efile GRAPHIC pr¡nt - pO NOT PRoCËSS DLN: 9349331973722a Ol',lB Return of Organization Exempt From lncome Tax ,",.990 ") A For No 1545.0047 2017 Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal R¿venue Code (except private foundãt¡óni) > Do ñol enter sortål sêcunty numbêrs on thls fÒrm às rt mäy bå rñêde pubhc Þ lnformatron èbout Form 990 ¿nd ¡is Jnstructtoös ß al wvtw IRS ùov/forñgg, Drprr[ìnv l¡nnwlø¡ìna 2018.t 1.15 Sign Here D¡te Paid Preparer Use Only Frrrn'i Dañe > lvÀÊCUM ttP HARIFOAD, Cl Çhccl E rr FÍriìsFIN>C6'ût3*771 Phone öe (960) 7o0^0600 06101 the IRS drscuss thrs return wrth the prepsrer shown above? (:ee ;nstructrons) For Paperwork Reduction Act Notíce, see the sepaTàte instructions, El ft'lëy Cat NÒ 11292Y v"r ! Form tto 990 (2017) Ëorm 990 1 (2017) st;[ã;;nt of Program se¡-v¡ce Accomplishments Page Ch:ck rf Schedule O contarns a response or note to any lrne rn thrs Part Brrefly descrrbe the organrzatlon's mlsston III 2 tr THË ÖRGANIZATION'S PRTMARY EXEMPT PURPOSË IS TO EDUCATE THE GËNËRAL PUBLIC ASOUT EFFICIENCY OF SERV]CÉS PROVIDËD BY GOVERN IVì ENT fH ROUGI'I GOVERNM ENT PU BLTC POLICY 2 3 Drd the organrzatron undertake any srgn¡ftcant program serylces durtng the the pnor Form 990 or 990-EZ? If "Yes," descnbe these new servrces on Schedule O Þrd the organtzatton cease conducttng, or make stgnlftcant changes tn how " , Üv** ü nv". 5ervtces) If "Yes." descrrbe these changes on Schedule O 4 ,,,, Ho M ru" rts sto rants 4a (Code ) (Expenses s 1,017,318 rncludtnç ) See Àddrtronal Data ç ) (RevÈnu€ 4c (codê 4d Other program servtces (Descrrbe rn Schedule O ) (Expenses s rncludrng grants of g 4e Totäl of$ ) {Expenses s râm sê nses Þ 1 $ ) ) {ßevênuê $ ) (Revenue g L7,3LB Form 990 (2017) Form 990 (2017) PêrT Page IV list of Yes I Is the organtaatlon descrlbed tn sectron 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a prrvate foundatron)2 Schedule.A 9 3 uired Schedules R If nYes," complete Ho Yes 1 . z Istheorgantzattonrequtredtocomplete 3 Drd the organizatìon engage tn drrect or rndrrect polrtrcal cêmpatgn actrvrtres on behalf of or ln opposttron to c¿ndrdates for publrc olftcet If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part ScheduleB,Scheduleof Contnbutors (seelnstructrons)? Bf 2 . Yes No I 4 5 No 5 6 nght 7 Dtd the organrzatron rëcetve or hold a conseryatlon easement, rncludLng a the envlronmenf hlstonc land areas, or hrstonc structures? If "Yes," complete Drd the organrzalton malntarn collectlons of works of art, hrstorrcal If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Iil ad other , 9 lO No ü 7 No I No I No 10 No ran Dtd the organrzatron, drrectly or through a related rertr cted endowments, In perrnanent endowments, or quast-endowments? If the orgänrzåtron's anlwer to any of the 11 foliowrng quesltons Schedule D, Pårts VI, V1I, VIII, IX or X as applcable Drd the organ¡zêtlon report an amount for land, VI , ç4 Lf "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part b Dtd the orgån,zät,on report an amount assets reported ln PaÉ X, lrne 16? c If 11a for tnv Drd the organtzåtion report ån ämount for rnvestmentÉ-prog Part X, ltne 13 WIT relê 9. total assets reported d Drd the organrzatton tn Part X, hne 16? ,tf that ê Dtd the organtzatton r€port an amount fqr other lrêbllrtÌes rn_Part X, I¡ne 25? r X, lrne 12 tha[ ts 5% or more of rts total ¡n Part VII "Yes," rs 5olo If X9 that addresses complete Scåedu/e D, PaÈ X5 L2a Dld the organtzation obtatn separate, rndependent audrted financlal statements for the iax year? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Parts XI and XII \) b Is the organrzatron ã school descrrbed rn sectron 170(b)(lXAXl)) L4a D¡d If "Yes," complete Schedule E the organrzatton mårntàrn an offrce, employees, or agents cuts¡de of the Unrted States? b Dtd the orgåntzatton have aggregate revenues or €xpensês of more ihðn g10.000 trom çrantmakrng, fundrarsrng, bustness, rnveslment, and program servrce actrvrtres outsrde the Un¡ted Stetes. or aggregate forergn investments valuêci ät $100,000 or moreT If "Yes," contplete Schedule F, Parts I and IV 15 Dtd the orgåntzåtìon r€port on Part lX, column (A), lrne 3, more than 55,000 of grånìs or oth€r assrstånce to or for any foretgn organrzatronT If "Yes,'' complete Schedule F, Parts II and IV - l6 L7 1A l9 Drd the organtzatron .eport on Fart IX, column (A), lrne 3, rnore than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other açsrstance to or for fo;-ergn ¡¡l¡tr¡l¡¿151 If ''Yes," cotnplete Schedule F, Parts III ¿nd IV . Dld the organtzatron report à total of mo;'e than s15,000 of expenses for professronal fundrarsrng serytces on Part IX, column (A). lrnes 6 and ller ff "Yes," camplete Schedute G, Pârtl (see ¡nstructtons) ?J Drd the organtzatron report more than $15,000 total of fundrarsrnq e'rent gross rncome and contnbutrons on Part Vlll, lrrres lc and 8â) If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Pärt II %l Drd the organtzatron report more than $15.0C0 of gross ¡ncome from gamrng actlvrtles on Pa¡t VllI, lrne 9a> If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part III . 11c No No 11e No 11f No 12a Was the organtzatton rncluded rn consolrdated, rndependent audlted frnancral statements for the tax year; If "Yes," and ¡f the organtzatton answered "No" to lrne 72a, then campletrng Schedule D, Parts XI and XII rs optrcnal 13 No or more of its total assets reported "Yes," cornplete Schedule Þ, Part If 1f.b thåt rs 5?o or more of tts Dtd the organtzatron's sepåråte or consolrdated flnanclal ståtements for the tax year rnclude a footnote nYes," the organrzatron's habrltty for uncertarn tðx posttrons under FfN (45Ç 74Ð) 48 Yes Tãl Yes 1,2b No 73 No 74a No L4h No 15 l'Jo 16 No t7 Jo 18 19 Yes No Form 99O (2017) Forrn 990 (2017) Part IV Page Yes ZOa Drd the organtzätron operate one or more hosprtal faclltt¡esz If "Yes," complete Schedule H 20a b If "Yes" to bne 20a, dld the organrzatron attach a copy of rts audrted ftnancral statements to thrs return? 21 Dld the organtzatton report rnorô than $5,000 of grants or other assrstanÈe to any domestrc organrzatron or domestrc government on Part IX, column (A), lrne I? If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and IÍ , , 22 D¡d hhe organrzåtlon report more than $5,000 of grants or other assrstance to or for domestrc rndtvrduals on Part lX, . column (A), hne 2't [f "Yes,'complete Schedule I, Parts I ând fiI 23 Dld the orgãntzåtton answer "Yes" to Part VIl, Sectron A, lrne 3,4, or 5 about compensatton of'the organlzätlon's current and former offìcer:, drrectors, trustees, key employees, and hrghest compensated employees? If 'Yé8,^ complete $chødule I . 