1 TED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION REDESIGN David E. Williams Chief Logistics Processing Operations Officer PMG Vision Our mission continues to be to serve the American people and, through the universal service obligation, bind our nation together by maintaining and operating our unique, vital and resilient infrastructure • • • Organizational alignment in support of our mission and strategy Align functions based on core business operations Provide more clarity and focus on what we do best; collect, process, move and deliver mail and packages Our new organizational structure will focus on 3 operating units • Retail and Delivery - Basic Mission: Accept and deliver mail and packages efficiently with a high level of customer satisfaction • Logistics and Processing - Basic Mission: Process and move mail and packages efficiently to the delivery units, meeting determined standards • Commerce - Basic Mission: Leverage infrastructure to enable growth 2 Retail & Delivery The most efficient and best delivery service in the country A supportive retail experience that strengthens our service and presence in the communities we serve Feature rich – cost conscience and committed to the customer experience 3 Logistics & Processing Operations A finely tuned operating service machine that operates on schedule and provides efficient and reliable service A powerful engine and platform for revenue growth and value for our customers fueled by employees focused on solving problems Continuously improving and raising the standards of excellence at every operational and customer touchpoint Led by leaders who embrace our mission and who are intensely and relentlessly focused on achieving extraordinary results through positive engaging leadership 4 UNI TED STATES may USPS - Retail Delivery Operations Areas WESTERN - PACIFIC ATLANTIC UNITED STATES mg; USPS - Logistics Processing Operations Regions Western Region USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Divisions Pacific Northwest New England Westshore Midwest Lakeshores Chesapeake Mid-South Mid-Atlantic Southern California Southwest Coastal Southeast New York Metro USPS – Field Operations Reporting Matrix From Area Northeast Eastern Capital Metro Capital Metro Eastern Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Capital Metro Eastern Capital Metro Eastern Northeast Northeast Eastern Eastern Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes Western Eastern Great Lakes Western Eastern Western Eastern To Area Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Code 120 250 210 200 170 60 20 117 100 40 70 220 190 230 80 110 105 140 150 604 606 481 630 460 493 500 400 530 640 440 553 450 District ALBANY APPALACHIAN BALTIMORE CAPITAL CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CONNECTICUT VALLEY GREATER BOSTON LONG ISLAND NEW YORK NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND NORTHERN NJ NORTHERN VIRGINIA PHILADELPHIA METROPOLITAN RICHMOND SOUTH JERSEY TRIBORO WESTCHESTER WESTERN NEW YORK WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHICAGO DETROIT GATEWAY GREATER INDIANA GREATER MICHIGAN HAWKEYE KENTUCKIANA LAKELAND MID-AMERICA NORTHERN OHIO NORTHLAND OHIO VALLEY Processing Division New England Mid-Atlantic Chesapeake Chesapeake Chesapeake New England New England New York Metro New York Metro New England New York Metro Chesapeake Chesapeake Mid-Atlantic Chesapeake New York Metro New England New England Lakeshores Westshore Westshore Lakeshores Mid-South Lakeshores Lakeshores Mid-South Mid-Atlantic Westshore Mid-South Lakeshores Midwest Lakeshores From Area Southern Southern Capital Metro Northeast Southern Southern Capital Metro Capital Metro Southern Southern Southern Capital Metro Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Eastern Western Western Pacific Western Western Western Pacific Pacific Western Western Pacific Western Pacific Pacific Pacific Western Pacific To Area Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Code 350 720 