ACTIVITY SINCE HARVEY By the Numbers (as of August 2020) TOTAL BOND PROJECTS APPROVED BY VOTERS ACTIVE BOND PROJECTS *144 of 181 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT $2.5 billion BOND FUNDS AUTHORIZED $427 million HARVEY-RELATED GRANT FUNDING $874 million Total project cost (includes requested $637.4 million grant and $236.9 million local share) LOCAL PARTNER FUNDING $25.2 million Total Non-Federal Partnership Projects VOLUNTARY HOME BUYOUTS Home buyouts are used to reduce flood damages in areas several feet deep in the floodplain where structural projects cannot adequately remove a home’s flood risk. • 522 buyouts completed • 401 Additional buyouts in Process • $310 million home buyout funding secured • 271 demolitions completed PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS AWARDED $270 million across 458 consultant agreements (29.6% MWBE) CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED $419 million across 76 contracts for capital improvements and repairs COMPLETED SINCE HARVEY 21 projects valued at $123 million, removed the 100-year floodplain from 5,000 homes *In May 2020, Harris County Commissioners Court approved modifications to projects and details in the 2018 Bond Program List to include adding enhanced project benefit details, changes to funding amounts and sources, consolidating related project efforts, and adding four new bond projects. None of the Bond Projects that were approved by voters were removed from the list. ACTIVITY SINCE HARVEY By the Numbers (as of August 2020) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Community engagement is a critical component of our work ensuring residents are aware of and understand the flood damage reduction projects in their neighborhoods. • 113 Bond Program Community Engagement Meetings • 9,000+ Registered attendees • 6,000+ Bond Program comments received • 800,000+ HCFCD.ORG visitors • 17,000+ Twitter • 9,000+ Facebook STORM DEBRIS REMOVAL Debris removal ensures more efficient conveyance during an event which helps reduce flood risks. • 14,000 dump trucks or 42,760 tons of material that could block stormwater flow removed • 94 miles of channels cleared • 1,400 storm-damaged trees removed • $9.2 million spent SELECTIVE CLEARING Selective clearing allows for more efficient conveyance during an event which helps reduce flood risks. It also helps to manage invasive species from over competing with desirable native species and makes it easier for the Flood Control District to access our channels when needed to perform maintenance. • 176 acres selectively cleared • $615,000 spent TURF ESTABLISHMENT Turf establishment makes our green infrastructure green – the turf helps prevent erosion, which keeps silt and soil from accumulating in our channels which increases long-term maintenance costs. • 1,587 acres established • $2.6 million spent FLOODPLAIN PRESERVATION By preserving the floodplain from development, floodwaters can spread out safely without structures that can flood. • 2,601 acres preserved since Sept. 1, 2017 for projects, floodplain preservation and buyouts. WHY OUR WORK IS IMPORTANT: Construction of flood damage reduction projects and home buyouts means a reduced risk of flooding for Harris County residents. While the devastation from Harvey was widespread, it is estimated that more than 24,100 homes and businesses avoided flooding during that storm because of construction projects completed in the past 20 years in the Brays, Sims and White Oak Bayou watersheds alone, plus buyouts. For more Hurricane Harvey information, log on to