20 Die, 600 Lost in Chile SANTIAGO, C h i l e A violent earth* quake rocked central Chile Sunday, killing at least 20 persons and injuring 155, The 600 inhabitants of a single town were missing. Pour provinces were hit by the full force of the quake. 10< DAILY WITH SUPPLEMENTS AN AUTHORIZED PUBLICATION OF THI U.S. ARMED FORCES IN THE FAR EAST vol. 2v NO. 88 FIVE-STAR EDITION Tuesday, March 30, 1965 («fe 54 # 4 R 21 0 W 3 «ftftttI8*D According to the latest information received by the Interior Ministry, the earthquake caused great destruction and a number of deaths in at least 10 cities of Aconcagua, Valparaiso, Coquimbo and Santiago provinces, where more than 2.5 million Chileans live. The quake struck at 12:35 p.m. (1:35 a.m. .1ST), and was one of the most violent and prolonged recorded in Chile. Authorities feared that the number of victims may soar as a result of the destruction of the 310-foot-high El Cobre dam, which sent a cascade of water and debris onto the valley below and swept away a town where BOO persons lived. The national police said after an air inspection that no signs of life were seen in the 115-squareinile sector flooded when the dam broke. The Interior Ministry said the quake was felt in an area 1,250 miles long and that its epicenter was in the area of Llay-Llay, Qtiillota and San Felipe, about 75 miles north of Santiago. The earthquake had an intensity of 1.0 degrees on a 12-degree scale in the Llay-Llay sector, said the Seismologieal Institute of the University of Chile. In Illapel, La Serena and Santiago it had, respectively, intensities of 8, 8 and 7 degrees. (The Interior Ministry said 100 TOKYO (AP)—Communist China declared Sunday it "will exert every effort" to send arms and other war material to the Republic of Vietnam and is ready to send Chinese forces "to fight shoulder to shoulder" with the Viet Cong. The pledge was made by Foreign Minister Chen Yi in a letter sent to north Vietnam's For* eign Minister Xuan Thuy. The text of Chen Yi's note was broadcast by the official New China News Agency heard here. In his letter, Chen Yi branded the U.S. air strikes on north Vietnam since Feb. 7 as "a serious threat to peace in Indochina and Southeast Asia " (Continued on Page 2, Col. I) ~ : Outlook * Better: or Chen Yi's stand indorsed a similar China threat made by the WASHINGTON (AP) — Ambasofficial p a r t y organ. People's sador Maxwell D. Taylor returned from the Republic of-VietDaily, last Thursday, Sunday, r e p o r t i n g that "Disregarding the r e p e a t e d nam " t h i n s are turning for th« warnings by the government of better"g .in the long campaign the Democratic R e p u b l i c of against communist guerrillas. (north) Vietnam and the strong Taylor arrived for what h« opposition of many peace-loving countries and people, U.S. jm,,{ termed a periodic consultation on tne perialism is expanding its war d f i progress of the war. He is ATLANTA; Ga, (AP) — Klan to aggression in South Vietnam step 'i confer 'with President Johnson leaders from Georgia and .Alaand other for about, by Step." bama, telegraphed P r e s i d e n t week, , Johnson .Sunday requesting ;a "The entire Chinese people are conference to discuss the Presiextremely indignant- at. the way" In a news c:,o'nf,er en.ce ,at dent's attacks on the Ku Klux the United States is committing Andrews AFB, the former chairKlan, , , /'aggression > g a i n s t Vietnam," j man of the Joint Chiefs _of Staff gave a generally . optimistic picCalvin F, Craig, Georgia grand Cheii Yi said, ture, although he declined .to go dragon of United Klans, said the The U.S., however, has repeat- into details on what f u r t h e r telegram asking the conference edly stated that communist ag- actions was dispatched k h o r 11 y after gression in South Vietnam is com- Vietnam.he might recommend in noon. It was signed by Craig ing from the north. Asked whether there was mor0 and Robert M. She!ton Jr. of Chen Yi said, China and Vietnam Marine SSgt Steve Stibbens' photo or a Special Forces adviser optimism now about winning the TuMcaloosa, imperial wizard of jit the Republic of Vietnam lias been selected as The President's are closely related like "the lips war in the Southeast Asia couni' the United Klau.s. and the teeth and share each Choice for March, The photo of MSgt. Evans I . Johnson was takeu try, Taylor 'replied: "I would say The request 'followed angry by SUbbens while in South Vietnam tw Pacific Mars & Stripes, (Continued on Page ?, Col. 1) (Contiimcd on Page 2, Col, 5) denunciations by the President of the Klan leaders after Johnson declared war on the order Fri; day. The president .served warning to Klansmen when he announced the arrest of four Alabama Klansmen in the nightrider slaying of a white civil rights worker, This was the telegram: LBJ Honors Former "Representing the true feelings S&S qt millions of Americans, we S&S Washington Off Mines, Kills 14 at S. Vietnam Camp Compiled From Ap'awl UI?I SAIGON—Lightning struck n claymore mine protective screen srqund a U,§, %ee1al Forces camp in the Republic pf Viet» nam's central highlands §atur> day, respiting jin 14 persons killed 74 , wounded, '»' U,S» ' reported, One JJ;S* Special Forces mp was among t ' personally to eori/er with, concerning your statement WASHINQTON - P r e s 1 d e n t •(Continued o» Page 2, Col, 4) Johnson has picked ft former P.aoifte Stars and $irip$s staff member's photograph of a 0'ij5» 5«led American infantryman in V i e t n a m ^ The Prbsildent's Area, Choice for March, J%Wy cloudy; Min, id 6.0 Johnson, seeking pictures that illustrate "the history of our tiiwes Min, $9, Max, and the MfOHs of this Administrft- moi'9-min0f $9 Urn (tamp** fensive perimeter, A freak Accident caused by lightning set the mine^ olf, blasting pellets into the houses of. mountain tribe soldiers Jqcatpd between t )§ inner and outer defense perimeters of the camp, the ^pokesmgn said, Qn© Vietnamese ^poeiai Forces soldier was killed and'two wound* ed, In »Mitlon» 13 niountftin tribe soldiery and dependents were sn