prior to arrival at school, they will be directed to the health office isolation area in order for one to be conducted. All staff and students will be required to keep masks on until they are in positions where appropriate social distance is in place and they have been instructed that they can remove their masks. -The school physician assistant (or a registered nurse substituting for her) will be the point of contact to receive the daily messaging from the digital app used for daily screening. She will also be the person to perform any daily screens on campus as necessary, utilizing appropriate PPE (mask, gloves, face shield or goggles, and gown). The health screening questionnaire will determine whether an individual has: - Knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms fo COVID-19; -Tested positive through a diagnostic test for COVID-19 in the past 14 days; -Has experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, including a temperature of greater than 100.0 degrees F, in the past 14 days; and/or -Has traveled internationally or from a state with widespread community transmission of COVID-19 per the New York State Travel Advisory in the past 14 days. The use of a digital app to be completed prior to arrival at school with parental instructions to keep a child home if they fail this daily screen will assist our effort to ensure all students are treated equally. In order to not single out any student for whom a parent/guardian did not complete a daily screen, the school physician assistant (or substitute RN) will discreetly arrange for the student to come to the health office, where the screen will be completed quickly and confidentially. This also precludes a lack of parental completion from causing an automatic student exclusion from school. If a student has a temperature of greater than 100 degrees F or answers yes to one or more screening questions, he or she will be isolated and sent home immediately. The child will be kept in an isolation area under visual inspection of the school physician assistant or substitute RN until a parent/guardian or emergency contact can come to retrieve the child. The parent/guardian or emergency contact will be reminded that the child should be evaluated by their healthcare provider. Return- to- school criteria for the student will be dependent upon clearance by the healthcare provider, a negative diagnostic COVID-19 test, and symptom resolution, or if COVID-19 positive, release from isolation by the local health department where the child resides. The digital application will only notify the school of failure to complete the screen, or if an individual meets failure criteria for the screen. There will be no disclosure to the school of specific confidential information. The information is retained for 8 hours. Students and staff will be instructed to notify the school if they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or if their answers to the screening questionnaire change during or after school hours. Notification should be made to the school physician assistant or the school superintendent, and can be accomplished via their school emails. If someone should develop symptoms during the school day they should report to the school physician assistant in the school health office/isolation area immediately, ensuring that their mask is being worn on their way to, and during their stay in, the health office/isolation area. If any student or staff member meets failure criteria for a COVID-19 screening while in the school, he/she will be sent home. Parents/guardians will be instructed to call the school upon their arrival to school grounds, and then their child will be escorted out of the building. Parents/guardians will be discouraged from physically entering the building. They will also be instructed to have their child evaluated by their own healthcare provider and obtain a diagnostic COVID-19 test. Return to school criteria consists of clearance from the child’s health provider, symptom resolution, and a negative COVID-19 test, or if they test positive, resolution of health department imposed isolation. The protocol for any in-school temperature screening: -Will be conducted by the school physician assistant (or substitute RN). Any RN substitutes will be trained by the school physician assistant before reporting for duty. The school physician assistant is familiar with the CDC, NYSDOH and OSHA protocols. -Mask, face shield or goggles, gown, and gloves will be required PPE. -A non-contact thermometer will be used to conduct the temperature screen. -Students awaiting their turn will be socially distanced, will wear their own face coverings and be supervised by the physician assistant or his/her designee. -Floor markings will be in place to ensure proper social distancing while students wait their turn. -The school physician assistant will monitor the amount of supplies and notify the business office when replacements need to be ordered. Social distancing, face coverings and PPE The district has developed a plan with policies and procedures for maintaining social distancing of all students, faculty, and staff when on school facilities, grounds and transportation. Newcomb Central School will have floor markings to ensure the appropriate 6-foot social distancing requirement in hallways, classrooms, cafeteria, and communal areas. There will be directional arrows in hallways, and stairways (except in case of emergencies) will be unidirectional. Maximum capacity signage will be utilized, especially for smaller spaces based upon appropriate social distancing requirements. The cafeteria tables will be arranged and marked to accommodate 6-foot distancing in all directions. Staggered dismissals will occur between class periods and at the end of the school day to avoid the congregation of students. Parents/guardians transporting their own students will be directed to a separate location and/or time for arrivals and departures in order to decrease the chance of congregating. Access into the building by parents/guardians retrieving or dropping off students will be limited to the extent possible. Carpooling among individuals who do not live in the same household will be discouraged by messaging on the school website, school newsletter or other mailings, and ConnectEd. To the extent possible cohorting of students will occur. If mixing of cohorts is necessary then social distancing will be enforced between cohorts. Lockers will be assigned based upon cohorting and/or social distancing. If social distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained, and in common areas such as hallways and school buses, proper face coverings must be worn. Students or staff who are medically unable to wear face coverings will need documentation of the medical exemption by a licensed health professional. The individuals must rely on social distancing and should avoid areas where social distancing is not possible and when unavoidable must only be in these areas when there are no other people in that space. For example, use restrooms when no one is in the restroom and hallways after all traffic has been cleared. Students, staff and visitors to our schools will be expected to wear face coverings indoors and outside, including on the school bus, when six-foot physical distancing is not possible. Students will be allowed to remove face coverings during meals, instruction, and for short breaks so long as they maintain appropriate social distance. Because students and staff will need to be prepared to wear a face covering if another person unexpectedly cannot socially distance, they will be required to wear a face covering in all common areas (e.g., entrances and exits) and when traveling around the school. Face coverings will be provided to students and staff, if needed, at no cost. Acceptable face coverings for COVID-19 include, but are not limited to, cloth-based coverings and surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose. An employee is allowed to wear their own acceptable face covering if they choose. Employees with healthcare provider documentation stating they are not medically able to tolerate face coverings will be offered the option to work remotely (if possible based upon job description), increased PPE, modifications to job description, and/or increased social distancing. If none of these are acceptable or possible, the employee will not be required to work. When the nature of an employee’s work requires (such as for healthcare professionals), surgical masks, N95 respirators, gloves, gowns, face shields or goggles, or other required PPE will be provided to them. And employees will be expected to wear the appropriate PPE per their type of work pursuant to CDC, DOH and/or OSHA regulations/guidance. Face coverings may be challenging for students (especially younger students) to wear in all-day settings such as school, so there may be periods of time when masks are not worn, as long as there is proper social distancing. Face coverings should not be placed on: -Children younger than 2 years old -Students where such covering would impair their health or mental health, or where such covering would present a challenge, distraction, or obstruction to education services and instruction -Anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious -Anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance The district will instruct students, parents/guardians and staff, contractors and vendors on: -The proper way to wear face coverings -Washing hands before putting on and after removing their face covering -Proper way to discard disposable face coverings Training for students and staff regarding face coverings will be provided by the school physician assistant. Trash cans will be placed throughout the building to allow for appropriate discarding of soiled items, paper towels, and disposable PPE. The school physician assistant will monitor the supply of face coverings and masks and notify the business office to reorder as needed. Regional purchasing for PPE will be utilized whenever possible. Students/parents/guardians will be expected to launder and maintain their cloth face coverings. Laundering should occur on a regular basis and whenever the covering is visibly dirty. If a student’s own face covering is visibly dirty, or if a student is boarding a school vehicle without one on, a replacement will be provided to the student. A reminder will be sent home to the parent/guardian regarding the requirement for face coverings and/or the need for regular maintenance/laundering. Infection control strategies Modifications to the scheduling of classes, staggering of class dismissals, and staggering of school dismissal times will be utilized to diminish congregations in hallways. To the extent possible cohorting of students will occur. If mixing of cohorts is necessary then social distancing will be enforced between cohorts. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers will be located throughout the school, being mindful of the flammable nature of such sanitizers. Locations will include common areas, every classroom and cafeteria entrance/exit. Students and staff will be encouraged to use the hand sanitizers or to wash their hands with soap and water frequently throughout the day. For further information regarding our Hand Hygiene recommendations, please visit the Hand Hygiene section. There will be messaging that hand sanitizers are not effective if hands are visibly dirty. Young students will be supervised whenever they use hand sanitizer. The school physician assistant and school medical director will approve and permit the use of alcohol- based hand sanitizers in the school without an individual’s provider order. Parents/guardians can inform the school that they do not want their child to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers by submitting a written notice to the school. In such circumstances, the child will be accommodated with access to handwashing. Sharing of objects will be limited. Each student has their own computer device, as well as their own locker or plastic bin for personal items. If an item must be shared by students, it will be cleaned/disinfected between uses as appropriate, and hand hygiene before and after use will be required. Training regarding these infection control strategies, including the appropriate way to wash hands, will be accomplished via the school website, mailings/newsletters, ConnectEd messaging, and/or virtual or in-person presentations by the school physician assistant. Due to the fire hazard, no plastic separators will be used. All separators will be made from the fire resistant material polycarbonate. Social Distancing will be maintained at all times, and checked throughout the day. There will be no modifications of class size without administrative approval, and only with social distancing ensured. At no time will the occupant count be greater than 49. Facility Alterations and Acquisition Existing classrooms, the libraries and the auditorium will be utilized for instructional purposes as needed. Students will sit in/at individual desks/seats in classrooms, the libraries, or the auditorium which will have students all facing one direction. The students will be placed utilizing 6-foot social distancing in all directions to the extent possible. Whenever social distancing is not possible, students/staff must wear face coverings. An isolation area will be configured within the existing health office utilizing temporary partitions, and the plan will be submitted to the local code enforcement official for review. Except for the minor addition of two temporary partitions, that do not impact egress, there are no space alterations. Space Expansion Given the small size of our student enrollment, we will be able to accomplish social distancing requirements safely within our existing building. Space expansions, including the use of tents, will not be necessary. Social distancing markings will be placed to assure students are at least 6 feet apart in all directions. Plumbing Facilities and Fixtures One drinking fountain will remain open, and 2 water bottle refilling stations will also remain open (one on the first and one on the second floor). At this time projected student enrollment is 60. Staff numbers vary at different times of day/week but there will still be at least one drinking fountain per 100 occupants. Occupancy markers will be utilized for communal restrooms so that only 2 students will be allowed in at the same time. Toilet fixtures in every communal restroom have barriers between them with the exception of urinals in the men’s bathrooms. Some urinals will be blocked off from use to accommodate 6 foot social distancing Communal bathroom sinks will be blocked off so that only one person can utilize a sink at once. Students waiting their turn will remain 6 feet apart per social distance markings on the floors. All restrooms have touch-free paper towel dispensers; there are no air dryers. As the school had been closed for some time, the water system has and will be flushed. Ventilation Newcomb Central School has an enhanced air exchange system with commercial filtration already in place, and its ventilation with outdoor air will be maximized to the extent possible. However, open doors and windows as appropriate will be utilized to increase ventilation, being mindful of health and safety protocols. Management of ill persons, contact tracing and monitoring The district requires students, faculty, or staff members who develop COVID-19 symptoms during the school day to report to the health office. If there are several students waiting to see the school physician assistant or substitute nurse, students must wait at least 6 feet apart; floor markings will facilitate compliance. The district has designated an isolation area within the health office to separate individuals with symptoms of COVID- 19 from others until they can go home or to a healthcare facility, depending on severity of illness. One area will be used to treat injuries, provide medications or nursing treatments, and the other area will be used for assessing and caring for ill students and staff. Both areas will be supervised by an adult and have easy access to a bathroom and sink with hand hygiene supplies. PPE requirements for school health office staff caring for sick individuals includes both standard and transmission-based precautions. In areas with moderate to substantial community transmission, eye protection (e.g., goggles or face shield) should be added. When caring for a suspect or confirmed individual with COVID-19, gloves, a gown, eye protection, and a fit-tested N-95 respirator will be used, if available. If an N-95 respirator is not available, a surgical face mask and face shield will be used. School health office cleaning will occur after each use of cots, bathrooms, and health office equipment (e.g., blood pressure cuffs, otoscopes, stethoscopes). Health office equipment will be cleaned following manufacturer’s directions. Disposable items will be used as much as possible (e.g., disposable pillow protectors, disposable thermometer sheaths or probes, disposable otoscope specula). Aerosol Generating Procedures Respiratory treatments administered by health professionals generally result in aerosolization of respiratory secretions. These aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) potentially put healthcare personnel and others at an increased risk for pathogen exposure and infection. The district requires the following PPE to be worn during AGPs: gloves, N-95 or a surgical mask with face shield, eye protection and a gown. PPE will be used when: suctioning, administering nebulizer treatments, or using peak flow meters with students who have respiratory conditions. Treatments such as nebulized medication treatments and oral or tracheostomy suctioning will be conducted in a room separate from others with health personnel wearing appropriate PPE. For nebulizer treatments, if developmentally appropriate, the health professional will leave the room and return when the nebulizer treatment is finished. Cleaning of the room will occur between use and cleaning of the equipment should be done following manufacturer’s instructions after each use. lIf Students or Staff become Ill with Symptoms of COVID-19 at School The district requires students or staff with a temperature, signs of illness, and/or a positive response to the questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated isolation area where students are supervised, prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home. Students will be supervised in the isolation area while awaiting transport home and will be separated by at least 6 feet. The parents/guardians/emergency contacts will be instructed to call the school physician assistant (or designee) upon their arrival on school grounds. The students will then be escorted from the isolation area to the parents/guardians/emergency contacts who will remain waiting in their car in the school parking lot. Students or staff will be referred to a healthcare provider and provided resources on COVID-19 testing. Return to School after Illness The district has established protocols and procedures, in consultation with the local health department(s), about the requirements for determining when individuals, particularly students, who screened positive for COVID-19 symptoms can return to the in-person learning environment at school. This protocol includes: 1. Documentation from a health care provider following evaluation 2. Negative COVID-19 diagnostic test result 3. Symptom resolution, or if COVID-19 positive, release from isolation by the local health Department The district will refer to DOH’s “Interim Guidance for Public and Private Employees Returning to Work Following COVID-19 Infection or Exposure” regarding protocols and policies for faculty and staff seeking to return to work after a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 or after the faculty or staff member had close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19. The district requires that individuals who were exposed to the COVID-19 virus complete quarantine and have not developed symptoms before returning to in-person learning. The discharge of an individual from quarantine and return to school will be conducted in coordination with the local health department. COVID-19 Testing If a student or staff member fails the daily temperature screen and/or screening questionnaire they will be dismissed immediately and referred to their own healthcare provider for assessment and testing. If the condition warrants, emergency services could be contacted as well. Whenever there is a positive or presumed-positive case of COVID-19 among the Newcomb Central School community, the information will be shared with the Essex County Public Health Department (ECPH: 518-873-3500). The school will work with ECPH to assist with communication of testing recommendations, and/or contact tracing. Parents/guardians, staff, students and the local community will be notified based upon guidance from ECPH. If a student fails a daily temp or screening questionnaire the parent/guardian/emergency contact