26 March 2020 Glen Johnson 63 Churchill Road Judea Tauranga, 3110 Dear Glen, RE: COMPLAINT REGARDING VIBRATION Our previous correspondence regarding the construction earthworks at 59 Churchill Road refers. Your complaint relates to vibration at your residence due to earthworks at a neighbouring property. You provided photos and video footage related to the earthworks being undertaken. Consequently, on 21 February 2020, we conducted a site visit to assess the earthworks and potential effects. Several cracks in your driveway were observed. Unfortunately, these appeared to be historic. It is uncertain when or how these cracks occurred. As discussed, neither the City Plan nor the relevant Resource Consent prescribed standards by which vibration related to earthworks at this site was to be managed. The question then posed was why the issue of vibration was not considered during the consenting process and why you were not consulted as part of the consenting process. I referred this aspect to Dylan Makgill, Team Leader: Environmental Planning, who advised as follows: Consent was required and issued for the earthworks component of this proposal. The City Plan provides policy direction around the matters that a Planning assessment should take into account for earthworks. In this case the City Plan requires specific consideration of erosions and sedimentation effects, a geotechnically stable site, and character and amenity effects on the adjoining ecological and conservation zone. I have attached the Planner’s report which assessed the relevant City Plan matters and recommended non-notification for the proposal (section 7 specifically addresses those matters). While the City Plan does not provide specific direction around vibration associated with constructions works (in this case earthworks) this is a matter which can potentially be addressed through the conditions of consent if it was anticipated to be a significant effect. Generally, with a proposal of this scale (reasonably small) vibration is not an effect that is expected to be so significant that it requires a specific mitigation. The applicant did confirm that they would meet the construction noise standards of the City Plan however as you are probably now well aware this does not include a vibration limit. Tauranga City Council Private Bag 12022, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand +64 7 577 7000 info@tauranga.govt.nz www.tauranga.govt.nz In a case such as this the RMA does provide Compliance tools which allow Council to address effects which were not anticipated to be significant at application stage. Please find attached hereto the Planner’s Report referred to above. Following our site visit, we met with the developer to determine whether measures to mitigate the effects of the vibration could be implemented. The developer employed the following mitigations: • • • • • Used a lighter 3 tonne digger rather than 12 tonne and 20 tonne diggers; Avoided earthworks over weekends; Recent earthworks were being performed on top of a clay base, which would absorb some of the vibration; Used a wheeled loader rather than tracked machinery to spread pre-load material around the site, as the tracked machinery caused a lot of the vibration; Ensured that the machinery maintained a 6m setback from the property boundary. The major works were also scheduled to be completed by 09 March 2020. Amidst these enforcement constraints, we sought legal advice to determine whether we may be afforded any enforcement options under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). Whilst we may potentially take enforcement under Section 16 of the RMA, such enforcement still requires a reasonable standard of proof against which to measure the effects of vibration, such as the German standard (DIN 4150-3:1999 Structural vibration – Effects of vibration on structures). Given the fact that the works are largely complete, the lack of evidence from which to conclude that the cracks were caused by vibration alone, and the lack of vibration measurements, we are currently unable to take enforcement action against the developer. Should you experience any further vibration effects, please alert us to this immediately. This will enable an Environmental Monitoring Officer to attend the site as and when it is occurring in order to conduct a preliminary assessment. Please feel free to contact me should you have any further queries. Yours sincerely Peter Smith Team Leader: Environmental Monitoring 07 577 7200 peter.smith@tauranga.govt.nz TCC Letter - Glen Johnson - 26 March 2020 2