Filed D.C. Superior Court 08/07/2020 2.32.0 2322222222 222* Cakm??gg CEVEL CIVIL ACTIGNS SHEET 2 ?micmw?. :rdLr 01 9012's,: IVE-EL: 6203301125112 03202: (3350 232% J- ?5 ?35; L?j?it?l V: \v 3' \o \3 The Di?trict aanEumbia, 0219? Gf?th?t d?fendants is being 3!.le 222331622 official capacity. Nam 23: P?mf, - {2:213 om Cuntizm? 1223122013 McCartin . i'irmNamc: Com: Fania LLC Six digit Unified Bar Neg: 4 I 01832-36929 Rem-15021522333 to Lawsuit Attorney for P?Eainti?" Se) . TYPE CASE: Di} Nann?ury E: 5133230221023; Demand: 3?3 022162?: Other: Caictaa?ar (32223225521233: NATURE OF $3.532?: (Ci/622' 0228 Box 0222:}? A. CGLLECTIQN CASES 02 2322. ch amm- tram {32 Breach cf Warranty E: {.36 "Negotiabic Persona] Propertv :3 33 Empioymmt Disca?iminaiion 25 Spa-c.2333 I-Edussaaiimn Fee-s: C327: [mi Insummee?ubmgatien 07 10222222219?:Qubmwtiei' 28 23:09.22 I2: 221212223 ~22- wtmuon A weird {Coi?ec??m Cases Gn?y} 34 Under $15,933?! Grants (20115230.? 2:222:22: 22m: 2222?. (2222222; (302152220: 0w; 22 225 02:22 Comm 2222222222 ()vcr $25,600 PM. Grants; 33335223333 WI 02133 CO: 3323213 (302139.112 Dani-2d E: mums/29:21:21; 53106221232 (N: 1* $25 Consent Denied 34 Insurance;Submgation Uzi-?e: $25,600 (5021323212 Denied B. 3:3 {31 Ali?smushiie {33 Destructien @332?in E3 02 Camversia? Damage; E: Shopii?ing D.C. Cede; 33 37? 1639.2} 05 Trespass C. PERSUNAL Abuse (if I?m-2322223 E: {32 Alienaticn 0f Affection (33 Assault and 8221221232 04- Au?mmuhiiew Persana? Injury C25 Dec-?232 {36? 2:35:32 Ac cusatiem 1-2 352:?: Arms: 0% Fraud E3 EC- Envasicr-n oi?l?rivacy 22 Libai 2251;31'8322226232 {21223222322223 itaiwi?muw Ll 13 21422130202123 33205132302302: 14 Maipmstice Legal 3 16 {Not Autonmbiie Not Maipmmica) Not '2 .7 E: WWunun-IH 1:163 25 42,2 Ma pm 21012) E: 39 W25) :Igju? Eviction 23 Fricndiy Suit . I 3: [35 MHipm-?J?nc Medicni {30:31:6ng W'mngl?ui L_j P3 ASSCSIOS 132 'f'axiCEMass '1?0225 f: 23 Tobacco 24 Lead Paint (IV-i96?um 2m Sheet? (ET 531% Att. Betme 05 Ejeetment [if] 09 Speciai 1301131; ?2941} E3 10 Traf?c Adjudicatisn 1i GfRepievin 12111111313: Mechanics Lien 16 Deeiaratmy .Eudgmem Me 91315111111112: 1 EGIE (Eli). Code Titie 13) '3 Product 24 Appiiesatiee t0 {iszniirm Mai-5335 Vacate Award (DC CE 29 Merit Feriacsnnei Act 31 Reusing Cutie Reguiu?tms 32 QUE 33 Whistiei?owe: 11. [1?3 5 17.1.- :mge ei?NEEme E5 Lita-e} 06 FGEeigu EE: -dg111entrfiomerstic 33 E30 Q'Eeign EUd?i?iw?UEi?EPfhailU??i 13 at Certi?cate 14 Correetien Marriage 29 EinEeE Administrati we tier as Judgment DC. Code 248023213 (E1) 01' SEE-ESE 9 2?0 Master Meter Code {5 Certificate 32331151. et 36.1.1.) LJ 2215 Petitiem ii): Civil Asset {Vehicie} Petition. 1111' Civii Asset Fotfeiture {Currency} 23 PetiEimE fer Civii Asset Forfeiture {01311111} 12;} 2E iizr Subpe-eua {Ruie 2234 (EM 2.2 R?i?isiti??: Meehmiez; Lien ?23 E'tuie (PerfgeetuaEe Testimeny) 24 i?eEitiQEE for Seitiement Emi 25 Petitien 311' Liquidaiimi REAL PROFERTY 09 CE 113 3 1111; [j ii E?etitiun for Civil Ase-et Forfeitme (RP Leia Bid 031.121 \f E'Mwn .1 . . 1: . om?w.x< \stm? 7 \wswf?gf RE tugAttemey?s Signature 311111: 2315 3; "E?s-11 ?Water Cease-111 1111311 WaterC 011125.111 (3011313111 {31211112 .. aega Date. Superior Court of the itistriet of Ceinmhin DEVESEQN Civii Actions Branch see indinne Avenue, NDWW Suite Sii?i} Washington, EEC. 28th}: Teienhone: {282} 8W4 133 ?Nehsite: i . 'i?eiairxiptitzmi?. Luau-:7: nneni L-SHJUE my ?4 Defendant SUMMONS To the above named Defendant: Yon are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Coinpiaint, either or through an attorney; within twenty one {21) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive ofthe tiny ot?ser?viee. itiyen are being sued as an eitieer or agency ofthe United States Government or the District of Cohnnhie Government, you have sixty (60} days after serviee of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attorneyr for the plaintiff whe is suing you. The attorney?js name and address appear below. if pieintiff has no attorney, a copy of the Answer must he waited to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. You are eiso required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5890 at 5th} innienn Avenue, between 8:33 em. and 5:90 pm, Mondays through Fridays or between 9:08 and i260 noon on Saturdays. You may the the eriginai Answer with the Court either before yen serve a eon}: of the Answer on the pieintiff or within seven days after yen have served the pieinti?i if you feii to i?iie an Answer, judgment by defenh may he entered against you for the reiief demanded in the entripleint. Anthony M. Conti; Danie! J. MoCnrtin Name of Pieinii it?s Attorney Conti Fenn LLC 3 5? re?u??qt? .r \kn-AK kn?: are: St: Ste. 2561, Baltimore MD me ?um-r- 1 he; .JJ LN. Lu: in." . . .. .. Superinr {hurt (if the District hf Cniumhis CEVEL BEVEEGN Civii Aetinns Brunei: Std} indiunn Avenue, Suite 5369 Washingmn, BAIL mum Teiephoue: {7582} E33 ,t 5n: .. "when Case Number .-.., h" rr? Music.) 1m: LustDefendant SUMMONS To. the above named Defendant: Yen are hereby summoned and required tn serve an Answer to the attached Cmnpisint, either persenaiiy or thtnugh an attorney? within twenty one (2i) days after sewiee at" this summuns upun yen} exciusive of the day ut?sewiee. it?ynu are being sued as an Of?cer or agency nfthe United States Gevemntent 01' the District of Coitunbia Gnvemrnent, ycu have sixty {68) days after sewice Qt?this tn serve your Answer, A enpy of the Answer must be to the attorney for the plaintiff WilD is suing you. The attorney?s name and address appear heiew. if pieintittnas no attni'ney, a copy at the Answer must he mailed to the plaintift?at the address stated on this Sumn?ionst You are $150 required to ?le the originai Answer with the in Suite at 50% indiena Avenue, N.W., between 8:39 tun. and 5:90 pm; Mnndeys through Fridays at between 9:08 am. and 12:60 neon an Saturdays. ?z?eu may tiie the engine} Answer with the Count either betbte yen serve a copy nfthe Answer en the pieintit?t? ni? within seven days after yet: have served the piaintif? if you fail to fiie an Answen judgment by default they be entered against yen fer the reiiefdeinanded in the eninpisint, finthuny M. Lent}; Danie} j. McCartin Cierk Q?he Cow: Name hfPisinti'i'f?s {Rummy Conti Penn LLC - :11! ,3 Deputy Clerk A Minsk M32: 73755773- Charms 55% Sig-.259 Li," I: w. utv mg): 119.! mm; 33.3! LAB-L ?33.15 WAD SUPEREQR CGURT GET THE BESTRICT 0F CGLUMBEA CIVIL ORDER OF POLICE, METROPOLITAN POUCH DEPARTMENF LABOR COMMITTEE 11C. PQLICE UNION, 1524 Pennsyivania [5311211113, SE Washington, DC 23603,, Plaintiff; Cage. Number v4 THE DISTREST 0F COLUMBIA, 591m Wilsaan 3311inng 13 50 Pennaylvania Avenue? 'W?asihingmn, DC 2.09045 mam Muriel Bawsai? Paxmsyivania Avanuq DC 20034, and Kari A. Racine Attamay General fer the: District (31? 441 4th Stre?t, N. W. Washington: DC 20301: MURIEL BGWSEK in her af?ciai capacity as Mayor (?fth? Distrie?z 0f {Iaiumbim Serve; Mayer Muriel Emma 13 ?50 Avenue, BC 213004, and Kari A. Racine Attorney Genera} for the District at? Cnim?nhia 441 4th Streen NW Washington, DC 29601, Defendants. VEREFEEB The piaintifi} Fraternal Order of Peliee, Metrepehtan Police Iteher DEC. Unien {?ilil. Uninn?), its atterneya Antheny Centii Daniei Metiiartin, and the law firm Conti Fenn hereby brings this lawsuit against the dei?endants, The Diatriet of Columbia {?Distriet?) and Mayer Mari e1 liieweer (?Mayer {ceileetivetgyg the ?Befenriante?? seei-zing, ether things, emergency ininnetive rehef arising out ei? the nniaw?rl previsiena eentained in the Comprehensive and Justine Referrn Second Emergeney Amendment Act of 20226 (the mandating that Mayer Beweer pnhiieiy release the fellewing: Within 5 hneinesa days. after an ef?eeruim?elved {teeth or seriens use at three puhiiety the names and. hndy~wern eeniera et? all e?'ieers eemmitted the ef?eeninvehied death or seriene use et?three; and {it} By August 1:33, 2020, pnhlieiy reiease the namee and hndyuwern camera reenrdings ef all ef?eers whe have committed an e?ieernimelved death since the Bodyu'Wern Camera Program was launched en Oeteher l, in enppert efthis Veri?ed Cempiaint, the 11C. Peliee Unien States the fellewing: I, Intrminetien this Verified Cemplaint seeks an emergency injnnetmn to prevent Mayer Bewser frem publicly releasing hedynwern eainera recordings and names (if et??eers invnived in involved death by August 15: 2020. Centeinpnreneens with the ?ling ni? thie Cemplaint fer irrituie?tive reiief. the DIST. Union is tiling and serving en the Defendants eh Emergeriey Metieri fer 2t 'I?emperary Restraining Grater; else seeking a. preiiminery and permet?ierit enjoining Meyer Beweer t?rerri puhiieiy reieesing hetiy~werii camera and the names ef ei?i'ieers irit'ei'ved in effieerniitveh?ed death or serietts use Of force. Uniess anti until it restraining erder is entered prohibiting Defendants? tiniewfei aetieris, the DE. Union and its members it} setter harm. 13. Parties 1. The DIS. Unieri is at ieher union with its prineipei place of business heated at 1524 Perihsyivmiia Ave, Weshirigteri, Di: ?2.6003. The DC. Unieri is the exeiusive representative {if .313 effieers. sergeants. irivestigeters. deteetivee. and detective sergeants ei? the DC. Metrepeliten De ertrrieiit anti ie eemprised of appreximeteiy 3.690 reerrthers. The DC. Uriieri sues err heheif of its members as ijil ?13 on its ewe behalf. 2. The [Iaistriet is the government ter the iitietriet of (leitihihia. The Distriet is resperisihle fer all of the ef?ciei eets ef the Ceuneii and the Meyer of the Distriet et? tilt?iitiriihie. 3. Muriel is the Mayer ef the ef Celeriihie. The Meyer is ?reepeesihie fer the proper exeeutieri efeii laws to the District.? DC. Cede LEMQZ. Jitieisti ietieti. en ti Vera tie 4. This Ceurt may exercise jurisdiction and venue ever the Defendants because eh of the eets and emissiees described herein Within the District Of Cehhiihie and are eetiehe the (Iievernhierit ei? the Dietriet et' Ceiumbie and its agents or within its. central. 1V. Faetuat S, the executive punter at the District 0f Culurn?uia is vested in the lit/layer wire is the eftieer of the Distriet getternrnent. See {3123. Cede As such, ?it shall be the duty of the Mayer ni?the litistrict ef Celurnhia . . . To preserve the puhiie peace; Te prevent erirne and arrest ef?enders; Te pretest the rights efpersens and et? preper; . . Te enterce and ehey ali laws and erdinances in three in the Distriet, or any part thereof, which are preperiy appiieable te er health, and not inconsistent with the previsiens {if this title.? DC. Code 549103. 6. i?ursuant tn the t'jernprehensi've Merit Personnel Act the h?letrepulitan Peliee Department {?ll?v?lPD?? is a ?suherdinate ageney? under ?the direct administrative central ef the Mayer.? BC, Cutie in {fietel'ier 2014, the l?v?lPD established a Betty-Warn Camera program. litistriet ef Celutnbia Cede $11632 sets fer the t?eilewing autherity ef the Mayer te establish rules regarding publie te liedyuwern camera The Mayer, pursuant tn subehapter i of {Ifhapter 5 at 'l?itie 22, and in aceerrlanee with this see-tine, shall issue rules regarding the Metrepeiitan Department?s Betty~Wern. Camera Pregratn. 'ilf?he rules, at a minimum, shall preside: Standards for public te ht_uiy~wr_irrt camera recur-dings. DC. Cede 5416.32. 8. la additien, 24 DCMR ?39000l? set ferth the t?eliewing regulation regarding publie release et?hedy?wern camera The Mayer may, on a easenhynease basis in matters at" signi?cant publie interest and after with the the Unite-cl States Attorney?s Office for the Distriet et" Columbia, and the ?ftiee ef the Atturuey General, release BWC that weuld etherwise net be releasable pursuant tea a POM. request Examples otrnatters of significant public interest include ot?tieern involved shootings serious use of force by an of?cers, and assaults on so either requiring hospitalization. 