he Value of HVDC for Continental Power Systems: The Interconnection Seams Study A. Bloom, Member, IEEE, J. Novacheck, Member, IEEE, J. D. McCalley, Fellow, IEEE, Y. Makarov, N. Samaan, 1 Senior Member, IEEE, A. L. Figueroa-Acevedo, Member, IEEE, A. Jahanbani-Ardakani, H. Nosair, A. Venkatraman, J. Caspary, D. Osborn, J. Lawhorn, R. Johnson, and J. Lau, Member, IEEE II. APPROACH Abstract—The Interconnections Seam Study examines the potential economic value of increasing electricity transfer between the Eastern and Western Interconnections using highvoltage direct current (HVDC) transmission and optimizing both generation and transmission resources across the country. The study conducted a holistic multi-model analysis which used cooptimized generation and transmission expansion planning, production cost modeling, and AC power flow analysis. Four future scenarios were developed and studied to quantify and observe potential benefits. The results show benefit-to-cost ratios that reach as high as 3.3 and annual operational savings exceeding $2 billion US, indicating significant value to increasing the transmission capacity between the interconnections and sharing of generation resources. Index Terms—Power generation planning, Power generation dispatch, HVDC transmission, Wind power generation, Solar power generation, Power system economics, Power system reliability, Resource adequacy. A I. INTRODUCTION t the western edge of the American prairie, just east of the Rocky Mountains, lies a collection of electrical transmission resources that string together the U.S. and Canadian Eastern and Western Interconnections (EI and WI). Seven back-to-back (B2B) high voltage direct current (HVDC) facilities enable 1,320 megawatts (MW) of electricity to flow between the U.S. EI and WI.1 The transfer capability between the interconnections isn’t much more than a rounding error compared to the networks they connect—the larger Eastern Interconnection, is home to 700,000 MW of generating capacity and the capacity of the WI has roughly 250,000 MW of capacity. But these B2B facilities, located strategically at the “seam” where the East meets the West, are aging, and thus present a timely and impactful opportunity for utilities, developers, regulators, and policy makers to modernize the U.S. electric grid. Over the last 95 years, there have been a number of studies that investigated joining together the North American electrical systems. The earliest study (Tribune) , in 1923, imagined the potential opportunity to grow industry by joining together the continent’s hydro and thermal resources using the relatively new idea of ultra high voltage transmission. Subsequent studies ( WAPA,Bor, BPA,DoE ) investigated joining the existing systems and limited consideration of new resources and the potential evolution of the power system. More recent analysis (REF &MacDonald/Clack) considered ……. The work presented below is the first practical investigation of the potential to join together the Eastern and Western Interconnections and the first to use multiple power system models to evaluate resource adequacy and security using the most detailed models ever made of the US electricity systems. 1 An additional 150 MW of B2B transmission capacity is in Alberta, Canada, and was not studied in this work. The Interconnections Seam Study is a coordinated transmission planning analysis of two major U.S. interconnections using multiple models and methods. The goal of the study is to identify the potential economic value of more tightly integrating the EI and WI using HVDC transmission technology. A technical review committee (TRC) comprised of over 50 industry representatives met on six occasions to discuss the approach, methods, scenarios, data, assumptions, and results of the study. This study is the initial valuation of increasing grid interconnection and should not be referenced as final ready-to-build designs. First, detailed capacity expansion analysis built four future transmission scenarios that met long term reliability (resource adequacy) requirements under two different policy assumptions. Then, detailed nodal transmission models were created to evaluate the various resource and transmission scenarios needed to reliably schedule and dispatch to meet 8,760 hours of demand. Finally, we took initial steps to create an alternating current (AC) power flow framework of the interconnections to enable future analysis of the security of various designs. This study uses an integrated engineering approach that includes both research-grade and commercial modeling tools. For co-optimized generation and transmission expansion, Iowa State University’s co-optimized generation and transmissionplan (CGT-Plan) was used for generation and transmission expansion, Energy Exemplar’s PLEXOS was used for production cost modeling (PCM), and Siemens’ PSS®E was used for AC power flow analysis. The results of the study indicate benefit-to-cost ratios as high as 3.3 and annual operational savings exceeding $2 billion. Based on these results, the researchers and industry partners believe that additional and more granular evaluation is merited. The capacity expansion model minimizes the net-present value (NPV) of four HVDC transmission options along with new AC transmission; new