Hm {a as DEPARTMENT or: HEALTH nno Human sanvIeEs Public. Health Service '5 ?Wu Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta GA areas-acct August 202D Dear Governors: The LLB. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are rapidly making preparations to implement large-scale distribution of vaccines in the fall of 1020. This vaccine distribution program is expected to be a public health effort of signi?cant scale, potentially involving hundreds of millions of vaccine doses to be distributed across the LLB. CDC has contracted with McKesson Corporation (?Moliesson?) to distribute these vaccines to state and local health departments, medical facilities, doctor of?ces and other vaccine providers. In order to accomplish this massive task. McKesson must quickly open new distribution centers and obtain new permits and licenses. These applications may be submitted in McKesson?s name or in the name of one of its subsidiaries. The normal time required to obtain these permits presents a signi?cant barrier to the success of this urgent public health program. in the near future. the appropriate state licensing agency will receive permit applications for the new Mclsicsson distribution facilities. These permits are needed to allow Mc?esson to distribute the vaccine into or from your state. McKesson may also be applying for related business and building permits from local and state governmental entities. CDC urgently requests your assistance in expediting applications for these distribution facilities and, if necessary, asks that you consider waiving requirements that would prevent these facilities from becoming fully operational by November I, 2020- The requirements you may be asked to waive in order to expedite vaccine distribution will not compromise the safety or integrity of the products being distributed. Your assistance in helping expedite the issuance of necessary licenses and permits required for distribution centers to become operational will be critical to the success of this public health effort to mitigate the threat presented by Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, em a ear Robert R. Ecd?cld, MD. Director, CDC