300 6 752 760 290 270 320 770 700 280 390 730 780 330 335 370 995 852 945 680 800 570 967 900 890 970 956 840 920 940 926 980 913 District ALABAMA ARKANSAS ATLANTA CARIBBEAN DALLAS FORT WORTH GREATER SOUTH CAROLINA GREENSBORO GULF ATLANTIC HOUSTON LOUISIANA MID-CAROLINAS MISSISSIPPI OKLAHOMA RIO GRANDE SOUTH FLORIDA SUNCOAST TENNESSEE ALASKA ARIZONA BAY-VALLEY CENTRAL PLAINS COLORADO/WYOMING DAKOTAS HONOLULU LOS ANGELES NEVADA-SIERRA PORTLAND SACRAMENTO SALT LAKE CITY SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SANTA ANA SEATTLE SIERRA COASTAL Processing Division Mid-South Mid-South Coastal Southeast Coastal Southeast Southwest Southwest Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Coastal Southeast Southwest Mid-South Mid-Atlantic Mid-South Southwest Southwest Coastal Southeast Coastal Southeast Mid-Atlantic Pacific Northwest Southwest Pacific Northwest Midwest Midwest Midwest Southern California Southern California Midwest Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Midwest Southern California Pacific Northwest Southern California Pacific Northwest Southern California Headquarters Vice Presidents Delivery Operations  Retail and Post Office Operations Joshua D. Colin PhD Vice President Delivery Operations Angela Curtis Vice President Retail and Post Office Operations Atlantic Retail & Delivery Area Sal Vacca Vice President Atlantic Area Retail and Delivery Operations From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Northeast Atlantic 120 ALBANY New England Eastern Atlantic 250 APPALACHIAN Mid-Atlantic Capital Metro Atlantic 210 BALTIMORE Chesapeake Capital Metro Atlantic 200 CAPITAL Chesapeake Eastern Atlantic 170 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Chesapeake Northeast Atlantic 60 CONNECTICUT VALLEY New England Northeast Atlantic 20 GREATER BOSTON New England Northeast Atlantic 117 LONG ISLAND New York Metro Northeast Atlantic 100 NEW YORK New York Metro Northeast Atlantic 40 NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND New England Northeast Atlantic 70 NORTHERN NJ New York Metro Capital Metro Atlantic 220 NORTHERN VIRGINIA Chesapeake Eastern Atlantic 190 PHILADELPHIA METROPOLITAN Chesapeake Capital Metro Atlantic 230 RICHMOND Mid-Atlantic Eastern Atlantic 80 SOUTH JERSEY Chesapeake Northeast Atlantic 110 TRIBORO New York Metro Northeast Atlantic 105 WESTCHESTER New England Eastern Atlantic 140 WESTERN NEW YORK New England Eastern Atlantic 150 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Lakeshores Central Retail & Delivery Area Krista Finazzo Acting Vice President Central Area Retail and Delivery Operations From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Great Lakes Central 604 CENTRAL ILLINOIS Westshore Great Lakes Central 606 CHICAGO Westshore Great Lakes Central 481 DETROIT Lakeshores Great Lakes Central 630 GATEWAY Mid-South Great Lakes Central 460 GREATER INDIANA Lakeshores Great Lakes Central 493 GREATER MICHIGAN Lakeshores Western Central 500 HAWKEYE Mid-South Eastern Central 400 KENTUCKIANA Mid-Atlantic Great Lakes Central 530 LAKELAND Westshore Western Central 640 MID-AMERICA Mid-South Eastern Central 440 NORTHERN OHIO Lakeshores Western Central 553 NORTHLAND Midwest Eastern Central 450 OHIO VALLEY Lakeshores Southern Retail & Delivery Area Shaun Mossman Vice President Southern Area Retail and Delivery Operations From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Southern Southern 350 ALABAMA Mid-South Southern Southern 720 ARKANSAS Mid-South Capital Metro Southern 300 ATLANTA Coastal Southeast Northeast Southern 6 CARIBBEAN Coastal Southeast Southern Southern 752 DALLAS Southwest Southern Southern 760 FORT WORTH Southwest Capital Metro Southern 290 GREATER SOUTH CAROLINA Mid-Atlantic Capital Metro Southern 270 GREENSBORO Mid-Atlantic Southern Southern 320 GULF ATLANTIC Coastal Southeast Southern Southern 770 HOUSTON Southwest Southern Southern 700 LOUISIANA Mid-South Capital Metro Southern 280 MID-CAROLINAS Mid-Atlantic Southern Southern 390 