generation; retired generation; the provision cost of regulation up; regulation down and contingency reserves; and the fixed and variable operation and maintenance cost (FOM and VOM) of new and existing generation resources. Through this optimization, the capacity expansion model produces generation and transmission expansion in the technology type and MW amounts. The first scenario, Design 1 (D1), maintains existing B2B HVDC capability. In Design 2a (D2a), existing B2B HVDC facilities are allowed to expand. Design 2b (D2b) allows existing B2B HVDC facilities to expand (like D2a) and adds three prescribed HVDC lines that cross the EI and WI. In Design 3 (D3), a macrogrid overlay is created that includes a variety of HVDC lines within and between the interconnections. DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 2 III. INPUT DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS The Interconnections Seam Study utilized a variety of input data and assumptions to build a power system representation of the EI and WI. The expected generation and transmission for the EI and WI was obtained from North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) regional entities. The Eastern Interconnection Reliability Assessment Group’s (ERAG) Multiregional Modeling Working Group (MMWG) 2026 summer case and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC) 2024 common case were chosen as the starting point for creating an updated nodal representation of the 2024 EI and WI. Additional information on the 2024 data can be found in [1]. The capacity expansion model optimizes with initial conditions established in 2024. The capacity expansion model has 169 buses that represent the full 100,000 nodal transmission network of 2024. A full description of the model is available at [2]. A variety of resources were available for expansion according to their capital cost. Optimization parameters included load growth, carbon pricing, wind maximum expansion restrictions, and distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) growth. The capacity expansion planning program CGT-Plan was run for each of the four designs D1, D2a, D2b, and D3 spanning the time-frame 2024-2038. CGT-Plan identified investments in two year increments to minimize NPV of investments plus operational costs occurring during the 15year decision-horizon. Operations were simulated for every year using 19 operating conditions. These include five “energy blocks” each for summer, winter, and shoulder to capture fivetime periods in each season: 1–7 a.m., 8 a.m.–12 p.m., 1–4 p.m., 5–6 p.m., and 7 p.m.–12 a.m. The remaining four conditions were “peak blocks” to capture one-hour annual peak conditions in each of four regions: West, Northwest, Midwest, and East. The peak blocks were used to model annual planning reserve requirements, and because different regions peak at different times of the year, this enabled study of inter-regional reserve-sharing subject to transmissionrelated deliverability constraints. Distributed solar-PV was modeled to increase at rate of 3% per year. Decision variables included investment options among generation resources and transmission technologies. The four scenarios were studied under two sets of economic and policy conditions: current U.S. policy; and a carbon policy. The current policies case enforces existing renewable portfolio standards, while the other case uses a carbon price of $3/tonne/year that grew to $45/tonne in 2038 as a proxy for anticipated growth in renewables like wind and solar. Generation resources were selected from among all typical resource technologies and were modeled with appropriate maturation rates at all buses, and in any amounts. Natural gas price assumptions were adopted from the U.S. Energy Information Agency’s 2017 Annual Energy Outlook, the nominal price was $_____. Battery energy storage was not an investment option. At each bus, the wind resources available for selection included three 100-meter wind technologies, each having different costs and the ability to be optimized for unique wind resource characteristics by geography. This included three different capacity factor categories that identified the gigawatt (GW) investment potential at a particular range of capacity factor. Solar investments were limited to utility-scale and were split evenly between singleaxis tracking and fixed-tilt. Investment options among transmission technologies included additional AC capacity on any existing branch at the voltage of that branch, at a cost per mile appropriate for that voltage. In D2a, HVDC expansion was limited to only the seven existing back-to-back ties in the U.S., and these ties could expand independent of one another. This was also true for D2b, but in this case, there were three additional HVDC lines connecting EI and WI that could expand under the constraint that all three lines maintained equal capacity. In D3, the B2B ties were not allowed to expand, and all segments of the macrogrid were able to expand only under the constraint that they maintained equal capacity. Although the N-1 reliability criterion was not explicitly imposed, the “equal capacity” constraints for the HVDC lines in D2b and D3 were employed as rough proxies to avoid significant violation of this