24a ùtd the organrzatron have a tax-exempt bond rssue wtth an outstandtng prtnctpal arnountof more bhran $100,000 as of the last day ofthe yeår, thät was rssued afler Decemb"-r 3t,2002t If"Yes," answerlnes 24b through 24d and complete Schedule K If "Na," go to hne 25a , . b Drd c Dld the orgàntzätton mälntårn Bn €scro\/ account other than a refuncirnq €scrôw at âny ttme dunng the,yeår d to defease any tax-exempt bonds: Drd the orgånrzåtton äct as ån "on behslf ofl' rssuer for bonds oulstandrng åt åny trme durtng the y€arz the orgånrzåtron rnvest âny proceeds of tåx-exernpt bonds beyond ¿ teil'ìporåry penod excepttbnT , 25a Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(a), and 501(c)(29) organizations, Dld the organrzåtron engåge rn ån èxcess benefrt lransactron wrth a dtsquattfred person durrng the year) complete Schedule L, Part I b 26 2A No )nh No 21 No 23 No 24a No 24b 24c , If 24d 'tYes,v No Is the organrzâtron ëwãre that rt engaged rn an excess benefrt tTansactron wrth a dtsquailåed person ¡n a pnor year, and 2äb that the trànsactron has not been reported on any of the orgänrzation's prtor Forms 990 gr 990-ËZr No "Yes," complete Schedule L, Paft I Þrd the orgênrzatron report any amount on Part X, lrne 5, 6, or 22 for recervabfeg fi'om or payables to any current or forrner offrcers, dtrectors, trustees, key employees, htEhest compensated employees, or dtsquallfled persons) If 27 No 25a If "Yes," cornplete Schedule L, Part II Drd the organrzatron provrde a grant or other assrstance tä an'offrcer, dtrector, trustee, key employee, substantral contrrbutor or employee thereof, a grant selectton commrttee,¡¡ember, or to a 357c controlled entrty or famrly member of any of these persons¡ If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part Iil Was the organreàtron a party to a l¡uslness transaclron wrth one of the foll'owrng partres (see Schedule l, Part IV Instructrons for applrcable frlrng thresholds, condrüons, and exÇeptrons) If 26 No 27 No 28a No ã A current or former offrcer, drrector¡ trlst€e, or tey employeeT Part IV b A famtly member ôf å current ôr fûrmêr officer, drrector, trustee, or key employee? -# "Yes, IV 28b No c An entrty of whrch ã current or former Bff¡cer, drreetor, t¡.i¡st€Þ, or key omployee {or a famrly mernber thereof) was ðn offrcê,"/ drrector, trustee, or drfËËt or ìndirêct ôwnerl If t'Yes," complele Sc/Íedule L; Fart IV . . 28c No: 29 No 30 No 31 No 32 NÔ 33 No "Yes," complate Schedule L, If n cornpletë Schedule L, Fart M 29 Dtd the orgänrzatron recerve morê thån $25,000 rn non*cash contnbuttons? 30 Drd tho orgênrzàtron reçerve contrtbutrons of art, htstoncal treasures, or other s¡mrlar assets, or qualrfred conservatron contnbutrons? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 31 D¡d the orgånrzåtrtn lrqurdåtêr têrmrnåtê, or drssolve and cease operatrons) 3? If "Yes,' complete Schedule "Yes," complete Schedule N, Pêrt I the organrzatron sell, exchange, drspose of, or translel more than 25olo of rhs net assets? "Yes," complete Schedule N, Part II Dld the organtzatton own 1t0Vo of an entrty drsregarded ds separate frorn the orgåntzalron under Regulattors sectrons 3OI 77A7-2 and 301 77Ol-31 If "'Yes," camplete Schedule R, Part I 34 , Drd If 33 Was the orgånr¿èûon relåted to any tâx-exempt or trxabìe entrty? Part V, Itne 1 If I "Yes," compiete Schedule R, Part II, IIl, or IV, and Id 35a Drd ihe organrzatron h¿ve a controlled entrty,¡¡ithrn the meanrnE of sectron 512(b)(13)2 b If 'Yes'to lrne 35a, drd the organrzaÛon recerve any payment from or engôge rn any transactlon wrthrn the meanrng of sectron 512{b)(13)) 36 37 38 4 Checklist of Required Schedules (conùnued) If "Yas," complete Schedule R, Part V. ltne 2 O . YeF 35a rryrth a controìled enlrty Section 501(c)(3) organízations. Drd the orgånrzatron make any transfers tô ðn exempt non-charrtable related organrzatlonr If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, ltne 2 . 3l Þrd the orçantzatton conduct more than 596 of rts ¿ctrv¡tres through an entrty that rs no! a related organrzatton and that rs treated as a partnershtp for fecleral rncome tax purposes? If "Yes," contplete Schedule R, Part VI \) Dtd the orgånt?àtron complete Schedule O and provrde explanatrons rn Schedule O for Part VI, lrnes llb and 19r Hote. All Form 990 f¡lers are requrred tc complete Schedule 34 No 35b 36 No 37 No 38 Yes Forrn 990 (2017) Form 990 (201.7) e5 Stãtemerits Regarding Other IRS Fil¡ngs and Tax CÞñpliånce Part V Check tf Schedule Õ cont¿lns ¿ res or note to n lrrìe rn thts Part V Yes 1a fnter the number reported b 1b 18 sectron 6104 requrres ån orçãnrzatron to make rts Form 1C23 (or 1024 rfapplrcable), 990, and 99C-T (501(c)(3)s only) ¿v¿tl¿ble for publtc rnspectron lndtcate how you nrade these avðrlàbl€ Check ¿ìl that apply CT 19 20 No ! O*n websrte I Another's rvebs te M Upon request Ü Oth". (expìarn rn Schedule 0) Descnbe ln Scheiule O ylhether (and rf so, how) ihe organrzatlon mðde tts governrng documents, confllct oi interest oclrcy, and flnancral ståtêmênts avarlable to thË publtc cjurrnq the tãx yêar St¿te the name, address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the organrzatron's books and records >þIATTHEW FOX 216 MAIN STREET HARTFOR cT 06106 (860) 282-0722 Form 9 Form 990 (2017) Part V¡l Coinpensation of Officers, DirectorsrTrustees/ and Independent Contractors Check lf Schedule O contarns a Sect¡on A. Officers, Þi toa or 7 Key Employees, Highest Compensated Emptoyees, ¡ rn lhrs Part VII Trustee hest Compensated Ëmployeer 1a Complete thrs table for all persons requlred to be l¡sted Report compensatlon for the calendar year endrng w¡th or wrthrn the organrzatron's tax yerr . - Lrst ¿ll of the orgânlzâtton! cutrent offtcers, drrectors, trustees (whether rnd¡vrduals or organrzattons), regardtes3 of amount of compensatron Enter -0- rn columns (D), (Ë), and (F) rf no compensâtton was pard I . Llst all of the orEantzatlon's curr€nt key employees, rf any See rnstructlons for defrnrtron of "key employee " Llst the organtzatton's flvE current hrghest compensated employees (other than an offtcer, drrector, trr¡stee or key employe.e) who recerved reportåblë compensatton (8ox 5 of Form W-2 andlor Box 7 oÉ Form lO99-M¡5c) ol more tilan SI00,000 fr.om'ttré organlzatrôn and any related organrzalrons ,r Llst ¡ll of the organ:zatlon's former offtcers, key