MISSISSIPPI Mid-South Southern Southern 730 OKLAHOMA Southwest Southern Southern 780 RIO GRANDE Southwest Southern Southern 330 SOUTH FLORIDA Coastal Southeast Southern Southern 335 SUNCOAST Coastal Southeast Western-Pacific Retail & Delivery Area Greg Graves Vice President Western-Pacific Area Retail and Delivery Operations From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Western Western-Pacific 995 ALASKA Mid-Atlantic Western Western-Pacific 852 ARIZONA Pacific Northwest Pacific Western-Pacific 945 BAY-VALLEY Southwest Western Western-Pacific 680 CENTRAL PLAINS Pacific Northwest Western Western-Pacific 800 COLORADO/WYOMING Midwest Western Western-Pacific 570 DAKOTAS Midwest Pacific Western-Pacific 967 HONOLULU Midwest Pacific Western-Pacific 900 LOS ANGELES Southern California Western Western-Pacific 890 NEVADA-SIERRA Southern California Western Western-Pacific 970 PORTLAND Midwest Pacific Western-Pacific 956 SACRAMENTO Pacific Northwest Western Western-Pacific 840 SALT LAKE CITY Pacific Northwest Pacific Western-Pacific 920 SAN DIEGO Midwest Pacific Western-Pacific 940 SAN FRANCISCO Southern California Pacific Western-Pacific 926 SANTA ANA Pacific Northwest Western Western-Pacific 980 SEATTLE Southern California Pacific Western-Pacific 913 SIERRA COASTAL Pacific Northwest Headquarters Vice Presidents Processing & Maintenance Operations  Logistics Mike Barber Vice President Processing & Maintenance Operations Robert Cintron Vice President Logistics Eastern Region Processing Operations Dane Coleman Vice President Eastern Region Processing Operations From Area Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Eastern Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Capital Metro Capital Metro Eastern Capital Metro Eastern Eastern Eastern Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes Eastern Eastern Eastern Capital Metro Eastern Capital Metro Capital Metro Capital Metro Eastern Capital Metro Northeast Southern Southern Southern To Area Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Central Central Central Central Central Atlantic Atlantic Central Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Code 120 60 20 40 105 140 117 100 70 110 210 200 170 220 190 80 150 481 460 493 440 450 250 230 400 290 270 280 370 300 6 320 330 335 District ALBANY CONNECTICUT VALLEY GREATER BOSTON NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND WESTCHESTER WESTERN NEW YORK LONG ISLAND NEW YORK NORTHERN NJ TRIBORO BALTIMORE CAPITAL CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA NORTHERN VIRGINIA PHILADELPHIA METROPOLITAN SOUTH JERSEY WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DETROIT GREATER INDIANA GREATER MICHIGAN NORTHERN OHIO OHIO VALLEY APPALACHIAN RICHMOND KENTUCKIANA GREATER SOUTH CAROLINA GREENSBORO MID-CAROLINAS TENNESSEE ATLANTA CARIBBEAN GULF ATLANTIC SOUTH FLORIDA SUNCOAST Processing Division New England New England New England New England New England New England New York Metro New York Metro New York Metro New York Metro Chesapeake Chesapeake Chesapeake Chesapeake Chesapeake Chesapeake Lakeshores Lakeshores Lakeshores Lakeshores Lakeshores Lakeshores Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Coastal Southeast Coastal Southeast Coastal Southeast Coastal Southeast Coastal Southeast Western Region Processing Operations Larry Munoz Vice President Western Region Processing Operations From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes Western Western Southern Southern Southern Southern Western Western Western Western Western Western Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Western Western Pacific Western Pacific Pacific Western Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Central Central Central Central Central Central Southern Southern Southern Southern Central Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Southern Southern Southern Southern Southern Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific Western-Pacific 604 606 530 630 500 640 350 720 700 390 