24 littll?vtl't ?39Elltl.ll3, .9. On July 7, 2920, the {Ioaneil of the Etistriet of Columbia approved and signed the Comprehensive Policing, and Justice Reform Seeontl Emergency Amendment Aet at? 2626 (the (Aet was passed. on an emergency basis Without any at tne public notice and partieipation in reletnaking required. for the passage of a law on a nonnetnergeney basis The Chair of the Coimeil of the Distriet of Columbia, Phil Mendelson, transmitted the Act to Mayor Bonner on July 9, 2820. C311 ital}; ?2?2 202%, hilayor Bowser signed the Act. it), Subtitle of the Act amends DC. Code 5~l toil} by adding new snhseotions, Whieh state as follows: The Mayor: (it Shalh except as provided in paragraph of this subsection: Within 5 business days after an oftieerminvolved death or serious use of forceF publicly release the names and bedy~worn earners reeorciings of all ol?iieers who oorrnnitted the of?oeninvolverl death or serious Lise offers-e; and {Ill By August 15, 29209 publicly release the names and. hotly/?s torn camera recordings of all of?cers who have eotntnitted an ot?tieerninvoiveri death sinee the lioi?lyu?slr?orn Camera Program was laonehetl on Detoher 1, 20M. 1 l. Subtitle of the Aet also amends 24 $90th by settling the following: Notwithstanding teen}r other law? the Mayor: Shelli exeept as provided in paragraph of this subsection: Within 5 hasiness days after an ottieer?involveci death or serious use of three, publicly release the narnes and reeorrlings of all officers who eonn?nitted the of?eeninvolved tieatl?i or serious use of force; and i3} By August 155 282th pahiicly reiease the names and BWC recordings {if at] offieers when have an n?ieeninvelyed death since the Body- ?iifern Canter-a Fragrant was iannehed en October 1, 2014. 12. On June 3, Michael Rt Sherwin Acting> United States Atterney fer the District at tilt?iinnihia, sent in {Irnineilinenther Charies Alien expressing seriens coneerns regarding the Act?s provisiens reiating> te hedy wernneainera i?eetager See Eahihit it. Speci?eaily, US. Atterney Sherwin expressed the rehearing serious concerns: USAO is eencerned that this inedi?ca'tien wanidg in fact, make it more dif?cult to investigate a serious nf?eerninvnived death or serieus use of three 1 a . The early pnhiieatien ef BWC ceaid create a narrative that makes it difi'ieait in, eendnet an investigatien, as it may lead Witnesses tn a eeneiusien that at?t?eets their testimony. Further, early reiease at" BWC conid inadvertentiy the identities of the witnesses. . . . if the BWC were reieased nnredacted, privacy ernrid he eonipreniisedi, as BWC et?ten eentains personal detaiis frern eivilians, ineiading names, dates at? birth, and centaet inferntation such as herne addresses and teiephene anthers. Exhibit E. at End (emphasis in eriginaliv 13. UDSU Atterney Sherwin farther expressed signifieant ceneern regarding the rnandatory iangnage in the Act requiring the Mayor to release hedynwern camera recordings, as feiinws: there are sitaatiens where it eonid he apprepriate fer the Mayer, in consnitatien with the. relevant agencies, to reiease BWC teetage? the rnandatnry iangnage cf the (?strait?) should he changed tn perinissiye iangnage aiiewing the Mayer discretion te reiease BWC thetage at an appropriate time, balancing the needs of the. tn see the footage with the needs at" prnsee'a?ters to accurately investigate what happened, and the security and privacy rights ef civilian witnesses. iilxhihit i at 4; tar Atterney Sherwin farther expressed significant eeneern that the Act?s requirement that the Mayor release the name and hody~wnrn thetage of the of?cer invo1vn11 1111111111 111511111 111 ?111111.151 ropu1111io11111 11111111? 11.1111 wouid ?111131151113; 111211119111 an officer." 111.1 111111111151: 17in1111y, the prosecution 111111 11111 g1.1v111r171111o111 1111011111 11111 malign 3.113.? 1111111113111 inn'iuding an of?cer 11111111: .1111 i1'1'1res1ig111in1'1 is {?nding 1111131111 1111 11 11111.1, 111111111: 1.11111 11111311131111115 do not 1111111111131 1651612138 the 111111113 of 3.11:1 individua? 111111111 investigation 1111113311 and. 1111111 1111: 11.111111115111131? 13 1311111111311. 111113., 111111: 13111111311111: does not support 111111119111. 11113 11111181 111' the investigation. who is 1117os1111:1e11 innocont, does 111.11 suffoi' 111111131 1'61111111?11111'1111 11511111. 111 9111111111111. 1111111111 111.1 officer 111 1311211de with 8. 13111111: 11111 or 1161' 11111111: is roieaged. 1'11 1111:? 1.111111111111111 1111 1.111112 11111111 11 11011131: 11111111111111 111311111 111? 111311111111 1.1311111 1111:1311 11111 1.111111141111111 1111111 1.1111 11111111111111 11111111111111 t1111g1::11ni111111111111111: 5111' 111111 1111111111? a requirement 111111 1111? 1111111111 1111 111111111 111111111111 1 111 11 (31111111113111 1111111111) 15.1111: 1131611111: of 1113 body camera 1110111111: and 1111111311 of of?cers 11111 11131111 1n 1111111111 remitationai 11311111 and wi1l '11111'111111'}; 11.111.1ign 11nd pei'inanontiy tarnish 1111': 11:111111111'1'111 and good 11111111: of any 1111111121 1.11111' 1.1 1.211816166113121 of misconduct concerning 11111 111113 of 11111313. The affootod 1131111361 11111 have no 11bi1i1y to salvage: 11111 16111113111111 11111-11 11111 11111111111111.1111: 11116111: of 11111 11111111: 111111 the body-11111111 11111118111 1'1111111ge. 111 1111111111111 to 11111111111}: 11:11111g111ng 1111 officer. 1111-: 1111111111101}? 1111131111113 of 1111: 11211111111 11111111131113 and 11ody~wo11i 1311111111111 1130111111: 11111 13111111: 111111112111 111111 1111': 111111111: 211 11111111111111'11: 111114. 1.11" significant 1111111131 11111111. 1111111111 0111111313 1113111111111} 1131: 111101: 111.33. (1.111111 11 1111111111111 suspect, 1113 11111115111311: roioase of 111$ of?cor?s 11211111: 1.11111 11111 11111111111111. 111111113121 footage 1111111 1111111211 11.11: 111111 1111311 11351111111131: to 1111111111132 11113 1111112111 and potentioiiy S111: 1'1111'1?011111111 against 1111:. 1311111111" 11111.1 11111 or 1131' 11111111311. 131111211131 is 111111 1111-: 111111361 is 1111111111 11v 1111: 011111111111 511131111111 to be 11 primary witness 11.11 1111: 1.1101111131111011. 111111 11111331 po1ontial target 111' vioience 1o 013111111111 1:111: of?cer?s 1e111i111o'1131. This 11111111 of 1101121101: 1111111111 1.11.1131}! 1111111111131 111 1111}! 11111111111111 11111111151163 idonti?ed by 1111111111111 3115131111111 1111 1113 body-11111111 1.5111513 footage whom they want to prevent from. testityirig against there at a criminal trial. The reiease of the oi?iieer?a name and ether identifying information eontained in the hotly?worn earnera footage further irnperiniasihiy invade the etiieerk tiiridarrierital right to privacy. Count I the Sheree-irritate thirteen-eat; arid .i??t-?ititi?it-?e 5 2t E?iieirrttirnt ef the ?with: art-t titre. at? Fritters} ifi. Paragraphs int 5 of this Veri?ed Complaint are fttiiy incorporated herein. The exeerrtive power of the Distriet of Columbia is veated the Mayor who is the drier ?of?cer of the District government. See i153. {Ilode As such, ?it shall be the duty of the Mayor of the District of Coiuntbia . . . To preserve the pabiie peace; To prevent erinrie and arrest offenders; To protect the rights (if peraons and of proper; . . . {10) To enforce and obey alt laws and ordinances in force in the District, or any part thereei?; whieit are properiy anpiieahle to or heaith, and net ineonsistent witi?r the provisions of this titie.? Di}. Code 5491.030 Pursuant to the Comprehensive Merit Perserme] Aer. the Metropolitan Department is a ?subordinate agency? under ?the direct administrative eontroi et? the. Mayor.? i313. Code i9. DC. Cede 5-1 i632 sets for the feiiowing authority of the Mayor to estahiish rules regarding poetic. access to hodyuworn camera recordings: The Mayor, pursuant to subehapter i rrftilhapter 5 of it"itie 2, and in aeeordanee with this section? shalt issue rates regarding the Metropoiitan Department?s Body?sh?erri Camera Program. The rates, at a minintenn shaii provide: Standards for ptthiie to hodvaorn camera recordings. 26). Pursuant re DC, Cede the Ccuncii deciered that. is the of seperetien et?pcwers the structure eftiie District ef Celiirribie 21. cf the Act amends DE. Code 5416.33 and 24 DCMR ?3900n10 by adding new suiisectieirs thei require and erder the Meyer re reidbc. iseriywverii feet-age emf! the names of of?cers iri death or sacrieii's use cf force. in doing 50, the Ceurieii has irripreperiy usurped the exclusive pewer 0f tire Mayer to ?preserve the public peace,? ?prevent crimes and arrest rii'ifeiiders,? and ?pretect the rights cf perigee-5;: and efpreperiy,? as weii as tire Meyer?s ?direct administrative cerirrel? carer her subi'irdirreie agency, the MPD. As Such, Subtitle (if the Act impreperiy usurps tire exeiusive pewer of the Meyer Virilatieri of the separation of pewere of the District (if Ceiumbie geverm?eeiit recognized 13.63. Code in 3014483) 22. Subtitie i3 cf the Act. irripreperi}! infringes; em and ebstrucrs the Meyer?s te carry mat her executive fuiictieris t0 ?preserve tire public peace? and ?prevent crimes and arrest i?ii?fericiers,? because the immediate, irieridetery release of bedy?werri C?i?fi?f?. {Garage and memes ei? etiieers ?irieke itm difficult te investigate a serieue eficeruiiweived death or sericiis use ei?i?eree.? Exhibit 1 at 3 {emphasis in 23. Subtitle of the Act further impreperly infringes rm and ebsiruets tire Meyer?e ability to carry (but her executive fuiietieri re ?protect the righte 0f pereeris? and preperty,? because the immediate, reieese er? and names of cf?eers will cemererriise the privacy rights; of Dietriet citizens because efreri eemems perecriei frem including Harries, dares 0f birth, and eeritect iriteririetieii such as heme addressee arid telepiierie numbers.? Exhibit 1 er 4, in eririitieri, suepecrs will have the to: review the body-were feritage to identify witnesece ie their crimes, which will cause these civilian witnesses in beccrne the pctential targets ct" threats er virulence in prevent their testimony. 2.4. ".l?hreugh Suhtitle of the Act, the Ceuneii has retrieved the necessary discretien the Mayer rnust have in executing her executive perverse The Ceuncil?s eliniinatien cf the Mayer?s discrelich in executing her executive pewer precludes the Mayer frern properly balancing ?the needs cf presecuters te accurately irwestigate what happened; and the security and privacy rights cf civilian witnesses.? Exhibit 1 at 4. As such, Subtitle of the Act directly infringes on and obstructs the Mayerls ahility tc carry out her executive tinrcticns to ?preserve the public peacef ?prevent crimes and arrest Offt??detfh? and ?protect the rights cf persons and cl" property? hy requiring her in immediately release camera t?ectage and names cf ef?cers without any ciiscretien permitted by the Mayer in executing her executive funetien, 25. Subtitle cf the Act improperly infringes en and ehstructs the Mayer?s ability te carry cut her executive t?uneticns te ?preserve the public peace,? ?prevent crirnes and arrest effenrlers,? end ?pretect the rights and cf prepertyf? because the nientiatery release cf the names and carnera feutage will place Dill, Felice Union rnenihers at immediate risk et? signi?cant hedil}r harrn, unjustly rneligu cf?cers, and unjustly subject ct?iicers to substantial reputatienal harrn. Ilti As such, Subtitle of the Act represents an impermissible intrusien en the hliaycr?s autherity and ability in pericrrn her speci?cally delegated executive functions in uieletien cf the separation ct puwers cf the District cr {licluinhia gistiernrnent reccgnizeu in the jl-icrne Rule Act and DC. Cede 1?30 144%). The Meyer has the exclusive pewer and duty to ?preserve the puhlic peace,? ?prevent crimes and arrest cffenclers,? and ?protect the rights at perscus and cf preperty,? Subtitle El ut? the Act requires the Meyer in release cf the narnes and heely 1111:1111 camera 1'11. efii .1 i1111'11131 ed 111 ??lf?f?w death 1.117 use 0f feree. which 1111i? dii'eeti}; impede he1 '10 1.31111}; 1.1111. heir essentiei 311111150115 and duties te ptevent crime. arrest offenders. 