criterion. “Base” costs for all generation resources and AC and HVDC transmission were adjusted for location using regional multipliers. Based on analysis of discount rates recommended by the White House Office of Management and Budget and other studies, we chose a nominal discount rate of 7.7% and an inflation rate of 2%, resulting in a real discount rate of 5.7%. Demand growth was set within each region consistent with recent studies [3, 4]; technology costs and regional multipliers were based on [5, 6]. Other data and associated sources are identified in [7, 2]. The capacity expansion model developed aggregated zonal transmission and generation for the EI and WI. In order to study the operation of these systems and determine operational savings (in perpetuity) of the HVDC facilities, a full nodal model of the interconnections was necessary. CGT-Plan utilizes a 169-bus zonal model, while the PCM has over 98,000-buses. This requires a translation between the CGTPlan results (generation and transmission investments and generation retirements) and the PCM network. The translation is a two-step process, beginning with a 2024 nodal model. Step 1 distributes generation investments and retirements identified by CGT-Plan according to the following criteria:  Generation is retired in the PCM model based on heat rate until the CGT-Plan retirement amount is satisfied;  CGT-Plan natural gas expansion is added at locations in the PCM model where coal plants were retired, up to capacity of the coal plant, and then to buses with existing natural gas, in proportion to the natural gas plant’s existing capacity.  Wind and PV investments identified by CGT-Plan were added to the high voltage node (500, 345, or 230 kV) in the PCM model that is geographically closest to the investment location. DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 3 Step 1 resulted in a PCM nodal model that contained 2038 load and generation but 2024 transmission. Step 2 expanded the transmission in the PCM model. Because the CGT-Plan zonal model represented the PCM transmission network in a highly aggregated form, there was no appropriate way to map the CGT-Plan transmission investments directly to the PCM model. Instead, we developed a transmission expansion planning (TEP) optimization program and applied it to the PCM nodal model obtained from Step 1. Although the PCM network was very large, our TEP application was fast because (a) we applied it as a single period optimization, i.e., to just one year (2038); (b) it was run separately for the EI and for the Western Interconnection. However, because each transmission investment changes both the circuit capacity and the circuit reactance, the problem is nonlinear. To address this, we developed the TEP as a sequence of linear programs (LPs), where each LP minimized the total transmission investment cost (subject to DC power flow equations) where only circuit capacity was treated as a decision variable while circuit reactance was held constant. Following the LP solution, the reactance of each invested circuit was updated to reflect the change in capacity, after which the LP was rerun. The iterations were terminated when the circuit with the largest change in capacity relative to the previous iteration was within a specified tolerance. The nodal PCM that resulted from the capacity expansion scenarios was used to simulate 8,760 hours of continuous operation in 2024 and 2038. The PCM conducted a unit commitment and economic dispatch for both interconnections, simultaneously. This created significant computational challenges for the study. To address solve time constraints we adopted a new decomposition method developed by [8]. This method enables the unit commitment and dispatch to be distributed across each simulation region (independent system operator [ISO]/regional transmission organization [RTO] equivalent). This enables a more realistic representation of the operations and economics of multiple operating regions and significantly reduces simulation solve time. This method enabled the simulations to be completed in less than two days, previous methods would have taken upwards of two months in a high-performance computing environment. The 2038 PCM includes approximately 13,000 generating units, 98,000 transmission nodes, and 96,000 transmission lines and transformers. The in the carbon policy case, the PCM includes a $45/tonne cost for carbon to maintain consistency with the capacity expansion model. Time series data for wind, solar, and load were a critical component of the PCM exercise. Wind data is from the Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) Toolkit. Solar data is from the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB). Load data is from multiple sources including the various regional transmission organizations and independent system operators and FERC [1]. Weather conditions for the years 2007-2013 were evaluated for inclusion in the PCM. A geospatial analysis of the wind and solar resource availability was conducted and identified 2012 as the most average across the seven year data set. Thermal plant assumptions were adopted from [9] and [10] and enabled detailed modeling of every thermal generator in the EI and WI. In nearly all cases, existing thermal plants that