Emergency ?Ready, Set, Go? Get Ready! El Designate an emergency meeting location outside the fire or disaster area. El Know several different escape routes from your home and community. Drive these often so everyone in your family is familiar in case of emergency El Have an evacuation plan for pets and large animals such as horses and other livestock. El Create a Family Communication Plan that designates an out?of?area friend or relative as a point of contact to act as a single source of communication among family members in case of separation. (It is easier to call or message one person and let them contact others than to try and call everyone when phone, cell and Internet systems can be overloaded or limited during a disaster) El Sign up for Emergency Notifications (Code Red) at .org El For more information visit our website at Our Household Safety Plan (Complete BEFORE an emergency): Head of households name: Prepare your El El El El El Have fire extinguishers on hand and train your family how to use them (check expiration dates regularly). Maintain at least halfa tank of fuel in your vehicles at all times. Assemble a (emergency supply kit) for each person. Maintain a list of emergency contacts posted near your phone and in your Obtain street maps for the area and county; keep them in your car. Download maps to your smart devices. Keep a in your car in case you can?t get to your home because offire or other emergency. Ensure your family knows where your gas, electric and water shut-off controls are located and how to safely shut them down in an emergency. Make your home and property more prepared with resources found at El .El - Our address: In the event of a wildfire evacuation, we will meet at: During a disaster, we'll take our animals to: Local contact (neighbor/relative): In the event that roads are closed, our local contact to care for children pets is: Name: Out of area contact/phone: Other important contacts: Phone: School Phone: We have neighbors who may need help (persons with disabilities or persons with access function needs): Name: Address: Evacuation Plan Checklist How to Prepare for Evacuation Prepare for Evacuation Outside the House l:l Alert family members and neighbors. Gather up ?ammable items from the exterior of the l:l Dress in appropriate clothing clothing made ofcotton or house bring them inside or move from the house wool work boots). l-lave gloves, goggles, a dry bandana, a dust (patio furniture, toys, doormats, trash cans, etc). mask handy. TURN-OFF propane tanks or natural gas connections. Grab your Go Bag add last minute items. Move propane BBQs appliances away from structures. l:l Tune in to a Local Radio Station: KBCZ 90.1FM, KSCO El Leave exterior lights on so your home is visible at night. 1080AM, KZSC 88.1FM or KPIG 107.5FM Put your in your vehicle. Drink plenty of water; Prepare your family pets! LCK your car into the driveway with vehicle loaded with all doors windows closed. Carry car keys with you Inside the House at all times AND have a spare! Shut all windows doors leaving them unlocked. El Seal attic 8? ground vents With pre?cut or Remove ?ammable window shades lightweight curtains. commeraal seals. Close any metal shutters. El Check on neighbors make sure they are preparing El Move ?ammable furniture to the center of the room away to leave. from windows doors. In Case Of Fire Shut gas OFF at the source (meter or tank) any pilot lights. Patrol your property monitor the ?re situation. Don?t Turn lights ON so ?re?ghters can see your house at night or wait for an evacuation order if you feel threatened. under smoky conditions. Connect garden hoses to outside water valves or spigots El Shut OFF the air conditioning. for use by ?re?ghters. Fill any water buckets place them . around the house. Anlmals and Pets DO NOT leave sprinklers on or water running as this Locate your pets. Keep them under control nearby. can affect critical water pressure. l:l Prepare farm animals for transport think about moving Place a ladder at a corner of your house so ?re?ghters them to a safe location. can access your roof. 0 For more important information on being prepared visit: Remember the Six ?P?s Basic Emergency Supply Kit El I. People pets. I. First Aid Kit. El 2- Phone numbers 8? important documents. l:l 2. Battery or hand crank radio 0 NOAA weather radio. El 3- Prescriptions: vitamins, 8? eyeglasses. El 3. Battery or hand crank ?ashlight w/ extra batteries. 