July 27, 2020 was? 22222322 Pre?decnsxonal - Internal Use Only Not for Pubhc Distribution :99? Currenl Self-Response Rule: 62.6% Over 92.5 million housing unils have self-responded - Of lhose, 80% have self-responded using our irnlterlnel self-response oplion, olmosl 74 million 0 a . Our response syslem has not had a single minule of down lime since we firsl inviled people lo respond online on March 12, 2020. ?h?pe your image Pre?decisional - internal Use Only Not for Pubiic Distribution ?i?gsm y? OperaTion: Designed To occur in dreds where The mojoriTy of housing uniTs eiTher do noT hove mdil delivered To The physicol locoTion of The housing uniT, or The mdil delivery inTormoTion for The housing uniT connoT be verified. SToTus: OperdTion wos suspended on l8. OperoTion resumed in Mdy, ACOs open by mid?June. Worklood CompleTe (OS of July 26): 99.69% The remdining UL oreds ore locoTed primarily on Tribdl limiTed or no dccess due To The pondemic. We ore closely coordindTing wiTh Those Tribdl governmenTs To ensure Cl compleTe occurdTe counT. All UL work in The Commonweleh of PuerTo Rico hos been compleTed. Though The response rdTe is low in PR UL HUs, including Those in PR, hove noT responded will be visiTed by on enumeroTor during RFU. ?hdpe your mmre 3 Pre?decisional - internal Use Only Not for Public Distribution swim Operation: Group Quor?rers Enurnero?rion is The US. Census Bureou's speciol processes for coun?ring people who live or sloy in group quorlers during The 2020 Census. Slalus: - Group Quorlers Enumero?rion for The 2020 Census will be conduc?red ocross ?rhe Uniled Sloles, including in Puer?ro Rico, from July 1 Through Augus?r 26, 2020. - As of July 26, we hove successfully collec?red dolor from over 60% of Group Quor?rers, including over 60% of College Group Quor?rers. 4 Pre?decisienal - internal Use Only Net for Public Distribution gg??y We enumerdTe college sTudenTs living in sTudenT housing owned by The college/universiTy wiTh our Group QuarTers Enumeration (GQE) operoTion. STudenTs living off compus ore enumerdTed wiTh in our Self-Response operdTion. Off-Campus Housing - On June l7, sTon begdn redching ouT To over 1,200 college To dsl< Them for records for off compus sTudenTs so we con enumerdTe Them in The correcT locoTion. As of July 23 we coancTed over 900 schools. - 566 hove dgreed To provide Their records, of which 271 hdve provided Their records AbouT 250 hdve declined To provide Their records. ?hmp your image 5 Pre?decisienai - internai Use Oniy Net for Pubiic Distribution Operation: The Service?Bosed Enumerotion operotion is conducted ot service?posed locotions ond torgeted non?sheltered outdoor locotions (TNSOLs) to provide on opportunity for people experiencing homelessness to be included in the census. Consulted With Major Stakeholders - ln lote Moy/eorly June we consulted with 67 orgonizotions to ossist the Census Bureou in determining the dote to conduct 34 direct service, civil rights and other notionol portners ond stokeholders who odvocote on beholt of persons experiencing homelessness 30 City, County, and State governments 3 Federol Offices Determining on optimol dote to conduct SBE took into considerotion the need to conduct or thorough ond occurote enumerotion, while olso understonding the needs of our externdl portners, which ore cruciol during SBE. ?hepe your imam 6 Pre?decisional - internal Use Only Not for Pubtic Distribution gg??y Iocumen Feedback from Stakeholders - There is a consistent and a nearly unanimous recommendation to conduct operations in the Fall time frame. Reasons cited for this include: Seasonality is a big concern for homeless service providers. People move around based on the weather. Late September more closely mirrors where people would have been In March. This is probably the single largest concern and influencer in their recommendation. Summer is more difficult to count people experiencing homelessness, as fewer people use shelters and people are much more spread out. Impacts from the coronavirus are significant right now in the homeless community. Stakeholders felt enumerating in late July would be too close to the current outbreak. They haven?t ?left? the current outbreak and worries about a possible second wave are