MCQ GROUP LLC CONSULTING - MANAGEMENT 100 LILAC STREET METAIRJE, LOUISIANA 70005 TELEPHONE: (504) 836-5070 FACSIMILE: (504) 836-507 9 Louisiana Public Service Commission Of?ce of Executive Secretary Attn: Brandon M. Frey Via By Hand Delivery Office of Executive Counsel Attn: H. Bowman Via Email: gov 602 N. Fifth Street, 12th Floor (Galvez Building) (70802) Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9154 June 30, 2020 Re: RFP 20~10 Docket No. R-35568 In Re: Analysis of viability and potential development of rate schedules for inclusion of 5G cellular telephone/broadband equipment onto existing infrastructure of all electric distribution poles. Dear Secretary Frey: Group, LLC and its principal consultants, Scott W. McQuaig and Rick Deinint, are pleased to respond to the Louisiana Public Service Commission REP referenced hereinabove to assist the Commission and Staff regarding the issues relating to the referenced docket. Pursuant to this Proposal we look forward to assisting the Commission?s Staff and the respective Commissioners in a review and analysis of the viability, potential development and implementation of rate schedules for inclusion] attachment of 5G cellular telephone/ broadband equipment onto existing infrastructure of all electric utility distribution poles, together with all related issues and work. Our Proposal accordingly includes the following anticipated work plan and/ or summary of required activities: Scope of Representation Pursuant to the above referenced RFP, our firm will assist Commission Staff in reviewing and analyzing 5G cellular telephone/broadband equipment and the potential of including or attaching this equipment on existing infrastructure of all electric utility distribution poles. Our firm will also assist Commission Staff in potentially developing and implementing recommended rate schedules and/or rental rates for attachment of 5G cellular telephone/broadband equipment onto existing infrastructure of electric utility distribution poles. Anticipated scope of representation includes review and analysis of the Commission?s current Pole Attachment Order; drafting of data requests and review of responses thereto; review and analysis of electric utility pole attachment rental rates and for pole attachment contracts; planning and participation in technical conferences as required; participation in meetings with Staff, Commissioners, electric utilities, and 5G providers; preparation of recommendations to the Commission, including exhibits; preparation of proposed rules, or amendments to existing rules; and, assistance to Staff in the drafting of applicable motions, briefing sheets, Orders of the Commission, and related documents. In addition, our ?rm will be available for meetings and telephone conferences with Staff and Commissioners, as well as attendance as needed at Commission Business and Executive sessrons. Analvsis of Issues/Anticipated Scope of Work Our preliminary analysis of the regulatory, industry and governmental issues under which the referenced proposal will be conducted in order to properly achieve the goals of the Commission, suggest consideration of numerous efforts not specifically addressed in the RFP but which must be considered within the broader scope of work contained therein. The manner by which these more specific issues are to be addressed is accordingly included in the following phases of our proposed scope of work. Phase One: Conduct analysis of current wireless technology including infrastructure requirements in both urban and rural areas to identify barriers to investment and deployment of next generation wireless small cell (densification of LTE technology) and 5G millimeter wave cellular and broadband services. Detailed analysis to include; identification of physical equipment and associated attachment type; pole mount, strand mount, etc, site selection criteria and methodology, ?ber connectivity requirements and commercial power requirements. Develop and prepare Data Requests and meet with Staff counsel to determine procedural schedule and action plan for the docket. Estimated time: 3?4 months. Estimated fees during this phase to be determined. Costs: $3,500.00 for travel and administrative costs such as postage, documentation, copies, etc. Phase Two: Meet with Staff counsel, ?nalize and issue Data Requests, issue agendas and coordinate technical conferences. Review of interventions and other correspondence by interested parties. Meet with industry representative as required. Research and investigation regarding rate structures and infrastructure utilization in other states; Investigation of RF safety, aesthetic and other community concerns/issues, evaluation of current pole attachment rules established by the Commission and review of current FCC pole attachment orders including 2018 FCC Small Cell Order (Dockets 17-79 and 17?84). Assess impact of FCC Small Cell Order