ernployeås, or hrghest compensated employees who recerved more than $10O,OOO of reportable compensatron from the organtzqttÖn and any related orgánrzatrons e Llst all of the organtzatron's former directors or trustees that recerved, rn the capaclty ¿s ¿ former dìrector or trustee of ihe organ'zatlonr more lhan 5Lor000 of reportabJe compensâtron from the orgântzåtlon and any related organtzatrons Llst Persons rn the. followtng order rndrvrdual trustees or drrectors, lnstttutlonal trust€es, offrcers, key employees. hrghest comÞensåted employees, ånd forrner such p€irsons ! cnect thrs box rf the nor related ntzatton äny dreclal, or trustee (A) Name ¿nd Tttte (1) KEN BOUDRËAU X 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIRËCTOÂ/TRËASURËR (2) GERALD GUNDËRSON DIRECTOR (3) 100 DANrËL GRESSET D¡RËCTOR/CHAr Rt"1AN (4) CAROL PLÂTT LIEEAU PRESIDENT (s) BËrsY llccArr6HEy Pl-tD l6) P[NNY YOU¡]G x 0 X 0 0 X 0 0 0 DIRECTOR {7) DAVTD päilZZON rl 50 0 ûf RäC TOR (8) TOr.1 LASERSOHTT 050 DIRF[,ÏOR Form 99O (2017 Form 990 (2017) Faft VIf Page Section A. and Em D¡ (A) {B) Name and Trtle hest H nsated (c) (D) (H) (F) Posttron (do not check more Reportable compensatron from the organrzatron {W- Reportable cornpensatron . from related Estrmated Average hours per week (lrst any hóurs than one box, unless person rs both an offrcer and a for rel¡ted ,: * ., 1 organrzatrons below dolted drrector/trustee rl; r¡l * rr C Itne) ¡!1 ù. x ä Ð -{ :å ,¡. 'f' T 'Í' rI' 3 Ê È. rÞ ¡Þ ) rt, ".f 'n ,-. ,I. = ñiÌ, I 2/109e-MISC) amount of other compensâtron orgåntzåtlôns {w2/1099-Ml5C) from the orçanrzatron and related organrzatrons t1 Õ {¡ (1 ,T 'f Êt r¡. iI lb Sub-Total c Total from continuation sheets to Pârt VII, dfotal (add lines 1þ and lc) A . but not lrmrted to those 2 Total number of rndrvrduals of reportable compensatron 3 the organrzatron ltst any former efftç,er, drrector or trustêê, key employee, or hrghest compensated employëê on lrne la? If "Yes," complete Schedule J far suçh nd¡wdual , , , 4 For any rndrvrduàl lrsted I who recerved more than $100,000 No Yes Otd o¡ 3 No 4 No 5 No ta, ls thq surllraf r',.eportable compen$âtron and other çompensatlon from the orgãnrzãtron ãnd relãted crçani'¿¡Èrons greater than $15û,000t If "Yes," cornplefe Schedule I for such tnd¡ødual , hne , Drd any person ltsted on hne 1a recetve or accrue compensatton from any unrelated organrzatron servrces rendered to the organrzatron:ff "Yes," complete Schedule J for such person , or rnd¡vrdual for Section B. Inde I Complete thrs table for your ftve htghest compensàted rndependent contractors thaì recerved more than S100,000 of compensatron ensåtron for the calendar endr wrth or wrthln lhe organrzatron's tax year (A) (B) fron-: the organrzalron Re Name 2 Total number of tndependent contractors cotn tron from the o anrzàtron > 0 a ddress l)escrlltron ol servrraes (c) tìorl (rncludrng but not lrmrted to those lrsted above) who recetved more than $100,000 of Form 990 (2017) Form 990 {?01?) Pàrt v¡tI 9 t6mênt of Revenue O contåtns à ol thrs PÊrt Vl¡l (A) (B) (c) Totàl revenue Refated or Unrelåted bLrstnegs tevenue t¡x under t€venue . cèrnpargn5 ee sã (3g lâ . 1b tc 5â,996 ó,4, iËL ös 2.! .Þ? Ëo) 'Ëô Þã L'€ h TÖtal.Add lrnÈs 1â-1f b c d ¡nd frorn tnvestment of tax-€xempt bond proceeds fundratsrng s9,9sd $ "ffiãîäiläî¡ {not rncludrnq cont.bLrtrons r sëe Pârt IV, ¡rnÊ 13 c) Ë EI ËË qr o b Less drrèci expenses , of , 17,014 þ 1 t-,ú14 c Net rnconle or (los5) from fundrststn-ç 9ð Gross rncome from gamng acttvttrÈs See Part IV, l,ne 19 , a b Less dtrêct expensês , , c Nel tnçome or (loss) from q¿ilrnç àctivrttes ^ lee$ re tu b LesE cost of çood: sold , c Nët t¡lcÖniê ôr from sù!Þg l'lrscellênEous Revënue Búsrness Cqde t) c d fqvenue eTotå1. AcC lines 1là-!ld l2 Totâl revetruê, SÊ€ lnslruclìÐti Ëorn 990 12017) Form 990 (2017) liElTÍ¡I Paqe 1O slatement of Functíonal Expenses Sectron 501(c){3) and 501(c)(a) orqanrzatrons musl complete all columns All other orgånrzètrons musl Çamplêtê colurnn (A) 5A tf Schedule or note an Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7br 8bf 9b, and 10b of Part VIIL I Irne rn thrs Part IX {Â) Total expenses (8) (cl Pfogrðm servr{e expsnses 14ånågÊm€11t ånd' l (D) tundrarsrngeypen5es {tÈnèrål *xüens€$, Grants and other åssrstèncè to domestrc organtzattons and domestrc Aovernments $ee Part lV, ltne 21 2 Grants ¿nd other assrstance to domestrc tndtvrduais See Part IV, hne 22 3 Grants and other ässrstãnce to foretgn organtzattons. forergn goverñments, ând fo¡ergn rndrv¡dilåls sée Pårt lV, lrne 15 and 16 4 5 Benefrts pard to or for memberç t14,423 Compens¿tron of current offrcers, drrectors, trustees, and key employees 6 Compensatron not rncluded above. to drsqualrfred persons (a defrned under sectron 4958(f)(1)) and persons descnbed rn sectron 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 I Other Falanes and wages - , r1,442 68,654 419,243. 88,375 )J, J¡ö Pensron plan accruals and contnbutrons (rnclude sectron 401 (k) and a03(b) employer contrbutrons) 9 Other employee benefits 10 Payroli taxes l1 Fees for servrçes (non-employees) 43,105 ,,r' : 27.960 s,234 9,911 a Management 7io18 b Legal . c Accountlng d Lobbyrng ; '3{,336 3r,33ö . e Professron¡l fundrarsrng servrces SeE Pèrt IV, hne 17 f Investment management fees (If ltne t19 àmount exceeds 100/o of lrne 25, co¡umn (A) arnount, hst hne 119 expenses on Schedule O) g Other 12 Advertrsrng and promotron ' 13 Offrce expenses t4 Informatron technology 15 Royaltres 16 Occupancy 17 îravel 18 PaymÊnts of travel ¡ i: ,l ' . t ', t,.. , ll 337,98¡ n7,9A2 64,970 64,970 :i34,897 61,005 11,û63 r.5,046 r2.950 2,n96 3t,269 40,ô59 62,829 10,269 7,847 29,325 3,493 or enterta¡nment expefisês fof Eny federal, $tate, or local pubhc offrciälg 19 Conferenres, co¡ventrons, and meetrngs 2t ïnterest 21 Påyments to ¡ffrlrateç 22 Deprecratron, depletron, and amoûrzatron , 23 Insurance 24 ôther êxpenses Itemrze expênses not covered !,03¿ 1,03 ? 3,859 3,8 59 at:ove (Lrst mlscellaneous expenses rn Lne 24e Il lrne 24e amount exceeds l0?b of hne 25, column {A) arnount, lrst lrne 24e expenses on ScÞedule o ) a EVENTS I 5,794 75,797 b EDUCATION 7u,B9t 78,896 c DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 9.61 9 L,253 d RËPAIRS & ¡{A¡NTENANCË 3,s7l e Afl other 5t,4 25 Total functional expenses" Add llnes 1 throuqh 24e 26 Joint costs. Complete thrs lrne only rf the organrzatton È qq 7 lt 1 J1)t J s I OÂ'ì 2 1 2.500 43 )7 57 i2,164 1,480, !40 1,017,3r8 261,5d8 20 1,174 reported rn colurnn (B) .