BMM L. SO* Vol. 2, No. 80, W ednesday, September 12, 1945 JBO**" Printed In Italy TW O L IR E 88th Replaces 34th Tojo In Trieste Occupation Shoots Him self A s M P s Circle Home ROME, S ep t. l l —T h e 88th D ivision w ill rep lace th e 34th as th e A m erican o ccu p a tio n d iv ision in th e T rieste a r®a » ^ n-~ral Josep h T. M cN a m ey , C om m a n d in g G en era l o f MTOUSA, to ld a press co n feren ce h ere to d a y . . G en era l M cN a m ey em p h asized , h ow ever, th a t a ll low p oin t m en in th e 34th D iv isio n w ill be screen ed ou t before it is s e n t h o m e. T h e s h ift in o ccu p a tio n d iv isio n s cam e, h e said , as a resu lt o f a W ar D ep a rtm en t d irectiv e w h ic h gives priority on red ep loy­ m e n t to form er N a tio n a l G u ard* E D I T O R ’S N O T E : T h e a u th o r u n its. In a concise review of th e re ­ of th e follow ing d is p a tc h w as a t T o j o ’s side im m e d ia te ly a f te r h e deploym ent picture a t th e present s h o t h im s e lf today. H ere is an time, the American com m ander in ey e w itn e ss to w h a t m a y h a ve been this th e a te r stated th a t all m en T o jo ’s last b o u ts . « with 80 or m ore points as of the ROME, Sept. l l (AP) — A VE-Day com putation would eith er By FRANK H. BARTHOLOMEW be aboard ship or a t a replacem ent B ritish firing squad a t daw n TOKYO, Sept. l l (UP) — “I today executed G eneral Nicolo depot by the end of th is m onth. Before the end of October, all Bellomo, who recently was con­ w anted to die by the sword, but men w ith 80 or more points as of victed by a B ritish m ilitary a pistol had to do. I assume the V J-D ay com putation will find court at B ari of slaying a B ritish responsibility for the war. B an­ them selves on their way home, the officer a t a prisoner of war zai!” These were am ong the general said. last words of Hideki Tojo, th e T he 92nd and 34th Divisions cam p in December, 1941. An AFHQ announcem ent of little Jap prem ier who c a ta ­ will leave Italy in late O ctober or early November. G eneral M cNar- the execution said Field M arshal pulted the U. S. into the war ney said. Once again, however, Sir H arold Alexander had con­ with a sneak attack on Pearl the general em phasized th a t all firm ed th e d eath sentence, which Harbor. He gasped them out low point men in these divisions was carried out at Bari. during a m om entary return of would be screened out an d sent to consciousness as I knelt a t his other units here before the d i­ side this afternoon. vision was sent home. Only 23 m inutes earlier he had ‘ From May to August of th is torn a gaping wound in the left year," G eneral M cNam ey reported, side of his stom ach with a revolver “approxim ately 244,500 troops were bullet in a suicide attem p t as A m er­ redeployed. O ur stren g th as of ican M ilitary Police arrived a t his Sept. I was about 223,000 m en," suburban home to arrest him as he said. a war crim inal., An estim ated 70,000 will be Tojo sat in his easy chair, legs shipped out this m onth, while ap ­ crossed. He wore blood-spattered proxim ately 103,000 are expected WASHINGTON, Sept. l l —C on­ w hite shorts, khaki whipcord m ili­ to leave during October and Nov­ gressional dissatisfaction with the tary trousers and high boots. He ember. weakly in Japanese, and w hat By Dec. I, about 50,000 will be rate of demobilization today brought spoke he said was tran slated for me, word charges in the House of “bungling" left, the general said. Of these for word, by T. T akam atsu of th e in the demobilization program . 