will be advised by the school physician assistant (or substitute nurse) of the need to keep the student home, or if performed in-school, to be sent home immediately. The parent/guardian/emergency contact will be instructed that the student needs to be evaluated by their healthcare provider and a COVID-19 diagnostic test performed. In the event that a large-scale testing will need to be conducted at the school, the district administration will work with the following provider: Essex County Public Health Department (518-873-3500) Contact Tracing The district will notify the state and Essex County Public Health (and the local health department where the case resides, if different) immediately upon being informed of any positive COVID-19 diagnostic test result by an individual within school facilities or on school grounds, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the district. To assist the local health department with tracing the transmission of COVID-19, the district has developed and maintained a plan to trace all contacts of exposed individuals in accordance with protocols, training, and tools provided through the New York State Contact Tracing Program. Newcomb Central School will: 1. Keep accurate attendance records of students and staff members 2. Ensure student schedules are up to date 3. Keep a log of any visitor which includes date and time, and where in the school they visited 4. Request travel information from students/families/staff if they indicate they have traveled internationally or within the United States within the past 14 days on their screening questionnaires. If/when COVID-19 cases are discovered in the school, in consultation with Essex County Public Health, and the local health department where the case resides (if different), the district may do the following, as directed: -Assist the local health department(s) in tracing all contacts of the individual in accordance with the protocol, training, and tools provided through the NYS Contact Tracing Program. -Close a classroom or other area(s) of the school, or the entire school for cleaning and disinfecting as directed; -Notify parents/guardians/staff/community (as indicated) and provide instructions for healthcare assessments, testing, quarantining as indicated; Confidentiality will be maintained as required by federal and state laws and regulations. School staff will not try to determine who is to be excluded from school based on contact without guidance and direction from the local health department. For more information about how COVID-19 containment efforts will be communicated to students, families and staff members, visit the Communication/Family and Community Engagement section of our reopening plan. School Closures A closure refers to contingency plans, protocols, and procedures for decreasing the scale or scope of in- person education and/or closing the school. The district will collaborate with the local health department to determine the parameters, conditions or metrics (e.g., increased absenteeism or increased illness in school community) that will serve as early warning signs that positive COVID-19 cases may be increasing beyond an acceptable level. At a minimum, the following will be considered: -The regional infection rate rises over 9% after Aug. 1. The school may close if the 7-day rolling average of the infection rate is above 9%. -If Newcomb Central School’s region remains in Phase 4 we can reopen if the daily infection rate remains below 5 percent using a 14-day average, unless otherwise directed from Essex County Public Health Department. -If the infection rate rises about 9%, our school must wait until the 14-day average is below 5% -Once our school opens at Phase IV below 5% for a 14-day rolling average, it can remain open even if the rate continues to rise about 5% until it reaches 9% for the 7-day average. -Newcomb Central School will be notified by: Essex County Public Health (518-873-3500, 132 Water St, Elizabethtown, NY 12932) on the situation. -Our school administrators may consider closing school if absentee rates impact the ability of the school to operate safely. -Newcomb Central School may choose to modify operations prior to closing to help mitigate a rise in cases. If infection rates are rising above 5%; we will consider modifying school operations for medically vulnerable students and staff if they are participating in in-person activities. -Newcomb Central School will consult their medical director, school physician assistant, and/or the local department of health when making such decisions. -If it is determined in person instruction is not possible, the superintendent will immediately begin remote instruction protocols. For more information about how school closure information will be communicated to students, families and staff members, visit the Communication/Family and Community Engagement section of our reopening plan. Health hygiene The district will emphasize healthy hygiene practices for students and staff by providing initial and refresher education in hand and respiratory hygiene, along with providing adequate supplies and time for frequent hand hygiene. Signs will be posted throughout the school (e.g., entrances, restrooms, cafeteria, classrooms, administrative offices, auditorium, and custodial staff areas) and regular messaging will be shared with the school community. Signage will be used to remind individuals to: 1. Stay home if they feel sick. 2. Cover their nose and mouth with an acceptable face covering when unable to maintain social distance from others or in accordance with any stricter policy implemented by the school. 3. Properly store and, when necessary, discard PPE. 4. Adhere to social distancing instructions. 5. Report symptoms of, or exposure to, COVID-19. 6. Follow hand hygiene, and cleaning and disinfection guidelines. 7. Follow respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette. Hand Hygiene Students and staff must carry out the following hand hygiene practices. -Wash hands routinely with soap (any kind) and water for at least 20 seconds. -Dry hands completely after washing. Use paper towels to dry hands. -If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer should be rubbed on the hands until it is completely absorbed. DO NOT dry hands if sanitizer is used. Hand washing should occur: -Before and after eating (e.g. snacks and lunch). -After going to the restroom or after assisting a student with toileting. -After using a tissue. -Before and after using shared materials. -Before and after putting on or taking off face masks. -After coming in from the outdoors. -Anytime hands are visibly soiled. Respiratory Hygiene The COVID-19 virus spreads from person to person in droplets produced by coughs and sneezes. Therefore, the district will emphasize the importance of respiratory hygiene. Students and staff must carry out the following respiratory hygiene practices. -Cover a cough or sneeze using a tissue. If a tissue is used, it should be thrown away immediately. -If you don’t have a tissue when sneezing or coughing, sneeze or cough into your elbow. -Wash your hands after sneezing or coughing. -Face coverings are protective. Wearing a face covering will keep the respiratory droplets and aerosols from being widely dispersed into the air. For more information about how hygiene information will be communicated to students, families and staff members, visit the Communication/Family and Community Engagement section of our reopening plan. Cleaning and disinfecting The district will ensure adherence to hygiene and cleaning and disinfection requirements as advised by the CDC and DOH, including “Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection of Public and Private Facilities for COVID-19,” and the “STOP THE SPREAD” poster, as applicable. Cleaning and disinfection logs will be maintained that include the date, time, and scope of cleaning and disinfection. Examples of facility types where cleaning and disinfection frequency will be distinguished include: -Bathrooms -Athletic training rooms, locker rooms -Health offices, isolation area/room -Administrative offices (main office, reception area) -Frequently touched surfaces in common areas (door handles, elevator buttons, copy machine keypads, stair railings, etc.) -Breakrooms -Cafeterias/Kitchens -Computer labs -Science labs -Classrooms -Maintenance offices and work areas -Bus Garage -Buses, school vehicles -Libraries -Large meeting areas (auditoriums, gymnasiums, music rooms) -Playgrounds (cleaning only) Students, faculty, and staff will be trained on proper hand and respiratory hygiene, and such information will be provided to parents and/or legal guardians on ways to reinforce this at home. The district will provide and maintain hand hygiene stations around the school, as follows: -For handwashing: soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels. -For hand sanitizing: an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol for areas where handwashing facilities may not be available or practical. -Accommodations for students who cannot use hand sanitizer will be made. Regular cleaning and disinfection of the facilities will occur, including more frequent cleaning and disinfection for high-risk and frequently touched surfaces. This will include desks and cafeteria tables, which should be cleaned and disinfected between each individual’s use. Cleaning and disinfection will be rigorous and ongoing and will occur at least daily, or more frequently as needed. The district will ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of restrooms. Restrooms should be cleaned and disinfected more often depending on frequency of use. For more information about how cleaning and disinfection information will be communicated to students, families and staff members, visit the Communication/Family and Community Engagement section of our reopening plan. Vulnerable populations/accommodations We recognize that some students and staff members are at an increased risk for severe COVID-19 illness, live with a person who is at an increased risk, or simply do not feel comfortable returning to an in-person educational environment. It is our goal that these individuals are able to safely participate in educational activities. Remote learning will be provided for these students, which will be comparable to that which is being provided for in-person instruction. A laptop or tablet will be provided for any such student who does not have access to one and if the student does not have internet access, the school will assist with obtaining it. For staff members at increased risk, or