553 680 800 570 890 840 752 760 770 730 780 852 995 945 970 956 940 980 967 900 920 926 913 CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHICAGO LAKELAND GATEWAY HAWKEYE MID-AMERICA ALABAMA ARKANSAS LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI NORTHLAND CENTRAL PLAINS COLORADO/WYOMING DAKOTAS NEVADA-SIERRA SALT LAKE CITY DALLAS FORT WORTH HOUSTON OKLAHOMA RIO GRANDE ARIZONA ALASKA BAY-VALLEY PORTLAND SACRAMENTO SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE HONOLULU LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO SANTA ANA SIERRA COASTAL Westshore Westshore Westshore Mid-South Mid-South Mid-South Mid-South Mid-South Mid-South Mid-South Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Southern California Southern California Southern California Southern California Southern California USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Eastern Region – New England Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Northeast Atlantic 120 ALBANY New England Northeast Atlantic 60 CONNECTICUT VALLEY New England Northeast Atlantic 20 GREATER BOSTON New England Northeast Atlantic 40 NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND New England Northeast Atlantic 105 WESTCHESTER New England Eastern Atlantic 140 WESTERN NEW YORK New England USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Eastern Region – New York Metro Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Northeast Atlantic 117 LONG ISLAND New York Metro Northeast Atlantic 100 NEW YORK New York Metro Northeast Atlantic 70 NORTHERN NJ New York Metro Northeast Atlantic 110 TRIBORO New York Metro USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Eastern Region – Chesapeake Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Capital Metro Atlantic 210 BALTIMORE Chesapeake Capital Metro Atlantic 200 CAPITAL Chesapeake Eastern Atlantic 170 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Chesapeake Capital Metro Atlantic 220 NORTHERN VIRGINIA Chesapeake Eastern Atlantic 190 PHILADELPHIA METROPOLITAN Chesapeake Eastern Atlantic 80 SOUTH JERSEY Chesapeake USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Eastern Region – Lakeshores Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Eastern Atlantic 150 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Lakeshores Great Lakes Central 481 DETROIT Lakeshores Great Lakes Central 460 GREATER INDIANA Lakeshores Great Lakes Central 493 GREATER MICHIGAN Lakeshores Eastern Central 440 NORTHERN OHIO Lakeshores Eastern Central 450 OHIO VALLEY Lakeshores USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Eastern Region – Mid-Atlantic Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Eastern Atlantic 250 APPALACHIAN Mid-Atlantic Capital Metro Atlantic 230 RICHMOND Mid-Atlantic Eastern Central 400 KENTUCKIANA Mid-Atlantic Capital Metro Southern 290 GREATER SOUTH CAROLINA Mid-Atlantic Capital Metro Southern 270 GREENSBORO Mid-Atlantic Capital Metro Southern 280 MID-CAROLINAS Mid-Atlantic Eastern Southern 370 TENNESSEE Mid-Atlantic USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Eastern Region – Coastal Southeast Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Capital Metro Southern 300 ATLANTA Coastal Southeast Northeast Southern 6 CARIBBEAN Coastal Southeast Southern Southern 320 GULF ATLANTIC Coastal Southeast Southern Southern 330 SOUTH FLORIDA Coastal Southeast Southern Southern 335 SUNCOAST Coastal Southeast USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Western Region – Lakeshore Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Great Lakes Central 604 CENTRAL ILLINOIS Westshore Great Lakes Central 606 CHICAGO Westshore Great Lakes Central 530 LAKELAND Westshore USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Western Region – Mid-South Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Great Lakes Central 630 GATEWAY Mid-South Western Central 500 HAWKEYE Mid-South Western Central 640 MID-AMERICA Mid-South Southern Southern 350 ALABAMA Mid-South