Northern California Re Ional NCRIC Intelligence Center 9 Fusing Intonneucm Talent And training For A Semi Wednesday, October 0800-1700 Hours 0800-1200: Law Enforcement Only/ 1300-1700: LE and Private Sector Location: Phillip Burton Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Ca 94102, Floor, CA and NV Room Steven Stanley, The Sigma Group Inc. This workshop will cover several different Domestic Terrorism (DI) topics including: Global Anarchist Activity, Seeial and Global Justice Groups, Anti-War ActiVists/Militants, Anti-Nuclear Aclivists/li/lilitants, Activists/Militants, Anti-Police Movement, Antifa Movement (Antifaseists), Animal Liberation AcliVists/Milltants, Eco-Terrorism, Radical Environmental Groups, Radical Unions, Protests Protest Activity/Dynamics, White Supreinacists, Islamic Ten'oi'isin, and European connections more Steven Stanley AS (Ceflifled Anti-terrorism Specialist) is a Domestic Terrorism Intelligence Analyst Steven has over 40 yeius of experience in tracking domestic terrorism. He has trained enforcement all over the US. See a private rollecliml consisting 0/40 vents of radical books, limgnzinzs. patrlies, stickers, clothing pictures, Videos. DVD and much more at the Il'lnllillg. ml; Free Agenty Identification is required at Check-in (No Exceptions) Registration must he completed oil-line at in the Members Only section (it you are not I member, click on the link to 'oin). Click on line "Re istration" Tab. All attendees are automalically placed on a waiting list and will lie nntirietl by email oflheir acceptance and registration lie tours No "walk Ilp" registrations are accepted. For Additional Information: Contact NCRIC Intelligence Officer, Office 'ck Silva by emailing on Den Jimmy Adams T: 866 367 8347 Emai Training Coordinator: Off. Nick Silva --) OFFICIAL USE ONLY