111111 protect. the priveey ?ghts 0f eitiz e113 of the District. The Meg/111 11111111 be permitted ?11.1 exereise discretion in the reieese ef 13011131110111 ee111e111 i1101ege 111.311 11331131 in her inability 10 e311}? 0111 her executive 13.111111111111111. A11 111111111. Subtitie {if the Act vieietes the separatism of peweis 131 the Dietiiet 0f whimhie Miwemm 1.11 1111111: Heme Reie Act and DC. Code 7133144111}. Mereevet. the United States 311111631111: (01111 has he} ti that at 130111151111 01" the separation 1:31" 1301111115- 111.11 depend 1111 the views 1:11? 1111. 111he111 111'. the executive 01111hethe1'the e11e10eehed~11peii branch epptevee 01? the e11e1'0aeh1'11e111. es feiiews: iFFerhaps 1111 i111ii1'i1i11ei President might find advantages in tying hi1; 11111111 111111351. But the 51.111111151131111 1'11" powers Cities 1101 depend 011 the views 01? individual Pi'eeideiite. 1101' 011 whether c?the heeheh 91111111111133 the e11e11?121ei1111e11t.? New York 11. United 31111133. 53:3 US. 144. 132. 112. 2433. 123 L.Ed.2d 121?} {1992'}. The Preeident 1:31.111 eiweys cheese 11) 1e311ei11 himseif 111 his dealings; with s11?1101?di11111ee. He cannot. hewever. 111100116: 10 bind his by di111i1'1iehi11g their 111111113111. 111.11 111111 he escape respeiisihility 1701' his by pretending that they are 111.11 hie 01111. .Fi'ee Enter. 31.11111 31153. 0111211511.) 31:133.. 5151 US 497 {2i i113) (internal eitetieii c.1111itted}. As such. the DC. Police U11i1111 hes standing in this ease te the Aet. which wilt directly i11ep111'ebiy 11111111 its members. 23 Based on the feregoing. the DC. U11i1'111 is entitied t0 injunctive eiiet? 1111511121111: 10 DC. 811 1e1'it11' {701.111. Rule 1117? Civii 31?0eed111'e {:15 1.1113 DC. Cede 2 Sit}. 13111111311} i . the ivieyei' {11.1111 pubiiely 1'eit1e 3111 the 1111111133 and h0dy-w11111 1: ethera feetege 0feffiee1's invoked in of?ceruihvelved death 01' eerieus use of three. Under the circumstances described in this Verified 011111323111. the DC U11i011 ?11111 i111 members setter. 3111111eciiete. substantial. 11 111111 11'1'611111'111111': 111111131, 11111111111111; 1111311111 111.1111 1.1111111}; 11111111 111111 31111311111111.1111 13111113110111.11 11111111 11111.11: 111111115111111 1111111 111 1111.1 11111111111111 11.1 3 11111111133 111111 11113 D. P1111111: 1111111 111.111 1151 11111111111313 111111 51111111, 11111 11111111111191 any 1111111}; 111111 1111131111 1:111 511111111611 1.13.1 1111:. 1)13fe11da1111s 111 any 1311111 11113111311111 111111}? if 1116 requesmd 11111111111111: 1131113113 granted. 13111111111, 1111-: DC. P11111311 EJ111011 1111111. 1111113131 1113111111 1111 1111: 111611151 1.1.1" 11113117 1111111115 11g1111151 [31.111111111111111. Furtharmma. 1118 111111111: 1111131651 1111111111115 1.1111 17111111651611 111111111311er 111111131?. 11 411111111111 13111:: 131111.11: 111m E111E1111111111 .11111 1111111111111 1.: 11.121111? 1?1 11111111111 11.11111: E31111 1?1 {11111111111111 11!? 1311111131 111 11.111111111111111 EE11E11 1111.1 29. 1?111'3. .1, 9111 1111s '1 28 131111111 V111111a11 1111.1;111121111101111111 111-111-1111. 30. .1111 11131111111111 11.1111 11.111111113111611 111? 1111:. 1315111111 11111111 111111 1311111651: rights 1111111111 31111-1g11111?11130111 11111111111111'511 fairnes 1111 11.11111 1111 1.111111111111111? 111111 1?111111211113111a1 1111111115 11113111 g0 1.111611111111111 11111111g1s.,11111111 3111111 1111 17113 11111113111611131 right ?10 1111111111311. 1. The 13111111131 11'? {3011111113111 1111111111 R1111: Act. DC. Code. E1: 1111211115 111511 ?1111: lagisia?ve 1191111111 of 1111: 1313111111 1.1111111 11111131111 ?10 1111 rightful subjec'is 11f 111g13111?111111 111111111 1113 D1511'1c?1' 11011311111311 with 1116 {3011511111111111 111' 11111 "1111111111 5311111111 11111! 11116 11101113111113 11f 11113 131111131111 11111111161 10 1111 111.11 111511111110113 11111.1 31111111111011 11111111131111 1111011 1111: 311111. 5 E111 1111: 11.1111 11113111111 111 1111: 1111 111111111: 111? 1111: 131111111111111111?1 11f 1.111111111112111 811111.111.? 32. Sub?tla of 1111: A111 11111111163. ?116 fu11d11111e111111 1111.111 11:1 p1'111'1111y1111111 by DC. P1111111: 1.1111011 11111111111113 1111111111711 11111 11111116111313. 11131111111101}; 1111111151: 01' 1111: 11111111111 111? of?cers- 211111 bodyr 171111.11 f1111111ge 111111 111111 1111111111111 1111111111 1de1111fy111g 1111011111111011 1111-3111 1111: 11111911111. T111: 1111311111011 of 111111 11111111111161111311 1113.111 111 1111111113}: 11011111 11.131111 111 31111111111111?11. 51111111111 11111111 111 11171113613 11:11:111131: 11111: 11111116111311: 111113111: 1111111151101 1E1: 111111.111 111111.111 111.111 1111: 1313113: 11.10111 111111111111 feetaga will 11110111 1111111111111 1111111161111; 111111 11 3111' 1131111111 1111-15 111 111111111131 11111 1111111111 111111 petan?aliv 313111: retribution against the ottioer and his or her family. in addition? the officer is known by the erirninai suspect to he a primary witness for the prosecution and thus a potential target of violenee to obstruct the officers testimony. The Act further fails to provide the affected of?cers with any mechanism to ehallenge the immediate release of their narnes or horiywvorn earners feotage to attempt to proteet their thndarnental right to privsey and safety. 33? Subtitle of the Aot also violates the fundamental. right to privaey held by all eitisens of the District captured on the horiyuwarn carriers footage because, as noted by United States Attorney Sherwin, hotlyuworn earners footage eontains personal, private information sheet Distriet eitisens, including names; dates ot?hirth, and eontaet in?arrnation such as home addresses and telephone numbers. Criminal suspects will further have the abilityr to review the earners. tootage to identify eitrilian witnesses to their erirnesj which will cause these civilian witnesses to become the potential targets of violenee to prevent their testimony. 34: As a result, Subtitle of the Aet violates the due process protections contained in the I-lorne Act. U) {J?t Based on the foregoing the DC, Poliee Union is entitled to injnnotive relief pursuant to BC. Superior Court Rule of Civil Ii?rocednre 65 and DC. Code 2?510, enjoining the Mayor from publicly releasing the names and hotiy~worn earners footage of officers involved in oi?i?iceruinvoived death or serious use of three. tinder the tlesorihetl in this Verified Complaint the DC. Police Union and its members will setter, immediate, substantial: and irreparable injury, ineluding signitieant bodily harm and substantial reputational harm ii? this injunctive relief is not granted. 'l?he injuries that the DALI Police Union and its members will setter? far outweigh any injury that might he suffered by the Defendants or any other interested party if the requested injeneti?ve relief is granted Further, the DIS. Police Union will likely ha prevait en the merits 03'. their eiaims against Dei?e meant: Fiirthermme, the pubiie interest supports the requested relief. V. 33133131121" Titer Reiiet?t?im fii?evetii 13133111; 33173-33} Mi 1: {31x35 the DC mien tequests that the (hurt enter an (girder: {Declaring that Sitbtitie 3:3 ef the Act is iiweiid and violates the Separatien of Pewers piineipies Set faith in DC. Cede 1~30?L44?b? and the District 015' Cei'itim lit: 1 {eitie Ri?e Act, and striking the offensive previsimig 0f the Act; that Subtitle ef the Aei? is invaiid tied violates the due process guarantees, of the District :31" Columbia iEEeme Ruie Aetg and striking the pi'evisiens et?the Act; the Meyer from pubiieiy the matinee and bedynwei?n camera feetege ef ef?eers invelved death 01* serietis use ei?feree; Greeting Such ether and thither relief as the Ceurt may deem just and proper. Respeetftiily submitted}, 3% i 1 e" e? row; ?x . I . 43a? {3 x' o- in.? .v 0" Q3. .7 \Q'ni? I Cu ?anthem enti Bat Ne 4"?33152) Daniel J. MeCertinQi EC 3:321? Ne. 13" 132w LLC 36 Smith Cherries Street: Suite 2501 Beitimere, Maiyland 21201 {410) 3318?3 {347 {feesimiie} deii@eentifeiin.eem 7:1 fit 31:13 3215-3 13.? 31?11}- {iglf?iisr?} wusuu a. ?Ma-.91 muhd.? . US. Department Mieheei R. Sherwin Acting United. States Atterney Been-7?s: qf Ceiztmhia Jmiieinry Center 555 St, N. Pi?azshz'ngmn, D. C) 2053!) June 85 2028 YEA ELECTRONIC MAEL The Henerehie Charles Aiien Chairmen Committee on the Judiciary and Pnhiie Safety Coeneii nt?the Bistrict eftfieiumbia i350 Pennsyivenie Avenue, NW Suite 1 it} BC 23004 Dear Chairmen Aiien: Thank you fer the opportunity tr) submit eernnierzts en heheit?et? the United States Attorney?s Office fer the District ct?Ceinmhie en 23374 (the ?Comprehensive and justice Reterni Emergency Amendment Act of 2620?), As members: tit" this community, we are deepiy disturbed by the death of Gem-gr: Fieyti, and the circumstances surrounding his death. We support the fair and equitehie treatment et? individueis, regerdiess et?race in this time we recemn?iit etirseives te our duty as is, to nehe-id the Constitutien and the iaws efthe District ofCeininhie; and to servejustiee for at}. We euppmt many efthe geeis et?this emergency bill, which inchide ensuring t?er peiice i?iSCf?'ifiHCL and we commend the Cetincii tier its rate in furthering this geei. At the outset, we are concerned that designating efthese prepceeis emergency iegisietien? the Cenneii is limiting the eppertnnity fer the nieenihgthi puhiic and governmental input that the regeiar iegisiative process at?t?erds Some of?the propagate in this are signi?cant peiicy preposaie, and merit thisorne ptibiic engagement. The US. Attorney?s Of?ce for the District efCeinnthia else has eehcerns regarding prepeseis in this hit] reieting tc hedymwem camera (BWC) teetege, First, the proposes inotiit?ving i?i?i'tti'ticipai Regulation 2431999 '9 as t?oiiows: may not review their iith; 1c101d1ngs oi BWC recordings that have been she ed with them to assist in initial report writine-r' so. but? it ?arses 1111111111111: 1111411111141; 13 As a thresholtl matter, it bears emphasizing that the existing Regulation aiready contains an exception for cases involving, a notice shooting. This means that. where there is a notice shooting. an member is preeiuded from reviewing his or her own BWC recording before writing. an initiai report. indeed, in certain situations. the oniine piatt?orrn storing, MW) EEWC footage ?iocits? the Videos for review by officials, precluding officers from 1Jiewin that footage. and precluding others from viewing that footage without permission. USAO supports expanding the exception in the existing, Reguiation to encompass cases invoiying of?cer conduct th tat resuit in serious injury or death even where the1e is no tiiearni involved therefore supports amendinn the Regulation as toilows: ?Members may 1cview thei1 BWC recordings or BWC Hecotdings that have heen shined with them to assist in initiai 1eport w1itino exec pt in cases inyoiving a