who live with someone at increased risk, modifications will be provided to the extent possible, which might include working remotely, arranging for decreased interaction with students and other staff, or provision of increased PPE. If the staff member’s job description does not allow for any modification, the staff member will not be required to report for duty. Visitors on campus No outside visitors or volunteers will be allowed on school campuses, except for the safety and well- being of students. Parents/guardians will call the school and except for emergencies there is no reason to come into the building. If it is necessary to come into the building, they shall call ahead, and report to the front office. They shall not go beyond unless it is for the safety or wellbeing of their child. Essential visitors to facilities will be required to wear face coverings and will be restricted in their access to our school buildings. Visitors must follow all safety protocols as listed above. School safety drills -Education Law § 807 requires that schools conduct eight (8) evacuation and four (4) lockdown drills each school year. The district will conduct fire (evacuation) drills and lockdown drills as required by education law and regulation and the fire code, without exceptions. Newcomb Central School will continue to conduct eight (8) mandatory fire and four (4) lockdown drills according to the existing statutory schedule. Drills will be conducted in a manner that maintains social distancing at exits and gathering points outside the building, while still preparing students to respond in emergencies. Newcomb Central School will conduct evacuation drills utilizing a staggered schedule, where classrooms will evacuate separately, and appropriate social distance is kept between students to, as well as at, the evacuation site. All students in the school building on that school day will be part of the drill on the same day, despite the modified nature. Lockdown drills will be conducted in the classroom setting but social distancing and face covering use will be maintained. Students will not “hide” or “shelter” as they normally would. However students will be provided with instruction on how hiding or sheltering should normally take place. If certain students are strictly learning remotely, drills will be conducted virtually where the policies and procedures are reviewed with them employing a scenario-based learning model. If a hybrid model of instruction is in place, where not all students attend every day, the school will ensure that all students participate in drills when they are in attendance in-person. Students will be instructed that despite the modifications being utilized during drills to ensure social distancing, if there was an actual emergency that required evacuation or lockdown, the most imminent concern is to get to safety; that maintaining social distancing in such an actual emergency may not be possible and should not be the first priority. Regardless of the modification used when conducting a drill, students should be instructed that if it was an actual emergency that required evacuation or lockdown, the most imminent concern is to get to safety; maintaining social distancing in an actual emergency that requires evacuation or lockdown may not be possible and should not be the first priority. -------------------------------------------------- Facilities In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection in the district, facilities operations will be geared toward meeting social distancing requirements and cleaning frequently touched spaces regularly. In carrying out projects or tasks supporting infection control, requirements will be met for changes associated with building spaces. Plans for changes or additions to facilities that require review by the Office of Facilities Planning (OFP), will be submitted to comply with the requirements of the 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (BC) and the State Energy Conservation Code. The function, position and operation of stairs and corridor doors, which have closers with automatic hold opens (and are automatically released by the fire alarm system), will remain unchanged. During our last construction project, the district installed a complete ventilation system, one allowing both fresh air in and spent air out of the building. Although the air coming into the building is cooler and must be warmed, it is fresh, and filtered. This is not an air conditioning system, but considering COVID, a better system for it constantly is bringing in fresh air. Although unnecessary, our windows do open to increase air flow into all rooms. Water systems will be flushed in buildings that have been unoccupied. In addition, Newcomb will continue to conduct the Lead-In-Water Testing as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4. There is only one minor alteration needed in our district buildings. In the Health Office we needed to partition off an isolation area to accommodate an ill student who needs to wait to be picked up by his/her family. The structure has no impact on egress or regress, or the room itself. This change, although minor, will be submitted to the local municipality and/or code enforcement for review. Previously, our district had a phone system with only isolated calling possibilities to all our classrooms and our overall paging system was weak in several classrooms on the far side of our building. Due to the potential impact of COVID, the district installed an upgraded phone system, with units in all classrooms and full paging throughout the building. There is no construction, no temporary structures, no leased structures, and no tents needed in the building or on school property during the course of our school year. We do have an approved construction project already approved by OFP, but is not COVID related, and no work will be done in the school building until the end of next school year. There will be no changes or additions needed to be reported or needed to comply with the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the State Energy Conservation Code or submitted to OFP. In addition, our building and district reopening plan is in full compliance with the 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspection. As a single school district Mrs. Christian Fisher, Superintendent and Mrs. Denise Bolan, Physician Assistant have been designated our COVID-19 safety coordinators with the responsibility to include continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels. In the current structure, we are making the following changes: ● ● ● ● We will have one water fountain available close to the cafeteria, but in addition, to bottle refilling stations. The other water fountains will be blocked. While reducing the number of available toilets, urinals and sink faucets, we more than meet the minimal standards of the BCNYS. Occupancy markers of red and green shall be used, and in addition a student must social distance with a mask, until a student leaves the bathroom. This way we only have two students in the bathroom at any one time, but still we meet the standards of the BCNYS. We are building a shield to give better COVID protection for the front counter of our school. This shield or separator is 2’ by 8’, but is made with polycarbonate to comply with BCNYS Section 2606. Except for emergencies, we have designated one staircase for going up and one staircase for going down. In addition, all hallways will have tape and arrows to designate a single direction of travel. Furthermore, all hallways will have 6 foot taped markers to assist in social distancing. ● ● ● ● All rooms, including classrooms, cafeteria, gym, and auditorium have been measured and desks and seats have been spaced out to meet the requirements of social distancing. In the auditorium seats have been taped off to ensure social distancing. There will be fire drills and lockdowns as per required by NYSED, but lockdowns will be led by staff, stating where in an emergency the students should move to and fire drills will include social distancing with smaller cohorts and groups participating in the drills at a time. There is an evening custodian responsible after school for cleaning and disinfecting the building. During the day there is a custodian responsible for continual cleaning and disinfecting critical areas of the building including doors/knobs, the office, all bathrooms, water fountain/bottle fillers, hallways, walls, elevator space, locker, gym locker room. There will be a cleaning log with date, time, location and cleaner’s signature. Teachers and staff will be responsible for disinfecting desks in their classrooms during the day. There will also be time during the day, staff will perform an in depth cleaning. -------------------------------------------------- Child Nutrition School meals will continue to be available to all students, including those attending school inperson and those learning remotely. For information about how meal information will be communicated, please see the school webpage or call the school office at 518-582-3341. Meals onsite For students onsite, meals will be provided while maintaining appropriate social distancing between students. Students do not need to wear face coverings when seated and eating so long as they are appropriately socially distanced. The district will ensure social distancing between individuals while eating in the school cafeteria. If not feasible, meals may be served in alternate areas (e.g., classrooms) or in staggered meal periods to ensure social distancing and proper cleaning and disinfection between students. The sharing of food and beverages (e.g., buffet style meals, snacks) is prohibited, unless individuals are members of the same household. Adequate space will be reserved for students, faculty, and staff to observe social distancing while eating meals. Regardless of the educational model chosen by our school district and the dynamic nature with which that can change, our school district shall continue to provide school breakfast and lunch to all students who were previously receiving school meals – both on-site and remotely. While on-site, we will maintain social distancing during the course of our meals and provide food service in the cafeteria. The following procedures will be instituted to force social distancing: 1.) All students and staff will receive training from members of the Child/Nutrition SubCommittee on the procedures for the Food Service Program for the 2020-2021 school year. 2.) All students and staff members, including those serving meals will wear face coverings when moving through the food service line. 3.) The food service line will be marked with visuals so that students and staff members are aware of where they can stand to maintain a 6 foot distance between other individuals. 