Southern Southern 720 ARKANSAS Mid-South Southern Southern 700 LOUISIANA Mid-South Southern Southern 390 MISSISSIPPI Mid-South USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Western Region – Midwest Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Western Central 553 NORTHLAND Midwest Western Western-Pacific 680 CENTRAL PLAINS Midwest Western Western-Pacific 800 COLORADO/WYOMING Midwest Western Western-Pacific 570 DAKOTAS Midwest Western Western-Pacific 890 NEVADA-SIERRA Midwest Western Western-Pacific 840 SALT LAKE CITY Midwest USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Western Region – Southwest Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Southern Southern 752 DALLAS Southwest Southern Southern 760 FORT WORTH Southwest Southern Southern 770 HOUSTON Southwest Southern Southern 730 OKLAHOMA Southwest Southern Southern 780 RIO GRANDE Southwest Western Western-Pacific 852 ARIZONA Southwest USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Western Region – Pacific Northwest Division From Area To Area Code District Processing Division Western Western-Pacific 995 ALASKA Pacific Northwest Pacific Western-Pacific 945 BAY-VALLEY Pacific Northwest Western Western-Pacific 970 PORTLAND Pacific Northwest Pacific Western-Pacific 956 SACRAMENTO Pacific Northwest Pacific Western-Pacific 940 SAN FRANCISCO Pacific Northwest Western Western-Pacific 980 SEATTLE Pacific Northwest USPS – Logistics & Processing Operations Western Region – Southern California Division From Area To Area Pacific Western-Pacific Pacific Code District Processing Division 967 HONOLULU Southern California Western-Pacific 900 LOS ANGELES Southern California Pacific Western-Pacific 920 SAN DIEGO Southern California Pacific Western-Pacific 926 SANTA ANA Southern California Pacific Western-Pacific 913 SIERRA COASTAL Southern California Transition Plan Week 1 August 10-14 Stand up Logistics and Processing Operations Jointly ensure critical position coverage Week 2 August 17-21 Week 3 August 24-28 Week 4 August 31 Support structure reports to HQ (LR, HR, Finance) •Continue to ensure position coverage Activate 4 Area Delivery and Retail Operations Align 67 Districts to the 4 Areas Finalize position coverage and stand down transition leaders 29 Transition Plan – Week 1 Week 1: August 10 - 14 Activity 10-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug Implement Eastern and Western VP Regional Processing Operations Name transition leaders in Northeast and Pacific – remaining AVPs remain in place for transition Implement VP HQ Processing and Maintenance Operations Transition coordinators (HR) named for all 7 Areas Align Processing and Logistics reporting structure MOSs move into the logistics and processing jobs All Plant Managers report to MOS HQ support reporting relationships are communicated 30 Transition Plan – Week 2 Week 2: August 17 - 21 Activity 17-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug 21-Aug Finance, HR, LR report to HQ - dotted line to Regions, Areas and Districts Continue transition activities to ensure Executive coverage and placement into District Manager and/or Regional Logistics and Processing Positions 31 Transition Plan – Week 3 Week 3: August 24 - 28 Activity 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 28 - Aug Continue transition activities to ensure Executive coverage and placement into District Manager and/or Regional Logistics and Processing Positions Activate 4 VP Area Delivery and Retail Operations Align 18 District Managers reporting to Southern Align 17 District Managers reporting to Western Pacific Align 19 District Managers reporting to Atlantic Align 13 District Managers reporting to Central 32 Transition Plan – Week 4 Week 4: August 31 – September 4 Activity 31-Aug 1-Sep 2-Sep 3-Sep 4-Sep Finalize District Managers and Logistics & Processing position assignment Transition Leadership (NEA and Pacific) stand down Transition coordinators (HR) remain 33 WE) AVP Meeting - August 7, 2020 CLOSING COMMENTS 34