BUREAU OF FAIR RIDES INSPECTION ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Festival Fun Park (Boca Raton) ?Go Karts? Boca Raton, Florida BACKGROUND: On December 1, 2007, the Bureau was noti?ed of an accident involving Festival Fun Park (Booa Raton) ?Go Kart? ride (USAID 3475) located at 3100 Airport Rd, in Boca Raton, Florida. The accident occurred at approximately 12:00 pm where by a 38 year old male, Chandler Williamson, was struck by oncoming karts while he was out of his kart trying to retrieve his camera. The injured patron was treated on site by EMT of?cials and taken via ambulance to a medical facility. Attachment 1, Written Accident Report/ Bureau E-maii The police did not respond nor did the amusement ride company complete an inSnrance accident report. INVESTIGATON: Inspection of the ride: On December 3, 2007, Inspector Brooks, was dispatched to inspect the go kart track and the go kart which the injured patron was driving. He found no de?ciencies on either the track or the go kart that could have contributed to this mishap. Attachment 2, GouKart Amusement Ride Inspection Report. Interviews: November 26, 2007 Inspector Brooks interviewed Mr. Vince Hubis, manager on duty at the time of the accident. Mr. Hubis stated that none of the operators present at the time of the incident saw the accident but witness statements were collected. He informed the inspector that a witness, John Reback, saw the accident occur. Inspector Brooks also obtained a witness report from a young boy named Blake who said that he was the driver of the second vehicle to hit the patron. In his statement he explains that the injured patron had dropped his camera and got out of his kart to retrieve it. He also states that the driver had stopped his vehicle next to a turn so when Blake and his friend came around the corner they didn?t see the patron in time and hit him. Written Statements, Attachment 3 On December 11, 2007, Assistant Field Administrator for Accident Reporting, Michelle Faulk, conducted an interview telephonicaily with the lawyer, Chris Pilate, of the injured patron. Mr. Pilate stated that his client was unable to discuss the accident with the Bureau due to the extent of his injuries. The Bureau was informed that the injured patron was still in the hospital and that his mouth was wired shut and therefore Mr. Pilate relayed his clients? side of the story. Mr. Pilato stated that his client got out of his vehicle to help a child who was stuck on the guard rail and the child looked like he was going to get out of the kart. The injured patron decided he would help the child as opposed to the child getting injured because he was out of the kart. Memorandum for the Record, Attachment 4 December 17, 2007 Michelle Faulk, also interviewed John Reback, a address, telephonically to obtain his comments in regards to the accident. Mr. Reback informed her that he witnessed the injured patron exiting his vehicle twice throughout the ride. The first time the patron exited his kart was to help Mr. Reback' 5 son who had gotten caught on a guard rail. The second time the patron exited his kart was when the accident occurred. Mr. Reback stated that he screamed to the patron to get back in his vehicle and not to park in that area, but the patron ignored him. Mr. Reback then informed us that two karts came around the corner and it looked as if the man tried to jump out of the way of the first kart and landed hitting his face on the seat padding and then was hit again by a second kart that was trying to swerve to miss him. Mr. Reback concluded that he felt the operators handled the situation properly and that all the rules and regulations of the track were stated before the ride began. Memorandum for the Record, Attachment 5 Owners Daily and Employee Training Records: Inspector Brooks collected both the owner?s dailies and employee training records for the operators present at the time of the accident. The owner?s daily inspection report appears to be current and complete. Attachment 6, Owners Daily Inspection ReportiEmployee Training Record. Photographs: Attachment 7 Photograph 1 Tooth stuck in seat cushion of ?rst car Photograph 2 - First car that ran into patron Photograph 3 Blood splatter from patron on second car Photograph 4 - View of accident