too unknown. Service providers are burned out due to the pandemic. Getting ready to conduct SBE in July would be tough - end of September gives them time to regroup and fully prepare. Operational Decision Based on the feedback from our stakeholders, input from Census experts, and consultation with operational team leads, we have selected September 22 24 as the dates to conduct SBE and TNSOL. Shape your irritate 7 Pre?decisianai - internai Use Oniy Not for Pubiic Distribution gy??y tii?ii't? Safe To Work - SfaTes safisfy The federal gaTing criTeria a second Time. - DaTa supporTs ongoing cycle of l4-?day downward Trends (similarTo criTeria used To deTermine Phase 2) - Governor declares The STaTe's enTry inTo Phase 2 (or similar declaraTion). WhaT is The Public Response Are The paTTerns of ?approved? public behavior consisTenT wiTh in?person conTacT? barber shops open, resTricTions on public gaTherIngs relaxed, oTher personal conTacT busmess open) Are There levels of public engagemenf consisTenT wiTh an open response To cooperafe? Evidence from oTher organizafions/agencies Delivery services, ResTauranTs/Theafers, Schools Are There ongoing resTricTions regarding public engagemenf which conflicT wiTh conducTing personal visiTs? lnTernal Readiness Are workers available To conducT The work? Do we have posiTive indicaTion They are available for work? Have They compleTed The required awareness Training and using Is The appropriaTe PPE in place? (Masks/face coverings musT be available, hand saniTizer gloves available as appropriaTe) (lisT of PPE from TesTimony) - We have acquired more Than 41 million iTems of PPE for use by our office and field sTaff: . 2. 4 million masks, l4 4 million individual gloves, 2l .4 million individual disinfecTanT wipes, 3 6 million individual hand; boTTles for field sTaff use 48,000 gallons of hand saniTizer for use in census faciliTies 3mm Do we have daTa collecTion eauipmenT sTaged and ready for use? your 8 Pre?decisional - internal Use Only Not for Pubiic Distribution swim Soff Launch Decisions 2020 Census career operaTional leaders make The decisions based on The availabiliTy of The workforce, The sTaTus of 9 wiThin The areas, and To ensure geographic diversiTy so as To beTTer undersTand The success of The operaTion. Response raTes were nof parT of The selecTion process for sofT launch areas. Cycle 1 A: Six ACOs, one per region, ToTaling approximaTely l0,000 enumeraTors. Deployed To field on July l6 (Gardnier, ME, Kansas CiTy, MO, Beck/ey, WV, Oklahoma Counfy, OK, New Orleans, LA, Boise, ID) Cycle 1 B: Six addiTional ACOs Deployed To field on July 23 Cify VA, Harfford CT, College PA, Evansville IN, Wichifa KS, Tacoma, WA) Cycle 2: 35 addiTional ACOs Deploy To field on July 30 Cycle 3: 39 addiTional ACOs Deploy To field on AugusT 6 Full Launch: Remaining ACOs (l 62 ACOs) Deploy To field on AugusT gh?p? your Tufo?fe Pre?decisional - internal Use Only Not for Pubfic Distribution ?i?gsm y? Outbound Calling - In areas of the country that we can not have a physical on the ground presence during NRFU due to COVID concerns, we are implementing an outbound calling activity. This will assist us as we attempt to enumerate HUs in areas that are at a high risk. We will get these contact numbers from our contact frame. If we cannot contact the HU, we will leave a message asking for a call back. Mailings - A sixth mailing was added in response to the 9 pandemic. it began on July 22 and is designed to reach approximately 34 million nonresponding households. In September we will be sending a seventh mailing including an additional questionnaire to the lowest responding tracts. Plans for the seventh mailing are being developed based on continued selt response and early Non?response follow up results and more detail will be available in late August 5mm was: image if) Pre?decisional - internal Use Only Not for Pubtic Distribution gg??y locumen The currehT meThodology hos been researched, developed and TesTed over The decode posed on proven processes used in prior Census' improved currehT Technology processes will hoT ehdble us To meeT The sTdTuTory deddlihes posed on projecTed currehT ?eld compleTion ddTes. Pre?declsional internal Use Only Not for Public Distribution gg??y