police d?xLN i111 oivu?wf 1111111 1111111111" j'i iniuw. concerns heiow therefore. oniy apply to cases that: no 1__10t involve . ea poiice shooting, 1: office ?teil?WQi?V?ti death o1 se1ious 1111111111 111111131. these inciutie homicides, sexual abuse, domestic violence, rohheiies. assauits, and other 'vioient e1 irnes committed by civilians against other civilians. primsiy objective is to ensure the accuracy oi?the initiai police report. in iess serious cases, where a detective may not he .1111 gned. the initiai poiice report is a cruciai way to inform prosecutors, the defense. and judges about the facts of the case. Of?cer accuracy in report writing is paramount, and USAO is concerned about any change in iaw that couiri 1111-1111111: on accuracy. Frequently. the ianguage in the initial notice report is the same language used in a Gerstein affidavit in court or in an arrest or search Hararrant upon which iudges rely when making decisions that aifect a person's liberty and p1 ivacy the accuracy of an affidavit establishing p1 uhahie cause or in support oi an arrest or search warrant. is essentiai. Although not sit officers eurrentiy reiy on their BWC footage in preparing their initiai notice reports. there is good reason why officers may reiy on 1111211111111: footage in preparing their initiai reports. Such use is often to be encouraged in that it has the capacity to improve the accuracy of the report. Officers often capture conduct and interviews on BWC. interviews can he and may he ditiicuit to remember in detail or to record in officer notes it is important that? officers accurateiy capture in their initiai reports wh at civilian victims uitnesses- anti detendants hay said inatcuraeics in capturinn Wt triess statements wilt not onty inappi?opiiately undermine ofiice1 credihil ity at a item iing or at triai, but may aiso inappropriateiy undermine civilian at a hearing or triai, when the defense attempts to impeach a witness based on the con?i cting statements 1 documented 111 the 3 A Licrsfein't ai iificlavit which is sworn to by a iaw enforcement of?cer. is so document ?fiied in court setting 15111121 th cf etc 5 ate case that provides a basis to: iintiin -u ofpiohahie cause A iudiciai iindi -ng of prleohah cause isi can then? i'c-r piehiai detention. in.) officer?s initiai report. Further, BWC t?eotage may contain exculpatory material, and it is very important that of?cers capture exculpatory materiai in their inititii reports. This inciude exculpatory statements made by witnesses, eitenipatory evidence captured en video, anti exculpatory suspects that could exonerate the accused. The also eiiminates t?m of?cer?s to review another officer?s BWC footage in preparing an initiei notice report Review of another officer?s BWC footage can he an important investigatoiy step in net tyinl eieettnanmo the tiili scone ot conduct but in ascertaining what charges ne ?ppt?pt iete. Fmtiiei, the hilt is unclear as to whether it detective may review a patmi efficei"?s BWC white preparing the deteetive?s initial report, which is often a more comprehensive report. Such review should not be precinded inadvertently by this biil. Einttiiy ifoftieeri: use not pennitted to rev: ew footage tie fete itinii, i a tepoit officeis may be incentivized to WE ite veiy bi iet initial iepmtSi tit at do not contain meaningful deteiis. to the detriment tit?pi?osecntoi's seeking to make just charging decisions, defense aligning probabie cause and release conditions, and judges making probenie eanse and hoiti determinations. Second, the proposes modifying C. Mnnicieni Regniation 724u39??. it} as t?oiiows: inn. ether. lime. l?slain?li :i-i'i {i i tit. . .?tiei ni: wniveti death or the se- tititie tine sit totee re; least the rind R??iit? recent int-3:5: oi? tii?i?it. ett: Wi?tti the. otf'tervintt?ii?ei. ti eat it or sea inns use of force emu-"l itil .?t?tti Pitl?i?ti?? lltii a? tin. REM oitii tittixuim with tiie Chief the United States Attoiney 0ft" ice ter the Disti ict ot Coi unibie and the Office ot the Attorney Geneiei Qubiiciv re eiease tint 8?}st tecoidings that; may not weniti otherwise be ieleesebie to a FOE i. request. . . . newt it weuintiiw 'Ctiimif ti-nt?i- intent? tin" nesting: I investigate it serious OffiCEi'?iiW0iV?d tie'iti?i or serious use ot?ioree Such a result ofcourse won id be centiatjy to on: shared goai ot EnSUlit?W tittieei accountabii ity for misconduct Cinee the footage is pnbiio both the tittieer involved anti an}; involved would be eijle to watch it. it would be virtually impossiole for USAO to conduct a iuli investigatien within 72 bonus as a investigatinn could ineititie nil i'eie'vant parties, inciuding inveived civilians. testi if} ing before the grendj::ry.3 The early onbiieation could create a narrative that meltes it to conduct an investigation. as it may tend witnesses in a conclusion that affects their testimony. 3 For examine for an ot'fcei'uin 'oived death or serious use ttf't?orce case that occurred at :3 0110. i tiday, 64 of the nliotteti 712' news wotiic- pass betoie a was even sitting again begin he: 33'! ng witness testimony. Further, early release could inadvertently publicize the identities ofthe witnesses. To ensure police accountability; it is crucial that witnesses cooperate. Even with redaction ofwitness names {which the. proposed legislation does not currently provide for), the neighborhood or location where an incident took place would be visible, which could lead to a situation where witness identities were improperly exposed. Further, even if redactions are permitted by the legislation, 72 hours may not be enough time to conduct redactions ot?all relevant BWC footage particularly it?there is extensive BWC footage of an incident from numerous ot?ticers, if the BWC were released unredacted, civilian privacy could be compromised, as BWC often contains personal details from civilians, including names, dates of birth, and contact information such as home addresses and telephone numbers. Because there are situations Where it eould he appropriate for the Mayor, in consultation witli the relevant ageneiesa to release BWC footage, the mandatory language ofthe hill (?shall?) should he changed to permissive language allowing the Mayor discretion to release BWC footage at an appropriate time balancing the needs ofthe community to see the hootage with the needs of prosecutors to accurately investigate what happened? and the security and privacy rights of civilian witnesses Finally, the prosecution and the government should not malign any suspect? including an otticer, while an investigation is pending, lndee j, as a rule, police and prosecutors do not publicly release the name of any individual under investigation unless. and until the individual is charged. Thus, if the evidence does not support charges, the target ot?the investigation? who is presumed innocent, does not suffer unjust reputational harm. in contrast, when an officer is charged with a crime, his or her name is released. Because, after thorough investigationi a policeninyolved death or serious use of force investigation may not ultimately result in the criminal charge et?an officer, a requirement that the Mayor categorically release all names of of?cers after 7?2 hoursi regardless ot?the facts otthe case or the nature of the officer?s actions, could unjustly malign an officer. look torward to continuing to work with the Council to ensure that our laws are just and equitable. 5t i an lied States attorney I . {tenant of Columhia or? cc: The Honorable Muriel Bowsen Mayor The Honorable Kevin Donahue, Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Llustice and Deputy City Administrator The Honem?cie Mendnison, Chairman The Henorabie i?ienyan i?v?icDuf??, Chairman Pro Tempura The Anita. Bonds, Counciimamhar, Judiciary Tin: Honombin Ciieh, Judiciary Committee The Honorabin "Vincent C. Gray, Judiciaiy Committee Tin: Hanni?ai?iie David ?resse, Cannaiimainbnr The Brianna ?Nadeaui Councilmembai? The Elissa Siiverman, The: Bi?andnn T. Todd, Counciiniemb?r Tim Reberi C. Whim, in? Cannciimember The: irionm?aijia Trayon White, 311: Caunciimembei? The: i-ionorabia Kari A. "Racine, Attemey Ganesrai fan? the District {si?CGiuinhia Lil Filed D.C. Superior Court 08/07/2020 SEELEEQNW {12222222 222?? 232.0 2322222222 222* {22232222122222 CEVEL CIVIL ACTIGNS 2 ?micmwl :rdLr 01 9012's,: IVE-EL: 6203301122112 03202: 2020 CA 003492 (?acc?q??ibci-IHC2CHC2H 232% J- ?5 ?35; L?j?it?l V: \v 3' \o \3 The Di?trict aanEumbia, 0219? Gf?th?t d?ibndants is being 3!.le 222331622 official capacity. Nam 23: P?mf, - 230130223, Cuntim? 1223122013 McCartin . i'irmNamc: Com: Fania LLC Six digit Unified Bar Neg: 4 I 01832-36929 52,2'9263380 Rem-15021522333 to Lawsuit Attorney for P?Eainti?" Se) . TYPE CASE: Di} Nm2~322ry E: 51332302210232 Demand: 3?3 022162?: Other: Caictaa?ar (32223225521233: NATURE OF $3.512?: (Ci/622' 0228 Box 0222:}? A. CGLLECTIQN CASES 02 2322. ch amm- tram 02 Breach cf Warranty E: 06 "Negotiabic Persona] Propertv 33 Empioymmt Disca?iminaiion 25 Spa-c.2333 I-Edussaaiimn Fee-s: C327: [mi Insurance?ubmgatima 07 1122222222122:Qubmwtiei' 28 23:09.22 I2: 221212223 ~22- wtmuon A weird {Coi?ec??m Cases Gn?y} ?34 Under $15,002! Grants (20115230.? 1613 (12012222 22021: 2222?. (2222222; (302152220: 12; cm; 22 2425 030(302130212 2222222222 ()vcr $25,000 PM. Grants; 3333522330 WI 02133 CO: 3323213 $2?30?0 (302139.112 Dani-ad E: mums/29:21:21; 53106221202 Gw- 2 $25 00!) Consent Denied 34 Insurance;Submgation Uzi-?e: $25,000 (502130213 Denied B. 3: 01 Ali?smushiie {33 Destructien ofFriwi?m E3 02 Camversia? Damage; E: Shopii?ing D.C. 33 37? 1029.2} 05 Trespass C. PERSUNAL Abuse (if I?m-2322223 E: 02 Alienaticn 0f Affection 03 Assault and 8221221232 04- Au?mmuhiiew P62502203 Injury 05 Dec-?233. {36? 2:35:32 Ac cusatiem 1-2 352:?: Arms: 03 Fraud E3 EC- Envasicr-n oi?l?rivacy 22 Libai 22212282222222 12. 32122330322223 itaiwi?muw Ll 13 2142213020212; l?rusccutkm 14 Maipmstice Legal 3 16 {Not Autonmbiie Not Maipmmica) . I 3: [35 MHipm-?J?nc Medicni {30:31:6ng Wrangl?ui L_j P3 ASSESIOS Not '2 .7 E: Ig?k'ununwii 1:103 25 42,2 Ma pm 21012) E: 39 W25) :2ng Eviction 20 Fricndiy Suit 132 'f'axiCEMass '1?0225 f: 23 Tobacco 24 Lead Paint (IV-i96?um 201 Sheet? (ET 531% Att. Betme 05 Ejeetment [if] 09 Speciai 1301131; ?2941} E3 10 Traf?c Adjudicatisn 1i GfRepievin 12111111313: Mechanics Lien 16 Deeiaratmy .Eudgmem Me 91315111111112: 1 EGIE (Eli). Code Titie 13) '3 Product 24 Appiiesatiee t0 {iszniirm Mai-5335 Vacate Award (DC CE 29 Merit Feriacsnnei Act 31 Reusing Cutie Reguiu?tms 32 QUE 33 Whistiei?owe: 11. [1?3 5 17.1.- :mge ei?NEEme E5 Lita-e} 06 FGEeigu EE: -dg111entrfiomerstic 33 E30 Q'Eeign EUd?i?iw?UEi?EPfhailU??i 13 at Certi?cate 14 Correetien Marriage 29 EinEeE Administrati we tier as Judgment DC. Code 248023213 (E1) 01' SEE-ESE 9 2?0 Master Meter Code {5 Certificate 32331151. et 36.1.1.) LJ 2215 Petitiem ii): Civil Asset {Vehicie} Petition. 1111' Civii Asset Fotfeiture {Currency} 23 PetiEimE fer Civii Asset Forfeiture {01311111} 12;} 2E iizr Subpe-eua {Ruie 2234 (EM 2.2 R?i?isiti??: Meehmiez; Lien ?23 E'tuie (PerfgeetuaEe Testimeny) 24 i?eEitiQEE for Seitiement Emi 25 Petitien 311' Liquidaiimi REAL PROFERTY 09 CE 113 3 1111; [j ii E?etitiun for Civil Ase-et Forfeitme (RP Leia Bid 031.121 \f E'Mwn .1 . . 1: . om?w.x< \stm? 7 \wswf?gf RE tugAttemey?s Signature 311111: 2315 3; "E?s-11 ?Water Cease-111 1111311 WaterC 011125.111 (3011313111 {31211112 .. aega Date. Superior Court of the itistriet of Ceinmhin DEVESEQN Civii Actions Branch see indinne Avenue, NDWW Suite Sii?i} Washington, EEC. 28th}: Teienhone: {282} 8W4 133 ?Nehsite: i . 