CBC/Radio Canada questionnaire of Quebec educators on COVID-19 CBC/Radio-Canada wants to know how education professionals in Quebec are preparing for the return to school in the context of the pandemic. Your answers will be compiled and published anonymously. * 1. What is your role in the education system? Teacher Administrator (principal, vice-principal) Support staff (librarian, secretary, animator, nurse, caretaker) Education specialist (integration specialist, speech therapist, social worker, special-education technician, child-life specialist) Other * 2. What age range of students do you work with? (Check all that apply) Kindergarten Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Secondary 1-3 Secondary 4-5 Adult education/other * 3. Which system do you work in? Your school is in the English-language system Your school is in the French-language system Private/other * 4. How long have you been working in the education system? 0-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 years * 5. Do any of the following apply to you? (Check all that apply) You have a pre-existing medical condition of concern given COVID-19 You have close family members with pre-existing medical conditions of concern given COVID-19 Your age makes you more vulnerable to complications if infected with COVID-19 Your school reopened in the spring You mostly work with students with special needs More than 40% of your students come from low-income families More than 40% of your students are visible minorities More than 40% of your students are Indigenous Your school is located in the Greater Montreal Area None of the above * 6. In light of the government’s plan for back-to-school, how safe do you feel? Very unsafe Somewhat unsafe Neither unsafe nor safe Somewhat safe Very safe * 7. To what extent do you think the latest public-health guidelines announced by the Education Ministry will affect your ability to do your job well? They will significantly limit my ability to do my job They will slightly limit my ability to do my job They will not affect my ability to do my job They will positively contribute to my ability to do my job * 8. The Quebec government updated its back-to-school plan this week. Do you think the plan goes: Completely in the wrong direction Slightly in the wrong direction Somewhere in the middle Somewhat in the right direction Completely in the right direction * 9. To what extent are you satisfied with the work of Education Minister Jean-François Roberge since the pandemic began? Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied * 10. How difficult do you think it will be to ensure students follow public health guidelines (for example, physical distancing or mask-wearing) when under your care at school? Very difficult Somewhat difficult Not very difficult Not at all difficult Not applicable to my role * 11. How big do you think the class sizes should be in order to easily apply public health guidelines? Same number of students as before the pandemic 75 % of the pre-pandemic class size 50 % the pre-pandemic class size 25 % of the pre-pandemic class size Not applicable to my role * 12. How prepared do you feel to teach students online, if asked to do so this fall? Very unprepared Somewhat unprepared Somewhat prepared Very well prepared Not applicable to my role * 13. Compared with this time last year, how anxious do you feel about returning to school this fall? Much less than last August A little less than last August The same as last August A little more than last August Much more than last August * 14. On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is the most concerned and 7 is the least concerned, please rank how concerned you are about the following issues when it comes to schools re-opening. ´ Outbreaks among students and staff ´ Difficulty enforcing hygiene measures like distancing and mask use ´ Interactions with parents ´ Level of support from authorities ´ My own mental and/or physical health ´ The mental and/or physical health of my family members ´ Quality of education 15. OPTIONAL: Is there something in particular that you’re concerned about and would like to share? 16. OPTIONAL: Is there something your superiors or colleagues have done since the start of the pandemic that you’ve found particularly helpful either for you or your students? 17. OPTIONAL: Is there something your superiors or colleagues have done since the start of the pandemic that you’ve found made the situation more difficult for you or your students?