are still in operation in 2038 have unit specific plant flexibility characteristics that were extracted by analyzing the Environmental Protection Agency’s Continuous Emissions Monitoring System. When unit specific data was unavailable, generic assumptions were made based on the vintage and type of generator. The initial AC power flow study complements the previous capacity expansion and PCMs by introducing steady-state and dynamic analysis. Utilizing the same base case network assumptions, a solved PSS®E case was created to model the combined EI and WI case. The B2B HVDC connections were studied and modeled in detail to enable the transfer of power across the interconnections and assess any violations of flow, voltage and contingencies. A variety of model conflicts, e.g. renumber the buses, some areas, zones, were corrected to combine the EI and WI. The next step was to combine the EI and WI 2024/2026 models using the PSS®E model modification functionality. The third step was to identify the points of interconnection and schedules of the B2B HVDC systems in the WI 2024/2026 models. Finally, we coordinated the power transfer schedule megawatts and direction of B2B HVDC systems. A new combined power flow case was developed by importing PCM simulation results (generation, dispatch, load, and HVDC schedules) for a certain time stamp (July 17 at 2 a.m.) into the original power flow case. This process is explained in Figure 1. Future work aims to extend the results from the 2038 PCMs to the combined AC power flow model. Figure 1: Steps for Importing and Validation of PCM data into AC power flow model IV. RESULTS In this section we detail the results of the capacity expansion and PCM. We also describe the initial steps taken to conduct future AC power flow analysis. A. Capacity Expansion Modeling All transmission designs, were limited to 600 GW capacity investments in order to avoid unrealistic installation rates. The results achieved a 2038 renewable (wind, solar and hydro) penetration of 50% by energy, with a reduction of CO 2 production to 30% of its 2024 level. The presence of a carbon tax, lower investment and operational costs of wind and solar DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 4 compared to other technologies resulted in these comprising about 93% of the invested generation in all designs, with the remainder comprised of gas-fueled combined cycle (~21%), combustion turbines (~2%) and distributed generation (yy%). Wind generation investments were mainly located in the Midwest, and solar generation investments were primarily located in the East and the South. Because D1 was the only design that did not allow cross-seam transmission investment, it was the benchmark, and results of the other three designs are given relative to it. Table 1 summarizes the main metrics for the three designs relative to D1. In addition to the base designs, which include a carbon tax and do not include any state RPS in effect for 2024-2038, three sensitivities The most important observation from Table 1 is that the benefit-to-cost (B/C) ratio, calculated as the change (relative to D1) in the generation investment and operational cost divided by the change in the transmission investment cost, is well above the industry threshold of 1.25 considered necessary to justify transmission investments. Although some benefit is obtained through reduction in generation investment costs, most of it occurs as a result of reduction in generation operational costs. The values shown may be considered as lower bounds on B/C ratios for two reasons. First, they reflect economics from only 2024 to 2038; benefits continue to accrue on an annual basis as indicated by the perpetuity costs. Second, they do not reflect non-quantified benefits (NQBs) such as the ability of the electric system to continue supplying low-cost energy while adjusting and adapting to policy changes and/or catastrophes such as large hurricanes and widespread wildfires. that results from the initial generation fleet and subsequent 15 years of investments and retirements. This reflects that crossseam DC transmission investments made in D2a, D2b, and D3 enable increased capacity sharing between regions. Second, we observe that the B2B investments of D2a require more AC transmission than in D1 (to move power to the coasts) and that the DC line investments of D2b and D3 require less AC transmission. Figure 2 illustrates generation, line, and B2B investments for D1 and D2b where, for generation, the area within the bubbles is proportional to the generation capacity invested. All black lines in both designs represent AC transmission investments. The red circles for D2b represent DC B2B transmission investments, with amounts given in the table such that the top-to-bottom ordering for the first seven rows correspond to the north-to-south circles. The next-to-last row in the table for D2b indicates the capacity of each of the three DC lines, represented in red in the figure. The last row of the table gives the total cross-seam transmission capacity for D2b. Comparison of these two figures shows that cross-seam transmission tends to shift wind capacity build out from west to east and solar capacity build out from east to west. This is also observable in D2a and D3. D1 