'i?eiairxiptitzmi?. Luau-:7: nneni L-SHJUE my ?4 2020 CA 003492 Defendant SUMMONS To the above named Defendant: Yon are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Coinpiaint, either or through an attorney; within twenty one {21) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive ofthe tiny ot?ser?viee. itiyen are being sued as an eitieer or agency ofthe United States Government or the District of Cohnnhie Government, you have sixty (60} days after serviee of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attorneyr for the plaintiff whe is suing you. The attorney?js name and address appear below. if pieintiff has no attorney, a copy of the Answer must he waited to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. You are eiso required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5890 at 5th} innienn Avenue, between 8:33 em. and 5:90 pm, Mondays through Fridays or between 9:08 and i260 noon on Saturdays. You may the the eriginai Answer with the Court either before yen serve a eon}: of the Answer on the pieintiff or within seven days after yen have served the pieinti?i if you feii to i?iie an Answer, judgment by defenh may he entered against you for the reiief demanded in the entripleint. Anthony M. Conti; Danie! J. MoCnrtin Name of Pieinii it?s Attorney Conti Fenn LLC 3 5? re?u??qt? .r \kn-AK kn?: are: St: Ste. 2561, Baltimore MD me ?um-r- 1 he; .JJ LN. Lu: in." . . .. .. Snperinr {hurt 01th:: 11131511121: 91? Cniumhis ?11111; BEVEEGN Civii Aetinns Branch 5111} 131111113113 Avenue, Suite 531111 Washingmn, "13.0 21311111 Teiephoue: {7:112} ?(73311311131 413510.: 1.1mm? \3 Case Number . 2020 CA 003492 Mun? Rowwr. .. i c: emits" tot-(701191" 13 211 nd a 1 SUMMONS To. the above named Defendant: Yen are hereby summoned and required tn serve an Answer to the attached Cninpisint, eiihei? persenaiiy or thtnugh an attorney. within twenty one (21) days after sewiee 01? this summuns upun yen. exciusive efthe day ut?sewiee. it?ynu are being sued as an 0111: e: as agency Of1i?1f31. 1nited States Gm eminent 01' the District of Cohunbia Gnvemrnent, ycu have sixty {68) days sfte: sewice this tn serve your Answer, A enpy of the Answer must be 11121111311 to the attorney for the plaintiff with is suing you. The attorney?s name and address appear heiew. 1f pinintit?ias no attni'ney, a copy 01' the Answer must he mailed to the plaintift?at the address stated on this Sumn?ions. You are 3.150 required to ?le the originai Answer with the ("301111 in Suite 511110 at 501} Indiana Avenue, between 8: 31:3 a 111. and 5 =30 pm? \I1tutdeyst1n?ough Fridays er between 9:013 am. and 12:61) neon an Saturdays. ?z?eu may ?1111:: the etiginei Answe: with the Count either betbre yen serve a copy 4:11" the Answer en the pininti?? 111? within seven days after yet: have served the pinintif? if you fail to 111% an Answer. judgment by defeuit may he entered against yen fer the reiiefdeinanded in the etriansint, Anthunv ?xx/1111011121; Duraie11h1cCartin Cier Name anisinti?if?s Aumni? Conti ?enn LLC 3 37,6771 131% es St Sta-251111311111 2:20 nm: 141.21::un . Lu?. 2W. *1 SUPEREQR CGURT GET THE BESTRICT 0F CGLUMBEA CIVIL ORDER OF POLICE, METROPOLITAN FOLICE LABOR COMMITTEE 11C. PQLECE 1524 Pennsyivania [5311211113, SE Washington, DC 23603,, Plaintiff; THE DISTREST QF COLUMBIA, 591m Wilsaan 3311inng 13 50 Pennaylvania Avenue? 'W?asihingmn, DC 2.09045 mam Muriel Bawsai? Paxmsyivania Avanuq DC 20034, and Kari A. Racine Attamay General fer the: District (31? 441 4th Stre?t, N. W. Washington: DC 20301: MURIEL BGWSEK in her af?ciai capacity as Mayor (?fth? Distrie?z 0f {Iaiumbim Serve; Mayer Muriel Emma 13 ?50 Avenue, BC 213004, and - Cage. Number .2020 CA 003492 Kari A. Racine Attorney Genera} for the District at? Cnim?nhia 441 4th Streen NW Washington, DC 29601, Defendants. VEREFEEB The piaintifi} Fraternal Order of Peliee, Metrepehtan Police Iteher DEC. Unien {?ilil. Uninn?), its atterneya Antheny Centii Daniei Metiiartin, and the law firm Conti Fenn hereby brings this lawsuit against the dei?endants, The Diatriet of Columbia {?Distriet?) and Mayer Mari e1 liieweer (?Mayer {ceileetivetgyg the ?Befenriante?? seei-zing, ether things, emergency ininnetive rehef arising out ei? the nniaw?rl previsiena eentained in the Comprehensive and Justine Referrn Second Emergeney Amendment Act of 20226 (the mandating that Mayer Beweer pnhiieiy release the fellewing: Within 5 hneinesa days. after an ef?eeruim?elved {teeth or seriens use at three puhiiety the names and. hndy~wern eeniera et? all e?'ieers eemmitted the ef?eeninvehied death or seriene use et?three; and {it} By August 1:33, 2020, pnhlieiy reiease the namee and hndyuwern camera reenrdings ef all ef?eers whe have committed an e?ieernimelved death since the Bodyu'Wern Camera Program was launched en Oeteher l, in enppert efthis Veri?ed Cempiaint, the 11C. Peliee Unien States the fellewing: I, Intrminetien this Verified Cemplaint seeks an emergency injnnetmn to prevent Mayer Bewser frem publicly releasing hedynwern eainera recordings and names (if et??eers invnived in involved death by August 15: 2020. Centeinpnreneens with the ?ling ni? thie Cemplaint fer irrituie?tive reiief. the DIST. Union is tiling and serving en the Defendants eh Emergeriey Metieri fer 2t 'I?emperary Restraining Grater; else seeking a. preiiminery and permet?ierit enjoining Meyer Beweer t?rerri puhiieiy reieesing hetiy~werii camera and the names ef ei?i'ieers irit'ei'ved in effieerniitveh?ed death or serietts use Of force. Uniess anti until it restraining erder is entered prohibiting Defendants? tiniewfei aetieris, the DE. Union and its members it} setter harm. 13. Parties 1. The DIS. Unieri is at ieher union with its prineipei place of business heated at 1524 Perihsyivmiia Ave, Weshirigteri, Di: ?2.6003. The DC. Unieri is the exeiusive representative {if .313 effieers. sergeants. irivestigeters. deteetivee. and detective sergeants ei? the DC. Metrepeliten De ertrrieiit anti ie eemprised of appreximeteiy 3.690 reerrthers. The DC. Uriieri sues err heheif of its members as ijil ?13 on its ewe behalf. 2. The [Iaistriet is the government ter the iitietriet of (leitihihia. The Distriet is resperisihle fer all of the ef?ciei eets ef the Ceuneii and the Meyer of the Distriet et? tilt?iitiriihie. 3. Muriel is the Mayer ef the ef Celeriihie. The Meyer is ?reepeesihie fer the proper exeeutieri efeii laws to the District.? DC. Cede LEMQZ. Jitieisti ietieti. en ti Vera tie 4. This Ceurt may exercise jurisdiction and venue ever the Defendants because eh of the eets and emissiees described herein Within the District Of Cehhiihie and are eetiehe the (Iievernhierit ei? the Dietriet et' Ceiumbie and its agents or within its. central. 1V. Faetuat S, the executive punter at the District 0f Culurn?uia is vested in the lit/layer wire is the eftieer of the Distriet getternrnent. See {3123. Cede As such, ?it shall be the duty of the Mayer ni?the litistrict ef Celurnhia . . . To preserve the puhiie peace; Te prevent erirne and arrest ef?enders; Te pretest the rights efpersens and et? preper; . . Te enterce and ehey ali laws and erdinances in three in the Distriet, or any part thereof, which are preperiy appiieable te er health, and not inconsistent with the previsiens {if this title.? DC. Code 549103. 6. i?ursuant tn the t'jernprehensi've Merit Personnel Act the h?letrepulitan Peliee Department {?ll?v?lPD?? is a ?suherdinate ageney? under ?the direct administrative central ef the Mayer.? BC, Cutie in {fietel'ier 2014, the l?v?lPD established a Betty-Warn Camera program. litistriet ef Celutnbia Cede $11632 sets fer the t?eilewing autherity ef the Mayer te establish rules regarding publie te liedyuwern camera The Mayer, pursuant tn subehapter i of {Ifhapter 5 at 'l?itie 22, and in aceerrlanee with this see-tine, shall issue rules regarding the Metrepeiitan Department?s Betty~Wern. Camera Pregratn. 'ilf?he rules, at a minimum, shall preside: Standards for public te ht_uiy~wr_irrt camera recur-dings. DC. Cede 5416.32. 8. la additien, 24 DCMR ?39000l? set ferth the t?eliewing regulation regarding publie release et?hedy?wern camera The Mayer may, on a easenhynease basis in matters at" signi?cant publie interest and after with the the Unite-cl States Attorney?s Office for the Distriet et" Columbia, and the ?ftiee ef the Atturuey General, release BWC that weuld etherwise net be releasable pursuant tea a POM. request Examples otrnatters of significant public interest include ot?tieern involved shootings serious use of force by an of?cers, and assaults on so either requiring hospitalization. 24 littll?vtl't ?39Elltl.ll3, .9. On July 7, 2920, the {Ioaneil of the Etistriet of Columbia approved and signed the Comprehensive Policing, and Justice Reform Seeontl Emergency Amendment Aet at? 2626 (the (Aet was passed. on an emergency basis Without any at tne public notice and partieipation in reletnaking required. for the passage of a law on a nonnetnergeney basis The Chair of the Coimeil of the Distriet of Columbia, Phil Mendelson, transmitted the Act to Mayor Bonner on July 9, 2820. C311 ital}; ?2?2 202%, hilayor Bowser signed the Act. it), Subtitle of the Act amends DC. Code 5~l toil} by adding new snhseotions, Whieh state as follows: The Mayor: (it Shalh except as provided in paragraph of this subsection: Within 5 business days after an oftieerminvolved death or serious use of forceF publicly release the names and bedy~worn earners reeorciings of all ol?iieers who oorrnnitted the of?oeninvolverl death or serious Lise offers-e; and {Ill By August 15, 29209 publicly release the names and. hotly/?s torn camera recordings of all of?cers who have eotntnitted an ot?tieerninvoiveri death sinee the lioi?lyu?slr?orn Camera Program was laonehetl on Detoher 1, 20M. 1 l. Subtitle of the Aet also amends 24 $90th by settling the following: Notwithstanding teen}r other law? the Mayor: Shelli exeept as provided in paragraph of this subsection: Within 5 hasiness days after an ottieer?involveci death or serious use of three, publicly release the narnes and reeorrlings of all officers who eonn?nitted the of?eeninvolved tieatl?i or serious use of force; and i3} By August 155 282th pahiicly reiease the names and BWC recordings {if at] offieers when have an n?ieeninvelyed death since the Body- ?iifern Canter-a Fragrant was iannehed en October 1, 2014. 12. On June 3, Michael Rt Sherwin Acting> United States Atterney fer the District at tilt?iinnihia, sent in {Irnineilinenther Charies Alien expressing seriens coneerns regarding the Act?s provisiens reiating> te hedy wernneainera i?eetager See Eahihit it. Speci?eaily, US. Atterney Sherwin expressed the rehearing serious concerns: USAO is eencerned that this inedi?ca'tien wanidg in fact, make it more dif?cult to investigate a serious nf?eerninvnived death or serieus use of three 1 a . The early pnhiieatien ef BWC ceaid create a narrative that makes it difi'ieait in, eendnet an investigatien, as it may lead Witnesses tn a eeneiusien that at?t?eets their testimony. Further, early reiease at" BWC conid inadvertentiy the identities of the witnesses. . . . if the BWC were reieased nnredacted, privacy ernrid he eonipreniisedi, as BWC et?ten eentains personal detaiis frern eivilians, ineiading names, dates at? birth, and centaet inferntation such as herne addresses and teiephene anthers. Exhibit E. at End (emphasis in eriginaliv 13. UDSU Atterney Sherwin farther expressed signifieant ceneern regarding the rnandatory iangnage in the Act requiring the Mayor to release hedynwern camera recordings, as feiinws: there are sitaatiens where it eonid he apprepriate fer the Mayer, in consnitatien with the. relevant agencies, to reiease BWC teetage? the rnandatnry iangnage cf the (?strait?) should he changed tn perinissiye iangnage aiiewing the Mayer discretion te reiease BWC thetage at an appropriate time, balancing the needs of the. tn see the footage with the needs at" prnsee'a?ters to accurately investigate what happened, and the security and privacy rights ef civilian witnesses. iilxhihit i at 4; tar Atterney Sherwin farther expressed significant eeneern that the Act?s requirement that the Mayor release the name and hody~wnrn thetage of the of?cer invo1vn11 1111111111 111511111 111 ?111111.151 ropu1111io11111 11111111? 