15.000 m en needed for th e handling Tokyo M ainichi staff. Some m em bers proposed th a t of surplus suplies, etc., are expected Tojo repeated* “I w anted to die to be shipped by April of next President T rum an or Congress force by the sword, but a pistol had to year, leaving 35,000 occupation a change in policy. M eanwhile, opposition was voiced do. I assum e responsibility for th e troops still left. Thus, bv Dec. I, MTOUSA will to P resident T ru m an ’s action yefc- war. I realize now th a t war was be de-activated and those troops terday in sending to the Senate bad for our people. I am now happy left will come under th e adm inis­ nom inations for prom otion of six to die. B anzai!" T hen Tojo lapsed into uncon­ tratio n of the European T h e ater of brigadier generals to the tem por­ O peration. ary ran k of m ajor generals, and for sciousness again. His bald head was T he 35.000 m en expected to re ­ prom otion of 17 colonels to the rank beaded with sweat. I arrived a t his home in the S etm ain as occupational troops include of brigadier general. ones w ith attach ed units, to be Sen. Edwin C. Johnson (D., Colo.), gaya district, a t the extrem e wes­ stationed in th e Trieste area, 10,000 a m em ber of th e M ilitary Affairs tern p a rt of greater Tokyo shortly before 4 PM, Tokyo time. T he Air Force personnel, and 6,600 base Comm ittee, declared: guards advised us th a t Tojo was troops. T he rem ainder will be m ade “We ought to be demoting, in ­ up of ATC and AC units. stead of prom oting, Army officers at not a t home, and while we waited, Explaining th e need of retaining this stage of th e game. This would M ajor P aul K raus of G eneral M ac­ 15.000 base troops ------- after Ja n . I, G en- indicate th a t th e Army intends A rth u r^ counter intelligence corps eral McNarney cited th e fact t h a t ) to keep ^ stren g th up to 8 ,000,000 arrived with orders for T ojos a r ­ i oca aaa i«.«„ more th a n 1,250,000 long tons Af of men> instead of demobilizing as rest. At 4:10, the form er J a p prem ier war equipm ent m ust still be dis­ fast as it can." returned. He entered hastily, then pel d df. Most of it will be tu rn ed Rep. Edw ard E. Cox (D., G a.), over to UNRRA and AC for d istri­ according to ANS, called on the opened a side window of his study bution here and in the B alkans. President to “put some sense into and peered out with a smile on his the Army and Navy." ANS quoted face. He asked w hat was w anted, and his gold teeth showed as he ROME, Sept. l l —G eneral Joseph Cox as saying: spoke. He was lean, brown, and “The arm ed forces have bungled T. M cNarney today presented the Legion of M erit to Brig. the dem obilization job, and have appeared to be in perfect physical Gen. T hoburn K. Brown, Com­ bungled it badly. I t is crim inal to condition. “Open the door, so I can come in m anding G eneral, RAAC, and the take away a day from the lives of and present my credentials," K raus Cluster to the Legion of M erit to these m en and women th a t Is not ordered. Col. K enneth Clark, Deputy Com ­ justified by m ilitary security." Tojo waved his arm s, and re ­ Rep. Andrew J. May (D., Ky.), m ander. AFHQ Public R elations plied: “Unless this is an official Section, for m eritorious service and chairm an of the House M ilitary outstanding perform ance of th eir Affairs Com mittee, disclosed th at order I do not care to discuss it.” K raus turned to the interpreter, the Army hopes to demobilize all duties. G eneral McNarney also pinned .m en w ith two years of service be- and said: “Tell him to quit this (Continued on page 8) th eater ribbons on civilian war cor- tween now and Sept. I, 1946. respondents M ilton Bracker, New --------------- .