From Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 To: PDC Application Processing-Kingsport I PDC Loan Processing contractors PDC Accounts Detailed to App Processing Subject: Rapid Decision Reference Guide: Updated 07.24.20 Importance: High Please do not reply to this email Important Update The Rapid Decision Reference Guide (07.24.20) has been updated and is attached. All other versions of the guide are obsolete. Please note the following key changes: . Franchises: A new supplemental directory (SBA Franchise Brands) has been created and is attached. The supplemental directory lists businesses deemed eligible for ODA but not for or 504 programs because they are landlords deriving their income from rental property. For example, My Salon Suite leases hair nail salon space to individual stylists. When searching for a franchise, both directories should be reviewed. . If the franchise is listed on the directory and indicates under the SBA Addendum Farm 2462 column, the executed franchise agreement and addendum must be obtained prior to loan approval. Allow the applicant 7 days to provide the documents. . All 20% or more shareholders/partners/members and general partners should be on the loan. If not, request EIDL application (SBA Form 3501)from each. Allow the applicant 7 days to provide the documents. In addition to last night's Rapid Decision software release, other updates include the following: . New Info Message: Displays when the Tax ID type entered by the applicant doesn't corresopond to the entity type (SSN or EIN). The Approve obligate buttons will be disabled until the Tax ID type in the application is corrected. . Users now see Notes to track obligating, funding, withdrawal and reactivating attempts made by the system. (see attached training guide) Ilyou have questions, consult your Team Lead. Thank you, Supervisory Loan Specialist Office of Disaster Assistance U.S. Small Business Administration 817 868 300 ex sba. Home Pace Twitter Instauram lFacebook YouTube Linkedln Email Alerls