Financial {irinurs Hctu'nrlt .J '1r:1r-. nt' BEAR Transcri eat?land new: Filing Information Type of Report Gcntinuing Activity Report Filing Date llf??fE??l 5 Received Date 5 Entry Date 1 Hi W201 5 Submission Method Electronic discrete tiling Subject Information Ftole Subject Type lndiyiduaElZ-lrganiaati?d?n Lastllor Entity] Name First Name Date of Birth Unknown TIM Unknown of Identi?cation Addressljes] Corrohoratiye Statement to Filer Relationship to Fteporting Institutionls] Affected Accountts] unt?of 3 Subject Purcha serr'Sender Individual Agalaroy Aras Yes Yes own Address Type Street Address Un Itnown City Unknown State Unknown IIF Code Unknown Country Country Unknown Institution TIN Relationship of Subject Account _1_of 3 Account Number Hon-L15 Financial Institution Account 2 of 3 Account Number MonaUS Financial Institution "r'es Subject perm anenta" mailing address ?fee ?r'es ?t'es Yes LIE - Enhanced tree Ho Relationship: Yes 152 {:l'intch SSAFI Transcri ass?pandas?: Subject Information Subject 2 ol ?3 Agaiorov Account Number Financial Institution Hole Subject Subject Type Pure haserr'Sencler Individualr?rganization lnclivitl ual _1 Lasttor Entity} Name .Agaltirour First Name Emin Date of Birth Unkno?wn "st-E TIN Unknown ?r?es Sormis] of Identi?cation Identi?cation Unknown ?rea Addreasljes} Address Type Subject permanentrmailing address Street Address Unknown ?res City knokrn- ?les IIF Code Unknown ?r'es Sountrjir LIE ?Enhancecl Country Unknown Relationship to Fleporting fnstitution{s] Institution TIN Relationship of Subject No Relationship: "res ?r?es Affected Role Account 1 of Account Number Financial Fnstitution ?r?es Account 2 of Account Number Financial Institution Ac count 3 of 3 "i?es Account Number Subject :1 of Srocos International Financial Institution Subject Subject Type F?urcl'laserrf Sender Individualf?rga nization ?rgenization Lastllor Entity] Name Crocus International 153 {Irimcs Holmn'lt Ill Ell-c I IL BSAH Transcript and DEN: Subject Information Alternate Mame{sj Altarnate Name I JCS Crocus International - TIN Unknown ?r?es Forms} of Identification Identi?cation Unit?nown ?fes Addressie 5} Address Type Subject permanen Emailing address Street Address Unknown Tries??W city Unknown ?fee State Unknown ?'r'es 21? Code Unknown ?fes ISountrj:r - US - Enhanced Country Un known 'fes ?crroboratitre Statement to Filer No Relationship to Reporting lnstitutionlfs} institution TIN Relationship of Subject No Relationship: ?r?es Affected Accountis] Subject :1 of E3 Dense Trading Hole Account of 3 Account Number Non -US Financial Institution Account 2 of Account Number Financial Institution Account 3 of -av Account Mu mber Financial Institution Subject ?r'es Yes Yes Subject Type PurchaserfSender lndicidualf?rganization IEtrtjanisation Last{or Entity] Name De nso Trading TIN Unknown ?r'es of Identi?cation- Identi?cation Unknown Yes Ad dress{es] Address Type Subject permanentrmailing address Street Address 12 Shelm stord Ftcad Southgate City IE HEAD SUUTHGATE - Enhanced London 154 ?:ese - . [Ti bat-urnrk - -II :.It l'l' -I. BEAR Transcript ass: and DEN: Subject Information LDNDUN Enhanced Code Unbinown ?t?es Country GE - Enhanced Cctroboratitre Statement to No Filer Relationship to Reporting institution TIN Institution{s} Relationship of Subject No Relationship: Yes Affected Accoun?sl Account of 3 Account Number Finan cial Institution Ac cou nt 2 of 3 Account Mu rnber Non Finan ciel Institution Account 3 of 3 Act: cunt Number Non-U5 Financial Institution 185 ?-'t39 I . . .1Ti IV i?tacm'm'lt 5:11 4 - .