location from pit area Photograph 5 View of accident location and location of parked vehicle Photograph 6 Track Rules Photograph 7 USAID Plate Photograph 8 Blind Curve near accident location Photograph 9 Picture taken by John Reback of the patron out of his car right before the accident occurred. Inspection History Past inepection history was reviewed, and there were no de?ciencies found that could have contributed to this accident. Attachment 8, Device Information and History Accident History: All reportable accidents on this track have been deemed patron error. Attachment 9, Accident Company Profile ANALYSIS: There were no mechanical or structural de?ciencies on the track or go kart that could have contributed to this accident. All previous accidents have been deemed patron error. The operators were trained and experienced and the owner?s daily inspection report shows there were no de?ciencies noted. A statement from a witness confirms that the patron was out of his kart more than once throughout the ride and was not following proper track rules. FINDINGS: No de?ciencies were found on the track or go-lcart vehicle that could account for this accident and there were no past de?ciencies that could have contributed to the accident. Owner?s Daily Inspection Records and Ernployee Training Records were available and appear to be complete and accurate. All previous accidents reported on this track have been deemed patron error. The injured patron was not following track rules by getting out of his vehicle on more than one occasion. CAUSE: Based upon the information provided it is reasonable to conclude the most likely cause of the accident was the patrons? inability to follow instructions and stay in the vehicle throughout the duration of this ride. Allan Harrison December 19, 2007 Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection CHARLES 1L mouse" Florida Depanmcm or Agriculmm and Consumer Servimnt Bureau of Fair WRITTEN ACCII Section 61624204) 0 Phone (350) 488-9790; Fax (350) ANY ACCIDENT FOR WHICH A PATRON IS Nu no A Inna)" 1 AL mual' RE REPORTED BY PHONE WITHIN 4 HOURS OF THE OCCURRENCE, FOLIDWED BY A WRITTEN REPORT WITHIN 14 HOURS TO THE DEPT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, BUREAU OF FAIR RIDES INSPECTION: 3125 CONNER SUITE N, TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-1650. PH (1-800663-3542), FAX (1450--4883023) Dune ofAccidenl: /24/ Anuwmzm mac Informnlinn: Nam: < Pagelof} Harrison. Allan Fm: Harrison. Allan 80m: Monday, BMW 03. 2007 6:38 AM To: Fauik, Cc: Rm Patricia sun-ct: Fm Fun (3m) mm 12-1437 meme .1 Petty 8310mm W12007 manta: kart. Hr Allan. 1213/2007 Pogo-mini I (SO-KART AMUSEMENT RIDE INSPECTION REPORT (TRACK) BUREAU OF FAIR RIDES INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES CHARLES H. BRONSON, COMMISSIONER Seotion F.S. PHONE: assumes?9790 .. Bows Date SMO _7 Ride Owner Um a 0: ScKeduled - Un.d I Ride Name Eg 1,5,5] 3 ha 5 gmgc' :k Helnspoction . . ,q MFG - InspiFIed "fag History X. M: 143.61ng Kidd} Inspector Eventh? Location MIA Temporary USAIE) 7 9 Location When Facing: Permit .3 I [a 1-1 L. .1 REQUIREMENTS: {Check If) each requirement as It Is accomplished or piace if not applicabto} I. RIDE STATUS 2. SIGNS Monitor 4. FIRE PROTECTION Req. c. (?hail/Fuel Splits Marked Winsurance Protection d. (JAvaii head/eye. Wotan-- c. (-4 Compliance/NOT Direction No Sm ted hnnuolly Manuals 3. or: Rmous MyLight Compatime size C: 5.. REFUELING 6 TRACKICOURSE REQUIREMENTS T. VEH ?I"Designated Area a. (WSurfacelConfigLII-at?oo muf?e Smoking Signs 1) Safety barrJSecJLoc. - c. (a fencing d. Pit area DEFICIEMCIES: I?van to an? Turn/L i {mots no 13W.) 022 No (Em: x. aw! Ionic mew (I: #1 Pow-rmw The CALI (m I \w 1 RESULTS: PURSUANT TO Section 616.242?) F.S. AN INSPECTION CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. when box is checked. The above identified amusement {Ede is in complIanoe with the requirements of ction 626.242 RS. and CH5F-8.015 and all deficiencies noted above have been oorrocted. INSPECTIQN PURSUANT TO Section 616.242l18). F.S.. AN FINAL ORBEFI IS HEREBY when box 35 checked. The above identified amusement ride does not comply with the requirements of Section 616.242 F. S. The amusement ride failed to pass a Department inspection for the above reasons. Is an immediate serious danger to the public health safety and welfare and before being operated for patron use must be roinspeczed and pass an Inspection by the Department STOP OPERATION ORDER If i acknowledge receipt of this inspection report and The NOTICE OF RIGHTS on the reverse side of this form. certify that the employee responsibia for operating this ride has been trained In accordance with S. 616. 