¡ornt cos[s from a combined educatronal campaign and fundrarsrng solrcttàUon Check here Þ ! rf followtng SOP 98-2 (ASC 95S-720) Form 990 (2017) Form 990 (2017) lF.1'i[5:t Page 1l Batance Sheet Check rf Schedule O contarns or nÖte to ¿ lrñe rn thrs Part IX {B) End of year 1 Cash-non- lnterest-bearr ng 2 Savrngs and temporary cash tnvestments 3 Pledges and grants recervable, net 4 Accounts recervable, net 5 Loans and other recelvables frorn current and former offlcers, dlrectors, trustees, key employees¡ and hrghest compensated employees Complete par! 1I of Schedule L 419.542 143 . 6 Notes and loans recetvable, net lnventofles for sale or use 8 Prepatd expen$es and deferred charges 10a 4,1 85 t2 14 15 17 l8 19 19 20 2L Escrow or custodrâl åecount lrabrlrty Complete Part lV oF 2r, 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 Total liabiliti es.Add lrnes 17 through 25 Organizatíons that follow SFÄS 117 (ASC 958), check here complete lines 27 through 29, and tines 33 and 34. ê ó n 0 and Unregtncted net assets 27 28 Temporarrly restrrcted net ¿ssets 2A 29 Permanently restncted net assets tô Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958)/ check here > M and conrplete lines 3O through 34, L z ) 26 27 L= d) U 30 Caprtal stock or trust prtncipal, or current funds 0 30 0 31 Pard-rn or caprtal surplus, or land, burldrng or equrpment fund o 31 0 3Z Retalned eàrnrngs, endowment, accumulated tncome, or other funds 40å,856 32 426,377 33 Total net assets or fund balances 408.856 33 4?6,377 34 Tolal l¡abrllt¡es ¿nd net assets/fund b¿lances 408.856 34 426,377 990 01 Form 990 (2017) Part XI leO Check rf or nôte *o 2 VlIl, column (A), lrne 12) Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), llne 25) n lrne rn th¡s Part Xl Tot¿l revenue (must equal P¿rt 1 12 Page Reconcilliation of Net Assets 1 ,661 1,490,140 4 408,856 17,52I 3 R€venue less expenses Subtrâct ltne 2 from lrne 4 Net ¿ssets or fund b¿lancgs at begrnnrng of year (must equal Part X, lrne 33, column (A)) 5 Net unreah¿ed gatns (losses) gn rnvestrnents 6 Donated servrces and use of facrl¡ttes 7 Investment expenses I I 10 Other chánges rn net:åg¡ets or fund balancé¡ (explarn rn Schedule 0) 1 t. . *@ ó'á .7 Prror perrod àdjustments ....-8 Combrne ltnès 3 through Nêt âssêts or fund balances at I (must -g to u Fina nGiâl statements ånd Repo Check rf Schedule O conterns a note l¡ne ln thrs Yes I 2a il cash Accounlrng method used to prepare the Ftrrn 990 If the organraatron changed rts method of accountrng from a prro-r Schedule',0 Were therorganruåtraãn'* ñnancral ståtèmënts Ëomprled or If 'Yes,'check a bsx below to,rnd¡cate whether the I f{o oth". oxplarn rn an rndepend ntenir 2a No for the year wet.e.comprled or revtewed on a frnanc¡al separat€ basrs, consolrdated basrs, or both fl b We-r:e $eparate basrs H Cpneclldated bðas separate basis thg organrzat¡ontsfinanoa ¡tatenents' If;'Yes,t checka box below. weie audrted :oh,ë¡ sepåräte b'r¡ËtE. *L Y€s consolrdated basrs, or both ffi Separate ban; fl Consohdated n and separate basrs c 2,a If the organlzåtrôn chåûged e¡ther 3â As å result of rts undérgo En ¡iud{t or auíJús ãií set.forth,ln the Srngle, Audlt Act and b 3å If "Yes,'r åudrt Ðr âud'ß, Na urrng the tåx year, explarn tn Schêdule O tha requtr*d why r 3b Form e9O (20 AdditiOnal Data Suftwa're In: Software Version: em: 524358144 Name: YANKEE INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY Form 9?90 (201?) Form 990, Part 111. Line 4a: . . EDUCATION AND pusuc AWARENESS OF PUBLIC POLICIES THAT FROMOTE EFFICIENCY IN GOVERNMENT THROUGH EVENTS, NEWSPAPER Owens, TV, RADIO, AND THE INTERNET was.? ?5 w??w?m 5 . 5* .44x GRAPHÏC Às Filed Þata * rint - DO NOT PROCËSS SCHEDULT A ÞLN: 934933!9L37228. Ot"lB Public Charity Status and Public Support (Form 990 or 990B,2) ) ÞclÍìrtltìùtll or il¡e Tf!"nluf\ No 1545-0047 2017 Complete ìf the organizâtioh is a section 501(c)(3) organization or â sectlon 4947(a)( 1) nonexëmpt charitable trust. Þ ARach to Ëorm 990 or Form 990-Ë2. Information about Schedule À (Form 99O or 99O-EZ) and its instru Open ttr Public r¡umber e PUBLIC POLICY YANKEE Part I Reason for Public Status organrzatron ts not a pnvate use rt rs an (Ëor tnes thrs t 12i check only one I n A church, conventron of churches, or ¡ssocratlon of ¡ support percentage for Publrc support Þerçentðge for 2016 Schedule L4 Il, [rne 14 LS 99 900 33 ll3e/o support test-2o17, If the organtzatton dld rot check the box on lrne 13, and lrne t4 ls 33 1/3o/o or more, 5 and stop here. The organrzatror qualrfres as a publrcly suppoÈed organtzat¡on >M b 33 1/3o/o support test*2t1õ, [f the org¿nrzatlon dld not check a box on lrne 13 or 16a, and lrne 15 rs 33 t/3o/o or more, check thrs box and stop here. The organrzatton qualrfres as a publrcly strpported organtzatron Þ tr 17^ LAo/o-fael.s*and-circumstances test*2O17. If the organr¿atron drd noi check ¿ box on lrne 13, L6a, or 16b, and lrne 14 ls 10Vo or more, ¿nd tf Lhe o:-gantzatron meets the "facts"and-crrcumstånces" test, check thrs box and stop here, Éxpìarn tn Part Vl hovr the organrzat¡on meets the ''facts-and-c¡rcumstances" test The organtzatron quahfres as a publrcly supported orgånrzåtron 6 10o/o-facts*and*circumstances test*2016, If lhe organlzat on drn >! >n Schedule A fForm 990 or 99O-ÉZ\ 2OI7 Schedule A (Form 99o or 99o-ÊZ) 2017 Page 3 fll Support Schedule for Organizat¡ons Described in Section 5O9(ä)(2) (Complete only rf you checked the box on lrne l0 of Part I or tf the organrzatron farled to qualrfy under Part II. If the organlzatlon farls to qualrfy under the tests lrsted belew, please complete Part II.) rt Sect¡on Public Su f (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (a) 2013 (e) 2CI17 (f) Total td) 2û16 (or fiscal year ning in) Þ Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a b c I G¡fts, gr¡nts, contrbuttons, and membershrp fees recerved (Do not rnclude any "unusual granbs ") Gross recerpts from admtssrons, merch¡ndtse sold or sel'vrces performed, or facrl¡tres furnrshed rn åny acttvrty that rs related to the örgånruåtron's tåx*exèmpt purpose Gross recerpts from ¿ctlvrttes that are not an unref¡ted trade or busrness u¡der sectron 513 Tax rêvenues lêvred for the organrzatron's benefrt and erther pard to or expended on ¡[s beh¿lf The value of servrces or facrlrtres furnrshed by a governmental unrt to the organrzatron wrthout charge Total, Add hnes I through 5 Amounts rncluded on lrnes 1, 2, and 3 recerved from dtsqu:lrfred persons Amounts rncluded on hne$ 2 and 3 