ARE YOU READY FOR THE TRACTION LAW? Do you have a 4WD or AWD vehicle?* *Even if your car is a 4WD or AWD vehicle, CDOT recommends that all vehicles have adequate tires: • Tires with a mud and snow designation (M+S icon) • Winter tires (mountain-snowflake icon) YES Is your tire tread depth at least 3/16"? YES YOU’RE PREPARED! You meet the Traction Law requirements! NO • Tires with an all-weather rating by the manufacturer Do you have snow tires or tires with a mud/snow (M/S) designation? NO YES Do you have tire chains or an AutoSock? NO Is your tire tread depth at least 3/16"? YES YES YOU MEET THE TRACTION LAW REQUIREMENTS! Consider investing in new tires with more than 3/16" tread depth. NO Learn more at YES YOU’RE PREPARED! You meet the Traction Law requirements! UH OH! Your vehicle is good, but you’ll need to invest in new tires with at least 3/16" tread or tire chains to meet the Traction Law requirements. Do you have tire chains or an AutoSock? NO YOU MEET THE TRACTION LAW REQUIREMENTS! Consider investing in new tires with more than 3/16" tread depth. YOUR TIRE TREAD IS TOO SHALLOW. Your tires won’t perform well in winter conditions. You’ll need to invest in tires with better tread depth. NO YOU DO NOT MEET THE TRACTION LAW REQUIREMENTS. Invest in new tires or a traction control device like tire chains or an AutoSock to meet Traction Law requirements. If you don’t meet the Traction Law requirements and you cause a crash, you’ll be subject to a $130 citation. The fine jumps to $650 if the Traction Law violation results in the closure of traffic lanes.