A Joint Statement from State Presidents in the IAFF's 101th District Regarding the Recent Article on IAFF General President Schaitberger in the Wall St. Journal Brothers and Sisters, Our forefathers who founded the IAFF created a democratic trade union that has stood the test of time. For over 100 years, the IAFF has effectively protected and expanded the rights of ?re?ghters across the U.S and Canada, making it a venerated union. That reputation was built through the dedicated work of thoughtful leaders, including our current General President, Harold Schaitberger. General President Schaitberger's vision for a strong union that puts the members ?rst, has signi?cantly enhanced our reputation and power. When politicians attempt to make decisions that affect us, we have a seat at the table because of our strength. Our membership ranks have signi?cantly increased because of our effective advocacy, and our reputation for integrity. These accomplishments are meaningful and not something to throw away. Many of you are aware of recent allegations that are being investigated through governance procedures. Our 16 vice presidents, all men of integrity and honor, took those allegations seriously and are properly following bylaws to investigate the claims. Our union?s democratic process was disrespected when very selective information was leaked to the Walt Street Journal, a historically anti-union publication. This act was a violation of executive stewardship, and to read about an incomplete investigation in the news media is an affront to union principles. The reputation and power, which took over a century to build, is now at risk of being tarnished by the careless and sel?sh act of a few. One of our foundational tenets to secure fairness and just due process for our members is being denied for our union?s president. We cannot allow the untenable actions of a few to circumvent our governance procedures. We must stand together and defend the IAFF's reputation and hard- won rights. Let us respect our constitution and bylaws and not be distracted by reckless actions. Every member of our IAFF deserves nothing less, and our General President is certainly no exception. in Solidarity, Your 10?? District State Presidents Brian Rice, President, Caiifornia Professional Fire?ghters Bobby Lee, President, Hawaii Fire Fighters Association Robert Sanchez, President, New Mexico Professionai Fire Fighters Association Bryan Jeffries, President, Professional Fire Fighters ofArizona