4.) Enter/Exit signage will be posted to maintain a one-way flow of traffic through the food service line and when exiting the cafeteria. 5.) Tables will be spread out across the cafeteria to reflect 6 foot social distancing in all areas. 6.) Students will have assigned seating and will sit in family groups where appropriate. 7.) All students or family groups of students will maintain 6 feet of social distancing when eating. 8.) To ensure social distancing, the schedule will include additional breakfast and lunch periods, if necessary, to accommodate student enrollment and cafetorium capacity. Food Allergies NCS will continue to follow previously established individualized plans for all students with food allergies. A designated table in the cafeteria will be provided to any student who presents with a severe allergy. The district’s Physician Assistant will continue to conduct annual training for all students and staff to ensure that our building remains nut-free. Signage will be posted both on the exterior and interior of the building as well as in the cafeteria. Information regarding our NutFree facility will continue to be communicated to the school community at large with a letter sent home to parents at the commencement of the school year. Periodic reminders throughout the school year will be communicated in our school newsletter, on the school district’s website and with announcements at any school function. Hygiene At the commencement of the school year, all students and staff will participate in training to review good hygiene practices and safety protocols in the cafeteria such as, assigned seating, 6 foot distancing, safely moving through the food service line and the non-sharing of food and beverages. Students will be encouraged to wash their hands prior to and immediately after meals. Hand sanitizers will be installed in every classroom of the building and two separate hand sanitizing stations will be set up in the cafeteria. One station will be located in the food service line and the second station will be set up near the exit of the cafeteria. Cleaning/Disinfecting NCS will maintain compliance with all Child Nutrition Program requirements for the safe preparation and handling of all meals. The schedule will allow for ten minutes between staggered meal times so that the cafeteria can be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to the next group of students entering. Meals offsite/remote Students who are learning remotely will be able to participate in the breakfast and lunch program. Meals will be provided daily, with a pick up time of 8:45 am at the back door of the school. -------------------------------------------------- Transportation The district will conduct transportation activities that are consistent with state-issued public transit guidance and NYSED School Reopening guidelines. Students and school staff must wear acceptable face coverings at all times on school buses (e.g., entering, exiting, and seated) and should maintain appropriate social distancing to the extent practicable. Students who are able will be required to wear masks and social distance on the bus to the extent practicable. Members of the same household may be seated within 6 feet of each other. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to drop off or walk students to school to reduce density on buses. All buses that are used every day by districts and contract carriers will be cleaned/ disinfected once a day. High contact areas will be wiped down after the morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) run depending upon the disinfection schedule. School buses shall not be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible composition and potential liability to the carrier or district. School bus drivers, monitors and attendants must not carry personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on school buses. Whether school is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil transportation will be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Plans have placed them out of district whose schools are meeting in in-person sessions. All students are entitled to transportation by the district to the extent required by law. Transportation departments do not have the ability or the right to deny transportation for children who are in foster care, homeless or attend private or charter schools. Parents who may have missed the due date to request out of district transportation due to a reasonable excuse may file a 310 appeal with the Commissioner of Education. School Bus Staff School bus drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics are required to perform a self-health assessment for symptoms of COVID-19 before arriving to work. If personnel are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19, they will notify their employer as per the reporting policies and seek medical attention. School bus drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics must wear a face covering along with an optional face shield. Transportation staff (drivers, monitors, attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be trained and provided periodic refreshers on the proper use of personal protective equipment and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Transportation departments/carriers will need to provide Personal Protective Equipment such as masks and gloves for drivers, monitors and attendants in buses as well as hand sanitizer for all staff in their transportation locations such as dispatch offices, employee lunch/break rooms and/or bus garages. Drivers, monitors and attendants who must have direct physical contact with a child must wear gloves. Drivers and all transportation staff are being required to fill out a health app each morning to determine the work status. Those staff failing the health review are expected to stay home. Protocols for transportation include: 1. Masks are required on school busses, and will be provided anyone without masks 2. Occupants on buses are expected to sit on assigned seats allowing for family units and social distancing. 3. Parents will be strongly encouraged to drive their children to and from school. This request will be for a marking period commitment so transportation can have a set schedule. 4. Carpooling by parents will be discouraged, but if done, masks will be strongly encouraged. 5. Health screening via our app will be expected. Students not passing the screening will remain home. 6. Buses will be filled and emptied of students through a routine ensuring proper social distancing 7. Transportation might need to be staggered due to the number of students and the number of seats available. This situation should only occur in the afternoon dismissal. Key to the successful combat with the COVID-19 virus is the proper cleaning and disinfection of the busses. We will have one bus on an early morning run, two buses on the morning run, one small bus for an out of district BOCES run and two buses for an afternoon run. Buses will be cleaned and disinfected in the morning. The supervisor will clean/disinfect the bus between the early morning run and morning run. Upon completion of the run, the supervisor will again clean/disinfect the bus. The small bus going out of the district will be cleaned/disinfected upon return. The two buses for the afternoon run, upon completion, will be cleaned and disinfected. There is a cleaning log with date, time, and cleaner in each bus. When temperatures are above 45 degrees Fahrenheit, school buses should transport passengers with roof hatches or windows slightly opened to provide air flow. Protocols for bus drivers, monitors and attendants include 1. The driver, monitor, and attendant may wear gloves if they choose to do so but are not required unless they must be in physical contact with students. 2. Transportation staff should be encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water before and after am and pm runs to keep healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections from one person to the next. Germs can spread from other people or surfaces when you: a. touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands b. touch a contaminated surface or objects c. blow your nose, cough, or sneeze into hands and then touch other people’s hands or common objects Protocols of how students will disembark from transportation vehicles: 1. When students embark and disembark the bus, they will follow social distancing protocols. This will increase the time required to load and unload buses at schools in the morning and afternoon. 2. We will reconfigure the loading and unloading locations for students who are transported by car and for pedestrians. 3. Since hand sanitizer is not permitted on school buses, hand sanitizer is immediately available inside the building for when students enter. Routing procedures can and will modify depending upon the number of parents and guardians who provide transportation to or from school. -------------------------------------------------- Social Emotional Well-Being Newcomb Central School District recognizes that the social emotional well-being of our students and staff during these challenging times is critically important, and it is a top priority in supporting school transitions, not at the expense of academics, but in order to create the mental, social, and emotional space for academic learning to occur. The district will have available resources and referrals to address mental health, behavioral, and emotional needs of students, faculty, and staff when school reopens for in-person instruction. The following will assist in accomplishing this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There will be a set allotment of time each day for students to express their daily challenges Classroom visits by our Social Emotional Well-Being coordinator, in addition to small group discussions and individual counseling with any students identified. Students will be identified by the students themselves, parent or teacher referrals, and behavior or academic concerns As required by New York State, Social Emotional Learning Standards will be taught in the classroom, and in the course of study, students may also be identified. The school will convene a collaborative advisory committee of students, parents/guardians, BOE member(s), staff/faculty, and