From: Karen Pernone Date ecemher 2 2018 at 25 2 PM EST Subject: Kale Taylor. loon't know who you are or if you are aware of how the law works. Yes have been made awarethat Kale has been ACCUSED of sexual assault of a female that was 19 when he was 17, meaning no matter what he was a minor at the time oithe allegeo accusation. lam also aware that this allegeo crime took place almosttwo years ago one has not been able to go to trial to lack of evidence on the prosecution sioe. lam also aware that we live in a country that people are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, which he has not been. Yes he coaches at my gym. Yes he coaches a junior team. First one foremost no coaches in my coach bythemselves EVER. Secono I happen to believe Kale and the story of his accusations is bull shit. He may have had a consensual encounter with an oloer female who's boyfrieno round out ano maoe her press charges, ever think ofthat? Just because someone accuses someone of something doesn't make it true. I could go to the police right now am: accuse you of raping me. Does that make it true? No it ooes not. I appreciate whatl hope isyour true intent of protecting chiloren, however I'm pretty sure you are one ofthe people trying to ruin Kale's life with no proof. Please mind your business. If Kale is even found guilty in a court af law I will take action then, until then he has been nothing but wanderful far my gym. He is a positive role model one loves to teach. Back off! Karen Karen Perrimne The Fl'lp House Cheer Tumble