- Ii?n. SSAR Transcript BSA: _and DEN: Subject Information Subject 5 of Nohu Crocus Moscow LLC Ftcle Subject Subject Type Payeef? eceiyer Individuair?rganizatian Crganieation L??tity} titan-te- "tjohu?Croc US Me aeow LLC Ferrn{a} of Identi?cation Identi?cation Type Cther Identi?cation Number Dther Text Certi?cate of LLC Formation laauing State Cede DE leaning State . Delaware leaning Country Code US Address Type Subject permanent-Wailing address Street Addre as City New.l ?fork NEW - Enhanced State Ht" - Enhanced 156 Subject Information 3 Finfl EN BSAR Transcri BSA: IIP Code Country and DEN: US US - Enhanced HAISS Code Food Seruic es and Drinking Places i i - Phone NumbenEs} ?ccupation?ype of Business. Corroborati'u'e Statement to FHer Relationship to Reporting Affected Acoountl?s} Roie Subject Type lndividuair'?rganization La st{or Entity} Na me EIM Fannie} of Identi?cation Addres sies} Phone Number 1 of 3 Type Number Phone Number 2 of 3 Type Number . Phone Number 3 of 3 Type Number Restaurant - No Institution TIN Relationship of Subject Account Number Financial Institution TIM Subject Payee.-i Receiver Organization Nobu Moscow LLC Identi?cation Type Identi?cation Number Other Test Issuing State Code Issuing State issuing lCode Address I of 3 Address Type Street Address Facsimile Sustomec Yes Other #4153 Certi?cate oi LLB Formation DE Delaware US Subject permanenir'mailing address 15? I Subject I'irHtIH'iJl 'nt 'twtn't I Filth '4 BEAR Transcript BSA: ?snd DEN: New Enhs need City N't" N?f? minced code State Country Enhanced Address 2 at 3 Address Type Subject perm snenta'rnailing address Street Address New York NEW - Enhanced N?r? N?f- Enhanced State CcuntryU US- Enhanced Address 3 of 3 Address Type I Subject permanentrmailing address Street Address City New ?fork NEW YORK - Enhanced N"rr N?r? - Enhanced State ZIP Code U5 U5 - Enhanced Ccuntnr HAIES Cede Feed and Beverage Stores Phene Number{s) Phone Number 1 ef3 Tgpe Weds: Phone Number 2 of 3 165 Subject Information :~Il?in( ILN BSAFI Tran script BSA: _and DEN: I Type Number Phone Number 3 of 3 Facsimile Type Hurn ber Cccupation?ype of Business Fte staura nt Corro?ooratiye Ststem ant to Relationship to Reporting Institution?s] Filer No Institution TIN Relationship of Subject Affected Ac eount?s} Subject 3 of Rhodes Flole Account Number Financial Institution TIN Subject Facsimile Customer: Yes Subject Type Individualt?rga nization Faye ef?eceiirer Individual Lastior Entity] Name Rhodes First Name Merrick Alternate Name(s] Alternate Name Merrick Andrew Rhodes Gender Type Date of Birth SSHIITIN ForrnIIs} of Identi?cation Male Identi?cation Type Identi?cation Number Issuing State Code Issuing State Issuing Country Code Driver's lice nae! State ID US Address-{es} Address Type Street Address City State EIP Code Country Subject permanen?mailing address N?r? . Enhanced 169 l'mCl'N Subject Information NAICS Code Huh>> BSAR Transcript and Food and Beveraee erares 79mm: Numbms) Occupallon/Type oi Phone Number 1 ol 6 Type Number Phone Number 2 n! 6 Type Number Phone Number 3 of 6 Type Number nesrdence Fausrmire I Phone Number 4 ol 6 Type Number Phone Number 5 ol 6 Type Number Pbunu Number 6 n1 6 Type Facsumile Resldence Resodence Number Manager of restaurant corroborative Slalemenl lo Friar Repair} No Insnluhan TIN nelauansmporsumecr cusromer Ves Allacled Accounl(s) Accounl 1 I 2 Accounl Number Fmancrar Insmu Account 2 ol 2 Account Numbe Fmancml Ins ml on TI 170 4188 LinolM'wwm BSAR Transcripl BSA. -- and 0 Subject Information Sispicious Activxly Information Suspicious Activity Information {l EN Financial I. must ?l-I lit-I1." rl'l-crll nl I BSARiTansc?pt Amount Involved 354,939 Cumulative Amount $224?45 Date or Date Flange of Activity . Money laundering Suspicious concerning the source of funds EU to F: can: _and new: I Cther suspicious activities Transaction with no apparent economic] business. or lawful purpose Financial instrument or payment mechanism Funds transfer Activity Location Type of Financial Institution Primary Regulator FISSD Mum her Leg ai Mame Address Internal Control File Number Financial Institution Marne RSSD Hum her Address Depository institution FDIC 