242 [16) F. S. 5 318.015. and tho manufacturer's operailog instructions or an operating foot sheet for this ride is avaiIable to the operator and the last ?14 daily inspection ropons are available upon request. Ownef?I?Manager Sagna inspector's Signature DACS 03405 REV . WhitelBureau CanaerwneruManager PinkI'Eve-nt Ki? hf? Fiorida Department of Ag?culmrc and Consumer Services Bureau of Fair Rides InSpection GO KART AMUSEMENT RIDE INSPECTION REPORT (VEHICLE) ?so? Section Florida Statutes CHARLES 0 Phone (350) 488-9790; Fax {850) 488?9023 DATJR INSPECTOR The? ?291?REQUIREMENTS (Check each mquimrmm as it is accompiishcd or grace if not appiic'abic) I 7. VEHICLE a. Govcmon?Specd Limiting c- Brakesf'l?hrottie e. R911 Bars g. Fuel b. Manama/Capacity d. Mmper Padding f. (Q?Wheelsltirm h. Proper ID DATE: [3 =13 :2 Engine Parts i. Framea?Steerirzg j. Vehicle: Data 1: 1 . Fasteners . VEHICLE SERIAL LOCK TAG . Ufmc-ers) 310T magenta-1 Rmazam? M31535 $303080 (Pang-r 2km! team 1m V?w'r 1m 06015015? 991M: f" Fm: far To har VLCFIM {>06 50;: - Peace;- Lit?Tth Oar DACS 03405?1 Rev. 6303 - WhiteiBureau Canaryl?wner-Manager - Finn/Event Page? 20f 2., BUREAU OF FAIR RIDES INSPECTION 3 INTERVIEW m@n mam (circle one) DATE: 132113537 mus: "11:30 km NAME or more mama w; Hutu ADDRESS Le a can: Eigr JOBWIWW 0601' ID: #12qu omen-row gmfla 1" NAME or AMUSEMENT WM um [3:115 HOW IDNG HAVE YOU BEEN A MANAGER. ATTENDANT 0R OPERATOR 0N @DneN/'l M""'fijEURr15 34mm Ll' Mann--or J'ugwuue A--H Mfu'fi' QM {malt FOR AND OPERATORS, DESCRIBE TRAINING (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, HOW DO YOU FEEL TRAINING WAS DESCRIBE THE ACCIDENT OR DESCRIBE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT HAPPENED. DID YOU SEE THE WHERE WERE YOU AT THE TIME WHO DID lbw/L mar-r Qua (Azcc; row m. Flam,? at? mf? i-?L $60?th %?.P?mio [4~va of) 0?2,th ?r0 (82'1? am ML DESCRIBE HOW THE RIDE IS MONITORED DURING OPERATIONS (HOW MANY STATIONS, WHERE, WHATDO ATTENDANT DO, ETC (3 a m. Mam; K. (ma at (Zowwe: x. min/I TM e? (>1ch V1043: ?61 VL - M. 15A ?The whee m. Now. LC ever (Amt/C mam wows: 'TMmc, EC duwtmi140/ 3% K33ram DESCRIBE HOW PATRONS ARE GIVEN 0N SAFE OPERATIONS (WHO, WT. WHEN). IF RESRUCTIONS ARE AUDIO, ASK FOR A EEMONSTRATION AND NOTE THE QUALITY AND CONTENT. U8 i" bank 0? 6? Emmam Clam) can/M alum/(IO "mfa, 9?5? 625?? Can: mnar DESCRIBE HOW PATRONS RECEIVE INFORMATION ON EMGERGENCY SIGNALS PRIOR TO 03ERAHON H0: VLDI MK I 3?ij \?w?zcvw?rtvm 3?99; m, (MT SWWT Ck DESCRIBE HOW PATRON RULES ARE ENFORCED: b? wawhtm?DESCRIBE THE INJURED BEHAVIOR PRIOR TO AND AFTER THE NOT OBSERVED, WHO CAN DESCRIBE THE Cab ANY THING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY ABOUT THIS IS THERE ANYONE ELSE WE SHOULD TALK 39h Yb me brat-h: Aw?, 124mm? NM OF 6/5. A Signature DATE 12:11:?ng TATEMENT mum e(cn~/ GBP4 a" many-nit; 511;}! mum 3'22 [mag/M cm: Wu mm 5/ ("about i u: #01 144.. '1 as eagmm" 57 fl: 5., fig" GBP43 INCI ENT INFORMATION Date of Incident: 1 1 Q7 Park Name Location: Name of Guest(s) Involved: 3 Pfiase give a detaile'd descriefion of events as they occurred MMWW mom dune: (ammo Ms 59:" W. INA ng' p; bimfilo WW Mr" u'M'x'H' in 42:1 a QM PM on Your Name: fififl Guest 0 1.) (MW Address: 7m Mm ad CM Md @dm Fl: Signature: eZA/flz Date: )2 INCIDENT INFORMATION Date of Incident: law [0 '2 Park Name Location: Name of Guest(s) Involved: Please give a detailed descri tion of events as they occurred mm. X25223: Md Cams and aflvf a Wcfi in: mm 12m 11c H7 14+ {Ln} MW GBP22 mo #143241 and--Ema 4*an 0a.! am 'rr Ca." FJl'en 4o 'erride and H'vaLFi--& we. Mfi Parka 1h fl Your Name: 53; Baez Guest or 4m ase Plinti (Please circle) Address: \00 mm 25": 1r. \fio; qun 4 F7-- Signaturaz/ 3/ Date: [0 INCIPENT Date oflncideni: 3221 [?33 a Park Name&Location: Bum. "in. Name of Guest(s) Involved ah") t. Piea? give a detaile description of events as they occurred {?1an mum in awn/mm emi weYiHU (M mm: 5s '1 Jim/?9 we,? ?ro iine?mm WM wp 5 (NWT ?1}de en??mh 4?1014?? in"; >Jr Wm We; Tim {Auqunat?eccidenmw ##th n7 Your Name: 33 (eke: . oEmployee? (Please Print) - (Please Circle) Phone: Address: Signature: Date: INCIDENT INFORMATION Date of Incident: lz>>l Park Name Location: Nameoquest(s)lnvoived: 30% Reilack Please give a detailed descri 'tion of events as they occurred Ami ii? (yawn in #e Malflcof' ffidack n' fl< 1"?th 'pcw a rm an} 79+ L13 124?; <Florida Department of Agriculture 85 Consumer Services CHARLES H. BRONSON, Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0800 Memorandum for Reference December 11, 2007 I, Michelle Feulk, Ae?eistant Field Administrator for Accident Reporting, interviewed telephonically Chris Pilato, lawyer of the injured patron. Mr. Pilate stated that his client was unable to discuss the accident with the Bureau due to the extent of his injuries. . The Bureau was informed that the injured patron was still in the hoepital and that his mouth was wired shut and therefore Mi?. Pilate relayed his clients? side of the story. Mr. Pilate stated that his client is claims to have gotten out of his vehicle to help a child who was stuck on the guard rail and the child looked like he was going to get out of the kart. The injured patron decided he would help the child as opposed to the child getting injured because he was out of the kart. Mall/Ll mg Michelle Faulk Administrative Assistant Division of Standards In Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection 3125 Conner Blvd, Suite Tallahassee, FL 32399-3650 0 Phone: 850/488-9790 I Fax: 850/488-9023 Florida Department of Agriculture Consumer Services CHARLES H. BRONSON, Commi. The Capitol 0 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0800 6 Memorandum for Reference December 17 2007 1, Michelle Faulk, Assistant Field Administrator for Accident Reporting, interviewed telephonioally John Rebaokf a witness, to obtain his comments in regards to the accident. Mt?. Rebaok informed her that he witnessed the injured patron exiting his vehicle twice throughout the ride. The first time the patron exited his kart was to help Mr. Rebackfe son who had gotten caught on .a guard rail. The second time the patron exited his kart was when the accident occurred. Mr. Rebaok stated that he screamed to the patron to get back in his vehicle and not to park in that area, but the patron ignored him. Mr. Reback then informed us that two karts came around the corner and it looked as if the man tried to jump out of the way of the ?rst kart and landed hitting his face on the seat padding and then was hit again by a second kart that was trying to swerve to miss him. Mr. Rebaok concluded that he felt the operators handled the situation properly and that all the rules and regulations of the track were stated before the ride began. ML Michelle Faulk Administrative Assistant I Division of Standards 0 Bureau of Fair Rides Inapeotion 3125 Conner Blvd, Suite Tallahassee, FL 323994650 0 Phone: 850/488?9790 0 Fax: Florida Department 0 A gricum dd Consun'xcr Services quaan of?air Rides Inspectinn . mum: INSPECTION mvoxrr -. - . - Flokicia Statutes a ?5 Phone: . 69 144.6.) - 1mm ?34735? memo?: 3106:) 4mm 3m 18;? Ff. Ream: EQSTRUQFIONS: Use this fem: for daily idspectians afcach amascmc?a?. ride. as required by?Fjerida Staint?, Section 61 Comet all ?zic?cisncie's {refute operation am! list . dg?himiea repaired in the ?educations compictcd? setting}. The fast 14 Daily impactidn Reports must be kept on site by the owner 9r manager and made avaiiablc to (In: departaimt'upan requcat. must datc?anc?! sign this form each dai'ly?inspection, am? thereby certi?cs th?at ?116 rid: complies with all bf Sgction sums. mum. DATE [13-36-97 . 9444.; I . DATE g; 2'67 midis-zeiimcms . ?st/A, . mhmzamxvii-4 aft: Ewaofmla ax . 6} 17:6 ingimeS?n?u .- Aim - - N712 . - - 61C Cities . ?.134 . . . (Expat. My . ?Nldq ?lid 1 59mm?? Comm ?Am 19 mm - 0 mM' 1049/?! Honda Department of Agncunure and Ccnsumer Services Human of Fair mam lnspec?on EMPLOYEE RECORD Santion Fiarfda 3mm Phone (850)4383790: Fax (350) 4889023 Company zip/1?64! l/gaaM?fS 5mm EmplomNamc' ?a - - (print) ?I?Sud (latent-?t, (print) (a Ag?mx DATE was. 0F OYEE OPERANON TRAINING OF Pmcaduras 0'7 {Duties Pmceduras 4. Procedums 5. Damonstra?on of the 6. Supervised obsmvatipE-i": of 1113 7. Additional instructions? owner MAINTENANCE SSGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE OF TRAINER 1. Ins pac?onlf?revan?ve 2. 