Table 1: Summary of D2a, D2b, D3 metrics relative to D1 Capacity or cost item AC transmission invested, GW HVDC transmission invested, GW 2038 creditable capacity, GW Transmission investment cost, $B Gen investment cost, $B D1 228.9 ΔD2a 22.4 ΔD2b -5.9 ΔD3 -33.8 0 25.7 28.4 125.8 838.5 -29.0 -46.5 -44.4 61.2 12.7 13.67 18.9 704.0 -0.7 -47.8 -3.5 Carbon Cost, $B Operational cost, $B* 15-yr B/C ratio Perpetuity cost (annualized 20 yrs), $B 171.1 1475.9 N/A N/A -1.66 -30.9 2.48 -1.37 45.16 -7.0 -3.33 -38.2 3.30 -2.51 D2b Figure 2: Generation/transmission investments for D1, D2b -6.66 -44.3 2.52 -4.19 Table 1 reveals two additional insights. First, D2a, D2b, and D3 show a decrease in creditable capacity (the summation over all available generation of each unit’s capacity multiplied by its capacity credit, where capacity credit is percent capacity applied towards satisfying the annual peak [11, 12], an effect B. PCM The zonal results from the final year of CGT-Plan were translated into the nodal PCM model using the methods described earlier. The translation process adds or retires specific generators and the TEP model (see TEP description in Section III) translates the AC transmission added to the CGTPlan designs to the nodal network. Figure 3 shows the results of the TEP AC transmission translation and the nodal connections of the HVDC network. DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 6 Figure 3: Additions to the existing transmission topology represented in the 2038 PCM modeling We ran the PCM at an hourly resolution for a full year representing 2038. Figure 4 shows the similarity of all designs on an aggregate basis. D1 has more thermal generation due to its larger installed capacity share in D1. In these four futures, 38-39% of all load is met by wind and PV. and 50% is meet by all forms of renewable energy (i.e. wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and geothermal). Figure 4: Total annual generation by type for all four designs Figure 5 shows the amount of reserves each generator type provided. Curtailed wind and natural gas combined cycles provided the majority of reserves throughout the year. Figure 5: Reserves provided by each generator type CGT-Plan suggested annualized operational savings of the system designs in 2038 to range from $1.3 to $4.2 billion (Table 1). The PCM generally agrees with these operational savings, finding that D2a, D2b, and D3 save between $2.0 and $3.9 billion when compared to the production costs of D1. However, the operational savings do not directly match between scenarios. This is because of differences observed in wind and solar curtailment between the CGT-Plan and PCM. The production cost savings seen in PCM results validate the estimated savings from CGT-Plan results, even though CGTPlan relied on a much less detailed representation of system operations showing robustness of the approach. CGT-Plan also assessed the value of peak load diversity between different regions of the country and found that cross DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 7 seam transmission can enable greater capacity sharing between regions. However, CGT-Plan does not have a full picture of annual operations and requires the PCM to ensure the reliable balancing of load and generation at all hours of the year with reduced creditable capacity. This is especially important given uncertainty and variability of operating systems near 40% wind and solar penetrations. The PCM gives confidence that the designs created by CGT-Plan can handle the uncertainty and variability of these high variable generation futures. The PCM found that for all hours of the year, all designs balanced load and generation and served between 99.69% and 99.98% of all spinning reserve requirements. D1, the design with the least cross-seam transmission, had the largest total reserve shortage. Not only do the PCM results validate the balancing reliability of the designs created by CGT-Plan, but they also show how cross seam transmission can take advantage of load diversity throughout the year, which allow D2a, D2b, and D3 operate with less creditable capacity. Figure 6 shows operation of the aggregate cross seam transmission during the three-day period around coincident peak load. All designs show a diurnal pattern to the operation of the cross seam HVDC and B2Bs. At noon2, load is nearing peak in the EI, but load remains lower in the WI while PV in the WI is nearing its peak output for the day. The cross-seam transmission is heavily loaded, delivering power from west to east. As the day progresses and the sun sets on the west coast, the cross-seam transmission switches direction, operating at near 100% loading from east to west as the WI reaches peak net-load, or the “head of the duck”. in the EI. An increase in thermal or hydro generation generally indicates greater utilization of an existing resource in D1, while an increase in wind or PV generation indicates the utilization of a resource that did not exist in D1. A decrease in thermal generation represents generation from a unit that was retired in designs 2a, 2b, and 3, but existed in D1. A decrease in wind or PV generation relative to D1 indicates that the resource was moved to higher quality locations in designs 2a, 2b, and 3 (i.e. PV