411455? First Republic Bani: Address Type Street Address City State ZIP Code Country First Republic Ba nit 41 7'41 ?15 Address Type Street Address City State Address where transa ction occurred 111 Pine Street 111 ST - Enhanced San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO - Enhanced CA CA Enhanced Ell-Ell ?l Eli-11 I I - Enhanced US US - Enhanced Address where transaction occurred 1 230 silence of the Americas 2nd Floor 1 230 AVENUE UP THE AMERICAS FL - Enhanced New 1"ch NEW YCRH Enhanced NY NY - Enhanced l?ii?iurltivrl [Ll'inlca 1-1 Lin: BEAR Transcript BSA:_and DEN: Activity Location . Code tooth-1513 WEED-1513 - Enhanced US US - Enhanced ?=rsa Filer Information Primary Regulator FDIC Filer Marne First Republic Bani: EIM Address Address Type Fiepo rting party address Street Address It Pine Street 'l ST - Enhanced ?Cit_y San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO - Enhanced State GA on - Enhanced Code 94] ll still-12sec: Enhanced Country US US - Enhanced Type of Financial institution Depository institution nsso Hum ber' 41 use? Intern at oontrolr'?le number Contact for Assistance Full Name Phone Number Phone Type Law Enforcement Information No Law Enforcement information Available Narrative This Suspicious Activity Report is being filed to report continuing suspicious activity ?led under Document Control Number _?led on 5. That BAH reported suspicious incoming wire transfers originating from unrelated businesses and possible shell entities that were based in high risk jurisdictions that Iaclted an apparent lawful business purpose totaling from EDT 5 to DEIDSFEEII 5 involving accounts and 1T3 1" - t'xl nit . ximuit BSAR Transcript BSA:--and DCN: Narrative The continuing pattern 01 suspicious aclivity Identified In this report occurred between and "3/22/2015 and totaled this investigation determined lhat target accounts--antl--anntinuad to reserve concerning wire payments over the course or the continuing activity monitartng perrad. Target account--was opened on l2/18/2007 and is titled Nohu Moscow LLC 0/0 Nobu Restaurant Group with Rhodes as the authorized signer on the account. According tn internal bank records, Ncbu Moscow LLC has a physical address dt_ lnternet research shows an address or Bolshaya Dmiirovka Street 20, Mosmwy Russia (or the actual location ol the restaurant associated with this Delaware LLC Nnhu Moscow LLC recaives licensing tees and royalty Income "om the aiolemenlioned Russian restaurant Internal records arid external research indicale Merrick Rhodes is the Corporate Controller or NOBU Restaurant Group, rargei account--was opened on 02/06/20! A and is tilled Noau caucus Moscow, LL: with Merrick Rhodes,- research indicates that the Nohu Crocus city restaurant is physically located in a satellite city oi Moscow inside the Crocus City shopping mall with a physical address location or volokolamslteye Shosse and the Moscow Ring Road at MKAD 66m, Zr Moskva, Russia. The FRB target account receives licensing payments and royalties item this Russian restaurant. External research and commercial database queries railed to identity pertinent inlarmaliort concerning the arorententioned rm: account signers External research and commercrat database searches did identity concerning regarding the heneiiciui owners at the Crows International entity, which is the business entity that appears to operate the Metro locations in Russia Specifically, Aras Agalarov who is tire President at Crocus is identified as a Politically Exposed Person because or ties with the nussian government and ms status as a Member or the Executive Board or the Russian Union at industrialists and Entrepreneurs Target accounIs--artd_weie reviewed tor the period or nmarzor 5 id 5 tor lttis cuntlnulng 174 ref. ll" (fl?11w {3 In Il? ll1l.'l'l rIl Lit. BEAR Transcript ass:_ and con; Narrative activity investigation. and