---------------------------------York Times; W inston B urdett. Columbia B roadcasting S y s t e m ; ! M i c h a e l Chinigo, In te rn a tio n al News Service; Donald Downs, Over- j seas News Agency; Tom Healy, N ew 1 York Post; R ita Hume, In te rn a ­ tional News Service; Clete Roberts, Am erican B roadcasting System ; Harold Siegm an, Acme Pictures, ARMY,Jful combat through N orth Africa W ITH THE FIFT H and Leigh W hite, Chicago Daily Sept. 9 (Delayed* — The 5th and Italy. News. At the m ilitary ceremony were Army, first American Army to fight on European soil and for m any read letters of congratulation from m onths the sole Am erican Army Field M arshal Sir Harold R. L. G. fighting the G erm ans, passed into Alexander, Supreme Allied Com ­ combat history today. Its h ead ­ m ander, MTO; G eneral Joseph T. quarters on Lake Garcia m arked the McNarney, deputy Suprem e Allied I event w ith m ilitary ceremony and Com m ander, MTO and C om m and­ ing G eneral, MTOUSA; and Lt. p n tp r ta in m n f.t for fo r th e troop tr o o o s . en tertain mpen BERLIN Sent l l (U P) The! The I T he observance coincided w i t h j G en . YVillis D. CrittenbcTgor, CornAllied Control Council has decided; the second anniversary of the Sa- m anding G eneral, IV Corps. In a brief address, Lt. Gen. Luto recall to G erm any from n e u tra l: ierno landing J r Army countries all G erm an agents and H ighlighting the m ilitary p r o - c ^ n K. T ruscott tribute to theComm en “other obnoxious G erm ans,” as well grr.m was the reading ot the gen -1 J vi Jnn* I n tn as all those who were G erm an Gov- U ral order under which the f)th U nf , ! a h i nn ions wi'o em inent officials at th e tim e of Army assum ed non-operational st a- * ? t .. .*!: the 5th Army ban tus j fought undei surrender. A ctivated Jan . 5. 1943, a t O ujda, ner T he recall will affect A fghanistan. es e t Page 5 jar a review of 5th Eire, Spain, Portugal. Sw itzerland, North Africa, th e 5th Army has a proud, victorious record of ;>access­ Army history.) Tangier and Vatican City. No Time For Sword, He Gasps; Takes Blame For Pearl Harbor NEAR DEATH TOKYO, Sept. l l (AP)—Gen­ eral Hideki Tojo, the Japanese war lord who ordered th e attack on P e a r l H a r b o r , shot and wounded himself a t 4:15 PM, Tokyo time, today, ju st as Amer­ ican counter intelligence offi­ cers closed in to arrest him. F i r i n g Squad Ends Life Of Cen. Bellomo Discharges Bungled, Congressmen Allege 5th A rm y De-Activated Bn Lake G a rd a C erem on y Allies Call Nazi Agents, Others Back To Germany Ex-Jap Premier Believed To Be Dying; Was Top War Criminal HIDEKI TOJO Italy Treaty Comes First, Byrnes Says LONDON, Sept. l l (U P)—U. S. Secretary of S tate Jam es F Byrnes, in a press conference preceding the initial session of the Council of Foreign M inisters, today confirm ed th a t th e Ita lia n peace treaty still holds top spot on the council’s agenda. Byrnes, looking fit and tanned after his sea voyage, refused to re­ veal the U. S. position on any m a t­ ters before th e council, and would neither confirm nor deny reports th a t he had brought a proposal for disposition of the Ita lia n colonial empire. Asked if the R um anian crisis would be discussed, he replied th a t preparation for peace treaties with form er enemy countries in the Balkans was also on the council’s agenda. Byrnes said it was impossible for him to reveal the position of the U. S. G overnm ent on any question before th e council, because if such a course were followed by all five powers, it would result in a fixation of views, while eventual success of the conference—which he described as a worthwhile experim ent — de­ pends upon reconciliation of the differing views of th e Allied powers on th e questions involved. On th e m ain questions, he said, there are as m any different views as nations involved. Byrnes said th a t the question of the future control of th e atomic bomb was not on the agenda for discussion; nor were G erm any, Palestine, nor India. However, he pointed out th a t additional sub­ jects could be brought up by agree­ m ent among the five