FISCAL UPDATE Article Fiscal Services Division August 31, 2020 Ground Floor, State Capitol Building Des Moines, Iowa 50319 515.281.3566 COVID-19 — IOWA PANDEMIC RECOVERY: STATE EXPENDITURES Expenditure Tracking. The Department of Management (DOM) and Department of Administrative Services (DAS) have established a process for tracking expenditures of federal funds that State agencies have received for costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The expenditure data is available at The information in this Fiscal Update Article is intended to provide a summary of the year-to-date expenditures of the federal funds that have been awarded to State agencies. The federal funds discussed in this article are associated with funds that have reporting requirements for grant recipients specified in Section 15011 of H.R. 748 (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security [CARES] Act). These federal funds are also referred to as “covered funds,” which means any funds and loans made available to nonfederal entities under the following Acts: • • • • H.R. 6074 — Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act H.R. 6201 — Families First Coronavirus Response Act H.R. 748 — CARES Act Any other federal Act making appropriations for COVID-19 response and related activities under Section 15010(6) of the CARES Act. To date, State agencies in Iowa have been awarded in excess of $4.078 billion in federal funds related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the total funds awarded, State agencies have expended $2.781 billion through August 24, 2020, for numerous programs and purposes. Of the total year-to-date expenses, $2.279 billion (81.9%) has been for worker unemployment benefits. The following chart shows the State agencies with the most expenditures. August 31, 2020 Fiscal Update Article 2 The following table shows the year-to-date expenditures by department and federal program. A description of the federal programs can be found here. Department Name Federal Program Title FY 2020 FY 2021 Total Aging, Iowa Department of Na ti ona l Fa mi l y Ca regi ver Support, Ti tl e III, Pa rt E $ Speci a l Progra ms for the Agi ng, Ti tl e III, Pa rt B, Gra nts for Supporti ve Servi ces a nd Seni or Centers Speci a l Progra ms for the Agi ng, Ti tl e III, Pa rt C, Nutri ti on Servi ces Speci a l Progra ms for the Agi ng, Ti tl e VII, Cha pter 2, Long-Term Ca re Ombuds ma n Servi ces for Ol der Indi vi dua l s 368,552 $ 967,310 0 $ 0 368,552 967,310 4,227,661 6,801 0 1,000 4,227,661 7,801 5,570,324 1,000 5,571,324 2,585,640 59,753 2,645,393 30,744 0 30,744 2,616,384 59,753 2,676,138 16,264 0 16,264 16,264 0 16,264 Corona vi rus Rel i ef Fund 206,644 206,644 1,973,473 1,973,473 2,180,117 2,180,117 Promoti on of the Huma ni ti es Di vi s i on of Pres erva ti on a nd Acces s Promoti on of the Huma ni ti es Federa l /Sta te Pa rtners hi p 434,000 377,500 811,500 0 0 0 434,000 377,500 811,500 62,685,150 62,685,150 27,969,260 27,969,260 90,654,410 90,654,410 64,391,648 54,417,314 144,208 118,953,170 0 107,900 0 107,900 64,391,648 54,525,214 144,208 119,061,070 Corona vi rus Emergency Suppl ementa l Fundi ng Progra m 76,875 76,875 3,000 3,000 79,875 79,875 Corona vi rus Rel i ef Fund Emergency Performa nce Ma na gement Gra nt 21,417 7,745 29,162 0 1,152 1,152 21,417 8,896 30,313 1,504,262 1,346,949 2,851,211 10,214 280,590 290,804 1,514,476 1,627,539 3,142,015 2,016,117 12,820,573 3,922,876 1,000,000 417,021 993 149,458,962 46,287 32,785 386,250 170,101,864 688,721 3,616,067 2,392,358 30,000,000 53,914 679 45,462,831 5,149 34,445 60,500 82,314,664 2,704,838 16,436,640 6,315,234 31,000,000 470,935 1,673 194,921,792 51,436 67,230 446,750 252,416,528 Aging, Iowa Department of Total Agriculture and Land Stewardship Corona vi rus Rel i ef Fund Pl a nt a nd Ani ma l Di s ea s e, Pes t Control , a nd Ani ma l Ca re Agriculture and Land Stewardship Total Attorney General Fa mi l y Vi ol ence Preventi on a nd Servi ces /Domes ti c Vi ol ence Shel ter a nd Supporti ve Servi ces Attorney General Total College Student Aid Commission College Student Aid Commission Total Cultural Affairs, Department of Cultural Affairs, Department of Total Economic Development Authority Corona vi rus Rel i ef Fund Economic Development Authority Total Education, Department of El ementa ry a nd Seconda ry School Emergency Rel i ef Fund Na ti ona l School Lunch Progra m Gra nts to Sta tes Education, Department of Total Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy Total Homeland Security and Emergency Management Homeland Security and Emergency Management Total Human Rights, Department of Communi ty Servi ces Bl ock Gra nt Low-Income Home Energy As s i s ta nce Human Rights, Department of Total Human Services, Department of Adopti on As s i s ta nce Chi l d Ca re a nd Devel opment Bl ock Gra nt Chi l dren's Hea l th Ins ura nce Progra m Corona vi rus Rel i ef Fund Fos ter Ca re Ti tl e IV-E Gua rdi a ns hi p As s i s ta nce Medi ca l As s i s ta nce Progra m Money Fol l ows the Pers on Reba l a nci ng Demons tra ti on Provi ders Rel i ef Fund Stepha ni e Tubbs Jones Chi l d Wel fa re Servi ces Progra m Human Services, Department of Total August 31, 2020 Department Name Fiscal Update Article 3 Federal Program Title FY 2020 FY 2021 Total Iowa Finance Authority Corona vi rus Rel i ef Fund 1,058,464 1,058,464 4,810,067 4,810,067 5,868,532 5,868,532 490,000,000 1,237,114,401 1,727,114,401 0 551,710,930 551,710,930 490,000,000 1,788,825,331 2,278,825,331 113,116 156,043 269,159 Publ i c Hea l th Emergency Res pons e: Coopera tive Agreement for Emergency Res pons e: Publ i c Hea l th Cri s i s Res pons e Sma l l Rura l Hos pi tal Improvement Gra nt Progra m Emergency Gra nts to Addres s Mental a nd Subs tance Us e Di s orders Duri ng COVID-19 Na tiona l Bi oterrori s m Hos pi tal Prepa rednes s Progra m 3,386,598 68,723 3,455,321 4,192,848 5,362 0 0 4,192,848 5,362 157,433 7,855,358 0 224,766 157,433 8,080,124 2018 HAVA El ection Securi ty Gra nts 1,113,749 1,113,749 17,451 17,451 1,131,200 1,131,200 10,416,507 10,416,507 0 0 10,416,507 10,416,507 Iowa Finance Authority Total Iowa Workforce Development Corona vi rus Rel i ef Fund Unempl oyment Ins ura nce Iowa Workforce Development Total Public Health, Department of Epi demi ol ogy a nd La bora tory Ca pa ci ty For Infectious Di s ea s es (ELC) Public Health, Department of Total Secretary of State Secretary of State Total Transportation, Department of Federa l Tra ns i t Formul a Gra nts Transportation, Department of Total Grand Total $ 2,111,506,037 $ LSA Staff Contact: Dave Reynolds (515.281.6934) Doc ID 1150868 669,455,211 $ 2,780,961,247