recerved from other than drsqualrfred persons that exceed the greater of $5,000 ør Lo/o of the amounl on lrne L3 for the year Add lrnes 7a andTb Public support. (Sublract lrne 7c Sectlon B. Total Support r yeär I 10a b (") (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ 2û16 (e) 20rv (f) Total t975 Add llnes 1óa and 10b Net rncome from unrelated busrness actrv¡tres not rncluded tn ltne 10b, rthether ör not the busrness rs 12 Other rncome Do not rnclude gatn loss from the sale of caprt¡l åssets 13 Total support, (Add lrnes 9, 10c, regufår,y carrred on (Explarn rn Part Vl 11, and 12 ) ) First five years. If the Form 990 check thrs box ¿nd hsre Section C, utä lS Pubkc support percentäge for 201 16 (d) Amounts from l¡ne 6 Gross rncome from rnterest, dtvLdends, paymenls recerved on securttres loans, renls, royalttes and rncome from srmrlar soutces Unrelated buslness taxable rncom€ (less sectton 511 taxes) frorn busrnesses acqurred after June 30, c 11 14 ä015 rs lo¡ e orgànrzatron's frrst, second, thrrd, Su rt Percenta Section Þ. Com uta on lIl, tax year as a sectlon 50f(c)(3) organrzätton, >n e 8, column (i) drv Publtc support percentage from 2016 5chedule A, P¿rt ,of ne 13, 1s lrne 15 16 nt Income t7 Investment tncome percentðqe for 2O77 (lrne l0c, cclumn (f) by lrne 13, column (f)) 77 Income percent¿ge frorn 2O16 Schedule A, Part III, llne 17 18 19¿ 331/3olo support tests-2O17, If th e orga¡rzatlon dtd not check the box on ìrne 14, and l¡ne 15 rs more than 33 Li}ola, and lrne 17 ls not mole thåô 33 t/zo/o, check thrs box and stop here, The organrzatron qualrfres as a publrcly suppor-ted orgåntzät:on >n 18 Invastment 6 33L/3o/osupporttests-20l6,iftheorgantzatlondtdnotcheck¡boxonltne14orlrnelga,andlr¡e16 lsmorethan33 l}alaandlrnelBrs orgåntzâtton > ! dld nol check ¿ box on llne 14, lga, or 19b, check ihls box ¿nd see tnstructrons >[ not more than 33 t/370. check thls'oox and stop here. The crganrzatron qualrfres as a publrcly supported 20 Private foundation, lfthe organrzatron Schedule A (Form 99O or 99O-ÊZ) 2OI7 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 f+ï¡ffn Page 4 suppo rting Organizations (Complete only lf you checked ¿ box on llne 12 ot Part I If you checked 12a of pari I, complete Sectrons A and B lf you checked 12b ot Part I, complete Sectrons A and C If you checked lZc of part I, complete Sectrons A, D, and E If you checked 12d of Part I, compìete Sect¡ons A and D. and Þlete Part V ) s 1 anizat¡ons Yes Are atl of the orgànrzatt on's supported orgÐnrzãttons lrsted by nàme tn the organtzãtton's governtng descnbe how the supported organtzafions are deagnated If deagnated by class or purposs, desrgnehon If htstor¡c ând cantmuØg rêlâttöhsh¡p, explatn No I supported organtzatron that does 3ä 2 D¡d tbe organtzatton hêve å supported organtzättön descnbed tn sectlon 501(cX4) , bølow b (5), or {6 àfld (c) 3a Drd the organrzatron conftrm that each supported orgåilr¿åtrón qualrfled under sectron 501(c the pubhc support tests under sectton 509(a)(2)r If "Yes," descnbe tn ParÈ VI when and ho s¿t¡sf¡ ed made the determtnatpn c 4a b 3b Dld the organrzatron ensure thal If "Yes," explarn tn Part VI what rt to such organrzatrons was the organtzatton put tt't ptace such use Was any sup portêd orgåntzåtton not organlzed tn th€ Untted Stätes checked 72a or 72b tn Part I, answer (b) and (c) below org If "Yes," descnbe tn Part 3c If "Yes" and tf you 4a Dtd the organlzatton have ultlm¿te control and drscret¡on ln organrzatron? 2)(B) purposesz 1 VÍ how the the foretgn supported despte betng controlled or such control that an 4b determ¡natron under sectrons used to ensurc that atl suppott 4c or 5e b 5b 5c 6 6 7 óther sr ,sf Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 7 â Þtd the organizatron make à loan to a disqualrired person (as deflned rn sectton 4958) noh descnbed rn hne 77 complete Pa¡t I of Schedule L (Form 99A or 99A-EZ) 9a Was the organtzatton controlled drrectly or tndrrectly If "Yes," a at any irme durrng the lax year by one or more drsqualrfted persons deflned ln sectlon 4946 (other than foundatron managqrs and organrzairons descrbeC rn sectron 509(aXl) or (2))? provñe detatl tn Pârt Vf, lf as "Yes," 9a b ot more dtsqualrfted persons (as defrned tn lrne 9a) hold a controlllnq tnterest rn any entrty ln lryhlch the supportrng organrzatron had an rnterest't If."Yes," provtde detatÍ tn Part VL c Dtd a drsqualrfred person (as defrned rn ltne 9a) have an ownershrp rnterest rn, or derrve any personal benefit whtch the support!ng orçanrzatron ¿lso had ¿n Interest? If "Yes," provde detatl ¡r¡ Part VL 10â Dtd one Was the organtzatton sublecl to certarn TypE II 9c the excess busrness holdrngs rules of sectron 4943 because of sectron 4943(f) (regardrng supporttng orgênrzðtrone, and all Type lII non-functronally rntegrêtêd supportrng organlzatrons)2 If "Yês,'' answer ltne 10b belovt b 9b from, aççets Dtd the organlzat:on h¿ve ¿ny Éxcess busrness hoìdrngs rn the organuatton had excess bus¡ness holdtngs) 10a the iax yearz (Use Schedule C, Farm 4720, to determtne wh 10b eA Form 99O or 99O-EZ 20L7 Schedule A (Form 99O or 990-Ê7) 201,7 Part lV 1l a Page 5 Supporting Organizat¡ons (contrnued) Yes No Yês No Yes No Has the organrzatron accepted a glft or contnbutron from any of the followrng persons2 A person who drrectly or rndrrêctly controls, erther alone or together wrth persons descnbed rn (b) and (c) below, governrng body of a supported organtzatronT b A famrly rnember of a person descrtbed tn (a) abovez c A 35% Çontrolled entrty of a person des*tbed tn (a) or (b) abovez IS Section S, If "Yes" to a, b, or c, provde detail n Part VI 1la tlc aniãations I I of any supported organrzatron cther than.lhe supported organtzatron(s) that operated, supervrsed, or controllêd the supportrng örgånlzätton? Îf "Yes," explarl tn Paft VI hôw prowdtnq such beneñt c¿rned out the pvtposes ol the supported organzatrcn(s) that operated, supervtsed or controlled the supporùng Drd the organrzatron operate for the benefrt 2 organtzatton II 1 2 Su Were å m¿Jortty of thè ôrgåhrzåtron's drrectors or trusteês durrnq the tax year also a each of the organrzalron's supported organtzatton(s)2 If "No," d'esclbe tn Part VÍ how supporùng orgaruzaïon was vested tn the same persons that tåe of th@ drrÞctors or trugtêês of or management of the organtzatnn(s) T Np I 2 dr ând cont¡nuous the supported orgântzâùon( s) 1. 