9/23/2020 Gmail - Public Corruption Complaint and Request for Records/Statement Eric McDonough Public Corruption Complaint and Request for Records/Statement Eric McDonough Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 5:50 PM To: IsisPerez@miamisao.com, RobertFielder@miamisao.com, timvandergiesen@miamisao.com Cc: agreenstein004@hotmail.com, craig@weissberglegal.com, Pro , Felipe Hemming Dear Isis, Robert, and Tim, I hope this letter finds you three well in these trying times. My name is James Eric McDonough, I write for the Facebook media outlet True Homestead, and have been investigating public corruption within the City of Homestead for some time. It is my understanding that you three oversee the Public Corruption Unit for the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office (MDSAO), under Katherine Fernandez-Rundle. Therefore, these issues are respectfully and humbly brought to your attention. Furthermore, a media statement and/or production of public records are humbly requested. One investigation we had been working on was related to Homestead’s Vice Mayor Patricia FaircloughStaggers. Apparently, Mrs. Fairclough Staggers was involved in several fraudulent schemes tangential to a larger scheme to commit election fraud by representing a district in which she did not live. We have been advised that a complaint has already been filed with the MDSAO, concerning the election fraud, and we are now hearing rumors coming allegedly from within the Homestead Police Department, for those connected not to worry as the MDSAO will not be taking action against the Vice Mayor for political reasons. Knowing how Mrs. Rundle prosecuted Daisy Baez for not living in the district claimed, and the harsh words Mrs. Rundle used to speak about such crimes, this certainly cannot be the case herein. However, I must respectfully request as a media representative if any of you three, or Mrs. Rundle, are able to provide a public comment as to these matters. If so, we would be greatly appreciative of any insight which could be provided. If the case is closed, I respectfully request all public records, under FS. 119, including the case file, or any other public record related to said investigation in any way. Electronic copies of electronic records are requested where available. As a second point, I would like to humbly submit to you three an article which me and my partner, Ben Keller, researched and published. This article is submitted as my personal formal complaint against the Vice Mayor for election fraud. A link to the article, which has links to the evidence I uncovered, is directly below: https://truehomestead.com/2020/07/01/faircloughs-dirty-little-secret-securing-her-vice-mayor-seat-throughmultiple-frauds/amp/ Additionally, in the spirit of full disclosure it must be mentioned that, I also filed a complaint with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), approximately two months ago, concerning what appears to be a prima facie case of mortgage fraud, which further appears to be one of the fraud schemes necessary for Mrs. Fairclough-Staggers to pull off her election fraud scheme. A link to our article on the mortgage fraud is included with in the article shared above. Mrs. Fairclough-Staggers also improperly claimed two Homestead Tax Exemptions, another scheme needed to complete the election fraud scheme, and to my understanding the Tax Appraiser has already determined guilt and established a fine/penalty. This is discussed in the article above. Further, to my understanding a complaint has been filed with the State Election Commission due to numerous https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=0e34f33ef3&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a%3Ar-5670638510805192889&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-56706385… 1/3 9/23/2020 Gmail - Public Corruption Complaint and Request for Records/Statement glaring falsehoods contained within Mrs. Fairclough-Staggers’ campaign finance reports, that create a prima facie appearance of embezzlement and/or misappropriation of campaign funds. The financials are discussed in the article above, but I was not aware of a complaint being filed until after publication. As my final point, I wanted to bring to your attention another serious matter, involving former Homestead City Manager George Gretsas. Mr. Gretsas left Homestead to manage the City of Delray Beach in January, 2020, and has already been placed on administrative leave for misconduct, pending his removal with cause. In the last Delray Beach City Commission meeting discussing Mr. Gretsas, it was exposed that Mr. Gretsas had a private computer and server/router in his office which was used in part to send communications through private emails and thereby avoid capture of his official conduct as a public record. I have been provided evidence that Mr. Gretsas was using his private email, ggretsas@gmail.com, while working in Homestead to avoid public records capture as well. The overwhelming evidence provided displays an ongoing objective pattern to retaliate against anyone who stood in the way of Mr. Gretsas or his allies within the City of Homestead. This includes, but is not limited to, plotting coups against a sitting mayor and councilpersons, as well as overt retaliation against innocent police officers and citizens alike, including myself. Perhaps most disturbing of all, are the private emails in which Mr. Gretsas discusses details of open criminal investigations being conducted between the MDSAO and FDLE; as well as Gretsas sharing warrants the same day they are signed, before the proverbial ink has dried, and before they are even assigned to an arrest team. Frighteningly, all of this was being shared with private residents who were neither associated with the City Government nor Law Enforcement. Without more, such evidence combined with deductive logic would reasonably lead one to conclude that Mr. Gretsas has a leak or mole within the MDSAO. This could possibly be a major breach of the MDSAO’s security, which is another item the Delray City Commission discussed relating to Gretsas, i.e. breach of IT security by Mr. Gretsas. Due to the serious nature of said evidence, I felt obligated to share this with you as persons who investigate public corruption, even though we are still investigating different legs of this web of corruption. Sadly, none of the evidence provided to us directly exposes said leak/mole, but it would almost certainly have to be someone with a close personal relationship with Mr. Gretsas. Therefore, based on the above, I must respectfully request, under FS. 119, any and all emails sent either to or from the MDSAO with Mr. Gretsas from any of the three below email addresses: GGretsas@cityofhomestead.com, ggretsas@gmail.com, or ggretsas@mydelraybeach.com. Electronic copies of electronic records are requested where available. If any records are without held, in either request, due to claim of exemption, it is respectfully request that it be stated in writing with particularity the reasons for which an exemption is claimed, and the statute relied upon for the claiming of an exemption for each record claimed to be exempt. Further, any portions of any record which are not exempt are requested after any exempt material has been redacted. If the fees and/or costs for this request are to exceed $100.00 please provide me with a detailed invoice of the work required. I thank you for your time and attention to these important matters. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Dr. James Eric McDonough cell: (571) 245-5410 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=0e34f33ef3&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a%3Ar-5670638510805192889&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-56706385… 2/3 9/23/2020 Gmail - Public Corruption Complaint and Request for Records/Statement email: phd2b05@gmail.com https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=0e34f33ef3&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a%3Ar-5670638510805192889&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-56706385… 3/3