3. Genera! 4. Demmtm?on of perfonnance of assigned . 5. Supervtsad observation Ioem?v? thatmauployectdmgmcan?by tin: daze ?mple?qn and trainer?s mm the nymp- daze :1 Slimmer :11? Co glam ?ism wmp?ym?ondwummgw, Wmmdopm?ons ofthe ?ame batman. Theowner 11 wow framing we? certi?es that dicfmpioym ldmu?eci hereon is trained in ail operation and impecdon fo 4 . EM .353? as {equal-g by Florida Statutes and min 51:43,, Mmmistra?ve Code. "this I cant: . mm: ?I?rammg reqnm? listed on :3 Wm As nmd, owners should maplement'?iesc . Mums ma: ?Edmond 74/: Date! Winger Rev: . Haida DW?M?whure and {imam Services - ., Bureau of Fair Ridas 1:35pm - -, EMPLOYEE mums meow} 8m mammal Fm swam Phone (350)488-9790: Fax (350)433-9023 mum.m . ?ygyg/ ?3 @116: 1/ ?anges ?ew 'EmpiomNamc? .. (prm?? hm' Hamel?? (print) Name ofmmu?em Serial 14%wa 724m 3 7:5" OPERATION TRAINING DATE SIGNATURE mm: SIGNATURE OF TRAINER . 1. (wanting Pmceduras I 1' 3? 9* 6342*: grief/V 4% 2.3mm an a; .3. mfg/w gm 6275/ a? 3. (Beam: Safety Pmcaduras 1? 5H {at @?gp ?53 . . 4.12%me 1} All x1554?" ?.77 1 .. . 5. ofthn . . physical ride; Won I j? :9 1/255: s. Superyised obsewatsun . M. 171%,? Afr ,gff, Mfgmammal instrumens- . 2/51 - fmmowner m/JU?w /5 ?f 54% . 6? MNNTENANCE - - DATE SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF TRAIN ER 1. maintmanae Wares QM du?es 3. General safety Dmns?a?on of porfamm of assigned ju?es and Insnec?ons . Sum obsm?on cfperfonmnoa may that the employee idm??bd show has law all mm? fund by 12.: data ormze?an miner's 8W :3ch column. The ?amers wk? ??mxr??g?mmw sn 1. mm: of?memagar . Dam Rev. OM17 BmmR?mH?z GO KARTS SEATERS . DAILY EQUIPTIIENT STATUS REPORT siez? . 7'9 Gar-?) 5g: Dw?p saw >4 N?wif??rkla PLUG: saga {Do?rt? 51536 6 1?7 . ow?? ,7 1234? 774 Q) ?9@0 ow? g? (?3-113 >1 ?g?w Fro of Ho 3 9.93 5114 09/49 ego . ?3 {1-7 - 954L515 3?4 13w! 6 '7 Lg 9% ?f1 ?wig: 9.5-.) 35 7?1? I .0915). .00.. ?67 5:31 56.7 9?7 X. 40th ~12? fg'q??z) ?E?Na?w pulg'ca?tit?w' @939) ?g3 K- I . Dar)? 515? 1:29 ?7 A 5/54) ?dg r; 0.52140 ?131me WM Employmsw M: . .. .. ?v If If .r an; 14th.- . ma . Ida'u? mg"; ,n . I ?vmu?d?lm BUREAU OF FAIR RIDES INSPECTION Festival Fun Parks - Boca Date of Accident: 12/1/07 Photo of Patron exiting cart while on the course with ride in motion. Bap artment of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Standards Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection Device Information And Histery For USAID: 03475 FAMILY RECREATION CENTER 03475 FAMILY TRACK Device Type: NON-KIDDIE Status: I Scrial Manufacturer: FESTIVAL FUN PARKSIBOCA ACCIDENT INFORMATION INSPECTION INFORMATION Inspection Date 5/26/1998 Event Name FAMILY RECREATIO Inspector BROOKS SURFACEICONFIGURATION REPAIR TRACK CHUNKING AS NECESSARY. RMLSIGUARDS RERAIR RAILS AS MARKED. VEHICLE CONDITZON P. I smasamwsomssw. I 50 0045 as??00479 I #3968- G4 WEAK. 83 004 449 VEHICLE CONDITION 36 . I SNIMZ 411?? I #4280rLT3'i003471wP i 1 MP LTffOOii 34 i=I? I 1- [nspection Date 7/31/1997 Event Name FAMILY RECREATIO Inspector BROOKS NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA NOTE: ONLY THOSE KARTS INSPECTED BY THE BUREAU MAY BE OPERATED. VEHICLE ID SN: 5373 3' 3341: SfN?5871i3339: Sme5872/3338. FENCING INSTALL ON RAILINGS ACCESSABLB TO THE PUBLIC. DIRECTION SIGNS INSTALL DZRECTIONAL SIGNS. 18?Dec?07 Page I of 9 Inspection Date 613/ 1997 NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA OTHER: (ALWAYS A DEFICIENCY) NOTE: NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA NOTE: OWNER STATES THE OPERA Inspection Date NOTE: NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED NOTE: I 8?1390?07 Device Information And History For 03475 Event Name FAMILY RECREATIO Inspector CORVO LOOSE BOLTS ON RAILS SECURE AS NEEDED. 88556213153888 .. - - 213514285 - - 861: (CONT. ON PAGE - - - - - - - - 840 - - - - .. 