3Bv tn Section I E. III Check the box next âü bn cü 2 that the nizat¡ons s o used to satrsfy the lntegral Part lest durrng the year {see instructions) The orqanrzatron satrsfred the Actrvltres Test Complete line 2 belolv The organrzatrcn rs the parent of e¿ch of rts supported organizatrons Complete line 3 below The organrzatton supported'â governmental entrty Descrtbe rn Part VI how you supported a government entrty (see rnstructrons) Actrvrtres a nte ta lhe Test Answer (a) and (b) below, Yes respcnslvê to those supported at?anzâttons, and how the organtzatton determtned thât these ac1vìttes constttuted substanttally all of tts acttvtùes b Dtd the acttvttres descrlbed rn {a) constrtute actrvrtres that, but for the organrzatron's rnvolvement, one or more of lhe organtzatton's supported organrzalron(s) would have baen engaged n) If "Yes," explatn tn Part VI the reasons for the organtzahon's posttton that rts supparted organrzatton(s) v'tould have engaged rn these actryrtres but ior the organrzatton's tnvclvement Parent of Supported Organrzatrons Answer 3 No Drd substantrally ail of the organtzetìofl's actrvrtres durrng the tax year drrectly further the exempt purposes cf the supporled organtzatton(s) to whrch the organtzatron rryas responsrve? If 'Yes," then tn Part VI identify those supported organizatíons and explaín hotv these àctvtrrcs drrectly furthered thetr exempt purposes! how the orgdnrza1on wds 2a 2b (a) and (b) below. a Dld the organtzatton have the power to regularly appo¡nt or elect a ma;onty of the offrcers, dlrectors, or trustees of e¿ch of the suppor-ted orgänrz¿tronsT Prov¡de detatls tn Part VL b Dld the organrzatron exÊrcrse a subst¿ntral degree of drrectron over the polrcres, prograrns and actrvltles of each of lts supported oi'gãntzàtro¡s? If "Yes," descnbe tn P¿rt VL the role played by the organtzatrcn tn thts regard 3a 3b Schedule A lForm 99O or 99O-EZ1 2OL7 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 20L7 TElTfll I É Type I¡I Page Check here rf the s. All anrzatron satrsfred the Integral Part Test as a qual rfyrng trust on Nov 20, 1970 (explarn rn Part nctto See A SU Se€tion A - Adjusted Net fncome I 2 3 6 Non*Funcrio nally Integrated 509(a)(3) Supporting Organ¡zar¡ons Ë (B) Curent Year (optronali Net short-term I Recoverres of prror-year dlstrrbutlons 2 Other 3 4 Deprecratron and depletlon 5 or tncurred for Portron ¡ncome oa r ot mårnlenânce of property productron of 7 B Oiher p ( see ns) Adjusted Net Income (subtract I lrnes Section B - 1 Aggregate falr market tax ear or assets non-exempt-use assets (see 1 1a b c Fãrr rnårket e Discount clarmed for blockage or other factors non- plarn rn detall rn Part applrcable to n 3 Subtract ne ? frorn llne ld 4 Cash use 3 ter amount, see rnstructtons) 5 Net value of non-exempl-use assets (subtract [¡ne 4 from llne lrne 5 b 6 03S 4 5 6 7 Recoverres of I Minimum Asset Amount add llne 7 to or-year drstflbutrons 7 I Scction C - D¡str¡þutable I net lncome for 1 2 3 4 Ënter 85% of llne Enter greater of llne 2 or llne 4 5 Income tax lmposed 5 6 2 1 Mrnrmum agset êmount for r year (from Sectron B, lrne r þistríbutable AmouRt, 9ubtract llne 5 from ternporary red 7 n 8, Column A) rnstructr oñs hne 4, unless sub¡ect to emergency 3 6 ) Çheck here rf the current year rs the organrzatron's f¡rst as ¿ non-functronally-rntegrated Type lnstruct¡ons) III supporttng organtzatton (see Sch¿dule A lForm 99O or 99O-EZI 2017 Schedule A {Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Page Pärt V Type III Non-Functionall Section D - Distributions dso In Current Year 1 Amounts 2 Arnounts pard to perform actrvrty that drrectly furthers exempt purposes of supported orgänrzåtrons, excess of lncome from a 3 Admrnrstratlve 4 Amaunts to rd ¡s to es to accomplìsh exem to set*astde 6 7 I n 7 izations (continued) rtin o 3 5u a o 5 rn an rzatton åss€ts a rn Part Other See rnstructrons Total annual distributions, Add ltnes 1 th Drstnbutrons to attentrve çupported organrzatrons to whrch the organrzatron detarls tn Pärt VI Seê rnstructrons 9 Drstnbutable amount for 2017 from 10 Lrne I ëmount dtvrded responsive ( hne 6 on Lrne 9 amount Section f; - Þistribution Allocations (see instructíons) 1 rs Ëxcess {i} Ðistributions .: ,,:: (¡ii (¡i¡) Ufidêrdïetributions Distributa ble Pre-2t17 20,.7 Drstnbutable amount lar 2QL7 frorn Sechon C, lrne 6 2 Underdrstrrbutrons, rf any, for years pnor to 2017 (reasonable cause requrred-- explatn rn Part VI) 5ee I cåffyover, rf åny, tó 2017 3 ::: i,::, . ã d e f 4 From 2015, From 201.6. Total of rrouqh e tstr¡butrons of nncr yearç to 2017 drstr¡but¿ble l.lÛUNI Carryover from ?012 not a pphed i :l lrnes 3a r'' .. r-." Drstrrbutrons for 2017 from è pnor yeãrs to underdrstnbutrons b Applred to 2017 drstnbutable amount c Rema;nder Subtr¿cb ìrnes 4¡ and 4b from 4 5 Rernarnrrg underdrstnbutlons for years pnor to a :.:: 2017, tf any Subtract lrnes 39 and 4a from lrne 2 If the amount rs greaier than zero, explern rn Part VI See rnstructtons 6 7 Remarnrng underdr lrnes 3h and 4b frorn lrne than ze ex n rn Part 2017 Subtract 1 Vl mount rs qreater see lnstructrons Êxcess dÍstributíons carryover to 2018. Add lrnes 3; and 4c B 8re¿kdown of lrne 7 a Excess from 2C13. t¡ Excess nrom 2014. c Ëxcess from 2015, ËxceEs from 2016 d e Excess from 2017, U A Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2017) Additional Data Softwâre ID! Softurare Version; f;IN¡ Näme: 52-13581,44 YANKÊE INSTITUTË (Form 99O or 990-EZ) 2017 Part VI any ÍÊçmilil?EE efile GRAPHIC SCHEDULÍ D oMB No ta:45-0047 Supplemental Financial Statements (Form S90) 319137224 DLN 2017" Þ Complete if the organization answered "Yes." on Forrn 99O, Part [V, line 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, !2a, or l2b. Þ Attach to Form 99O. I)ellrtutreilt ôl' rhe l'rriì!