governm ents. Asked if the European coal, food and tran sp o rtatio n problems would be discussed, he said th a t w ater­ ways would be discussed and it was (Continued on page 8) Tojo was still alive two hours and 15 m inutes later when a doctor and nurse arrived 55 m inutes after he shot himself. He told them . “I w ant to die." He was not expected to survive. The doctor, who said he had no medical instrum ents with him, said he did not know why he had been called, and refused a th irs t to atten d the one-tim e prem ier who fell from power only when Allied m ilitary success sealed J a p a n ’s doom. Tojo shot himself ju st a fte r G en ­ eral Douglas M acA rthur had or­ dered both Japanese and American police to arrest him. Only M onday he had told Asso­ ciated Press correspondents Murlin Spencer an d Russell Brines: "You will not see me again.” At the tim e the two correspond­ ents took it to m ean Tojo would give no more interviews. Am erican officers im mediately after the shooting sealed th e rooms in T ojo’s fine new country home, and im pounded his papers. They expressed regret th a t Tojo had shot himself, saying they merely in­ tended to take him to headquarters for questioning. Before he shot himself. Tojo opened one of tile big sliding win­ dows of his house, smiled th a t hard steely smile a t th e officers and then slammed th e window shut so hard it alm ost broke. One of the officers tried to dis­ play credentials through th e win­ dow. Tojo ignored them , but did exclaim, “I am Tojo." It was as if he w anted to make (C o n tin u ed on page 8) M'Arthur Abolishes Jap General Staff TOKYO, Sept. l l (A P)—G eneral Douglas M acA rthur struck J a p a ­ nese m ilitarism a death blow by ordering its Im perial G eneral H eadquarters abolished and sim­ ultaneously clam ping a press and radio censorship on the beaten Empire. T he Supreme Allied Com m ander Issued a directive th a t the head­ quarters set up in 1940 m ust be dissolved by Sept. 13. Its removal will erase the last symbol of J a p a ­ nese aggressiveness. It was the tactical organization of tile entire m ilitary establishm ent. Even as the order was issued, Japanese demobilization was a l­ ready well underway. T rains loaded with hundreds of unarm ed .soldiers and naval personnel were on their way home. , .. Censorship was ordered for the Japanese press and radio, but in a directive, G eneral M acA rthur said there should be “an absolute m in­ imum of restriction upon the free­ dom of speech.” T he directive, delivered to the Japanese G overnm ent, said th a t the Allied Com m ander would sus­ pend any newspaper or radio sta ­ BLACKPOOL, Sept. l l (UP) — tion dissem inating untrue infor­ Delegate to th e annual conference m ation or creating unrest. One of the first newspaper a r­ of the T rade Union Congress yestt,r(iay cheered and stam ped a p ­ ticles censored was in Ult* Nippon plause when Prof. Harold Laski, Times, which printed iii English. speaking as a fratern al delegate! The censored editorial said there from th e labor party executive said: had been amazingly few cases ot "We have to persuade Big B u s t-1rape by the Am erican occupation ness in the U. S. to accept our full j troops in Jap an , aud th a t tills was right to experim ent with our own* an im provem ent over the recoups lives on our own term s." Iof form er Am erican visitors. Leave Us Alone,' Laski Tells U. S. Big Business Mediterranean Rome Stars And Stripes, Rome, Lazio, IT September 12, 1945, Page 1 THE Fog© S Americans Smash CEN. Big Jap Naval Base I On Chiba Peninsula STARS AN D STRIPES M C N A R N E Y TA LK S TO THE PRESS Wednesday, September 12, 1945 Spain Atld Portugal Keep Prewar Pact Made By Gestapo P a r a c hut e Deaths Arette L e g i s l a t o r WASHINGTON, Sept. I (ANS) — Rep. Alvin F. Weichel