community stakeholders. Regular faculty/staff meetings and other staff training shall be provided. The district will use its partnerships with the mental health services in Essex County and BOCES to assist with developing plans for students and families to deal with their social emotional wellbeing concerns. Surveys, student groups and virtual parent meetings may be utilized for this purpose. The district will provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff regarding how to talk with and support students during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as provide support for developing coping and resilience skills for students, faculty, and staff. Social emotional learning will also include adult anti-racism and anti-bias work. Staff and student training and classroom support will be addressed through our partnerships with Essex County, BOCES, and the Social Emotional Well-Being Coordinator. -------------------------------------------------- School Schedules Newcomb Central School District, P-12 reopening schedule will be using the traditional 20202021 schedule for P-12. Students we chose to hybrid and stay home will also be following the traditional schedule for P-12. In this model, students at home will follow the schedule remotely on a laptop using Google Classroom. If the school building closes and calls for remote learning the students and staff will follow the schedule Schedules are individualized, so they are mailed to the students and will be done by the middle of August. -------------------------------------------------- School Activities Extracurriculars Until further guidance from the local department of health, New York State Public High School Athletic Association, our local BOCES, and the reopening committee there will be no extracurricular activities including field trips, interscholastic sports, or other activities beyond what is allowed under the regulations of New York State. In addition, whole group events and events where the community are traditionally invited will only be allowed in small groups, divided by cohorts and grade level to decrease numbers. Besides guidance from the above agencies, additional attention shall be paid to bringing back activities that can be conducted in a safe environment with appropriate social distancing protocols. Until this time, the district is considering the creation of extracurricular activities that can be continued remotely in the event of another shut down. Childcare The district will refer to the county any family needing childcare. -------------------------------------------------- Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism Chronic Absenteeism The importance of attendance is clear; students need to be present in school, or present during remote learning opportunities in order to meet diploma requirements, make academic gains and participate in the many unique opportunities that our school district offers. The district plans to address chronic absenteeism in the following manner: 1.) Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, the district will continue to further educate our student body, as well as the broader school community, on the correlation between being present at school and/or present for remote learning experiences and the positive effect that has on academic achievement. 2.) Working collaboratively with students and faculty, the district will establish attendance incentives for all students in grades Pre-k-12. 3.) The district plans to examine and update the current Attendance Policy to reflect remote learning experiences. 4.) The district will increase communications with stakeholders regarding attendance and chronic absenteeism using an array of communication platforms (i.e.: website, emails, letters, videos, newsletter, school communication system) Attendance Attendance will continue to be taken daily using our student information system. Period attendance will be taken for all students, both those who are learning in-person and those learning remotely. -------------------------------------------------- Technology and Connectivity Newcomb School district has in place a one to one policy on devices. Every student and staff member will have a school assigned chromebook or laptop that they will take home on a day to day basis. This covers them during school hours and also while at home at the end of school hours. If a student is forced to stay home they will have their assigned device with them that they will use to attend classes and perform assigned work. Any issues with the device that arise will be covered by Newcomb’s IT staff and a replacement unit will be given to the affected party until their original device is fixed. Regardless of the learning model whether delivered in-person, hybrid, or remotely, Newcomb’s educational program will be aligned to the New York State Learning Standards, include substantive interaction between teachers and students, and most importantly provide equivalence and equity between all students. In regards to High speed internet the town of Newcomb has many internet providers available for families to use (SLIC, Frontier, and Verizon). Newcomb school offers assistance to any family with internet accessibility issues and guides them to the proper resources for them to pursue internet access at home. This assistance is available anytime during school hours by calling Newcomb Central School District, asking for technology. Newcomb school also offers public wifi around the building after school hours which is available to all students, staff and their families. All students and staff at Newcomb have a school assigned device. In the start of every school year they are taught how to maintain their device in a proper fashion. They are also taught the basic functions of the device they use whether it be a Chromebook or a laptop. Beyond those basics the IT staff at Newcomb are offering PL sessions for all staff in all manners of technology. This also applies for students where both teachers and IT will guide them in use of tech and programs used in the classroom. Beyond the students school assigned device Newcomb is open to students using their personal devices at home (Laptops, Cellphones, etc..) provided it is for educational purposes during school hours. As a last resort the use of physical handouts of school work, when approved, will be delivered to households if multiple tech failures happen that prevent quality student education in a hybrid/remote learning setup. Please see the chart below for a more indepth look at the different scenarios we have developed for the 3 phases of schooling. Tech Committee List for return to school 7/28/20 Technology Regular in person Learning Hybrid Learning Devices 1 to 1 Chromebooks PK-12 1 to 1 Chromebooks PK-12 *students need PL to make sure they know how to access all features (like photos and videos) of CB Desktops only used for specific classes (CAD, A/V, STEAM) and will be assigned to specific students Desktops only used for specific classes (CAD, A/V, STEAM) and will be assigned to specific students Students will only use their assigned devices or see IT for a loaner Students will only use their assigned devices or see IT for a loaner Digital Platform Continue to use Google (classroom, drive, meet etc.) for classwork to reduce printing and handing in paper assignments and ensure continuity should learning move to remote Continue to use Google (classroom, drive, meet etc.) for classwork to reduce printing and handing in paper assignments and ensure continuity should learning move to remote Charging stations Socially distant charging areas will be assigned each student or schedule to access cart individually Socially distant charging areas will be assigned each student or schedule to access cart individually Cleaning Devices Cleaned multiple times a day by both students and staff with approved wipes Cleaned multiple times a day by both students and staff with approved wipes Internet Usage Adequate no significant issues anticipated With possible streaming video classes, a schedule will need to be made to ensure the schools bandwidth is not overwhelmed Investigate possible solutions for students/teachers to access reliable Internet outside of school Parking lot accessible Remote learning 1 to 1 Chromebooks PK-12 Students will only use their assigned devices or see IT for a loaner Google education platforms Investigate possible solutions for students/teachers to access reliable Internet outside of school Suggest longer online classes to accommodate Internet delays Parking lot accessible Internet Internet Suggest longer online classes to accommodate Internet delays Personal Cell phones Cell phone policy; strongly encourage students to use school issued device to ensure students’ competency Cell phone policy; strongly encourage students to use school issued device to ensure students’ competency PL for all students on how to access all Google education platforms on their cell phone and how to access and submit photos and videos to Classroom etc. PL for all students on how to access all Google education platforms on their cell phone and how to access and submit photos and videos to Classroom etc. Students use whatever device is most engaging and convenient for them while participating in remote learning Students use whatever device is most engaging and convenient for them while participating in remote learning Teacher PL Continuing teacher professional development in Google education platform Collect data on need and prepare useful PL Classroom teaching environment Students and teachers will be assigned to a room and cohort groups. Students will be assigned to a room and Teachers will move room to room. Larger groups of students will be assigned a bigger Continuing teacher professional development in Google education platform Continuing teacher professional development in Google education platform Collect data on need and prepare useful PL Collect data on need and prepare useful PL Devise online repository for “how to” videos and other tech support material Devise online repository for “how to” videos and other tech support material Arrange fixed office help hours for tech helpers Arrange fixed office help hours for tech helpers Teachers will teach in the classrooms and video record lessons to be placed on the internet for student access. All students and parents will have access to online instruction and materials. Students learning remotely will have to either keep to the schedule and attend space in the building All of the above are options classes or access lessons on the internet PL for