moved to the WI, wind moved to the EI). Figure 7 demonstrates how cross seam transmission delivers low cost PV and thermal resources from the WI to the EI as the load in the EI nears peak at noon. Local expensive thermal resources in the EI are no longer needed to meet peak load, as transmission enables more efficient use of lower cost resources and reduced creditable capacity overall. Figure 7: Change in generation relative to D1 in SPP/MISO and the WI on August 7 12:00 p.m. As the day progresses, flow on the cross seam transmission changes direction and begins exporting power from the EI to the WI. Figure 8 shows the change in generaiton on August 7th at 11:00 pm, when cross-seam tranmsision has changed to be loaded at nearly 100% from east to west. Units that were already online to help meet peak in the EI, such as combustion turbines, remain online to meet the net-load peak in the WI, avoiding the need to startup less efficient units in the WI. Low cost EI wind is also able to be more fully utilizted, rather than building lower capacity factor wind in the WI. Figure 6: Cross seam power flow during peak period. A positive flow is an export from the EI to the WI. Figure 7 and 8 show the change in generation by type between D1 and the designs with more cross seam transmission at noon and 10:00 pm respectively on August 7th. In each figure, one panel shows the change in generation in the WI along with the net cross seam flow from the WI. The other panel shows the same for just Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), where cross seam transmission has the largest impact 2 All times are Eastern Standard Time DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 8 Figure 8: Change in generation relative to D1 in SPP/MISO and the WI on August 7 11:00 p.m. Finally, the PCM results allow us to understand the utilization of cross seam transmission flexibility during extreme events, such as wind/PV forecast errors or large ramping events. Figures 9–11 show the change in cross seam flow and the change in generation in SPP/MISO and the WI during a period of large instantaneous wind and PV penetrations, followed by a large ramp down in both resources at sunset on April 16th. Figure 10: Change in generation relative to D1 in SPP/MISO and the WI on April 16 6:00 a.m. As the day progresses, there is a large ramp down in wind throughout SPP and MISO. The increased cross-seam transmission provides flexibility to mitigate the lost wind output in SPP and MISO. The direction of the flow changes, reaching peak exports from the WI at 7:00 pm, which coincides with the April 16th net-load peak in the Eastern Interconnection. Figure 11 shows how cross seam transmission enables greater utilization of WI thermal and hydro resources. This flexibility allows the Eastern Interconnection to balance the system reliably with less creditable capacity even during periods of large ramp downs in wind and solar. Figure 9: Cross seam power flow during a period of high variable generation. A positive flow is an export from the EI to the WI. The beginning of the day on April 16th has very high wind penetrations, particularly in SPP and MISO. The cross-seam transmission is heavily loaded, delivering the wind to the WI. Figure 9 shows the large exports from the EI to the WI in the early morning hours of April 16th. Figure 10 shows the change in generation dispatch on both sides of the seam at 6 am. Utilization of the high quality SPP/MISO wind increases due to the presence of cross-seam transmission. Figure 11: Change in generation relative to D1 in SPP/MISO and the WI on April 16 at 7:00 p.m. C. AC Power Flow Modeling The combined 2024/26 power flow model was developed using PCM data for a single instant in time. To validate the data import process we compared the power flow results from the DC power flow based PCM and the AC power flow based model for flows of 230 kV lines and above. In general, the Eastern Interconnection matches between PCM flows and AC power flow model calculated flows. A comparison between flows in PLEXOS and PSS®E for 500kV lines is shown in Figure 12. For the WI, the line flows matches were not as DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 9 consistent. That could indicate that the PCM case is based on a power flow case that is slightly different than the case used in the power flow analysis. Figure 12: 500kV lines PLEXOS vs PSS®E comparison In this study, N-1 includes a single branch/transformer connecting between buses of 230 kV and above, and single-tie lines between different areas including DC tie lines and single generators. For contingency impact violations, Python scripts were prepared to extract the following violations: (1) voltage violations of buses of 230 kV and above and (2) flow violations for single branch/transformer connections between buses of 230 kV and above. The number of contingences with unsolvable power flow is recorded. The criteria used to identify violations are: (1) voltage outside the boundaries of 0.9 pu to 1.1 pu (230kV to 416kV lines) and 0.95 pu to 1.15 pu (500kV to 765kV lines) and (2) flow limits of 130% of branch Rate A. The number of voltage, flow violations, and diverged cases in the N-1 contingency analysis in the WI system and EI systems