853Event Name BOOMERS FAMILY RECREATION Inspector MCDONALD NEW KART. SNSOOI, LT 501706 THIS IS AN INSPECTION OF ONE NEW GO KART Page 2 of 9 Inspection Date 7/16f1996 NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: PROPER PADDING NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: FENCING FENCING PROPER SIGNAGE PROPER SIGNAGE NOTE: BUM {18128 NOTE: NOTE: 18-Dec-07 Device Information And History - .For USAII): 03475 Event Name BOOMERS PULL START 42402466, 771502489, 15402475, ia 502483. . Inspector ORVO GROUND WIRE 28? 502484. 2-502486, 29? 502477. ALIGN ENGINE 22. 50246]. 01L LEAK 42602495, 3602463, 8? 502462. 23602496, 17402 500, 502 492 236 02496, 20602992, 1860249 8, 98602497, 37602499, 41602493, 22602461, 2602486, 47602473, 3602463, 39602479, 28602484, 42-502466, 77??502489. RF. WHEEL BEARINGS, FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS 18-502467, 4-5 02472, 32602488, 95-502470,27-502482, 33602491. 0502462, 34502465, 9.5602470, 5~502471, 11602492, 149502468, 87602468, 27-502482, 40-502478, 9-502481, 33402491, 35602480, 25602475, 10-502487, $502464, 1- 502483. 5-5 02474, 94-502490, 18-502467, 29~502477, $502472, 32-502488, 24- 502485. 24-502485 DRIVE BELT, ROLL BAR PADS. NEEDS SELF LOCKING GATES. TRACK TO AREA GATE NEEDS TO BE CLOSED, MAINT. AREA TO EXTERIOR GATE NEEDS TO BE CLOSED DURING OPERATION. USAID TAG VISIBLE T0 PEWRONS AT MFG. ID. SWITCH 5402472, 10- 502487. MUFFLER BOLT 9- 50248 1 START ROPE 6? 502474. Page 3 of 9 Inspection Date 6/12/1996 NEWE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Inspection Date 5/16/1996 NOTE: Inspection Date 6/19/1995 NOTE: NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 5/23f1995 PROPER momma WHEELSN IRES Inspection Date 6/23/1994 VEHICLE CONDITION GUARDING Compliance 18?Dec~07 Device Information And History For USAID: 03475 Event Name BOOMBRS FAMILY RECREATION Inspector CORVO BRAKES: 3992171; 3992;74; 3840.182 LOG NUT RR: KART -- ONLY THOSE KARTS INSPECTED BY THE DEPARTMENT MAY BE FRONT RIGHT: KART 3987165; Event Name BOOMERS FAMILY RECREATION Inspector CORVO VISUAL INSPECTION ONLY (RAIN) Event Name FAMILY RECREATIO Inspector BROOKS ONLY VEHICLES THAT PASSED DEPT INSP MAY BE OPERATED. ALL OTHERS MUST BE BY DEFT BEFORE BEING USED. Event Name BOOMERS FAMILY RECREATION Inspector LOPARO CENTRAL PAD #73. GASIBRAKE 1313mm FLAT R-REAR #89. Event Name BOOMERS FAMILY RECREATION Inspector BROOKS BELT BRATES #3 875,3 835 #3839,3989,3827 Page 4 of 9 Device Information And History For USAID: 0347's 03475 FESTIVAL FUN FAMILY TRACK Device Type: Status: A Serial Manufacturer: FESTIVAL FUN Inspection Date 10/26/2007 ENGINE PROTECTION Inspection Date 8/2/2007 MANUALS Inspection Date 4/27/2007 COMMENT NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED COMMENT Inspection Date 4/26/2007 COMMENT NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Compliance Inspection Date 10/27/2006 NO OEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 9/ 1 3/2006 FRAM N0 DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 7/28/2006 LIGHTING ENGINE PARTS Inspection Date 6/28/2006 PROPER NO DEMCIENCIES Inspection Date 4/26/2006 N0 DEFICIENCIES NOTED ENGINE PARTS Inspection Date 3/6/2006 COMMENT 18?Dec?07 ACCIDENT INFORMATION INSPECTION INFORMATION Event Name FESTIVAL FUN Inspector BROOKS LOOSE MUFFLER #5185 LOCK TAG 2087 HEWETS ARE NOT DOT APPROVED FRONT BODY PANEL TORN M5171 LOCK TAG 3947 Event Name ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Inspector BROOKS DETAILED OFERATIONAL MANUAL NOT AVAILABLE. . Event Name FESTIVAL FUN Inspector GARNER REMOVED STOP OPERATION ORDER RED #3359. 4, 5 AND 6 - ALL MISSING WING NUT. KART #14 MISSING LOCK TAG. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN Inspector GARNER ISSUED STOP OPERATION ORDER RED TAG #3359 EXPIRED Event Name FESTIVAL FUN Inspector BROOKS VEHICLES #5180 AND #5 - FRONT BUMPER PAD BROKEN. N0 DEFICIENCIBS NOTED ON TRACK. VEHICLES #6270 AND #5171 REAR BUMPER FAD BROKEN. Event Name UNANNOUNCED Inspector BROOKS KART #517: - FRONT RIGHT BODY MOUNT CRACKED FIBERGLASS. Event Name WANNOUNCED Inspector BROOKS 2 TUBE LIGHTS HAVE NO END CAPS. VEHICLES #5137 AND #5 I93 AIR CLEANER NOT INSTALLED. Event Name UNANNOUNCBD Inspector BROOKS STEERING WHEEL PADDING TORN. N0 DEFICIENCIES NOTED ON TRACK. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK BOCA RA Inspector WINTERS VEHICLE #5191 . MOTOR SPLATER SHIELD LOOSE. Event Name ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Inspector GARNER Ammo KARTS ONLY. Page 5 of 9 Inspection Date 1/17/2006 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED FUEL I Device Information And History For USAID: '03475 Event Name ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION van #5194 BODY #10 MT SHUT DOWN NOT WORKING VEH BODY #15 NO DEFICIENCES ROMOVED LGCK TAG GAS CAP LEAKING - TANK OVER FILLED Page 6 of 9 Inspector GARNER Device Information And History For USAH): 03475 03475 FAMILY TRACK Status: A Serial B-3475 FESTIVAL FUN Device Type: Manufacturer: FESTIVAL FUN Inspection Date 11/4/2005 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED COMMENT Inspection Date 10/26/2005 COMMENT PERMIT Inspection Date 8/ 19/2005 LIGHTING PADDING Inspection Date 7/11/2005 NO DESICIENCIES NOTED COMMENT Inspection Date 6/24/2005 COMMENT FUEL SAFETY Inspection Date 4/26/2005 PROTECTION Inspection Date 4/ 1/2005 COMMENT N0 DEFZCIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 3/22/2005 COMMENT COMMENT Comptiance Inspection Date 3/21/2005 COMMENT Compliance ACCIDENT INFORMATION INSPECTION INFORMATION Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK - BOCA RA Inspector SIMPSON REMOVED STOP OPERATION ORDER RED TAG #2423. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK BOCA RA Inspector GARNER FACILITY NOT OPEN. ISSUED STOP OPERATION ORDER REE) TAG #2413. EXPIRED 1.0. Event Name UNANNOUNCED TUBE LIGHT COVER NOT INSTAILED UNDER BRIDGE. VEHICLES #3 AND #17 . STEERING WHEEL LOOSE. VEHICLE #9 STEERING WHEEL PAD STRAB MISSING. VEHICLE #4 - PAD BROKEN. Event Name UNANNOUNCED NO NOTED 0N TRACK. INSPECTED KART #18, SM 5 I70, LOCK #5957 AND KART 6290, LOCK 11/ i 979 NO KART DEFICIENCIES. - Event Name UNANNOUNCED Inspector BROOKS CARS #5 i 84, M6270 AND M5174 OPENED AFFER BEING CLOSED 0N 4/26/05. ALL COMPLIANCE PAPERWORK 0K PER CASSIE. VEI-IECLE #14 CRACKED (SHARP EDGES) AFTER BEING CLOSED 4/25/05. #51733. VEHICLE #1 GAS TANK MOUNT CRACKED #5 282. NUMEROUS BARRIER SUPPORTS BROKER Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK BOCA RA LEAKS 01L - CLOSED ON VEHICLE #5174, 5184, 6200 HELMET NOT ACCESABLE Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK - BOCA RA Inspector BROOKS NO TRACK INSPECTION PERFORMED. 3 KARTS THAT WERE NOT INCLUDED ON AFFIDAVITS. SE13 DACS 03405-1. SERIAL NUMBERS ON All, 3 VERIFIED BY- AFFIDAVIT DATED 3/31/05. N0 KART DEFICIENCIES NOTED. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK Inspector BROOKS YELLOW LOCK TAG REMOVED. SERIAL if 5172. 5801 AND 5305 HAD LOCK TAGS REMOVED. N0 SERIAL if ON AFFIDAVIT, GO KARTS CANNOT BE USED UNTIL CORRECTION ON AFFIDAVIT IS WRIFIED BY REMOVED STOP OPERATION ORDER RED TAG #239 2. PICKED OF COMPLAJANCE TO OTHER THAT EXFIRED 3/20/05. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK Inspector GARNER ISSUED ORDER RED TAG #2391. EXPIRED AFFIDAWTS. Inspector BROOKS Inspector BROOKS Inspector GARNER Page 7of 9 Inspection Date 12/17/2004 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 10/26/2004 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 8/20/2004 COMMENT NC DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 6/ 17/2004 COMMENT COMMENT Inspection Date COMMENT FUEL NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 11/3/2003 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 3/28/2003 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 7/18/2003 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 5/2/2003 FUEL NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 3/25/2003 N0 QEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 11/4/2002 NO DEFICIENCIES Inspection Date 8/22/2002 N0 DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 7/17/2002 COMMENT 4/26/2004 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 6/ 1 3/2002 NO 18-Dec~07 Event Name FESTIVAL FUN Device Information And History For USAID: 03475 Event Name UNANNOUNCED Inspector BROOKS N0 TRACK. DEFICIENCZES NOTED. NO GO KART DEFICIENCIES NOTED. GO KART WAS TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE ON 12/03/04 BECAUSE OF ACCIDENT (SEE ACCIDENT REPORT). Inspector GARNER Event Name UNANNOUNCED Inspector BROOKS #5165 - HAD REMOVED AT LAST DUE TO INCORRECT INFORMATION ON DACS 3417. SEE ATTACH ANNUAL OF NDT FOR CORRECT NUMBERS. SEE ATTACHED DACS 03405-3 FOR PERMIT 0N GOKARTS. Event Name UNANNOUNCED Inspector GARNER MANAGER STATES NOT SURE WHICH KART STRUCK #5865. INSPECTED BOTH BLACK KART. ACCIDENT FOLLOW ONLY, KARTS ONLY. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK sets :65 WRONG sm AFFIDAVIT 0F Eff/$12623. VEHICLE #6230 - FRONT new BAMAGE. venxews #5182 AND #5 - GAS TANK MOUNT BROKEN. NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED 0N TRACK. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK BOCA RA #580! REAR BUMPER PAD NOT SECURED BY INSIDE BOLT. N0 DEFICIENCIES NOTED 0N TRACK. Event Name UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION Inspector BROOKS Inspector BROOKS Inspector BROOKS Event Name UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION N0 DEFICIENCIRS NOTED ON TRACK. VEHICLES #5169 AND #5178 BROKEEN BUMPER PADS. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK BOCA RA VEHICLE #5372 CAS PEDAL meme. VEHICLE #5130 WEAK BRAKES. VEHICLE #5173 BRAKE DECAL NOT READABLE. N0 DBFICIENCIES NOTED ON TRACK. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK BOCA RA ACCIDENT FOLLOW. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK - BOCA RA Inspector BROOKS Inspector GARNER Inspector GARNER Inspector GARNER Event Name UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION Inspector BROOKS Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK - BOCA RA - Inspector BROOKS ADDED 4 TO THE TRACK AND HAND DELIVERED A COPY OF JUNE 4TH, 2002 LETTER ON CHANGES TO STATUES AND RULES. Event Name UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION Inspector BROOKS Page 8 of 9 Inspection Date 5f3f2002 m1, TANIOLEAKAGE N0 FUEL FUEL FUEL TANKILEAKAGE Inspection Date 3/1/2002 BRAKEMHROTTLE Insp?ction Date PROPER PADDINO NO DEFZCIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date 5/7/2001 GOVERNORISFEED LIMITING Inspection Date 11/6/2000 FUEL TANMEAKAOE FUEL TANKILEAKAGE Inspection Date 7/12/2000 CHARGED FUEL TANKILEAKAGE WHEEISITIRES Inspection Date 5! 12/2000 NO DEFICIENCIES NOTED Inspection Date It 1/19/1999 FENCING NO DEFICIENCEES NOTED Inspection Date 5/19/1999 FIRE 18~Dec~ 07 Device Information And History For USAIB: 03475 Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK - BOCA RA Inspector GARNER 5878 GAS CAP LEAKING #5 271 BODY FASTNER MISSING if 5187 GAS CAP LEAKS 5171 GAS LEAKS VEH 5169 GAS CAP LEAKING Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK - BOCA RA INSPECTED NEW KARTS ONLY. M5168, M5165 AND M5926 ALL HAVE CUTTER KEYS MISSING IN BRAKE SHAFT. VEHICLE AND M5 I66 HAVE COWER KEYS MISSING 1N BRAKE VEHICLE 3M5 74 HAS LOOSE HOOD Event Name FESTIVAL FUN PARK .. BOCA RA VEHICLES #3 830 AND 4285 BOTH HAVE LOOSE CABLE, VEHICLES #3812, 3883, 3844, 3896, 3339, 3383, 3994 AND 4002 ALL HAVE MISSING SEAT NO DIFICIENCIES ON TRACK. VEHICLE #3 805 HAS DAMAGED STEERING PAD. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN 20 BODY BOLT MISSING 32m: LOOSE BELT 0N DRWE WHEEL Event Name FESTIVAL FUN CAR #213 PULLS HARD LEFT. LEAKING OAS #98 (49). THROTTLE STICKS #23. LEAKING GAS CAP #46 (4G). mm'mm STICKS Event Name FESTIVAL FUN Inspector SIMPSON ONE FIRE EXTINGIHSH ER IN PIT NOT CURRENT INSPECTION STATUS. VEHICLE 4230 GAS CAP LEAKING EXCESSIVELY. VEHICLE 3980 mm 837 REAR TIRE FLAT. Event Name FESTIVAL FUN BRAKES STICK IN #3985. Inspector GARNER Inspector CORVO Inspecter BROOKS Inspector BROOKS Inspector BROOKS Event ame FESTIVAL FUN #3 888 GASKET I OIL Inspector SIMPSON Event Name FESTIVAL FUN SERVICE EXTINGUISHER AS NEEDED Inspector WINTERS Page 9 of 9 we Company Pro?le FESTIVAL FUN 12! Accidents Date Theme Name Cause 2003183124 TRACK Patron 200mm FAMILY TRACK Patron- 2004mma FAMILY TRACK Patron 2004f07l21 FAMILY TRACK Patron FAMILY TRACK Patron i 2004212103 FAMILY TRACK Patron ZOBSIOTHO FAMILY TRACK PATRON 2606(01l10 FAMILY TRACK PATRON 208610303 FAMILY TRACK PATRON 2006IO5IDZ FAMILY TRACK Patron 2007107131 FAMILY TRACK PATRON-LOST CONTROL 200??:2101 FAMILY TRACK Adminstrative Complaints Bate Vioiation Action Amount 2004108111 Failure to' report an accident Warning Letter $0.00 2006105115 Faiiure to {epott an accident Fme $500.00 200?}09f17 Operating go kart track withouz opefationai Warning Letter $0.00 manna; Defects Date Theme Name Defect Desc?ption Correciive Action Tuesdgz, Dece?zber 18, 200? Page I of? Consumer Ccmpiainks Bate Theme Name Complaint Iii?sda'y, Decembe; 13, 2.907 Pager: ofz