4. Pictures irreplaceable memorabilia. 4. Whistle, local topographical map, a plan. l:l 5- Personal computer 8? external drives. 5. Wrench or pliers for shutting o?r utilities. l:l 6- (credit, debit and ATM cards) 8? El 6. Cell phone Computer solar chargers or inverters. El 7. Dusk mask, plastic sheeting, duct tape (shelter-in-place). El 8. Can opener w/ nonperishable food supply of three days. El 9. Waste bags, moist towelettes plastic ties (personal sanitation). (3910/ We 6' $973, I 0. Water: One gallon per person per day (drinking sanitaion). cam Mama/[ate WW Do not forget a weather proof bag to hold everything if possible. Evacuation Time! If you feel threatened by an emergency, leave immediately! Do not wait for an evacuation order! When an evacuation order is issued by public safety of?cials, leave immediately to avoid being caught in a coming emergency or road congestion. If you are advised to leave, don?t hesitate! - Of?cials will determine the areas to be evacuated escape routes to use depending upon the type of emergency. - Know your evacuation map! Look at possible routes you may be directed to use to escape a disaster. - Law enforcement agencies are typically responsible for enforcing an evacuation order. Follow their directions - You will be advised of potential evacuations as early as possible. You must take the initiative to stay informed and aware. Listen to your radio (KBCZ 90. FM, KSCO 080 AM, KZSC 88. FM or KPIG 07.5 FM) for announcements from law enforcement other emergency personnel. - You may be directed to a designated Public Assembly Point for your immediate safety and later to an evacuation shelter. - Move yourself others away from areas of high risks based on type of disaster. For more visit Wildfire \a Flood - . . f. l, i all . Eta.- J. .7 5. \o .1 ?pr' ?651 I ill}: . . I o; r? fir Ma?a-nun! Plano-In Earthquake Tsu?nami In a wildland Stay calm. If in a group stay together! While in you vehicle: Park your vehicle in an open area clear of vegetation. Close all vehicle windows vents. Lie on vehicle floor cover yourself with wool blanket orjacket. While on foot: - If possible find a home or building to shelter in. Go to an open area clear of vegetation, a ditch or depression on level ground if at all possible. 0 Lie face down, cover up your body. While in your home: Keep your family together. Stay inside your house. - Keep doors windows closed, but unlocked. - Stay away from outside walls and windows. - Fill jugs, sinks,&tubs with cold water. If YOU are trapped! Use your cell phone to advise of?cials. Know your location! (all 9 I I . In a Stay calm. If in a group stay together! - Seek a higher position if possible. While in you vehicle: If you come to a ?ooded area, turn around go another way. DO NOT dive into ?ooded areas! If your car stalls, abandon it immediately! Seek higher ground! While on foot: Return to higher ground stay there. - Avoid walking through my ?oodwaters. While in your home: Keep your family together. Get your Emergency Supplies or together leave if able. 0 Fill jugs, sinks, bath?tub with water. - Move valuables upstairs if possible. 0 Turn off all utilities. In advance of a storm: - Place sandbags in critical areas. Sandbags are available starting Nov. to all City of Santa Cruz citizens in need. - Visit For more information. In an - Stay calm?. If in a group stay together! Prepare for aftershocks a tsunami. Check for injuries. Evacuate to safety if possible. While in you vehicle: Pull over to the side ofthe road, stop, set the parking brake. Avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs other hazards. Stay inside the vehicle until quake stops. If a power line falls on the car, stay inside your vehicle until a trained person removes the wire. While on foot: Move to a clear area if you can safely do so; Avoid power lines, trees, signs, buildings, vehicles, other hazards. While in your home: - Keep your family together. - Check for ?res or damage. - Check for structural damage. - Turn off gas to house. - Check on neighbors. PWW Vow/a #01736 more information at Listen to your radio 0 KPIG 107.5 FM 0 KBCZ 90.! FM 0 KSCO 1080 AM - KION I460 KSBW or KION .. .. WESTERN DR. Plan the W0 best ways away?om the disaster