11.1111 wouid ?111131151113; 111211119111 an officer." 111.1 111111111151: 17in1111y, the prosecution 111111 11111 g1.1v111r171111o111 1111011111 11111 malign 3.113.? 1111111113111 inn'iuding an of?cer 11111111: .1111 i1'1'1res1ig111in1'1 is {?nding 1111131111 1111 11 11111.1, 111111111: 1.11111 11111311131111115 do not 1111111111131 1651612138 the 111111113 of 3.11:1 individua? 111111111 investigation 1111113311 and. 1111111 1111: 11.111111115111131? 13 1311111111311. 111113., 111111: 13111111311111: does not support 111111119111. 11113 11111181 111' the investigation. who is 1117os1111:1e11 innocont, does 111.11 suffoi' 111111131 1'61111111?11111'1111 11511111. 111 9111111111111. 1111111111 111.1 officer 111 1311211de with 8. 13111111: 11111 or 1161' 11111111: is roieaged. 1'11 1111:? 1.111111111111111 1111 1.111112 11111111 11 11011131: 11111111111111 111311111 111? 111311111111 1.1311111 1111:1311 11111 1.111111141111111 1111111 1.1111 11111111111111 11111111111111 t1111g1::11ni111111111111111: 5111' 111111 1111111111? a requirement 111111 1111? 1111111111 1111 111111111 111111111111 1 111 11 (31111111113111 1111111111) 15.1111: 1131611111: of 1113 body camera 1110111111: and 1111111311 of of?cers 11111 11131111 1n 1111111111 remitationai 11311111 and wi1l '11111'111111'}; 11.111.1ign 11nd pei'inanontiy tarnish 1111': 11:111111111'1'111 and good 11111111: of any 1111111121 1.11111' 1.1 1.211816166113121 of misconduct concerning 11111 111113 of 11111313. The affootod 1131111361 11111 have no 11bi1i1y to salvage: 11111 16111113111111 11111-11 11111 11111111111111.1111: 11116111: of 11111 11111111: 111111 the body-11111111 11111118111 1'1111111ge. 111 1111111111111 to 11111111111}: 11:11111g111ng 1111 officer. 1111-: 1111111111101}? 1111131111113 of 1111: 11211111111 11111111131113 and 11ody~wo11i 1311111111111 1130111111: 11111 13111111: 111111112111 111111 1111': 111111111: 211 11111111111111'11: 111114. 1.11" significant 1111111131 11111111. 1111111111 0111111313 1113111111111} 1131: 111101: 111.33. (1.111111 11 1111111111111 suspect, 1113 11111115111311: roioase of 111$ of?cor?s 11211111: 1.11111 11111 11111111111111. 111111113121 footage 1111111 1111111211 11.11: 111111 1111311 11351111111131: to 1111111111132 11113 1111112111 and potentioiiy S111: 1'1111'1?011111111 against 1111:. 1311111111" 11111.1 11111 or 1131' 11111111311. 131111211131 is 111111 1111-: 111111361 is 1111111111 11v 1111: 011111111111 511131111111 to be 11 primary witness 11.11 1111: 1.1101111131111011. 111111 11111331 po1ontial target 111' vioience 1o 013111111111 1:111: of?cer?s 1e111i111o'1131. This 11111111 of 1101121101: 1111111111 1.11.1131}! 1111111111131 111 1111}! 11111111111111 11111111151163 idonti?ed by 1111111111111 3115131111111 1111 1113 body-11111111 1.5111513 footage whom they want to prevent from. testityirig against there at a criminal trial. The reiease of the oi?iieer?a name and ether identifying information eontained in the hotly?worn earnera footage further irnperiniasihiy invade the etiieerk tiiridarrierital right to privacy. Count I the Sheree-irritate thirteen-eat; arid .i??t-?ititi?it-?e 5 2t E?iieirrttirnt ef the ?with: art-t titre. at? Fritters} ifi. Paragraphs int 5 of this Veri?ed Complaint are fttiiy incorporated herein. The exeerrtive power of the Distriet of Columbia is veated the Mayor who is the drier ?of?cer of the District government. See i153. {Ilode As such, ?it shall be the duty of the Mayor of the District of Coiuntbia . . . To preserve the pabiie peace; To prevent erinrie and arrest offenders; To protect the rights (if peraons and of proper; . . . {10) To enforce and obey alt laws and ordinances in force in the District, or any part thereei?; whieit are properiy anpiieahle to or heaith, and net ineonsistent witi?r the provisions of this titie.? Di}. Code 5491.030 Pursuant to the Comprehensive Merit Perserme] Aer. the Metropolitan Department is a ?subordinate agency? under ?the direct administrative eontroi et? the. Mayor.? i313. Code i9. DC. Cede 5-1 i632 sets for the feiiowing authority of the Mayor to estahiish rules regarding poetic. access to hodyuworn camera recordings: The Mayor, pursuant to subehapter i rrftilhapter 5 of it"itie 2, and in aeeordanee with this section? shalt issue rates regarding the Metropoiitan Department?s Body?sh?erri Camera Program. The rates, at a minintenn shaii provide: Standards for ptthiie to hodvaorn camera recordings. 26). Pursuant re DC, Cede the Ccuncii deciered that. is the of seperetien et?pcwers the structure eftiie District ef Celiirribie 21. cf the Act amends DE. Code 5416.33 and 24 DCMR ?3900n10 by adding new suiisectieirs thei require and erder the Meyer re reidbc. iseriywverii feet-age emf! the names of of?cers iri death or sacrieii's use cf force. in doing 50, the Ceurieii has irripreperiy usurped the exclusive pewer 0f tire Mayer to ?preserve the public peace,? ?prevent crimes and arrest rii'ifeiiders,? and ?pretect the rights cf perigee-5;: and efpreperiy,? as weii as tire Meyer?s ?direct administrative cerirrel? carer her subi'irdirreie agency, the MPD. As Such, Subtitle (if the Act impreperiy usurps tire exeiusive pewer of the Meyer Virilatieri of the separation of pewere of the District (if Ceiumbie geverm?eeiit recognized 13.63. Code in 3014483) 22. Subtitie i3 cf the Act. irripreperi}! infringes; em and ebstrucrs the Meyer?s te carry mat her executive fuiictieris t0 ?preserve tire public peace? and ?prevent crimes and arrest i?ii?fericiers,? because the immediate, irieridetery release of bedy?werri C?i?fi?f?. {Garage and memes ei? etiieers ?irieke itm difficult te investigate a serieue eficeruiiweived death or sericiis use ei?i?eree.? Exhibit 1 at 3 {emphasis in 23. Subtitle of the Act further impreperly infringes rm and ebsiruets tire Meyer?e ability to carry (but her executive fuiietieri re ?protect the righte 0f pereeris? and preperty,? because the immediate, reieese er? and names of cf?eers will cemererriise the privacy rights; of Dietriet citizens because efreri eemems perecriei frem including Harries, dares 0f birth, and eeritect iriteririetieii such as heme addressee arid telepiierie numbers.? Exhibit 1 er 4, in eririitieri, suepecrs will have the to: review the body-were feritage to identify witnesece ie their crimes, which will cause these civilian witnesses in beccrne the pctential targets ct" threats er virulence in prevent their testimony. 2.4. ".l?hreugh Suhtitle of the Act, the Ceuneii has retrieved the necessary discretien the Mayer rnust have in executing her executive perverse The Ceuncil?s eliniinatien cf the Mayer?s discrelich in executing her executive pewer precludes the Mayer frern properly balancing ?the needs cf presecuters te accurately irwestigate what happened; and the security and privacy rights cf civilian witnesses.? Exhibit 1 at 4. As such, Subtitle of the Act directly infringes on and obstructs the Mayerls ahility tc carry out her executive tinrcticns to ?preserve the public peacef ?prevent crimes and arrest Offt??detfh? and ?protect the rights cf persons and cl" property? hy requiring her in immediately release camera t?ectage and names cf ef?cers without any ciiscretien permitted by the Mayer in executing her executive funetien, 25. Subtitle cf the Act improperly infringes en and ehstructs the Mayer?s ability te carry cut her executive t?uneticns te ?preserve the public peace,? ?prevent crirnes and arrest effenrlers,? end ?pretect the rights and cf prepertyf? because the nientiatery release cf the names and carnera feutage will place Dill, Felice Union rnenihers at immediate risk et? signi?cant hedil}r harrn, unjustly rneligu cf?cers, and unjustly subject ct?iicers to substantial reputatienal harrn. Ilti As such, Subtitle of the Act represents an impermissible intrusien en the hliaycr?s autherity and ability in pericrrn her speci?cally delegated executive functions in uieletien cf the separation ct puwers cf the District cr {licluinhia gistiernrnent reccgnizeu in the jl-icrne Rule Act and DC. Cede 1?30 144%). The Meyer has the exclusive pewer and duty to ?preserve the puhlic peace,? ?prevent crimes and arrest cffenclers,? and ?protect the rights at perscus and cf preperty,? Subtitle El ut? the Act requires the Meyer in release cf the narnes and heely 1111:1111 camera 1'11. efii .1 i1111'11131 ed 111 ??lf?f?w death 1.117 use 0f feree. which 1111i? dii'eeti}; impede he1 '10 1.31111}; 1.1111. heir essentiei 311111150115 and duties te ptevent crime. arrest offenders. 111111 protect. the priveey ?ghts 0f eitiz e113 of the District. The Meg/111 11111111 be permitted ?11.1 exereise discretion in the reieese ef 13011131110111 ee111e111 i1101ege 111.311 11331131 in her inability 10 e311}? 0111 her executive 13.111111111111111. A11 111111111. Subtitie {if the Act vieietes the separatism of peweis 131 the Dietiiet 0f whimhie Miwemm 1.11 1111111: Heme Reie Act and DC. Code 7133144111}. Mereevet. the United States 311111631111: (01111 has he} ti that at 130111151111 01" the separation 1:31" 1301111115- 111.11 depend 1111 the views 1:11? 1111. 111he111 111'. the executive 01111hethe1'the e11e10eehed~11peii branch epptevee 01? the e11e1'0aeh1'11e111. es feiiews: iFFerhaps 1111 i111ii1'i1i11ei President might find advantages in tying hi1; 11111111 111111351. But the 51.111111151131111 1'11" powers Cities 1101 depend 011 the views 01? individual Pi'eeideiite. 1101' 011 whether c?the heeheh 91111111111133 the e11e11?121ei1111e11t.? New York 11. United 31111133. 53:3 US. 144. 132. 112. 2433. 123 L.Ed.2d 121?} {1992'}. The Preeident 1:31.111 eiweys cheese 11) 1e311ei11 himseif 111 his dealings; with s11?1101?di11111ee. He cannot. hewever. 111100116: 10 bind his by di111i1'1iehi11g their 111111113111. 111.11 111111 he escape respeiisihility 1701' his by pretending that they are 111.11 hie 01111. .Fi'ee Enter. 31.11111 31153. 0111211511.) 31:133.. 5151 US 497 {2i i113) (internal eitetieii c.1111itted}. As such. the DC. Police U11i1111 hes standing in this ease te the Aet. which wilt directly i11ep111'ebiy 11111111 its members. 23 Based on the feregoing. the DC. U11i1'111 is entitied t0 injunctive eiiet? 1111511121111: 10 DC. 811 1e1'it11' {701.111. Rule 1117? Civii 31?0eed111'e {:15 1.1113 DC. Cede 2 Sit}. 13111111311} i . the ivieyei' {11.1111 pubiiely 1'eit1e 3111 the 1111111133 and h0dy-w11111 1: ethera feetege 0feffiee1's invoked in of?ceruihvelved death 01' eerieus use of three. Under the circumstances described in this Verified 011111323111. the DC U11i011 ?11111 i111 members setter. 3111111eciiete. substantial. 11 111111 11'1'611111'111111': 111111131, 11111111111111; 1111311111 111.1111 1.1111111}; 11111111 111111 31111311111111.1111 13111113110111.11 11111111 11111.11: 111111115111111 1111111 111 1111.1 11111111111111 11.1 3 11111111133 111111 11113 D. P1111111: 1111111 111.111 1151 11111111111313 111111 51111111, 11111 11111111111191 any 1111111}; 111111 1111131111 1:111 511111111611 1.13.1 1111:. 1)13fe11da1111s 111 any 1311111 11113111311111 111111}? if 1116 requesmd 11111111111111: 1131113113 granted. 