teachers Student care for assigned CB in school: Best case scenario every student will have a fully charged device every morning. They will consistently wipe it down and not share their device with any fellow student. Have the device charged during lunch, and ready for use for the rest of the day.Then take the device home at the end of the day. Use of desktops Classes using desktops ie: Combination of both. throughout CAD, STEAM, Library Skills school: etc. Students will be assigned a desktop if relevant to class and will clean/wipedown after every use Finished product can be safely picked up or delivered to student Students creating projects on their own laptops ie WeVideo, 3D printer etc will put on a flash drive or sent to a designated person/teacher to use in the designated area. Printing: Printing needs to kept to a minimum due to passing of papers from teacher to student/student to student Individual student packets Students working remotely will be able to use equipment sending files to designated teachers to create materials/print in the school building. Ie- STEM/STEAM CAD Combination of both Students remotely learning will need copies of texts or materials if unable to have them online. Packets might need to be created for younger created if students need printed material. students Provide printed material for students that have an IEP or 401 plan As much as possible continue using classroom for assignments Developing a Recording of lessons plan A NCS youtube channel should be established. Within that we can set up different sections for different teachers who in turn can record and save class lessons. This could be invaluable for students who miss class or have the random tech/internet issues at home. Teachers/Students/Parents will have access to educational classes via a platform ie: Youtube. (this is an edlaw approved site) same Teachers need PL on how to create and upload videos with their laptops or phones or whatever. Also, screencasting PL. Video camera setup for classrooms unless teachers are comfortable with screencasting from their own teacher laptops. Consistent use of Classroom: Google Classroom is a platform that all teachers and students have been using. Students have a comfort level with it and are able to navigate through it. There may be other options for PK-4 grades to enhance learning. All assignments on Google classroom can be accessed from anywhere. Students remotely learning would be following their regular schedule Social Media: Communication is integral to NCS. Social Media platforms: Communicate with Parents and community with important updated messages. Important how-to videos for parents and students can be placed on Youtube and or other Social Media All parents/students/ teachers will be updated to all the information from the district. Messages from the Superintendent etc, Easy access gets information out to parents/students quickly. Create a page/group etc that is information only without shared comments from the community. -------------------------------------------------- Teaching and Learning Continuity of Learning Plan: The safety and health of our students, our faculty, and our staff is paramount and has been at the forefront of Newcomb Central School’s reopening plans. The plans being presented are the result of research by numerous stakeholders and hours of consideration and planning. Central to our education plan is the goal to bring back the most students to in-person instruction. We understand that while this is central to our plan, because the situation of COVID-19 is so fluid, our plans must also be fluid and able to change as the mandates of the State of New York and the New York State Health Department change. We realize that some parents may choose in-person instruction for their children even if school closure is not mandated by the State or district. Please note that all instruction plans, In-Person, Hybrid and Remote for prekindergarten through 12th grade will include benchmarking and assessing to measure learning gaps prior to each unit of study. Once these gaps are identified, Newcomb Central School will work individually, in small groups and in whole groups to fill these gaps. In acknowledging and recognizing whole group gaps, due to the necessary decision to prioritize standards last spring with some standards not being taught at all, there might be the need to address these standards and cause a need for prioritizing standards for 2020-2021 We will also be preparing teachers and staff, whole and small group, on the social-emotional aspects of the impact of the previous year’s learning models, and working to prepare ourselves for whatever might lay before us this upcoming school year. Social-emotional issues are more than just recovering from last year, but will include the ongoing impact of modified or discontinued sports and field trips, health/safety changes within the building, room and facility changes, changes within lunch grouping, social distancing, wearing of masks, and transportation changes as they all impact both social emotional and teaching and learning. Listed below are three plans with In Person Instruction option as the preferred and desired option. Hybrid Learning is planned and discussed with the In-Person Instruction plan, because we do see hybrid learning as a part of our in-person plan. As stated, remote Learning may become necessary for all students if Covid-19 conditions dictate. Grading for prekindergarten to 12th Grade, whether instruction is in-person or remote, will follow a standards-based framework designed to provide direct feedback regarding students’ mastery of course content. Foundational to any of the three plans for either elementary or middle school/high school is providing the necessary professional learning to ensure success for the students. We will be holding at least two days of professional learning for the teaching staff, partly supported and led by WSWHE BOCES. In addition, we will be taking advantage of BOCES sessions on preparing for reopening. At the heart of all instruction plans there must be equity. All instruction should be developed so that whether delivered in-person, remotely, or through a hybrid model due to a local or state school closure, there are clear opportunities for instruction that are equally accessible to all students. Such opportunities must include equal access to computers and technology, equal access to curriculum, equal access to assessments, and equal access for feedback and support from their teachers and administration. In-Person Instruction with Hybrid Considerations Newcomb Central School District, due to its smaller enrollment and the square footage of the building, does not see a scenario where complete hybrid learning for any grades is a necessity. We have the square footage in each class to allow proper social distancing without any group needing a remote instructional piece. While hybrid learning will not be necessary, alternate classrooms within the building can be used for instruction. For example the auditorium, high school library, and the atrium. This fall, surveys show almost all students will be returning to school, with a small number of students needing to learn in a remote situation. The remote learning could be due to sickness (COVID or non-COVID), traveling, or parental request. While this technically is considered a hybrid, but because most students will be learning in person and only a small number of students will be learning remotely, we chose to deal with this form of hybrid learning within our In-Person section. We were able to arrange computers for all students and verify that all students have access to high speed internet. ELEMENTARY In accordance with the CDC and local health guidelines, NCS will provide students with instruction and learning experiences in the classroom from highly qualified certified content area teachers following a master schedule. Students' class start and release times will vary to minimize the number of cohort groups passing in the hall. All elementary classrooms currently allow for social distancing and allows for full classes. Children will enter and leave the building, walk the hallway, and use the bathrooms with masks. As practiced last spring, for any students not feeling comfortable with coming to the school for in-person learning, all lessons will also be accessible to students not in the classroom via Google Classroom and Meeting. All students, whether at home or in-person, will have the opportunity to interact substantively and in real time with the teacher and other students. Students will also be provided with learning experiences and activities outside of the classroom which may include, but are not limited to, completing online and hard copy tasks, viewing videos, doing projects, reading, answering teacher generated questions, responding to fellow students online, etc. As usual, the priority of all instruction will be designed to prepare students to meet the learning outcomes for each course of study and all curricula will align with the content area NYS Learning Standards. Teachers will be available to meet in-person and virtually during the school day to give students feedback and support in their content area. MIDDLE SCHOOL/HIGH SCHOOL In accordance with the CDC guidelines, NCS will provide small cohort groups of students with instruction and learning experiences in our social distancing classrooms from highly qualified certified content area teachers following our 2020-2021 master schedule. Students' class start and release times will vary to minimize the number of cohort groups passing in the hall. Students will be expected to wear masks while in the halls and whenever they may be within 6 feet of other people. To the extent possible, all lessons will also be accessible to students not in the classroom via the internet. Last spring all students were able to connect with the school. All students, both at home and in-person, will have the opportunity to interact substantively and in real time with the teacher and other students. Students will also be provided with learning experiences and activities outside of the classroom which may include, but are not limited to, completing online and hard copy tasks, viewing videos, doing projects, reading, answering teacher generated questions, responding to fellow students online, etc. As usual, the priority of all instruction will be designed to prepare students to meet the learning outcomes for each course of study and all curricula will align with the content area NYS Learning Standards. Teachers will be available to meet