ìrn Information ¡bput Schedule D (Form 99o) ând its instructionr is at Lrtrnt¡l Rerrnr¡e Serr rce Open to Public Enspection me of the organization ber YANKEE INSTIIUTÊ FOR PUBLIC POLICY rtf Organizations Maintaining Donor Adv¡sed Funds or Other (a) I 2 3 4 5 milä¡ Part Yes Donor advlsed funds åccountg ïå Ïotal number at end of year ï Agqregate value of contnbutrons to (durrng year) AggreEâte value of grants from (durrng year) t*tâ Aggregate vålue at end of year Þld the organrzatron rnform ¿tl donors and donor adv¡sçrs tn wntrng that the a¡sets organrzahon's property¿ sub;ect to the organrzatton's excluçlve legal controle 6 Drd the are the oçanrratro¡ inform äll granteês, donors, and donor advtsors rn purposè chantable purposês end not for lh€ benefrl of the donor or donor edvrsor, pnvqte bênefrt? Purpose(s) of conservatron easements held by the orqåntzatron I Ü E Preservatron of lând for publc use {e g , il recr€àtron or il v." il r'¡t applv) hrstoncally rrnportånt land area Protectron of natural habrtat of a ceÉrfred h¡stonc structure Preservatron of open space Çomplete hnes 2a:thraugh 2d rf the organrzabon held ëåsémèrlt on,thè lã5t dãy ôf the tax year .2 rmpermrs*rble II Part I üv"*Hno for rn the a form 'a b Totel númbe¡: of ¡onservatlsn'sãsements 2a Total acreage. reÉtncted by conservatron easements :2b c Number of conservatton eàsements on a ceÉ¡fred d Number of conservatron easements lncluded structurè hsted' rÍr thê Nåtrônål Regrster 3 Number of cangervahon easements tax year Þ 4 ñumber of stales where property sub;ect to 2c after not on Ë htstorlc 2d or term¡naled hy the organrzatron durrng the rs located ) 5 Ëv** ilu'' and enfortrnE conservatioc e¿Eernents dunng the year Staff. ahd voluùteer: Þ Þ 7 Amount of expenses I Does e¡ch easeme nt rep.orted on lrne 2(d) above s:trsfy the regurrements of sectlon 170(hXaXA)(r) and sectton r7û(h)(a)(B){rr)r 9 In Pa¡l XIll, descrrbe tnspectrng, handlrng of vrolatrons, and enforcrng conservatron easements durrng the year t >$ balance and rncl the orga III o Fðrt àccountr ng lf 5 n answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part iV lrne a I the organtz Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part (ii)Assets rncluded rn Ëorm 990, Part ä b Ëro under SFAS I 16 (ASC 958), not to report rn tts revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, hrstorrcal srmrlar assetE held for publrc exhibrtlon, educatron, or research rrr furtherånce of publrc sêrvtÇe¡ provtde, rn ParL XIll, the text of the footnote to ris frnåncrål s[ãtements th¿t descrrbes these ¡tems if the organtza[ton elected, äs pe.mrtted under SFAS f 16 (ASC 958), to report rn rts revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, hlstortcal tre¿sures, or other slmrler assets held for publrc exhtbrtron, educatron, or research ln fudher¿nce of publrc seTvrce, provrde the followrng amounts relatrng to these ttems (i) 2 y"s Maintaining CollectÍons of Àrt, HÍstorical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets o la ü conservatton easements ln lts revenue and expense statement, and text of lhe lootnote to the organrzatlon's frnanctal statements that descnbes atton e¿sements VIII, lrne I >$ >s X lf the organtzatton recerved or held lvorks of art, hlstortcal treasures, or other srmrlar assets for fln¿nclal garn, provrde the follolvtng amounts requtred to be repofted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relatrng to these rtems Revenue rnclurded on Form 990, Part Assets rncluded rn Form 990, Pärt VIII, lrne 1 X For Paperwork Reduction Âct Notice, see the Instructions for Form 99O. >$ >$ Cat No 522S3D Schedule D (Form 99O) 2017 Schedule D iForm 990) 2017 o Fä?t 3 a b Page an¡zatÍons MaintainÍn c lections of Historical Treasu o 2 conHnued Ustng the organrzatton's åcqutsttton/ accessron, and other records, check any of the followlng thât ãre a srgnrfrcant use of tts colìectlon rtems (check all that apply) n Publrç exhrbrtron tr Scholarly research d n e E Loan or exchange orher c 4 5 Part IV X lrne 1a !no änd CustÒdial Arran Complete rf the organtzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990, PaÉ unt on Form 990, Part ne 1 Is the organtzatron an agent, truste e, custodlan or other rntermedrary for con rncirded on Form 990, P*rt X; not fI Y." fl to ./lmount b g d e f 2a Endrng balance Drd the orgenrzatron lnclude an amount on Form 990, Part X, If "Yes," explarn the arrangement rn Part XIil Check here rf the Part V ndowment Fu rf the b custodr¿l account 2 f rabrlrtyr il Ixo V"" n has ne back 1a Begrnnrng of year bal¡nce b Contnbutrons . c d e f 2 " 5 ¿ 3a NeÈ tnvestment e¿rnrhgs, garns, and losses Grants or scholarshlps . Other expendrtures for facllttles and programs Admrnrstrattve expenses Provlde the estrmated percentåge of the current year end balance (lrne 19, column (a)) held as Board destgnaled or quasl-endo+¡menl Þ Permanent endorvmeni ) Temporartly restrrcted endor,vment Þ The percentages on lrnes 2a, 2b, and 2c should equai 100Y0 Are the¡e endowment funds not rn the possesston of the organrzatron that are held ¿nd ¿dmrnrstered for the 0rgènìzatron by ( i) unrelated orgä nrzattons Yes ( ii) related crçanrzatrons b It "Yes" on 3a{rr), are the related organrzatlons 3b llsted as requrred an Schedule Rr Descnbe tn P¿rt Xlfl the rntended uEes of the organrzairon's endowment funds 4 Pärt Vl Land, Buildings, and Equiprnent. rf the Descrrptlôn of property la No 3a(i) 3a(ii) anrzatron ansìrered ''Yes'' on Ëornr 990 Part IV Irne (a) Cosl or othe; (rnveelm€rit) b¿sls {b) Cosl or other basrs {other) l1a. See Form 990 Part X Irne (c) Accurnulaled deprecratr()n (d) 10 ts,rok value La nd b Burldrngs c Leasehold rmprovements d Equrpment 9,6s2 6,54 3 e Other 1,196 r20 Total. Add ltnes 1a through Ie (Column (d) must egual Form 990, Part X, column (B), lne 10(c) ) 3,109 I,076 4,185 Schedule D (Form 99O) 2017 Schedule D (Form 990) ;0.17 ffis.conìPletelftl.ìeorçlanlzatpnansWered.,YeS.'onFornì990,PartlV,llne1lb. (b) or catÊçory 3 ¡€l¡¡trôn goôk (¡nclvdr¡g narne of Sotunty) Page Coti óÍ énd-ol'-yÊar mårket vèÌqF v¿lu e {1} Frnarclal d.nvåttveg çqulty rateles¡s (A1 (B) (c) _>l 90, Pìjrt:Vi I (b) Sook vðtúe 'ii ::i lolã1, (Calvø.t {bt ñßt êqu¿l Fùût 990, fbr'¿ f. {el l8} 13 ) '/tÈ lbì Book vå¡ (3) ft) Totå l. must other Liåbillt¡es. Fârt X rf thÊ ôrg ¿ôsvJered 'YÊs'orr Ëôrm 9q0, Pâfî lV, lrñe 11ê ôr tIf Psrt (à) De.c¡ptroã 4FlÍåbrlty L (b) Bcok "ålúe rnçoñe (2) l3) (4i (5) (6) t7) (8) (e) Iolal. lCaLtAî) 2. Lraililrly èqrl4¡ iotnt !tùú. ÍÈrì X, {al (8J /t¡E 25 ) urcert¿rn tåx posltrDns ¡n Pèrt Xlll, provrdB lâe lert of lhe foolnote lo ihp or9êntzalron': frnanctal 5l¡tements thst rÊports organ:zlttoa'shab'lilfo/unçs¿Êrnièxpaå¡lronsrndÈrFIN,l8(45ç7,10) çhec¡he'*rtthÈtextÉlthefaÇtna[eha5b€ÈnpravriedlnP¡{X]ll I Schadufe D (Form 990) 2017 Sch¿duie D (Fonn 99O) 2ô!7 lEÐil Page L Total revenuer gètns, ånd Ðther 6upport per audrted frnancral statements 2 a Amounts rncluded on irne 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, lrne 12 Net unrealrzed gatns (losses) on lnvestments , 2a b Donated servtces ¿nd use of facrl¡tles 2b c Recoverres of prrcr year grants 2c d Other (Descnbe rn PaR e Add lrnes 2a through XIil 2d Subtract lrne 2e from hne 3 4 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue p€r RÊturn rf the 'Yes'on Form 990 Part nt L,49 1 ) . 