eight wire credits were concerning. The review idEntifi ed three sus picio us-inco ming wire credits to account ? :retween #331 5 and DBIEBIEDI 5 totaling $22,359.51, and ?ve suspicious incoming wire credits in account ?hetween urn-treat and mission] 5 totaling sesataso The details of the eight suspicio us wire credits are identi?ed below. [in [175'] #251 5 account ?was credited with an incoming wire transfer of 5515152 from [tense Trading Ltd. London via Trasta Homerchanlra. Fliga. Latvia. The loanir has an address of PALASTA STFI EET t, HIGA. Lv "155 LATVIA- The wire details state the wire is for the purpose of NT Bi" lN'v' WIN DD [35.251 5 FOR CLOTHES Eln 1 Erect 5 account?was credited with an incoming wire transfer in the amount of from the same above?referenc ed originator and Latvian bank for NT EW le WEN DD 55.251 5 FOR CLOTH ESthe account receives a third wire from the same originator and originating Latvian loanlr in the amount of 5.25 for Et?r' tN?v' WIN 012015 FDR Dn 5. account ?was credited with an incoming wire transfer in the amount of $15,312.55 from the same above-refere nced De nso Trading LTD originating entitv with the unds originating from the as me Latvian bank and account number Similar to the wires above. wire notes indicate that the purpose of the wire pavme nt is for "PMth B?r? 05.2515 On [15? ZIEU I 5. account_ was credited with an incoming wire transfer in the amount of $1535.23 from the same aforementioned Dense LTD entittl.r and the so me Latvian bank account. Target account received three additional concerning wire payments from the same originating Denso Trading entity and Latvian financial institution KDMEHCBAHKAJ on DEIEBIEEHE: for $5535.53, on for $1,555.14. and on for 5?,25355. The 59!] 5 wire credit utilized the following instructing bank to the wire payment: Acco unt The 1512 EHEEH 5 wire credit to target account utilized the mowing instructing banr:?. amm? 1'r'5 -I {Ll'intcs? Network 311-" l. ?Iain Transcript ass: and can: Narrative Ba nl-t records indicate that these wires are being sent on behalf of Crocus intern ational who has an apparent operating interest in the Hobu Moscow restaurants according to external research. External research also indicates that Grocus International is a Ftussian business and development ?rm owned by Ares Agaiarov who is a Member of the Executive Board of the Ftussian Union of lndu strialists and Entrepreneurs according to external research. The indirect nature of the wire activity from the Crocus entity {via the Dense Trading business entity) through a high~rislt jurisdiction via a Latvian fin ancial in stituticn with a history of anti?money laundering concerns was deemed suspicio us. The use of funds in the reviewed accounts consists primarily of transfers to entities who appear to have bene?cial ownership in the Nobu Restaurant group and appear non-c cncerning at this time. customer Ivlerriclc Hhcdes communicated with a representative of Nobu Moscow and Ncbu Crocus via electronic mail on 5 indicating that the licensing payments for the two Ftussian restaurants must be sent from a Crocus International Ac cc unt. at the time of this report; the acco unts re main open and will be monitored for any continuing activity. This continuing suspicious activity report - identi?ed continued activity involving incoming wire transfers that lac lted a clear apparent business purpose from what appears to be a potential shell entity. The cc ntinuing suspicious activity, which occurred between M201 5 and 5. totaled 55?,93331. The total cumulative amount of suspicious activity: which occurred between 1 IIETIEUI 3 and "If? 5, totals $224,345.31 . Supporting documentation is available upon races at for authorized law enforcement and;ll or regulatory agencies. For assistan ce. contact First Fle public Bank's BSMAML lGroup at Please reference case - 1Tb