3/29/2020 cam "114"!er mqucsl rer cemnicm foromurllx Warning A Braga, Micnaoi FW: request for comment - FTC Coronavirus Warning Letters 2 messages sorry. Micnaer but inis is me only response we can prcyide l) see that in many 0' the documents that the company sent a warning letter affirms that there is no cure to 9, but then says that the best way to dear with the yirus is to build up one's immune system through the use or neros or vitamins --. usually viiamin cc Vllamln and zinc. rune company or lndivrdual has already affirmed that there is no cure to covrn, why does that company or indiyiduai still get sent a warning letter? Nothing in the warning letters suggests that the use of herbs or vitamins can ellectively treat prevent or reduce the likelihood of contracting 9. in fact the current reliable screnlilic inlormalion does nol support those claims. 2) This one deals with conspiracy theories, I notice that a number or the people who have received warning letters have responded angrily that the FDA and FTC are cramping down on allemalive nearin proyiders -- acupuncture naiuropainic noiisiic, cniropracric clinics -- not because their products and services are dangerous but because they represent a competitive threat to big pharmaceutical companies and traditional medical proyiders. How would you respond to ma line or criticism? These conspiracy theorists also claim that people are flocking to allemalive medicine because big pharmaceutical companies and ineir regulators lost due to the millions who died and became addicted to drugs during the opioid crisis, Is there any truth to wnai these conspiracy are saying and is the FTC and FDA doing anyrning io lruslthal migni have been rosi oecause ofthe opioid The FTC has taken aggressive action against marketers who want to lake advanlage oi the anxiely caused by the current health crisis. We have done solo prevenl consumer iniury There is no other motivation. inips rirnaii 1/2 3/29/2020 cum Mm! FW mqucsl rm cummcm Foromurllx Warning Laws 4 attachments lmageoo1.png Imageooljpg 2K |mageoo4.png 1 Imps mm gwg'c