13111111111, 1111-: DC. P11111311 EJ111011 1111111. 1111113131 1113111111 1111 1111: 111611151 1.1.1" 11113117 1111111115 11g1111151 [31.111111111111111. Furtharmma. 1118 111111111: 1111131651 1111111111115 1.1111 17111111651611 111111111311er 111111131?. 11 411111111111 13111:: 131111.11: 111m E111E1111111111 .11111 1111111111111 1.: 11.121111? 1?1 11111111111 11.11111: E31111 1?1 {11111111111111 11!? 1311111131 111 11.111111111111111 EE11E11 1111.1 29. 1?111'3. .1, 9111 1111s '1 28 131111111 V111111a11 1111.1;111121111101111111 111-111-1111. 30. .1111 11131111111111 11.1111 11.111111113111611 111? 1111:. 1315111111 11111111 111111 1311111651: rights 1111111111 31111-1g11111?11130111 11111111111111'511 fairnes 1111 11.11111 1111 1.111111111111111? 111111 1?111111211113111a1 1111111115 11113111 g0 1.111611111111111 11111111g1s.,11111111 3111111 1111 17113 11111113111611131 right ?10 1111111111311. 1. The 13111111131 11'? {3011111113111 1111111111 R1111: Act. DC. Code. E1: 1111211115 111511 ?1111: lagisia?ve 1191111111 of 1111: 1313111111 1.1111111 11111131111 ?10 1111 rightful subjec'is 11f 111g13111?111111 111111111 1113 D1511'1c?1' 11011311111311 with 1116 {3011511111111111 111' 11111 "1111111111 5311111111 11111! 11116 11101113111113 11f 11113 131111131111 11111111161 10 1111 111.11 111511111110113 11111.1 31111111111011 11111111131111 1111011 1111: 311111. 5 E111 1111: 11.1111 11113111111 111 1111: 1111 111111111: 111? 1111: 131111111111111111?1 11f 1.111111111112111 811111.111.? 32. Sub?tla of 1111: A111 11111111163. ?116 fu11d11111e111111 1111.111 11:1 p1'111'1111y1111111 by DC. P1111111: 1.1111011 11111111111113 1111111111711 11111 11111116111313. 11131111111101}; 1111111151: 01' 1111: 11111111111 111? of?cers- 211111 bodyr 171111.11 f1111111ge 111111 111111 1111111111111 1111111111 1de1111fy111g 1111011111111011 1111-3111 1111: 11111911111. T111: 1111311111011 of 111111 11111111111161111311 1113.111 111 1111111113}: 11011111 11.131111 111 31111111111111?11. 51111111111 11111111 111 11171113613 11:11:111131: 11111: 11111116111311: 111113111: 1111111151101 1E1: 111111.111 111111.111 111.111 1111: 1313113: 11.10111 111111111111 feetaga will 11110111 1111111111111 1111111161111; 111111 11 3111' 1131111111 1111-15 111 111111111131 11111 1111111111 111111 petan?aliv 313111: retribution against the ottioer and his or her family. in addition? the officer is known by the erirninai suspect to he a primary witness for the prosecution and thus a potential target of violenee to obstruct the officers testimony. The Act further fails to provide the affected of?cers with any mechanism to ehallenge the immediate release of their narnes or horiywvorn earners feotage to attempt to proteet their thndarnental right to privsey and safety. 33? Subtitle of the Aot also violates the fundamental. right to privaey held by all eitisens of the District captured on the horiyuwarn carriers footage because, as noted by United States Attorney Sherwin, hotlyuworn earners footage eontains personal, private information sheet Distriet eitisens, including names; dates ot?hirth, and eontaet in?arrnation such as home addresses and telephone numbers. Criminal suspects will further have the abilityr to review the earners. tootage to identify eitrilian witnesses to their erirnesj which will cause these civilian witnesses to become the potential targets of violenee to prevent their testimony. 34: As a result, Subtitle of the Aet violates the due process protections contained in the I-lorne Act. U) {J?t Based on the foregoing the DC, Poliee Union is entitled to injnnotive relief pursuant to BC. Superior Court Rule of Civil Ii?rocednre 65 and DC. Code 2?510, enjoining the Mayor from publicly releasing the names and hotiy~worn earners footage of officers involved in oi?i?iceruinvoived death or serious use of three. tinder the tlesorihetl in this Verified Complaint the DC. Police Union and its members will setter, immediate, substantial: and irreparable injury, ineluding signitieant bodily harm and substantial reputational harm ii? this injunctive relief is not granted. 'l?he injuries that the DALI Police Union and its members will setter? far outweigh any injury that might he suffered by the Defendants or any other interested party if the requested injeneti?ve relief is granted Further, the DIS. Police Union will likely ha prevait en the merits 03'. their eiaims against Dei?e meant: Fiirthermme, the pubiie interest supports the requested relief. V. 33133131121" Titer Reiiet?t?im fii?evetii 13133111; 33173-33} Mi 1: {31x35 the DC mien tequests that the (hurt enter an (girder: {Declaring that Sitbtitie 3:3 ef the Act is iiweiid and violates the Separatien of Pewers piineipies Set faith in DC. Cede 1~30?L44?b? and the District 015' Cei'itim lit: 1 {eitie Ri?e Act, and striking the offensive previsimig 0f the Act; that Subtitle ef the Aei? is invaiid tied violates the due process guarantees, of the District :31" Columbia iEEeme Ruie Aetg and striking the pi'evisiens et?the Act; the Meyer from pubiieiy the matinee and bedynwei?n camera feetege ef ef?eers invelved death 01* serietis use ei?feree; Greeting Such ether and thither relief as the Ceurt may deem just and proper. Respeetftiily submitted}, 3% i 1 e" e? row; ?x . I . 43a? {3 x' o- in.? .v 0" Q3. .7 \Q'ni? I Cu ?anthem enti Bat Ne 4"?33152) Daniel J. MeCertinQi EC 3:321? Ne. 13" 132w LLC 36 Smith Cherries Street: Suite 2501 Beitimere, Maiyland 21201 {410) 3318?3 {347 {feesimiie} deii@eentifeiin.eem 7:1 fit 31:13 3215-3 13.? 31?11}- {iglf?iisr?} wusuu a. ?Ma-.91 muhd.? . US. Department Mieheei R. Sherwin Acting United. States Atterney Been-7?s: qf Ceiztmhia Jmiieinry Center 555 St, N. Pi?azshz'ngmn, D. C) 2053!) June 85 2028 YEA ELECTRONIC MAEL The Henerehie Charles Aiien Chairmen Committee on the Judiciary and Pnhiie Safety Coeneii nt?the Bistrict eftfieiumbia i350 Pennsyivenie Avenue, NW Suite 1 it} BC 23004 Dear Chairmen Aiien: Thank you fer the opportunity tr) submit eernnierzts en heheit?et? the United States Attorney?s Office fer the District ct?Ceinmhie en 23374 (the ?Comprehensive and justice Reterni Emergency Amendment Act of 2620?), As members: tit" this community, we are deepiy disturbed by the death of Gem-gr: Fieyti, and the circumstances surrounding his death. We support the fair and equitehie treatment et? individueis, regerdiess et?race in this time we recemn?iit etirseives te our duty as is, to nehe-id the Constitutien and the iaws efthe District ofCeininhie; and to servejustiee for at}. We euppmt many efthe geeis et?this emergency bill, which inchide ensuring t?er peiice i?iSCf?'ifiHCL and we commend the Cetincii tier its rate in furthering this geei. At the outset, we are concerned that designating efthese prepceeis emergency iegisietien? the Cenneii is limiting the eppertnnity fer the nieenihgthi puhiic and governmental input that the regeiar iegisiative process at?t?erds Some of?the propagate in this are signi?cant peiicy preposaie, and merit thisorne ptibiic engagement. The US. Attorney?s Of?ce for the District efCeinnthia else has eehcerns regarding prepeseis in this hit] reieting tc hedymwem camera (BWC) teetege, First, the proposes inotiit?ving i?i?i'tti'ticipai Regulation 2431999 '9 as t?oiiows: may not review their iith; 1c101d1ngs oi BWC recordings that have been she ed with them to assist in initial report writine-r' so. but? it ?arses 1111111111111: 1111411111141; 13 As a thresholtl matter, it bears emphasizing that the existing Regulation aiready contains an exception for cases involving, a notice shooting. This means that. where there is a notice shooting. an member is preeiuded from reviewing his or her own BWC recording before writing. an initiai report. indeed, in certain situations. the oniine piatt?orrn storing, MW) EEWC footage ?iocits? the Videos for review by officials, precluding officers from 1Jiewin that footage. and precluding others from viewing that footage without permission. USAO supports expanding the exception in the existing, Reguiation to encompass cases invoiying of?cer conduct th tat resuit in serious injury or death even where the1e is no tiiearni involved therefore supports amendinn the Regulation as toilows: ?Members may 1cview thei1 BWC recordings or BWC Hecotdings that have heen shined with them to assist in initiai 1eport w1itino exec pt in cases inyoiving a police d?xLN i111 oivu?wf 1111111 1111111111" j'i iniuw. concerns heiow therefore. oniy apply to cases that: no 1__10t involve . ea poiice shooting, 1: office ?teil?WQi?V?ti death o1 se1ious 1111111111 111111131. these inciutie homicides, sexual abuse, domestic violence, rohheiies. assauits, and other 'vioient e1 irnes committed by civilians against other civilians. primsiy objective is to ensure the accuracy oi?the initiai police report. in iess serious cases, where a detective may not he .1111 gned. the initiai poiice report is a cruciai way to inform prosecutors, the defense. and judges about the facts of the case. Of?cer accuracy in report writing is paramount, and USAO is concerned about any change in iaw that couiri 1111-1111111: on accuracy. Frequently. the ianguage in the initial notice report is the same language used in a Gerstein affidavit in court or in an arrest or search Hararrant upon which iudges rely when making decisions that aifect a person's liberty and p1 ivacy the accuracy of an affidavit establishing p1 uhahie cause or in support oi an arrest or search warrant. is essentiai. Although not sit officers eurrentiy reiy on their BWC footage in preparing their initiai notice reports. there is good reason why officers may reiy on 1111211111111: footage in preparing their initiai reports. Such use is often to be encouraged in that it has the capacity to improve the accuracy of the report. Officers often capture conduct and interviews on BWC. interviews can he and may he ditiicuit to remember in detail or to record in officer notes it is important that? officers accurateiy capture in their initiai reports wh at civilian victims uitnesses- anti detendants hay said inatcuraeics in capturinn Wt triess statements wilt not onty inappi?opiiately undermine ofiice1 credihil ity at a item iing or at triai, but may aiso inappropriateiy undermine civilian at a hearing or triai, when the defense attempts to impeach a witness based on the con?i cting statements 1 documented 111 the 3 A Licrsfein't ai iificlavit which is sworn to by a iaw enforcement of?cer. is so document ?fiied in court setting 15111121 th cf etc 5 ate case that provides a basis to: iintiin -u ofpiohahie cause A iudiciai iindi -ng of prleohah cause isi can then? i'c-r piehiai detention. in.) officer?s initiai report. Further, BWC t?eotage may contain exculpatory material, and it is very important that of?cers capture exculpatory materiai in their inititii reports. This inciude exculpatory statements made by witnesses, eitenipatory evidence captured en video, anti exculpatory suspects that could exonerate the accused. The also eiiminates t?m of?cer?s to review another officer?s BWC footage in preparing an initiei notice report Review of another officer?s BWC footage can he an important investigatoiy step in net tyinl eieettnanmo the tiili scone ot conduct but in ascertaining what charges ne ?ppt?pt iete. Fmtiiei, the hilt is unclear as to whether it detective may review a patmi efficei"?s BWC white preparing the deteetive?s initial report, which is often a more comprehensive report. Such review should not be precinded inadvertently by this biil. Einttiiy ifoftieeri: use not pennitted to rev: ew footage tie fete itinii, i a tepoit officeis may be incentivized to WE ite veiy bi iet initial iepmtSi tit at do not contain meaningful deteiis. to the detriment tit?pi?osecntoi's seeking to make just charging decisions, defense aligning probabie cause and release conditions, and judges making probenie eanse and hoiti determinations. Second, the proposes modifying C. Mnnicieni Regniation 724u39??. it} as t?oiiows: inn. ether. lime. l?slain?li :i-i'i {i i tit. . .?tiei ni: wniveti death or the se- tititie tine sit totee re; least the rind R??iit? recent int-3:5: oi? tii?i?it. ett: Wi?tti the. otf'tervintt?ii?ei. ti eat it or sea inns use of force emu-"l itil .?t?tti Pitl?i?ti?? lltii a? tin. REM oitii tittixuim with tiie Chief the United States Attoiney 0ft" ice ter the Disti ict ot Coi unibie and the Office ot the Attorney Geneiei Qubiiciv re eiease tint 8?