are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2. WI N-1 contingency analysis results in the combined 2025/26 case with PCM data The significant value was demonstrated through the multimodel approach. This study demonstrated that the system was able to balance generation and load at lower creditable capacity, enable load diversity, and increase operating flexibility. This study examined the benefits of increasing transmission pathways over four distinct scenarios across the country. While fundamental elements of transmission and generation were represented throughout the study, additional modeling and analysis is required to further examine the best grid designs to bring the anticipated technical and economic benefits to the system. Industry review and input will remain vital to plans to expand transmission capability across the interconnections, as studies often present the most optimal solution and sometimes lack consideration for market adoption feasibility. Full exploration of the potential benefits of cross-seam transmission to the continent will require continued multimodel study, where only a suite of tools can examine multidimensional future planning needs. These analyses include expanded AC power flow studies of steady state and stability modeling; system and local-level benefits (electric production, environment, jobs, etc.); grid reliability needs; gas-electric coordination, and resilience. Additional capacity expansion and PCM scenarios would be required to further understand the uncertainty and impacts on resilience caused by weather, fuel costs, and capital costs. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Charlton Clark, Jian Fu, and Kevin Lynn from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and Kerry Cheung from the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. VII. REFERENCES [1] Table 3. N-0 and N-1 contingency analysis results in Eastern Interconnection combined 2025/26 case with PCM data Total number of contingencies Number of solvable contingencies Number of contingencies with islands Number of unsolvable contingencies Number of N-0 flow violations Number of N-1 flow violations Number of N-0 voltage violations Number of N-1 voltage violations 1076 731 75 270 41 52 641 153 V. CONCLUSIONS/NEXT STEPS Combining CGT-Plan, PCM, and AC power flow analysis allows a thorough assessment and validation of the value of increasing cross seam transmission. Benefit cost ratios reached as high as 3.3 and annual operational savings exceeding $2 billion. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Novacheck, J., Bloom, A., Lau, J. “Production Cost Modeling for the Interconnections Seam Study” NREL Technical Report, Forthcoming. Armando Luis Figueroa-Acevedo, "Opportunities and benefits for increasing transmission capacity between the US eastern and western interconnections" (2017). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 16128. https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/etd/16128 Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) (2011), “Phase 1 Report: Formation of Stakeholder Process, Regional Plan Integration and Macroeconomic Analysis.” E3 (2011), “CA LSE and WECC load and energy forecasts.”, GHG/11 Load_Growth_Forecasts v2.doc. [Accessed November 2016]. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 2016. “2016 Annual Technology Baseline.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory. http://www.nrel.gov/analysis/data_tech_baseline.html. R. Pletka, J. Khangura, A. Rawlins, E. Waldren, and D. Wilson, “Capital Costs for Transmission and Substations - Updated Recommendations for WECC Transmission Expansion Planning,” B&V Project No. 181374, prepared for the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC), February, 2014, available at www.wecc.biz/Reliability/2014_TEPPC_Transmission_CapCost_ Report_B+V.pdf. A. Figueroa-Acevedo, A. Jahanbani Arkadani, H. Nosair, A. DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov 10 Venkatraman, J. Novacheck, and J. McCalley, “Benefits of increasing transmission capacity between the US Eastern and Western Interconnections,” under review by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. [8] Clayton Barrows, Brendan McBennett, Josh Novacheck, Devon Sigler, Jessica Lau, Aaron Bloom. Under review. 2018. Decomposing Electricity System Models to Represent Multiple System Operators. [9] Aaron Bloom, Aaron Townsend, David Palchak, Joshua Novacheck, Jack King, Clayton Barrows, Eduardo Ibanez, Matthew O'Connell, Gary Jordan, Billy Roberts, Caroline Draxl, Kenny Gruchalla. 2016. Eastern Renewable Generation Integration Study. NREL/TP-6A20-64472. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy16osti/64472.pdf. [10] Michael Rossol, Gregory Brinkman, Joshua Novacheck, Paul Denholm, Aaron Bloom. Under Review. 2018. A National Analysis of Thermal Plant Flexibility. [11] IEEE PES Task Force on the Capacity Value of Wind Power, “Capacity Value of Wind Power,” IEEE Trans. On Power Systems, vol. 26, pp. 564-572, 2011. [12] IEEE PES Task Force on Capacity Value of Solar Power, C. Dent (chair), “Capacity value of Solar Power,” International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 2016. VIII. BIOGRAPHIES DRAFT-for review purposes only. Send comments to aaron.bloom@nrel.gov