1 , 4 ä b ç iorr ,rå, ,"n i ,,". XII P no'r 0 ,, rn. y øar ad; ustments 4a 4b û Part xxlr , ltnes hne 18 ) Supplemental Informatit and 4b, a Return Reference nes la and 4, part to provrde Pa rtlV, lrnes Lb and 2b, FartV, lrne 4,?arI X, hne 2, Part addrt¡onal rnformatron Explanatron Schedule D (Form 990) 2017 Schedule (Form 990) 2017 Page 5 Part Supplemental Infarmation (continued) Return Reference Explanation Schedule {Form 9901 231? efíle GRApilfC print - DO NOT PROCËSS SCHEDULE G As Ëiled Þata - ÞLN: 93493319137228 OMB Supplemental lnformation Regardi ng Fundraising or Gaming Activities (Form 990 or 990-EZ) a nswered "Yes" on Fo rm 990, p¿rt ¡V, hnes 17 t lÐt or 19, or ff the orgãnr:ätron enlered more than $l5,0OO on form g9o,EZ, ltne 6a Þ¡ttach tô Forrn 990 or Fôñtl 99o-EZ" Complete rf the organtzalton f-leparlflrr'rrl ùt' the l'rcíì\un I¡lr'r¡lal lìcr.'nrre Scn rcr' Þ Inlorm¡tron ¿bout Scl¡edule G 99O or ¡ts Name ê organtzåtton YANKEE INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY No 1545-0047 2017 öpen to Public InspectÍon number Fundraising Act¡vìt¡es,Complete lf the organrzatton answered Form 990-ËZ fllers are not requrred to complete thls part. I tndlc¡te whether the organrzatton rarsed funds lhrough any olthe followrng acttvrlres Çheck all a b c d ff I I I (î) Marl solrcrt¿tlons Internet ¿nd emall solrcrtatrons Phone soìrcrtatrons In-person soilcrtetlons Name and address of lnd or entrty (fundrarser) t! 3 4 5 7 I o 10 Tota 3 I L¡st all stðtes ln whrch the orgênrzdtron ts reqrstered or lrcensed to solrcrt contilbutjons lcensrng For Paperwork Reduction Act Nolrce, see the Instructrons for form 990 or 99O-f'Z, or has been notrfrÊd rt Cat No 500831-l rs exempt From rêgrstraLron or Schedsle G (Fcrm 990 ar 99O-EZ) 2017 Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-Ë2) 2017 Page 2 Fundra¡s'rnq E"ents. Complete rf the organrzatton answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, ìrne 18r or reported more than $15,000 of fundrarsrng event contnbut,ons and gross rncome on Form 990-EZ, lrnes 1 and 6b, Lrst events wlth ross recerpts çreãter lhan $5,000. (b) Event #2 (å)Eveflt #1 (d) {c}öther evêhts Total events fadd col (a) through FUNDRATSTT{G OINHER (event type) col (c)) (event type) o 7 g' cl *, I Gross recerpts , 2 3 Less Contnbutrons. , ttt o în c tu ñ uo â 000 59,98É vüb L7,OT4 L7 014 L7,9 17,ot4 Gross tncörñe (lrne 1 mrnus hne 2) 4 5 6 7 I 9 77,o'c Cash pnzes Noncash pnzes Rent/facrlrty costs Food and beverages Entertarnment other drrect expenses 10 Drrect eipense sumrnary Add hnes 4 lhrough 9 rn column 1f Net rncome summery Subtråct lrne 10 from ltne Pärt III Ëaming- Complete rf the orgânrzatron 990- L7,0I4 3, column Part IV, lne 19, or reported more than $15,000 6a. :,.:l:.' o (bl; Pull tabs/Instälrt (aJ Brngo T br nøey'progressrve c) (c) Other 9àm¡ng brngo (d) Total gamrng {add (a) through col (c)) col c) E Ø .b ü) ç 1 Gross rÊv€nu@ 2 Cash pnzes a d_ ñ 3 ü 4 cômpraì@ lf thê o¡sanizällö^ .^l*oïåoJI;r;:?å!îü reo, pärt rv/ ttne 33, 34, 3Eb, 36, o¡ 37, (Form 990) Þ Infçrmation ahput Schedulê R (Forln 990) ãnd ¡ts instructiotls is at I)df Ìrnrr¡ri ùrr"thù''l'r¿rtilr\ No 1545.0047 20t7 yg%!E:Nl!þ!g!:2!2!* to Publíc hha YANREE H FçR 9UEI fC POIICY Idêntiticätion ôf Disregärdêd Ent¡tiês Complete Jf the orgafltzattoÉ answè¡ed "Yes'' on Fornt g9O, pêrt IV. ltne 33, (a) l¡Åme, addrèss, ¿rìd Pârt II Idêntíflcåtirn Ell,¿ (ìf¡pDltcåtrl€) ofdrrègardêd enttty 0f (b) (c) êrìmåry åd¡vrly Leg¿l dDmrcrle (stõte or forÊrgn (ouütry) Orgänizèt¡ôns Complele tf thê on the IV, hnê 34 þecause rt had one or l lore of ßlâqed qrgsntr¡ltoD Àcï¡o?{ ftic CONIIEqTICUT ËLVD cr \DVDCÂCY YANKEE 5IÉ 302 IilSfIÍUIË FOR P{'Elfc PoL.rcY 0610s 501(C)(3) For Paperuork Redqction Act 9ee 501?6Y foÊ Schedule R ( Form Schedule R (Ëorm 99t) )017 EËËIä Pàqe Z ldentificÊtion of Relâted Organ¡zat¡on6 Taxåble as a Partnership Compìete ône of more related organrzatlons t¡eäted as a pàrtnershlp dunnq thÊ tax yÈar, (å) (b) Pnøàtf zctl!tþÌ llame, ðddrËr6, ãrd EI¡{ of r*lålBd'orBå n¡rÀ!¡on (") Le!ð rf the orgânrzatroñ ànswered "Yes" on Form 990, Pàrt IV, lrne 34 Þ€c¿use rt had (i) (d) Drre(t {å{åte s0tt¡y (t) P*€Ènt¡4È otrn€f5k$ rnel rí1(oñ€ ënirrfl.yaåí çq¡troll¡9 ¡sq44.:= ði forergF. ':;;?ir 5Ì4) '.1: ui!,\. "gë Taxable as å Corporation or Part trV þecause rt had onê or more lzatrons ¡rea¡ed aç a corporàt¡orì or trusl "Yes" on Form 990¡ Part lV, lrne 34 tf lax (r' (b) Pflmðry ôcltvtty FEOMC .yer rÉsits Pàgè Trànsaet¡ons l^,¡ìh Rêlâted Orgãnízations CompleÈB ìf Hote, Complete Itne f rf any ëntity rs ftst€d rn Parts 11, 1ll, or lV oi'thrs rchedule 1 Durlng th€ tåx yeèr¿ dld the orgrantzakon enqage rn ãny of the folaor,flng lränsäcttons yilth one or moÍe rel¿têd ôrg¿nlzåtrons l¡stêd r¡ parts á Recelþt of (¡) rñterêst, {iÌ)annurttel (¡ii) royalie€, ot(iv) rênt from a cantro[ed entlty , b c d o Grft, grant, or caÞ¡tãl (pttíbutrÒn to rel¿ted oryànRàtron(s) . Grft, grant, or raprtal contíbulton from rulated organrzatron{s} LoaDs Yes orqanr:ahon(s) . 1¡ Itr Ld [ê . LI Lt k I Lêaieoffäctltttes,equtpment¿otothêr¡ssetsfrom¡elatedorqanlråbon(s), . m Pqlcrmance of tarvtcês or membêir¡hrp or fundrìlsrnq ralìc¡tations for relätêd orçant¡àt¡on(s) , Þ€rformåncê of ËËrutcês ot mêmbößhlp or f{ndrátsrng iohcrtàÈront by r€tôtöd orgånrrätron(s) ñ ShaÊng of faclùtres, èqurpm€ât, ñårlrng llstsi or othêr àrsêts wtth reìêtêd organtzatton(s) o 5hârÌn9 of pârd êmployees wth rèl¡ted orgånt¡ôtton(6) p q Rermbursemenl pàrd to related organrzrhon(s) fôr.xpensès . Rermbutsement p¿td by relåted orgsntz¿hon(s) for efpenses , r OthËr tränsfèr ôf <¡sh or prcperty þ , rclatêd organlzåtron(s) . . :,o . 1r 1¡ , from rulated 2lf thè answer to ðny at th€ above n "Yes," see the tnstruchons for tnfomàlton on who N¿ne ol No 1c . or loan guårànteès to or for related organrzetron(s) Loans Õr lo¿n gua.¡nleÈs by rcfaÈâd o Il-IVr . , 3 the organtzatron ans$/erÈd "Yes" oo ForRì 990/ part IV, ltne 34, 35b, oi 36. ofqañi:èHo+ relatronshrpE ànd tr¿ðracÈton thrÊsholds No I v 9 ã å- v d c I ú ö g o ð 2 I o 3 o d a J N o @ 0 ! ,- ¡¿ G a o 0 o {o ¡o d À ß I N ø Ð Þ & :ir\ iil 1 g þ. l¡' 5 I ; Ê aãå- ãåi;Ëô F J ä .!S.::ì** -.i o ã ir rlì't:.fu" i * hL ',", 3 I -\i is' I ,d' I, I ,,,iìl [!r .i.i Èä o l i,:.:: ffitY l ¿ o o o -"i?.i\i õ o å !f,s- f fl I f iÀTi; {st @ € ,o I .I f iiiir' 1¡ 'i li .l :l 5 o { ¡'.e j xE & i j o s aË ûc oF Ëîç q.* ! o å Schedules (raw my. 5 Supplemental Infurrnatlnn varde mum Information in:- raspm'm queih?uns on Sundial: a an: Maximal m?uh 1 "me 99m in :1