in-person and virtually during the school day to give students support in their content area. Grading practices will follow the typical standards-based format for each content area to provide direct feedback to students. Communication between students’ home and school will be ongoing through email, School Tools and the telephone. Until further notice, all field trips, assemblies and large gatherings of students are suspended. Remote Learning Instruction ELEMENTARY As an elementary school, Newcomb Central School, grades Pre-Kindergarten to Sixth overall completed a successful remote instruction plan for the 2020 period of time from mid-March to the end of June. Our previous success was the result of hard-working teachers, supportive parents, and modern technology and strong connectivity. Overall, if the school would need to begin remote learning, the elementary plan would be very similar to our spring model. At the heart of all instruction plans there must be equity. All instruction should be developed so that whether delivered in-person, remotely, or through a hybrid model due to a local or state school closure, there are clear opportunities for instruction that are equally accessible to all students. Such opportunities must include equal access to computers and technology, equal access to curriculum, equal access to assessments, and equal access for feedback and support from their teachers and administration. The expectation for prekindergarten through Sixth Grade will be for a high quality instructional and learning experience, from highly qualified certified content area teachers following our 2020-2021 master schedule. Remote learners will be connecting with teachers via Google Meet allowing interaction with the teacher and their peers. This allows remote students to have the opportunity to interact substantively and in real time with their teachers. We will once again handle assignments and classwork as we did last spring. For students in grades PK-2, the school district will be bringing hardcopy assignments to the students with completed work being brought back to the school. We do this the same time we transport meals. Students in grades 3-6th will be provided with learning experiences and activities both in the class and virtually outside of the classroom which may include, but are not limited to, completing online and hard copy tasks, viewing videos, doing projects, reading, answering teacher generated questions, responding to fellow students online, etc. As usual, the priority of all instruction will be designed to prepare students to meet the learning outcomes for each course of study and all curricula will align with the content area of the NYS Learning standards. Teachers will be available to meet in-person and virtually during the school day to provide support for all students, both in person and remotely. Parents will not be entering the classroom, but will be able to virtually contact teachers as well as via phone and email. MIDDLE SCHOOL/HIGH SCHOOL NCSD remote plan of instruction for a safe school reopening will encompass a solid curriculum for each discipline area. Each curriculum will be built to accommodate and address gaps in student learning occurred at the end of last academic year. All students will follow a set academic schedule where attendance of each class will be recorded, class materials delivered, homework assigned, and active student participation will be encouraged with meaningful comments provided by each teacher. In accordance with the NYSED requirements, every curriculum taught, be it of a remote learning, in-person or hybrid in nature, will be aligned to the NYS Learning Standards with its indicated objectives and outcomes. NCSD reopening plan of remote learning will allow for active student engagement and interaction between students and teachers during any given class time period. This will be achieved through the use of Google Meet, Virtual classroom access, Google Classroom, Smart Music program and other individual course specific programs of similar type which enhance student learning in a digital world, provide an effective way of instruction delivery and allow for collaborative opportunities between groups of students and teachers. Recognizing that remote learning privileges children from better-off homes and students without disabilities, NCSD will ensure that opportunities for instruction are accessible to all students. The district will provide all students with a laptop, books and materials at no cost to the family and with free breakfast and lunch five days a week. The district will also provide the required services to all students with IEP and/or 504 learning plans to ensure that they have access to the same information and enjoy the same programming as their non-disabled classmates. The district will troubleshoot connectivity issues and advocate with the local internet provider to help ensure that all households have access to high-speed internet. The district will comply with all anti-discrimination laws including the Dignity for All Students Act. NCSD will provide multiple ways for students and their families/caregivers to communicate with the school and teachers with questions about instruction and/or technology including email, School Tool, Google Meet and other online platforms, and telephone. Contact information will also be readily available and updated as needed on the district’s website. -------------------------------------------------- Special Education Whether services are provided in-person, remote and/or through a hybrid model, the district shall address the provision of free appropriate public education consistent with the need to protect the health and safety of students with disabilities and those providing special education services. The Newcomb Central School District will provide the programs, related services, accommodations and modifications as detailed in the students’ Individual Education Plans or Section 504 Accommodation Plans. Spaces in the building used to provide such services will follow the same procedures for social distancing and cleaning/disinfecting as all other areas of the building. Special education teachers and related service providers will follow the same procedures as other educational staff. There are currently no students receiving programs or services in out-of-district placements, either at the preschool or school-age level. Should that change, the district, through the CPSE and CSE Chairperson, will work with the outside agency(ies) to ensure adherence to the student’s IEPs. Parents/guardians will be informed as to their child’s progress through regular reporting of progress towards meeting IEP goals/objectives/benchmarks. Should other concerns arise, they will be communicated by the appropriate school personnel. Parents/guardians also know that they can communicate their concerns to school staff via note, email or telephone. -------------------------------------------------- Bilingual Education and World Languages While Newcomb has never enrolled an ELL identified student, whatever reopening plan used, in-person, remote or hybrid instruction, the district will complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the start of the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID19 school closures in 2019-20, as well as all students who enroll during summer of 2020 and during the first 20 school days of the 2020-21 school year. After this 20-day flexibility period, identification of ELLs must resume for all students within required 10 school days of initial enrollment. Required instructional units of study to all ELLs shall be provided based on the ELL student’s most recently measured English language proficiency level during in-person or hybrid instruction. For information about regular communication and engagement with parents/guardians of English-language learners, visit the Communication/Family and Community Engagement section of our reopening plan. -------------------------------------------------- Staff Teacher and Principal Evaluation System All teachers and principals will continue to be evaluated pursuant to the district’s approved APPR plan. Certification, Incidental Teaching and Substitute Teaching Newcomb Central School District follows best practice for hiring teachers who hold valid and appropriate certificates for teaching assignments. The district makes the best effort to secure certified substitute teachers to the extent possible for covering teacher absences. When certified substitutes are not available, the district looks to secure in-house coverage by other certified staff when possible. Key References · State Education Department Issues Guidance to Reopen New York State Schools (July 16, 2020) · State Education Department Presents Framework of Guidance to Reopen New York State Schools (July 13, 2020) · Interim Guidance for In-Person Instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, NYS Department of Health (July 13, 2020) Additional References · Interim Guidance for Sports and Recreation During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (June 26, 2020) · Interim Guidance for Food Services during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. (June 26, 2020) · Interim Guidance for Office-Based Work during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. (June 26, 2020) · Interim Guidance for Public Transportation Activities during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. (June 26, 2020) · New York State Department of Health Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) · New York State Education Department Coronavirus (COVID-19) · Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus (COVID-19) · Occupational Safety and Health Administration COVID-19 Website Once finalized, reopening plans must be posted on the district’s website. By July 31, 2020, districts will need to complete a survey through the Portal, providing NYSED with: · A link to the public website where each school plan has been publicly posted · A set of mandatory assurances that the reopening plan includes all of the mandatory elements outlined in the NYSED guidance NOTE: Information submitted through the Portal will not include detailed narratives or descriptions of specific actions to be taken by a school or district as part of their reopening Plan; those details must be articulated in the materials that are publicly posted on the school/district website. Also by July 31, 2020, districts must complete a short companion Department of Health survey that includes a link to the publicly posted plan on the district/school website.