with respect to Louisiana local governments and review of recent broadband legislation (SB10) and other anticipated actions at the Louisiana Legislature. Estimated time: 3~4 months. Estimated fees during this phase to be determined. Costs: $3,000 for travel and administrative costs such as postage, documentation, copies, etc. Phase Three: Meet with Staff counsel and evaluate responses to data requests. Provide cost analysis including current pole attachment rate structure and additional costs incurred by infrastructure and/or pole owner including access safety, make ready, loading, spacing, etc. Meet with Staff counsel to develop ?nal Staff Recommendations and Report, any supporting exhibits; assist Staff in preparation of Recommendations and Report to the Commission; confer with Commissioners on findings contained in the Staff Report and basis for Staff Recommendations; prepare for and attend Open Session for consideration of Staff? 3 Recommendations and Report; assist Staff in preparation of Final Order. Estimated time 2-4 months. Estimated fees during this phase to be determined. Costs: $3,000 for travel and administrative costs such as postage, copies, etc. Experience/Minimum Requirements Our firm and all its members thereof meet and exceed the minimum requirements set forth in the referenced including, but not limited to having a working knowledge of Louisiana Public Service Commission?s rulemaking and jurisdictional issues; applicable Commission regulations; full understanding and ability to analyze and achieve the goals and needs of the Commission as stated in the referenced RFP and the Commission?s telecommunications related Orders. Our firm and its members have extensive experience in the representation of various parties regarding the subject matter, policies and procedures in question in the above referenced Request for Proposal. The undersigned, together with principal consultant Rick Demint, are currently authorized and approved to serve as outside contract consultants to assist and represent the Commission in such matters. In addition, members of our ?rm have substantial experience in the presentation of direct testimony, reports and recommendations; assistance in developing cross examination of adverse witnesses; and, in the analysis of comments and exceptions to proposed recommendations. Our principal consultants have substantial experience in complex cases, as well as signi?cant previous employment resulting in extensive competence in related regulatory matters. Finally, we are thoroughly knowledgeable regarding the Commission?s 2014 Pole Attachment Order; have extensive experience related to FCC Telecommunications and Broadband issues including CAF, CAFII, RDOF, Low Income Broadband Programs, CMRS Regulations, and Small Wireless Facilities (Small Cell); and, associates of our ?rm assigned to this project include team members with 35 plus years experience in various aspects of the telecommunications industry Con?ict of Interest We are aware of no current or past representation which could result in a conflict of interest, and no member of this ?rm currently represents any interested clients or af?liated parties before the Commission. Period of Representation The time period of representation estimated by the Commission to complete the scope of representation requested in the referenced RFP is 8?12 months. Our ?rm understands that this is merely an estimate of the required period of representation. However, we likewise appreciate the interest of the Commission in achieving the anticipated goals of the RFP in an expedient and timely manner. Accordingly, we hereby represent to the Commission that the scope of representation and/or work plan set forth hereinabove is anticipated to comply with whatever period of representation is required. Estimate of Fees and Costs: All billing will be submitted pursuant to the requirements of the November 10, 2014 General Order of the Commission, and will be issued in strict accordance with the guidelines of the Commission. It is anticipated that the scope of representation and work plan set forth hereinabove will require a maximum total of fees not to exceed $119,000 at an hourly rate of $225.00 per hour. It is fuither anticipated that costs and/or expenses incurred in connection with these efforts will not exceed $9,500.00. Accordingly, the total proposed budget for the services of this firm as outside contract consultants consists of the following respective fees and costs: Maximum Fees: $119,000.00 Costs/Expenses 9500.00 Total Fees and Costs/Expenses $128,500.00 In the event you or any member of the Staff needs any additional information or clarification of the contents of this Proposal, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the above?referenced Request for Proposal and look forward to being of service to the Commission and Staff. Respectfully Submitted, Scott W. McQuaig