}st tecoidings that; may not weniti otherwise be ieleesebie to a FOE i. request. . . . newt it weuintiiw 'Ctiimif ti-nt?i- intent? tin" nesting: I investigate it serious OffiCEi'?iiW0iV?d tie'iti?i or serious use ot?ioree Such a result ofcourse won id be centiatjy to on: shared goai ot EnSUlit?W tittieei accountabii ity for misconduct Cinee the footage is pnbiio both the tittieer involved anti an}; involved would be eijle to watch it. it would be virtually impossiole for USAO to conduct a iuli investigatien within 72 bonus as a investigatinn could ineititie nil i'eie'vant parties, inciuding inveived civilians. testi if} ing before the grendj::ry.3 The early onbiieation could create a narrative that meltes it to conduct an investigation. as it may tend witnesses in a conclusion that affects their testimony. 3 For examine for an ot'fcei'uin 'oived death or serious use ttf't?orce case that occurred at :3 0110. i tiday, 64 of the nliotteti 712' news wotiic- pass betoie a was even sitting again begin he: 33'! ng witness testimony. Further, early release could inadvertently publicize the identities ofthe witnesses. To ensure police accountability; it is crucial that witnesses cooperate. Even with redaction ofwitness names {which the. proposed legislation does not currently provide for), the neighborhood or location where an incident took place would be visible, which could lead to a situation where witness identities were improperly exposed. Further, even if redactions are permitted by the legislation, 72 hours may not be enough time to conduct redactions ot?all relevant BWC footage particularly it?there is extensive BWC footage of an incident from numerous ot?ticers, if the BWC were released unredacted, civilian privacy could be compromised, as BWC often contains personal details from civilians, including names, dates of birth, and contact information such as home addresses and telephone numbers. Because there are situations Where it eould he appropriate for the Mayor, in consultation witli the relevant ageneiesa to release BWC footage, the mandatory language ofthe hill (?shall?) should he changed to permissive language allowing the Mayor discretion to release BWC footage at an appropriate time balancing the needs ofthe community to see the hootage with the needs of prosecutors to accurately investigate what happened? and the security and privacy rights of civilian witnesses Finally, the prosecution and the government should not malign any suspect? including an otticer, while an investigation is pending, lndee j, as a rule, police and prosecutors do not publicly release the name of any individual under investigation unless. and until the individual is charged. Thus, if the evidence does not support charges, the target ot?the investigation? who is presumed innocent, does not suffer unjust reputational harm. in contrast, when an officer is charged with a crime, his or her name is released. Because, after thorough investigationi a policeninyolved death or serious use of force investigation may not ultimately result in the criminal charge et?an officer, a requirement that the Mayor categorically release all names of of?cers after 7?2 hoursi regardless ot?the facts otthe case or the nature of the officer?s actions, could unjustly malign an officer. look torward to continuing to work with the Council to ensure that our laws are just and equitable. 5t i an lied States attorney I . {tenant of Columhia or? cc: The Honorable Muriel Bowsen Mayor The Honorable Kevin Donahue, Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Llustice and Deputy City Administrator The Honem?cie Mendnison, Chairman The Henorabie i?ienyan i?v?icDuf??, Chairman Pro Tempura The Anita. Bonds, Counciimamhar, Judiciary Tin: Honombin Ciieh, Judiciary Committee The Honorabin "Vincent C. Gray, Judiciaiy Committee Tin: Hanni?ai?iie David ?resse, Cannaiimainbnr The Brianna ?Nadeaui Councilmembai? The Elissa Siiverman, The: Bi?andnn T. Todd, Counciiniemb?r Tim Reberi C. Whim, in? Cannciimember The: irionm?aijia Trayon White, 311: Caunciimembei? The: i-ionorabia Kari A. "Racine, Attemey Ganesrai fan? the District {si?CGiuinhia Lil SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION Civil Actions Branch 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000, Washington, D.C. 20001 Telephone: (202) 879-1133 - Website: FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, METROPOLITAN POLICE DEP CA. No. 2020 CA 003492 Vs. THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA et a1 INITIAL ORDER AND ADDENDUM Pursuant to D.C. Code 11-906 and District of Columbia Superior Court Rule of Civil Procedure (?Super Ct. Civ. 40-1, it is hereby ORDERED as follows: (1) Effective this date, this case has assigned to the individual calendar designated below. All future ?lings in this case shall bear the calendar number and the judge?s name beneath the case number in the caption. On ?ling any motion or paper related thereto, one copy (for the judge) must be delivered to the Clerk along with the original. (2) Within 60 days of the ?ling of the complaint, plaintiff must ?le proof of serving on each defendant: copies of the summons, the complaint, and this Initial Order and Addendum. As to any defendant for whom such proof of service has not been ?led, the Complaint will be dismissed without prejudice for want of prosecution unless the time for serving the defendant has been extended as provided in Super. Ct. Civ. R. (3) Within 21 days of service as described above, except as otherwise noted in Super. Ct. Civ. R. 12, each defendant must respond to the complaint by ?ling an answer or other responsive pleading. As to the defendant who has failed to respond, a default and judgment will be entered unless the time to respond has been extended as provided in Super. Ct. Civ. R. 55(a). (4) At the time and place noted below, all counsel and unrepresented parties shall appear before the assigned judge at an initial scheduling and settlement conference to discuss the possibilities of settlement and to establish a schedule for the completion of all proceedings, including, normally, either mediation, case evaluation, or arbitration. Counsel shall discuss with their clients prii to the conference whether the clients are agreeable to binding or non-binding arbitration. This order is the only notice that parties and counsel will receive concerning this Conference. (5) Upon advice that the date noted below is inconvenient for any party or counsel, the Quality Review Branch (202) 879-1750 may continue the Conference once, with the consent of all parties, to either of the two succeeding Fridays. Request must be made not less than seven business days before the scheduling conference date. No other continuance of the conference will be granted except upon motion for good cause shown. (6) Parties are responsible for obtaining and complying with all requirements of the General Order for Civil cases, each judge?s Supplement to the General Order and the General Mediation Order. Copies of these orders are available in the Courtroom and on the Court?s website Chief Judge Robert E. Morin Case Assigned to: Judge WILLIAM JACKSON Date: August 10, 2020 Initial Conference: 9:30 am, Friday, November 06, 2020 Location: Courtroom 219 500 Indiana Avenue NW. WASHINGTON, DC 20001 CAIO-60 ADDENDUM TO INITIAL ORDER AFFECTING ALL MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CASES In accordance with the Medical Malpractice Proceedings Act of 2006, DC. Code 16-2801, et seq. (2007 Winter Supp.), "[a]fter an action is ?led in the court against a healthcare provider alleging medical malpractice, the court shall require the parties to enter into mediation, without discovery or, if all parties agree[,] with only limited discovery that will not interfere with the completion of mediation within 30 days of the Initial Scheduling and Settlement Conference prior to any ?irther litigation in an effort to reach a settlement agreement. The early mediation schedule shall be included in the Scheduling Order following the ISSC. Unless all parties agree, the stay of discovery shall not be more than 30 days after the DC. Code 16-2821. To ensure compliance with this legislation, on or before the date of the IS SC, the Court will notify all attorneys and pro se parties of the date and time of the early mediation session and the name of the assigned mediator. Information about the early mediation date also is available over the internet at To facilitate this process, all counsel and pro se parties in every medical malpractice case are required to confer, jointly complete and sign an EARLY MEDIATION FORM, which must be ?led no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the ISSC. DC. Code 16-2825 Two separate Early Mediation Forms are available. Both forms may be obtained at One form is to be used for early mediation with a mediator from the multi-door medical malpractice mediator roster, the second form is to be used for early mediation with a private mediator. Both forms also are available in the Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Office, Suite 2900, 410 Street, NW. Plaintiffs counsel is responsible for eFiling the form and is required to e-mail a courtesy copy to Pro se Plaintiffs who elect not to eFile may ?le by hand in the Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Office. A roster of medical malpractice mediators available through the Court's Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Division, with biographical information about each mediator, can be found at All individuals on the roster are judges or lawyers with at least 10 years of signi?cant experience in medical malpractice litigation. D.C. Code? If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, the Court will appoint one. DC. Code The following persons are required by statute to attend personally the Early Mediation Conference: (1) all parties; (2) for parties that are not individuals, a representative with settlement authority, (3) in cases involving an insurance company, a representative of the company with settlement authority; and (4) attorneys representing each party with primary responsibility for the case. DC. Code 16-2824. No later than ten (10) days after the early mediation session has terminated, Plaintiff must eFile with the Court a report prepared by the mediator, including a private mediator, regarding: (1) attendance; (2) whether a settlement was reached, or, (3) if a settlement was not reached, any agreements to narrow the scope of the dispute, limit discovery, facilitate ?iture settlement, hold another mediation session, or otherwise reduce the cost and time of trial preparation. D.C. Code? 16-2826. Any Plaintiff who is pro 56 may elect to ?le the report by hand with the Civil Actions Branch. The forms to be used for early mediation reports are available at Chief Judge Robert E. Morin CAIO-60